Thme eawn au tteamnuhmm.owmanvmfe, Té. 23, 1lm AI. DEADLUNE« FOR CLASSIFIED' Tuosday, 4:30 p.u mO Birffhs BUMA-eterand En,22 Lupin Dr, Whtby, thank God for the gft of their son, Davidi Paul, 8 Ibo. 13 azs., on Febru-' ary 14, 1966, et thie Oshewa1 Gêneràa1 Hospital. A brother for Irene and Diane. 8-1 EOWEf-Dauglas and Lois (nec Alldred> are happy ta an-1 zaunce the birth of their son1 Barry Douglas on Februaryi MtI, 1966, a little brother for1 Annette and Donna. 8-1' SHERWIN- Nancy Joan, daughter of Rev. Rbetand ECvelyn Sherwn(nec Taylor>, Durhami, Ontario, born Sun- day, Fcbruary 20, 1966. A site for David and Andrew. Deaths ALLDREAD -At Memofial Hospital, Bowmanville, onE Priday, February l8th, 1966,t John H-. Alldrcad, in bis 74th M ea beioved husband of1 ýnReid, 71 High Street,1 Bowmanvffle; dear father of Kathleen and Clarence, Osha- wa, and Ross, Bowmanviile; brother of Sera (Mrs. Henry Scott), Kin.gston. Service was1 heid in the Morris Funeral1 Chapel, Bownianvilie, on Mon-i day t 3:30 p.m. Interment1 Oshawa Union Cemetery. 8-1i COURTICE, May jane-Enter-1 cd into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, February 22nd, 1966, Maria Jane (May) Courtice, widow1 cf the late A. G. Blake, Court-1 !ce, mother of Mrs. Morgan1 Bray (Florence), Harry Hill,1 Aberta; Douglas and Robert 1 of Courtice, sister of Missj Aima Courtice of Courtice and Mnr. Ruth Wight, Bowman- ville; Leo Courtice, Oshawa; or andmother of 'Lynda and Lwrence Courtice, in ber 87th1 yeer. Resting >at the AMm-q strong Funeral Home, Osha-1 wa, with funerai service inj the chapei on Friday, Febuaryj 25th et 3 p.m.- Intermenti Bawmanvllle Cemetery. (Don-1 ations ta the Heart Fund in ber memary will ho appreciat- ed). 8-1 MOORE-At Strathaven'Nurs-1 ing Home, Bowmanvilie, on1 Sunday, February 20th, 1966,1 Margaret Chrîstina Stainton,J aged 85 years, beiovod wife of the late William Henry Mocore, Znniskillen; dear mother of Muriel (Mrs. Reg. Weaving),1 Ancaster, and Elsie (Mrs. Ployd Beckett), Enniskillon; dear sister of Walace Stain- ton, Taronta; grandmother of Garry, Wayne and Marie Becklett and Rick Weavlng. Servie was heid ln the Mor- ris Funerel Chepel, Bowman- ville, an Tuesday et 2 o'clock. Temporary interment Bethes- de Cemetery Veuit. 8-1, STRONG, Edward--Suddenly1 et Pantypool on Saturday,1 FebruarY l9th, 1966, Edward1 Strong of- R.R, 1, Pantypool, ln bis l9th year, beloved son cf Mr. and Mis. William Etrong, dear brother cf Ml- ville. Rested et Uic North- cutt & Smith Funerel Home. P'uneral service was keld et 2:30 o'c'lopk Tuesdey aller-j noon. Tcmparary entombment1 Lang Vault, Orono. 8-11 WKRRY--Suddenly et Bow- 1 manville on Fnlday, February1 lBt, 1966, Wlnnifred Riekerd,i RR. 2, Newcastle, aged 53 year, blaved wlfe of the late Kenneth Werry, dear mother of David, Ruth, Peter and Margaret. Service was held1 in thc Morris Funerai Chapol, Bcwmanvllle, on Monday et 2 o'ciack. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 8-1 Carda of Thanka s Y> suincere thanks ta doc- tors, nurses and staff of Me- maniai Hospital, Bcwmianvile, for kindnesses shown during my stay there. Allan Quantrili. 8-1 * My sincere thanks t neighbours, friends and dents et B.H.S. for cerds, ers, candies and gifts si me during my illness. 