n * s * I 4 Steunan, Bowmmanle, Feb, 3. 100 »Ul WOILD CHAN"S VS. OSHAWAGER4S - WbtbyDufflopg, 1h.Cinderela Isuet ..Cnadian ~ hcke. wrere-unlted lau Tuesday ight at OsÉawa Clvic ,Auditorium' for.. an ex.t.bltion zau. against the O.ILA. Jr. "Au Generals. The younger Generals won,10-5 despie the .'o Dumnnes Go' chant that.revlved memories among the érowd .of fflo. 4-Everyone. was thinking back. to that mqmarçable day ln '>8 when th. Dunlops came t'rom behind ta defeat Russia 10- t regain 14he worîd hockey champlonship at Oslo, Nor- way. Bob Attersley, an amateur whig who many thaught could' have become à star in the N.L., scored twiCe. in that thirllilng encounter. Atteruley, now. a Whitb tire ýdealer, and considerably heavrier, donned skates for the irst time lii three years. H. brought down- the house when h. scored late An the game. "> . Wren Blair, present genSral-manager of the Generals, and the man responsible.: for bu»lp h D1o hce 7 empfre, was behind l. Whitby b.nch'.for this oa.nc. Dunnies * aslunded hiockey observers whec they gaI past what s.emed b emuch stronger apposition ta capture; the Allan Cup 'in...1957. .The following year It was. 1h. q4orld title, and then aqo1hqç .Allan Cup ini 1959.11 Tu.esday ngit, tie elgit years imd madc a big dii- - furence in tie Duamies. Not oniy werc tiiey aider but weighi .WhkUhbas a babil of sbowing arcund lic mld-riff V/as quite - uoiccabie.1 -Ali Treen, anc ai the few Dunlaps stlll active in hockey showed he stili knows iow ta b-end out a solid check as -mîany ai lie Oshawa iorwards can attest. Treen, V/ha' lives in Plorida anid plays for Jacksonville ai lie Eastern Pro League, lravelled the longest distance in order ta participa.. Amang Uic cther sth11 active players, George "Goose" Gassqelin came from North Bay wiile ex-Toronto Maple Leafs' Sid Smth and Bob Hassard toak a nigit off fram1 bic NI.L. Oldtimers. Tommy O'Connor now plays ion Mid!and ;Seniors. Harry Sinden, piaylng-coach for Oklahoma Blazcrs of thc Central Pro loop was groundcd in Chicago due ta snw. 'Thie white stuif aiea preventcd Jack Kane, now playingli with CinLoan Comc.s cf the, E.P.L. frrni gelling a fllgit1 'Oul. Other Dunlops who saw action included Tedt O'Connor, coach ce Oawa':, Jr. "B" Crushmen; Don McBeth, Gordie Myles, iierw a train -r wlth Oshawa Generals; Frank Bonello, -Marffiam Jr. "B" roach; Fred Etcher, George Samolenko, stock brok!er Sandy Air, Doug Williams, John Chasczewski and Jack McKenzie, a Sudbury physical education lnstruc- tor. Bill White Me the Gencrals' attack with four goals, with -Bnbby Orr picking up a pair. The others wcnt '#, Chris Haycs, Cerry Dionino, Brian Morenz and Peter Nevin. Whiiby markers wcnt 10 Attersley, Hassard, Myles. Air1 'and Tcd O'Connor. Ex N.H.L. linesman Bill Morrisan handled the referee- ing chores with Maple Leafs Bobby Baun and Ron Ellis L as linesmen. Proceeds front the game went to, the Oshawa Kiwanls rClub for their communlty service wark. Sports EdtoS% Note - Ini case you Toronto Dally Star hreaders think you saw Ibis