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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1966, p. 2

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2The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilleg Pcb. 16, 1966 Mm RU. liflomi MterPhone 9874213 i mup L aa »% 1a Congratulates Atom Winnerl thvir assistance ~:2idbc ap- rono s N w Ic P t n t prec--at-d. ?ieace Cali 623 "iu5.! ý()ro o"s N w Ice Plan Over 30 par c,t ,o! al funds1 Jr I coIec*td by the Hcait Feur:clj- 1 n Ccra nvsgiand;n :Saves Day for A toms ptv oko ceFu .-fo s.ach io pmob'c.nius cf the. heart and circulatory s.~c and ta kceig o) o. n ýFirst Big Tournament ib Mgecntdocveli,, the generai publie jrtw'nied I Newcastle:- Due ho a warml earaýFcd another victo.ry, their: protect the net. Congratula- As heart disc-ase is th? greât- apelia.t weelc, the AîCtum second tinie on the cec, with, tion3 to aur 1ocal boys w-:îo e:t cau&-e of rdath Li aur so- loky aurnament slated tnri ascorz of 1-0 over Oz!kwcod. 1did their best, and arce ham)s;!cty. bli peoples;]db Necwcastle on Saturaay wai transferred ta Orono lhmough thc cooper'ati.on o! their Ath- Sletic Association. Orono's me. cently installed artificiel ec plant woo started ftam the first 1time and, with minor excep- tionis, worked perfectly. In the first gaine, Canning- ton Qwmed Orono witha score o! 22-O Keene defeotec Blackstock 9-0, Newcastle de- *feated Millbrook 1-O. Litle BriLai was deifcated 2-1 bv -Oakwood, mtd Keene als.- aaw defeat by Cannington by a score o! 8-1. Little Britair emare baek on thbe ice anc were beaten, thu lime by Mllbmook 4-1, and Newcastle Congratulations ta Mr. and Mi.'. Albert Naylor who cele. brated t h e i r twenty-fi!th we-ekhng anniversarv on dat- ur'd.ay, Fe4,ruary l2th. Congratulations to Miss Susan Walton and M.'t Char- lotte Mary Bremeton who, wit'h auch excellent speeches, took first place atnong the Senior and Junior speakers at the Newca.tle Public ?oo.Suen. d'aqghter cd Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walton, repesented the sehool on Saturdey wi'ieme she eornpeted with the senior grou'n et meakems from varloug. relicols, and came first, winning a beautiftil trophy and a c&mh rrize. Sumcan spoke on the c'arly life r. thie Kennedy Family. wh'en tihey first ar- rivcd in America frcqm Ire- *land. She will %,e>ak again on Tue evenin.-Z in %Prt Hope vmd on Satiirday in Toronno. Charlotte is the eld- esct datihter of Me. and Mrs. Fean Bc-rton. Hem speech was on Bears, the di! ferent types and their way of life, ind ethe W2 41vn a whI.ner, > aving ,co-ne second in the Âj4unlor proup an'd winn'«r.! a 7cvih pri7.e and a Junior Emn- blec.-n. Their t,-achers and the -s&ehool are certainly pmoud of Utien,. We would be out of Une ta overlook Robin Foshay, goalie of the Atomn AIl Stars, who cetainlyr rates Ceiyrratula- FREE *47-Page "VACATIONS IN BRITAIn' ~1Cali for your copy. Inside f hk colorful bookiet you'll fInd detalu of: - Hlsforlc Towna - Art Gallerieu ani - Theatre and Music - Explorlng Britain bi Rail - The Inns of Britain - Somme Annual Events - How to Plan Tour Trip Fareis Start at 10w as 1316.00 RETURN JURY AND LOVELL MRAVELI BOWMANVILLE - ONf a T-he ninth gaine, for the con-1 h slation t-a'pbhy, went b MIII- -brook wit-h a score of!.5-1 -over Bl-ick3to>ck. The tenth, ýe and final g-orne cf the even-1 ;t incg raw c4Xt' own local At'ým: 1- tcairn [n action ag' thec Alan- team fra--i Canningt'in, *and aet thi3a Ie we 50w aur a loe'al boys de!eeted by a