Y tÀrge Crowcl Atteni Much InI e!Legion S ý Mukh intereot waa shown -ln thie annuel Public Speak hIg Coetest held by Brac *178 cd thie Royal Canadian Leglon on Saturday, Feb. 12, and there wuz a large attend- vice in the Legion Hall for thf! event. Johin Gi#eon, Public Speak- lng Chamtiýan for Brandi 178, was inchdrge of ail arrange- meuts. He was amsited by .'eAlbert Mavin, a Past Presi- dent of the branch, and for- rtmer Zone Public Speaking Chairman, Tom MeGuirk, and Joe O'Neill. T'le judges for the differ- eut mtione ocd the conWeti- *Memorial Hospital Weekly Report Week ot Feb. 14-20 inclusive Admissions ~72 Births-3 male, 5 fomale 8 Dischia-ges -.--. ----- 79 Majior operations 16 Miner operatiens 31 Emea-gency taeatments --- 29 -Visitinlg heurs 3-8 p.m. daily WE CAN SAVE NEWI1 DO ITNOW ... ar Government Winter Hot the Federal Govern me payment of $500.00 to th TWO HOMES NOI Will be ready fo end of Fe BUY NOW.. $5001U00 .R.A. MORTGA( AT 61/% 1? AT BEAU fkarýway StJB-DIV Liberty St. S. - ENQUIRE D.BSi BtJIL Phone 62 22 Pmkway Crescent -nBw mle e.23,;1908 Toronto Aftvoet lteme her oasnolg a motor ta-tP to Frlorida foriScotland where tiiey Pauls1ýsen Su pperwih and her girl friend, MoragM a on c odn o iduRSt uS withMr. and o oietm ihhrfte . Ste.Pal&ss ds Grn, X eave on a triup f! aaWa~y~Mhnw The Ladies Gond Luck Or-iS.Pu'Anlcn huh on Mnidy, eb-ad ies' N ig t LinaM. and M s. .J Ms oÉange Lodge held a succesful Women hed a succesau o L adiesrs Wa. n d Meleý als.edi euchre Party on Friday night Luck su~pper in the niBoM a v e B se Caa utersIEIN U D III M hely and with 1A tables of players. Hall on Saturday eeig of Bwunavile spnt fewMarvn MMaho ofBlack- Prim-e for high scores went with receipts of $57.'5 Mr.andMn.W. . Fste. NghtDinner adDnc edCotton adMs .Dagl, Sy'mpat.hy o h omn-adTonsBon byJerusalemn Lodge A.F. and Toronto, and their duets were1 ty is extended to Ma-s. (Dr.) prizes to Miss Lynn Argue scores, went to Ma-.nmr ewere anMr.Sabrc rt the Lions, Commxunity also much enjoyed, Ross Met- R. M. Butler irr the sudden and Lloyd Cl.arke. David LaSmith and John Challc:s- ýp a ilette t h iser rom M h. waicCnte r e o Saturday, Feb. 12 calf played their piano ac-1death of her mother li Glas- Chapelle won the lucky door ond pria-es to Mrs. VereMl wih hea sodng M.th fe w asa usadngsces opnietntercoln.'ýs uteirz.lga n m a ru ienwer Mss eraJohso, Ru~hey f ahaa. he W s H ip Master Walter Two, talented musicians,,and her two childraen, Ian and Mr. and Ma-s. Reg. Palmer ton. Mn-. Sidney Pow-s tio wre is Vea ohnon Roghey f shaa.Shewa HGoode, who presided, gave John Lucyk and Glen Sawyck,ýEIizabheth, left on F'riday for and son Alan, Petea-borough, aspca chair pria-e. * Miss L.Sunitki.Ma-s. Gle- KENDALfeeling qute wel nd wishe~d the Toast to the Queen, andbohoOswpea hholnre Hughes, R L. Mitchell, manENrend. weîcomed the Masons, theua- audience with a number cf, uA. Leader, and J. Paterson. Mr.R .Wiei hwn wives and guests. A dlc'u prtdacrinnmes Patsy Blake, a Bowmanville (Intended for last week) as. R.C Wiprret in Pot urkey dinner was paepared, During the balance of thei -High Sehool student, was the! We enjoyed springlike wea- and os served by membersof H M HA DRES O ST YH R ER OS I r winner of the Juniîor High1 thon