AI. DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuosday, 4:30 p. m. Birth-acs IAe ~Un Memrica i Ccirds of .Thanks Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale For Rent _RealEttcoSlrel Estate or UtWSSjckad lceBRN-n loving memnory o A most grateful "thank Dance in Tyrone Hall, Sat- USED electrte stove. Phone FOUR 8.25 x 20 truck tires, BED sittingroom and kitchen- i ain happy to annaunce the Beatrice Margaret Burns, who yau" ta everyane who was so urday, Jan. 22. Clara Nesbitt 623-2142. 3-1 twa 7.00 x 17 tires. Reason- ette, fully furnished, available Jak iaretainrel-omp bfth. ai a daughter, Barbara passed away January 22, 1964. kind to me while I was in Band. Everyone welcome.JOL Jupr$6Phe able. Cali 263-2233. 3-1 immediately. Phone 623-3591.1 REALTO ecsl.N raoal 1ê Idemarial Hospital, Bawman- that sad day Mrs. J. A. Smith. 3-1 night at 8 o'clock, sponsored WATER for sale and delivered. od, with,.rock wool. Work- FURNISHED two - beýroo 2-53c/ aainSttsaP ville. A sister for Brenda, The ane I loved was called by the Sunnyside Park, Red Call Cliff Pethick 263-2131. manship guarakteed. apartment in Hampton; owner62-5 Eonnielou Gari, Randy and away; My sincere thanks te friends Barn, North Oshawa. 39-tf 32-tf estimates, Harry L. Wade. has own private roomn; would NEAR L ORID ELGIN~ 9, amivle - Michael. U3.1 God taak ber homne, it was and relatives for their cards, dac Notice: Reserve W AfTER for saehndoneerd Newtonville 786-2256. like board with tenants. Phone SCHOOL. ElectrialhetdBUNGAY ___-His will, flawers, visits and gifts while saldvanceveed 38-tf 263-2204. 3-1 borne with finishdne.rom ORSL DAVIES-Bab and Bea (nee But in my heart she liveth I was a patient in Memorial Saturday, March 26 for Me- 24 hour service. Caîl 623-5756.--__________$17,700_______-__Te_ Crag. ae hpp t anouce stili. iHospital. A special tbanks ta marial Park Association annual 29-tf TYPEWRITERS, A d de r s, SMALL one-bedroomn bouse,'ny 1 7S-Tm. _______areDappyNOan-unCasbiersbanDes-ksr.Chairsad neressof ailbaconveniencestalsavailablehierim- LYCECharsST.msBelutifulnie4esVETERANbe AVENUET the birth ai their third daugh- -e ubn.3r. leon ndnrssofte azare ata. Detille. EOsuitable for ctflWe buy, seli, rent, service, medîately. Write Advertiser bedroom brick bunglwwt o m njl terr, dihu FyethibFa7ysBRNS Inlovig mmoryI 3d flor. Todd Eubre art, Netonilletag; lan mwer.TeNphon trde. ewuiellBi6868, co/Caadin Sttesan, arprt. lecric eatng. ec.r.. arg Bedasm atHaesvll ositlonBUN -InIvig eor GoiaTod 31 Hall, Friday, January 21, 623-5023. 31 'uat , agerale H18.a966. of a dear sister Beatnice I Goi 8 p.m. Admission 50c. LadiesHmitn Raglan, (North of P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. room. Broadloarn nbd 1 n~c Tueda, anary18 1663-1 (King) Burns who passedi 1 would like ta thank ail bring lunch. Everybody wel- MEAT cut and wrapped forjOshawa-). 