EAVER I RED TAC SPECIALS Prefinished MAHOCANY PLYWOOD PANELLING Seleeted And Matched Panals for Color, Grain and ready ta apply, thhs e2 9 lovely panelling ls exceptional . . . sec It Ils Panes at Beaver. 4ao more 4' x 7' and 4' x ' Panes 4' x 7 - 04.29 each 10 to 24 - $4.49 and $5.09 4' x 8, - $4.89 ach 1 ta 9 - $4.79 and $5.39 Dolivered bNEW PANEL BOARD4 b ASPENITE. Ail Wood panal, laminat- ed and bonded to make an ail round board for - U Interior or exterlor use. 00 Can be used as panellng J 23 panel$ or shaathlng, sub floors or mare or cabinet work. A rood 3.~ ail round board. $305*«Ch Dolivered 1 ONLY Hainover Vanity REG. $189.50 SALE PRICE- ONLY $I58o79 16 PUECES 1 6"i x 96" SHEET ROCK PANELLING 79cea AMEROCK HARDWARE Clearance 25/o OFF 2-OnIy 42" AWNINGS Eeg. $25.90 ea. $20e49ea., n 1 ONLY CEILING FAN 359 PIECES HEARTH TILE 9 Cea. 3 9 Sheets Pre-tlnised Plirwood PAN ELLING Select Your Own tram 3.00 m 5.00 F EE'wRa toiId, BUDGET As Lew As FREE, Kits $9 a Month DEPENDABLE VALUE ..B EAV ER LUMBIR m li" st. m. E.wmaavlle rbse 03-388 1»SMores Acres. Ontario GOODYEAR BOWLING Banbury started the second sched&le off in fine forr Thursday night, posting a 7-C shut-out over Machine Shor ta take the early Goodyeai Bowling lead. 7he other threE contests ended in 5-2 score. as Belts downed Hose, Tigen won over Fan Beits ani Braiders dropped a decisior ta the Boiler Room. Doug McKnight probabli won't forget January 1M- ir a hurry because he rolled gaines of 371, 285 and 249 fc, a tremnendous 905 triple. Nexi in Uine was Art Rowe witt 825, Jaick Bond 768, Briar Martyn 746, "Bud", Henniný 713, Frank Wright 704, Jin Houck 684, Bill Holroyd 683 Arnold Lobb 680 and Dor Oke 679. Other top singles went tg Bond 326, John Goode 321 Wright 301, Rowe 294, 276 Martyn 291, Farewell Black burn 290, Holroyd 289, Georgg Brewster -288 and Geori Town League Basketball AFuelers Beat -J,ew el er Uphoisterers-Defau ,To Give Coron ationA4 The Town Basketball Lea- Hooer's,.pce ~, gue, ra'pidly developing int.o at place Whyte's lost pit in a two division race, saw the 1again by default, wrhen once clickir .d gaip widened even further 13st more they were unable to Top r Tuesday night at the High field a teain. Not only are were zt Sh-ol gmnasum.Cornatin tey uicky asurn% hen-Ken th Cale were given their two selves of last place, but it is in two points, while Stephen helping ta upset a good lea- g Fuels d e f e a t e d Hooper's gue, while being unfair to the SJewellers 39-23 in the only sponsors. Sgaine played. The victory. lef t Stephen's held a slim 15-13 Coron ,) Stephen's twa points ba'ck of haîf-time edge, but fired 16 Stephý the pace-setting Coronation points in the third quarter ta ooDp Le> crew and six in front ai wrap up a win. Peter Dayle Whytg geRecreation Rev Dadson 276 I the- irl' hokeygaie-scredby Ihal vbiac 1C - il 1 « The. Caaian stateamuu, Eowmmnvole, Jan. ilNêi ti Generals goals were scored by Ron Hooper with two goals and one assist, Steven Morri- son one goal, Larry Devitt one goal and Brian Peters one e rsgoal; Dave Shackelton and Bruce Meadows eaah pieked up one assist. The Comets goals were scored by Gregg 't Corden with th-ree, and Bill lit Surnersford one. The assists went ta Murray Cawker one, ~ ~E Fred Brown twa, and John I-'OIfMacDonald one. 2 P o inIn the final gaine cl the day tfhe Canucks defeated the athe Fuelers with 12 Mt. Royale by a 5 te> 2 count. swlth Frank Sobll The Canucks goals were scor- ing for 11. ed by Ron Webb with two pscorers for Hooper's and ane assi4st, Dalton Dyk- Jim Doucette il and stra one, Bob Howes ont goal Stirkwerda eight. and Rick Lu-cas one goal. The Team Stndings assist.