8 thank you ta Dr. Sylvei Marie Kennedy. I would sincerely II thank my relatives and f for the lovely cards, fb gifts and visits whilc i pitl. Special thanks t Ewert, Sylvester, staff nurses on surgery floor. Vi McQuinn. To ail our friends whi expressions of sympati. the loss of our brother I Smith, we extend aur feit thanks for your thi fuiness. Gordon and Olive Mc My sîncere thanks ta r tan friends and neigh Women's Institute, Ladie and United Church IN for their cards and visits in hospital. Special tha Dr. Diamond and staffc Perry Hospital. Mrs. Hattie Cole. I wish ta express mys thanks to ail my rel friends, neighbours, fo laveiy cards and gifts w received whiie in hi Special thanks ta Dr. Mc] and staff on maternity and to our grandparentý Lois Rowe. We wish ta sincerely Drs. Ewert and Sproull, es and staff of Memoria pital for their kindnesse friends and members of ing leagues for cards an during Mr. Eliott's si hospital. Thanking you Mr. and Mrs. George and family. We wish ta thank rel friends and ncighbotu their expressions of syn during the recent bereai in the loss of a dear hi and father. Aiso ta Romeril cf Courtice ar Morris Funeral Home fo help. The Hogarth Fan Hyland-We wish ta e: aur heartfeit thenks ai preciation ta aur many1 and ncighbours for their nous and sympathy shoi in the ioss of a beloved or and grandfather, Hyiend. Wc especially v thank the Morris P Homo, aiso ah the don the many beautiful fiar fenings and cards.. Leroy, Wilma and F. The family cf the Andrew Reichrath wisb press their heartfelt and appreciatIon ta and ncighbours fan thel pathy, kindness, card- beautiful floral tributes, special thanks ta thei nurses and staff of Me Hospital, Bowmanviile. aur sincere tbanks to Westovem and staff ci Lodgo Nursing Home, costie, for their kind cer deepest gratitude ta R C. White of Newtonvil Northcutt & SmithF Home for their help and ance during our recet reavement. o My d stu- ýflow- cnt ta Special ster. 8-1' 1.= +,n Coming Events Articles for, Sale Li ince, ronne Hall, Feb. 26. ELECTRIC stove. Telephane NMN sie by Norm McKeen andl623-5405 after 6.30. 8-1' boar. stem Four. 72 WATER for sale and delivered. 17 P osLghtbulb BlitzVl Cail Ciiff Pethlck 263-2131 786-, -ýof LNewcastle, Monday 32-tf WA! ning, March 7. 7 lamps 30" ELECTRIC range, excel- IoWS 0. 7-2 lent condition. Phone 623-3250. mnt1g owmanville BellesTosg-, Ralp ,bbake sale, Seaturday,ONE circular saw and frame 1501 rch 12, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., at for sale. Phono 728-5790. and. Ifcrest Cleaners. 8-2.8- year Monster Bingo, Thursday night at 8 o'clock, sponsoredj ty the Sunnyside Park, Red WATER for sale and delivered. 24 hour service. Cail 623-5756. 29-tf Marc] an, P vestock For Sale %TEEN feeder pigs, onie r.Phone 263-2589. 8-1* PIGS, 7 weeks old. Phone -419. 8-1 NTED - Young Holstein 'and first caif heifers due wo weeks. Phone 263-2284, ph Davis. 5-tf HEAD choice. Hereford Durham year-old and two- r-d stocker steers and ers. S a 1 e Wednesday, -h 2. George A. McGow- Phone Havelock 778-2213. - I - MrenLu Barn, North Oshawa. 3;tI MEAT cul and ývrapped for lowers, O.M.H.A. Micget - Juvenile freezers. Cali C. E. Miller, - hos Association Dance, Saturday, 2233 Orono. 3t Lo Drs. March 5th, at the Badminton COB corn and Rodney aats.a fand Club. Dodsworth Orchestra. Ed. Hoad, Phone 786-2506, s For information, cail Howard Nowtonville. 8-1 8-1' Corden, 623-7214. 