- ~ '*~~~let Mm ~brOum TighOflEditor Phone 987.4218 was the secretay The meet- ing got off t good starti a SchooI Board Heurs Detaols dltci :, ::::::t discussion eid Rev. Dough-1 72f u eak7' Co testerty conducted a brief worshipG ervice. From the printed an-j IgewC85l-The Newcastie iti ral Showcase i Toronto Storks work wlth Mr ov-wal epr boieevron PUblic School Board held its lduring January. km M. Lve- . as be to follow the inter-I1 ~~Ia metin onFeb 7t Pro th reort Itwas With plans underway to be- t ing re ter h eorts fra I rk *11 me e sn pr7h rntes .repdUi or, t a vegm1f te er ch d&uartmnent ntecuc idéel by thEdbBarchardhaeadgin rebuilding i her flzoriz:tiofl. A few changes' f Betar m Buedo tire îast meet Va. Barchard, who is also theljnear future, there huve bc .~ made ini the personnel.t thin t ofd helmes etingandTruant Officer, nvestigate thel1a few suggestions on dretai:s .dUthe various Committees ndt log nd sécil metingandsuggestion of thé work permit &rounrd the sciool.- It was it 3z' 'arc!s. Some new plaias werea thé'e wM aproed s rad.beffore it la granted. that a place of hoilour raîght ' made for 1966. Mrs. H. McGillie S&hool Principal R o n ai1 Mr. -Munro asked foi, tie corne to sorne of the picturces et;teded a vote of appréciation, t 14unro read his report. With Board'b feelings on an award that are there, thre bes, place il-)Rtev. Dougherty and thoseC eegt students who transferred for thre public speaker. Each might be for the scirool taàwal assi ted ersemort: Cul, and Ibree uew admissions, ,year thre award has beeui préert them ta the Centennial 'inig the annuaprnerpot ttendanoe on the last day of'given ta the best speaker in;RGom whcn It is conrpleted. form.s the mionth wa.s 274. There was !Grade 8. Thre past few times! The meeting was then ad- .Mrs. 0. C. Ashrton, sp cnt, 0M~ requeat for a work per- it has gone to a Grade 7 stu- Journed. Friday with Mrs. E. C. Ash-y Mit for a student. dent. Tire principal Ésked if' ton, Oshawa.ie Thre Public Speaklng win- it should be continued as an Pla Mrs. George Irwin was a! liera from Newcastle Scirool award for thre best speaker lu i naelan Sunday evening visitor of Miss. WMr Susan Walttdn, Grade 7 Grade 8, or with speakers noiviw nàte lDzris Milison, Oshawa. 1 Mmd Charlotte Mary Brereton, entering from Gradeg 6 and 7, EMis Elsie Oke, sperit a few! Grade 6. Each winner is en- would it be best ta award thr e:A C fltido-ys,.last week in Toronto and. tered Inthe icLégion Contest, top speaker regardless of the Ca e ucint WIt Ssanreresntng hograe.attended the "Ice Capades."1c W~i t r Uic Terste es radTebadfettati *Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick andj Conin te Tutées nd Te fomadflwer g srade r as B:11, Scarborougir, were visit-! oneatepaayersgrdecame, o;:;of Mr. S. R. Pethick andý Mr'. Munro and Mr. Me- out on top, hie or she should i NwateNw a envstdMs ehc tte Mabhon attended Uic Educa- then receive the award, but' ecst-Nw hsbe v;tdMr.Ptick t Hej _______ 1 quiet an thc work donc lateiy, Strathaven Nursig Hm, not more than once. I by the Lionettes, but we nowPowrnanville. Mrs. Pethick is rty The bis presented wcre:hear where they too have 'imprcving every day. ~Skating Part authorized to be paid. Itaîcen up the Artificial I1ce' Mrs. Will Little of Recently, board members theme, and are hapin c to raise 1an i od school-rnate, was in ta $ 0 ith their wives or husbands money ta go into this projeet. visit Mrs. S. R. ehc at ets $300 ror were guests af the principal!i Coming up this month, is a the Nursing Home recently. and teachers wth tireir wives card party and as an added bit Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rowlands. or husbands at a dinner and of entertainment, on tire same and Terry, Sabruh r A rtifical Ice social evening of cards. Board c.vening will be a "Cake Auc- andi Mrs. S. Preston, M. Cirairrn cn John Rickard asked, tion.". Cakes are ta be made Kemp, Courtice, Mirs. Howard Newcastle-.