SALEM ~ 'D At 12:20 pin. on Friday arlgOf u ar COeMwiion01 service W' there was a two-car coUisiD r i g on B a dmnis-S «m durd onSunay. at the corner of King and i'trate, s Court Clb %roriTy RavewrDewng HeId in Bowmanville ,;>lem churdh on Se«grday, Vanerk, 89 Meadowvle Dlvg, B timi" 7 lth ilm ince bis client had to appear speeding 70 miles a u r oi ~n ary2,wj hwe m fN wst leonsta AbetGaA :HeFor ew rO- chool kitaand S. Mie t b eus fdefense du" thet day. Hlghway 401, Oetober 3th, htip t th Brtismsestigated. The twggycie cdS. Worden Tmu Clerk of md * ditissed the charge R. B. Trailers, no plate at- MssMro ut adacdn.ThePuble School Board of 'raIiT ton B.Tk d" E e ig j~ agitrt. axer gred 10 ndcoss1 r ivedas; estammer c l le r mi dag n the S. ofrden and H. Oyler Wu eremanded instWing Djp, Vho<> a tace erailer, Hlgway 401 Margiarét Shakle il, ees SoyaTUeRhidngt n *TSA ! a17go el t aIf.n Tngh t W.Los 151h with bail represented by T. Kelly, Q.C. October 30th; $10 and cots, Donald Welsh and Erie Shac- SlerStaRebtt rolofes e nmar 96i Mctýg foJl2ry shesfuly ompeté Robert Thoenpson and Mic- or distress. (Constable M.Ideton attendedte u ior ve Sret lstcntol0Worden.o enay Jm ki.Gecuiey pperelfo Joynp OP),Brm Vndr-orCoJfrene ate ti. arhe as rIIi Vontu Tu urone1 f b. ecdrsforthe5UPlYlIereentBabthteeu0 setec. iey were hre nen, sedn 70 miles an King Edward Hotel, TrStý rd bete<n nd rono Hômes Boad consista of the foiIow. o! steel for new àcol~ieewî eev sen wte agnce. h dxwa-ed speing y 5Noen-er SaudThree of Darlington Town- ig .Wry .Wren, H. scheduled fSr openln aucts h or a guIll oieclsadecpn 0h 1 n to lty hipadte velcle went o! Macide, B. Tink and H. Oyler. ary 13, 1966. by'.Not aPIit b drive custody. itonWson was aise days. (Constable J hles Sympathy extendeu te te >roa nt » htteLast Tnurs Board ""*yt"m s A eua e was nderchurged with dangerous driv- OPP), Benoit Chavarie, iak- Mr. adMs i onbsjnto fti odadM .Hbs 'it ewil' *Pend gand Greenley with pblic ing a U-turn onto the median i h udnpsigo e ocsinSre.CntbeFrancis WeM wsyppin- he scindth pvo s y eaAscainmdteLoe -0 d"d U il. jL intoxication. R. HumnpueYs, on Highway 401 December fteM.A avy y ereEas p vs atTusa ewe ~ dCalrinmnoppse, onmth second Mna sethCu fEonznileaaue .G.Evans, OPOsiwa, pointed out that re- 3rd, $10 and costs, or five rone, last week. gatecI. and 9 p.m. three homes In the nomiunation of Sidney Wor- in the Town"hi Hll *'e ouadrt uon te stitution had been made. days. (Constable P. C. Harte- Mr. end Mrs. E. Twist and At 5 a.m. on Monda y a car itgo Oro nno wn er Aken en, en aIt ern i ý.-he d $c> ehon Th ie two lads were placed Maxwell, OPP), Roger Nor- famlilY were Sunday supper driven by Clarence Clement toWaunon thief vezt i.mein.otsucsfl EmookRadWIl fic~ on suspended sentence for ihey, speeding 75 miles an gucsts of Mrs. H. Foley, Ma- Treverton, Madoc, went off c. was Donald Jackson, ardui- 4and ±oxlca thed ivron e~n year and bond set at $500 hour on Highway 35 Decem- pi. Grove, and afterwards at- No. 35 Highway.