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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1966, p. 14

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'M Te Canadian Statesma, Bowmnvlfle, Freb. 2W, 198 Gladioli and Hoisteins, Make Excellent Mixture At Jose Farm in Newcastle What do Holstein cows an< Gladioli have n comman? Ir the cmseof Harry Jose, cl Niewcastle, Ontario, they area jin Interest. Tht Holstein. ffesa Association cf Canada *Warded hlm a Master Breede: UhIeld, its highest honour, al f>be Annuai Meeting of the As- oociation an February 1Mthin I onto. Harry is msa a pasl ='~dent of the Canadiar adiolus Society, and his life- long hobby has been growing and exhibiting this flower. !The Master Breeder Shielc Wa» presented an behal! cf the Association by A. J. Johnson, Z1kader, Iowa, President of the Holstein - Friesian Association «t America. Tht presentation ,was miade in the name of J. B. Jose & Sans, since sons Don d Douglas have been asso- Ce.with the herd over the y»sand at the present time their brother Francis is active- ly In charge. This herd was started in 1915 by Harry Jose's father, Stephen, and traces entirely bUck ta three foundation cows purc hased at that time fram Fau.Poter, Bloomfield, W. A. Meadaws, Newcastle, and E. D. FARMERS é..OU O ecu.. "VI=n it cames ta paultry or live. .jstokhealth troubles, bis practical, on-the-farm experience can oftexi 3ead to a maore eEfcient and eca. bomical solution to the prablem. Ris «"toals" are the complets line of fus.Vet products plus the iolid know-how cf thre unique organization that stands bein ~im..a dMeàx8abketeànfor effec. -ve disesseZrevenion,. sanitation Contri andhighlevel vitality 'additives. K-VET LABORATORIES LTD. Humpelr, Ontario d George, Putnani, Ontario n Stephen Jase was tht fins )f president of tht Durhanr a County Holstein Club founded k- n 1917. Hmmry took ovea- the a management o! tht herd ln ýr 1926. ýt To tie tht Holsteixi hend in ;- with bis lave a! Gladioli, Hara-3 a selected as a farm name Gladi- ,t bm-e. Although this has beer ia aelativeiy uruali herd over ý- tht years, Giedibae bas be- gcame well known and many famous individuels have beer I bmed there. For instance, this ewas tht fia-st herd lu Canada [ta have tha-te caws, ecd witl aa production above 200,000 lbs. i milk lu their lifetime. ThIe 1most famaus of these was Mina Fayne Korudyke, a two star Bnood Cow who lu fifteen lac- tations produced 211,323 lbs. ai miik coutainiug 7,987 lbs. fat. Sic was tht second cow in Canada ta surpass tht 200,000 lb. mark ou twice-a-day ruflk. ing. Hem- dauglitea-, Gledibre Governon Elsie, a tiret star rBroasI Cow, lu another femous individuel witi a thirteen lac- tation total o! 243,625 lbs. millc containing 9,466 lbs. fat. This latter was a Canadien Champ- * ouship record for liietime fat production ou twice-a-day miiking wben completed eam-iy lest yeen, but bas since been surpassed. As a thirteen-year- aid, Elsie produced in 305 days 21,594 lbs. milk testing 3.75 per cent fat, wiich was tht bigieut record in Canada by a cow aven twelve years ai age when it was completed. As a coni- bination dem aud daugitea- gnoup, Mine and Elsie have compieted tht higiest total lifetirue butterfat figure for al Canada. StiRi mother famous membea- of this herd was Olive Burke Feyne, tht Excellent former Canadien Champion for four consecutive 305 day rec- ords, wbo beceme ont of tht foundetion cows fan tht Brow- view herd ai James T. Brown, Newcestle, Ontario. Making bis mark lu enother country wes Gledibae Gaver- non Dandy, a bull exported ta Isreel lu 1947. In 1955 this bull was ewarded tht Buffeustein Pnize for bis outstauding con- tribution ta agriculture in Isael. At thet time hem bad sired aven 5,000 daugliters and bis tested daugbters exceeded tht production o! their dams by about 2,000 Ibu. per lacta-, tion. Tht Jase herd bas been proruineut et tht shows as well ,as lu tht production field, and bas hed a numben of All-Caua- dieu nominations as well as . honor lilt records for produc. ;t tion. n At tht present time, twc d home bred bulis are being used e in tht herd, ont of theni Gladi. n brae Leader Stardust, Ver3 Good, having ten daughteru hr n milk, 60 per cent af whom are y Good Plus and better with onti ý- Very Gaod, all at two yeari aand mllking well. The othez r bull, Gladibrat Royal Prince, *is closely related ta Gladibrac rGavernor Elsie. a To