article in 1hat newspaper - you are absoiutely correct. However, we did flot steal il as it; was writtcn by Ibis reporter In collaboration wlth Jim Bishop speclally for the Star. t t t t t -1.C9" PRe»HCT -BIG WINNER! Iewcwastlces artificlal le. committe., trylng te raite $35,000 for the worthý]y project, took a step ln the rlght' direction last Wednesday night. Over 1,000 hockey enthusiasta packed the Arena to capacity as the N.HL.Old-Tîmers: tondilt.rhn 3- nacow-laig xiiin The former National Leaguers showed lbey stli have a lot of class and ccrtainly aren'l lacklng for abllity. Thesei guys put on quite a show, and Ibis was one of the best we have ever seen. As one of the referees we hasten to ipoint out that aur vlew of 1he proceedings was better Iban usual. A.ctually we'd luke 10 thiank Howard Qulnney etfthe. artificial !ce committee for invlting un 10 participat.. Il was a thrili for us not ouly to watch the sllck-passlng Old. Timers, but 10 sec the Orono Orphans re-usiited even though it was for a bni penlod. The way the Sans were talklng, and even the players atter the game, 1 wouldn't b. surprlsed11 touse. the Orphans gel in a 11111e. practloe time snd challenge thc N.HL.'ers 1 a kturn engagement. Ex Maple Leat Jaukie Hamilton stole the upot-lIght when lie "attacked» Bud Perfect for disallowlng a goal Hamilton, considerably more portly thanIe N.HL. days, 44pummelied" Bud severely to 1h. delight of Uic crowd. Our1 cahoot declded ta gel mb lb.heicI toc and aller due delibera- lion,.,gave the "Olid-Tlmer' an abbrevlated misconduct. JaeWe. agala wenî afler the official - but of course lb was al l infun. Hamilton alto led the sconlng parade wlth thre. goals, wblle Brian Cullen and John McCormack each flred a pair, singles golng to Harry Watson, Barry Cullen, Bob Beckett, Bob Robertson and Bob Coldham. '"Vhuck" Armstrong and Dean West scored Iwo goals1 aplece for Orono, wlth Doni Mercer and Raye «"Gusty" Westî notchlng the others. The final marker was awarded ta the emmre Orphan team. The big winner was the artificlal Ice fund whlcb now totals over 5,000, bucks. The boys afli have a long way o1 go but If spirit and determtnation meau anythiaz wero sur they wilU accomplish the job. Member. ci thc hard-worklng oommlttee laclude: Dud' Wagar, who la the project's chairman, lAU Gray, AMex Hendry., George Stephenson, John Riekard, Doug Wallon and Howardj QUInaey. Wbl3 werc tlpplng our bmatot the.. Newcastle people, we'd 'aloo 1k. 10 congratlaI. tbe Bowmanvile Elasmen. Club for Iheir contribution of 100 dollars la tb. fund. W. know tbat the comnittbe@swa» certahmly moved by th. fine. getura, and it remlnded us Ibat tb. Kimamen were tb. guysc who uwglertook tb pay off theb. arlifilm 4 dM la Dowman- MEMORIAL ARENA BOWNANVILLIE PUBLIC SKATING FRIAY FI l1h --.10PM $~wpY# Fr& 13eIh - 2. 4 P.M. ~DNDA-Pm.lMth-.;f TS IKAIINO e:iý u. - OLYUMe c E c c E 1 s E 1 Is IB i la 1 y t' ul el L 74 0 71 M ai A 2S m 21 m b) es 2C Pl il c c1 01 i m 0: x t ae at il tb ci as tb lu ni lw a? Mîxed Lecague Bowling Major Lge Standig Uni.f Flfh Wee Po -~~IJ SA1~ Hro Molars ..