last week, much above1 op Hsital we are happy Beehive, Rebekah Lodge. dancing was layedusic toe! Division of the contest. She1 normial, but the weekend j rpot A beautiful centrepiece of!Chaales Cochrane Orchestra,1 -gave an excellent adda-esa en~- brought moire snow so winter blue carnations and yllo(w Oshawa. The winnea- of thel YElementary Division, which on Sunday with Rev. R. . which was lighted by taîl blue Square Dance wa Harold! EUUN . i Q a iy P l i -included contestants from White in chffle. lie spcke (Intended for last week) tapens in crystal candelabra. Baîson. ~L - Grades 7 and 8, were: 1. Su- onl St. Andrew, another oft KedroinUnited Church Wo- The other tables wea-e centa-ed ________. u M SOLD ONLY BY 9san Walton, Neweastle, Grade Jesus' disciples. Andrew in- men held a danice and social with yellow daffodils li crys- *T *N i7, who spoke on President tnoduced many cf his friends evening on Satua-day, Feb. 12, tal vases, and lightod by blue John F. Kennedy; 2. Canol te Jesus. Mr. Poster was at in the lowetr hall for members tapers in~ crystal candlesticks. S r. Gitiz n *Wight, Shaw's School, Grade the ergan and oua- choir sang and their husbands. Ma-. Mur- The wife of oach officea- wore Home *7, who chose as her topic "Pass me net, O gentie S.av- ray Mountjcy oallod the turns a lovely corsage ef pink car- ;; ~ ~~ TRSHrwae "Blacksmith and Barber", andlua. for eld timesquare dancigntionp ae. b Ms.W ibert raivly MIARVARESTRSHrw e .3. Kathryn McGuirk, Mapic The U.C.W. met at Mrs, while other memfnbers enjoyedTepe' Stores Grove School, Grade 8, whosei Cathcart's on Tuesday aften- cuchre and orokînole gnrnes. Those a-t the hoad table " a 1ie subjeci. was "Stars Unlimit- noon. There were eight meun- On Tuesday afternoon, Feb. were Worshipful Master GoodeVia Sid M.1bers.paesent and the paogram 8th, Unit one of the u.c.w. Ma-s. Goode, Worshipful Bro- OVER 500 COLOURS The winnens in the Junior was i charge of Mrs. Staple- met ait the home of Ma-s. Clar- then Dr. Keith Billoti., the Im- Seventy Senior Citizens at- Elementarv Division, Gradps ton. Rev. R. C. White waç ence Worry. Program com- media-te Past Master. M-s. tended the Feba-uary meeting' 5 a.nd 6, were: 1. Marilyn, present and led in a discus- mittee for the meeting were Billett, Worshipful Baother of the Bowmanville Senior UNTERUOR. LATEX Kniox, Bradley's School, Grade sien on the Study Bock, with Mrs. Jack Glover and Ma-s. James Ma-ar, Ma-s. Maa-a, Bre- Citizens ai. Tinity United 1 6, "My First Cake"; 2. Char- each membeT a- king part. Hargneaves. M-s. Glover in- ther Ian Hovey, Senior W1a- Church Sunda-y Schcol a-cern QATGLO lotte May Brereton, Newcas- February is Hea-ri month troduced the book, The Tan- den, Ma-s. Hovey, Brotheron Tuesday, Feb. 8th. GLO tic, "Bears"; and 3. Nanry and canivassers volunteered gled World hy Rodger L, Barary Cowling, Junior Wa-r- Ma-s. T. Gatcheli cf Club 1.5 School, Grade 6, who sp,,oke! cause. Someone will cali on This bock outlines the adjusi.