Social & 3frsonalI Phone. 623-3303 l' Mrs. Harper Elliott of Bran-1 shining and he secs liii shadow )Ion, Main., visited hem cousins,t he decides thene will be six 4he M. J. Elliotts, over the more wccks of winter aind :W nd back he goca, to slcep for '.Jessie Kentner of Ac. another month aind a hait. nai fw days with ber Congratulations aind bcst Si rMs. Harmyr Smith, wishes to Mmi. Mary L. Rundle ~ueen Street. lo! Oshawa who clebrated her SWeckend guests with M r. 93rd bithday on Tucsday, ~nd Mrs. Albert Piper, Brown' Januaryr 25th. <jn Sunday, êtreet, were Mr. and Mrs. R. January 23rd, a family dinner ~epath and Mr. and Mrs. E. party was hcld at the home zKedpath, all of Toronto. of hem grandson, Dr. and Mrs. Mn. iudMir. Bb Seve F. W. Rundie, lu Oshawa. Hem Mr. nd rs. ob tevns daughter,'Miss Hazel Rundle, and Dr. and Mms. Allan B. ysaa n oM.Wlc Sylvestretumned Monday Rundle and Mrs. Rundle Mm. ,eveniug tram a most enjoyable and Mrs. Fred Coty (grand- wceRs, w ic oay atdaughter) and tamily, town, OchoRios Jamica.wemc dinuer guests an titis Mr. and Mrs. James Graham memomable occasion. Iand sons have returned ta tPu'o....mtwt 'Valleyfield, Que., afttr spend - S.Pu C.G.I.T. onTesdayt ing the wcekend with Mrs.Treinty January l8th ta hear Graharn's mother, Mrs. W. J.esbyMs Mme Macdonald> Liberty St. North. an addresb isMre Stevens and view slides taken Mme. C. B. Purdy, Miss by hem in the Cougo. Miss Marjomie Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens displaycd a dress that Wayne Purdy, Mr. and Mmi. is worn in the Congo and C. Pumdy, Jeunifer and Heath- demonstrated how mothers en were dinner guesta of Mm. carry their babies on their1 and Mms. Harry Baker, Osha- backs. Miss Stevens was in-( Nva, on Sunday. troduced by hem niece, Debbie1 1Miss Muriel Stevens, R.N, Stevens, and tbanked byi L ft last Fiday for Brussels, Bannie Ormiston, Trnity, andc celgium, whcre she spent the Mrs. George Graham of St. Wveckcnd, leaving on Monday Paul's for hem most interesting1 for Lcopoldville, Africa, and address.1 then an te Mocrbeke, Africa, Mrs. Wmn. Mutton, Ontarioa te resume ber duties at the St., recently rcccived womd bospital there. that Louis J. Scott, 988 Marri- S This Saturday, Januamy 29, son St., Niagara Falls, Ont., et 2 p.m. aven CFTO-TV, had been prcsented last No- Channel 9, Bowmanville High vember with a life member- Schoal and some of the stu- ship in the American Fedema- dlents will be featumed on the tion of Musicians, Local 298, Hii-Tume program. B.H.S. stu- for bis long and idedicated .gecnts travelled ta Toronto hast service ta the Federation. Mm. Saturday for a taping o! the Scott nesided in Bowmanvillc show, about 40 yeams ago, at whichà Last week Mr. and Mrs. time be. and bis orchestra 3Bale Tbompson, Orchard- were fequcntly beard aven vicw Blvd., saw a robin near Emnie Rehdcr's radio station their borne. Wonder if he MOAR Mrs. Mutton was staycd aven this winter, or if pianist for the orchestra. he is an early spring arrival Duncan Syer, president o! fromi dowu South. The pon Bowmanvilie and District bird must find titis weather Aquarium Society, reccntly e- beak-chilling. ceived a letter tram Mn. Fred- Iu the account o! the Hockey erick A. Worden, The Key- Mothers meeting iu last week's combers, 236 W. Mashta Drive, issue an eror appeamed in the Key Biscayne, Florida, 33149. p aragrapli concemning distri- Mr. Wordcu is a member af bution o! the sum of $250 ne- the Florida Marine Aquarium ceived tram the Police Associa- Society which had rcceivcd a tion. It sbould have read that Bowmanvifl Club Bulletin. 