--Once again resi- the principal ta again thank with Jewel sirortening and you Bradley, Maple Grave, were1 dents of tire village have the staff for tire wonderful have a chaice of making either caUers, on Mrs. E. Page, Sun- backed a pramect ta the fullest evening.i a white or chocolate layer d ay. Miss Clara Page, Toronto, On Saturday evening, Feb. 5th, E. R. Lovekin, barrister,:cake. The judgres will pro- spent the weekend and Mr. a rohateny 13anpeope isse pokesman for thre board, irad dlaim four winners and the and Mrs. Ross Page, Sauina, forthesshrnadrssda toured thre new part of tire champion cake winner will re- had Sunday tea with their d 1nae bus, headed out ta Mr. scirool building with Contrac- ceive a piece of Corningwarc, mother. Mmd Mrs. Charles Glanville's tor Harry Diekenson and Bar- douiated by Mrs. Wmn. Storks. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb cttafe, near Bewdley. Tirey rister H. M. Brent of Cobourg, Thre next thrce winners will in company with Mr. and Mrs. had invited couples ta join in who werc trying ta finalize an, receive several pounds of Ralpir Lamb, spent Sunday wiiiter sports, with thre raised lagreement concerning a n y lJewcl shortening. Later, these with Miss Alice Stevenson and proceeds gaing ta thre Artificial faulty workmansirip at the -cakes will be auctioned off brother Harold, Thornhlli. IceFud.time of the addition to thée and proceeds from the cards Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tur- Ice und.school prapcrty. and cakes will go inta tire ner, Oshawa, Mrs. Hon Hots- Mariy of tire couples enjoy- At the conclusion of tireir1 Artificial Ice Fund. ton and David, Pictan, Miss ed skating on the pond, and ta ,Warin up, several made the rtalk, Mr. Rickard suggested For further information, Elsie Oke were Sunday even- wîy inside thre cottage for bhat Board Members Irv Mc- get in toucir with members o! ing dinner guests of Mr. and gums f ars.Th bggstCullougir and Mrs. Pauline the Lionettes Club and watch Mrs. F. Dorland. #atacio of cail wTee ie Sit for posters. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drcw, arides.nSofdol were h ank- H c MTire members of tire Lions Hampton, were Stra vn dtheeni ng by kdos Eastmoan ev Club are stili hard at work inl ing visitors at S. Lamb's. - Steeves, Sandy Graham and tiekchnt.Hav yo Mr. and Mrs. S. Kerscy, Mrs. KenStehenonandthe Necasle.Eary Sturayseen it yet? Well, why riot Jack Lyon and family, Hanip- wý ephl ena rn as Uic m arnig, eb. 5th, tr Aostake a walk over and have a weookratlit, it'sa roethatireetim.on, Mr. andi Mrs. Len Player grwlngrad og rn! t 5t, heatoslo i t tswrhtetm.and boys, Bowmanvilic, Mr. line ge logradlne ftirhe village fora tourna- Tire place is mucir brigirter and Mrs. K. Pooler and fam- as thre crowd awaited a turn. ment ti Orono. Loslng tire and gayer andi more compact ily, Oshawa, were Sunday Borne dancing was enjoyed. firat game ta Oshrawa by a than tire large kitchen wab. suppar guests .at Mr. and Mrs. but tirere wasn't enough rorom score of il ta 0, they carne It's already been in'use, and-H stnso tr caino to continue it with soa large back ini a second game againstitis montir will get a real Mr. and Mrs. S. Kcrscy's 43rd a crowd, but no one seemcd Orono and béat tirem 7 ta 1. workout, and ail have agreed anniversary. ta mind. Hot dags were In tirir tirird game they de- ites sometiing worth wamking barbecued outdoors, wirere feated Mllbrook 6 ta 3 ansi in. Congratulations, Lions. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, Bert McKivem was ircad chef. came back home very tired you've put a lot of spare hours spent tire wcekend. witir Mr. and really haiediis wark cut but happily clutciring tire in tiiere, but your work is and Mrs. R. Virtue. outfo hn as lire tried ta keep Consolation ..Traphy., certainly mucir appreciatesi. Mr. and Mrs. Gartir McGil two bbrfcues'.go!ng atone_ foU 1.1à R W rsaW left.4he,.- and -family, .Ca-nnngton, mr e. #A btXffet Rn6c was set village tire saine morning to Sunday callers at tire Virtue's. p -inside. take part in a tournament .a PYITZTLENMr. and Mms. N. E. Wright,c From all reports, evemyone Keene. In tire first gaine, I '-""" LLE Mr. Herbert Wright and girls, 1 Who attended iit a gréat our local boys defeatesi tire Enuiskilleii, Mr. and Mrs. W. time, and those who couldn't Orono tearn 2 to i. In tira:t Intendesi for last week) Sanderson, Columbus, wce attend arc eagely looking for- gaine goals weme scoresi by The U.C.W. met at tire Sunday callers at E. Wrlgirt's. % d- another of tire sane Doug andi Robin Rickard. Tire Manse on Jan. 119tir, at 2 p.m.. Miss Diane Avery attended evnapsecond gamne found our boys with g7 ladies and six chul ri;tire De Vries - Rekkcr wed-s Thet~lnvlle eteni rat- on tire defeatesi ensi, whcn at present. Mrs. L. Staintori open-j ding in Bawmanville an Satur-a Mu thanks ta tire businessmen tire end of tire game thc score'c iemeigan hneidy for their genemous donations was 5 to .2 in favar of Mi,,- Rev. Doughemty for iraving us.l Mm. andi Mrs. Angus King,1 hir elped make tire even- brook. Bath Newcastle goals Mrs. E. Trewin gave tire de-1 Little Britain, werc Monday iach es abe' e-wr crdb ogRcad votional apening with first callers at C. Avemy's.1 tmga scces:Hamleys By-wer scres b Dog Rckad.three verses of hymn 57 'and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwel eages, Smith's Beverages, On Sunday evening, Fcb. "'Code for tire New Year." Tire1and Nancy, Maple Grove, weme1 Gieni Rae Dairy, Hurnpty 6ti tire Town League was Scripture, wiic was taken Sunday tea guests et C. Stain-c Dumpty Potato Chips, Nation- again in goosi farm. In tire1 frorn Matirew 14, verses 22-30,' ton's. al Grocers, Walt's Do-Nuts, first garne, tire Carnets edged wvas reasi by Mms. R. Rowan.1 Mm. and Mmm. Sandy Moorei Tom's I.G.A. andi Lorne John. tire Jets with a 3 ta 2 victory. Mrs. Trewin ead a paper b Y1cf Shirley were visitors of son. Aima ta tire men pro- Scaring for the winning team, ,Padre Young and closesi witir Mrs. F. Toms. Buin tes Lineos andi Bi'i T nm acey EbeyJoand hyrnn286 and prayer. 0'Mr. andi Mrs. A. L. Wearn, Burley u ie adBl enaTaeyEbe n A vote of thanks was movesi returnesi Mrs. C. B. Wagge Skelding for providing a bus H. Trinkwoii. Dane Rogersao ta tire officers for work they ilome ta Uxbridge and visitesi frce cf charge taking tire scoresi bath goals for tire Jets. ýhad donc. I.