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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1966, p. 11

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Mms Bncs Tilison, Editor Phone 9874213 e R A Mthere would be an Atom M a i gTounnamentinNwate - ginning at 8:3n a.rn., Satur- -ns eWE be rs M akingay, February l2th. As New-1 'g castie were tht hasts, Mn. Brereton asked how the moth- ellen Proers itît about preparing and xc gr ss onserving dinners. for tht aut- xcele t rogr ssof-town paesafans. Iheir .eiiieniiKitchen ther wotd y a crwd ni Ne@wôastp:- This is thei installed in cernent floar. a short timie with tht assur- hungry. Mr. Brereton felt cOfttd ptoregs report gi yen INew double sin ks have been ance thât the end resuit will that with oui- own home teamn to the public liv the localjinstalled. 01<1 cu'pbaards have on the ice by tht noan hour, LIOn, Club on their Centen-I been maved froam the aid ta jtitjfym&I inconvenience. tht other teams could start liff ProJect. the new kitchen. Work bas The Lions Club Annuai eating by 11:30 and by 1:30 Tlhe club ne'mbers have in- begun on installation af an Pancake Supper âchtduled for evti-yone would be fed. Fol- deed been busy the past exhaust fan. Tueuday, Febru.any 22nd w-ill lowing tht dlean-up In the mnonth getting this projectý Since ail the labor an this give the ladies a chance t0lUons roomn whtrt they hope roling.1 project is volunteertd, it i try their skill In tht ne-w kit-1 arrangements can lie made ta $Ince the first report o!f nccessary it lie dont night chen. 'Phoae ai tht village othe byarnmns ptarêss iaeupt anuary or on Saturday. This no who haven't already seený are being made ta show films làt, the is what ha.ýi dutbsadwi as om !ttwr en otto keep the lads occupied be- havebeenbujt, pint d u t bskn itchen au e tht h ofghtne wokand games tiken place: New cuphoardisisome inconvenience ta people wil l e mble t mar« e co h n- R espos.actrn o ftsalled. New drain bas heci juains ask your indulgence for venient kitchen. thm ou anttelephon co- mittet will be cailing on ail the members for their dona- Hockey Mot hrs Pre pare tions:and help. Beeo n Hocky Moher Pre areJust before ieaving the nounced that there were 39 OMS Atoms, 35 Pet Wees, 16 Ban- To Serve Meals fo At om ecastndli ky ons l have in the past spansored tht Midgets, have dropped themn During Feb. l2th Tourne ytohrittYeathe cari Cithis yearand tht eato *Newcastle- -An encour-aging preciatiorn for the support and were adopted as read. lare "our boys" too, why, asic- .çrôup of Hockey Mothers at- shown with so large an at- Business arîsing from the ed some o! tht mothers, were tended tht special meeting itendance at this vcry import- minutes was ta do with the we flot looking atter themn and beld in tht ai-ena on Monday iant meeting. shoulder p ada bought for the their necds? This will lie -Ovening. Tht Club President,, The minutes of the laSt Bantam Team. Mr. McCul- discussed at a later meeting. Mr$. Mabel Cobhlcdick, cx- meeting xvere read by the Sec- lough and Mn. Walton felt At this time, menus had ta be pressed her thanks and ap- retary, Mrs. Dolly MacLean, they weren't any too big, and drawn up for tht l2th. It pproached tht aificers o! thte vas decided a hot turkey Association and asked If they dinner would lie servedi, and feit they could buy a second help for bath the hall and tht Iset of shoulder pads. Tht set refreshment booth was offer- 'BE URE O AT END!already