score i CI 9-0. Sec-rinl for Newcatle in etlh gaine wit-b Millbrook, y Ken Boyd scored the only 11 igc-'l, ad in tbc second game ir witb Ckwood, Alan E-mord i. sconed bbc oaly goal. It was lJ lwo shutoutis faor goalie Robin Il Fcohay who, with bisIcia-ni. cp!'ayed with a sharp eye to rastle 1 tions on bis two ahut-out-3 in -the Aloins Tcuznament held i in Orono on Saturday. Fori - furt.her information, follow the hockey write-up. s Counclilor and Mrs. laerve * Bonathan, tired ofthie unpme- dictable winter weathem here cin Ontario, arc cnjoying a va- cation in the sunny south. M&. and Mni. Carl Gould left the village on Tucsday evenî-ng, and Étre motaring to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. L-cvekin and Dm. and Mrs. L. Miklos plan ta meet thet Gculds when tbey fly down1 Fouth on Saturday. The hhrcc couples wall bo'ard tic cabin cruiser they have ented and -will tnu.r the waters thmougb-i out Moride.1 Let's keep In mind that1 next Tuesday 19 "Pancake Tuesday." Again this year aur local Lions Club take ho the kitchen when hhev spon-i soir their annual Pancalce1 Su-npler. Tickets are avallab-le,1 and (you'11 pardon the pua)1 but they're going like hn-t-1 çakes. SQ,< -better get,,your, lice kels no'w and corne eut and1 bring tl*ý1arrky. Mmm. EËilvyaNce'hrr-p - iîas eported !avoablv en the me-il cent Marci o! Dirnes canvassil helId throueiiout the village. Ta date $280 bas been turned in, and more will prc4bably come ne . As a élpece interest lIhis yeur, $49.00 was ai-ted in thc Newcastle Public Sehool ard Clarke S-h*ool, mak- in.g, a total of $329.00. The Mam-hing Mothrs were Mrs. >n.ra Kelsey. Mns. Ednie Dan- 11li g Mrs. Hil-d Cil, Mrs. Velm-2 M-ms. June Alldmead, Miss Joznne Cerner- on, Ms-s. WilnieS cott. Mms. Vema Barehard, Ms. Mariaie Patems'An. Mrs. Mildred Wood- Iand, Mrs. Marion Allia., Mrs. Eva 11-3r. M-ms. Narda Hoog.- kaspi. Mms. Anna Visser. Mmm. 11-zel Crnwthcm. Mrs. Myrtle Pearce. Mmm. Marg«aret Rud- -aon. M'-ý. Kay Powell. Mrs.t Ha7el Mny Mmuro. Mmi. Maz- inra Gray. and ?Mxi4. Evelyn Mc--dows. Ti'anks are la-decil extcndcd 10 tiose wha work- cd sc bard in such bitter cold w.-'atlher Oui- frýends and nelghb-ours in Mernomial Heopital Ibis weP>k are: M-. Roy BaIl. Mms. IWilma Rriak, Mm. Hilli-ardi F'rrwa, Master Peter Cl--m- ment, Mm. Jciun Davis, Mr. Pet:,r De long. Miss Tinna Fer-1 f!u.,on. Mms. Violet Harrison,1 Mrs. Ferdinardinai Hartemink,i N Mm. William Martin, Mrs.Iý Jaret McCracken. Mr.s. Idait MciReel,s5, Mms. Los Rowe,i SMmm. Marroanne Rca!rrson. Mmm.i Grace Sbeppard. Mr. Edwardii Smith. Master Dnald -Wigbht.' THURSDAY » FRIDAY» PJURY'& LOVEI i 2 INGST. E. in our eys The referees f2ý.r the da' werc L.ary Pearcc, Pete MC. lCullcugah and Irv McCulloug-h John Curiningharn took o0vei a3 t irne-keeper when Gorè Gamrod le-ft for work. These a]cng wi'.h the Newcastle Re. cretian Cor-nnvttce, did ai t xcellent jt-'b witb the dutieý given tbem. Th Hockey M,) itbers wc-re aima in a tiz- . jvh,n thev a~t fji'st aha tc * vîtljy iiierestei~en tsue %e,'ý Ic tv of the FoundDt.,on iid it i - hoped that this will b-- dean- h.onslraled ini the rQturný frcni ýr he canva--s. Jd Give . . . sa mare wi]l live Febmuary 2ist. 'Evangelist 'yIl I. P Il k -1 .-,-------tLlIS&nd L -qom make ather arrangements farýo ig M r the bot dinne-.3 they h-ad : mgm 1prc.