Mm Sous libon, Edtoe Phono f974213 Atoms Make Good Showing in Orono lournament Wlien the Atom tpunament was held in Orono Foshay, Donnie Martin, Kenny Boyd and Alun Emard; recently, this Newcastle teani put up a good f ight second row, Tracey Embley, Bill Wagar, Tim Blaker, but were de! eated by Cannington in the last game Jim Barchard, Cameron Wilson, Tommy Martin, of thse event. Photo includes, front row, left te ight, Bobby Northrup and Ricky Powell; back row, Coaches Xeith Milhench, Jamie Denny, Ken Nesbitt, Robin Ron Emard and Robert "Bud" Wagar. Everybodys Raisiný F.or Newcastle's Ar Newcastle - What may The card players were of- posslbly have scemed a long iiiiywecmdad grate- ý,aY out, when talk was frst ful thanked for their suppor by Lionettes' President Mrs. *atdthroughout the village Charlie Megt. Foliowing hem *dr nstallmng artificiai ice in words of welcome, the games the local aena, seems to get ga clouer each time we take a[bgn ,Wa1k up town or receive a At the end of each game, a telephone cail. Ever since lucky ticket was drawn for -canivai Urne ini August, many prizes donated by members diférent -ways have been Of the Lionette Club. Winners found for ralsing funds, ailof were, Mr. Clarence Rivers, Mr. thein showing success in their Bruce Tihlson, Mms. Dora Kel- profit. sey, Mr. W. F. Riekard, Mr. The latest projeet was the Lloyd Stephienson, Mms. Lillian <dPsryui noeVb h Toms, Mms. Joan Allison, Mrs. Màieu t de Newcastle Ii Lenone Hoar and Mm. Mary thib. Thursday. evering au Sei itels lèd -te -the commniity .At' the conclugion 'et the bau, When tableà were apid- card gaine,. Lloyd Stephenson l17 tM-eh, . Ëd fOunsclifès f6rmed -anno6unoed the winnens of the :IVplay euchre in the Lions Cake Bake. Nine cakes were I&M, or bridge in the rooni entemed into this contest, with '-across the hall. Ithe judges being Mi. Harold, thefr effort an the eowd for their Vret response, asuuring everyone that the nioney was niuch appreciated. Other donations made were by .loo omes, G1er4 Rae Dair andTom'a L.G.A. store. On the Saturday evening following the card party, Mr. and Mrs. George Stephensoni aain opened their home in aid of funds fer Artificial Ice, when Messrs Lamne Johnson1 and Robert Walton spansomed1 a Dinner and Stag Party.1 During the earlièr part of thei evcijng, a cocktail.- hour wasi hèld. FollQwing this, the mien1 weme treated as royalty asi they were gemved a most deli-1 clous moose dinner with alil the trirmings. The hockey gaine was listened to and a pool nmade up with the luckyi wlnnér being Rort Emard. Thrée lucky draws ware of $10. Each went to Harold Gibson, Archie Bernard and Charlie Knox, with each of thema turn- ig their wlnnings back into the Artificial Iee Fund. The- moose was supplied by Irwin Colwlll, Ken Stephen- son and George Stephenson. Assisting Mms. Stephenson were Mrs. Robert (Budf) Wag- ar, Mrs. John Rickard, Mrs. Norman Rudînan, Mrs. Lorne Johnson, Mx-.. Irwin Colwill, Mns. William Lake, Mns. How- ard Quinney, Mrs. Ross Boyd, Mms. Bob Stephenson with ex- cellent assistance with the dishes following the dinner by Robent Walton, Stan Grahami and Chantie Knox, who proved tÔ the ladies they knew their buÉinéss when the dishes were donc in quick tie., Near the conclusioni of the eéning, the rnoney was côunt- âd up and was turned oven to Meurs. Johnson and Walton, w1ho then turned over the evening's profits of $602.63 ta the treasurer of the Artificial Iee Comrnittee, Howard Quiri- ney. Words cf appreciation were expressed by the chair- man, Bud WNagar on behalf of ail the committee, to ail those present for their efforts. He asAuréd thema that with each donation, the goal was brought that much closer. Stephenson wlnning thrée Sport g ~pounds cf shortening forthirdi  - IVI I1W~ prize. The three other cakesi Act iviries I eýre baked by some o! the winnemm who had entered both r i iccilIcethe light and dark cake cas. Newcastle-You cant wii fificlice fterdecla'ingthe wnes them ail. That seems to, have Mr. Stephenson