3-tf__ 3-1 rooms and livingramKtb- maule odtn - feezrs.Caîl C. E. Miller, IWRIN4GER washedvnMDRN fu-or r- erous extras. $21,90-Trs adn tv n wg LOVKI-T Mr m Ms.Sadly missed- along life's Wby, visits, cards and gifts; aiso Drs. -C..I.B. Anna33Meeing, -corner JamVesP. Loekr, a sn, Val- Quietly remembered every Ewert and Gill and the staff Tuesday, January 25 at 8, SEED corn, Seneca Rob3Ïon !abietrdiawn mower, mccaKntadDiio, imedia NEWCASTLE. Utamd entin Ruseil aldwn, i day; n sugery theOR. nd Lins Cntre Bownanvlle.No. 155. Phone Joe Feddema,lrug 10, 6" x 7', wheelbarrow. possession; private entranc e c brick bungalowwt a-$,( OI enieRsel adiI We ke in rnemory the love pbysiotheraphy duning my Reports ta be received. Ahi Orono 11711. 2.2*1lawn bench, trunk. Phone Apphy Sam's Famous Food port. ThisbosbathbstCiCilc January 1966. 3-1 keep the past atergond 623-5023. ___ .2 4DvsinS. owavieof everything, from olnadBw a i No matte196bow3long, thewihl stay in hospital. welcome. 3-1 TECO ' spacehae, od1 --- -2-*1 iiso t,3omnil. hardwood floorstactm N atrhwlnw ilAlan Mundy. 3-1 Boravle ndDsic condition. Leslie Welsh. Tele-!JANUARY Sale Kitchen ______________1_bîl ielaewt aie*le ÏWESTON-Bill and Ruby are neyer forget; -- Bman Re rosand Don-phne2632t4.3-hf suite, round pedestal table ulfieac pleased ta annaunce the birtb For those who knew hem ____ _____e WhsitbyDn-pon 63284 eat, t. 2, et thix so, Ahan Wane, o ailwihl nowMy sincere thanks ta every- ors Clinic, Wednesday, Feb. 2, KEYS cut automaticail hieiwth 4 chairs, reg. $99.50 for Personalhethec.$100-Trs ofter oAla ane n ai ilanw ne for their cards, flowers Lions Comrnunity Centre, 1:30 you wait, at McMullen Hard- $6.50; i rockers, $39.50; HYEI upis<u r'ATH yArBA dbrckCuAa January 3rd, 1966, at Me- How rnuch we'lost two years and visits while I was a pm .n,63 pm :0wr,3 Kn t . oia--pece bedroom suites, $119.50; Eods milCd ppaid in lorW.î5h arag. asexr mailHsiaBwavle g.patient in Mernorial Hospital. p.rn. 3-2 ville. 3-t1 Scaley mattresses, 10 year pai evir ni pewih2 e. at n a Thanks ta Dr. Shernon and -Sadly missed by her sisters Special thanks ta Dr. Hubbard, - - __1_________ -___----guarantce, $49.95 value for 'li eldevlp îh2pe ahi aenn.Sel~ rn eiLit nursing sta.jf. 3-1 and brothers. 3-1 nurses and staff and Rev. O.M.H.A. Midget - Juvenile KAISER Alurninum Siding, $39.95. Ail lamps reduced. price list. Six samples 25c. fence around rear ad.Go LESLIE-n lovlg r ear esCa Ntt. 3 s1ciation Dance, Saturday, 20 year guarantee. Windows, Murphy Furniture, King W., D4 samples $1.00. Mail Order arca. Only $17,S0.Trns IIE WRAY-Allan and Ruth (nee LSZ-Inlvg ery Car a btt. -* n2, 8:30, Lions Centre. doors, awnings. Lamne Allin, Bowmianvîllc, 623-3781. 3-1* Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co., EAST BEACH. trcie2 igS.WBwavn Lamb) are proud ta announce of Carl Josepb Leslie wha ___ Dodsworth orchestra. For tick- 623-3871. 3-1* Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 aIl electrie borne wt ag,6339 the birth of their son Jeffreyipassed away January l7tb, 1 wishta express rny sincere 623-7214. wad 2-2en HARDWOOD, dry, mixed, eut "' QtrTnT I~ T 1. T~L-shaped living rim ui-Mme Ohw .dDsrc *A'lan, 9 lbs., on JanuaryIlth, 11965. tak e M eaiets ca623-o21r. o e .Lsigl.L.a$1,J.JJ..' LWok aned in dressers and dkin 1966, at Mcmomîal Hospital, iHis mernory is as dear today fthanks, ta my s fr elaies, - - Comu aCnc yubear18. sine Cordm$10, W bveaI vvor&fvvr-- --- -- bdrom Lt &Bwmanvihle. A baby brother As in the boum he passed away. freds.ane ibo se orterW-oodv inor.untentre doble28. 