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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1966, p. 11

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vý1 1 " NýGETSOUSTE» The familier statement that once playofft begin, regular uchMe u.reaults dont mean a thing, was nover more evident as Bowmanville dropped a 3-0 decision to Ajax last Wcd- night. The. defeat ouzted the locals from the idget ~M L. pfayoff trail, Iôsing the beot of five serles two 'àtpe to nothlng with two tied. - Swmanville had wound up in top &pot over the regular teeao, loung only once, while Ajax had te sttie for third. But the serles was a différent story with the key gae Probably the third when the teamu battled to their second etralght deadlock. That was a big one that the local erew prob.Lbly deserved ta win, and et that point it would have onebled them ta draw even. t ti. t1- 1* it CENTRAL ONTARIO BADMINTON For the first time in meny a scason the Central Ontario -Badminton Championships weren't hcld at thé B<iwman- 4111e Club, and perhaps for that reeson didn't generate much tnterest locally. Only half-e-dozen Bowmanville members made the trip * oPeterborough, where once there would hava been three ot! four turnes that number, and it appears that about the only club that really was well represented was the home- town' Petes. It'. nat toc surprising thent that the liftlock city people wjalked off with four of the five C.O.B.A. fitles. Lone exception was in thc men's doubles, won by a couple of Ajax players - Gary Hill and AI Gibson, who belong ta the Bowmanville Club. Other local "'requeteers" ',who saw action were Pet Marjerrisan, Dorothy Kèlly, Wayne 'Burges and Bill Burgess. t t t t t GENERALS HAVING PROBLEMS As the Jr. "A's" 48 gaine achedule approachas the conclusion of anc ot the best races In lbague hstary, every gaine borna that mucli mare important. Oshawa Generals, with firut place uiow almost out af their reach, face a tough schedula flua week when thcy play tour times in tive days. Tonight (Wed.) Toronto Marîboras visît the Civic Audi- torium, Oshawa repaying the favor Sunday atternoon when thcy play the return engagement et Maple Leat Gerdens. Friday, Generals are iu Kitchener with next Saturday's »pposition on Auditorium ice being provided by St. Cthar- Ines Black Hawks. Looking aheed ta the final week in the schedule, Niagara Felus Flyers visit Oshawa Seturday, Merch Sth, with Generals winding up the season Sundey niglit in M4ontreal. In the li battle for top spot, Peterborough leads Niagara Falls by fliree with Flyers haviug a game in hand. Generals a&re seyen out af tirat, but their chatf worry rîglit now la "holding down a third spot tic with Montreal Jr. Canadiens. Hamilton Rod Wings are only a point back but have *playcd two more than Oshawa anc' Montreal ane more. M4arlieu troll by tive and an Oshawa win Wednesday would elincli at leat a fitth place tinish for thein. 1London Nafionals appeer naw a cincli te miss fthc play- - ofs, la tact, if fhey leat Tuesday niglit tht liminated thein. 