~..512 3ci Frank's Vaniety ..9 6 9 Leadn u os...BtN tB uhJa enSen'sA Vnc Ma o Wcar 8AI 'k 8 Pepsi Cla-8 l HeuryLAbl 78D Lubery6½ SI/10 j 106oa Isly ran t w---- _. 9 6H9rP Heang ' 4%lo4 [.G~A. 132 Aftertheweeknd ame, Nihol MoorsteamBromeP. MCuloug, P.MurhyJ. AamsAD.Lob Lander Hde. 7 E.7Bo 4 Luary er 1634H% 8o% tepopewo tl Prow 15 30ne s HckyGeragnt rohics Heaong Brc 41 3ilII L U av4heRcraiolorln 1. Ge . 2 1 2 Aier the weeked gares, Nihols otorspleaseoorre P.rn themghas.soonh , as H.LoE Avrde Leslie-.* le15in230he Tow JuiHckLeau ..WrrID. prtr bcosib. POsornave th-Em *e AIn Msboane 15 29 E.nci Ablan eulr-15 26 Gr WloDadGryBl.ks Lapr Pipmer CU pset Bruinsteeope o Ha!Jro Elto Brok 15 232 ave-he eaiJ i oGanv Dron k Sms-15 20 WîHoan ekrmann -btCrets ga nch ba ckey Bi Lye nd arTr fflhazse Edr l e -----we --- 15 24h0oal19 shdue n th iposesssndPprhd ette ~ies i ble WWVU u Dukeri'Ga Hornts eged aides-3-----dde1four31rein te thrd fonttnheh firt, btoMatersGon Mari Peart 15 23eInfrs Laca l het18nil9edFiryLe i age l goa ai t he ANTraM IRLS i1de ~lRcncOke .. 15 228 .iledCresustrne-ursn~wihahttikpr .cr n ay MCl ah tt B 5 WhAv e e d 0; on orge tepnar15 227 VBunin.Haecctefrace hl cr lakte teryinteVid rdly5 rsn0 e Fk . R ichrs - 15 225 it i e eul reain n. no-0,hbuthCets othe Vo. e t Teamu Stl Lleandg LTamry iIg ob incthed ascaye18 Wcedu a.n theorcd le f o e aers. h-dsn teRier n B wln ae hr. . R undl 15 224 Don Msers c aider 3c olicct d ed ouoth r e nt hrrontrkin ghing 10 W. L.t. s. uton--------. 1 kA Erie T rc t- 15 2183to pinfrt Sulay mninthe owni Sull iva d h orngedthe10 3 yBrgoaly-of the Gord He Clrce Bod 15 228Wta -rroety hold a sn- isBbi rcy's oa atri 16:3pe rui-zor n d Garyi 1 17 Wu h Mthea , Whie-ad , ~Ussr HaIely 15 2218 one point l5a. Hwvr h ofmacefinale eriodgiveBl-ac id ter sn he î Bral 5 Bso---------. Ken Bob Reichads__15 2216 .oIng te s ene rins lnd netschstecond gamo. esct Corets 5tandigs TJ. Brysonng 18o decide WsesaylWketand 15re218 P. fMacheonalds Dr.l Harrisoundl- 15 210 DoWfl L.seau le aSedaemhr akrgon oW L . H.Mtc ------------ ----h 7A SiaurcnLamn15 214 D.ont u ymoan.DnnsSlian ont 1 Bradly --3105p Jak Bon ht 15 2184 et P. MacDonasim BbFarysgola 1:5Bris 8 7 hth ad -«--2---- 9 tud Bater ---- 15 214 npit*Ad fte ia eid ae1lr 11r 5 9 p 1 rS. Wh ---------a----- 274 Busa Hanimn - 15 214 In teaa&ae B uile nt te ecn grne.ei-CBrom5e- i i 2igl Bill enning - 15 2136 lfEEEEIE M 1~ VEVM!J. Bryson ---2- 8 Iat arr so y15 2135 P.w MacDow JnIOd-- G----LS Laurec Wieman -15 2134 D ~ . Bsdey 305yr 2 Uf a e Kight- 15 2124 P. CiMacDona lrth----D.-Sellers carl Piper ___ 15 2124f S.CJI WTii , oheea .7 Russwa Bame»15 209 D. BSoell 232 Norcenllai 15 209 Coronation aeduldhodn aledWte' sixFr hyte rs, o a- htik---,.-..2-.. 