-1 Otliir officers and their introduced the guest for tho .9 69 on "Colonial Lufe". ýeach home in the near future. menits a Christian must. make wies who were at two evening, Ma-s. Howa-rd Joffrey,SeiGss-nal-PocanFor - - so we hope that you will give tn a rapidfly c'hanging society. speial able, we- Veil Wo.3te-cheaai. herBwm.9v7lG generously. I. hs hoped study a-nd discus-* shipful Brother Perey Cowl High School who spent fivet N ÎR0R LM AL I HuePit-al237Qato .7Glo The Board of the Churchsion of this book will be ng, Treasurea-, Ma-s. Cowling,1weeks the past summer visit- JTXWL, ~"O $ $ N me lai.wee wih a-.Rc's minaind Vu'ughut ~~ Right Worshipful Brother Jack ing her sister in Rome, Italy. Gay, oua- new chairman, in ycar. Thle mennbers will mc nme a-o, Sc-t--, as -.Jfaey soe oera aa ___ charge. The usual busine'ssi at the home oft Mas. Ross LeelEmmrerson, Woashîpful Bao-:slides of hier trip including X"IJf EI I - ~~~~~~~ther Alan Lobli, D.C., a-nd Ma-q 'ma-ny lovely fountains, St. ... - -VU W U V was transartod. the most im- for a quilting on Feba-uarv 22 -. rthr D.W ItPers th oium te H O M E ~~~~portant being finance--,. Coula-I and 2.3. Te next meeting5jea-r Dea-con, Ma-s. White,IAppian Way and volcanie IC E R LET ial members ofthe communi-j ch8. 5 PIECE SETon ROLLER8. in ak dvant&e o y ae ratrefotto bucerie s aon altr eeBrother J. R. Guthrle, Innea-la-kes. .She aIse had souvenirs nd a-o dvnt~etymae geaoreffrtta Chrc srvce a. iltheeGuard, Ma-s. Gutha-le, Brother.a-nd folders cf various places. H N LBUH RP S use Building Program, fulfil the obligati,'ons te oua-j appointmenteq nexi. Sunday, F. A. Osmond, Junior DeacnHer excellent cern entaryadNHA LBR S,& DO SH T it maymake adirect church so that we would nnt j Feb. 20, wiIl mark the begin- M-.OmnBohrJ .bauiu nE find oursclves in this emba--- ning of Boy Scout Week, with îîa e- hn lue home owner. Williams, J.S., Ma-s. W iims, obaiuly enjoye byeve rNne! W C MPLTEDMa- an Mas. err Bvrq ScutsandCub para'ingta roterH. D. Sutton. Tyler,: After the enterta-inment CM LTDrand r . rý v, the. services. Ma-. Stanley Ma-s. Sutton, Brother Ross S.those who did net play crek- BEAUTI TONE 0F A GALLON OR MOR occupancy by visited with hier parents, Ma-.1Richaradson, District ScoueclfOg-ii. n i r cuac yand Ma-s. W. H. Foster, onj Executive, will be guesýt guest Miss Pat Knox. liole or cardswereontetain ebruary. Sunda-y.1 speaker for the three son- The Toast ta Grand Lodge ledibanitran ds uin on. b A DSV Stewart were Ma-. and Ma-s.i The sa-rament of bati1 was given by Worshipful Snwihs tea a-nd coffee -0D YSO L aPîmBa-othea- Dr. Keith Billett, the, Snw he s ,.Ms R ob Bryant Brown and C'a-arie of will be admunistered oeImmediate Pa-si Master. weesrd.M-.RRois ON YOU Whity, an MissMario, andtime in Ma-a-h. Anyone inter- Woashipful Brother James won the door pria-o. The even-SI P E - A Y DOWNPAY ENTMa- Jon MKele~' esed houd cntat RveaendMa-ar proposed the Toast toýing closed wîth singîng "Abide OVER 30 DOWN PAYMENT ~M. and Ma-s. Dean West Winnifred Bridges at 655yýhe Ladies in a-n elaquent a-nd wuth Me". T IESi ~EAVIABEand cilda-en spent Sunday 3780. witty address. The response tel-- COLOURS T S P A GE AVILABf with her parents, Mr. and Sample copies of the United this toast was charmingly ma-do INTEREST 'Mas. J. Stapleton. Chua-ch Observer were dictr- by Ma-s. Walter H. Goode a BETHANYTOCO E 'Pile-hrs ovnin buted at the church service behaîf of the ladios. Brother e6 UTIFUL for this district will ho heid' on Sunday maa-ning. AnYOne Barr-y Cowling paesentod a-tBeleile nsttue orth wsoir e ulscib taths UNES.6 I Bleil nttuefrtewsigtosbciet hslovely bouquet of aed ca-ana-- ltne1o as ek (3 rescei'itDoaf and Dumnb on Friday, magazine ohould contact the tiens, tegf fteldet.Ma-. and Ma-s. Robent Dut!, ~ T D Y iO CSI Feb 8t'h whn a-l lcal ea- minsto, Mr. C F. orr or ha-s Gtodee dg tNew Wsmntr .. n chers wlll ho ini attendance. Ma-s. H-oward Farnda-le. A Thle Lucky Number Dra-w Ma. n s. E. W. Wright of!6 o ia . 