24PhonoCf RA S5.00mit, Wehavea quntltyof ur -- - ri- cbdro.,Ltso ktc1,Ra5Et01Bor Jor Julie, Janice, Janette and -Ever rcmembei'ed by his cdsadfutaso ostrBing.Tnt78-232- per ton and our own SHORTS ence in arc and auto welding Areg iil. Special thanks ta Dm. familY. 3-1 Rundle for his kindncss ta gares-twenty dollars; five BUYING or sclling furniture ii5.opetn wants part time job. Phone1 $2,000 DOWNfothsa-9Sciccrswhtw mad nre nthe S5.g-garncs-thimty dollars; $150 (a)242100.pr3tonmost new brickbuglwn Jlan B. Sylvester and nurses mean nuors hl ntesjckon urg ojakptsa i appliances, caîl Elmer, Customers' Bags at Milli mono 2410 Newcastle. Ceramitidbahcmesopvdbgwy 0fthe Matemnity Floor. 3.1* MURPHY-In îoving memomyialFowieIwsinteakptadtojcptst Hampton: business 263-2294 -mlses fOhw.Ol of a dear wife and mnother, Memorial Hospital, Bowrnan- $250. Door piizes. Next esidence 263-2695. 6-tfVA TNEA BAAR S Finishcd mec. roorn t.$000fi rc ers ville. Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn,- FLOUTR & FEED MILLCUCHS.Tosoy ELngagementLFPaueiceJackonpassedOshaay.46-tf DRIED shcllcd corn, $60 per Phone 623-5777 3.1* Plmbng R atighorme with 4 momaitet LkfotFr Jauay 1 164 hoene aksn2.1,shw.19tn, Ponton, FOB± yBxÂÂ..&1fr.JHo wtc eaîn.Atratvc 10 ArPhonhmeeam i Mr. and Mrs. William Polhey More and more each day we Htwtrhai raounce the engagement af miss ber; My sincere tbanks ta the Free Admission Newcastle 987-4474 ta arrange .5Nlo t nmnil rud.$69 heir daughter Donna Lynn, Fricnds may think the many relatives, acquaintances $~I"kC"' ~..1 rie,4 50 Up WILL look after cbil,-3-1îÇto down.ageclnt8mo brk ~Mr. Terance Samuel Black, wound is bealed, and fratemnal groups who MLNSTER BINGO 16' CABIN hrie, 0lorse 5 years, from respectable SOUTHWAY DE.hrebulag annarN- ton of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel But they little know the helped make rny stay in Me- THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 'clock Evinrude electrie start; heavy OSHAWVA home, as companion for aur bedroom home. Seaaedn ate Ecletivsmn ,1ak, owanvhl. Te ar- sorowmaralHosihe, lesan, y Sonsre byth juio duy raierospita52la, id. rie Ad ve t se rin rom.Garge. Nielyatonl the00 Tcms riage ta take place Saturday, That lies within aur beants their kind messages, gifts and Chamber of Commerce manRd.,_Bowmanvihîe. 42-tf TV SUPPLY LTD. 681, c/o The Canadian Statés- landscaped. $15,10 em.2 ce fapeocad UOanuary 29, 1966 at 2 o'clock concealcd. visits. The staff, toot 15 in- Jubilee Pavilion- OSHAWA, SEAT Covers-Ail models and Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa mani, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- SUNNY CRET BLD /miefo Bwanie ,n Trinity United Cburch, -Sadly rissed by husband cluded in this note a! apprecia- 39-tf i makes automotive interiors me- Just East of Ritson Road ville. 3-h Very attractive, ams eTi rhm si xeln ilowmanville. 