'Zn case Yeu didn't know in the playoffs It la firat aginst *ifth, second and aîxth, third vs. seventh and fourth meeting elghth. And anything is likely ta happen. Saturday night Oshawa was lucky te managcea 4-4 fie -'wlth Mont real Jr. Canadiens in an aIl important bettle. Generals with a softt achedule reccntly have beera blowing a lot of gaines they shouîd have won - and would have sarlier in the scason. Thcir trouble. wcre furtiier compounded last week when general manager Wren Blair announccd the suspen- sion of lfti-winger Billy Lttle for the balance cf the sason. Littie could have beenonencof the leaguc's best this season, .but han always been at odds wlfh fthc club. Whouc feult It won in the past we don't know. You hear alI sorts of rumors but the tact rernains that Billy neyer showed the desire ta ljpay up ta has capebilities. SHçwever, thlu alid nothing ta do with hiie banisilment. Little actually wes suspcnded by coach "Bep" Guidolin for brcaking curtow, while Guidolin was ouf af town lest week- end attending his mother's tunoral. Apparently thus wesn't ..-th firat occasion, but Little lied promised ta reform. When -Blair returncd tram a business trip the officiel annaunce- m ient was made. t t t t. i SOBBY ORRB ITS FOR 3th One night et Bawmanville Arena e couple of ycaru ega Bobby Orr ucored hie 3th goal, when h. was only haIt au old as that total. Thot made hlm the higlicat ering dafence- mpen in Jr. "A" history, breklng tlic previaus record held by Jacques Laperriere. Last yeer Babby tired 34 goals. Saturday niglit Orr scored on a 20 foot slap-shot et 2:04 ot the second period. A.nd ofor thc third consecutive seeson this fantestic junior "A" portormer lies set a gol-scaring record. We continue ta be amezed et the sparts-miuded people ln is aerea who have nover seon Bobby Orr in action. Xveryone is saying lie will be in flic N.H.L. flua yeer, - aifliugli lic las two years of Jr. "A" rcmaining. Perliapa thaf is about flic beat indication you wil get as fa flic ability ai yaung Mr. Orr ai Perry Saund. In future columns we will review Babby's point recordý 4; arad compare him wîtli fli guy tlic Leefs' brasa deam is: bo~~tter - Jini McKcnny. ~dyC(urlers Hold 1IValentine Bonspiel fAtBowmanvielle Club fly Qucanie Fletcher ýscoring ta be used. The Valentine Bonapiel hbld Winners aiflice firsf prize ýèb theli ladies aoflice Bowmen-1for two high wins in flic firaf *V tille Curling Club. on Friday, draw which commenced et 9:30 'ecb. 18 was most succesaful. arn. were Elsie Chambers, 1tas a y and colortul event skip, tram Oshiawa Golf, with 4ýýwtwcha% ligh flich cur-itearn-rnetes Betty Roughley tI'et season's activities, provid- lead, Jean Pickering second mg gooçi curling and sparts- and Liz Grewar vice. Second SatuhiT, and e common meet- prizes went ta an Annendale jw rtud for aid and new t,'oursoine skippcd by Dorothy frendeips ta devciap. Mcllveen, 'Ingrid Toms Vice, A double draw teetured flic Esthier Plitz 2nd, and Sandy 4y's play, which saw curlers. Jackson lead. Third prizes C eXePcrborough, Omeince, t or anc higli win went ta an Wiutby, 'Anandaie, flic fwa Oshawa enfry skipped by L- O»awa Clubs and Bawman- raine Goodman, Wilma Me- vile parficlpafing. Lauglilin vice, Mavis Irwin Wi4h a warm greefing ai 2nd and Jean Walker lead. welcane, the Presideuf Jean In the 11-30 .m. draw Pet Petersan, called on Emn. Craw- I Burk froin Welland and tarin- tord to announce flic draw er member and her rink &nd also Uic rules of play andeierged as winners wifli two ____________________________1:ioight Muchg For The the boi Largeit Selection of Hause, Commi ATROPHIES asPrim -. the Pr, For Ail Sporting Events anid Gifts Audre3 In leastern Ontario spiel C The G. B. Company ~or 356 Dean Ave., Oshawa cs efforts copen Thums Eveninge by Appointmoist M. Ci 7334161assiste Oshiawa Police Curlers. Defeat Bowmanville On Thursday, Feb. l7th, the Assaciated Police photo, the Bowmanville skips are being presented with Curling Bonspiel was held here with Oshawa Police the unusuel "Rear-enders" award donatcd by Baw- rinks scaring 170 points to win the chamnpionship and manville Chief of Police Bernard Kitney, OPP Sgt. A. the Labatt trophy. Top photo shows Oshawa skips, Barker and Oshawa Police Chief Walter Jahriston.