f 'Rereat,on Dep t.. 4nnounces Resuits Qf -SwiÎn Ming- Classes UUf(the mnonth "of De- Awards for these swinrne uwmmngtest were ar rvded by the Bowmar the Caade leand isttBrandi of th aer Saele Di- Canadian Red Cross. members o0fthe The. examinr iaNani 0 raser, wasapondbyt AdùWlt an'dT Z 5anadian Red Cross Societ, e Sdt ees a provincial Division. T*ln AU candidates that partic ~The foflowlng eMe o ated in the tests passed, gi xalObak a ing the group l(YG per cent. ~ Stewart i a r v 19, The Dcpartmnent ci Recrei IE CowaÏn, Jane Croton, tion would lika to thank tû .ý Elliott, Kenneth EDliott, swimming staff of Mr. ' VIlaAirmtrong and Ann Bagneil, Lorna Cavei'ly Shi MOGuey. leyRyods âoa agn< Junior: Glenz Taylor, Tmrya ,d=oInClwel, oa 1 Tfoad Carol Reynolds. well donc. To the Canadis 2Imermedlate: Dorf Cralg. Red Cross and the Boys Trali Senior: Steve Living and lng School for their co-operi DoUg Prker. tion in oui' swimmlng'classe rs Ln- ty, ea- ffie àr- tell ýin- ra- ies. Juniors End Schedule. Playoffs Next Sunday by AI Col. On Sunday, Feb. 131h the Jtmlor ToWn League finisiied tlir achedule. In thc tiret e, DII,:Bimlardi shut out ý n 3-0., Thse wln tempor- 5yO put Billa ln first place, only to sec Nichols take over by winning their gaine. Thare was no scorlng ln thse lirst two beriode, but in thse third BiU's cane out strong, scor- InÉ tbre goals by Semer- scla Doc" Adoams and R. PIcle. Leglon bcd their best chance of scorlng late in the third perlod, when they wcre awarded a penalty shet, tak- en by Bob Helloin who mlssed tie net completeiy. In the second gaine $i1los Mtors dcfeated Local 189 byl 8-1. Early in thc gaine it looked as though Local 189 mniglht have a chance of de- feating Nichola sne Uic score stood 3-1 at the end of the second period, but Nichola came back in the t.hird ta scôre five geals. Goal scorers for Nichols were D. Werryt 3, D. MoMu.rter 2, M. Brown 1, T. prou-t 1, -and B. Clark i. Goal scorer for Local 189 was P. Werry. Foot Note: Next Sunday the Junior League wlll begin their playoffs, with Bill's Bil liards pi'aying Legion in a twc out cf three senti-finals. Game tic 7:30. Coma ont and give these beys yotwo support. Sce yeu at the gaine. Don't fer- get, 7:30 Sunday. I §Pec~reat(Revi!"ews Change ln the Pee Weej hocke~y achadule for Saturdey,1 FebreuoY 101h, 1906: Gainem No. 2, Bruins vs Canadians.1 Ne, WeHocekey:1 -' lu the first Pec Wee gaine ci Uic day the Canadiens de-i featet the Leats by a cloae1 4 to 3 count. Thle Canadiansj goals wcrc soored byr Morris1 Meadiowswlittwo, *goals aid ?àck Shacke>ton i wth twe goals. Dwight Baumgartner and Paul Martin ecdi had two aslts. The Leefs goals were soooed by Glen Murphy, Arté= urDoayey and Dardel Smoaoles. Phdlip Horness C àked up two essists while ike Corneil picked up one. ¶¶W ç- ieemd -mm icheRed wce cred by David Johsnson wlth two wtile Grant Martin plcked* up thc other. Mike '0' 'Brlen lcked U i slt Muqil. th seaswett lheUc tird gaine Uic Ban- geft'.deteated thse Bruina 4 te 1. fic Ranmgera >es were three ÎI ami ugHontting wlth cme. Clire- teçiesn.plcked up two assiste. The bace Bruin goal was scored by Philip Brocine. la