0 as douated to the Little Iu the letter he states be is a PH.L. not$10.Canadian tram Montreal and Recut ister wih m. nd(a! interest locally) that bis1 Recnt istor wih r. ndgrandparents, Margaret Bus-f Mrs. Rosa Stevens, Scugog by and William Worden, wcmc Street, wcre Mr. and Mmi. marricd in Bowmanville in the( Charles Evans o! Bradford, 1860's, thougb the Wordensc svhose son Dr. J. Evans 's îived' in Godenich. In the( stationed near Miss Muriel letter Mr. Worden says, "if thet Stevens in the Congo, and Mmi. names are stilî cument, I( Xeith Taylor o! Brampton and wouîd be intcrested in hear-à lier daughtcr Bannie. mng se"t. At Uic firat Masonic Bon- ipiel heid in Whitby on Sa t- urday, January 22nd, Walter NE WTON VILLE Goode's rink, representing JVrilm. teodge, Bowma- Local ladies comprising thei garne wlnxiers a! the 9:00 arn. bus laad of Eastern Star mcm-( draw. Members of the tearn bers wbo attended "Front Page1 Wêmre S. "R. Jarms,' skip; Dud- Challenge" lu Toronto, Tues-1 ley Dcelcy, vice; Paul Chant, day evening, included Mes- 1 ond, and Walter Goode' darnes M. Jones, A. Wadc, F. 19111 Each was pete Henderson, W. Mlligan, E. tME a suitably inscibed pcw- Walkey and Miss B. Milligan. ter mug.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tompkins ci mug.left here Wedncsday on a Next* Wcdnesday, February mator tnip te Florida. 2nd, is commonly known as Mr. George Clarke was aid- "Ground-bog Day", wben tuis mitted ta a Pcterborough Hos- woodchuck or marmot, emnerg- pital, carlyr lait week.9 ès froni bis hole-in-tbc-ground. Amnoug those at the "lLuckye Legend bas it that hie cornes ta Luncheon" held at Trinity the entrance and if the skies Church, Bowmanville, on Wed- are duil and dark, bie emerges ncsday, werc Mira. S. Lan- and takes up lite where be caster, Mina. D. Vinkle, Mrs. left off. But if the sun is H. Wade, Mrs. M. Joncs, Mme. K W PnpA.,lp n Ur.oA XITap- Bownanville Pentecostal Church Ti liberti, St. 8. E rageor: Rv .Kudra, B.Th.E ?houe 123-5100 LADIES' TRIO FROM THE BIBLE COLLEGE SINGING AT ALL THREE SERVICES 9:55 a.m. * Sunday SchooI il a.m. 'NO GO' CHRISTIANS 6:45 p.m. Organ and Piano Prelude 7 p.m. "THE CHRISTIAN HOPE" ýWed. Feb. 2nd - 7:30 p.m. FAMILY NIGHT SER VICE STUDIES IN I TIMOTHY heUi word of God inl net on' Mrs. F. Henderson. Mr. Harold Thompson of Pefferlaw spent Wednesday afternoon and evening at Mr. C. M. Jones'. Mr. and Mrs. McNall Irwin and Miss Anne Nesbitt were dinner guests, Friday evening, at Mr. F. Gilmer's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hay- wood, Orillia, spent the week- end at the nmanse. There were 10 tables in play at the regular Community Hall card party on Friday evening, with winners as follows: high lady, Valerie Partridge-, high gent, Bob Henderson.