purchased couid lie ed for that day. B S RE TO AT EN :handed aven ta tht Pet Wct A committee was also om ta.Mis. Cobbledick ex- cd ta make sandwiches on tht plained that as tht money was afternoon o! tht N.H.L. game, thene, and thîs was tht pur- and help offercd for tht baoth H O C K E YheHcky otest.tht th renaskc ta cotacts H O C K E YAposeo!tinthHey wMt hens' thha vening. any moitr i assocanteywnthedt.hboh aethad teon tuanct The f.M.C hav nowpur- the president, or tht telephone hasd sts f oale pdsfor committet and otier their ail hreeof he mnorteams, services. N.H L. LDIM ER tn eeW ees h ae beedotdpatht ofktes ta e9 > N .H .L. LD TIM ER SAtm, P eaterandhaetam. wo air o! sktes ter reieand tht lettens were turned over ta someone not VS. to b. sewn on ight away and now having a pair. A child's tht sweaters put ta use. As size three and a man's size1 tht Pet Wtt sweaters wcre seven are on hand now. j starting ta wear, and with There bcing no further4 ORO O RPH NS having the same sweater as ed unti February 7th. NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL ARENA WED.I FEB. 2 8:15 p.m. SPONSORED) BY NEWCASTLE ARTIFICIAL ICE ASSOCIATION DRAW PRIZE Gruen Wrist Watch Donated by Grucn Watch Co. ADMISSION Aduits $1.0 - Children 50e Nzxt ll, ultra-mnodern Direct Distance Dlaling (DDD) will bring the speed and *au. et local dial service to most Long Digtatnce calling in Bowmanville. DDD is tht modern answvcr to the ever- ýrowing need for faster, simpler and mtore coilveient communications. lth cmplox equipmpent, ta be installed weiI ahead 'of DDD day is completely mutornatic and will enable your calis to go through ta almost any telephone the11 continent in a matter of sec- r the team, it was suggestecl they approach R. B. Rickard, and asik hlm akay to have his sweaters, bought for the Ban- tams, loaned to the Pet Wees on the nlght they play Oshawa in our own arena. That is the smre nlght as the N.H.L. Old Timers play. At this samne1 trne it was -suggested that the mothers conider purchasing new sweaters for the Pee Wees. With new Atomu playing this year, there are also new Hockey Mothers added to tht mgmbersohip list and it was suggested a new telephone list be made up to add these names. Sam Brereton, Chairman of the Recreation Cammittee, was present ta announce that GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES through STATESMAN CLASSMFEDS Telephone 623-3303 Introduction of Direct Distance Dialing in a cornmunity re «quires a lengthy pnogram of pre-conversion work. So there will be a lot of telephone activity around here during the comning mnonths. We'll keèp you posted frorn time ta tirne as work progresses. DDD us the most progressive step ini telephony sînce diai service. We are looking iorward to bringing you this new truly modern telephoî,e service and we hope you'rs looking Iorward to having it Cornets lie Jets Edge I Newcastle:- Another even- ing o! great excitement and skiil on ice thrilled a good crowd of fans in aur local ai-ena on Sunday night when the town leagues battled with talent and good luck against each other. ln the first gaine, starting at seven p.m., tht Comets andi the Rockets tied their game« with a 6-6 score. Sooring goals for tht Carnets were Howard Quinney and Terry Carleton with two goals each, with Ron Goade and Wayne Pearoe scoring single goals. Gary Cooper led tht Rackets with two goals, w-hile Buzz1 Mercer, Walter Rickard, Fredi Alldiread and Doug Farrow1 