73 8-T- A P4fotfxu 0 sent Durham County J u n i o r with tubes. Apply Bresiin's4 hy an Farmers' Annuel Banquet and Ladies' Wear. 8-1 1 Mervin Dance wiil be held Saturday, GIRL'S Spring coat and hat, heart- March tb at 6:45 at Solina pale blue, size 2; good con- jought- Hall. Tickets at $2.00 avail- dition. Phone 623-3400. 8-lf able from members. 7-2 50 BSES fe as offatt. * t Patrick's Day Childrens Apply Nick Yarema, 3/4mile9 8-1' Fashion Show, St. John's Par- east of Newtonville on No. 2.e ish Hall, Blackstock, hus-:______ 8 2 Sestle- day, March l7th, 8 p.m. Re- KEScu u-mtcal, 1hl hbours, freshments. Door prize. Adultsi KYS wat atculln Hrd-S tsnen AiO.Pbi Shoes2c ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- s omie,8-1*ville. 3-tf7 .nks ta Woodview Community Centre BUYING or selling furniture of Port -Monster B i n g o. Twenty or appliances, caîl Elmer , games-twenty dollars; five Hampton: business 263-2294 -6 8-1' games-thirty dollars; $150 residence 263-2695. 6-tf jackpot, and two jackpots at D-RIED sÏhellod c-or-n,$65 per sincere $250. Door p r iz es. Nextiton, F.O.B. Browview. Phono [atives, Monday, 8 p.m., Bed Barn, Newcastle 987-4474 to arrange )r the Oshawà. 46-tf1 pick-up or delivery. 8-3' vhich I ospital. TWO Dion self-unioading box-1 !Kenzie MONSTER B3INGO oes, high sides, canopied; three r foorNIGT,8 oclok boaters, new condition, $1,200 s.oo THURSDAY NGT 'lc each. Phone_655-4731i. 8-31 S-1' Sponsored by the Junior SEAT Covers-AIi modeis and l Chamben of Commerce makes automotive interiors re- thank JUBILEE PAVILION Ipaired. Whyte Bras. Uphols- nurs- tory, .Bowmanville, 623-5252. l lIas- OSHAWA 8-tfI 1t es, also 1t1 tbowi- Annual Banquet, Durham CHEV. car parts to fit '49-'52 d gif ts County Farmers' Union at models, choap for quick sale. tay in Orono United Church, Wed- Harry O. McKee & Son, 309 Lagain. nesday, March 9th, 6:30 p.m. Guelph St., Oshawa. Phone 8.1 Vice-President Ontario Farmi- U Dwse. parts, 14 h.p. ers' Union. Cards and danc- motors. Complote line of 1ations, ing at Odd Fellows Hall. Tick- Beatty, Thor and Crosley ap-1 ra for ets$2.00, may ho secured fromn pliances. P a d dy's Market, npatby Ken Sinclair, Director, or Mrs. Hampton, 263-2241. 12-tf vement Elmer Cox, Secretary. 8-1'* INSULATION, blowing mýetb- usband The Annuel Generai Meet- od, with rock wool. Work- ,Rev. ing of the Bay of Quinte Dis- manship guaranteod. F reec nd the jtrict of the Canadian Bible estimates, Harry L. Wade, )r their 'Society, Auxiliary of The Brit- Phone Newtanvilie 786-2256. ish and Foreign Bible Society, __ 38-tf iily.81 will be held on Thursday, TP RTR, A~deé r s, SMarch 101h at 7:30 p.m., inl Cashiers, Desks, Chairs, Terms. Trinity United Church, Peter- We buy, seli, ent, service, express borough, Ontario. The speciai trade. New, used. Bill Ind ap- guest speaker will ho the Hamilton, Raglan, (Noçt,t1ý f friends Reverend John T. Watson, Oshawa). 3t .r kind- B.A., L.T.C.L., A. Mus. L.C.M., îwn us General Secretary of The B A, D4G.,E -R,, ýd fath- British and Foreign Bible So- Frank ciety, bondon, England. Al Silo Unloader, Auger Feeders, wish bo interested invitod. 8_1 Tube self-propelled Feeders, Funeral Round the Silo Feeders nors cf The Public la Cordially Invited G ro .C re mai cf- iby the Public Sehool Board of SALESn L.SErIer lamiiy. 1the Township School Area of RSALE, S AW, ONERV I 8-1 Darliniton ta be present et 8-1 date ~the official V ON R ltoaexs Sod-Turning $0u friendsfo Ceremony ONSHAWA r sym- o the new M. 3. HOBBS s and SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL on TV SUPPLY LTD. sVery 5r.j ti. Taunton Rd. E.