__Draws, REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street MARANATHA Christian Reformd Church Rev. H. Mecs, supply pastor 623-3492 Worship Services 11 ar. 7:30 p.rn. Back To God Hour CKLB3 Every Sunday, 9:15 pa. TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Orga.nist - Mr. Arthur Cellisen, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship SACRAMENT 0F INFANT BAPTISM SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:3 ar. -Junior, Interznediate and Semeor U:U amn.- Prlrnary and Kindergait.a t1~M au.Beginuers 1 Thfe -funeral service was held fram St. Andrew's Unit- cd CJhurdi. Millbrook, on Sat- urday, Januny 15, and was conductcd by Bey. Daniel E. Manning. Interment wu in Lakcfield Cesnetery, Lake- field, Ont. During Uic service orgn mnicwas played by MnWMiuslow cf Milbrook. Pall-bearers wcre Messrs. Kcnneth Bell, William Broni- ell RoentAlen, Leslie Shee- han PeerSerin and Willaw Miiowich. Evidence of the csteem in which the deceased weas held were the nuny beautiful floral tributes, arnong whieh were thoae froen St. Andrew's Unit- ed Churcli and Sunday Sdiool, tic Hi-C Group, Woenen'a Federation Northairnberland Ne. 2, Port Hope Scouters Club, Port Hope District CSnoacf BOY Scouts, CO_ ougPublic School Statf. eth Wlghlunan. School Board, Cobourg Publle School DorCavan U.C.W., K4~ & P. Store, Petrcrborougb, Mill. brook Bail 1Tnn, Cbarles ouaow Sciool staff, Eces 5 CQa1oe GirnnOW SdhooI, Caven Cub and S8=9 lioth- e, Auxfflary. DynsfiezPies- esa, and 5til Port Ilope Cab & BOo4 Grau Calmtt King St. United;Çhurch in Oshawa etoe by Fi re, i 1 Mary Slth, Wallae Eough- en, Mrs. W. Coi. Mr. Bona Saunders ln on a business trip te the Badbados. Master Greg. Wade went to Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, Frlday, where h. had 10 teeth extracted. Mfr. and Mns. Gordon Tur- ney of Trenton were Saturday supper uesta wlth Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce. Little )Micheile Hallowell cf Morrish was an overnight guest of Shelley Brown, Sat- urday. Mr. and Mns. P. Gilmer spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hancock, Peter- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade were Saturday evenmng guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jlxn Casweil. Mr. and Mns. Earl McEwen of Peterborough visitcd Mrs. Cecil Burley on Saturday. A niixed-aged group held a charivari for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elllott, Jr., at the lat- ters' new home on Saturday evening. Flowers ln the church on Sunday morning were placed there in memory of the late Mr. Martin Farrow, whose funcrai took place in Oshawa, Friday. Two new steel coat racks have been placcd at Uic rear of the church and will certain- ly be much appreciatcd. We understand they are the work of Mr. Wilfred Paeden. Mr. and Mrm. Charlie Wat- ters of Toronto were supper gucats, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce. Mr. and Mns. F. Henderson and Carol had supper, Sunday cvening, with Mn. and Mrs. M. Jones. Mr. and Mns. F. Gilmer were dinner guests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster are spending a few days i Toronto this wcek at the Westbury Hotel. Mr. and Mrm. Jack Gloven cf Oshawa wcre Monday evening visitons at Mr. C. M. Joncs'. Hockey Last week Newtonville suf- fered their first