3-1 Walter and childme, en, ian, ien, &Ytie~--eptH aired. Whyte Bras. Uphois- Dial 728-8180 DtTT'ER CTbrom rik unawcndinadcnsssasy Shelagh and Glenn. 3-1* Wînnîfmed Youngman. tryABwanilc,63-25.Da o ngt BilLas, -p. .LflepLawth cro rGo izcras fMlts n pe.Ak Mn n n.FrdO mt 3-if date in mind. Friday, Apriiltey omnil,6355.Dyo ih ilLak rp R I EFC ihcrot Mrad_____ed0.Smthl.Sth, Durham Chapter, O.E.S.1 41-tf 52-tf PLUMBING & HEATING $ 17,900 -$2,0.-Trs awmanvillc, announce the SISLER-In loving memomy wihl hold another of their Op- Mrayt aeyu re antRc ngagernent o! their daughter, a! Mabel, dear wîfe, who I wisb ta express rny sincei'e portunîty and Bake Sales. for apple boxes, standard forBEEF Phone 623-3540 Wl ak rn 2ml rmBwavle x koudmeSaau, soo!M. RandLMus. passcd away January 20, 1965. tbanks ta My relatives, "All Day" in the Sunday starage purposes; came and f B urfE E eF ckr 7 P.O. Box 1599 3-1celet wostrewbicebus oudeau sn o Mr ad Ms.It anly takes a littlo space, friends, neighbors for their School Room, Trinîty United sec sample. Phone 263-2204. o __rezr____ 7 naroS.,Bwanil 1auis Boudreau, St. Alphonse, To write how rnuch I miss cards and gifts of fruit and ChLrch. Procecds for E.S.T. 3-1~ Good Steen Beef with excess ---1yerodtobdomu- .v cotia. The mariage ta you, visits, aiso ta Dr. H. Ferguson AR.L ___ 3-1- -- fat rm vd bforlioubuy SEPTIC TANK John3 F. Ie ih glw an 0 2' 0 'eplace Saturday, Fcbruamy But it will take the rest O! for bis kindness ta me and - TWO-picce cbcsterfield, dark HINDS 6.5e - FRONTS 47ceU IIGRATR5' vnoeml odfot ,12th , 1966 at 11:45 in St. My life the nurses on the Medical Annual meeting of theibrown, with four cushions, SIDES 55e lb. ag, crne popetystram joseph's Churcb, Bowman- Ta forget tbe day I lost Floor and tealal other friends directors and members, Dur- wooden arrns, like new, only Cut, wrapped and frazen WIEAHN TBE Bowmanviiie -14Fun tMstbsodaoceuea m'U.31 OU. Who belped me whcn I was barn Central Agnîcuitural Sa- eight rnonths aid. Telephone No extra charge WIEAHN TBE Phone 623-90nrsbat.Ti I ___________--Sadly rissed by busband in the Memnorial Hospital, ciety, in the Town Hall, 623-3064. _ 3-1 Don't wvaste your moiioy on BERT TOMPKVIJJ.NSexlenivstnt$7,o Deaths B. A. Sisier. 3.1* Bowrnanville. Jcsn 31 Orono, Saturday, January 29, -SDwse at,14h.fat - Buy good prime steer beef Phone Newtonvilie 786-2552Z OTPRY 5ar amwt 2,0 on ________ Leslie Jcsn31 1:30 p.m. Presentation of fin- motors. Complete lino ! B VM NVEcî ole 4-fwîth 9 roomcd homalba(ElleAeObw,7 ,,L7, dhAnn-Sudden- VINE-In loving memory o!f_ anciai statement, 1965, and lBeatty, Tbor and Crosley ap- - - VLE al ole -t - d, good bammarn, 3kro bikhm, w-try at Port Hed, yearifeaf h a a srendawaysudertVney, w isntcrds and mtea, clection o! 1966 dîrectors. Ah pliances. P a d dy's Market, FRIGID LOCKER FRANK BRINK ponds. Higbway lcto.lwtxe.3260-3, e966 a ot e, Jauary 3teni h, a dafred, Mmys. Ben in, wMy sintcr thand em rbers cordiaily invited ta 'Hampton, 263-2241. 