* Oshawa doctor, .Lrid.ay, FeL>.2 Just East of Ritson Road .morial 1966, 2 p.m., et Dial 728-8180 1Also, H m tnDai r gh il esProp. ;o Mrs. H m tnDyo igt-B! es.52-tf î e. Oun Rev. R. Ile and Euneral Ld guid- nt ho- 8-1 In Memoricam Notice to Creditors GAY-In laving nemory cf a dear father and grandfetben, Russell, wha passed away1 February 22nd, 1965.1 Hie mnemory is as dear today1 As in the boui ho passed awey.i -Ever rememnbored by deugh-1 tens Veina, Brmce and Jean, son Harry and his family. 8-1' PORTER-In loving memory of a dean husbend and father, Pictan Poter, wha passedi ewey Febnuary 28, 1960. 1 The world may change tramn year ta year, And friends fram day la day,à But nover will' the anc we1 loved1 Prom memory pass away.1 -Ever rememhored by wifej Violet and deughtens Donna, Vende and Dianne. 8-1 SCOTT-in loving memony of a dear mother, Ruth Scott, wbo pasucd eway February 24, 1952. Fourteen long years have passcd ince that sad day When the one we loved was called away. flic Golden Getes staod open, God sald sbe needcd nest; Moa garden must be beautiful -For b. on]y takes tbe best. .Lovlngly remembened by Juste, Bruce and familles. Digu mI d hDlz"tlaivq pesametsP lat Mearkerm ,, u emiasfor ey ned 73-1002 -728-6627 OMM £"Ulmng Rubiser Idin v Ce. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN AND OTHERS ITHE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM ARTHUR HARVEY late of the Township of Demi- inglan, in the County of Dur- ham, Fermer, wbo died at the Township, of Darlinglon on 3rd January, 1966. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O. 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. Credilors and aIliers having dlaims against the above estate are required to send par- ticulars and full proof thereof ta the undersigned on 'or ho- fore thc ist day of April, 1966, afben which date thc assola of the estate will' ho distrihuted. DATED aI Bowmanville, On- laria, Ibis 151h day of Fobru- ary, 1966. Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C., 30 King Street West, P.O. Box 29, Bowmenville,. On tari o, Solicitor for the Administretrix. 7-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AN») OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F CHARLES LAMONT BRUCE,I lete of Uic Town of Bowman- ville, in the Caunty et Dur-l hem, Retired Policeman, de- ceaed, wbo died et the Town of Bcwmanvilie, on or about the 21st day of Oclaber, 1965. THE TRUSTEE ACT, RS.0. 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. Creditans and others hevlng claims againet thie above estate are require d ta send par- ticulans and full proof thereof ta the undersigned on or be- fore thc 15th day af Merch, 1966, aflen whieh date the assets of Uic estate will be dlstrlbuted havinË regard ta the. Wi1l and thec daims that bave then been reelved. DATERD eaýr8owmanvlle. On- tario, *W a4iWdaY et February,1 1966. Lawrnee C. Maeon, Q.C, Barrister and Solictar, 30 King Street West, BOX 29. Bowmanville, Ontario, sollilor for Thomas W. 3=14 u£zeutoe. I- COLMER TOURS Eseorted Easter Tour COLONIAL VIRGINIA April 9 - 16 Western Tour lune 25 - July 18 For Information on above tours telephone COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 623-3265 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION FOR THE FARMER wil! be the