ý framn left ta right, Inspector E. Barker, Jack Cary, Photo shows Skip Don Aniderson, Sgt. Barker, Chief Stan Hodgsan and Reg MeIntyre, receiving the trophy Johnston, Skipt Ray Hart, Harvey Cook and Len fram Labatt representative Walter Farr. In the lowerI James. ______ Legion.Ege.~Wl ,in Jr. Hockey Se,r by AI Cole On Sunday, Feb. 2th, thc Junior Leaigue started thsir semi-fuuals with Legion edg- ng 'Bill's 2-1. The game turn- cd out ta be a dlean liard- toughlt contest witlianly five penalties called. Legion tok the lead in the first period when W. Rendeîl scored et th. 13 minute mark. bat. in the second period G. Bail ticd the score. The second period produccd no penalties anid only anc goal, as flic boyrs played gi-et hockey. The third period again produced no penalties and saw Legion take flic lead -agein wlicn 13 ,McManus scored et the 6 min- ute mark. If these garmes indicate q Hgh Single E J. Nimigon --------- 268 r$~Zt t rD Sellers ____261 J. Bromel 21 . ~~L1 . , .Lye 210 '10 in C J. *Bromell ------- 39 on ais.f D. Snowden 378 D. Seller& 376 J. Nimnigon --374 what the playoffsare iJ gF. Henning- --.--- 354 ta be 1ke, you sport& fans hadý better drop. in anid watch JUNIOR BOYS these young fellows p ut on a .Bnuwmeester 5, Donoghue great showing of hnckey abil- 0J; Staiker 5 Preston 0; Palm- ity. Don't forget Sunday er 3, Adams 2. nights, game time 7:30. Corne Team Standing and sec the fellowa and alsô Palmer --------------------26 at thc same time take a Bauwmeester---- ------- - 25 chance at our Score-O which Adams----------------- 21 lis up ta $47 .50. Sec you et Stalker 21 the game. Donoghue 10 HIgh Single B. Preston -- -------- 231 R. Bouwmeester-- -218 M. Stalker-------------- - 206 High Double R. Bouwmeester ------398 B. Preston ---- -352. B. Adamns 332 M. Stalker---- -.....---314 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Burns 5, Goodwin 2; Etcher 4, Colville 3; Cain 7, Beauprie Toam Standing Colvillc -______28 îtcler -._____ 28 Cain 26 Goodwin ----- 19 Beauprie -----il-- ---- 1 111g ingle M'. Hately -ý--------- --- 302200 M~. Kilpatrick -----234 C. Bradley 209-248 S. Cain _---- ___230-238 N. Neads - ----- 213 R. Etcher 223-260 A. Crago 210 B. Welsliý----------- . 210 Hlgh TrIipla M. Hately------------- 691 R. Etdhor . --657 S. Cain --~-~ 649 Bantams Stage Great RaIly to Down Ajax 9-7 Trailing 6-2 with ouly nine minutes remnining, Bawman. viUe expladcd for seven goals to down Ajax 9-7 in theoeni ing gaineofai ebest o!f e Bantean O.M.H.A. playoft ser. ie;!, Sunday a-fterioan in Part Perry. Mke Donaglaue's second goal cd the geine into au emp- ty nef wraipped if up, mite] Ajax had pulled their goal- keeper in favor af a sixth attacker. Tommy Sùmpion, Raudy Rogers and Doug Par- ker- were ather two go. suipers, with Grave Beiinetl adding thc other. HoIwie Crum-b collecfed tour goals l ic the sing cause, singles gain« to Bob Jard] Joc Matéorneto and Fred Ma- ther. The gecond gaine goca ta- niglit (Wed.) in Bowmanville et 8:30, with Uic third il necesry ea liem Saturdaa aftuMai t Jou. Town League Hockey Robson's and McNult y's Beat Crystal and Olympia ln Firsi -Playoff Games. son Motars and McNul- thc opening games lu the best Bob Merjerrison. ports took the big jump af thrce semni-fînal series. 