12-tf - ,4m1g-Pniced ta seli.da ArnnoolAle, 8Hillt.,Pot Jn.20,195.lemrtceshie ws nated. -1'OE Hmaitechnndaw toONE .rviTrechngPOR PRRY 6 ace am BU NW AD AV lieae, dear daugh tom of John God saw you getting weary, bospitai, recently. Tbanks also I -- -Newcastle Artif icial Ice b 6hd Phono 623-5578 ETC AN with gond buildig.Ec-$00WteWrkBnu anT ,Mu mel Nimigon, sister of Sa Ho did wbat Ho tbougbt ta those who assured us of Association presents 'the N.H. fot bar, 6 .p, ond con- 2-t lntso. bot 2TilsNKa KenethandLavmne Mii- esttheir prayers and a special L. Oldtimers and the Orono dtnoeepweîrsue-- _ INSTALLATION Oshawa. Pricedtasl.e3Bdomectclybo. rnock;- Mrq. PhyllsHro eH came and stood beside you, word of tbanks to Dr. Allan ýOrphans, Wednesday, Feb. 2, system (less tank). Apply Livestock For Sale Hampon 23-270 COLUMBUS, 11acefmbrkbuglsben gowmanville. RestdatCm And whispered "'Corne and Sylvester, the nurses on thel1966, at 8:15, Newcastle 200 King E., Bowmanviîîe. -- -- - I.apLn itTNE US.antdbityJmeO4e1C- Itok Fnerl HmeMii- rst. anea hstMedical Floor and staff o! mernorial Aena. Gruen wrist . PURBRED Jersey caw, fresh- '24- tf barns. Terrifie iw xcl tutini ,w-ii~e bok çveatS.-..- ý euwse o n at e-a.---,--- H tal. wtchn ate - y ruen e5ing so-n. PhonPniced2390. lent soi with lUnited Cburch, Millbmook, on farewell * piHrase.dont ate odra- -ri<e C rsPhonoSa263-9. A RPENTR yi rms.sai sig3000 udvsoBo inv) an 5ltb. Internient Lake- Non even said goodbye, Catai Heb. Fase. Wis Wn:at Ca., w pize. -"- -""T eî1dCemetery. . "uwee oe boae we I 50cCHEV2motor JERSEY caw, sevon ye~ars RPAR -Ac AIOS ORONO, excelln 0 ce3,5 on _______ knew it mnSc - gond condition, licence H57145. due ta freshen Feb. 10. Tele- BUILT-IN CUPROARDS farm, close tae omnii ugao nlt 0 day Jnuay qt, 166 EhelAn aly odknws hy 1Iwish ta express rny sinceme Dujrhamrno Producers' As- Phono 623-2361. 3-.1,phone 623-2242, 3-1 wth modem rn c oefn ha erainr pital, Bowmanville, on Sun- -Lovingly rernembemed hy tbanks and appreciation ta sociation Annuai Meeing GORD. FLAXMAN Good barn. Excletsiahe ddyr ie éla, Jnury 6t, 166 Etelfriends, -Mr.and Mrs. George. relatives and fiends, and Tbursday, February 3md, 1:1 4a aly gd7 er.Bowers. 3-1 neighboms of Salem commun ity p.m., Orono Odd FeIllws Hall.CasfrSl 623-3244 1Askn re3,00.ernsba, altoah odlon 24ae Bailey, agof 70ber ams. ____ for cards, gifts, flowers and Omono. Mr. Eric Aldersan a! 36-t! 148 Ae barmblag d:rtasfme. 1,0 15elet Streto! Roben BilleyVINE-In loving i.rnmay o! baking; a special thanks ta McLeod Farrns, Auroma, guestO K.U S ED C AR S PE C IA L S U HStTRrGineam. errns. dea FlettSreeo wmalnville; adean wife and mthr Vivi Mrs. R.Cochrane for ber seke.Election oftown- UPHStrar ng 2,. RTredrne s dea mohenai oie V(ns. who passed away sud- kindness, came and bclp with ship directors and association Davd Jak Tnim an, idsor denly, January 2oth, 1965. the borne and cbildmen; aiso delegates and proper business Sv olr!Hv orcet 2Ar ar bn akTim ido;This manth cornes witb sad tbanks ta Drs. Storey, 51cm- of annual meeting. Door priz- 1962 VO..LIbVVLI..z.N BUS erifeld and chairs re-uphnlst- borne, barn. StmrnAsngPteo-*. 