% went to Warren A]ddrr TeamStanings one, John Worden one, Randy W. L. pts. Snowden one, a'nd John Tay- lor one. 'he Mt. Rayale goals nation 7 2 14 were scored by Tom Carter ien Fuels 6 3 12j with two goals, while Joe )er's J. 3 6 6 Hircock picked up one assst. e's 2 7 Basketball News '0 The Bowanville Minor Basketball League saw two wel played games at the day morning. ouhone goal and one In the apener, the Cues de- tthe other assists went fe.ated the Trotters 49 ta 22, iaul McKnight with twa actually thie gaine was dloser Mike Gi]hooly one. The thon the score indicates. kiei goal was scored by Lee Lernon was high inan m Sdmpson. for the 'winners with 15 the first Midget Came points, while brother Dan was Orphans defeafed the right behind him with 14 tm All Stars by a 5 ta 2 points. Don Yourth played his t. The Orphans goals usual steady scoring gaine in scored by Mike Oke, picking up 12 points, while id Robinson, Glenn Fin- Brian Saunders and Rlalph John Qyler one goal and Charron hit for two points assist,' and Ja.mes Kitney each. goal;, the assists went to George Connor led the e Maynard one, Brian Trotters scoring with 12 pts, *n one. The Stars goals and Dennis Lemon netted 7 Dscored by Tom Sirnfpsoni pts, Tommy Stout hit for one goal and one assist, Doug basket and Floyd Horsien cer one goal and one as- sccored one point on a foul Mike Donoghue picked shot. )ne assist. The second game was close- Sthe second game the ly fought and strictly a de- oons defeated the B.T.S. fensive gaine with the Moe E5 ta 1 caunt. The Mar- Rares edging Les Anes 29 ta goals were scored by 21. Gilhooly with two and Ashley Osrnond was; the big assist, Jimmy MacDonald gun for the Moe Hares with 1two and one assist, 15 points, wh.ile George Satin- le Ron McMullen picked ders hit for six points, Bob ne goal. The other assists Ellis five points and Doug t t Brian Evans one and MeFeeters two points. ri Goyne ane. The B.T.S. The lasers were spear-head- [was scoredl by Goodchild ed by Don Taylor who netted sted by Burke. il points, while Rod Syer and ithe third gaine the Gen- Paul Parker hit for four sdefeated the Cornets by points each. Art Kooy scored dose 5 to 4 count. The two points. SPORTro-pi By Frank Mohun o3~ NEWCASTLE BIDS FOIR ARTIFCIAL ICE We urge all readers ta, support Newcastles effort tW- raise maney for their artificial ice project. You can Mi them a big boost on Wednesday, February 2nd when NJMMJ Old-Timers play Orono Orphuns in an exhibition game* - 8:15 p.m. Ail proceeda go towards artificial, ice. The cos? w» One dollar for the adults and half a bucX for children. *- It should be a dandy with Orono's West brothe_ "Gusty", Keith, Dean and Junior, Don' Mercer, "ChuctI Armstrong and Gerry Robinson. For the opposition SÏ4 Smith, Cal Gardner, Harry Watson, Wally Stanowski At the Cullen brothers wiil probably sec action. i. t t i.t i. We had intended writing this last week when the 84è of Mosport was officially announced. However our 90 hl work week - sorry, we weren't going ta mention that aga4~ but it is a long period and gives us a good excuse for net being up ta date. * As far as the track goes - it has a tremendous potentý&,, We know it apparently was sold for less than the amouq' they had lost. The debenture-holders will be invited ta turni their certificates into shares in the new operation or ta seX them ta thé new owners at face value. Hawever, the big problem in spectator sports today 1"g not only giving fans what they want ta see, but proldl4" adequate facilities. Mosport presented two big races