defeat of the season as Mathews Conveyor entry upset the locals 7-5. Scorers for Newtonville were Robinson (2), Wcstheuser, Gray and Murphy. This weelc was a diffenent story as the locals pulled back into first place, all alone, with a decisive 11-3 victory over the Esco team. Aftcr splitting four goals, early, Newtonville roared to the attack and put on a great display cf puck control and shooting. Ken Gray led the parade, notchlng three consecutive goals on one shift, and also added thee assists. Phil Giliner scored two and set Up another. Oth- er two-goal men wcre Ted Stark and Bob Robinson. Wayne Hogg and Charlie Trim added the other two. Other assista were awarded ta Bob Westheuser (2), Ed Couroux (2) and Russ Olver. Esco tai- lies were notched by Garrard, Kelly and Snyder. OBITUARY MRS. ARNOLD E. ALLEN The dcath of Mrs. Arnold E. Allen, agcd 22 years, of 8 Hil St., Port Hope, ocourrcd suiddenly on lbiirsday, Janu- a.ry 13, 1966. Her dcath re- sulteci fromn a train-car crash in Port Hope. A daughter of Mr. anid Mrs. John Nkmigon, Millbrooc, the former Edith Ann Ninigon was boru at Pontypool. She received lier education at Pontypool Puiblic S c hool1, Bowmanvillc Central Public and High Schools, and Müil- brook High School. Site was a graduate of Peterboroughi Teachers' College. On July 10, 1965 she married Arnold Ev'crett Allen, who survives. Mr. Herb Hooey remiuisced about an Anglican sermon lie bad beard lu the long ago days o! Rev. J. Creigbton. Miss Miable 'Van Camp, Q.C. exîpressed, hatVéif thà a ey otiher could, Uic influence for goocl Canon and Mira. Ailirnore h-ad been in our lives, by their daily exan-tple as well as lu Uic course of their ministry. The W. A. served rcfrcsh- menti. The large number present took full advantage of the opportunity fan tel- lowship:, Services were well attend- cd again Sunday morning.. Iu Uic United thc choir sang a new bymu for the cangrega- tien ta leamu. Rev. Romenil chose as the subject for a very inlpressive sermon "Deadly Fines". It was Theological Educational Sunday in St. J'ohn's Chrurch and Rev. R. C. Rose peached an that therne. Very sorry ta repart Gerald Brown la very 111 witb lock-, jaw in Tomanto General Hos- pitl. Ghad ta report Mira. Ed. Harris lu Toronto General, Mi. Boy Turner in Bowman- ville, and Mi. John Rahni lu Port Penny, anc ali repomted making slow but satisfactomv progress. Mri. William Taylor, Part Perny, visited Mr. and Mira. Harold Hamnilton and famlly oven Uic wcckend. Mi. and Mina. Stephen Say- well and Miss Helen Van Caimp, Oshawa, Miss Mia-bic Van CamP, Toronto, and Mmi. W. W. Van Camnp were Satur- day cvening dinner gucîts ef Mi. aind Mima. Percy Van Camp andi Misa Aileen. Mira. lcDou-gald, st. Mary', is spending a fcw days with Mn. and Mmi. Glenn Larmer, Douglas and Cmaig. .Mr. and Mrs. Hoiward Har- ris, Zeiphyr, visited Mis. Al- bert Wight andi Mm. and Mira. Fred Trewiu Friday evening. Dr. and is. D. Bilbey, Toronto, werc weekend gucats Of Mi. and Mira. CqrI Wright. Pnize winners at thc L.O. B.A. euchme Wcdneaday night, Miss Coma Crozier, Mis. Pency Van Camp, Mi. Will Fonder. Mr. andi Mmr. Vincent Arch- er, Bowrnanville, Mr. and Mis, Elntcr Archer, Bon anti Jirm, Whitby, and Miss Mari- lyn