Uic final Pee Wec' ganie thse Hawks defeated Uic Bears bW a 7 ta 3 score. The Hawks goais were qSored by Roert Wilon wlth two, Deug Vivion wîhtw g gals and one arnlst, Dan Ketox one goal, Max Jqhnson- oie goal, Bruce Os- borne oie goal and oie as- eit, Wa ne Murphy two as- usftind=ClaePcnfound one moult. fixe Bear goals were sprd by Ffe-dRyan oie goal eâ oie casis, D'avid Bet oe 1.adLarry Bruit oe' SDavid Pasant picked ,ithea fràt Bantlam ganse ** pirates dfe thte Cuba 5 ato 2 couft. Thle Pinates ~were scored by Ted e ihone gog- and one aê,Jerome BifleIt on. goal, NeWbte oie go, and Bill luilrnough oie gol Sioui âejdenburg picked ,p one, aist, aid Harr Willoughby lwe assists. The Cube goals were scored by Paul SIemon with two while Wayne Har- ness plcked uip oie amsit. In the, second gaine the Fiy- ens and Lions played te a 5 al tic. Tihe Flycrs goals were scored by Ken Rowe wltb twe, Rcbes-t Horness one, Tony Balson oie, and Ken Tabb one goal and thoee, a-- pbts. Thse Lions goas were scorcd by Larry Allia with two while David Colwell plcked rip three goals. The assists wcnt te Juin Noble oie, Karl Kent one, and Pete Plagie one. Tyke Hockey: ,nthee tist Tyke ame pt~ ed on lYluodoy,- Fr-S Boya1s defeated tise Amn- cans by a 1 to 0 score. The goal was scored by Jeff Rces aeisted by Jamie Perfect. In Uic second gaine thse Hornets and Bonibert played to a 0-0 tic. At.., Hockey: In thc fiet Atoms gaine the Birons PMIdndians played to a 0-0 Ln In the second gaine tise i Raine defeated thse Glants byl a 4 te, 3 score. Thse Ramis goals wcre sconed by Deug Bragg wlti two goals and cie assist, Rery Gibbs one goal aid oie assist, Paul Shechan orne goal, Jlammy Lonkin onie assisl, and Tins Jozkoekl oie assist. 'The Giainte gcais were scored by Raipli Milîs oie, John Johnson one, David Masters one goal; thse assists went te, Bradley Miliser- aid D'avid Cook. Girls Hockey: Ia Uic girls' ganse Uic Cor- vettes defeated thc Mustangs b~y a 9 te 1 count. The Cor- vettes goals wcre scored by Bannie Simapson tour, Cathy Chapmen two goals and oie amilg, Frances H-ennlng onme goal, Ilcather Mccc. one goal. Debble Reynolds oie goal and one amst; the. aseistu weît te Deborais Mutton and Diane Cowle end. Itie Mustangs gcal ves àtored by Joe An Woodward asisled by Rose- mary Ormist n ad Marlon Elégol Hockey: In Uic first Mde an Thec Canadian Statesmai, BoWmghvIlle, i'eb. 14, 100 I3 Dcariingtofl Counci. At thc meeting of Darling- thei comling yeur. -This ton Township Council hcld ini moved by Deputy ReeveMif theTowshp Hlft Hmptnseconded by Counicillor Gbs UTonship Ha'fl 3r, Hampteli, On a motion by Ce cun - ~ Tursda, Fcr. 3r, Coucîl-Gibbs, secondcd by CouncIli lo1r Mary Budai was appoint- Down, Deputy Reeve Muir, ed the municipality's delegate Councillor Budal, Bruce T Ite the 1966 convention of the lor, Pcrcy Westlake, Ketim5 Ontario Trustees and Rate- Crydermali, Larry Spires' and Ipayers Association.ReThis wa5 Douglas Flett wcre appolntp4l move by eput Reve H. C. te the Board of Magen. _____________________________________________________Muir, scconded by Councillor et Solina Communit7y Cený the Canucks deteated UitarheIt