-rri*sed, but again, Ca- "Our greatest nced is e re- oper'aticn was shown by the viving of thc children of Godi pe,1ecl! Orono when thev that rcsults in personal in- 1 I -ci Offemed themn the use ai a hall. voivement in bringing others cnlso ftesucqflNwatJ The dinners were sOr g10d, ta the Lard Jesus Christ".:i At thecoluin fth ceslNwa having cxpected 100 but pre-, This is the opinion of the Rev. ý Atom hockey tournamnent in Omono on Saturday, Capt.f pared for more, tht- final Robert Lytie o! Calvary BaP- Keith Milhench, iht, of the Newcastle Atoms offers count of dinners was 202. Softist Churcb, Oshawa, wha wi!cnrtltost enngo' ati onMc there's sa-mething la ha s:îid bc the gucst evangelisîî ogrtlton aCnnntns atirTm Mc Ei-hr'ut "Motbem's Home Cook- speaker next weck ina Bow- l es.CniItnwntetumaet ee t cd Dinner." The turkey final- manville Bapti3t Church. Newcastle in the finals, ly mon out and bamn had ta be Pastor Lylle served with tho 1' uscd, but even then the lino- Evangelicai Union of Soutri Katherine D. Vice.1 u-) seemed endless. America in Recife, Brazil, for U eUt Honours-Malcolm Simpson.' Mare hockey in wh!'h aur five years. He tought in the M ui e ut Peggy L. Clark, Mary G. Fat- lt-cl Pee Wces take part in, Seminary localed in that city The following is a list or ersan (equal); Janice M. will be beld this Saturdey in and engaged in evongelisticsuccessful candidates in exam- ElliaIt, Leanne Dorreil. Oakwocd. Plan ta take a car efforts using tbe Portugese imiations held rccently by the Grade V Paano loDd and checr these players language. Before coming ta Roal Canservatory of Micl First Ciass Honaurs-Lisa along. Calvary atstCr Lyti sem Tront o he in Bowmanviilke, Samuel. years ago a, trLtesrvd n.Tenomes arc arranged Honours-Heather Dommeli, bis mission board as Associate in order o! merit, l3renda J. Yeilowlecs, Grant U M Director in Canada for fine Mlsn P uea as ycars. Since coming ta Osha- Grade VIII Pianaoiîsn wa he has been radia pastor ta ist- Class H anao u r s - Grade M Piano mayin Ihis district through Cynthia Craig. H-onours-Jane E. Cattran, the broadcast of Coivary's Honaus-Elizabeth Thomp- Wanda C. Elliott (equal);. Sunday evening services, son, Ana Hamilton, Janet L. Ruth M. Paterson, Susan F. (FROM PAGE ONE) This seasoned missionary, Nimigan. Vice. Hall en court days and kncwadministralor and pastor,' wili Pass-Eileen Wilkinson. Pass-Doaald Hall. aathing o! his extma-cumncularbe speaking i the Baptisî Grade VII Piano Grade Il Piana ectivities. In finding hum guilî rein Bowmanvalle, First Class Honors-Mark E. V acloa, u M ande- Nmg"ylelson Street, west of Liberty ipn . adlo ut .Vne he wîthheld judgment untîl ains pre-sentence repart con be Street, lhmoughout Ibis com- lipn oo. prcpared. ing week, beginning next Sun- Grade VI Piano Honours - Dennis Bomber, He said. Ihat there was naî day, February 20ha 7 p.m., First Clas Haon o unrs - Terry Russell (equal). only the aspect of punishaient I ta be considcmed but also thel Prvrrrent aspectiJ for ortaaIl et--Ar--nt, -spect& )Ilopg AIath fonisl faced with -temptation. Mis o il fi% %,OF 1 E uiJ illu V IvVE iE wLJI IV Worship added that the gen- eral public expects people in Mr. Reid's position to show ta be an example for others. T Blackstock Fair Board He said that texnptations came ta those' in authority just as Cartwright Township will the best attended. reported having an interesting they do ta athers who have na have a field crop champion He annaunced that this lecture by an officiai of the iregp9rçsibigt4es tp, the coni- this year, it was decided at ýeam' BlaçJçstoç1ý. r1 if b Canadian National _ Exhibition's munity ai lârge. 