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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1966, p. 6

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____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __of Ged. She asked thateaZ La nds and Forests of .- h P . mkember search herseif te de- A meeting to plari deer £~<etrer ~ termine whether the gift that yard.I R e or inspections and dee hter oro gh res yteialhas been beutowed on her tuV'VOOUly R p r range inpoeent worlc was 137 Ledbury tet being put ta une ln its highest heldatistrtOfcWd Toronto 12, Otra purpose. Wbst'a New ln Cottage Lots et l...t one haif sore in sz nesday. Janu.ry 12th, 196. Dear Sir: G.SionLadsSuevioran ôtle U 00fe 1ze'Zis waa attended b~y the Sbcrtinrewlte je yOfficeru for the year ahead G Lnd evio adua u ent10 fetllWi if BoSgmIabonsl raw innene aan are: Past President. Mrs. D Asw eneth e 8rwdhinWlle ilgs adCO-Idaigna o i s o aLove; preuident, Mrs. R. Dale; A eetr1.nwya it.Tecrei eigservatian Offioersfor the I n fi ihsneerge D .m bn ' S M is i n ry Socie yteofc : ii ie w e wut tablik toa e vit-re co Cage land: or:i- 1 ixia fc anel ors awth stiE second vice, Mrs. C. F. Werr;metW o WOlfld like ta teate a- p coae of row an o ri - 50 rtheru patrol areés vwhere tht we have decddt not fle) ebdn er* nteLnsyDsrc. plus aoot0.00 wate frote for rfor deer. We have disposedoar A n ua M et ng Ja . 2 t try M AlBran LPeo; reu n 195 forty-one Cnawn cadi lot. Most af the lots Let's Sweeten Up praperty, that we hae1l sistant treasurer, Mrs. Jack cottage iota were sold for pri- available in thie Lindsay Dis- ida ititi omnil o eea E , , A nn al eetng an.l2t vte purposes. During the trict heve between 100 and The Maple Syrup producers years, and ur inteefsi acnaadi metng of Pet- of welcome by the. Campbell- Mrs. C. A. Zby thanked theGovr latter part of the yean new 140 feet af wafer fronfage cf thie five Counities surrourid- consequence, are crte PrabtrilWolord Auziliary. Greetings speaker. Mrs. Keefer, also the Unit leaders wiI be Mrs. s1u<ivikS«s were regisfered with thie total pnice rang*in, ng Lindsay, held a meeting around our home nTr- MslsaySociety held from thie Presbytery, were two soloisfs, Mrs. Oliver Wl- Howard Fanndale, unit one and lots offered for sale on between $400.00 and $500.00 on January fiffli ta diseuse ta. e t Azidrew's Churclibrouglit by fhe Rev. W. H. T. lis in the morning, and Mrs. Mrs. Chris. Collings, unit twa Kohlîag Lae Southi of Hall- dollars. A few with greater ways anId means of increaaing Bowmanville willawy ~pp~l5son Jan. l=t, Fulton, the MModerator. Re- Jack Pethrick in the etr and Mn.. Ron Werry, unit buron and on rein Lake, frantage run Juto the $600.00 syru-p production and quality. hold some very hapy;e prcddby an executive port of th. executive meeting, noon. Thariks were alsc of- three. nonfli of Apsley. bnacket. Many practices and problems maries for us, andwewi ~ t94.roll cli and the announce- fered for ail those who had Mrs. Everett Mountjoy and At the finie of writing, caf- Al of flhc lakes on whieh Of local producera weretpe travel many milesbfr * ., o tlgesion began menis came next. Mi-s. J. W. faken part, and also to th~e Mrs. J. K. Glaver will rePre- fage lots ar-e avaiable infthc Crown land ia offered for senfed. Most people eft the we will be able t ac Lt1:30 with Mrs. Fulton, Cumiming, the treasurer, gave Campbellford Auxiliary for sent the U.C.W. an the Chris- District ai follows: sale are accessible by public meeting with renewcd Inter- the hos<pitalif y and ned 11peudent, giving the cal1l her report, and a solo was their hositality. te adMîssionai'y Eucatîcu Ece Lake, north road, but the puxrcîaser must est in, mple syu produc. becomeatcfinc tw n $swei, and Psab 9 1 was Sung by Mr@. Jack Pethrick. Thc report of tue nominat- cammîtfee. Mrs. Joseph Stan- of Apsley._......... 