subject at a MEETING la TOWN HALL ORONO, THURSDAY, MAR. 3 at 1:30 p.m. A speaker wiil be present from the Workman's Compen- sation Board ta discuss Workman's Compensation and answer questions. In addition, the Durham County Safety Cauncil will hold their annual meeting. All farmers and their wives are weicome ta attend! this meeting. This meeting is sponsored jointiy by the Durham County Safety Council, the Durham County Federation of Agri- culture and the Durham County Branch of the Ontario Department of A griculture. Repairs GU'ARANTEED television and radio service t alal makes. Television Service Ca. Phone 62-388. 52-tf Refrigeration Mnd Appliance Service Commercil Mi Domnestie Refrlgeration - 1111k Cs<,er% Fhe BRT 9STE Dars - 634Ï874. N1Ôbte - 138477 Lander Hardware md SLEOT8I B EE F for your freezer; oceken Good Steer Beef wlth excess fat rcmoved hefore you buy. HINDS 65e - FRONTS 47c SIDES 55celb. Cut, wrapped and frozen No extra charge Don't waste your money on fat - Buy good prime steen beef FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Phone 623-5578 2-tf Seed for Sale PRIDE acreage increased 45%. in Ontario last year. Six new hybrids have scored top yields in crop tests. Order Pride Seed Corn now. Gerald Brown, Newcastle, telephonei 987-4474. 8-3' CO-RN, UnitedHybid 108 and Cars for Sale [960 VAUXHALL, low mile- age, will seil or trade for live- stock. Phone 623-2895. 8-1 158 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 6 cyl., standard transmission, 4-door, excellent condition, $475. Phone 725-4030. 8-1 For Rent F'IVE-ROOM apartment anýd garage, separate entrance, ref- erences. Telephone Hamptoni 263-2394. 8-1 FOUR-room apartment, frig', stove and hydro supplîed. Available March lst. Phone 725-8576. 8-11 TWO-bedroom apartment, ail] services. supplied, 63 Lambs Lane North. Apply John Rice, 623-5211 or 623-2601. 8-tf MODERN four-room apart- ment, bath, heated, corner King and Division, immediate possession; private entrance. Apply Sam's Famous Fonds, 14 Division St., Bowmanville. 7-2 THREE-bedroom brick bunga- low, washer and dryer includ- ed, broadloom throughout, fin- ished rec. room, $130 monthly. Write Advertiser 691, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 8-1 Room and Board Available---- ROOM and board available, maie preferred.. Telephone 623-7355. 8-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS. w!!! be received by the undersigned for ALTERATIONS to the Obstetrical Suite at Memorial Hospital BOWMANVILLE »uwtaa*ad ausaflo.S-nsaxail-, able from the Adminstrator until lMarch 3. 1966. BERNARD eOLDEN Admlnlsttator Box 820, Bowmanvllle, Ont. 8-2 TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until, twelve noori, Tuesday, March 8th, 1966, for the washing and re- painting of part of the walls in the Municipal Building, Co- bourg. For further information cal 372-5322. Tenders ta be marked "Tender for Painting" on out- side wrapping. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham K. Symons, Clerk Cobourg, Ontario 8-2 TENDER Tenders will ho received by the undemsigned until 12:00 noon, Manch 4. 1966 for the repainting of certain ý ortions of the interior of St. eul's Anglican Cbhu rc h, Perrytown, Ont. Work ta be donc after April 301h, 1966. For further in- formation eau Gardon Hll 13IJl efter 6:30 p.m. Tendons ta ho marked "Ten- der for Painting" on autside wrapping. Lowest or eny tender not necessarily eccepted. St. Peu'. Anglican Church Perrylewn, Ont. Work Wanted CUSTOM chain sawing, boum- ly or piece work, 623-3905. 