qualify as a Master sBreeder, J. H. Jase & Sons, a ini a herd averaging less thar .i twtlvt registrations per year, ; have bre'd six Very Good bulîs, celeven Very Gaod caws, farty- a five Gaod Plus caws, and three rStar Brood caws, ail the fem- * aies meeting the BCA require- f ment of 115 percent for botlh niiik and fat. BETHANY (Intended for last week) Mira. Alex MioMaster was in rToronto last week attending sthe funeral service of her brother, Edward Racicot. The sympa*iY Of the coemrunity la Iextended te MT. Mc(Miater. Mrs. Wiilhlua Piercy, Mrs. Thomuas Jackson, Mmr. Carl Porteous and MTs. Thomas Jennings attended tht Peter- borough Presbyterial semsions held last week at Northmrin- ster United OhuTich. LMr. and Mirs. Frank White, Trenton, spent tht weekend with Mir. and Mrs. Harry Ry- ley. Mirs. Melville Cars, Cavan, was tht guest of Ma-. and Mn,. Ross aa-r for severai diays Lmot week. 1r. and Mns. Gordan Simitjh and family spent the week- end in Detroit, Mici. A numrbea- fromi tht village took advantage of tht special bus service and attended the Ice Folies in Toronto on Sun- dey. Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Bootih- by and their son Johnny spent the weekend with relatives in Cot Mll. Mr. and Mrn. Arthur Wright 4th Weddlng Annlversary Ma-. and Mrs. Ar'thur Wright celebrated their 4Otih wedding anniversareY et their home in Bethany on Thuarsday, Febru- ary 3rd, with a dinner paaty for tbeir flanilLy. Du-inig tht afternoon and evening they held open house whdéh was attended by over 100 friends and relatives who, j came frein Lindsay, Orono. - Petnbooug, Jnetville, . i~hk Bowtnanville, Garden HIJJ, as weil as the Bethany cown- They reoeived theïr guests( o ntui decorated wîth baskets of wearing a da-ess of blue tigur-E ste n B ed cePe and corsage 0' Pink Thie annual meeting of Eas- swete at se. terxi Breeders was held Wed- Their daughter Mms. Ira nesday, Feb. 9th, li the Town Magill received the friends at Hall, rn, ihaveyg' -the door and their grand- attendance. County director dau*hter Loraine Magill was end ex-president of E.B.I., oin charge af -the guest book. Mr. RusselQObhorne, acted as dTht dining table was dain- chairman, and Mr. A. O. Dal- i- tily araniged with lace clath ry'rnple, Ag4ric. Rep. as serre- Y ctntred with the three tiered tary. i wedding cake baked by their Dr. J. MacLean, manager af t daughter, flowers, candies, E.B.I., gave a talk on tht e end a iliver teat service. Ma-s. bulis owned by Eastern 's Ha-rey Davidson poured tea Breeders, alsa, the finances of ir in the afternoon, Mrs. Walter tht association and business Neais In the evening. Serv- ln genea-al. e ing tht guestà wea-e their four Dr. Wilson, Veteinary con- granddaqighters, with Ma-s. sultant for E.B.I., gave a talk r 'lboanas Jenning, Mrs. Herb on stenility end herd manage- 4Coppins, Ma-s. Earl Weather- ment. Milford C re i gh tan, ilt, Mrs. Leoniard. Driver and supervîsor of Port Hope Min. Gemvin Mulligan mIso braaich office, gave a brie!i assisting. Tht wedding forty years 5 mgo took place et the home of thebrde pretsnerlog Pro dui MutHoreb, ihtele Rev. R. M. Patterson of Janet- ville heairing thet'maiakgeC ounty D ir vows of Isabel Porter, d'augh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Har-vey Porter, and Arthur Wrigiht, Members of the Durham son, of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred County Hlog Producers elect- Wright &r Janetville. Grace ed 12 diaectors recently at tht q Porter, now Mrs. Artihur annuai meeting held at Orono. Pogue o R.R. 3 Omermee, was They include: Cartwright, 9rd Mad fo e it raray Byers, Walter Wight; George Wright, whio is now Manvers, Floyd S t i n s c n, rtht Rev. George Wright of Lawrence Staples; Hope, Bey stiiiiei~, ~ ~ Gray, Howar-d Q u an t r ii; *for his cousin. Both were pre- Clarke, Don Staples, William sent for the annlversamry. lMrs. Afin; Darlington, Lewis Wood, Patterson cl! Lindsay, widow; Keith Crago; Cavan, Ted Mc- of! tht minister, also attended Dowell, Russell Kennedy. anrd ail were rermnniscing over Elected as directors at larg the weather of 40 years ago were Herb Morton, Melbournt wheu country roade were Morton, Howard Malcolm, snow filled and travelling Jack Brown, Bill Ferguson and was by horst end cutter Balfour Moore. thrmough fields. Tht minister's Durham producers are plan- homet fell down in the snow ning ta sponsor another 4-H andI was eut on an unseen