then ate a hsme ptewy fti Gibson, and Mrs. Jack Arnott, auctioneer and began tos, ei the Newcastle Pee Wee Orono, and the Grand Chanip- the cakes. Prices ranged frm team entcred another hockey ion Prize. was given to Mrs. $3.00 to as high as $1000 Thts tournament on Saturday at Morley Allin, who won the cake. was one baked by Mns. Oakwood. Playing their fimst Corning Wame donated by Mns. Lake. The nine cakes brought gaine at il a.m. they losIt t William Sterks and nine i a profit of $37.25, for Millbrook 8-1. The only score ponds of Jewel Shorter*ing. which the Limnettes expressedfo Newcastle was made by Alhe shotening was donated tlir thanks to those who took Deug Rickard. by the Domestic Shortening part. Coming back on thelc at Company, and all the cakes Jutbeoe:h3lnh0a they met a team from in the contest were baked sved, rzesthereuncawaed akwood. This Urne the loss with Jewel Shortening. Uic highes laer. Hgh ady was again te Newcastle, with Secod pizefor igh ca e i ehr was rs. H Teneaya score cf 6-0. Duning the Secod pizeforligh caes n echrewasMrs Teesafirst period cf this gamne, anc was won by Mmi. William River, high man in cuchre, o! t he Newcastle players, iLake, hem prize, six pounds of Mr. Bruce Tillson. David Sheamer, stopped a f ast shortenlng and third prize for Duringlunch, a draw was fling puck Uic hard way. light cakes 'was won by Mr$' held for the beautlful ashtray Trhe puck hit hini just above Jean Allison, whô won thi!ee made and donated by Sandor. the eye and alinost immedi- pounds, cf shor tenlng. ý Tufs was 'won by Mn.. Brucee atcly thc amea started ta turn. : nes ofthe d ank-cakes TFUIÉon., oflowing th&'rÎ were, finit, Mms. Newton Alex Hendmy of the Artificlal cd up, retunned again ta te Selby, winning nine pounds of Tee Conittee, rcceived froin ice and tried hard ta get his ishortening, second, Mis. Phyl- Uic Lionettes, $170.00. Mr. teani out of Uic hale they were lis Clark, wlnning six poundilendry thanked the Club for in, wlthout success. Once back r il ewcasue oSocial and1 (Personal in home temiory, David was taken to lits cwn daçtor, where lie required ten stitches ta bnought ta the attention o! Uic Hockey Mothers that sweat- ers and socks weme necdcd for thc Bantain team, and Uicsc shouid be ardcned in large sizes. They should also 'bc omdered rtght away if the Hockey Mothers' Associaten liad the funds and wished ta purchase theni. The Bantarn team have a toumnament cern- ing up on Uic finit Saturday ini March, the Saturday before the next regular HMA meet- ing. Therefore, a meeting a! flic mothers attending Satur- day's tournament was held an the spot and opinions were asked on whether tliey should caîl a special meeting te gel a vote, on buy Uic sweaters an the vote taken that day. Il was decidcd by the members who wcne available that as they did have sufficient funds and the boys werc ia nccd e! the sweaters, Uiey sliould ho bought without , calling a special meeting. The sweaters have since been ardercd. The Town League la .1111l i the news. The finit game on Sunday saw Uic Rackets and Jets in action, with the Rock- ets defeating them in a cloue game, 6 to 5. Scoring for Uic defeated teani wcre Albert Green with two goals, wlth Eanl Cobbledtck, W. Lakce and Dayne Rogerson scening onc each. The goals for the wîn- ning team wenc crcditcd te Buzz Mercer, Bnian Pickering, Walter Rickard, with two goals each. In the second ganie the Cornets proed the victors aven the Royal. with Ran Dickinson lcading the Cornets with flirce goals, Howard Quinney scoed two and onc by Wayne Peance. Geais for the defeated teain wcre scer- cd by Larry Pearce with twe, and anc each te David Rlckamrd and Brian Rcwe. Teani standings arc: G W L TPte. Carnets - 4 2 1 1 5 Jes. ___ 4 2 20 4 Rayais 4 2 2 0 4 Rockets----- 4 1 2 1 3 A change ia pace. We have sanie news on a mit excitilrg game a! voleybail, played ne- ccntly in the gym cf the New- caslle Public School. Students saw the final game and watch- cd thmaugh breathîcus and axiaus