24 lot# make lis own way froni the tion. eoepr fte *igthe BurÈbrýae Auxiiary Thc speaker, Mrs. Harold 1flg comii a dby kaski will serve an the manse Koshlon ae ofilnig t lcsbdvso. Sc hnewr icsed hope with all aur heitta 1d ti.deoiaelpcio eeer ws nroucd yMrs. Roger Roberts and the committee, while tle ladies' of Haliburton........ 43 lots When a number of lots are as efficient evaporation and Bowmanvîlle willoedy *"%en tihe minutes cd the Mrs, R. J. Randaîl. Mrs. Kee- elected officers for 1966 were representative an the commit- Cope Lake, eat cf sold, the purchasers usually cleanlincss; plastic pipeline me itplcinC ada ~ eein wrered. fe aidth ky or wsthen installcd by thic Macera- tee of stewards Je Mns. Lisle Wlberlorce ......... 8 loti gef together and construci and transportation of Sap- industry part iculery fa Cosreupondenice came next, increas. By încreasing Our for, Rev. W. H. T. Futn Noble. wllPaudah Lake, south liheir own accqss road. Per- centrleaoainmdpc-i 0jsl eevs tofowed by tic annital te- immbership we would find President Mina. Fulton gave Hcading up committees wl west cf Bancroft _.. 2 lots mission to cross Crown land aging; and marketing tech- Contînued happy edn ~rts of secretarles of the djf- the anawer ta other problems. the closirLg words and the be: Mrs. Peter Wilson,, chris- Raven Lake, Southi for hils purpose is grantedî iuiies.ta ormnysbcirs ret uilaie ndgrl'Init omoe ametngModerator pronounced the fien citizenship; Mrs. Wmi. of Dorset ............. à lofa free of charge provided the The forestry aspects cf fhe and thank you ta h eio ~oi alsa the Depts. of anidmake them more inferest- benediction. T he Training Snowden, flowens and visitons Duduion Lake, north road remains a public road.suabsh eraloeve-mdtff htmketi eand Welfare, Glad ing by not lways doing thIc Centre tlis year will be at and Mrs. Win. Woodward on ocf Gooderham ....... 2 lotis Ai new subdivisions are ed sudh as spacing cf trees, possible. Tf Suipply, Life Mcn- carne thing at the came fiie. Albert College, Belleville. th membersîiip commitfee. Methuien, Pencîl and registered, they are added ta con develôpixent, and soil T. sv R sen cr F Prss, istoienandTry ta pick tlase best able fa List cf officers for Peter- Pragramn committee, Mrs. C. Looncal l ake, i lot Our general list which is conditions with reference to .R ~~Zr.'Hifraan cdfr lies adnaeborough Preebyterial W.iS. F. Werry and Mns. Wm. Han- each ....... ,........ 3 lote available upon requeat ta sap quality and quantity. e.ym 96wssn m d uettadioenwjutW.) for 1966: Honandrary cock, social functions, Mrs. Total Lots Available 87 lott "The District Forester, De- As a result cf this meeting F. L. Dudley, *iàkWorth Auxiliary closed wlhat ta do and whmt was re- Presidents, Mrs. Harold Tate, Howard Farndale; stewardahip AUl lots front on water, are partment of Lands and' For. a committee las been ap- Apt. 25, Park]adApa Mrs.R. N______________an____________s. Buce ests, Lindsay, Ontario." poin'ted ta, diseuse the posai- 3311 Swann Ae Wth prayer. quired of lier. She told u s. .N culcMSadrecuoitin, Mrs rc _____________ Going