&a short Eiitrance was galned Into tact, to' revlew the working 20 Minutes o eerlM tr 1*1 ecrdshwe onxc cdicae ber 2th, $15 and cots, or five tended a meeting at Maple distance south o!fo ih h fneo r cdM.A xwnewk .hdpe #onla196 fr !ruk lre- Donald Sfrphens, aged 18, days. Grove church 'wlen Miss way. Constable J. T. M-Jhsn i ttruhapri o i e eiro ano od tt.1962 or d ruvn tii v~..R , Cmbffrpedi ao anrHiRR2Muiel Stevens showed pic- Donald, OPP, was the investi- bedroom window even though pu~blic Sctiol. After draw- his w*uno supnin, _5_____f_______i__ ia. atngoficr.the doors were unlocked at ings lied been reviewed, au-BU T HO E Ca a ne u3els n9guilty to careless driving De- Whftby, was charged Novem- irs<~~ f~ aigofcrte tm. Toe giigUoiain was given te Mr. USTOM iý n-1963 drunk driving cSmber l8tih. He was fined ber 24th with drî while (Iiitended for lest week) entrance useil a wire cutter Jackson to su'bnit these draw: ,;ý careleau driving. $75 anid cots, or seven days. hiii Ucense wes under susl3en- M. and Mrs. W. Calandeil' taken from the garage Of ings through Inspectr M. E. . IThis manlhm little respect A faulty emnergency brake sion. He pleaded guilty. Master Bary Phillip spentZiaofl(Hpe T wnlship) Lloyd Taylor. The only item Webster to the Depaotmentby O H N K fo thrpWosusing the brought a fine of $10 and Constable H. Cook, , S'unday with Mr.. and Mrs. (Hp taken from the house was a of !lducation, Toronto, and if b 1hiIhway, the. Highway Traffic csts, or an ailditional five told Magistrate Baxter that Bob Davies andl family, Hag- Mr. and Mns. Norman Gerow new spinning reel. A cash working drawings were ap- Noted fotQaiyCrfsasl ,AiC or he Ohntnl C de, ays. He esked for one month he had been calied te the ersrvifle. Miz Dolly Phillip and David spent Christmas box was broken open but it rvdbheDatneto ýoonoentd aed pyrnd asgraRe.14Spr srve ptaio atTnn- etrne hme it tkema! wi14 . niMrs Dnsen-oviccntinstaorntpronalcaî frTtnwrs mxr.deys. lin. 'and Highway 2 where a ter spendiiig holidayTs with don and family in Welhing- papers whlch wcne left scatter- Inspecter Eanie Webster 3 BEDRO BU G LW Clifford Jamnes Ferris, 421 Constable M. Joynt, OPP, pick-up truck lied backed out Mrn. and Mrs. Geo. Pirie, Tor- ton. .d over a bed. and R. Moororoft, suipervIelng on Lag Los5'x20 Parkway Cresoent, was foundItestifiei thet he was observ- Of a parking space and col- 1 ontc. Mr. Fred and Miss Hilda The same evenlng entrance principal, aiseo attend¶ed Uic "*ulty o!flailing to yield the ing treiffic on Highway 35 'hd&l with another car. He Mr. and Mis. E. Twist and Raby, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur was gainei into the home of rmeeting. i lr*ht o! way Noveniber 20th. 1about two miles north of 401 fuithe asdrivr o h pi orsk-fa i wr. ewan MsiRi- eileyadfni',M.adMr. andl Mn. Carl Billings, Newly appointed Vice Chair- frm $ *u -ZtJ O Wl 7fbe fine was $20 and costs, when he received a radio ui. was* h oue hohdtO ih r nlM.RSs Mrs. John Meneilley and sons through the cellar door. Sev- or five days. message from Constable j. driven it at the request o! the Allun, Newcastle. spent Christmas with Mr. anfd eral gold axil silver coins were -Constable George Evans, Schultz on Highway 401 to owner, George May, frem 39 Mn. and Mrs. L. Savery, Mns. Chas. Meneilley. stolen. Hene also a cash -box RILbULTS COUNTI For Appointm tt npctMdlHm OPP, said bis investigation watcli for a northbound car Harmony Ruai. Mr. Heib's Mr. end Mrs. E. Savery and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Raby was forceil open, using an CL miiowed that Mr. Ferris, proceeding at a high rate o! license was under