7 AU owell McDugl15 2lnonsi rnta i ox r a& J.le I ai-im TnuSanin. Ay2; vlulc ihad.. 5 201B2 kIbi Laueraewhnbs nl hre ont,201.5.T.PS*JSel Rs- 0- I. Sller Karld ie mi15 226runr-u SepenFede0an1Sesle5,cCaa Crneio 3O18ghS.n.gl Elowr Orme 15 209 ooainepoe o 'lePu!Fe olce opt' 0D. Sellers ~23 Brlcke n - 15 204 9 pontfin aluer w-hle d ozeilng aind e hyTib o siu.W POTe's 3 9 o 6M a.Chitik -2----2021 Lobe WIhamDa l 15 2063 D. nfon fth on r adtale nowdtmeTa Sadng ye ---n -----------0 lo a ile cars- 15 202 asetel efu rcewhnbyonytheeinte, 0-47.W . .T tJ. Broell 492 ---- 'elad B ignelson- 15 2001 neru Sepe Fel e- Dan Stole héCoc CrA.at C03h 1 itic Si-n-gl0 Bi Orme i__g 15 24uC(In ne fo aIek)for assiste eu ylhy ealed. ormls5 7l0g w0ID.wa JUNIrs O3S Kar Bike 1B04s9 oi tal qurerw h Iedzn teaom am played assisyta, llan3Jun 0in Ark Doncke3,Aas20P2m02 BobGnet add Io mr ihSho Gm Stra ogBag wt ie.gaslo ryCwe nd Pal02me r --ubl andBagTim15 iozkaskiwlh ac.Bary eMaon an ArryBoumeter k ._ -----1--- 5 0 aines n cf23,29 o ahg marning allNewsIthe assîsîs wenî ta ~ydOyler, an ac. hele dinMakDns e3,Adms2;Pam Mripe cf 817 se.th pare The apener Bsw li e s Gllbnbusdw tir. 2,te a in aul P i galo weas sccr e n by , Pesotaîkaker 5, i k Murhyth wasuinge- Aes uezwtw eby le Traterd Secte hanan.Baonsb. sec od Hearr d Wuy oso;ougiby ounhe tel0 re had 78he(269578), 75. g i fei alste a n an oi Giats4lae . The goal s were Baveiss defttSeal tic Husk es nIs'Sing %-nten 69(29>d t o wm arFe S trikwyme rdayord Ihce nBryanHellain an.goals w er corayCwe yWoayne Palmer ------- - ----- 204--A 271-of3o260), S frwa 32 i t Konng a n. 29itac. and r, Paul Carnell a n . Tom ryDeeley on and r a Bur- .Wilsn 315 286>,e EonBok78(6)GreCnons led.UTceWaner we ne caci. Oe ne ch. Thues M. danoghc153 Lus k 7T(29,ha c T olters, scoigw th 14 Gbbsw . Wthee o a lsra ergole scord by Senb R owncse15 Cnigb 7 3 (2241)., AO r n p- 0t oit, hle n alor nghon .....c...f-----s_ 10 <2 762957),)Stan.,Murler 7 1 fe d goins-and o Dennfsu, game thplayed Tlnkoutthan e scoin gane anth e NOR MXE E 33siae game.2- Dr., Gowrde Cueor23onsad ac Hare wam-Ged t s o.Th Rls TeBaesnu td h usis ihSing Uepen 69(29),ArtRoe mte re Stikerd sore' C lark. y Stepen Rwewihb îw a 4ere co by hea BraKent M .d Bunoghe270 'rnkSmi 84 oh CrerwrcUc iggnsfr - whee ntd Tryak e, anc . go ic anesîoe ad BihWaMml. Cala------ ----------- --201 A 4 Bob-20) Doen 71 Oel Cues4 orin 16d and4P oinr dTs ohe si en.tii t rs'cke d up anc ssisl eo ach veaup i iltbi I..D.a.. 25. ullOrm, rsp"* l y. Ou nlli e u so- gols -cr byDa -y-ato, a- - -s Mdgc g- ___ Sigl LITTLE N.H.L. YOUNG NIGNI l.wmanville M4emorial Arena - Four Games - BOWMANVILLE GIRLS vs. UXBRIDGE ATOMS vs. WEST ROUGE PEE WEES vs. OSHAWA BANTAMS v&. COBOURG rHURS., FEB. 1O:h STAIRTS 6:0 P.M. Gu.st Star: BOBBY ORR of Oshawa Generals ADMISSION LDULTS - 50e STUDENTS - 35 CHILDREN - 25e 9 ýTHE RUNABOUT asNGOnTICCI ALL GLASSES OELOW PRISE SINGLE VISION BIFOCAI.S1 M. __Harold Michehoi 26asih.Tiiusag' olIntuic tira game tac awksas *ci zo ~ur assistsI ,UJI enei . - - od Russ Hately 256. wsscrdgySuo aln.dcfeatcd Uic Bruins by a 3 t0'onc goal. Sandy Brown lwo Bent55 Nels Osborne'& Insurance wsso-db usnMrtn1 core. Hakslgas w1re goals ami oe assist, JackYONTH ER-TOWN »Mau d sdDykstra's' Food lied ýerdb o ie n.Vnebr he olwie TUI ZGE6 L 3404 frhg rpe Dean Knaox and W a y ne~ Bob Ellis counlcd two assists. 