ta the basement, the that we do not trust God A. E. Tocmbs, Mrs. R J. Ran- Sae;nmatosMr. c.1 Business lu.a.4cnvuv At current prices we be- bility of forming a loical pro- Tampa. FIa. ~deswee creda elciusenugi ndtht auesa otdal Presîdent, Mrs. W. H. T. Collings. Mra. Wm. Werry wiîî lieve the purchase of a érown ducer organization. Dep.r John: "e eesre elcoseog n ta assaltFulton, 26 Princess St.,Pt le in charge of literature andi cottage lot is a "best buy" for If you are intercsted in the Enclosed find cequ o *Mcheon by the Campbll- of aur problems. Seek ye first 'o communications, wtl Mrs. R.Acc untanc 196prdtin o maesrp,$.0fr ur ubrpin SodAxiliary, at about 12:30. flic kingdom of God, and al Hope; 1sf Vice President, Miss ________ Widlif19Noteprontactiou.rof aple rpant-$5.0c0 Iforn u tbed. The affernoon session was these things shall be added Clara Thain, R.R. 2, Harold- S. Bishop an peniodicals and ______Ntsotat_ - oal--at-wlihI hnkm ôpeucd by Mrs. Fulton, caîl- unto you. 2nd Vice President, Mrs. H. publications, and Mrs. B. A. RAY J. DILLING Conservation Off icers are ment of Agriculture or Lands Our paper hasn'tcugtp Msg ml ta worship, and hymn The registration committee E. Reynolds, 186 Walton St, MacDonald on press and pub- Clartered Accountant now trying fa contact by' and Foreats for advice. to us yet, but we hv a f5being Sung. St. Paul's reported 65 Signatures, which Port Hope; 3rd Vice President, licity. Mrs. Rosa Lee and Mrs. 93 Church Street phone or by huse vi.Fits the Ccid Weather a Beau George Walton's. PL-terborougti Auxiiary took for sucI a cold day was en- Mrs. A. W. Allen, R.R. 1, H. Pascae will serve on the 623-3861- 85 lunt camp operafors who te Laggers The weather lsbe e devotiana, and then words couraging. Have]ock: Recording Sec'ty, kitchen committee. LEONARD JAMES- BROOK S- have not submifted their lunt The extremely cold weather great since we Mrs. W. Scott Fife, Hastings;I Mrs. Penfound prcsented theý Chartered Accountant camp report. Two reminders of the past few days has been lad the heat furnedoi w Corresponding Scc'ty, Mrs. R. budget for fhe caming yean»j Trustee in Bankruptcy have already been mailed. If just wbat the doctor ordened or thre fîmies, andw( hv N. Roberts, 255 OntarioaSt. Total requined is $,19300.<Suite 205W 725-9953 YOU are one of tIc delin- for the many logging Opera- lad no sign oifrot.On Port Hope; Treasurer, Mms. J. Donation ta the gencral fund OshawaShopping Centre quents, please mail this te- tors throughout tbc Lindsay W. Cumming, 71 Pine St. N., i. $300, toward fthe mortgage - IS part in now. District. Plagued by fhe not be bauled aventebs Port Hope. an the manse, $500; Sunday WM. J. H. COGGIN Over 600 duck wings were heavy raina thi s li, and mild roada. Secretary for Aftcrnoon Sho oain$0~M ad CatrdAcutn donated by Lindsay District wet weather so fan this win- TIe overall effec f l GropaMr. PrcyCapbu.M. fund $125; Presbytery fees, Second Floor GRoRps WrkwoPryhCamSe.n $15; U.C.W. Bunsary fund $3;' New Librany Building hunters in 1965. These wings ter loggers lave been suifer- mild wef wcather lsbe Eveni3, WKm & Tempen.ance Ss. will le santed by frained per- ing anc of the poonest seasons ta seriously restrictbcig >. venngGroupa, Mn.. D. W. flowers and fruit $40; social Cor. ia 623-3612n sannel into species, age and weatberwise in recent mem- ging operatians foth pon Fnar 54 i.gSt Eat a rran fîud oe W$600,a__WILSONe& ----- sex groupa AthougI the ory. Roads bave been fim- of