*ndMs . .Wan people ta and frami thc party. in tire second gaine o!tire, Mrs. F. Draper gave tie re m n . O .Wan :Spécial thanks ta L. Allan of evening, tire RayaIs de! cated s Cboko rnia n lr Mrt. dMs aodA Tmlad Records, wiro donated ra tire Rackets 8 ta 5. Brian Stuy cbkonTrnad nhe m.a Mrs. H.1ldAsr skain rcodwiic wllno Rwescrc -t--c oas- or-ey apbl 4y-Ms.H.ton, werc recent cailers ani Sick-, Mrs. A. Sharp; Cris-'far pianist Ruýti NichaIs p-ro- tian inlzensirlp, Mms. Stenger; visiecitiere muLic. Cirurcir ser- Auholzd y mwfo ~Literature, Mmmir. F. Toms; v ice was at Welco'me. Authrize by aw or te MH.eMrl; PJanstim, M. H.;On Saturdav even"n',yMr. luvotmen ofTrus FuH. .McGillI, Mmm. sM. sant.n;and Mns. Arnoldi Austin4si>on- juvetmen of nut und&McGii Rs. O istan sc'red an evening entertaifl* SupplyMm.R ritn ment at tircir home for a le%% Miss E Oke; Social Functions, fini r i !tePr neldMrs. C. tner oigAveys Hopc's Eastern Star drive for Mmm. RF. Stege, r; Go1ngSAay'sfunssfor Sunsine Hcights. aiZ T SPAYABLE HALF-YEARLY Mmi. R. VfrtuceMmo.dI.oSharp INTEREST 18 ~~~Auditors, Mmi. O. Ashton, M Mrs. AccFr oit MAY E LFT O ACUMUATE J. Siemori; Kitchen Supply, ladv's prize for progressive 01O A B ER OACU UAE Mm. R. MeGill, Mmm. *A., cuchre and Trumnan Austin AfRALFU» EU -YEARLY. Sharp: Unit Leaders, 1. Mmm tire men's prize. AN» OMPUN»L. Ashrton, Mmm. C. Stainton; Tire February group a! the 2. Mrs.'R. Sharp, Mm. Ir. Dom-; U.C.W. irelsi their preparatory lands; 3. Mrs. L. Lamb, Mmm. H. meeting at tire home o! Mmm. Ashrton; Rep. ta Board of R. Best on Wednesday alter- Stewards, Mrm. M. Hobbs; rioon. Dinner Com., Mrs. K. MeGIUl' Mirs. Keni Ashby ansi Mmi. C. fer eu.. Guaratd Investinent folde Mmi. E. Wright, Mi. E. Trewinl Dickinson attendcd Uic Ice Mm. A. Sharp. j~ Capades i Toronto on Friday At tire Sumday momnlng ser- nright, and Mr. and Mnr. Fred vice, Rev. Dougherty'm sermon Hoikin, Sheron and i Lnsi was an explamatian of Iingi Thoendyke. Hon Brl.niacosbe, CTB IA » 1SolomronSrein - an cra. o! andi Donna Ahhby, durlng the spleridor wc h adIts prob-. weekend. ~ o lema mand waa mot unlike auri Mr.and M.AbeFr twentieth cetury periosi. Mrs.1 attended tue etiement din. TRusfaWritglt directed thre ail-maiel mer for Mir. George Priesti choir i h Uic alggo! the1 rallroad man, held at Belle- arithem, s"H. lMine." ville lest Fmlday evenini EstbllhcdlUSTire annutl meeting O! tie reFbnuary 4th. corigmPgtion wul' boan Mr. S. Tisnovaky 0o! Pai Suriday evening itire 8.2. Granby had thre misfomtune f roo i wth & faim atteudance. ta baye iris anie broirenà 08P pINDASD WIST - WHTSY lr -A OuoetY wa h week agvirile working wit Report fom Queei by Alex Carr-uthers, MP. Seven hundred. and ane yeams miter th. opening af tic first Parliameit ti England, and witi 1h. traditional parnp and ceremoliy liat surround such occasions, the fourth session af the. Twenty-seventh Parliament o! Ontario vas officially opened on Jan. 25th by the H9riOmable Earl Rowe, -Lieutenant- Governor af the Province. As lhe Lieut.-Govemnor and Mrs. Rowc alighlcd from the open landau, in which they had been conveyed up snow-banked University Avenue, they .ound the roped-off area at tie critrance .o the Parlianit Buildings lined with a sulent, but respecîful, group of stmik- ers, whose gaudy placards expresscd their grievances, and their demands for Government action ta correct themn. Indeed il was a svmboiic scene. The Lieut.-Governor representing Her Mai- esty the Queen and some anc thousand years of historical tradition;- tic strik- ers representative o! tie long struggle over seven hundred years by tie com- mon people for democratic ights and a free Parliament. The Lieu.