'thrcet-niié eei4 f e1 ugust 2 , an ' 2 ,~ 'Te ooiedwa emnddtheý Black1tqkAriuh -MF.! -~1b it '*as mTovmi -by Mr. Fer- out -of--custody uffffMarh-M 'delty.'gate -to- -the, district~ meeiffâguson -and -scconded by '.Mm. with $500 prapemty bail Stijl A. G. Pacey, manager of the Taylor that the meeting re- in effect.- Port Perry-Blackstock branca icommend ta the Board of a! the Rayai Bank af Canada, Directors that Blackstock Fair announced that his banls would sponsor the 4H- Clubs for 1966. sponsar a tmaphy for annual It was moved by Mm. Brad- calist smpetition tab haie um and seconded by Mr. IDthe winner. <IJtW t Ferguson that the president, Il was suggested the traphyv vice-president, secmetary-treas- D uOPAeOls be used for field crop campe- irurer be voting delegates at the tition by newly appointed di:-7 ; Ontario Agricultumal Society FRMPG N) rector John Bonsma, who said Convention in Tomanto Feb. 23 Jones. He was employed as a the field judging campetition fAR and 24. The ladies repre- farmhand by Gordyn Brent,' couid be cambined with thp I!Msentatives suggested weme Mrs. R.R. 5, Bowmanville. entries in field crops division USED C R :Ross Du!! and Mrs. Harry Mc- Rev. A. Kudra, pastor of the at the Biackstock Faim. ALL PRI CES Laugh]in. Pentecostal Church, Bowman- Bill Ferguson, a directar of Il was decided that the list ville, afficiated at the service the society and member cf REDUCED FOR o ietr efnlzda h for Mm. Jones hcld ivis-e Cartwright Township Council, o directors metin, Feb. ilthe MarisFuera Capl, said he thought the idea was theINT R Township Hall. ion Street, at twa o'clock this good "because il gets down ta ThNpesdet ntodce afternoon. P;tcrwamds the body 1 the grass roots of agriculture"~. Tepeietitou was placcd in the Bethesdal.Pesdnt Walter Wright CAllaP hen Bewscy, who suceds Cemetemy Vault, and later will said the saciety has been ai fer- AlnBiewosced be intermed in Hampton Ceme- ing $150 in prizes. split lnto 1965 VALIANT 4-DR. Victor Malcolm, who hcld the tery. 10 prizes at the faim, but said Local, anc owner car. position for the last two years. there was no field cmop cana- Like new! petition last yeam. Seril C59152078. Hesait Larmer, vicepsienXt, and 1963 MORRIS Accident - seconded by Joseph Bradburn, OXFORD 4-DR. a director who tcndered his ToImd, Iiiuso Fu n a resignatian, that the trophy To1adlwi'cutmRo una-... (FROM PAGE ONE) offered by Mm. Pacey for an- radio, wlndshield washers, nual campetition be gratef ully mirrors. Lady's car, onc February 21st. Mrs. George accepted and that it be used owner. Lic. K83009. There was a two car cal- Stapletan o! Newtonville 13 for the field cmop competition. 1963 PLYMOUTH lision on Sunday afternoon et Township where canvassers Lammer and secanded by Bill 2-DR. HARDTOP Radasotitnc nrh hope ta make their colis dur- Fergusan that the meeting Siant 6 cil. witb automatie o thet itnce drir ing the las& part of the month. recommend ta the directars transmission, customn radio, of the car lis. The divc wers Arrangements are being madec that anc or more field cmop backup lifflts. windshieldoftecr nlvdwe ta get someane ta look alter competitions be held and forin washrms, wvhite wall tires. Norman Brooking, 63 Church ithe convass in Omono. If anya cammittee ta look atter the Gleaminq bblaek finish Street, and Rex James Grant, iindiv'idual or group wouid be Field Crop Champion Traphy. like ne. 31 Liberty Street North. Con- interested in organizing part Mm. Wright, in his presi- Lic. 1133593. stable Murray Joynt, OPP, ior ail