causing layoffa nd nm bourg; Sec. fan Children'a bioalanea ute $600 , auj WILSON & BrtredAccuRROWS sample i. amall (probably passable even ta four wîcel ploymenf. This cl ra Groupa, Mrs. F. N. Abrams, adfoa 60wh edf e Catnc canat well under 10 per cent of ahi drive vehicles and operatons shouid tighten upradcni 28 Hamilton Ave., Cobourg; rasdt oe h omt 23 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont.t ducka kiled in fhe District) lave been unable te get in fions and elhow Vewne Sec. Home Helper Members, mn.Paten:thc ratios of immature birds on out ai their camps. Many timber ta ril nhg * Mn... A. J. Campbell, R.R. .1, Terpr n h ul- RoadF .Wisn .. f adulta indicate reproductive saw*mills lad t0 close clown gear. Bowanvll: Sc. eîomeingcomittee indicated thaf G. Edimond Burrows, C.A. succesa. Te date, Ontario Ag- last faîl because fIe logsa A.E. Walol - &Welane Mn. R W.Buc- nly minor finisbing remains ____Phane 728-7554 r___ iculturai College studenta, needed to supply tilem culd DistrictFoetr ~~IU ~Pet erborough; Sec. Literature, af Columbus. It waa exphained MieMILLAN & CO. Mns. Clifford Hall, R.R. 1, fhat the existing martgage on Cîartered Accountant s Millbrock; Sec. Glad Tidinga, tcmneld endvdd36% King St. E. - Oshawa 0 Mrs. Alex McKenzie, R.R. 1 among the fîrce cbarges, andj 725-6539 Campbellford; Sec. Pr ess,thtec an culpyof King St., Box 245 Neweatc Mrs. D. Hoskdng, 17 Bedford its ahane at any time. Kedron 9744 Sf., Port Hope; Sec. Supy,las assumcd 36 per cent ai Partnens: 9744 Mrs. E. L. Cifton, 27 Beecl the total montgage, or $270 William C. Hall, B.Comm., C.A.' Ave.. Bawmanville; Sec. Lule A Valentine Dance and David G. Penkin, C.A. Membcrship, Mns. Wm. J. Social evenîng is planned for J. Gaham MacMillan, C.A. A DESN -FREC Shearer, 711 Stannor Drive, February 12 in fIe iawer hall Peterborough; Histonian, Mns. for ail U.C.W. miembers and C hi op ra ii J. R. Tlomipson, Milibrook; th1cm husbanda. 1___hiroprac__Reg._75_ Memibers withouf Partiolici, Services in conjunction with G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Eg7c Mrs. G. G. Steplens, 100 Front the World's Day af Prayen, Chiropractor St. Nortb, Canipbeihford; Miss Feb. 25, will be held et 2 pi. Office: Johnson's B ablP K' A. V. Dav!clson, 191-B Murray in fhe CluncI. The members 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. *" St., Peterborougb; Mns..Ro- of tIe U.C.W.s rînm Sot.2-50 e. 2s Rg.4c .. bort Hill, R.R. 2, 140 Harbour Stephen's, Columbus and Rag- Office Houns: By appanment Sntr akn itBigtn an United Chuncles will be______________antr Npkn invited again this ycar. 9 c Mrs. Dale, Mn.. C. F.' Wen- DenfaMD s KEDrNy and Mn.. Wm% Werry will DR. W. M. RUDELLI D.D.S. H & hRg69c! Marked 62ce! cLa's Tb Ms aehsclè n7 igSt..E. Bowmanvilie ,L, a W- I R The membenship of Kedron executive meeting for Febr.U- Office Hours: 41fiEII M u ~ ~ 'i, United Churcl Women gath- ary 3 in fhe lower hall at 8:00 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiy *TO *** IrISIb 59 C E LU ered in tle lower hall on p.m. AIl committee chair]m;ei Claaed Safurday and Sunday Ng8e ne cr' oi-ie Rg 12 Tuesday for the installation 01 are sked fa attend. Dates for Office Plane - 623-5790 RExtra EteLargts ord-id G L N R E D I Yofficers for île caming year. the Spning Tea and the annueh Rea. Plane Newcastle 987-4261 B C Contest Tb BOWMANVILLE ofca.. Raig - mRM nouedltr. .Ofc S O E arDressing75c ans 12, Miss Bridgea explained 75 King St. E. Bowmaanville fIat each anc lad a gift which Office Hours: Reg. 79c! Bottle Memorial Hospital 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily FriLf Wetno * I P ~Ciosed Saturday and Sunday m at *IW k ReotTeleplone: Office 623-5459 ENO ruitBUTTER69 W eey R potDRt. 