-Govrnor asserting the rigit o! the Cmown ta b. consuited, ta advise and ta warp; 1h. strikers asserting theur ights ta free assembly and ire. speech. The Legisiature commenccd ils work i a mood af aptimism as the Province entcrcd its sixth conseclutive year of the economic boom. With a'pre- dicted increase for 1965 of 7% ti. lhe grass provincial product, and prospects of a furîher iricrease ti 1966, the cco- nomic picture af the Province looks exceptionally brighl. The Speech fmom thc Tirrope, al- though mat reveaimg amy sensationa legisiation, did ouline a progressive and practical programme, a programme that; may keep tic legisiatars ti thei seats until tie latter part of June al least. Inciudcd inthile programme ami several pieces of'legisiation wiich wiil affect and intemcst tic citizens o! Dur. ham Caunty. Tie programme ta esta]> lisi a camprehensive programme al crop insurance wili b. oi particulai interest ta the farmers ai tie area and should do much to maintain 1ht farmers' ecanomic sccurity. Legislatioi bo expand th. pilat programme ai las summer ta meet the shortageai quali fied agricultural labor wili also, b welcomc news to local farmers and tq tobacco growers particulariy. The. pmaposcd amendmenls to 1hi Secumities Act and the Corporation~ Act as outlincd ti the Throne Speec] are desigmed ta, provide better pro tection for the meet maiy ofi I th. Select Car Credit, legisiatic ta furthem prot against unscrup The. lakesho interested iri Il Water Pailutia: whoie of Lake: St. Clair anad1 of Lake Huroi channeis. As a esult of labor iegisla made ta the L ta the Hoursc With Pay Act. I arn perst liaI action is1 lion with man, studies of the Aging. IncludE Legialgation te Wcolfare's shar, charitable insti $5000.00 per bec grant of $2500.1 tion ta consol prescrit benef il Disabled Perso Aiiowances. (3) i ishmnrt of Rei *persons who mi nursing service lished an thecs for the Agcd.1 sar- Office of A ment of Weli -amend the Me, SAct whercby eage will be avz etary basis. Frý r providcd for] incarne and ti aliowanccs wli e d under tie p [j be of particul citizens witi 1 - Up untilm f was looked upc r happened, wit] a4 dlone about il. e live topic wit n First Canadiian t Toronto. Il w, - an active par e Chairmnan ofit] ýo ployrnent and erice was not Le but valuable1 is me an opportu ,h points of inte D- viduals fromi The Orono -News. Mr. and Mes. Perc. Cooper of <»hawa vislted Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper on Frlday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sta- pleton are holidaying in1 the Southern States. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd King spent the weekend wi Mr. and Mrs. Ji-inGenisby and famlly at Ste. Eustache, Que- bec. Mits. Cecl Ro>binson, Mr. Wma. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall at Agin- court on Monday. Mrs. Cecil Jones returncd home on Saturd.ay f rom the ville, weurrig a cat on hem armi as thre resuît of a faml on thre strict lest Wednesday evening. Mrs T. MeRoberts mpent tire weekens viti r M. andi Mms., Ken. Cirasiberlain, Osir- avm, anS Mm. and Mmi. Ray- maonS Clapp of Henipton stay- eS vith hem aunt, Mrs. D. G. à&. Gordon Wlmtem, Mr. and Ms.. F.0. Cooper spent Sunday. January 30tir, vitir Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Luamen and faarrly at-Soarborougli. MriosGwen H-111, wvi a tk- - - ...ao.Iq mm L ltom s sPark, anZ Flrne Bae gaie H. and n. Robt. .