Richard Gibbs. for 1966. Maroons by a 6 toi1 score. idgets in H rd - io"nflt Pa o Battie W t jxRa consa prvd.Cuclo uascne M by th~e Road Committee by Deputy Reeve Muir, mwll< cd b Ro Web thee ~al amunting to $15,07.51 were cd Uiat a grant of $150 b teb gol nd Wbbitse ,an passed for payment. Deputy given te the Salvation Bob Hwes ne gol an twoReeve Muir moved that subi ect for thîs yêar. Thismoir two goas and to assiss, andte the approval of the Ontarie a arid asslsts. on eglad n ord Uic Departinent of H i1g h ways Ons arrin. yCueR asit.JeRaerso h ,$ 14,885.90 b e transferred Onamtn.b Cunflk lone Maroons goal. from road construction te road Budai, scconded. by Dep~tmJ. TI the seconid gaine the maintenance and $3,8 1088 be Rev uicu ciledr B'atam deeaed ha .T..'transferrcd from bridge and: Uic pMroo presentlef 4 te 3. The Bantain Ail Stars culvert construction te road 1 CthegeCenlOntari RgloM goals wer? scored by Mil emaintenance. This was sec- Cossileesoancishrean ofa Donoghue two goals and one oned by Counciller Gibbs, pSil salsieto asÉfet, and Brian Blackburn odCle fApidArts # one goal, Clayton Bennett one and carried. C1%g f ple geal. Murray O'BTian picked On a motion by Councillor uTehooyd the arpt ea, ft up oe gal.The .T.. ga7.lit ibb, scondd b th De urged ic Dearthinet o t Ei- were scoced by Watt with ~Reeve, thc folUowing were eair etî rpsi tree, ored l W att a i L esappointed members et the ca in t ve s ro o.s W three, w1ilT yatr5onndeICommunity Hall Councillor Down moved tliWtN caIb th e i amse the. Board: Reeve A. L. Blanchard, Alan Tayler's request for roa& ets defeated the Mt. Royais Counciller Gibbs, Wilson improvement be referred tb by 6 o . scre.TheComtsVivian, Thomas Dodds, Mur- Road Superinteaident P. é~ t Poals were scored by Gregg ray Yeo, John Vaneyk, Neil Short and thc Road Committes Corden one, Bon Siblock one, Newton and Ralph Bowers. for a report. This waB 511*E' Gary Baker one, Fred Brown Councillor Budai, seconded onded by Counciflor Budal one, Lar'ry Simpson one, whilel by Ceunciller Carl Down, mev- and carrlcd. ".1 John MacDenald and Mikel cd that Reeve Blanchard, On a mo tion by CounelQ eBothwell ecdieh'd one assist. Deputy Reeve Muir, M. Budai, sccondcd by Council4 e The Mt. Rovais goals were Nemisz, R. Stainton, F. Pascoc, Down, council decided thR. ) scored by Larrv Lee wlth ~ L. Halliday and H. Scett be Road Supermntendent Short IW 3 frcur and Rie Woolner one, a ppointed te the Zion Com- paid 10 cents a mile for mIwS- K Ien Rice picked up one asslst. .- muniyCnr or o 196&. age driven on township bul- In the final game of the .,.-,* . hswscrid es nd this allowance .10 dey' the Generals defeated the Ajax igt have been gvigBojmanville a 'John Oyler, Warren Aider, Doug Hayes, Dave Wrinci, appointcd Rcc'eein Jme t anery 1 In1965. Orphans 4 te 3. The Gene-rals hard time in the playoffs. Ajax won thé~ opener and Kim Rogers and Larry Devitt; back row, Man ed achant, COrme ortsewn, ylwN.236wsps goals were seored by Steve ana e hnOm oetoB-a o 36wspse eMerrLon one moal and one the teams. have tied the ncxt two gaines. They meet Carl Devitt, Trainer Don McGregor, Sandy Brown,!Gordon