1E. W. SISSON only electric heating can offer you ail tiiese advantages Sunmatclied oleanliness Electrlc hoating is flameloss. Thor* la no combustion to croate dirt, jdust, film, or 8001. Windows, ~1drapes, end wallistay dean longer j In .1ectr1i1y hatod homois. unmatched comfort Ekw Elotioatng Offors room-by-room or zone tonriperature contrai. ft le quiet, Croates no draughts, neONbUYots-Just gentle, evw«4 iontàntwamth., unmatched value Electria heating is maintenance-fros, it offers extra living spaco and cani have a significarit off oct on the te-sale value of your home. Vot, with ail ils advantages, electric heating costa fat leus than you may think, For more Information about electrie heating, consuit a qualified electre heating contractor, or your Hydro. yoUr hydro1 5N441M.WK Week cf Jan. 10-16 Inclusive OficDi.s., lmeS Admissions ------- 76 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Births-7 maie, 2 femnale 9 Plone 623-5604 Discharges-------82 Office Hauts: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiiy Major operations 15 Closed Wecnesdmy - Sunday Minor operafions- 30 Emiergcncy treatments __ 15 I n s u r a n c e Viiting hauts 3-8 p.m. daily DONALD A. MacGREGOR Lufe, Auto. Home KEDRON 9 % Ki n . E , wanvill. Phone 623-5962 Thc Official Board of thel A. L. BOOEY Columbus Kedron - Raglani AuoHme ablt charge met in Kedron United! AU*I ns, ahlllt Clurch on Monday, Jan. 10, 3 iet t . omnl ta consider flein budget for 3 Lbrtho.N., 623-7264 l Uic coming year. Phone____6__3-7_____4 Currenf Officens are: Clair- ad Suvyn man, Rev. Winnifned Bridgea; treasurer, John K. Glover; re- uvyn cording steward, Jack Fran- MERRILL D. BROWN cis;Mfissianary and Mainte- P.ENG., O.L.S. nance committee clainman, 121 Qucen Sf. Box 1659 Brett Webber; M and M sec. Bus. and Res. Teleplone retmry, Mn.. Gertrude Mount- 623-7251 joy; M and M treasurer, Stuart Munison; lay representafive ta Presbytcry, Frank Lee, witb Jack Kellîngton as altennate. Financial reports froni cach, MISS APHA 1. HODGINS charge wcne presented. These Barnisten, Solicitor will le avaîlable at the Con-, Nofary Public gregationai meetings fa be 14 Frank Sf. Bowmanvile held as follows: Columbus, LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Tuesday, Jan. 18. Kedron, Rarnister, Solicitor Thursday, Jan, 20. Raglan, Nofary Public Satunday, Jan. 22. Ail will beKing st. w. om vil in flicform of pot-luck sup-. Plans: Ofice 63-568 pers cornxnncing if 6:30 p.m. e .fce623-5 with fie buiness portions ex- pected to get undet way by E. RICHARD LOVEKIN 7:30 p.m. if Uic latesi. BA.. LL.B. The Day of Quinte Confet- i Barristen - Solicitor crîce plans taitaise S200,000.00 King St. W. Newcastle over fhe nexf threc years ini Plane 987-4735 aid cf Queen's Tîcological Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Saf., 91 College. The nxoney is needed ta provide additional staff and STRIEand STRIE facilities et fthc college. Fund Bartisters, Solicitors raising idea were discussed by Nofanies Public île board, but if was decided W. R., Q.C. ta, leave île formulation cf A. A. H. Strike, B.A. plans for fthc Apnil Board Edward C. Wiidnian, meeting. ues fB£A, LL.B. Recent g tsofMr. and 140 King St. W. - Bowmanvill i Mrs. H. M. Smith wenc Mn.