*ammaondthem. cafled on himer neigwboi'Theictva top scorers for t e nvsig publie. To Mr a mGe.jne f mW»Ih*48 r¶ the recomrndatloof Mm! . Cecili JoSncs Mnday. Tire JuniOrs top 5sot~ am mmittee -an ComsWuznr Mr. and MUs. Jme Pwe iU lhewiti23 'rbts ion is being tntroduced ands aom ot Bownenville, Mir. sud Cuti S S8tlIa RI teet the buying publie and Mr». Gordon. Power were points. The oticr girls onimv puious pi'actioeL Sunday dinner guests o! MissetOUii are &l aiea SOIR U e W Merl PoerMiss Hazel ievery LIMe Mch girl Wb*~ ore communities wiU b. Poer ad Mrarold Power, lias paitIlpaein a mm* i. legiuiation *to expand Orhxawa. irai vared ulicpoints. n studies to caver the Mr& and UMi. . ~ SuttS, out the QUiers tliOfl toui' guet Eri-, Lke ntaiotheMr. andi Mm. Archie Lurn likely W041 netma Ii uc Eri, ak Otaia te e-fl-Oon, aglain erly Mon- 1ih s01' frecords- Tb* Detroit rivera, Sections day marnIng for Ficride. Duc otilers helped bysttn iU n and the connectlmg to tire stomm on Jariuary SOtir under Uic basket "80a, im tthey offly reaciresi uffalo gls baStado vw 11th t and' returnesi taOmono on ba'l. Theyyare. the tom l eff -of a three-year review ueayclitekawtters and when Mm coach, Min ation, proposais vii1 b. for better weathrm.CrwyiasvlO, U~ LeiIauewith respect Mis. F. O. Cooper wlth hem , irla 1 ofegisia dVaaton brothier M. Grdon Winter i'Csue. of Wrk nd Vcatonsattensiesitire lee Failli i The boys mre Seing Tarante on rliday. aial. bu n s b.i a 3énally pleased to note ~~M Jean Tamblynofph ul.Teomteb oeng ail pined a noteawa spent the. weeioend hto ~sco ndhave tire plmy' bcin takn n onnu hem parents, Mm. ansi Mmm. Jim wha cari couit but ubeS iy of th. proposais and Tpynblyn. ecies near thre end of cSelect Comrnittee on Mr. and Mrs. Don Stepirens j gaie they aeem 10 let d l in th(se are: (1) and d-quMiters visiteS hLmome-ansi the opposition coum increase the Dept. of tirer. Mm.. Boyd, In Osliawaï and- scores quite enaily.un~i ae o a ial c ss t n .S'unda. are chekng wel et 1 the 4 re ofcapitl coss ta Mr. andi Mis. Orville Cirai-IPart of thegmnre butslç Jtutians on tire basis of 1kice and i !nily visitpd bis down tovaiS the. end, tiret !d ti place of the prescrit parents. Mm. and Mme. Milton VieD thre apposition «t .00 per bcd. (2) Legisia- c4iallice at Miilbrook on Sun- e&"c and starlsoai'lg.4 lidae an extdey. ________ the li boys teun rcoiSd c )I_____and_______theail tire tine anS not let s of Old Age Assistance, they couid vin mnry919oà. ons' and Blind Persans' S C £u:ie:1tram they have. H . tir te boys are exceIi' Provision for'1h. estab- . îi io y n thUr est Homes to' serve aduitinIhoky mte equire longtermi came and talh eocal 3mrens e have e.These are to b. estab- won., Lest Tuesday% . ra sane basis as the Hoames N ES Itth .. eaÎ4." (4) Teetbiheto Courtioa by the sece of S *q.. Th etajihmntai (Intendeci for lest week> 4. Le'adlng oorem vas JMn y* %.igwithin the Depart- b Hooper witir two goals al lin, (5 eilto oan eest. Tire ast t vs eia eri)cegîIsan ta Tis wasn't a patculamly Howard Mutton's goal W ~diai ervce Inuracebusy week at scirool,1 but we Howarddu.ulsted on Jébs'u. standard medical caver- dud manage to get Ouri fusIl rS'l. Thre aller scorers wve- ~ railable toalal on a volun- club report in. Tire D.H.S.1 Steve Bumns una ssted, Gitfj e. edial amewil b.curling teami played a bon-l1Pamks unaretesi, Peter Vm spiel on Saturday. There were frein Don 1McMuter an&~k people with no taxable 16 teains pamticipating. Baciri teveBrn. Dn Mige" iose in recciptai welfare tei iycd two gaines ithe, unass'sted, and Peter 1ty I be automnaticaliy caver- = 1ep i that lastesi front 9:00 un& ;;;;Rd plan. The programme wîî t 5:. îTire four top teamu 'h. teani ira been la lar assac ta senior 3. Cutc; .oriel -w, itirexcellent gomayî, assisanceBovinanville (skip Bil; îendimg from DIJve Wrlght.