Beech. Wesley Ycilow- by council ta appoint thiq lassist, Bruce Me.adeows two again tonight in Brooklin and here on Saturday if Glen Finney, Ron Welsh, Jeff Gilhooly, Brian Peters,ilees and Orvîlle Ashton te be fence viewcrs, Arthur HiÏll.i goals, Bob Ellis one goal and necessary. Bowmanville must win bath gaines te take Joey Hircock, Bob Howes, John Taylor, Coach Bryanimembers et the Darllngton ton, John Broome and Don i on aslst Ui oter sslsts the championship. The teain includes, front row, lef t Hughes; absent, John Worden.Co uty enrBad foSaio. B went te Deve Sh.qckel'ten, gt ieCweGeI odn o osy BBrian Saunders and D'ave te righMk akr rg edn o osy -.. I . . .. - «£AI W F AN SAVIE YOU S $ $ON A wcrc scored by Jetmes Kitney one, D'en Faim one, andi Mike Oke oe, the aosists wcnt te BMan Ogden one. Don Fersey oe, Don Taylor one and Dave Robineon oie. Dasketball: In tic fIrst gaine the Me Hamresdetcatcd Uic Trotters sby a 32 to 21 store. The top imain far the Mée Mares was Acohley Osmiond with Il peints, wh.ile George Saunders had 9 points. Deug MeFeeters 8 peints, ?Mke Marahai 4 points, Bob Elîts 2 points. The top man for the Tretters wu D'nnis Lemoix 10 points, George Ceancrs 7 peints, aid JMm Wrlght 4 points. eIni the second gaine the ,Cues defeated the Les Anes 1by a32 to- 2lcount. Thc top nimen for. the Cues was D'en eYeurth wlth 12 points, fellow- c d by Lee Lemnon wlth 10 points, D'an Lenion 4 points Brian Saunders 4 points, aia RWo. ph Charron it7ý'!he Paul Parker 3 points, Fred Strlkwerda 3 points, Art Kooy 2 poits, Doug Firth 2 points. j CÂDMUS Cadrans U.C.W. met aIt the hoe of e Mrg. Larmer Wed- needay eveusdng, Feb. Otis, wlth 15 memsbers and one visitor present. Vice Fresudent Mrs. Jean Falle opeed Uic meeting with a readsng. Hymi "Unte thse His" was suag. Proyer by Mrs. Gray. Devoticnal was taken by Mn.9. MdlIon, tollowed wîth prayer. Missionary was tiaken by Ma-s. Jin Gray by reading a letter telling hoow our bales are put to use. Bell cSil won onswered with a Valentine. Minutes of thse blas meeting wcre read aid appreved. Treasurer aid fruit and f-1ower reports wee giv- en. Corremonodence was read. Bell cou tfor Monch la toe anwened with oid nylons. Meeting closed with sinV'ng hymin "Stard: Up, Stand UP for Jesus," fell<owed wisth e Mipah benedictica. Pregrain eona!ted of read- Inge by Mrs. Swect aid MT&-. Mary Mr-Kee. Contest by Mrs. Larmer. Mm. Swet thaakcd Mrs.' taemer for having thse meet- Ing. Lunch was served by group twe -and a social time TOW 0F BOWMANVILLElI NOTICE Re: Postal Mil Delivery lb. t.-an- 1 wainb'ugprperlt"oslua mtlpatu of &0 .forth. m*onmupsaluni delivr ma prvoe t. be infa, mmr. mpiated than &Mt M*Uaiate& d.Cucl thefar, basdecded t. undtertkfurtre ,ethw udls Alt evlew tta glug the. pmgamfleV e Boa itfew yean """b tii. lat.w4lm u MWaadt. nue pffrqr mumbuuu curetly inu»ni e-»dwhew.dlfiMllesa»e .uicorte .cmli tii AumemtDoatot et tho Twu Hall fordutlal. W ROSERT L BSYRON, Mothers Present Goalie Gloyes During Minor Hockey NiÈht on ThursdaY eventng at the Arena, the Hockey Mothers Association made anoîher of th-air valued donations te two teams in thse form, of sets