Instail Officers of Forece N iglitingale Lodge No. '66, I.O.O.F. 1montha ahegd, inciuding cater- m ig for the Scout Counc'il, Feb. i7th. Mira. Harry Cooke reported on the purchase of suitable giftsto be presented to former Troop Leaders Mr. Biggs and Mr. R. Davies, in recognition of their years of faith!ul serv- ice to Scouting.* The Feb. meeting wili be a social evening at the home of the new President, Mrs. Rietmuller, 25 Concession St. E. Any interested mothers are welcome et this and al meetings which are held 2nd Monday of each month. The meeting ciosed with the Scout Mothers' Prayer. A udelicious lunch was served. -B&P Club Me mbers Debate Abolishing 'The Death Penalty" The regular meeting cf for the sale is to be announc- £owxnanville Business & Pro- ed later. '$euional Womnen's Club wS February progxram will fea- heid on Thursday, ýJan. 20eh, trMiss Ethel bMoKague t6.0p.m. in St. Andrew's elh-,.rig ber slides ci ber re- %&udtorium. The m e et in g v<aitto Eyp and Pales- =peed by sin'ging the Enmb- tie. l Grace followed by the Meeting closed with the Queen. A delicicus dinner Clet was served by t.he ladies. _______ The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt-K D O as read Lillian Dilling e-K D O lieysingsong whie the tables were being cleered. Building Committee 2An Invitation from Cobourg Recommendation Accepted pl ub to attend the Interne- Plans for a proposed new io.nel meeting and luncheon Christian Educatian Building bit February 1211h in Cobourg for Kedron United Church ýma read. were presented et the annual S Provincial Conference will congregational meeting on >,e held this year April 22, 23 Thursday evening by Building end 241h in St. Catharines. Committee Chairman Wm. *Prograra for the evening Hancock, and won unanimous Was in charge of Marion Je!- approvai. fery and'took the !orm o! a The initial phase o! the clebete. The question: "Re- three-stage plan celle for the solved tal the deeth Penalty construction o! a two-floor ibe abolisihed." The affirma- brick-faced cernent blo0c k tive side: Helen Devitt and structure 44' x 74' to te south fi udrey Cooksan; the nega- o! the church. This will house tive: Minerva Kerr and Flor- a gymnesium, kitchen, wash- ence Tomlinson. rooms and nine class raoms. ,Afler a liveiy discussion Between $35,000 end $40,000 bolh Mr and egainist, the ver- will be required for this phase. dict arrived et was "The deeth The second stage o! the penalty should be abolished?" building plans would see the ,Moderator Jeffery explain- present churcit edifice enlarg- cd the worjngs o! Parlia- cd from its present seating ment and the processes used cepacily o! 168 to 325. The In preseniting such a Bill be- church would then be joined fore Parliament. to lte new building, provid- It was dccided to hold a ing a chapel and ladies' Par- Pekie Sale in Mercit, te be lor in the intervening 20 feet. convened by Florence Toin- Completion of the project son and Dora Ray. Place would -see te erection of a LL1-U !!~ -i Make your comfort compete ... around the dlock! See us Sleep in quiet comfort, thanks to silent, electric heat. Clean, draf t-f ree air keeps you comfort- able ail night. IE E T I i .ir t>-Il 16 TEMPERANCE ST. VçI * l ird âfl-oor 'on theChristian Educalion Building ta provide additional classrooms. Th e finance committee bas been empowered ta Investigate means o! raising money for tbis much needed project. Work on the proposed struc- ture cennot begin until sucit lime as sufficient funds are available tb warrant lb. Two concerts by lte com- bined senior and junior choirs will initiale fund-raising spe- cifically marked for Christian Educetion Building. ELIZABETH VILLE Churcit services were et Elizabebhvilie. Sunday Scitool wes also beld. On Wednesday aflernoon the Senior Home-making Club, "Vegetables Wilh a Flair" was iteid aI Mrs. M. Witite's home. It wes lte first meeting o! the unit. Tite leaders, Mrs. White and Mrs. Quanîrili demon- strated tomalo frappi and titree ways ta caok cabbege. About 20 attended. Thte nexl meeting JE lte 26th. Mrs. Ron Provost, Belleville, spent lte weekend with Mn. and Mrs. O. Mercer. Miss Gloria Quantrill, Peter- borought and Miss Suzanne Titickson, Bowmanville, were with Iheir parents for lte weekend. Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew and Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldnew, Ositawa, wene et Sunnyside for lte weekend and ited Mrs. ARMOR-GUARD FRAME FOR EXTRA STRENGTH The box-section design with steel girder-type side rails means exceptional strength and riidity. Front cross member assures pneus.wheel lignm n npositive, handling. Dîscover the difference CRAFTSMANSHIP.makes! GRAHM'SGARAGE gayo0 "Ont"zl.Rit. 1, BowmuuViUe ~~' $ma m15 MF« OREOuSTUDES8M rmURs .These newly elected officers of Florence Nightingale Odd Fel- lows Lodge were installed recently. They are, front row left to right, Bro. J. Griffin J.P.G., Bro. H. Barter V.G., Bro. H. Wade D.D.G., W. Bro. S. Houston, D.D.G.M., Bro. H. Farrow, N.G., Bro. H. Powell R.S.N.G., Bro. -A. Farrow, Conductor. Back row left to V. Vlalters and Mrs. A. Smith up to tee Saturday. They ex- pected Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitbred and girls, Oshawa, on Sunday but I don't know if the storm prevented them from coming or not. Mr. Alan Sheppard bas been quite iii with the flu for a week but is improving. Sorry to hear of Alan Quantrill's unfortunate acci- dent last week. He is a cous- in of Mr. and Mrs. H. Quan- trill. The Parents' Club met at the schaol last Tuesday even- ing. Plans were made for the students to give speeches some evening, also plans for the field day and bake sale. On the l3th the annuel con- gregational meeting was held in the .besement. Reports from the. verious organizations were given and most of- the same officers were re-elected. Mr. V. Peacock rcsigned as an eider and Mr. H. White took his place. Mr. Peecock was made an honorery eider. Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoker of Whîtby spent Saturday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Thick- son. Several were in Port Hope for the big opening o! Joyce & Sweaner's store where ice carving lined the street in front of the store. Two stu- dents fromi Quebec demon- strated and the art class fromi the high school competed in a contest on the best piece cary- ed from ice. It was vcry orig- inal and I think everyone en- joyed the displays. Congrat- ulations to the ones who thought up the original idea for a store opcning. It was quite a drawing card. KENDAL The Women's Institute met et the home of Mrs. W. H. Foster. There were seven members* present and lte President Mrs. Low presided. Thte rail ceil wes "How I can be a good citizen o! our com- munity". Mrs. Foster who was the convenor for Jenuery, read e story frora our magaz- ine "Home and Country" on tbeing a good citizen. She elso tld o! meny weys in which the people o!flte norlh were thankful since the beginning o! Women's Institute. As te District Annuel will be held et Kendal in May a! this ycar some initial arrange- ments were made in prepara- lion for this event. Mrs. Hend- erson was le make the regis- tration badges and Catherine Stewart place cards for lte heed table. The menu was also discussed. Refreshments were scrved by the itostesses Mrs. Low and C. Stewart, as- sisted by Mrs. Foster. The annuel meeting o! the church was iteld on Wednes- day evening whcn reports for the variaus arganizetions o! the church were presented. There were only seven persans present la listen te these. This is e very poar represenlalion o! 110 persans under the past- oral care o! Rev. R. C. White. We are sarry ta have la re- port a real canccrn for aur financial condition and found it agein necessary ta borraw la caver aur current expenses. In a prosperaus cammunily such as Kendal titis should not be necessary. In lthe year 1966 let us ail- meke a special effort la help our citurcit bath by aur attendance and aur financiel support. Congratulations te Mr. end Mrs. Jim Williams (Catherine Wilson) who were married at Kirby Churcit on Seturday. Catherine is lte daugitter o! Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson wito, Iived on the Sixtit Line for some years. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Hoy and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Marlon were guesîs et lte wedding. Previaus taelte wedding a sitower wes heid et Kirby Churcit for Catherine witere site received many use- fui gifts.- Miss Cathterine Stewart vis- iled witit ber cousins Marlon and John McKelvey. Mrs. Reg. Elloît and Joyce left on Friday for a trip la Florida for 10 days. We were sorry te hear o! lte senlous accident o! Alan Quanîrll lest week witen itis car crasited into lte bridge near Cream o! Barley Park et Bowmanviile. Alan is the youngesb son o! Mr. and Mrs. Evan Quantriil, formerly o! Kendal. The weekend snowstorm was somewhal of a surprise but we did hiot receive asý much snow as some areas. W. hope to hear of some improvement in the condition o! Mrs. R. C. White. She was mo'vcd to the hospital in Pet, etboroughon Monday lut , right, Bro. B. Caswell L.S.V.G., Bro. S. McMurter Rec. Sec., Bro. F. Draper R.S.S., Bro. M. Moore Treasurer, Bro. G. McMurter Fin. Sec., Bro. H. Webster, I.G., Bro. G. Lamont O.G., Bro. A. Young- man, R.S.V.G., Bro. D. Severn, Chapiain. Officers flot present, Bro. R. Wood, Warden, Bro. C. Forsey, L.S.S. -Photo by Rehder Ont ario Wl! Set* Up New Office To HeIp Aging FoIk in Province IBy Suzanne Morrison Toronto Star staff wriler Gaps in services to senior citizens will be !illcd with the establisthment o! an Office o! Aging with'in the depart- ment o! welfare, the chair- maen o!f te Select Conàmittee on Aging said yesterday. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Durhem, said comimitîce stu- dies revealed a great need for co-ordinalion wiitin the field o! aging and the new office would be one step towards meeting this need. At a luncheon meeting o! te York Township Area So- cial Planning Council he an- nounced that Lewrence Craw- ford, committee secretary, woffld head te ncw office. Mr. Crawford is engaged in a long-terin study of aging for the departmenl and is a specialist in Gerontology and a director o! reseairch. Under Mr,. Crawford an ex- pansion and co-ordination o! variaus services to eged per- sons in theiri own homes will be reailized: visiting, telephon- pusited aside; their knowledge ing, itteals - on - wheels and and experience being o! les- shopping assistance. isening value to those who are In an interim report ta the replacing them,"l he said. lest session o! the legisiature, Mr. Carrutihers said the the committee recontmended comimitîce has sponso'red a co-ordination o! services and project entitled "Memoins o! activities through an institute the Trailblazers"l and ho*ks o! gerantoiogy. senior citizens- will record re- Mr. Carruthers seid the collections a! times and comrittce's research hes cs- events in their lives wihicit tablished tal the increase of could forra valuéble historical older age groups is far more data. draniatic than the proportion Mr. Carruthers suggested o! those under 20. that the group could under- In Ontario today there are te!ke a survcy o! senior citi- 508,000 persons 65 years o! zens in their community: the age or over. .,By 1975, the number, available services, commi'ttee estimates e nopu- needs and accommodation. letion of about 765,000 ider- "lWith titis information, the ly men and women. proble a cn, be approachcd For the 508,000 people in in an intelligent and efficient this group there arc serious manner," he said. and critical problems caused Mr. Carruthers outlined by ioss of family tics, te de- sente of the accomplishiments pression o! the thirties, World o! the comimittee: War II, automation and te Reseairchtbas provided in- rapid risc in education stan- formation and stelistics that dards, have permitted the committ- Pushed Aside tee to fora intelligent judg- "The resuit has been that ments and recomtmendations. older individuels are being Tours titrouigit the province have brought an awareness oi the problem to municipall bodies and the public. "In many areas we found a great lack of knowledge of (exist-, ing facilities)."' Visits to Washington pro- vided an opportunity to comi- pare notes on failities and services with the United States. New