suspension'. fanmily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. spent Christmas with relatives are ae btsotents was - iierthbound on new County speed. Constable Joynt saw The Crown Attorney read John 'Kinghorn and Elaine, in Fenwick. gaae. Iscotnt a -~od5,hdcosseil Taunton' it 'coming and gave chase at the accused's record startiiig Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Welsh, Mr Uthela EXCLUSIVE AGENTrs ýXoad57 wihosappn ndsedsu e85ad90mlsin 1961 with careless driving Foxboro, Mr..and Mrs. F. s. Ralph Gerow spenttheAgaX so 5 n cahaer. g El collideiwith a wstoun 'an hour. A the af90mlesig arand driving whiie bis license Blackburn, Messirs. Glen, Bob Chistmas week with Mn, and wtha sum o! $50i ca alng tured !! owad Oono n dknfewasstusnfrenteioLTn, LITIG SRVCE Construction c e hmsinNwasl i car. He estimated damnage te was undorfsuspension, lea4ving and Bian Blackburn, Miss Mrs. Don Gerow, Toronto.heithLaIPew electnieScarvin ~(r.Feris'staionwagn ai heilitht wee trned off. the scene of an accident, div- Joan Westlake, Solin, Misses Mrs. Arthur Germond, o!foeo n.n rLrecm ec ntena uue $1500 and to the car ai $400.1 It continued through Oronio ing an unsafe ve'hicle, failing Norma Griffiths and Jean Oshawa was a recent visitor Bowins on the corner o! Som- Consuit a Member of thre T.he aocusei told t he court' and down a sie street and to produce prooof o! insuac ilt Toronto, were New o! Mir. and Mrs. C. Meneilley. erville Dr. and Main St.I 4~~~~hat~an hehdfie t e i no nvt nvea e ink dnriving. Yer's visitors with Mn. and Mrs. George Welkey, Port Entrance to the home s hawa & Dsrc!W .F A ,,Ëtoq sign at Taunton Road. ýfore the officer was able to.d surncclaWrlePro hDsrc R N R A S A ELd JoehCryWieeSre tpi.orship. MT. and Mrs. L. Richards with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best. vincial Police are investigat- Real Estate Board 21 KING ST. W.1W ANIL South, Oshawa, was charged John Hall Cotton, 154 Bruce David John Aile xa ndier, a.nd family with Miss RubY Master Douglas Mcneilley, ing the break-mns. Wlth assaijît, as was Wingý Street, Oshawa, was ohapged Hanilton, was charged with Lace, Town, on New Year's. Port Hope, speni severel days ___ _»p,38 imSStet.SoÏ, ih pýdnqo Hgha 2crees riin epebe Ms Mr-nBut-ysen -t hs-rndae-s Oshawa. This followed an ai-ý December 14th. Constable L. 19th. Consiable B. Tilison, the New Year's weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Johnr Meneilley-- tercaipn2 Sleo t eet.outhMI. J msth speo ig hway2fol-O estiing Spteber saM anir.ronutery aend ith bis r opes .I Chan. Joe Victor, Osh-awa,! lowed the accusei frein Cour- calîci te investigate an acci- recbki, Kingston. and Mrs. C. Meneilley bai dNlI~~k"~ appearinig for Carey, askedi lice Rond east te thc ovenhead dent at tbe Manvers-Cavan New Yea's dinner wlth Mn. OSHAW AV W OODNil R OD11U I Mht the charges be heard in bridge at 85 miles an boun Township Line. Hie found and Mrs. Chas. Raby.