Archer, Peterborough, were Sunday gucats of Mr. and Mmi. Wilbert Archer in honor of Mr. Airahc' birth- day. Messrs. Merrill VanCap John Hamilton, Ernest Swain and Bill Fenguson atteudeti Oounty CouniaitCour Head & Shoulders CREAM SHAMPOO ONE DANDRUFF SHAMPOO THAT REALLY WORKS. SUGGESTED LIST 89e 69C NIVEA CREME A BEAUTY TREAT FOR THE HANDS SUGGESTED LIST $1.43 sl.09 SUPEK R SPC BAYER ASPIRIN 100's SUGG. LIST 99e ADORN Hair Spray 151/4-oz. O NE-A-DAY Multiple Vitamins 100's ASPERGUM 16's MACLEANS Toothpaste CONTACC 10's TAMPAX 'O's BABY'S OWN TABLETS I.DA. Milk cf Magnesia, 32-ciz. Q-T IPS 8' LAVORIS BAN D-*.ID Plastic Strips, 100's All Units of the U.C.W., met d-uring Uic week - the Auna Tuesday p.m. at Mis. Carl W-right's; the Caudace Tues- day amn. ait Mis. Hairy Van Camip's; thc Dorcas Wednes- day Mra. Leith Bycna'; thc Esther Thursday evening et Mis. Arnold Tayhor's. Ail -but anc <wha drue ta illnress could not aýttend) o! thc new leaders pmesidcd for their firast meeting, iu aIl unita ,the wonship periods- report a stu- dy cf New Beginnringa iu vamious methods. lu thc Can- dace unit, Mra. Blake Gunter gave. a review c! the. book "Youm God is Toa Smail". Iu the Dorcas, Mmi. Walter Wright dealt with thc 2nd and 3rd chaptera o! "Jeas Christ and the Christian Lite." Ail o! thc finit three units h-ad a quiz ou The Ob- server, foilowed by real in- tcresting and belpful discus- sions. The Esther unit intro- duced thei study of Brazil with several members read- iug short items; two menibers told o! a program ou TV they bad seeu. This was followed by a contest on Brazil and ta top it off thc lunch was a tBrazilian. fruit cup. During L th business periods, member- shiip tees wemc paid, plans drafted. for the year's work, etc. A very hearty invitation la cxitendcd toalal membeis o! thc congregation who have not yet joined the U.C.W. Take youi diaice of unit you could attend most conven- iently. The annuel meeting o! thc W. A. o! St. John's Cburah, Blackstack, was held in the Parish Hall Thumsday, Janu- amy 201th. Vice President Mira. MicArthur prresided. Follow- ing Uic cpcnlng exercuses, re- ports o! tic yeam's wark were read and aiccepted. A Trust Fund' for major repaira has been set up. 'Me secretary was instructcd to scnd a heaiity vote o! thanks to Mira. Asiimorc for ber work in the churoh anrd W.A. during ber sojouru lu Blackstock. The 1966 Excutive will ha mastai- led ait Uic conrvenience o! Rev. R. C. Rose, the new incuni- bent. Following exeoutive elected: Hon. Pres. Mri. J. Fordem; Pres. Mrs. J. K. Law- rence; Vice Pies. Mira. J. A. MicArthrur; Sec'y. Mis. J. Scott; Treas. Mirs. F. Stani- land; S-ec'y. Mis. C. Smith; Living Message and Bulletin Sc'y.- Mis. H. Mc- Laurghlin; Dorcas Sec'y. Mrs. J. Hanilton; Dcpantment of Fainiily Relations (pre- achol), Mi&S. J. Rabut. A quilting was planncd for Jan- uary 25th lu the Paniali Hall. St. John's la Uic hast churcli for Uia yar's World Day of Prayer to ha hcld on Febru- ary 251h. Thie expected srpcak- em la blna. J. D. Paterson o! Toronto. Cainon and Mira. Ashmrore joined us for Uic social houn. On Friday eveuing, Janu- ary 2lst, a happy. gatherng of St. Johu's cougnegation was held lu the Pwrieli Hall. The occaion was Uic houourng- of Canon and Mmi. H. E. Ash- more vw have been wlth us for ncairly six years. Atter opening prayens by Uic ncw 1rmunmt, Uic Bey. R C. Rose, a prograni a! musical noenbers euid readings was given. The Sunday School showed their affection for thc gucats ci honour in thc pre- sentation, by Janice Crawford of a corsag to Mmr.. Anhmore, and by Diane HaUiton of! a boutonnier. to thc Canon. 