ý Telephone 623-5791 and Mrs. William Min. and famnily, Windsor. M 0n-rM rg a ge s da1e have returned fa Ednxon- MOIS HMLTON - ORONf % ton, Alberta, ater spending -Phone 1 n 16 the holidmys wiih Mr. and Urzi. Tiis Monîgage Funds Harvey Farndalc. Re sidence - Faria Mr. and Mss. Ray Scott en- 3usiness Propeties tentained at a fanily gt6ie4ng ini houer of Mr. andMtu i Donald Scott, Detroit, Michi- to e r gamn over tle pust weekend. omtr D)urn theîr vîsif, Mrn. d KEIT A. RILLRTT. 0.. Mrs Scttwere aise, guests in Optonietrist the homes of Mrs.Gerge 143 Kiung S. EL - Dowmanville Scott, and Mr. and M.Reis 1 Officeouw Ey avpoietmnt Lee. Telephon. 83f-328 Congrulationste Mr.suI Mon. - Tues - Thunu. - ref Mr&LRbert Dale on flche- B 9a-i. o apin. xLwatoof thewrtwo,4ethwqed- Wed.sand Sa.-9 - f twt wdvmà j9yJ0uaz7 12. ThudoY evm1i» BEST BUT! Save Se! FINEST ORANGE PEKOB Pkg. of 60 Red Rose Tea Bags 77c BEST BUY! Save 17c! DELUXE CANADIAN 8-ou. pkg. Kraft Cheese Slices 3 i $1 BEST BUY! Save Bc! Quiek or Instant 5-1b. or 72-ai. Bai Robin Hood Oats 67c BEST BUY! Save Se! Pastry 1-11r. Bats MONAR(H Flour 69c BEST BUT! Save 16c! RED & WHITE 8-oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE 1.13 BEST BUY! Save 13e! New! Buy 1 - Get 2 Free! Ail For Mir Liquid Detergent SAVE 24c! Club House 15c Off Pack 32-ai. PEANUT BUTTER 65C SAVE 10c 32-a.. Battis MAZOLA CORN OIL 83C SAVE 20c! HeavY DntY 32-as. Tin SUCCESS Liquid WAX 99c SAVE 10e! 13-o.. Twln IPack Hostess Potato Chips 59c SAVE 42c! 20e Coupon on Carnation Instant 25a Off Pack! KING SIZE TIDE $1.33 .FROZEN FOODS 0F QUALITY Save 6e! Hlghliner Hadldock 1%-Ib. Pkgr. FISH&(HIPS 63c Supreme Brand Fancy Pois 2-1b. 53c EDEEN wlth purchase et Supreme BradPUTREBfLACiK Un IN116itE bb & u4 -oe &a .430_U 79 C #Çe &dItor taina, ton, ueems to be hav. ing a mild winter, we hear. es we listen ta fthe Cana- chan news by Dave Price each mornlng. The integration Isasue doesn't seesn very active here; both colours use the same tollets now, andi ne. groes can ride any Ica tebuses. We notce negro and his girlatMI theatre. We had neyer se1ý th4s before ln fthe south. Tampna la becoming more cosmopolitan. due to being a large seaport and the In- flux of Cubans. We hear Spanish 9poken a lot. Sincerely, Floyd Dudley.- MER - m 1Rm -- Silent, efficient and economnical controlled beat for every room Silent electric heating saves you money on in- -stallation and mainte- inance plus controlled heat for every room. 16 TEMIPERANCE ýST. I FningToday! jRed & White IFoodmasters ini Sheiburne andi LtrforLJ REG. 79c! tube53c large tin >wlder . 1urity Plastie Medium Pkt. )AGES 43C NAntiseptic 67c IE SECRET - Dood orant - Reat. 59e! ýRoll-on Larte Cream ;C 49C. FRESH BAKED! Siinbeam 12 to pkg. 35C tRUFFS Zegula3c Sunshine Fresh Prdc I Mexican - Vine Ripened - No. 1 Tomatoes 25ib N'ew Texas - No. 1 Cabbage Tmsty - Full Flavoured - No. 1. (elery California Frcsh lc Largo Stalk 273 Lemon 6129 Lemon 6'29 SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE CHECK'D Fresh Picnic Style Shoulders (5%/ to 6 lb. avg.) Pork49m Ideal For Roasting - Specially Selected - Lean, Tendez" PORK BUTT ROAST lb.59c I For Frying - WeIi Trimmed - Tender, Juicy 1 PORK STEAK IL 69c For That Bolled Dinner - Lean, Meaty PORK HOCKS IL 39c FREEZER PILLER SPECIAL - Cut and Wr4pped GROUND BIEF 10-lb. Bags $4.29 BRANDID BIEF HIPS" "I.63 c MAPLE GROVE RED*& WHITE Maple GroveOý CORNUSH'S RED &WHITE .**Oropo 1

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