moments. Aflen a sec-suiv battle the teani hed- ed by Captain Ernite Wilcox wvon with a close store cf 23-20. The losers were champions ln their own riglit, playlng a good dlean -gaine and playing it like gocid sports. Mn. Mc- Mahon pnesentcd ail the win- ning Ieam with ivords o! con- gatuIâtions sand am nbande, They ivene: Teani Capt. Wil- cox, Lida Herreil, Peggy Dar* ach, rg Farge,lck Lan. dry, Gary Major, Weuley For- gel and Penny Meadow&. Congratu.lations were misa extendcd the lbang team fer the battis they gSave. They were: Team Ct% obnlar- ach, Mameha it1 D~I Shearen, Fred o ,Guid Permin, . MJc Mn. and Mmm. Simca Biens- ticker bave recently nrned from a montki's holiday i Efolland, where they cnjoyed a wonderfui visil with rela- tives and friendi. Mmm. Biens- ticker visited Holland four yers ago, but for Mm. Biers- ticken il was lis finat ime bock: home in 16 years, and was quite a neunion. With spring cleaning about to begin, betten check on the lightbulb situation. Let the Lions keep you eut cfthe dark. The membens of the local club will be calling frein Lhouse-to-house witli a real buy in lights. Read Uiec cer- ing events, and kcep Uic time and date in mind. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Alldread who ele- brate their fiflielli wedding anniversary thits week. Cubs and Scouts were me- rninded at their ineeting on Monday- evening tihat the ban- quet for théni and their fa- thens weuld be on Saturday evcning, February 26th. In «'B" Cub pack, several awards wer-e presented ta' the boys by their Akela. Receiving their second eye, were Sixers Darreil Darling and Mvark Tilison, wtth two boys receiv- ing their firsI eye, Seconder Ronnie Lowry and Sixer Ken- ny Nesbitt. Praficiency badges were also awarded, with house orderly badges gôing ta La-nry Perrin, Ronnie Lowry, Lawrence Grazelle and Kevin Drain. Toymakers badge was awarded Kenny Nesbitt, antd tihe gardenem's badge ta Hu- bert Vanderstamre. Athietie badges were pnesented te Ronnie Lowry, Hubert Van- derstarre, Vernon Sunday, Darreil Darling, Mark Till- san, Donald Tilison, John Emard, Alan Finard, Grant Hendry, Lemrry Perrin, Kcnny Nesbitt and Bill Wagar. ThiE service stars were presentec by the assistant Cubiaster Mri. Bruce Tilison, with Ilis three year pin gotng to ManIà Tilison, two year pins te Dali Barrett and Larry Perrin, anc one year te Donald Tilison Mms. Tillson alse received 4 ane ycar service pin fren ti Cubmaster, Mns Doneca Nes biît, who prcsented all thi allier awards with words a conigratulations for those whi had worked se bard a.nd earn c d their badges and stars Slic/ encouraged, the oalle Cubs te kccp u~p their goo work and soon they would me ceive tihetm aiwards. At a recent meeting of thi ist Newcastle Brownie Pack~ several o! the. Brownies weni awarded badges and servie qpins. Alfter instruction wa The Oeadian Statembi4 B owrmmvle, 7*. 28, IMS3 while b. and hie cousin Dmn- rT son cf Mr. and MUn. Cher- eý Alldmeed, rode double on a bike on their wsY te Bnown'aschSo Jhuamam. Mike was tIred o a n bruipes whlle Danny, wttxUn- determned lnjuny, was taken te Sick Childrcn's Haspîtal, Toronto, wherc he MOil la a patient. Ex'citcnient floumtshed throughout Uic Newcastle Arena on Sunday afteneon during the hockey gaine be- tween, two ladiés teanis, Orono and Cobourg. One cf thé CO- bourg players lefI thé ice feeling very tired. Reachlng the players' box che coUlapsed. Qulok action by anecdc hem players who applied mouth ta mouth respiration the remain- cd conscious. She was mioved into the ticket office and wrapped ti coats to kecp her wanm until thc amiibulance an- rtved and teck omer. It was learned she had taken a heart ettack, but ne fua-ther details anc at the moment avai-lable. What niit well have been another vevy bad fine at one of our industries was quickly put out by our local fire- fighters, who wene called te the scene inUic back shop of J. Anderson Smiith Co. Würk- ers had detected omoke froni the blower aystcm ,and put in the oniergency