Swine Club this year ta en- cuivert and lie andI bis wife courage the quality af gilts. lied te wallc the reruainder Membership is open to anyone of the way. between ages ai 12 and 20. Mr. and MA-s. WrIght have Some merubers expressed can- ont son Keith at home, a dau- cern about the scarcity ai giits ghtea- Mms. Ira Magjll (Aileen) for such a pragraru. of Janetviile; and four grand- Clare Curtin, vice-chairman dlaughters, Doris, Donna, Lois of tht Ontario Hog Marketing and Loraint Magill. Board praised tht producers Many gifts, flowers and for their efforts during the cards ai congratulations were past year. "This arganization received. The faniily's giit is really impraving," be said. was a chair and a wall dlock. "We have the best financed For mîany years Mr. and Mm-s. Wright wea-t fax-mers inr tht Janet-ville area. Later, 1ý. rih ws nilye r arm Union News Tht Arsenal in Lindsay. Since Tht regular monthly meet- retirement they have nesided ing ai tht Farmens' Union was in Bethmny. Bath are active held et the home ai Mr. and mexibers aof Tht United Mirs. Elmer Cox on Tuesday, Chlum-ch, Mr-. Wright sea-ving Februeny i. on the Board cf Stewards and Ma-s. Wr'ght lu tht U.C.W. Items discussed included the Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. and Canada Pension Plan meeting Mrs. Carruthemrs o! Garden (with respect ta its efet ont Hâl tteded he n « farmers) ta be beld soon lu Hil atede tt nnversary Peterborough; tht annual bau-t te offer congratulations._ i*p. -ihrlir f"M 1 AUTHORIZED CHEVEOLET DEALE IN ýBWMANVILL ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITED POWMANVILS'2225 COMMTIE 728-6204 et un t-UGRm sonu on te 51.TV flSto mc0" Sundp. uel ci uA tk«1w chmw am g k reguletions regarding trectorj drivers and matters contaiued1 lu tht brie! submitted ta thet Ontario Government, Jenuaryi 14, 1966, by tht Fermera' 4inierr.'-M49fa4on ..nd ug#su.j tions pertinent ta relief ta emengency aid mm-ta, rain-mak-i ing machines, crop insunance,E safety devices ou cars, mastitis( contrai prograru, Medicare,ç school buses, bigla uchoal1 board elections and other sub- jects contained therein were made. Tht uext reguIer meeting1 will be held under tht aus-r pices o! Mr. and Ma-s. Jas. Trudeau in Tyrane Hall, Tues- day, Merci 1, 1966, et 8:00 P.m.t y Jose as rector for ,eeders report on tht Part Hope of- fice. 2 Th% winners o! tht herd Jconception competition fon rDurbeni County were: 31 .cows or more, Mr. Stan Mill- sson, Ennriskfllen, 76%; De -Joug Bm-ou., Nestîtton, 74%: -15 te 30 cow herds, Mr-. Clii- fard Swallow, Bowiiinville, f91 % ; Win. Dam-ci, Enniskillen, e88%. 2Election c01orifcesswas fconducted biy Dr. MecLean. sMr. Russell Osborne declined ta . let bis naine stand as -county director, expressinig buhs wish ta retire after hrav- ing served as an officiai for a numiben o«! years. Mr-. J. H. >Jose, Newcastle, was eiected ias county directar. icersElect rectors LAgricultural orÉanization in Canada". "Laut yeam- we ruade grants $i 37,000 ta tht caunty," he said. Ht told members tht On- tario Hog Marketing Board bad entered iuto a five-year lease with tht Kitchener stock- Lyard since it was a stable yard. Mr. Curtin attributed the cura-eut gaad hog prices ta high lebor casts which are forcing some pa-oducers ta abandon the hog 'industry ta go to wark in industry and also ta the offshore shipments af grain. Those present, representing, just a urnaîl propartian ai the nearly 800 hog praducers in the caunty, were also address- ai by Eric Aldea-son, manager ai McLeod Ferrus et Aurora. Mn. Aldersan, an authority on tht hog producers industry, spoke on "trends af tht Hog Industry, Good and Bad". Ht tald tht producers that big changes lu tht bog indus- try started ta take place ouly two or three years ega, and tht industry had et lest be- corne truly national in scape. He iorecast that tht im- portant part ai thteraveruent should finally produce a na- tional swine council this year. Tht council's main tashu will be: * To co-ardinate variaus segments ai tht industny ta ensure that they are ail going in tht same direction. * To diagnose problemu of the industry. * To set up researchi ta salve these problerus. He stressed that such a pro- grmr will have ta be well financed by a levy of two or three cents on eech bog uoid acrosu Canada. On tht question o! the lebor naazket4 rggarding bctg prodVrp tian, Mr. Alderson advocated it is higli tirue