2301 tenntb, ofTo and Klen- regret, an, McKay and Rundie, nurs- es. Herb Morton, president; New engino, excellent condition. e875 d. Froc estimates, samples $18,000. Ternis. MtOhwadGenIt brings back a day we can os and staff in Maternity. Glenn Larmer, secretary. -3-3. Lic. X9716 ------- ------- --$7 taken ta the home. 35 Acres with8noe KnHoi -.6355 JBowmanville. Service was 1_____ hield in the Marris Funemal noever fargot,dm Alice Burgess. 3-1. Budget Terms Armanged brick home. Lrebm.Cr cuiub-7314 Phagei, Bowmanville on Wed- Na length of time cm the T the ctinsoBom- Help Wanted 11961 VOLKSVIAGEN VAN WHYTE BROS. UPHOLSTERY Near Bowmanvie.AknJoBaoki- 2358 -as y auay Ah tRENE airs, a-102 King W. Phone 623-5252 $30,000. Terms.GereBto 2o'clock. Interment Bow- Toonrnany mnemonies hEXPERvileEadCED 623-7072.edEXP TRUCK- $750 _________AY nManville Cemetery. 3-1 f ast. se kindlyý, ta the leadlers and rie-d _ woma -n.-_Phonec62-072 A-1. condition, anc owner. Lie. 19157B. acre ~s with ultra moeiul-HoadFre _____ busy bands are rosting members o! churches, clubs and WOMAN for bouscwork, tI -1taACKjURGESrookiinLar55-3853, organizations whicb donated or thmee days a week, adults;1 1958 PONTIAC C A HOff. BURNERS - UN CE d barns. GoodstemCledDrenGmet â3E ni ad-tMe- Hem work on earth li done, white and monetary gifts, ta 623-2604. _____ 3-tf -,atmternmiio.AO CLEANED temm ' Ofic -Pot op 85.54 3norial Hospital, Bowmanville, For ail o! us she dîd ber best, the wamkers, drivers and help- LME n reetiin la a.Lc 309- --- ---101Acre parcel, ontrnsHishio.y, 3-1 en Wednesday, January lth, May God grant ber eternal ems and those who loaned Phono Goud oca tin 987-4223ar Lie'H3079 495 PLUMBING REPAIRS Rsdne - 8523 198,MadeMconldaf.w rest. vehicles for delivering harnp- Newcastle. -32 97PY O T E A PHONE HAMPTON cast of Newcaste sig____________ Jianville in hem 86th yoam; -Sadly rissed and-always e- ors, the Bowmanville Salva-,---15 PY O T E A 263-2151 $600 per acre. ,dar mother o! Wilson Of membered by busband Bert, tion Army says "thank you"EPRECD aidesr ~eaeman Ovileof eanaeWiard dHelen imd !amily. for holping us ta give 80 Apply ini persan ta Huyck's Lic. H54210 --- - ------.O$100 Ma3ti Address: 0 cre iSTA REFRuto ae Dohel ofate mrs. G. Robnds__- 3-1 families a Christmas hamper Haimstyling, 67 King St. West, ______- -- - atyraytnmne.Vr T7'~TrrVcT' <Heena o!Whiby.Resînand 200 sick and shut-in folks Bowmanville, on Tuesday and 1957 PONTIAC SEDANI A KRAN anxious ta seli. ~thte Northcutt and Smith~ WRIGHT-In loving mermamy a Sunshine bag. God bless TuSdY 5-fV-8 engine. custom radio. $5 WEST 0F BOWMIL tfuhmCut ae ru tuea oe uea ev of a dear husband and dad, Yeu ail. Youms sincerely, !FULLIY experienced man for Lic. H54643. ---- _.- -----L$5 XAVATIJ.N _-2 bedmoom hmbchalOrn vr iir. :0.I fue2alcome. Fra afen-oo.Tm, died l7th o! January, H. I. Fraser, Captain. apple orchard. Must be ableLADN -TR CHG'mdmcneinsanlroc1ngoruCte.Sii Internuent Bethel Cemetery196 3-1 ,ta work without supervision. 1964 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 Sand. Gravel, Top Sali and wooded lot. Askn!900 avs Sep t.j .Ri YMomories are like threads o!f- House supplied. Tolephone FIDivrdTrs oSlsMngr.1t ,Greenbank. 3.1 gold, I wisb ta sincerely thank ail 725-5813 until 5 p.rn.