- WVhitby court next Tuesday, with the deme light fiashing. that a 1956 Dodge easibound'* CoNttoLIT's peeo at was troken 60-5miig s to hur ,AC idenMn. end Mrs. -Donald Gerow1 R tempiri te urnrigýt lfti ccient Toronto, were New Year's uin- We fn e ase $i5 h0 a o ti d arkt 45 feet so ng,' o l thePn Hr s Mr . ab anild avîd, MNMIETSAN or five days. aacss ed over three finies and came Round- p Norman Gerow. TAFRD S Wenase ifheha hd e es 4 fetsothofth M. a-y aMndRCRETIOiROM, tuifh emt tesym any other convictions thec ac- highlway. The offioer saithc Stirling, visitei with relatives wuen Bof IMMeroo cusei admnitted te "a cul, car was a conipiete write-off There was a collision on at Roseberry Hli during the or STAFFORD quesiioning revealeil that al teAlexander and bis wife. o'clock between a transport Christmas and the New o rfi ikt.Frhradteewr io nuisTedyatrona :5hldy E, ETO DROS. LTD. lus points were now usci up. nhe fine was $50 and costs, truck and a car ai the corner Yer have corne and gone. Tnaifw ticets:(Consabieor seven days. of Temperance and Cbunch Celebrations over no fra jteiiH. Cook, OPP), William An- Dalton Christie, Mili Street, Street. William Mahaf!y, O! few o! the happenings anouni ___________Dcdff drews, speeding 70 miles an Newcastle, plesedent guilty Blackstock, was the driver o! Zion iuning the holiday seas- hour on Higbway 401 Decem- O! careless driving November the truck, which was ownei On. Nm Stafford Brothiers deys, John Birney, no lights K. Stubngon, Newcastle. Thompson, 54 ingStretEast meeting o! Zion U.C.W. was MITEDon trailer Hi'ghway 35 Nov- Constable L. Ricard toli was the driver o! the car in- held et Mns. M. Irwin's home.CUS LMTEDemiber 28th, five dollars and Magistrat. Bexter he had in- volved. Damage te the two Thene were 10 members pres- coets; Leonard Pauze, inipro- vcstigated an accident in vehlicles was minor. Constable cnt. N im n per loading o! Christmnas tre whieh a canrliai gone of! the Ray Hart investigaici.Th metn pedwh foix 133 Highlway 401 Deceniber 5th highway in front o! the A car iniven by John Kozy- ThUmetngopne4wt $18 Dandas St, E. Whltb7 (one feli off in Uic path O! a Creani of Barley Camp and niacki, 111 Waverly Street prayer by the president. The Phon Whlby cr fobowig), 20 a i o th ie south ditch. Oshawa, and another car driv- ilevotionai program wes pre- 140hawk 83552 oiliv son (Costales Bg.n blinuded by Uic lighis o! e Elgin Street, collici ai 8-45 The scipture reading was giv- T E H L N O R C U TC 11TUso, OP) Jaes igdnwestbound vellicle and thec a.m. Tuesday ai the cornera!f en by Mrs. L. Boyko.- shock absorbens wcne gosie on King and Scugog Streets. Minutes wex-c read by Sec'y bis oar. The niagitrate staici Only minor damage was sus- Mrs. E. Casweli. Treasurer's th sr fexlntinwth eli iar nesiaed r. .Rthe.2 NIGIITS - JAN. 7 .2Q out xper eviencete bck O Friay norning ai 6:35 The balance et the alloca- il p. . dsmisei mi ~ o'clock duc taefthc icy con- ftion agreed ta was to be sent. I ionu. e Rawe Joh cae dijion o! the roai a car driven Donations te the Salvetion Lloyd ýCornishhand Thamas iy Art Etcher, 109 High St., Army, Refanded Chliren exlC UR ETnC M E C Maxnden were chargeil wîth lid off the pavement ai the the Childnen's, Aid wene maie. causing a disturbance. The corner e! Liberty exil Con- Several bills wcre present- & 7!0 P.M officer was net present and cession Sireets and siruck ae d for payment. There was I tbe cheoges were isi5sfld. pale. Damn~e ta the car very litile business eail na Tilic court officer exiplained amounici te more than $100. eleciion of officers flua year. -P O 2 1 O ____£li_____--Te programi arrangeil byPHN72161O W. Reserve the Right -to Limit Quantities thai there bai been a bank Mrs. E . Ruthven consisted