7-4* PAINTING and paperhanging. Apply Wilson Abernethy. Tele- phone 623-2419. 8-2* RELIABLE woman wil take care of one or more children in her home. Phone 623-3069. 8-1 BOOKKEEPER, experienced ta trial balance, desires work et home. Phono 623-7161 after 5. 8-1 A. BAARS Plumbing & Heating'E 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville ERNIE PERFECT PLUMBING & HEATING Phone 623-3540 P.O. Box 1599 78 Ontario St., Bowmanvllle. 1-tf SEPTIC TANK PUMPING WHITEWASHING STABLES BERT TOMPKINS Phono Newtonville 786-255Z FRANK BRINK Trenching SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION Hampton 263-2270 24-tf UPHOLSTERING Save Dollars! Have youm chest- erfleld and chairs re-upholst-1 ened. Free estimates, semples taken ta home. Budget Terms Arranged c WHYTE BROS. UPHOLSTERY' 55 Ring E. Phono 623-5252 6-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBNG REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON .263-2151 Mail Addresa: P.O. Box 543 - Bowmanvilleï AdI(ERMAN EXCAVATING LOADING - TRENCHING Sand, Grave!, Top Soi! and .F111 Delivered 24-Heur WATER SERVICE !espabe _Rates 623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE i-tf BARNES & BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING SALES & SERVICE 24-HOUR Oil Burner Service' SEPTIC TANKS AND TILE BEDS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2288 TYRONE 263-2650 1-tf WELL DRILLING JOBS WANTED NO JOB TOO LARGE ... OR TOO SMALL Phone 324-6018 Lindsay FREE ESTIMATES Bring Your Car In Today for a SAFETY CHECK We w!!! check : Brakes - Tires - Steering Wlndshleld Wlpcrs Front Lights- Rear Llghts Stop Lights H orn - Glass Rear View Mirror and Exhaust System Ail work donc by ficensed meehanies Remember . . . the Life You Save May- Be Youn Owni! USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Recl Estate for Safle WINTERIZED cottage, kitchen counter with stools, 2-pce. bath, heavy duty wiring with small acreage or could be mov- ed. School bus at door, 25 miles from Oshawa. Apply to Frank Melton, Burketon R.R. 3. 7-2 Jack Ricard 'REALTOR 99 King St. E., Bowmanvitle 623-2503 Real Estate for Sale Real Estate f%§ e LOT for sale in Bowmanville, FOUR..bedroom cIea an serviced, 66' x 100', $2,000 modern brick home In excel.. cash.__Phone 623-2470. 8-1 * lent condition wîth handwaod ----., .- ---- -and tile floors. ail heating and MONEY TO LO-AnN garage, private drive and niee. Firsttand Second Mortgiges ly landscaped lot. Good north Loan Funds Available end location. Asking only Consuit $13,900. Cal! 728-7328 or A. L HOGY REL ESATE725-4162, Keith Peters Reelty A. Librt StYreALettELtd ' -8-1 36~ ~ ~ ~~ISIG LhrytreNrh - WANTED 623-7264 We have thrnîigh Dur orn WANT ED ORCHARDVIEW B L V D. We hv let neetdl Attractive, 3 bedroomn brick I hv let neetdl bungalow with attached gar- purchasing smmll mreages, age, paved drive. Aluminumn workable ferma and hobby awnings. Heats for less than ferma, within a 30 mile radius $100 a year. $15,800.00. Terms. of Oshawa. JACKMAN RD. Cosy, 5- If you are interested ln selling room bungalow on 65' x 218, youn property, Ilit with a lot. Quiet, safe location. Only fomrfreA1.Top $9,000.fomrfreAE.T mp EAST BEACH. Ail eloctnie son, a representative fan 3 bedroom home with built-in ISchof ield - Aker Ltd. desks and drossers. Many 1 oxtras. $1,500 down.1 360 King St. W., Oshawa,_Ont. GEORGE ST. Semi-detach- Daya: 723-2265; Evgs.: 728-2870 ed 3-bedroomn brick home. I6-tf Close to shopping. $2,000 dowîi. P. E. Gravelle NEWCASTLE. C o 10o n i a 1 REAL ESTATE BROKER stylo 7 rooni home on Mili St. 28 Division Street Firepiace. Two bathrooms. 