- Aftcr 4.D OR SDAN 4-Ho rWA E EVIE TAUTN ROD are Acta al !hoshl ~'AROW MatinL ut he rTbey nover tamnish or ever the fiends, neighboms, arganiz- six Phono 725-2613. 3-1 Automatlc transmission, power steering, power Rotasonable Rates brick and stonebnaor!et tPtiksAcif (Bl)-needitors i heA gowad;aiPsad eaivsrb aVIGOROUdS yaung man, fully brakes. Lie. H44708. 623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE with 1,546 sq. ft.lingpc. OBawaGenteral HaorspiteA on srraw, yot dan't understand kindly emembered me with eprccdt aocm !-SeilTneser ml dJnay2:3Ia o Cl1.wnmmti n TnrLt( ill) arrw, Thinkng.plats-mf-w--Ible-I was 100 per eck. rite cade-age ad smal; cmea sepa cih.; Robent, Ontario, Calif.; ~ on or about the 26th day o! potential). Divorsified year bun orCa nTdy NgWAL Etunc dciocahstimn ttll Idney, Peterboroughand iiepairs May, 1965. round lino. Write Consoli- for a bunthrowm n it4 celt ! ae nro coePb 5 ay, Port Hope. Service wîs - THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., dated Paint & Varnish (Cana- E O S R TSbahomn2 Ëd at the Ross Funeral GUARANTEED televisinand 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. Ida) Ltd., East Ohio Bldg.,DEMONSTRATORS SAFETY CHECK Smnall barn. Asngoo 6.CnînmnfrmtI Chapel, Port Hope, Sturcmy, radio service to aIl makes. Creditors and others bmv- Cleveland, Ohio 44ý114 16 VI4.ORHRTP We will check cattie te seil contact Uic ar Iuary lStb at 2:30 p.m. ,.' Television Service Ca. Phone ing dlaims againat the above 195DRAR4D O ADO rakes - Tires - Steerlng NooeW ckLbauiu tae1 m a '«ent Welcome Chu rch 623-3883. 52-tf estate are'required ta send E SDL Autonsatlc, dises, white waii tires, mirror, Wiadsqhieid Wipers Aimiumfoemrealoctas , Wètr.31>particulans and ful proaf lie. B155636. TED MILLER. Front Lights - Rear Lightu well tnd eed o. n eurdbtvi Refrigeration taeeft the undersigned o: FLflhILIaLaXl Lii..Alwrdocb Stop Lithts - Horn - Gise stormsanscenml Muisic Sevie or hefore the 7th day O! Pcb- NEWCASTLE - ONT. T%'INTr Rear View Mirror and1 Asking $15,500.Tem.rnDont Mdvîe ruamy, 1966, mter whicb date RQIE A19M5 'LDS/aMOBDLEL DYNAMIC Exhaust System We Ls h Md > chr iifl , voir A ppiac Sr icedstributed having regard t at Frea 4 SDN îcnsed mechanicaPooUt>Ivll 031 rdA.RC... omnsecîa ai Dnethe cWIand thec daimns that Aptal hiAhv aw-Astomatie, power steerit, power brakes, radio, Remember . . . the Lt! e you Atter Heurs Cali: flew1oeee*have thon been received. Sales Managersn soI& &njo ý_é ommf @u mIUobnb abillty. baek-up llght.. Lie. fl5425. FRED OWEN. USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Guy LeDiame -'831 uto P~.e UA? STEl lo, tht, 3rd, day of January, on"u ieWerm ue.~ Hlp oie i*ooed l> OU4774 19f6. I plytiMebble-6371WTKS a1* Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C., AppIy lhi Wit IH NLgbs 33317 Barster and Solicitor, ttu ultctes ~"~grrresa-.î~îhsoelgo Lcrclr Hrdare~ inuSteetWct, tRSDÀAý1 FEWIILIZERS Eowmanvilqp -Coulile 1,4ru. C. DIuff ~ -2I BOX n,4 , àmuct Md49m Bo 29, LTD, ý o N««gýbotff u afidacib ihad.LOuh 7 Ihome a-Si Biimn*Diha-Wt tI - -The Camnaittamnewmanvflhe, J. le1, lm0 - immmmmL- - - i -1