o! ___________________________ robbeny in *Peterboroughi and Christmas rudngsadiom may f heOP ofies adalo jmbere s ntesPHONE 728-1617 LEAN TASTY HOME-MADE been sent ouita conduci a of ales Ionce Ii c road block Tuesday afternoon Mli O AL o!hrticles s . co neceillwit lb when these cases camne befone crdhgInti.P A N GANE RO M R SASG 9 b tecourt. s ormanhigli l o tis. te MicaelMandicb, agei 19, FR D te rop er m or vtheiDO RENOVATING AN OLD ONE? ANDI] m oes3 eoae 20Overture Roai, Toronto, i anuary meeting., rdnwsrfc.ITRO BUTT ~~~~drîving Novemiber 28tli. Con- SA L~Adainiy lunch was served U ewpyeet~nfm A E o XEIR table M. Jont, OPP, tod the SALEShostess. The meeting closeilm iafm to tk ÀV Pork (h ps Pork Roast e hai investigated an- accient n Ui NinhsCo1. ion Shuneday Sool sharfanp1 e-iirn lia enef9h IJ LIV KIoncets2.-ontolsmoi Oro1Nno, waa convicteil o! miv- Automalle transmission. a $ -u "vWI 1 .0 RC Aing w tiile ha license was un- Spoticas. an e c p i n lyw t o n - a v l e A o si a el n P WITH 3.00 URCHAE der suspension. Eviience wa.s ucli kept car. Lie. 278097. GM PaSVI - wt on-avIAosiays.Iîn Out FMN QUALITY that Constable P. C. Harle-N EisoehsMàvUAUSIL fPair f onplaints about this car. A4-D4.100a 1100k fCEL1NG PANEIB mk up uound.A beLu i-PmJC m2BCcheck witki thc Departmcnt Fully equlpped. Lie. 261426. M aW&Y to stop »MW l. to âfluuis=oos,« 610 Cae79o! Transpor sliowed bis Il-f __________________________ cfne $100 mail Qsuspensypwr qipcSugsions d:~ WITH $3.00 PURCHASE cus ws nir 165GAAXIE i@rfor Sgetina lmCooecsoiuuiIdmîIns.8 HEINZ SUNLIGHT ~or one monthlinix . Lic. B31362. Oshawa, Jan. 4 - General M il 1% ' .20.00 tratui ayu o iflSULGTRonald Bryant, 487 Onfona .Matons o! Canada paid an av- 0 Do it yomuf for asIeau 94al0««tintl basiu ufs~ Avenue, Oshawa, was con- 1963 FORD GALAXIE erage o! $4,100 a week li sug- pSr avis. oine Hi- fUUIk to ~rA(Ht II LKUIIIvîcted for illegal possession of 1 4-DR. gestion awards ta ils employees -û» a&" ai g viai e S AHTI Ia liquor and finei $15 axnd 2 f0 choose frein. during 1965, the company ne- MEHA URTg fmw aaa- *AIC ad Siinwi,9 ovea 96 PNTAC4-R.for Uicyear o! $213,500 set uia oi ek DETERGENT ,caewas cn~Swwaed. tiy or#" as n i i.280DadH34.prei oa arl EEA aymitna LTaALSneid te9proiluerscvi- 0 2TIAChoose Ro new record. lInflic peet five ~VU ~S S SfE Ik7d~~@ a U bwor dencle o! insura ce Oc Lt e. H55011and 552. e , GM hes palil out $890,- a c f n u an e O toberý ie 55 11 a d '5M 00 n suggestion aw ards. 2~~4Yc 67cmt on.;gh:a:2. z: Mac OiNAe ug theonst r, iGM O h w o d P o u t c otew. w $50 adoaSis, or sevèn aU ted and pald for 4,577 mateil savings. -Improveil SAVS 10 SAVE Se e fined fv dollars an manufacturing methoa orm saven dollars cot, or five FO D a!ef y procedure.. ach o! 35 O R I SK P U C V daysmfoaIlb he obr 01 F DGM people reçelved awards CUTC ilfrunal lowlNg lii. dog tatotalllng $1,000 or rmore. In - siuLIMUTED 72M1617CNTR DY KST RA' S Faling to, registen the dogi195,7,500 employeaofeed 7811 coa ln another five dollars' A E suggestions, an incraseo! 50 D M AR K ET 'a I~ ~>~fOl' 219 King St. FheLumawrdr01 WB ~EEDelver S 88llh evienc lutiz. asend tBowin 0iWe plan 15 $6,000. A» VI PRNE 03-3541 one that foflous. PhnI DesRobes, ai PomPhoneote P23-2uU4u.- RobrtDuRoher,.as, roissrynoe:P. 'ca ALLONT -THE NAM , TO miasw ON M- ï" scSta for siulia foece promimesto tax mome