12 9 24 33 , 4 wn Loqgue playuff - . Ini thm first clash Roblson's Bob P'airey, ,ot underway Thursday scorod flic loue marlier of the 13 il 21 32 2' ef flic Mernoriai Arena. firsf periad, fell bei4nd 3-2 in Goal-Keepera' Records 'a do0 w n a d Crystal tic second and out-icored GP A v 5-4 end icNlty 1 ed -rstai 4-1 in Uic final ta win mnpia Restaurant 3-2 iil if. Terry Black led the way Ro.bson Mators: ______-with a pair of goals and as- Ken Veitcli 9 34 3.78 is ta claim firat prizes. sists, while Bill Crussoy also Curt Vaustone 8 48 6.001 d Lais Walters as lead, scored twice and Howie Pal- Olympia Restaurant: Aspinwall 2nd and lard and Gary Akey addcd Grant Wright 14 74 5.29 Lane vice. Second priz- singles. Jack Mentle 2 il 5.50 tw wnsweewon by1 raiHgeTryBk, John TIngraliarn 1 4 4.00 o wn shware lf& Td Hge, e a er, Nulty's Sports: g Club, sp h arlfFairc and Burns Mac- Harvey Rowe 15 97 6.471 Celub, Laiwinetli M Milalclicyýked for tfllsers, John Ingraharn 2 il 5.501 e ladLorain Elxowith Hughes also collecting Crystal Dairy. id Grace Van Courte, two assiste. VneVntn 9 55 Anoflier Oshiawa enfry "Butc" Col's s o r in g9Gr5.Gr !d by Rutli McLaurin "Bth oessoigGrGiffin 5 39 7.&01 id third prises for anc flirust et 10:03 ufthfli inal John Ingra-hain 4 22 5.50 Arîn. She lad I. E. Mac- period won if for MeNulty' Jack Manfle 1 7 7.00 d lead, Mary Metcalfe etter flic teams lied sliered id A. C. Clifford vice. single goals in ecdi iflic '*hars ndflwes" irt wopeins.OlympiahT enag e u wau carried ouftflirougli- pulled their goal-keeper in ie club, wlierc flic lard- the final minute and pressed a e L a u ng committees laie lard for flic oquelizer but ta Winner aiflihe transistor anc in truc "Valentine" no aveul. Terry Masters and radio on flic bowling ucholer- Thc visiting curlerslDon Masters ech adlid a goailslip draw wes Mrs. Helen moat enijîusiastic in and an assist for flic Sports, Dunn. Winning ticket was preise and enjaymen f ai witli Olympia tallies gaing ta drawn by Brende Cowan. iy, assurimg their haut-IRaye West and "Hank" Lane. BANTAM GIRLS of their dosire ta refur The series continues thili Eryson 5, Mutton 0; Bradley another year. Thursday niglit with McNul- 13, Whitehead 2. iious casserole dishes,;ty's meeting Olympia in flcthe tadn 1saledsa nd beaufiful 1 apener and CytlDalry 1Bdle____-2 in of clora 1clashing with Roboon's in the 2 cin an rru aa coloa1 nîitcap. Muttan ____-20 ~ingsbrouit gasa aiBryson *-- ___l1 kt tram anc and ail., Leadîng Scorer, ýWhitehead 13 credif for flic success oai 3nnape m o ocial, G.P. G. A. Pf.a. PIM 1 Hith Single Decoatngo as Bh roseH. Erunt --------- 2l4-- ittee ad al tîcue wlîo 17 27 27 54 0 .*edHî ~bj1651 ýd in any way. Tcrry Black, H. Brunt -------- 331 tes were preseuted by 17 22 31 53 0IlC. Land -------- . --- -297 caMient, wlio lntrod uced Alex W iseman,1 ey Cummins, thc Bon- 16 26 15 41 8 JUNIOR GqRLB Convenor. Although un- Don Mastiers, Chittick 5, J. Sellers 0; Firth ecurl herseli this seesan, 12 25 15 40 O 3, Donogliue 2; D. Sellers 5, ad donc a greaf deel aif Ted Fairey, Ayre 0. in connectian wifli tha', 16 17 22 39 4ý Teana Standing del and mucli ai Its suc-1 Paul MeCullougli, D. Sellers - -33 was attributed ta lieri 17 17 22 39 a Chiffick * 25 z.Drawmastcr wes E.1 Raye West, Donoghue 