1 ~~ISION oua correspondent recoiv- spedial rate is avalla-bie te the winnea-s were Ma-s. Carl Bra- Lindsay have been guests6.2 nsiN da- letter frorn Mn. Mena-en, charge, if enough families in- loy, Ma-s. Bruce Tink, Ma-s.with Mr-. and Ma-s. William Bowmanille 1who with Ma-s. Luxon are en-jdct eiet eev h "f' wlo n r.Rsel odn ýTODAY . h -TnClferliObserver. W1d' Stn.Congratulations tn Mary' PRt ,Ila mruaa Bonranils 'iyngth ar Clfoneadiat dsietereevoth1lif walw -n a-. usel oda. d - . .wei.e. herpoteThhe h services for the Wrds Brother Ian Hvy wg Bradley upen obtaining Hon- iE.DA they hied had quite a bit cf Day of Prayer will be held MC. for the excellent prog. oursi rd Vpao n c RGRHRW Irai thire Thy hd spnt t Clumus nite Ciurc ra ofentertainment. Vocal Pyllis Youngman obta-ining EM San enjoyable dey et Disney on Friday, Feb. 25, at 2:00 p.mr. slections by a ladies trio, Mis. Fia-st Class Heonours in GradeLI TE ,DER Land. Sincere synipa-thy is extend- Russell Oke, Ma-s. L. W. Van I Theoa-y. Both are pupfls of!IIE 23-2263Miss Cather-ine Stewart ed te th.e !amily oft the la-to Driel and Ma-s. Sa-m Bla-ck, Ma-s. Joanne MeMahon.PH N '" apont a few days with her Mr. Wnn. C. MaecGaegnr. who recoived mucli appla-use. Ma-s.. Ma-. anrd Mirs. Verne Mulli- KING ST. W.PH N 625 Bowinanville j sistea-, Ma-s. G. E. Lofthouso. passed away~ Feli. lOth at.,Keith Billett w'as the piano' gan and their daugliters Di- in Oshawa, and went te the' saa ee-lHsîa. armans. anne and Lorianne have loft - w w w w w w wwww WHAT LAND CAN IF 'S BE THE DONE ( EMENT WITH QUARRY Leot a weUl known firm of consulting engineers and lowi4 planners answer this question for you: "Whilo it 1: adrniltodly usual planning practico to look about 20- 25 yoars ahoad# wo roitorato that this application" (for a coment quarry) "is anything but msal. At the end of this century and alter, il 1: quito concoivablo that Bowmanville - Oshawa will ho well within the boit 'of intense urban dovolopmont which now strotches fairly cantinuously aloag tho shoro of Lako Ontario front Grimsby to Ajax. One has only to contomplato the-untoward offects on the Toronto . Hamnilton section which would have deriv.ed had a similar operation. beon ostablishod at say, Clarkson, or Dronto, ini tho ninetoon' twonies. What long torm loss ai assoument on that 700 acros would have bofallen Toronto Township or Oakvillo? What aiditional borvicing cosi would now b. Iacoed as a result of the disrupted drainage pattern? Most important, what effsct would iuch an operation have had on the uunicipality's abllity to aitract deirahie amosmont to close proximity?" 'S SIGN NOT THE SPONSORED BY THE BETTER 100 LAITE'il 1r i THIS A. STO PPlED? 'T t i P.ETITION DEVELOPMENT CQMMITTEEJ dâ, AL ÀL & 1 - -ýA r y lqr - - --- IV, lqv IV, 'V IV, 1 "Ir IVF . irý 1 1