200' x 300' lot. Cali for de- BOVWMAN VILLE tailIs. 623-7472 NEWCASTLE. 3 bedroom brick bungalow. N at urel'1 stone fireplace, etc. 60' x 181' lot. $17.500 - Terms. 200 ACRE FARM. 4 bed- rom h ouse with aIl con- veniences. Large b barn, 2 ponds. Near Highway 115. $32,500 - Terms. HAMPTON. 3 bedrooni bun- galow on 1 acre of land. 4-1 pce. bath. 24' x 30' hemn. $12,500. 35 ACRES with stream.i Slightly rolling, wooded land. $5,900. Terms. Garnet Ricard- 723-5688 Wilf Hawke - Orono 1 R 12 8-1 John F. DeWiih REALTOR Bowmanville - 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 200 Acre farm with 8 roam- ed brick home. Large barn. Asking $29,000. Terms. 144 Acre farm with 8 room- ed brick home. Good size hemn. 120 acres warkebie. Ask- ing $20,000. Terms. 100 Acre fanm with hern. 5 Roomed home withb bath- rooni. Two ponds. Asking $0,500. Only $1,500 down. DAIRY FARM, 150 Acres, close to Oshawa with excel- lent set of buildings. Bricki home, aIl modern conveni- onces. Stable cleaner in hern. Large milk contract with Oshawa Deiry. Asking $65,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 194 acres. Close to Oshawa. Excellent buildings. Large milk contract with Oshawa Dairy. Barns with stable cleaner. Asking $150,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 236 acres with excellent buildings.1 Largo Peterborough milk con-1 tract. To ho sold as a going concern with new lino of me- chinery. 55 Head of Holstein cattle. Asking $65,000. Terms. ORONO, 100 acre farm with excellent brick home, modern conveniences. Large U-shap- ed barn. Fertile sail. Asking $35.000. Temms. 50 Acre fanm with 7 rooni- ed home, barn, streani. Ask ing only $11,500. Terms. 92 Acre farm with new home. Goad sizo hern. Twal streenis. A sk in g $18,000. Ternis. Business Opportunity Large building with beauti- fui living querters. Excellent stete of ropair. Ail modern conveniences. Real opportun- ity for general store, apart- monts or othor business. Ovor one acre lot. Asking $5,000 down. BROILER BUSINESS with brick building. Capacity 6,000 birds every 10 weeks. Fully equipped. A s ki n g $16.000 Ternis. <CrinhfI'Ara 7 Senoca 155 whilc supply Wm. Dean, Peoplo's Werdcn, %ux1JrMc lests. Registered Canada No. R.R. 1, Campbelhcrofî, Ont. 5 Roomed, elmost new, brick Aifalfa, Saratoga Brome, and W QPt» large finished ec. rooni. Fine- h oats nd barey, Venalp7-ce.bun alow ltwithule grge, ail other grass seeds available. Noics85 King St. W., Bowmmnville plae. arkg$2lot 00Th 2 ruit Cail Swein Seed Cleaners and -on g-3 arg6 neos skn $1 .Toernds Dealers, Blockstock 986-4331. Dr. E. D. Hubberd's office Phn $- 134Lro6 omdstn n ______4-11' wiil ho ciosed fromn March5 - _ brick bungalow with 4 bed- Auction Sales [oMrh2Wnlsv. 82Vanted Asking $19,900. Terms. WEEKLY- .,: LAND suilable for planting 10 Acres with 8 roomned S L SScotch Pine Christmas trees, brick home, all modern con- also land aiready planted veniences. Asig 1590 ut Drha ContySals Aenacatch Pine Christmas trocs, Ternis. etDroam Every Saurs., 7:3 pmand Scotch Pine trocs for sale., 5 Roomed homeoan No. 2 Seling -HEereus, 70tle . lnAppi>'G. R. Kirk Ca., Burke- i Highway with furnace and Clven a Sisp etc. J. A. ed 0 'tan, Phone 416-263-2209. 