call. The fine- fighteri blew fog frein thein high pressure unit right into the blowen ri-stem 'and sean ail was well again. Our friendi and neiglibors in Bowrnenville Hospital this week, are, Mmi., Etel, Allin, Mr. Hilltard Brown, Mn. John Davis, Misa Tina Ferguson, Mn. Ferdinandina Hartcmink, Mrs. Mado MReelis, 1&. Brian Parkin, MrÈ. Arlimie .Resseau, Mmi. Grace Sheppard, Mr. Edward Sith and Mis. Alire Worrall. iMr. and Mis. William Me- %Lean recently attended the -wedding of Mn. MicLean'a 1nephew In Part ColLborne. Anl Pm poe Ro. 7-BAVE 40 FIEROSES 74b >a75 Beef or Irish Mg.Uo - BAVE 17* CLARK STEWS 3 t,-m im, 1.00 nmnes are to moen on 1* wee cKiigFébruary 146M. Ladie 0 dpe-LI lla.n Farrow 27,My t* 239, Mabel Goode 235, Naui- cet Luiin 227, Témesa L"nd staff 221, Veina Wiktsost Deotliy Neal 215, Hélen Cég. roux :111, Evélyn Méàdffw 209. Berniccé Pai'tnér 20&i Dianne Lartstf! 267, luth Irw!in 206, Aeaés M*.fIlé- welscz 206, Dorotly Yduti- man 201. Men's League - 225 Méd over - Lloyd Taylor 314, Gr Forget 271, George Kff 270, Hank Hatéi 2à3, RoM Gond 223. Juniors - 200 am d Ôv61 Joan Kirnbell 205. Newtonville Ladilet - 1, and over - Linda Whitùe -916i Hikia Williams 187, Je"1i 177 and Sophie Williams 171. Thuredey Mlxed Lea4gz4 - 200 and civer - Matilyn Votaek 283, Marge Ibbot.sôn 230, Bel- tyr Tenidani 222, Paulité M&é Noir 215, Msbel Lewis 208, and George Gliaiville 2M6. Friday Mtxed Léague - 0 and aven - Memnill Henq r322, Marilyn Ceu'eh 297, G~g KimbaMi 277, Ben Hoakamp 276, Ruth. Couel 251, WIldà Johnson 246, Nénda Hoag- kcaTp 245, Ted Hean 233, Stan Allia 232, Albert Pearce 228, Ruth Bonathan 224, Alice 'Kuçery 224, Nina Madidi-220j, Hazeil Mary Munro 215, TrÈCiY Embley 202, and Marg Pet- erson 200. ahown to the pack by Pack Leaders Nancy end Lirnda Lowéry on thec correct way o! tiga rnef knot, the kuat Wsdby tice Bowntes in t3ring their lie, Brown Owl Mrs. W"ihani Cadi prescnted Nancy and Lida witkiBrowrue tics end placéd them around theirà nccks. Wearing this tic is synibOlic Of a Patrol Léadén. Min. CeU expressed hem déee- est apprectation te these two girls fon their assistance and the w'erk they have donc w1th the pack, and Il was hem wish thal their good work would continue. Seconder striPes were then Presented by MTs. Calil t PattY Powell and Sandraq Kean. A niew six pack was fOInied and thic IniPs decided on, tihe Sticer, Lonie Darling,1 and Seconder, Apnil Couch.4 These girls ase received tihein Sixer and Seconder stripes. The Pack Leaders pmesented six new tweenies ta be en- noiled as Brownmes, Saliy No- den, Heather Mcdofiild, Shel- leigli McDonald, Vaienie For- get, Janet Lôveinh, and iRose- mieG Imnore. one the tweenies were enirolled, they were prcsented ta Uicir new Six and thec Grand Howî. was perfornied hy >11 ef the Brownies. At an carlier iniet- ing, interest badges wcre pre- sented ta Lily Woo, Collec- tons; Ruthie Paterson, Swtrn- nier; Helen Rosscau, House- Ordenly, with Laura Peel ne- céàvng lier f it year service pin. Mikie, son of IMn. and Mrs. >William Mldmead, bas been .meleased frem Bowmanviile Hespitai following an acci- 'dent at Bnewn's siderad 3FOR fUSUI1RUITSIN~UIffAU8 ~ - ARRIVDKG RAlLYE CALIFORNIA, SUNICIST, MAVELS, No.. 1 GRADE O)RAiNGES. Cam A 5w9. IMORTE, VINE RIPWNU, NHANM S!ECTEDQtIAWYNO-.11 GRMD TOMATOES .2. 1 A&P 3 POUND BAG COFFEE SALE!- I BOKAR 3-U lug 2,29 8 wo'QOle12 Sm* 26c 3-LbISn ITS THE EAT IN THE MWEAT THAT COUNTS 5UPR-RIGHTr QUALUT - COICDREADY TO SERVI SMOIKED SHANK PORTION 4 HAMS 1BUTPTION FULL. CUT HAL.F HAM$ - NO CENTRE LDOES RRMOVIS SHANK HALF 173c WTT HALF ce*e S" i 99C14 TO 16-LI. (etr Cis r.tak 9cW"oIeHa.s MINCID CHUCK ib 69C "85e Y*79c Q~u - : ALL PRICEU N "M AD GUARAKTSp TH4RUm SATURDAY, p 8,IO A& Amy Faaw . uflt.whuI KERNEL CORI I ____ May we suggest a Save-for-the-Little-Things-you-might-otherwiLse-never-buy Account? CANADIAN IMPEJIAL. BANK OF COMMERCE che.» @ualIty A&P PEAS S "* 8 9C - 1 à GET CASH TOISA? FOR OL» APPLIANCBS tbrougb STATESMAN CLASSD71EDS Telepbone 023-3U