kept the action high as they.t ~,Iand sonal iAt i ent meigOf the urch W=ethe mftn elcomed two lu John Meyens, as- sistan ign directar af tihe et Dinies, and Mrs. J. B ect Port Hope, cam- paign èta.ry. Orlçpled in a car ent several years ago, MeyeTs proved ta the U .tliat anything lu po"sbi roaugh hdath, prayer, a will won't let you give up, 8, e help ot others, your d mine. On Mon- day te Janu.try 3 lst, the U.C nd other March- ing MO will be at the h nd they and Mr. LMeyers childi-en ail ethrough ntania asicfor Y<>ir ca- tiôn and support Once agai ve to the March, oi Dimnes. Mrs I Calwili, Mrs. George S ,Mrs. ýRau Dickenson, Rt ad Mr-% Flore Ferguson and Mrs. Bruce son were the Newca.stle bers of Dur- ham. Cha1tBawmanville, who tnjaye buJs trip to Toronto vlewed two shows af Page Chal- lenge o n ay eveig January 18th. Vtn, Mm. Don ter, Downs- view, Was a ' d guest at the home o! sister andi brother-in-iaw. and Mrs.ý Jack Crago. Tht leaders, ,B",Pack have been a . at by the' weekend theirý lar meet ing roomn willj be ready. Sa, for those ho haveý had tonmiss a t g,1caine! out this Mondt ht. The A'rtificiailAs Oia tion and volunt nvassed, the village Mon~ d Tues-' day with acdva les for 1 theïr special itk Ni.ght,! February 2nd.! have been missed, thel a tickets still aviailable. ton t the members, or bu,.th from tht Hockey Mota1rnin at the refremm th nt tht ai-ena. Ault ~e $1.(00 chàldi-en', ticket Oc withIl pre-school cilddi ac4itted, free. Our- fniends an in Memoriai Htai this, week are: Mro. 1 p lin Mrs. Tryntje Bc a, M-.ý Hifliard Brown, I..h Davis, Mrs. Mlarj Diclen- son, Mr. Oscar D 1ut hrs. Tina Fengugan, ~IMýry Fosten S.r., Mrs. Vil Ha-- son, Mi-,. Ferdinjad Hark- Mr. Cynil Qunnj Mnt4 Gnaee Sheppard, Mdward Smith, Mr-. Georg aters, .and Mr. Martin Wný lRockeV toyals 6> each, scored ont goal. The second am, oc- ed tenue anid gexcîto V, e Jets edged the ROya ~a 6 ta 5 victory. Ken ay kept his team. out fron th four goals, with Scott Il1 scaring two more. The ts scored by the Rayais e credited ta Brien Rawe two, and Stan Cobbl Etrl Poster and Lai-ny witii ont eaoh. Bath games were cl played and praduced i eeting hockey. While flans art turning out ta t gaines, with better su fi-cm an even larger ci- these gaines obuld b Card Part y Gives Boost to Ice Fund Newcastle - On Wednesday ton Farrow, Bill Starks, Davi evening, January l9th, Mr. Rickard, Ann Smith, Paulin and Mrs. George Stephenson McNair, Alicia Spencer, Jet opened their home and wel- Rikard, Joe Bates, Ali! Gra comed a large crowd of card ham, Marg ]Rudman, Mauree players who turned out in good Powell, Pearl Ricicard, June numbers to support the Steph- Wilson and Leria Graham. enson's projeet of making Following the games of money to turn over ta the cards, Mr. Alex Hendry, oný Artificial Ice Association., ehalfaofthe Artificial Ice As-! Shortly after eight p.m. the sociation Commîttee, thankedý games officially began follow- Anne and George for theirl ing a weicome fromn Mr. Steph- kindness, and their work and' enson who also thanked thte a ffr n ing theireome vast crowd for their support andofeing tht emnjoable. . aduc-rinte vnngevrheartily aproedby a round' Durig te eenin, sverl of applausc by those present.i lucky draws were made, prizes At this time, Mr. Stephensoný included fancy soaps, toy pood- turned over tht amount raised, les, a permanent, matching tie a total of $136.00 to the A.I.A. and hankies sets and ever sol A iight