18 .rawford. Ken Fletcher 12 15 22 37 2 Ayre il ed. and "als cted as um- 1Gary McCullUmg, ;Fih 1 RECREATUON REVIEWS ryke Hockey: In tcetfirst Tykc gaine the Axnericans and Bombers play- ed to a 1-ail tic. The Ameri- oans' goal was scored by Ste- ven Stoneburg, whulc thc Boenbers goal wais sarcd. by .,arry Cryderman. In the second gaine the Royals defeated the Ind.ians by a 4-0 score. The Rayais goals wee c ored. by Billy .,earnan with two while Wayne Hicks and Jamie Per- fct each picked Up anc goal each. JeSf Ross collected twa asists while Garry Perfect picked up anc. Atom Hockey: In the first game the Giants knocked off the Indians by a 3-1 score. The Giants goals were scored by Alan Wooten with two, and Bradley Mil-er vith ane. John Johnson pick- ed up ance ssist. The Indians goal was scored by John Mac- Donald assisted by Dennis Livingstone. In the second game the Rams defeated thxe Rayais by a 3 ta 2 count. The Rains goals were scored by Naulý Sheehan with ail thrce. Thel Royials goals were scored byl Steve Rowe with two, as1 Bryan Hellam picked Up anc assist. Girls, Hockey: In thc girlýs' game played on Friday the Bu*icks deteat- ed thec Mustangs by a 3 ta 1 score. The Buioks 'goals wcre sc®red by Na'ncy Goodwin with two goals, Jane Cowle uvith one goal and onc assist. Other assists went ta Kay [-utton w'ith ane and Marg Giiyne anc. The Mustangs lanc goal was scorcd by Gail Niasters. Pao Wce Hockey: In thc first game thc Hawks deteated the Genergla by a 4 ta 3 score. The Hawks goals were scored. by Bruce Os- bornewith bwo, while singles wcnt ta Dean Knox and Mike Kehoe. Max Johinson picked up two assists and Dan Robin. son onc. The Generals goals were scored by Mike Lablani wlth two, ..and Don Smnith wîth anc goal and ane assist, Gcrry MacDonald also had one assist. In Uic second gaime the, last plac Bruins upset the second ,place Canadiens by a 3 ta score. The Bruins goals wert eoorcd by Riobeirt Turney one Dougz Tamblyn anc goal ani two assists, and Phdllil Broome one goal and anc as. sist. The Canadiens goal! wcre scored by Rick Shackel. ton, while Dwight Baungeri ner collected onc asgist. In the lihird Pee Wec gain the Lea-fs defeated the Rang. ers by a 3 ta 2 score. Thi Leats goals were scored bl Dennis Smale one, and Glent Murphy twa; assista went tx 1Munray Ormistan one, anx Dan-dll Somnerscales ane. Thi Rangers ogoals were scored b, Terry Baker ana, and Clarki Steven anc goal and onc as sist; Gary carter plckcd ul ane assist 1 I the Ïinal Pee Wee gaInq ithe Red Wings defeated thi Bears by en 8 ta 1 score. Thi SWings acals were scored bý D-ave Jaohnson with threi goa"ls _end one assist, Alai picked up onc assist. i In the final Bentani gam the Flyers and Pee Wee A Stars played ta a 1-aIl ti, The Fîvers goal was soored b Allen Bragg assisted by Xe Paterson and Cralg Baungar neT. The Stars goal was »Mo cd by Mark Johanson assast by Guy Johnson and De' Ormiston. Mldget Hockey: ' Inthe fîrst M g-t nr thMt. RayaIs s fie t Maroans b a 10 to 2 &or rscarcd lboy Ran Slenson luire Larry Lee two, John Hai Iton two and onc, Gai -Bell two and one assist, Jà !r Hiroock one goal. -a.rl Ma 1- ley anc assiat, Tom Certi ý thrce ast, Karr Rice or namgt &"d goul-tender Bc rJackoran one anlst. The M%, aIuons goals wcre scored i tt Jeff Gilhooiy one, Ron M Mullen one, Jlm MecDonac Ir and John Goyn ecdi hd or eamdMa. 