ever - year and it certainly will be difficuit ta round up the toé naine drivers for much more than this. It is hoped that -j formula one race counting towards the world championsà will be added, but beyond that what more can they have other than a series of club events? t Not that we're knocking these club affairs - many af them are real thrillers, but who wants ta see Joe B.w when a guy like Jim Clark is available. Therefore theo~ minor races have been money lasers and the track caiw.»t earn enaugh in the Players' 200 and Grand Prix ta meet their previaus construction costs. -- Which brings us ta something they can remedy. It W10l cost more money, but in the long run better facilities a» absolutely necessary ta change Mosport from country style to big turne. Stands are a prime requisite along with restaurants. t. t t 1 - t*'I GENERALS ARE IN A SLUMP You might have noticed - that Is unies. you oAiry started reading here - that we picked Oshawa Generale for first pace. That was before the disastrous weekend*tih which they lost 4-3 and 9-8 ta the tail-end St. Catharlfitu Black Hawks. Usually we have heard others putting Generils up a few notches higher than we wauld, but this time this reporter really felt Oshawa had a good shot at the Jr. "jW leadership. -fj Now we'll have ta admit the club Is really In a s1uM* -one tie and six lasses in the past seven games. Generatu now trail Peterborough by six points and Niagara Falls îr four. They have played the saine number of times as thU Petes, but Flyers have twa gaines in had % SHad the motor city aggregation won the three ganl* last week, and if they are ta be cantenders, they shaU1* have, they would be in good shape. Now, Generals face A real rugged pair of gaines at the Auditorium. Tonlght (Wé&i! 1nesday) it is Niagara Falls, with the front-running Peto 1in for Saturday's contest. That's a tough order when yoiil*. trying ta get back on the winnlng track, but that's jugt 1what Oshawa must do. h LIlWARJCKT' Waterproof Nylon TEMPERANCE ST. N. with deep Borg pile lining. REG. $19.95 $13FNS Teamn Standings played on Friday, the Buicks with two, Gerry MacDonald assist; Pt.handed the Corvettes a 2 tao0 and Don Smnith one each. The te> Pa Banbury ...................... 7 defeat. The goal scorers for assists went ta Bernie John- and Belts .............................. 5the Buicks were Marg Goyn son and Bradley Rundle. Huski Tigers ......................... 5 and Nancy Goodwin while In the fourth Pee Wee gaine Bruce Baller Room...................5Jane Cowle picked up one ýthe Hawks deleated the Leafs In Hase ............................ 2 amldst. by -a 5 to 2 scdore. The Leafs the Fan Belts .................... 2 In the first Pee Wee game goals were scored by Jin Ste- Ban-ta Braiders ................ 2 played Saturday, the Rangers phenson and Glenn Murphy icouni. Machine Shop...............o0 defeated the Bruins by an 8 with one goal and one assist, wrere ____________ t 1 score. The Rangers goals Murray Ormiston picked UP David were scored by Clarke Ste- ane assist. The Hawk.s goals ney,. phen with three goals, Ron were scored by Danny Robin- onea Simpson with two goals and son with twe> goals, while oneM M 61 n sone assist, Keith Kelly one singles went ta Doug Vivian, Deve Poole one goal, and Gary Car- the assists went ta Dou,ç Vi- were ter one goal. The assists went vlan with one and Robert one g M eo Lge.ta Terry Baker, Richard Bar- Wilson with two. ak j le r g àýek and Wayne Murphy with In the first Bantain game sist, one ach.Thelone Bruins the Pee Wee All Stars shut up on Standing Second Week goal was scored