1fr GorgeW'ofeRector's Woeden, wlth a spedi of deep avprecdatlon, pnesentcd CsDoe " 1 à&#, MMMo !The Canadilan Sttesman, 'Bowmanvile, Jan. 26r, 1966 TYRONE The annual meeting of Ty- roeU.C.W. was hcld Wed- ncsday evening, January l2th, ait the home of Mise. R. Coonibes. Twenty--onc ladies were present and oui presi- dent, Mrs. P. Werry, was in Uic chair. Mrs. E. Murphy, Mi. A. Richards and Mis. W. Park Jr led ini thc wonship period, based on thc theme "Tiis Is why I believe In God," a New Ycar's message. Mri.Werr~y called upon the conmittec chairmen to pie- sent their reports. Following titis, she declared all offices viacant and Mirs. Robert Lam- bert gave ber report as nomi- nation conmnittec chainman. Unitcd Church Womnen (Tyr- zone) off icers for 1966: Past President, Mns. P. Werry; Presldent, Mis. A. Knowlton; Vice President, Min. P. Van- cyk; Sccretary, Mrs. A.Ha ilton; Treasurer, Mirs. J. C. Cook; Corrcsponding Secre- tary, Mis. A. Harvey; Litera- turc Band Communications, Mrs. L. Alldread, MmIr. A. Wood, Ciristian aind Mission- ary Education, Mis. R. Lami- bert, Mirs D. Craig; Citizen-' shi.p and Social Action, Mrs. R. Combes, AM. J. Rundle: Cormunity Friendsbip and Visiting, Mrs. H. Skinner, Mim. A. Hilis, Mirs. R. Vintue; Social Functions, Mis. W. Park Jr., Mrs. G. Brent, Mrs. E. White; Catening, Mrs. S. Gable, Mira. R. Hills, is. R. Bcwers, Mns. John Cook, Buy- ers, Mirs. A. Richards, Mrus. G. Alldread; Progranis, Mira. S. Hall, Manse Cornmittec, Mira. L. SkInncr, Mis. H. Stainton; Finance Committee, Mrs. W. Rahm, Mrs -R. Glaspell; Flow-. ci Comittee, to be looked after by U.C.W., Club 50, Club 49; Auditors, iat. R .Virtue, Miss Grace Smiith, Represen- tative to Comnirittee of Stew- ards, Mis. J. C. Cook; Repre- sentative ta Official Board, Mis. A. Knowlton; Nommna- tnsComrmittcc, Mirs. A. Hoar, Mira. J. C. Cook. Mira. L. Annija was present- cd with a gift, a token of ap- preciation of ber work as onc of! cur memrbers. Sympathy is extended ta -the bercaved tentily of the late Mi. Henry Ashton cf Haydon. Miss Anu Wilson,, Selwyn, Mr .and Mira. Cicax Rahrm and childiren, Ajax, visited Mn. and Mis. W. Ralun. is. Walter Rahm along witjh Mns. J. B. Griffin cd I Undea7 attendled 1110 cf their- cousin, the i.3ts.I* Irvin Wottcn of IOd"mwa, ThuraY. TheicU.C.W. ofâcer se il- were installcd iat the ué service Sunday mrningAb P.ev David Northey.. Severel ladies frm bTys attentiddthec ebeka&h luméu cou last WednesdaY 8aI ýL4ty United Church, BowmnnvlMa M.and Mra. Ed Younniâz of Bownianvillc alonq- wti Mr. and Mrs. Azthur YOUUUe mtan attcndedte fuleral i the tonner's sistcr and aunt Mrs. John Storey, Tormont OUa Monday. MIr. andiMms. G. Afldreéý weee dinnci guests on Sundm o! M.r. and Mrs. H. le#d~ BowTnanvllc. Mis. M. Gaskin, Mcmictoii Mis. Walter Stewart St.Lani. bert, arrlved