4Ui Week Resuits Ch foàl rpl.Ewfll toma ras Murphy, wile Danny Robin- la I h hird game thc Can- Girls e Every week we secu la have son and Doug Vivian ecdi ad 1ueks dcieated the Carnets bv owavile6 OhaaS. * k.acw leader foir hig i average. aVt nc assist. The Bruina' goal a 3 la 2 score. The Cbhaucits C. 2; 6 Osaw M. 6hiwaby,2. *K bi tsp ik I s onehok.WS coedbyDegTamblyn!goals wenc seorcd by Ravi Teanm Standing ve .opst with 239 for 15, e~ sriýtEcd by Paul joucs. i Webb wlih1V/oanad Bob Now- Bowmnanville ---_ -----26 H» me.ASaman drappcd -. età ra abl rae Ii lu hlfinal Pc. Wee game es anc goal sud two assists Oshawa M. C. .24 A2 r~ru p~Io. m gtic Gencrals dejeatcd Uic Billy Hcllyer plcked up lwO Oshawa S. C- 12 16, Lin>' Piper moved labo et interest Bears 3 to 2. The General' assist* and John Taylor onlP. Whitby-----------------.... __2 bird place aI 234.Teouadt yr goals were seored by Daviîd Tic Cornets uoals were scored Hilth Singrle The. Headi>' Malais team eeueime Oud-hoomù witb one, Donald by Larr3' Simpson one sud r 5 Cain, Bowmanvllle ...303 mptmlne# by Lamr> Piper is bi .lo a 1. Smith cne goal and one assist, Grcg' Corden, Ron Siblork. 1Hiti Triple M tp. avig arecrd f 1 bile r fr « eter Bernie Johnson one goal wille Miii. Cmwker and Bill Stin- S. Cain, Bowmanvllle 607 v nd ohîlg 3reccfé 12 hekbrh ile 9 Mike Lablanc and Gerry Mac.' ersford caci had anc as'lst. Boys vins Bd cl>boy& hefa 10he-Donaldech adi b o nc assist. the li.final game of Ihe Oshawa S. C. 6, Bowmaa- Md ber forseboys h ae,10The. Beans goals werc seored day 1he Orphans defeatcd the, ville 2; Oshawa M. C. 4, Whut- md reordto seondplae.by David Passant and Tonry Mb. Roaa 5 ta 2. Tie Orph- by 4. We are soir>' to report Uhal t .pnviutag ye, s Brooks whule David Bust and ans goals were scored by Johil y Toam Standing daleGere Ilotla on Scott Burgeus cdi ad. orne Oyler Iwo goals and twoliOsiawa S. C. -____ 22 hoiia ls a i t aliadlii eploed nd assisl. assista, Mike 0k. Une, goalslWhitby ----------____la hie MemoriliHIospital, Sa ave-......,t e first Bantam gani. whil. 1im Rogers pickcd upO0shawa M. C. 14 aville. We do u n amw tlb hae "Uic Pc.th eWee AU Stars df 1t w', assista sud Glen Finney IBownville 10 iattire of Manaer ilott'u cd th.Pirates by a 7 tlaI on.. Hlgb Single Incabutail iiibowlru elepon.7~J431 S-ore. Tic Stars' goals were Thc Ut. Rayais goals were L Paddick, Whltby - 363 rilb George a speedy recov- scored by Rol' Simupson twn, scored bv iCca Rie. and Larry H igbTiple MY. Wbil SI«eswent to aivdLee whle theassst wen o J. Tuokur, O..C. - 785 wl--Im 2 nbb took aven the Mixed Bob Leaman 15 202 gue lead Frida>' night, wal- Lei Welsi h 15 202 Lg Grant 7-0 in anc af Jim Bedford 15 201 esiutauts, V/hile Eteber Audrey Osmocnd - 15 201 ced la second, althaugb Onie Etch . 15 200 ing 5-2- aven Harrison. Murray Grant . 