by Philip out the Lions by a 2 taO0 In Second Schedule Broorne. --ore. The Stars goals were Marcx Tem Let. In the second gaine the Red scored by David Ormiston by a Tear W LPts.Wings swamped the Bears by with one goal and one assist, oons Lander Hardware- 5 1 5 the tune of Il to 0. The Wings and Guy Johnson one goal, Jeff Ken's Men's Wear- 5 1 5 were led by David Johnson and Mark Johnson one assist. onee Nehs Osborne Ins.. 4 2 41with six goals, followed close- In the second garne the Fly- with Libe'rty Bowl_ _ 4 '2 4 ly by David Shinyr with four ers defeated the Cubs by a while Hendry Motors - 4 2 4 goals and three assists, thie 5 ta 1 score. The Flyers goals upor Jury & Lovell 4 2 4 other anc went ta Billy Walls, were scored by Tony Balson went Pepsi Cola ----- 3 3 3 while Murray OBrien picked with three goals and one as- John Frank's Variety - 2 4 2 up three a4ists, Gard Walton sist, Craig Baungartner one goal I. G. A.- -------- 2 4 2 ane, and Jan Bennett ane. goal, Robert Harness one goal assist Dykstra's Food 2 4 2 In the third gaine the Atoin and hree assists, Ken Rowe I Beaver Lurnber -i 5 1 Ail Stars defeated the Gen- with two assists and Thos. erals Selby Grant Heat.--O 6 0 erals by a 7 ta 4 count. The Whitehead. The CuIs goal acl( Averages Stars goals were scored by was scored by Reg 'Ball.- Namne Games Ave. John Parker with three, Rab- In the third gaine the Pir- Ab Sarnan 6 256 bie Simnpson with two, and ates defeated the Huskies by RHap Palmner . 6 246 singles went ta Boyd Knox a *4 ta 1 count. ýThe Pirates Elton Brock -- 6 245 and Paul Forsey. The assists goals were scored by Harry George Stephen 6 241 went ta Danny Catto with Willoughby anc goal, Michael Clarence Oke 6 237 twa and Paul Forsey with MacGregor anc goal. Allen Mike Murphy 6 237 I nc. The Generals goals were Myers one goal, and Bll M- Larry Piper ___ 6 237 George Bebee 6 234 Ed Leslie ___ 6 233 Ernie Perfect 6 231 Ausrene -Leaman - 6 230 Lady Curlers Prepare Lausrene--------6 239 Karh Piper 6 228 Bill Westlake -__ 6 228 RonMa __d 6 i2For Valentine Spiel Rus______ 6 226 Bob Lawton ___ 6 225 By Queenle Fletcher Bell played in the Inter-club Bud Barter 6 224 The curling season is well do at Port Perry. After win- Frank Sarnîs 6 222 underway at the Bowrnanvîlcenn hi w ae h Art Rowe...- _- 6 221 Curling Club, with bonspiels,nigterta anste Harold Bennett - 6 221 scheduled gaines and mixed girls brought home the sîlver- Alf Sarnelîs 6 220 curling on Sunday nights. ware. Betty Brough was vice, Don Bishop 6 219 Plans are being cornpleted Maude Roenigk second, and, Norm Hennîng 6 219 within the ladies' section for Lila Huxtable lead t Harold Michelson,- 6 219 their annual Valentine bon- Aileen Osborne skipped! Russ Halîrnan__ 6 218 spiel to be held on Feb. l8th. her rink, cornposcd of Marion Karl Bickelh __- 6 218 Observîng their Sth anni- James vice, Marg. Carswell Jack Lander--- 6 218 versary this event wilh be a second and Ida Goddard lead, Bud Hienning __ 6 217 5-year Filly 'Spiel. ta a anc-gaine high win aU Jin Caîhan Sr. 6 217 Lait Thursday, Jan. l3th, Larnbton hast Friday, Jan. 14.' Frank Blunt-- 6 214la rink skipped by Mildred Congratulations, girls. b Dr. H. Rundle 6 213 I Russ Hately - 6 212 f i Don Bagnehi - 6 212 Ten Ag owig Jack Bond - - 6 211 Ted Bagnell ---«- 6 210p Lowell MacDougal - 6 210 BANTAM GIRLS Etcher - ---- Frank Mohun - 6 210 Bryson 3, Bradley 2; Mutton GoodwVin ---- ------ -- 5 Dave McKnight- 6 20OS 5, Whitehead 0.i Beauprie --------- - 3 Stan McMurter. 