1,In the second game f RCenucks bomnbed> the B.T. by a 9 ta O0score. ite Ceanuel >,goals wcre soced by Dciii le Lemon thrce goals and tp f assist. Bob Howes two 90o1 ty Guy Parka one, goal and fu *Wlss, John WosClamom go ThaM Canadien utaaan, EOWmanvlle, loM. U and. two assios, Ron W"b onc goal and thrce aits. John Taylor Swone oaand luie. assista, " dWarren AI- der witt ance »"t. In thic third Mldget gaie uf the day the Bantain AUl St*rs and the Generals hook- cd L1Ç in one oi the bat gaines ofthtei seamon, 3 he fought to a ne score tic.Bol goal-tenders, Dave Wright for the Generals and Tom PukL for tihe Stars, were senaation-ý el in eazsiing theu, diutouts. This wm thc *>u-th "htout of the season for Dave Wright and thc first Soc Tàm Puk. In thc final Mame of the. day thc Cornets dcfcetheUi Orphans by a 7 ta 1 score. Ite Cornets goals were scored by Grcgg Corden wlth two, Bill Sîxnersfard with tour, and LamrySifrnpon witi one goal and two assiste. Other am~ists word ta Ron SUbilck one, Mike Cawker one goal, and Mike Bothwell anc ausist. Thbe liane Orphanns goal was soored by John OSYler. Standings as of Saturday, Februtry îSth Pc. Wee: TeAmn W. L. T. Pts. Wings 10 1 0 21) Canadians 7 3 1 15 Ranigers 6 3 2 14 Ha'wks 5 4 2 12 Leuft 5 4 1Iil Atom AI! St. 5 4 0 10 Generals 3 8 O 6 Bears 1 8 2 4ý Bruins1 8 2 4 Rantam: PeeWee All St. 6 1 2 14 Pirates 6 3 1 13 Huskies 5 3 2 12 Flyers 5 3 2 12 Braves 5 2 2 12 Lions 0 7 4 4 Cubs 0 7 3 3 Midget: Canucks 10 O 1 21, Generals 8 1 1 17 Cornets 7 4 0 14 Orphans 7 4 0 14 BantanAll St. 5 3 2 12 M. Royals 2 8 1 5 Maroons 1 9 1 3 B.T.S. O il O 0 flasketball League: In the tii-st Mame the Mac Hares defeated thc Cuca by a 39 ta 36 scoare. The top man for the Moe Haras was George Saunders with 16 points, while the other points went ta Doug McFeeters six, Bob Elis six, David Lee four, Mike Marshal tour, and Ash- ley Osmnond three. The Cues top man was Don Yourtli with 14 points, followed by Lee Lemon 10 points, Dan Lenion eight points, and Briar Sauniders four points. In the second gazne the top acom rfor ti. Totk, waa Dennils Lon ~i. pornia, whlle Gbt. collectedi 12 poài6t I Wriht eight poine,. Tbei. I Amiestop men wce Deà,T"-I 1er ansi Fred Stiam W. l eigt;apoints acd, wIePa P'arker and Art Xboy It picked Up three points. Matrs life like ini the TOUGH? YES FOR ANYBODY? NI. GOOD PAY? YES. ORDINARY JOB? N&. FINE CAREER? YESS 4A corser in the Royal Canadien Mountod Police is no pienlo. Noither is it grim. Yeu Me j t-or you don'tThore'a no In.between. zThe force selects young mon who 2 mOOsure Up toila standards-oni 4offers these mon a life that'a 3rowurding end sitlsfyng, a cere« 1thoy'ro proud to pursue. If you 7like the out-of the ordrmary. If yod 4have a basic respect for law end 4ordoer, If you like people, If yodh 5like worklng with other mon es a 3team, if you are seif-reliant If yoit 0liko lemmning new things, if yodà love Canada end 411 our countrt estands for-you may make the g rade wfth the R.C.M.P. Why rnt flid out? Aek et Vour neareut R.C.M.P. office or write te- yMounted Polio@ nOttawa 7, n Onftavi F-BEAT THE TAX AND SAVE' The- Sales Tax lncrecses To 5 % April 1ist 1 One month te go ... se now le the Stne te gave. If JOU necd plannin 6hclp and estimatas, visit us soon se woe au help yen save. e- PhoRe Beaver Lumber 'To.da Phone Beaver Lumber. o.da IVINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE 7%/~c up 32"1 x 84" Plywood mMlhqginy Budget Terus as bow as' BEAVER LUI P'HONE 0338 U KING SW. Z. 9 7 . 1 1 lm ýj

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