schools wea-e set up ta provide winte- courses in training of bog specialists bath for ownens and top grade researchi men. Mm-. Alderson aIsa reviewed developrueuts aven tht past yean lu quality standards, ba-eeding, healtb and manage- ment. Hog production in Durham OCounty Grade A hogs was 43.9 per cent tht members wene Laid. A total o! 31,185 hogu were prcduced lni the county' in 1965, a decrease of 9.9 per cent from; 1964. Mr. Aidersoxi said he didn't expeet a declint in the pa-uce of! hag at leat until the faM. Oue of tht pa-oblems facing hog producers wth the cura-tnt high trend ai hog prices, lu the arrivai a! many xiew faces in tht industa-y. Hagi producers wbo depend on tht industry as their only means of incarne, complain that many part time producers, who are worklng in industry as a regular ineans o! iMipicymexit, are ,caming auto the maket and will eventuaily ruin thte maket for tht producers who dtpend upon it. NESTLETON (Intended for iast week) U.C.W. Meeting T1ht Flbruary meeting af Nestieton U.C.W. wau Iield at the home ai Mirs. George Bowem-s ou uesday atteanon with a fair attendance. Due to tht absence of tht president, Mirs. Emerson took tht chair and opened tht meeting with a poem !ollow- ed by prayer and -tht Lord's Prayer in unison. Hynin 2491 r1jeas utalreli wheWeer rthe sun" w»s swig. lhe wordidp period was tconducted by Mrs. Vine and eMms. Donald Tboeon, wlth Mm Vine reêding the. scrip- edevotianal, the theine being i"Brotterhood", a nd closed swith pryer. The roll cml "A 3specal program I enjoyed last year" was given, alter wlhich the ecsng hyrmm "In Christ4 tiiere la no Eat or West" was sSung. Mrs. Saddler had 9charge of the study bock and 1 poke on chapter 3, 'Troni rNazareth to the Jordan". The minutes were tiien read and treasmes report gilven. Two card& were sigxed for sick mernbers in hospital Ail were remidnded of the World's Day of Prayer in Blackstack on Feb. 2Sth. A very interesting program followed with a readuing by, Mirs. Hyland, "Time Saved", tand a humorouis "Naines" con- etest by Mrs. Bruce Heasllp. 1The meeting closed wxth the Mzpah benediction.t The unit in charge servedj clunch and a social hour wasc enjayed. Mrm. Maurice Nes-t bitt m*oved a vote of thenksj sto ail for a well spent miter-t BEATTHE TAX!II Gloriadale* Bull Sold to South Africa Boy and Gloria Phulp or Gloiaae Fas have achlev- tsI a first in beef breedlig circles. They have beexi suc- cesuful ip selllng a poUled beer Shorthoru sireta a bug fa-rn South Afnica. Ma-. M. HocIyo u 1e BedIford, C.PSouth -C14 pua-chased "Giariadait Capti. vator" for a pa-ice o! $4,300. It is undea-stood that this lu the fia-ut time such a sait has been made te South Afnuca. xIn order for tht saietot be final the sire had ta, pass cdrtain tests required by expoa-t regulations and did se easily. Tht bull was tht top sellixig sborthorn bull in tht Gloria. dale Sale on October 23rd, 1965 at Gioriadale Ferma near Part Hope Ontario. Ma-. Phip and his wiie Gloria started the fanm as a hobby in 1952 and since then have been suc- cessiul in raising same of the top palled shorthorns i North Amea-ica. Gloriadale Captiva- ton's pedigree includes world ON'THAT NECESSARY FRM SALES TAX INCREASE TO 5 % APRIL lst, 1966 FIRST YOU . . .. figure ont what you went tht building to do ln thé way of reducing your costs and raisir your profits. Then phone tht Beaver Building Representatlve. Hteiras tht cerefully engineered farm building plans and the preetiesi expérience ta plan with you tht exact building ta do tht Job. He aisoe an show you Beaver buildings in thteta se you can ste for yourself tht wonkmanshlp of good * building you expeet from Beever Lumber. PHONE R. Stel Beaver Building Re]p et Your Service A good man te know,1 Beeven Building "Ri heu thte nswers. phone hlm todey 987-4. and begin planning ye buildings. Plainning hi -*d estimates agre al] part a! the service. P. the * A fan building today han one job and one job only te. W7 help you get botter production et thre Iowest cost. lt'u a Our [p speclel fenm tool laid out te maire wonk fauter, casier and more eflicient. Tht Bessonr Building "Hep" Can help, yoq fnom planning te compietion. Phon i y. ENGINEERED FAiM BUILDINGS BUILT BY BEAVER . TO SUIT TOUR NEEDS! BE AVER LUMBER Friendly Dependable Service Mmui t, BUILDING 623-33,88 A ý 1 -&mý ONE JOB AND ONE JOB ONLYI : -k

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