6 207 Team Standing Hlgh Single John Carter___ 6 207 Mutton - ----- ------ -- - - -- 7 R. Etcher-------- 261-206~ Harry Akey 6 206 Bryson 6 G. Barker 252-227i Don Oke 6 205 Bradley ---- --- ----------- 4H. Moore ----. 21 Bruce Milne--- 6 204 Whitehead --- ------------- 3 S. Cain 235 Bill Orme- 6 203 Hlgh Single M. Hately 204 Bob Glanville _ 6 200 S. Whitehead -------- ---- 189 N. Goodwin 2411 Maurice Richards -- 6 200ý D. Bradley 157 Bob Welsh ------- 202-2060 Bowling News P. MacDonald ------- 155 S. Mitchell 223- Not anc bowler crashed the High Double B. Colville ----------- 203 800 mark this week but 15 ID. Bradley ------------- 306 MihTrpe bowlers hit better than 700. I n JUNIOR GIRLSR. HgTrlep Elton Brock led the parade Dng hue 5, J. Sellers 0; D.R Etcher-___ 646, having 783 (266-280-237), Ab Sellers 5, Firth 0; Ayre 3, B. Colville _______635 Saman 773 (325), Clarence Chittick 2.1 N. Goodwin ______626 Oke 770 (321), Bud Henning Team Standing G. Barker ______613 753 (288-276), Mike Murphy Donoghue 10 745 (302), Rap Palmier 741 D. Sellers _______ 8 ~ (288), Dr. Howard Rundle A.. Chittick - _ _ _ 7 INew ville -StarkviIIei 738 <271), Ed Leslie 730 <274), Ayre - ------- _ 5 Laurence Leaman 725 (255). J. Sellers Ô Bowling League AI Osborne 723 along with Firth -..------------O the high single gaine, 338. Hlgh Single TusaJn 36 Harold Michelson 714 (269), J. Donoghue 241 Thu ray.Ja.136 Karh Bickell 712 (290), Bihl D. Sellers-- - ____219 Aeae Westlake 710 (302), Norm F. Hennîng 210 Marion Harte-Maxwehl - 188ý Henning 701 (307), Frank A. Chittick-------------- _ 20) Marg. McDonald 183 Samis 700 (263). High Double Ina Brown --_____183 BilIl Orme had a big 294 J. Denoghue 394 Shirley Wood _____183 single. George Bebee 283, A. Chittick 368 Marg. *Wade ______176 George Stephen 280, Don F. Henning--------- -- 356 Edna Elliott -____ 176 Bishop 275, Jack Lander 274, JUNIOR BOYS1 Milhie 'Porter _____171 Karl Piper 273, Stan Mc. Bouwrneester 5, Presthn o, Mary Skelding 167 Murter 268, Jack Bond and Palmner 5. Donoghue 0; Adamns Jennie Rypstra 167 Don Oke 265, Si Trewin 262, , Staîker 0. j Marlene Stacey _____167 Russ Hahiman 261, Fred Team Standing Joyce Stacey 165 Thompse>n 260. Palmer -___ 10 Darothy Stark ____ 164 jFred Cale broke the sched- Bouwrneester _____ 8 Marie Trim _____ 163 * ule record for low score with Adamns _______ Grace Farrow - 161 95. Last week Fred had Stalker________ 5 Olive Henderson ___ 149 95, Cecil Mutton Ill. Roly Donoghue _ ___ haonBow -5i7 Coombes had a 432 triple. Preston----------- --0O Elva Robinson- 135 S The NaIs Osbarne Insurance, fHlgb Single jBerniece Henderson - 134 'teain had 1341 for one Lamne M. Bedford..--------- 209IMeda Stapleton - 132 DELUXE RANGE Reg. to $59.95 CLEARANCE - $44-99 CUSTOM RANGE Rég. $45.00 - $49.95__$34991 CLEARANCE - -- ---_ ECONOMY RANGE Reg. $35.00 - $39.95$ CLEARANCE --- - -29 MEN'S PURE WOOL DRESS c ar mou.w & w w. wbr All Colors - Full Range of Sizes Reg. $12.95$8 9 SALE PRICE-___ ALL-WOOlL - PILE LINING SUBURBAN COATS Reg. to $24.95 SALE PRICE- 16 9 COMPARATIVE SAVING.S ON OUR MORE EXPENSIVE COATS BO0YS' PURE WOOL SPORT COATS' Reg. $15.00O119 SALE PRICE ______ SHIRTS * SPORT SHIRTS * DRESS SHIRTS * WHITE SHIRTS * COLORED SHIRTS Latest Stripes and Collar Styles Mix 'em or Match 'cm $2.9? sox Cushion Foot, Lambs Wool, Etc. f Sale Price f7c OUAKIE 0F PURE WOOF PURE WOO WORSTED SLACKS Reg. to $19.95 SALE PRICE E $12o9 CLEARANCE 0F MEN'S "PLAY BOYS', Casuals $6e88. ON -INSTOCK MEN-YSSUITS Men's AIl-Worsteds ln Al Sizes and Colore REG. TO $79.95 $38lnands44,0" Mode - to m Measure Scle BOUSE 0F STONE I7u itag. te $120.00 7 *M TIF TOP TAILORS$7 Eeg. $950 - - r. r IV, 'w uy NAM @Mumw-M 0ALL-WOOL TrOP CoATS