regulations have been' established regardirig nursing, homes. Visits of coinmittee mem-, bers to provincial hcnmestforý the aged provided incentive to miunicipalities to upgradeý facilities. There are only fouri homeb in the province of the oider type rem.aining, Mr. Canruthers said. GET CASHF TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Telephone 623-3303 ý4 1%e Canadian Stateaman, Bowmanvile, 3mn 26, 1966 ntall 0! ficers » EÙ'b, Scout Mothers 6, to 5Yeur. G.l1.C. s Savings accounts Paid and compounded quarterly *Investment Funds *Estate Planning * Executors and Trustees FOUS<TAIN1!EAD OF SERVICE Open Friday Nights and ail day Saturday CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North 23 KIng Street West Oshawa Bowmanville 723-5221 623-2527 1! ON@ THE* JOB TRAINING helps Employers find skiled people to fil jobs Lost orders, postponed expansion, loss of profits, costly equipment idie-it ail can happen through the lack of skilled workers. To help you develop the.skilled people you need, The Ontario Department of Labour lias introduced O.J.T.-On-the-Job Training, a plan combining Apprenticeship Training and Short -Term Training... an extensive program of financial -and technical assistance. Find out now about 0.J.T.!1 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F LABOUR ONoTHEb JOB TRAINING helps People learn skills and get better jobs« With OIJT. you learn needed skills on the job! You are. emplc in the work of your choice, in a big choice of trades- and you earn as you learn. After On-the-Job Training you continue to progress in the company that trained you- a skilled person with a better job, better pay and a secure future. Find out ail about 0.3.1. For full details. about On-the-Job Training, contact your nearest Ontario Department of Labour Industrial .Training Representative now. He is located at: Cou nty Court Hluse, Peterborough. Phone 745-0583 Ext. 56 Counsellor J. Kozma >yed ~ .4 4- t I 1~ 4< O. JT.-A Federal-Proivincial Manpower Devrlopment program The Mon. Jean Marchand Hon, M. L. Rowntoe, Q4. Minifter of Citizenship and Immigration Minihter o! labour for Qntarip IVegetale Grower Choose. Brodford M«n To Head Organizctln Toronto:- Ontarlo's fruit Marketing S e cti1on,Ar and vegetable growerai con- Shantz, Ridgevllle; 0 n 10on vention in Toronto January Charles &cokoez, Gtwid Bid; lé elected Arthur Van Dyke, Vegetable ,rW. Ruth- 52, of Bradford as their presi.. yen; 2nd petive Ap- dent. Mr. Van Dyke, born in pie, G. Long, ion; 1 Rolland, has farmed in the rePreseflalVC. *fs, Rolland Mmarsi since 1922. He Hwriow; and qw ori operates a 60-acre vegetable cultural1 Council, Dr John~ farm and is general manager' Brown. of a packing and shipping business, Sçringdale Farms Limnited, at Bradford. His BOWMANVILLE epecialty is onions and car- rots. His business is pre- AND DISTRIC dSninently in the export o! BRANCH C vegetables to the U.K., the U.S. and the West Indies dur- RED CROSS ing the fa11 and winter months. Vlce-presiçlent is Donal Wright cf Harrow; secretay BLO O D treasurer is B. G. Wilson of Dundas. Jack Davis o! Port D NR Credi seditor of!te wRSa tion's newspaJper «'The Grow- I er', wdthi M. M. RLobinson of C UN C Burlington a contributing edi- C I I tor. LIONS COMMUNITY Ohairmen o! their section: CENTRE Turni.p, Smnith Griffin, Actori; GreenhuseWMrius Feb.tta Leamington: Potato. Heber W d__eb M. Irwin, Hornungs Mifls; Ap- 1:.30 p.m. to 4 ple, Harold Bonter, Cryn Place; Tender Fruit, R1eg Mer 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. ritt, Grimsby; Comxunodity Theý Bowmanville Cub and the home of our Past Presi- det Mrs. E. Blake on Jan. 1l ttith 10 members present. ;,ollowing the Scout Moth- or'Prayer and Promise, the àoIlowing officers were inatail- edfor 1966: Pres., Mrs.' E. Pietmuller; Rec. Sec., Mrs. M. ruk; Treas., Mrs. H. Cooke; Bewing Con., Mrs. C. Crego; feil Com., Mrs.- E. Sheckle- 'Mrs. K. Porter; Lunch 3Rnvenor, Mrs. G. Linton; I~alers, Mrs. Thiessen, Mrs. H. Hiammond; -Sunshîne Conven- br, Mrs. R. Evang. , Business wes discussed and rew plans made for the ;.< *i* 9 1 1 ' - 1 il, 1 1 1 1 0 1 - CYO