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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1966, p. 15

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nouneementé: ]Be pMrerd for 4iu aient to $7.86 Per Share GieadBoneCod Day. Further notices wlll be posted.H s ton United Church was the t r Goodye r Annoünceucene of the Brownie, Guide Lo er N t r f f o 6 ian flag. The gro:ps Tecnrgto Wsea ýLçwjwer N t Pro *t f r 6raded into the church, go- 1 Methodist) was organized and as handed the flag by Patral erected ini.1865. It now con- Leader Elizabeth York. After sists of a brick hall and church Catto placed the flag staff into steeple. New Toronto, Feb. 14- The 31, 1965, arnounted to $2,281.- stock. as compared wl *$11'Lteahder Bred byTerri l hie frtraai n H staton Hth- Cooelldated net profit aif Thc 745 it was announced today 834,669 or $46.00 per aharne Gade rds ai Hona r .L. Cahy w"isay iat HopeCrek b- Goodyear Tire & Rubber at a meeting of the Board oai.1964. iGu ol an-Va De ef t nd E P.L.zabthtwecn2)Welcoerand Roekber Coeaqtany of Canada, Limited, Directiors. The cansolldated Goodyear i York saa-Va e to adulert beda enWecm n Rsbry PF thUi yen endcd December net profit is eciuivalent te diari tire manufacturer whidxYok too te ag aen ah -.1n.86 per siare for the out- has Canadian Éhareholders then O shahe TE ve' e h astnngcommon stock. Pro- and reports the results o! its stand and while ail the grau 'O h w a T fit for tie preceding year had operations to thc public. saluted it, it was placed wt ________________' our Guide World Flag; then, 1 been $3,536,893 or $1273 per the cali ta warship.A thN Sales were substantially Jane Rynolds ead th Sets Recod higer than in 19HMPTON scrpture and Guide Patro:R e i es' or anu ryingba doll soe and ailyn .GI..met on Feb. 7. Second Lori Stainton said the For Januaryin boh dolar saes an in MrilynFarrow was in charge Guide Prayer, directing uR t r s i .1 tonnage. These resuits ne- ai Uic worship service assist- thoughts ta other Guides al Oshawa, Feb. 4-Sales ai flected a sustained marketing ed by Judy Ann Fowler, over the world. Mrs. Hind- Laurence Savery. principal Genenal Mators North Ameni- effort in all hues of products,lGloria Farrow and Charlene man told the children's story, ai Dr. S. J. Phillip School, uan type cari and trucks set and hàgher volume ai pradue-iMacnab. Judy Lyon led in cxplaining ta us ail the mean- Oshawa, calls quits ta a 40- their twelfth monthly record tien fromn expanded and new1prayer. Mrs. Balson introduc- ing ai "Thinking Day". Also, year teaching and educational In a row iu Januany with a tacilîties which becamea cld us ta the first chapter af she cxplaiued the symbols ai administration carcer this total of 27,004 units. This able d'uring Uic year. !the study book, "Called te be". aur World Flag and the sym- sumnier. compares with 23,323 vehicles Capital expenditures for ex-i On Feb. 14 the C.G.I.T. hcld bol ai the Browuie Toadstoal lHe has beeu principal of Ahn January 1965. pansion, improvements and a sleigh-riding party and re- and Owl. Our four Sea Rang- tie sehool since 1955. Paisenger car sales reached replacement ai propcrty dur- turned ta heMhr.e i Mrs crstookthe athregstakin 22,232 while truck sales set ingx thc ycar totllej$7,976, Harold Balsan ior hot choco- most ncat in thein new M.unei-oie testf en ail-time record for the 327 and. depreciation amontuu lte and cookies. The next forms, Donna Ternili, 'Lynda of the O&4awa public aclical ntonth ai January with 4,772 ed ta $3,956,102. meeting will be on Feb. 21. Coulter, Barbara Kazak and systeni in 1941, taught onc units sald. Comparable fig- Taxes and dulie-,Of ail Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and Sally Payne. Rev, Catto ce, year at Ritson Road Public unes in Jauuany 1965 werc: kinds in 1965 totalled $1- - iami1y irom Milton, Mr. and tinued with the rest af the Schaol and the next 13 years 20,40 pasenercas nd 5143 euivalent ta $4801 Mrs-. Glenn Smith, Douglas service, after which the groups at King Street Schoal with 3,083 trucks. per ahane of issued co mmon ad hey, Hampton; Mn. and paraded expio ai ncyr Mrs. Allyn Taylor and girls On Sunday, Feb. 20, Rev. ifrom Bowmanville visited at Don Hansford occupied theZ f1. Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith's pulpit, preaching on "Christi-,IO on Suuday, February 13. Sat- auity and Science". Rev. Cat-i urday evening, Feb. 12, Mr. tae vas in Bichcliffc Church, The Aune Reed Unit met and Mrs. Hosken Smith at- in the Sunday School on Feb- tendcd the Masonic banquet Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Br- ruary 14th, with the ladies af in Bowmanvillc. It wa s Ladies' j ey hosted the confirmation Elckd U.C.W. as their guests. Night. classes led by Mr. Hansford. The meeting was apened by Recent callers with Mr. and IMrs. Berna Pringle wiil have the worsihip service condunt- Mrs. A. W. Prescott wcre Mns. the U.C.W. at her home on cd by Mrs. B. Hooey, Mrs. C. GET T IS B OKLE OF'Wilfred Bowman, Enfield, aud Tuesday, the 22nd. Tuesday Vice and Mrs. F. Johnson af Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard, Ennis- evening the "éýWcechyogans" Eldad U.C.W. Hymn 571 was BASI FA TS A OUTkillen. Saturday eveuing visi- met in the CE. wing. On, sung. Scipture was read tors at the Prescott home were Thursday the Little Friends from Psalm .90, verses 1-12. A IDB Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pres- will meet in the C.E. wing at stary entitled "A Guif for the catI, Rodger, Erin and Anita, 4 pam. On Sunday, 27th, Rev. New Vear" was read andi the BUSINESS LOANS Maple Grave, and Mr. and McGarîh wili be the guest worship aiosed by prayer. Mrs. John Canigan and Doug- preacher. las, Oshawa. Would yau like a Beaver as Mrs. Catto introduced the Firsî Hampton Guides met a guest in your home? Con- speaker, MTs. Arscott af at 7:00 p.m., greeting four tact Mrs. Cata if you are, in- Courtice, formerly of Jaruaica. Brownies who hope ta enter terested. She spoke on a typical day in Guides soon. These girls were As a visitor on Saturday, Jamaica. She also told af Diane Hindman, Laurie Chant, Mns. T. S. Mountjoy had Mrs: their diet, their type ai oc- Cathy Coulter and Jane Reyn- Fred Foster ai Part Hope. cupations, their fruits and olds. Our Patrol Leaders took Mr. and Mrs. Mcl Prime vegetables, theïr oi-mate, and If you are planning to stant, expand or these girls intotheir patrols. attendcd speciai services at the.n showed iictures ai Ja- modnnze bsiessan yu nquneThen we continued with the Bowmanville Baptist Church maica. The speaker was then inodrnie abusnessandyoureqireregular procedure. Rev. Catto with the Rev. Lytle îrom Itbanked hi' Mrs. Knox. a terrni Joan to carry out your plans, came in and helped ta planOshawa, an Sunday. The Eldad ladies held their wrie orthi dsciptvebokietheb Brownie, Guide and Sea1 Mr. and Mrs, George Ren- business meeting in the C. E. wrt frthsdecipie okltor Rauger service which wts held ton fnom Moncton, New Bruns- yiing and thc Aune Reed unit vist a 1D ofic. 1........