o! Darlinglon Township dent's address, said il was a investigated the accident. pleasure and a challenge ta 1963 VALIANT Mrs. Edna Brooking, age 62, hold the presidency during the ""200 Series"" 4-DR. and MVrs. Ruth Grant, age 271 centennial faim. were injured in the accident! "Wedidwel, ecep we6 cyl., automnatie transmiàs- and weme taken ta Memorial I mut e doffende t weh sion, backup llghts. wind- Hocspital by the Bawmanvillei he id ot a-aer-shlcld washers. Local, ane Area Arr.k-uiance. Bath ladies erman and eddntc-pr owner car. Immaculate. rûceit-ed treatment for their ate, but we had the things ta Lic. 1B53841. nresithOtPaetD- sec and aur gate receiptsinuisnthOt-aetD- proe mny id ameta ec, 192 PYMO TH pamîment. Mrs. Broaking had hroe sayd j et e" 192PYM U H suffered scalp lacerations and The president thanked ail 14-DR. bruises ta hem iower left ieg,I those who took port in organ- V-8, new Sapphime Blue, Mrs. Grant had abrasions on izing the faim. "Il was a job clean. Lie. H57046. hemr forehead. requiring cooperation and this191FR* At 1:40 p.m. on Sunday, a was forthccming froin virtu-191FR car driven by Doris Hartley,, ally aIl the membership ai ECONOLINE VAN 1186~ King Street East, Osh-! this socic*ty who were asked'. Econamicai 6 cvi. engine. iwa, went out a! contrai on Mm. Wright said anc of the New WVhite finish, local Higyhway 115, hal! a mile fmomý outstandîng things was the~ traite. Lie. 19490B. County Road 16A, and rolled ladies "lCenlennial B aook" over. Road conditions wemel wvhich he described as a wond- 1961 COMET 4-DR. '.xccedingly slippery at theý erful piece o! work.* He also 6 cyî., automatia fr.e.Mi-s zHamtley, who su!-ý commended the parade coin- îransmlssînn. custom radio. feme.d a head injury in the', mittee and said the covered Lie. J12731. accident, is now a patient in, wagon float was as nice as he1 Oshawa Generai Hospital. had ever seen. 1958 BUICK SUPER Constable George Evans, OPP, He urged me-nbers a! the was the investigating officer. scecety ta get their thirnkinqi 4-DR. HARDTOPTw casclie atte caps aon ta find sorne theme Power steering and brakes, corner of King and Temper-i that will equal last year's faim. automatie transmission, once Streets on Sunday at! The me'nbcrs authomized custons radio. 12:36 p.m. The drivers involv-, changing the namne o! thf Lic. J11658. .d wcme Andy Schcwchuk.I Cartwright Acricultural So. We have a good selection R.R. 1, Omona, and Ronald' ciety ta the Blackstock Agri- of aider madeis, clearbxg at Little, Bewdley. Damage taý cultural Society in compliance Reducel Pnices, ihe two vehicles amounted ta with a request from the pro- m~-ore thon $100. Constable Ian vincial gavernine body. ITt A U DAY adseoned by M. ame nALMER zrmith investigatcd. w m edb M.BrdunO Snayt25pmTompson thal this societ7 A t? f car driven by Theodore James! comply ta thc change. ,n iu Stephens, 93 Liberty Street; LL byLes Taylor M TRS LSSuh a unn noSuh and seconded by Ralph arm. UHRYSLER. PLYMOUITH way Drive from Liberty Street cmLd.e that the financial ttenn VALIANT - DODGÉ when il was struck by a car b. accephed as read, showing- 20 Kin Street East driven by Gaamge Bail, R.R. 5, aOMA bank balance a! $2,492.21. Bowrnanviile. There was quite B W AVILLE Glen Larmer reported thati Phone 623-5487 on anount of damage ta the thi Ditrict 4 meeting heldi :twc, cars. Constable Smith Dec. 1 In Lindsay wau ane of q mm m w was thc investlgatlng officer. We Salute You! Mr. and Mrs. Consumer It's like the lady said- plement parts, and