cf gealie.gloves. Little NHL President Councillor Edward J. Run- die received thse gifts fions President Mrs. V. E. Junkin, centre, and Vice Presi- dent Mrs. Donald Wilcox. Ajax Cornes from Behi@nd To Tie Midgèts- in 3 rd 'Gamei On Sotnrdoy, Februory 121h tise third gaine cf a besl of five senies was played in Bew- maîville A'reîa. This gaine went Into overtime tonthe sec- ond gaine in a row and ended in a 5-5 tic. This gives Ajax four points to Bowmanville's twc. Bowmanvilie must wln thc next twe gaines te bake thse series. Bowmanvilie opeîcd' fast aid Ren Webb scored frora JeIf Giibooly at four minutes. The score rcmaincd until late in the first when Ferguson) of Ajax lied il up frein Gyles. The second peried was al Bowmanville ia a scoriag way as tbey geltbrec unanswered tailles fron Rogers, Taylor aid Fonsey. Webb, Peters, Eilhooly and Rogers picked up assisîs on these goals. Tn lthe third pcriod Uic home teoin rclaxcd for a fcw minutes aid before seven minutes had been playcd, Ajax had scored thrcc goals te make il o 4-al gaine. A minute loter Rogers gel his second goal of thse nigisl trom DevîtI. With tive minutes rcinaining la the third Pie- trowski lied il up le force Uic gaminlte overtime. As in the Brookli gaine borlh Icone had many good chances, but bolh goolies were sensationol and at limes lucky the puck dldn'l cross Uic lino. This was an outslandlng gaine played by two fine Midgel teanis Tise many fans who arei't coming out arc raolly missing some exciting hockey. Dave Wright played goal for Bowmanvillc until the middle of the third period when he took a hard shot high on bis mask and feUl dazed. He came around in a few mix.utes but the Bowmanvillc coach re- placed hMm with Doug Hayes. Although the teflng goal was scorcd on Deug he didn't have a chance as he was screcned ail the way and made many fine saves to preserve the tic. bThe home tcam are certain they can take Ajax in Brook- lin on Wcdnesday nlght and force a decidmng game here on Saturday, Feb. lgth. Take In these hockey gaines you hockey fans, we can promise you a good evening . f hockey. tine Story". The sermon was "Mission to Media". Confirmation classes began as scheduled at 3:30 p.m. in the C. E. Wing and will cul- minate at Easter with confirm- ation of the aduits and young people who attended the class- es. BROWN'S (Intended for last week) Mrs. Eva Mcllroy is con- valescing at her home follow- Ing surgery at Oshawa Hos- pital last week. We wish her a speedy recovery. .Mrs. Dave McReelis is a U atient at Memorial Hospital, owmanvllle. We hope'she will soon be well enough to rcturn to her home. We are glad that Miss Thelma Robinson is back to school this week after a nasty nMua? n~6 & Cub and Scout Troops were entcrtained by their leaders to an afternoon of bowling at Oshawa Shopping Centre. This was a new experlence for jnany of these young lads and much credit is due their lead- ers for arranging tItis ater- noon's amusement and those who took their cars for trans- portation. NEW HOME DO IT NOW . .. and take advantage of Government Winter House Building Prograni, the Federal Government may make a direct payment of $500.00 to the home owner. TWO HOMES NOW COMPLETED Will be ready for occupancy by end of February. BUY NOW . . . AND SAVE <~ftfflfl ON VOUE $500,000DOWN PAYMENT NIL.A. MORTGAGE AVAILABLE AT 6%% INTEREST AT BEAUTIFUL C /arkway Crescerit.,. t SUBY-DIVSION - ENQUIRE TODAY De BEERS BUILDER Phone 623-2263 22 Parkway Crescent Brnvmanvllh If you're filled with the s p rit of adventure, You're Go-Ahead peo pi. - If you want to en*oy ail of life's good things, You're Go-Ahead peo pie. If you are botund to make a dreom corne You're Go-Ahead people. rue i Minor Hockey Night Bobby Orr Makes BigHit ýWith Youngsters at Arena A crowd et nearly 700 made Eowmanvllle's Miner Hockey NigisI a huge succss as four big giaies wcre keeniy con-1 lted on Tisursday evening at tbc Menonlal Arenà. Oûmswa. Generalo' tarry de- teacemea, Bobby Onn, was tise gucst ot heneur. la charge et plcking thse top penformers, on cach Icans. Wben Bobby wasn't ergaged hn bis *officiai duin, ho wus beuelged by aulegrapis sekers. Tise local ladies bad a tougis lime i the opealng attraction bewhnc 5-0 te Uxbnldge. Nais- cy Bernhardt led lthe visitons wlth two goals, the chers ol Gwen Harrison, Jane Taylior and Lynda Aibton. Tia the ïm.-wheeclig Mens exhibition West Rtouge and Bowmenville battlcd ho a 5-5 M4e. lIe locale' tales were dlvded amoag Dan CatIe, Pauli Forsey, Doyd Knox, Pearce WBooz and Phil Ronmil. Randy Dear «and Steven Miner euh sscored twlcf on WusI Rougewli hDeugGIe.d piclodg UV bbc oIsn. Tin lise Pee Wee clas, David B«amos - Cobcurg, Mike Oraiheten coflected a hat- Caine; BowmsanvIlle, T o m trick in leading Bowmanville Simapson. te, a 5-2 wln over Oshawa. Murray Cawker aid. Mark Johnîsn 11t the othes,' with HAMPTON Baise and Blobin replyiftg for lise losers. Mr. aid Mrs. Alex Carrlck Despite Mike Caine's roundI spent a vcry lîtercstiag wcek goal-tending performance ni with Mr. and Mns. Arthur Uic final coîteit, thse home- Brubex' aItiseir home ins lown Baitama downed Ce- Monîneal. Events Iîciudcd an bourg 5-3. Deug Parker was afternooa wlth skiers a liste Bowrnanvllle's big gui, scor- Laurentlis, dinnen on tise 1114 twlcc, wUIt singles geing Island at Uic Helcie De Chsam- te Deug Crougis, Tom Simp- plain; aise un nterestlng visit son aid Mike Donagisue. C0 MoatreIl's Stock Exchange, Mike Kelly, John Cbco<y ,vand tise many stores and buid- and Bob Bobinsnen ilcked for liii. Cobourg. On thse way te C.GI.T. lust Wiftncns et sticks as eut- week, Gloria Farrow te11 aid standing Playens ulected by breke a bone ins ber shoulder. Orr, were: Sunida , Feb. 13, tb. Guides Girls - Uxbrldge, Nancylsaw their new Canadien Gag tBernhbadt; Bowmaaivlle, Bei- dediçated. This was Guide nie Shswloi. aid Brownle Sunday and the Ators. - West Rouge, Rnygrstaklag part in Uic mon- Demi: Eowraniuvle, Pillpngservice wcr Miss Jane RoInenil.REcynoldareadinL teUiccnp- »P.. Wous - Oshawa. Dave turc, aid Missori Staintol 1 1 cKe Bowmeunville, Davil badng i prayer. Un. Bar- Ooelutoo ban Hindmentqld 1h. child- B o-Ahead people ba'nk on Thie Bank where people malce thecdiff.rnoe RG. ]LAWTO, Manmage D.WMauVMOl e ýl ý ýi 1- 1. - 1 . 1 : - ý ', - , e ai el ol 1 BOWMJMVMO