~J the following Sunday. Jane wick, wcre visitors for twa in the Sunday scbool. Renlswas chosen ta ra- weeks wibh Mr. and Mrs. Doug Minutes wcre rcad and ap- preseut the Bnowuies at the Renton. praved. Ib was anuouinced pulpit wibb Patrol Second Lori Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Smale that aur unit is holding a Stainton repnesentiug thea and Wendy and Ricky wenîta bake sale et Sinipson-Sears IDLGuides. The Rangers' job was Toronto on Sunday ta visit arder office in Oshawa in, IND S TRA Lta welcome people aud act as Mr. aud Mrs. Wills. Miss Marcb. Dor-is Geisherger is to ushers. The Patrol Leaders Linda Smale has secured a job be couvenar aund Shirley Sa- wer tebe he olor Prt. wth brnchof heRoyal bil co-cauvenar. The Manch1 DE VEL OPMEN T BA NK wener hs i ng,1Owe prac BitanInToo to. Imeeting is te ha helci at Shir-i 27 RANH FFIESACRSSCANDAticed Scouts Pace and played Mn. andi Mrs. Hosken Smith ley Stainton's. Business was T 2ROTO, N OFFIClErSltAveSSCN ADATlehn: 54~ games, Chinese Dragon and visited Mr. andi Mrs. Clinton ciosed. bcy Shirley Sobil, and TORNTO ON.: 50Uniersy Aenu -Tolphee: 6&145It's Your Move. We closeci Farrow at Newtonvilla ou Sun- he Eldad ladies joineci us for with prayer aund Taps. An- day evening for dinner. a deliciaus lunch. Df Morris h Church' Hill, two miles west af the Deen Park Road andi thc farm house, famous in former tumes, as Marah's Tavcrn. Morrish, in thc days of the toll gates, had two: anc west of the church and the other on the sideroad in the 2nd Con- cession as well as a tavern andi a tempenanca hall but no store or post office. The* post ai- fice was nameci Chariccote and situated on Lot 26, Con. 3, andi the nearest store at Roseberry eacher e Native Summer ,wheu he wes mosigneci ta spé- !Hill (Isaac's). iMorrish was namned for two of its early citizens, John and Mrs. Morrish, uncle of John Osborne, founder of the Os- Lborne family. Space permits mention of two other citizens, Alex Broadfoot, whose con- tribution to l9th Century On- >tarie Agriculture was note- -wortliy and the Great Farini 1(Wni. Hunt) whose family 1farmed the, farm. east af the jchurch- the Lond's Prayer and con- ducted the necessary business. Scripture Psalni 130 was read by Mrs. W. Vancyk and a very ingpining Devotional was given by Mns. A. Minson, closing the Devotional penioci with Hymn 388. $11.11 was raalized fram aur annual Valeutine Sale and it was voted we scnd the usual laount ai $7.00 ta the Manch ciel dutnes. af Lnmes. Aiter graduation fran the The Marcb meeting is ta ha 1Peterborough Nos-ial School heid aI the Baker haone with in 1926, he taught for thrce Mrs. Baker aud Mis. Keith years at S.S. No. 9, Dar[ixig- Gable as pragnam- convenons. fton Township, and for' 12 Meeting closed with hymu years in Ncwbauville, whcre 485 and Benediction followed he w&% boru. hy a Inveiy lunch serveci by M14r. Sýaveny graduabeci frmn the hostess and Mrs. Milison. arts at Queens Uncivex-sit'y in March roll cali ta ha answered 1948 and was awarded his by your favorite hymu. Master of Education degree irom bhc University' af Ton- onto iu 1958. NESTLETON He has scrved as a member ai the MjcLaughlin Public Mn. and Mns. Gardon Cale Library Boa-c for bhe lasb 21 came ta take Mns. Hattie Cale yeas-s and the last three years ta thein home in Brntford to as chaii-man andi was recentiy recuperate fromn a broken re-appointed for a further knce. She speut some time in thnee-year terni. hospital; her leg is lu a cast Mir. Saver is a memhar but she is able ta maya about and former directer ai the the bouse on crutches. Oshawa Kiwauis Club. Ha is Mrs. Arnold Williams wms mianrieci andi bas îwo sons, teaching in Yelventon Public Eligin, a mechanical enginear School andi Mrs. Lawrence at Gencral Matons ai Canada Malcolm nat Blackstock Central Ltd. and J'ames, who repre- School wbile regular teachersý seuls the Wood-Alexander were ill. 1 W)hoiesale Hardware company Mrs. Wiliord Jackson lait iu the Brockviile anea.' wîth hen son Cliuiord andi his Ris anly plans which he wifa ai Tornto for a holiday cares to reveal at the moment in Flonida. iar bis retiremeut aire "ýta Mrs. Frnuk Symaucis ai keep usv".Bowmanville and Gilbert Mar- kcep usi". -Tmes.low ai Brookîlu visited their maîhen Mrs. Nelson Marlow. Mn. andi Mis. Eric Capstick LONG SÂULT ai Lindsay calleci on friencis lu the village. (Intandeci for last wcek) Mn. and Mis. Eli Mains are Mn. andi Mrs. Len Glover home again andi friands wish were Saturday cveuing guests them impnoved health. ai Mn. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Mrs. Rika Wygerde is home Mr. and Mis. Chas Penwmr- frain Oshawa Hospital and den were Weduasday evcuiug frieucis trust Mn. Kannebh guests ai Mn. and Mrs. W. Minshall will soon be able ta Vanayk celebrating Mis. Van- leave Port Penny Hospital. eykts birbhday. Sympathy is extended to Mr. F. G. Smith, Miss Grre Marvin Nesbitt andi other Smith, Mn. aund Mn.. J. C. relatives in the passing of his Cook wene guests ai the brother Elmer who bas been Boudrcau - Smith weddiug and coufiucd ta Oshawa Hospital receptian held in Bowmanvilla fan some 15 months. Satundai'. Mr. andi Mis. Norman Lyons Mns. Walter Vaneyk was aund Lori ai Uxbridge and Mr. hostess ta 10 members aund two andi Mrs. Herman Rodman, children af Club 50 ladies Karen andi Wilson ai Little Tuesday avening, Feb. 101h, Bnitain atbendcd Lori's faurth President Mrs. *Chas. Pan- birthday party at the home of warden opened the' meetinglher granciparents, Mnr. andi with hymu 488 fallowed by Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Lori and- The CanadianStateman, Eowmanvlfle, Me. 23, i1988_ - Karen each vpent a holiday at for baptisa. Mm.Til Nesticton. father tao 11ev. W. C. c.Q Weekend visitors wlth Mr. Bride of Knox Prabytra and Mrs. Alex Inglis and Bille Cburch, Sudbury, offlClms,4 were Rev. W. C. MaBride, and Mrs. HL Visser "a a bap-i,, Mrs. Mcflnlde, Robent, Don- tiamal hymn. ald and Debblc of Sudbury; A reception was hcld lu the Miss Joyce, MeBride, Reg. N., Sunday SchOol noom for inem. of Toronto, and Mrs. A. Inglis bers and friends of Nestleton of Glasgow, Scotland. and Ballyduf.t uge Mon, A baptismal service was held Mrs. Lloyd Clark o0fB~lyu i N esatie t on Presbyterian and Mrs. Vernon Hudson of Church on Sunday, Feb. 20, Nestieton poured tea and 1966, when the student :min- coffee. The members of the ister Mr. Alexander Inglis and joint Ladies' Mld catered for.ý Mrs. Inglis presented their the luncheon. Pletures wene '! son William Langley Inglis taken of the happy occasion. DUT: *àbt ALL ONE 65 STYLESi COLORS TO CHOCS! FROM NB Li ww E iLOW PUCE iSHAPES AND SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS ,11i Firt Now a Ewopea-gM yfie.1 pr.mmupcMd mode hM " America. 31.. "BARON là a mw Iyp codw o»ba am. lNew fitrfl mrquimespracdcaIy no o4muhme.i mb e fit *s haA 1,i F.aiherwuight, ibeoutli make obIr bk cm.et1M bei ume uoorsd, moit modem ond dhlcfefim oue m h *0 OP" dwOdi. DONT SETLE FPM LUS flUX NAUGN mm" R BROM FAMW.L"Umçp WH" M swA W. 1111 ail PSI, Oeullit. ami opteoMt r.mciieuaa«Rethe sam. Iow puices. àhi w w w w w - - w - - w w w w w w w wý ý i ý ý PRO VIDE EMPLOYMENT .but a cernent quarry wiII only iploy between 60 and 100 persons - an area which SHOULD PRO- emi p~n. VIDE JOBS FOR HUNDREDS.. IPERHAPS EVEN THOUSANDS! iFUTU..RE INE ENCOURAGE THE LOCATION 0F OTHER INDUSTRIES NEAR- BY 0a...but with the a cernent industry starts raw materials dug from the quarry and controls the entire manu. 1factu ring process finis hed product right through to the - HENCE NO SUPPLYING INDUSTRIES EXIST TO LOCATE NEARBY 1 IUSTRY SIGN THE EEDS I I 'I I INCREASE TAX REVENUE aa.but a cernent quarry has a imited I ife expectancy 80 years AFTER WHICH THE TAX REVENUE DECLINES TO A FRACTION 0F.- UTS ORIGINAL SIZE AND REMAINS 50 FOR- EVER'1 TH IS PETITION SPONSQRED BY THE BETTER DEVE.LOPMENT COMMITTEE P - in this case about LANDI mmum ÀL À& ÀL IdiL.ý Idim, Àâl AL ÀL

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