skllled me- *Isn't it a gloriaus feeling to chanies and lubricant tech. be amiorg people yau know nclans ta service ail makea This was overheard when a Home designers, catrac-; Eotvrnanville customner returu- - tors and building'*iî ed efter a city shopping trip people -ta erect and in she encountered the -~ any type structure. :iustle and bustie and "Don't' * Interior decorators, furn. care*' attitude of big city I iture dealers and paint con. cicrks. tractors wha can satisfy every Recognition, fellowship and i l onfikrsts trustare asicneed, an Recreational f a c i 1 i ties you'Il find ail these attributes * TIME a. 'S.O'^rCMe FqCM and hobbyist supplies tai keep n1 Bowinanville. Xou 0Cali ýANTS YU a. T , Tyou entertained and amused. shop hiere wvith confidience. * Fine restaurants to serve %% 'tl fricnds an-d neighbars Ia you excellent cuisine and liýp ou in excty watany gourmet -an fit anY drive-mns for wholesame food you need at the price youbugt and speedy service. «Cznt ta pay. budgTet * A trust company, paying leTemost modern ma,-!the highcst interest rates in What Does Bowmanville ichnradgdet a wl hieyadgdgt1htwl Canada's history. liave ta Of fer? save ycjr bath time and Ail these above essentials Conenint hopingfa-money ~n your household!ican be found at evemyday low ýciFtýcs, accessibie ta a large ' evadue uoo prices fromn your friendly and trade area.i*Ne an sd utro dependable Bowmanville mer- Comartbe h p i gbiles and trucks of aIl makeq' chants. Shop the stores dis- monrane byhourpinug and mnodels for business and!playing "Bazaar of Values" quartiersmne ycutos, pleasure. posters for ail your fml 2:1fiient salespecp.e. 1 le Automotive and farm im- needs. fml le A largae arz-ay of assorted rabrics from ai' aver the - __.stic by the finest de- sigcners. 1 Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Seits Mcn's and boys' wear,' ladies' ready-ta-wear a in d with whom are now merged ihildî en's shops ta drcss any- body for any occasion. 1 otihRelW er&C. le El:perienccd beauti-'iansMoethRehW er&C. and e-xp.rt hair stylists ta care Chartered Accountants for the wcll cirooîned womnan.: le ProfesFional florists ta otel Ohw Trno Hmlo assist yau with yaur floral ar- 1VIndtr saa Trno Hmlo rangemnents.Wido Winnipeg Regina Calgary *Well stockzed phaamnacies Edmlonton Prince George Vancouver ta safeguard and maintain your health. Gordon W. Riehi. C.A.. RI.A. Burt R. Waters. C.A. *e Supermarkets and neigli- Oshawa Oshawa Shoppinz Centre 729-7621 borhood variety stores stocked with foods that will satisfytor IlAnn Ra"io, PEANUT.- BUTTER FEATURE PRICEI 3-lb jar 99C ScAINGS I Get moe for yoar meut dollar with those .... Super-Right futues Super-Right Quality Red Brand Steer Beef STEAKS & ROASIS PORTERNOUSE or WING ROAST, SIRLOIN POINT ROAST, BONELESS TOP ROUND STEAK ROAST, lb BONELESS RUMP ROAST, ROUND STEAK MINCED, SIRLOIN STEAK PORTERHOUSE ROAST 3 WAY ÇUT tu97C MAPLE LEAF PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEATb57C BURNS VAC PAC SWEET PICKLED HALVES COTTAGE ROLLS lb 79 Shop where the Values ore ... A4%PCAFONASNITAV* Choice Quality FEATURE PRICEI CLNO RA SE, TNAEL A&P 20-fl89 Qualat5 oz lins 8 cORANGES KER FNEyQuLi Whoe FEATURE PRICEI CORN uF oz lins 10%0W Choice Quality au A&P 20fi- l EACHS OZtins *.VV EXAS FRESH QRIEgj Delsey (White or Colour.d> FEATURE PRIOKI TISSUE pkSo,2roflS29C fRallu@ ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SAT., FES. 19, 1966. mm Me

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