ou Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mini. G. Ail. dread; with her mother, Mrfo M. Gaskin, remwning for& few montis. Miss Rose Steneke, Buve lington, Mr. Allen Oampbéll. Haiil-ton, wcre Sunday guieglu cf Mir. and Mis. E. A. VIîtue aind attended thc Sundae' morning service. The weathenman favý the young peorple Satua*,y evening for their skatifiX party, which was a good sue- ceas. Refreshments were ser. ved. There was a splendid at- tendance at the Couples Clùb meeting at Salemi church -on Saturday evening. Arranë ments weme made for a thée. tre night at the "Royal Alc.t" to sec "Oklahoma" 'iu Febru.. ary. Gerald and Bessie Shac4 leton used as thieir worship~ theme "The Gmcatness o Lowly Service." Mi. ArthiiC Hamilton introduced oui gucqt speaker, Miss Pat Knox, w»~ showed slides on her trip te British Isles titis past SUIN4 mer. Mrs. H. Van DarTp con« ducted a contest "Io find o4t whether we read the adiv«- tisementis in magazines.» Lundh and social turne fôOu lowed. Mi. and Mis. Ronald ROWO and children, Bownianvillé' were supper guests of<j Mis. J. W.oodley and N. W. Woodley. Bethesda school played bq~ key with Tyrosie sohool 4 Thunsday; the score ws1 favoir of Bethesda 3-17%Go werc scored by Don Stantz (2) and Richard Bicorne (1) for Bethesda. Tyronc's. 1on&ê A LYPSYL SOOTHES LIPS SUGGESTED LIST 43e 9c- jc ICE-BLUE JSECRET Sugg. list $2.95 2.4 9 Sugg. list $4.49 Sugg. list 57e Sugg. list $1.09 -Sugg. list $1.49 Sugg. îist Sic sugg. Bat $1.09 Sugg. Uit soc Sugg. it 59e Sugg. Bat $1.25 Sugg. uit $1.78 3.19 47c 93c 1.19 44C 97c 77c 49c 99C 1.29 WITH- FREE SPORTS (3-oz. Uit'SOc) 7 HOIDAY CONTEST ENTRY Foius j77c PRESCRI PTIONS ROLL-ON DEODORANT EXTRA LARGE sl.29 DOLCIN FOR RItF F ARTHRITIC PAIN 50's SUGG. LIST $1.09 slio27 1. D. A. REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR 0e'D Ir-i. 5 KING ST. W. PHONE ,623-5792?, The 54-year-old King St. United Church in Oshawa, one of the 1argest in the city, was destroyed by f ire of undetermined origin on Monday morning. Church Secretary Mrs. Jack Tane discovered the blaze about 9 a.m. Firemen were on-the scene in ishort order and concentrated ail the equipment avail- BLA WEI$NET'i DENTU REME kToothpaste For Cleaning False Teeth 6 9c, 9 7c MIGHTY WHITE The Sugar Free Fluoride Toothpaste SUGGESTEDc LIST 69c 63 . SCi - 1 I l i able in Oshawa to ne avail; the dry, varuished- covercd interior of the church was au inferno within a short time. The flames soon broke through the roof that collapsed in lcss than an heur. Damage has been estimated at betwecn $750,000 and $1 million. -Photo courtesy Oshawa Times Haitnattcnded tbe rest of Vthe Week.. C K ST OK ý -Mr. and Mis. Neil Malcolmn accompanied by Mi. and Mis. with a gift c! money fraon the on Tuesday wben the ncw Howard Malcolmi, Yclvcrton, congregation, thc W.A., and Warden was electcd. Reeve attended the Opcning of Par- frieuda cf Cartwri.ght. Van Camp and Dcputy Reeve liennent lu Ottawa, Tuewday. Canon and Mmi. Asbrmore graciously expnessed thein thanks Mr the gift and paid tribute ta those who bad heip- ed them durinrg their minustny in Blaickstoek. They invited those present te viait them in their ncw home at 412 Highi- land Road, Peterboreoughi.___________ ____________