- imited incarnes. Sinale); 4. Courtice. Hot dogs. and GrS BoyS. Tirey iravee afew years ago aid age an ok ee eve ewenben skatin<g and back-eheck-M gains. iInawell ansi mot Iptting tlt.ý )an as something that just Tis week wc dldn't gel i.o the e trtdI uI~-- h IîtIle or nathimg to be complet. number o! club re- opos i enS. at I L as t w eek il b ecam e a ports but w e hope ta gel m arc Tir e nd . ootsi ou 'Ilpr u1 th 1h. convening ai tic~~lo therwntieayforbbll!1. way tire girls' basket.ý ls im e goca an. irible1 i>. n Confemence on Agimg ti becaume exains are corning up1 teaensi thc Iockey ý vas my priviiege ta talc. agaîn In a montir. te*"have been performtn4;r 't i th prceelng as The late and long uaated lThe next lime they are play4 rhe in teeproup odngsEm- Januamy dance was well re- i ina etleme w#ry not cotnecw ý the nteest rou on in-ccived last Friday. The banSi eut and give theisaine sup. tthe Eideriy. The expert- was well liked by mail every -__Port!___ Sonly an interestîng one, o1e.am glaS ta sec that plans in 1he sens. that it gavearno unlwyt sn UP .inity of sharlng the. vicw- books to ]Dr. Grairam's homeGSA L ;erested gups and indi- in India. (Intendesi for lest week) . ail micas ai fuCanada. Borne, aIrer oaSsanS ends-M.mdMi RbtCr-~ 1 sec tirat liere are mare Mad fMrily webr8Cam.'-' Ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~te a orei r4desn renough volunteemi foi' tie re and frgats o!Mis e1. in Tyooncamement hegireat tire ceOrono, ansi Sunsiay supper. end withlre parents, Mr. and minute. geî !M.aSMs elI Mm...aad Ms.. Wm L~ ai year book thIs vr, .,>ît Jancîville. visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman whtiout tire elp front you, Mr; andsi m. Rc tye O fle S. McNafly, Col-borne, andi Itie students, l wom't re. Se ver. recent visitorsaetPol dueto he tor ofSunaydon't iresitate ta iranS tirît PCITy. On Saturday eveniq Sue a r M e tomn o Say, poer, stry or what ave you Mr. ansi Mn. Norman Day Jenuaig h , ecde t t o the rary committe. ansi fam ly, Pontypool , ovemigli. -with theur parents, Uic Mmr s. Wm. McElroy o! Gtbson's-.. Brisigenorh Is visting Mr. by David Geoeis Mr. and Mrs. John andS Mmm. Wnr. Robinson. Thre Junior ansi Senior ansi Ricky, Brookl, Mr. amd Mis. Varice Cooper Girls' EaSketball tcmmse are Saturday gripper guel of! Oshrawa, Mm. and Mmm. both doing weii tris yeam. Mr. and Mrs. Nor mmn Chas. V. ooper v1IsteS Mr. Thc Juniors have won ail tire Keovri, Taunton RomS, and Mmm. Brown at St. Cath- gaines they bave playesi, Satumday, evening guetta aines. whille tire Seniors have lost Mir. and Mmm. G. Baker. I ,Mm. ed Mms. Glenn Nadg- anly. tva gemcm. ýn thc six Home and Scirol CIl son and boys o! Bowmaenvillc gines tire Seniors have piav- mccli Frlday evening vitir t visited Mrs. D. G. Hoaper on cd Uiey scoreS 190 points. W. Vaneyk and A. Milu Sunday. virile thre opposition h-as eco- familles us prograin conv Mr. andi Mmi. Les. Asietit cd 177 po-it. In tireJunior ors. Withrm stone's throw you'I 1kit chinaware shops 3 taxi services 6 dentists« 12 automobile dealers 3florists and just about any shop or service you can think of! Our localityhbusa lot to offer. Good shops. Good service. Good people. So look fi=s to home for youCr neeS& Let yoqw fiager do the. waing dhrough the Yeliow Pages ta fndtii. above peole... and many othcr. Evquhkg's0 0 0.la tmtwa .1