15 197 rouI jolted Osborne 7-0 In Fcrn Bradley- 15 197 big upset, wili Wilcox Matt Harrison - 15 198 îcing Perfect 7-0 in tic Lamne Crago-- .15 195 wshutout. Nowlan doV/n-lIBob Mitchell * 15 195 CBrook 5-2 and'H. Brock Ralpi Melansan - 15 191 ed ta GlanvilUc misa by a-.Mary Wilcox 15'- 188e count. Ruth Grant-------.15 U 88 Ladies' lU1gb Sagie Cec Mutton . 15 187 iBrunt------------ - -27A ýRuth Mitchell ~ 15 84 Ladies' 111gb Triple Mary NOV/Ian 15 l iBrunt-----------e Pat Prout - ý... . 15 18 Mcn's Hlgh Single Ray Colinors -- 15 178 -e Prout----- ---343,:MVarg Crago.----- 6 17 7 Men's High Triple , Essie Cox ------- 15 176 :Brunt-------825'Don Bradley -- 15 175 Singles Ernie Dickens 15 17i5 Dsbornc ----------- 317-235 'Marion Wiseman 15 174 .obb---------- 297-241irnm Thompson . 15 174 e Brunt - 294-290-241 rMel Wiseman ------ 15 174 J Wlco .......294-261 IMary Harrison ... 15 172 Leaman-.------..- 287-24b*JmCx.........1 7 G'anville------------ --- 2eo 'Don Myles--------...15 169 Dld'Moure---------29 Marg Welsh---- 15 169 Etcher------------... .. ,,>A1 Blanchard ----15 169 )onohuc-------257Ei1een Moore 15 16 Nowvlan-----256-!ý.,,,Thelmna Bennett --- 15 167 iBrunI --2----- -Dore Mutton ....-15 166 Perfect -'2.1-1,3l Vern Joncs 10 166 Bedford ------2,, Alex Wiseman ... 12 165 Tripes Kay Blanchard .-.- 15 163 Ab Donoghuc ----- 15 163 Lobb---------------.... 771 Connie Wisemnan .. 12 163 ve Prout ------------- 761 Donna Jones 15 162 )sbôrla- -------------- î-1! i-larold Moore-.....15 162 1Wi1cOx --------739Errîrna Bromeill-- 15 162 Perfect-----------.....70)3 joa PBdford -15 161 Leaman ---------- - 69 Marion Perfect ---- 12 160 Glanviàle - B etty Lobb - - 15 159 Bedord-------<~~ Tuaine Palmer - 15 158 No~wati - 57Petty Nichols------..15 157 SEtcher-------------4 erry Dickens --- 12 156 lard Broneill- ------ -(>2t, lilian Cnnnors -- 15 152 ild Mo-.ire -------- -618 Velma Myles------.15 152 ley Etcher ---- ------- 60$ Muriel Melanson -- 15 151 Team Standings Marie Learnan ------ 15 150 b--------- -- --- - ---- -- VI F rank Osrnend-15 149 -r--------27 «Yvonnc Osborne - 15 135 -o ...24 Dot Thompmon ... 15 125 ILOn ------- --------20 Nettie Gianville -- 15 120 3rock--------...------....16 m)ne - ------------ - - ----- 16 %ville ------ - -------- 1 ýet -...... ----------- 2 Bowling League Brc ---------- - -------- 1 1 nt ..... ---- -------- 9 Thursday, Jan. 21. 1966 Averages 1Averages SIoVlan--------- 15 242 Marion Harte-Maxweill. 188 n Brock-------- 15 240; Ma-g McDanald---------184 )sborne--------- 15 2,17 na Brown--------182 .Prout 9 23 Mr Wade-------177 :Perfect .--- 15 22,10 n Elliott------177 cy Etcher --- 15 216 M-iyq Skelding-----168 DId Bennett- 15 215 Marlenp- Staeey--------167 iBrunt 15 215 ç-face Farrow----------.166 el Donoghue .. 15 212 Dot Stark 165 eBrunt--------- 15 212 JWilcox ---- 15 212 200 Gfames: M. McDonald [Brook.- -- 15 208 206-208, M. Harte-Maxwell rrd Bromeill 15 208 224. E. ElliaIt 222, G. Farrow Nichols-------- 15 208 221, J. Stacey 204, 0. Hender- Glanville 15 208 son 204, M. Skeldiis 202. Lobb-------. .... 15 205 Gaines - Won- Wrcns 41, Palmer ------- 15 205 Rcbinis 27. Doves 26, Owls 20. 4EW LOW PRICI