lunch with tea orj many other lovely items. cofice was then enjoyed to, Among the winners were, Bll t close off a lovely evening., Morley, Jean Perrin, 'Tom Since the evening of theý Spencer, Wilma Lovekin, Lornelcard game, another four dol- Johnson, May Sinclair, Mns.1lars has been reported donatedý Wellington Farrow, Wilda ta the event, bninging ta date,' Johnson, Arliene Stephenson, a total of $140.00l raised for' Brenton Rikard, Mr. Welling- Artificial Ice. MAPLE GROVE Tht sympathy of this com- Mr. Frank Olliffe, Stouff- munity is extended ta Rev. A. ville, was a Tuesday visitor H. Mundy and family, Mr. and la»t week with Mr. and Mrs.' Mrs. Morley Burgess, Mr. and Fred R. Stevens.1 Mrs. Art.hur Burgess andi Mn.. Ailan Snowden visited.ý family in the loss af wîfe, ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.! mother, daughter, and sister, H. Wilkins' Port Hope, on1 and toalal other relatives in Monday. Hei- father la recover- the passing of Mrs. A. H. ing nicely after hi. operation. Mundy, (nee Jean Burgess) at Mr. and Mns. C. P. Swallow,! Kelowna, B.C. Mrs. Wmn. Laird, attended the Mr. and Mrs. L. C. White Thompson-Cator wedding on! returned home lait Saturday Fniday evening which was; evening alter a very enjoYable held in Armour Heights Pres- holiday spent at Bradenton, byterian Church, Toronto. Florida.Mr. and Ms. Jim Richard,, Master Douglas Brooks had (nie Joyce St. Pierre) have; his tonsils removed last Thurs- purchased a home en the Nash day in Memorial Hospital, Road, titan Maple Grave West Bowmanville. &bhool. Wt welcomit them taý Mrs. Kiay urgess, Toronto, our commuilty. spent the weekend with Mr. _________ and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and Miss Betty Lau Snowden. George Washington, only Mrs. Ted Heur, Misie Diana, president of the U.S. wha Lee Ann Hoar, Newcastle, neyer Iived in the bt viited the former's parants, House, laid the emortoZa for Mr. and Mrs. L. Callautt, onlthe bugdm on Odtbu I& SstuidaY. 11»2.1 - -Umm.- 40o Off Powdered Laundry King si»e Phi Hilltap Smooth 24-x. Jar Detergent Fab 1.19- PEANUT BUTTER 49 c Del Mante Aussrted PEAS Ti Swift's Pre 12-ex. Tin FANCY -ESà5o$ Pillabury Meust 9 Varieties 1-o. kgb; LUNCHEON MEAT 49- Cake Mixes 2SorS9c. .1dbo 10 Flavours Instant PUDDINGS 3 for49c Hershey'. 3 Bar Banded Pkg. et 3 Chocolate Bars $1 Sqwlft'a Golden Dew 1-lb. Pkgç, Margarine Ifor539C swhft's 1-1b. Pkigm. ,Silver Leaf La rd 2f or49c Fard Bcdf Liver mnd Gravy 18-oc. Tins PET FOOD Iforl7e Domino Liquid Detergent 12-0z. 32-oz. 24-ox. 64-oz. BAKERY FEATURE 25c 55c 45c 99c mneilo16-om. Loaves aisiBrea2 05 c Id HOME NEEDS aisi Bre d 2.51 IdiaCotton 20e "'Sx PILLOW CASES 2 for 88c II Pi 39CJohnson loc Off 12%~.o&. Tin ýfts c ff24-z.TîB ABY POWDER Ucm Z1c Off 14-ex. D.t1q ef or Irish Stew 2 ' 89c1 MICRIN ANTISEPTUC 89C Oshawa Papers for Additional Food Specials Al ni m hnds gnaant..d t. give 100% uatifaction. Values Effective Until Closlng, Saturday, Jan. 29, 1966 in Bowmanv11^ WE EECSZRVE TffE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIE. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights '61i9 p.m. ~MI NIQI k. Pint Box 33c 1 *1 -I 1- -i A FRESH PRODUCE Temple Size 12013 ORANGES i9±à Florida Grown 24's Buneh CELERY STALKS 27C Arizona Grown Green Top (ARROIS 2bunches29c Cherry TOMATOES SYour Toronto & KCI STÂNAmI! j:>lÇzý - - ý 19 m ý-, i - - - - ý h .11 m P - ý - . ';W 1 m

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