6-tf haîbhrooni. Large lot. Asking & Son, Sales Managers 1-tf NOTIi.CE TO ah ~$9,000. Ternis. _Cash onl the .Spot OSHAWA, 5 raomed brick Public Auctian, Pethick's DOG OVVNERS for Dead or Crippled Farmbungalow. All modemn con- Auction Shed, Enniskillen, on Effective Imdaey e Stock. Plcked up promptly 'veniences. Wall-to-wall broad- Saturday, Fehmuary 26, large imdaey o Telephone cllicot 263-2721 bcon. Close ta sehool. Oniy quentity household effects, owners within tise Corporation Marrgwiil Fur Farm 32,000 down. smell wood and coal steve, ofthtie Town of Dowmanv Tle 'E ORONO, 8 roomed brick home ail humner, chairs, mattresses, are advised tisatishe restrle- TRON on main streot. Modemn con- bed, dessra,21"TV tW tins oncmnng ogamunlngWeLicence No. 4-C-66 venioncos. Handwood floors radios, many other articles. W Honor Any BousCedthraughout. Only $3,000 down. Ternis cash. Sale i t 1:30. at large have been, lifled by _______________ EAST 0F NEWCASTLE, 8 Inside sale. Cui Pethick, Maiontien Passed by Town 'mcd brick home on double auclioneen. 8-1 Couneil. D-edstock Servicel 1,m A.Il modern convoniences. The rooiuîen tU h lu ighest Cash Pnices for Ded Nice and dlean. Very anxiaus Auction sale af Holstein Thsuouin ilb n ad Crîppled Fana Stock îto sel]. milkers and springers, brood effect unt! Mldniaht, BURRETT FUR FAIM sows and feeder hogs, Inactor, Mercis Rut, 1981. Phone Long Distance Att., Heurt Cal!: furnr, etrc.a, gpryomRL.fION epi. Agrie.BLicareNo. 35 Doal-C..oy- 63-61 mecinuer, lrtc., h bpopy, ofgrain, Z9 ent 66gie chre. N o 70-U oniMuljy- 233 Mr. Kenneth.Andrews, Lot 34. T" Clark. . t GUY Lehlane - 823-37151 Concession 6, Hope Township 8-1 Idso Wleemia -Orouei 1649 hait mile s tfS hile CurhLoat Inter Jorgean 987-4401 selling wtthout réervé u Pl1oTnn - ~ - Pbis uaMclabble -823-7159 Satunday, Febnu..ry 26. Sale = Tm g- Oiiady'& u ed eaer wailet, C ut 18822 te) commence et 1 pan. Ternis P8OFUSIONAL werk suer- initiais J.N. Keepsake. Re. LOrue C uf 952-8 cmiii, Lawmumeacre l~ l k; mwd. Atx*ur C.. 1180n ward. Phon-OZ8238179 latler Rau Davidama- ethaur airt J** Rid au1Ctloea Vs U.UW.8U- s'eIoà. 0le8-1 l'Harmony Villa" - Owner moving, attractive dlay brick bungalow that features a bail- room sizo kitchen, bright liv- ing room, 3 bedrooms, immac- ulate hardwood floors and ful hasement. Principal, interest and taxes carnies for $112.00 at 6 14%. 200 Bond Street - Com- mercial site 40 x 222 foot with 2 bedroom home and garage 29 x 19 foot. This may ho it! Investmont Proporties - 7 Stores en-block, mejority und- or bease and 8 rentai units in primo location. Financial state- mont available ta responsible purchaser. Asking prico in vicinity of $200,000.00. Wlien Buying or Selling . onsult P. E. GRAVELLE, Broker Evenings - Michael Gravelle 623-7304 8-1 W. Frank Real Estaiei LIMTED 21 King St. W., Bowmanvllle 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 22 Acres of applo orchard,I Smile from Bowmanville. This arche md is in excellent condition and consists mostly of Mclntosh and Spies. Ask- ing $20,000 - Termis. 2>0 Minutes from GMC 48 Acres - 35 acres work- able, 10 acres well treed with fast flowing stream. Suilable for riding academy. Good baen, building designed for club bouse, wîth living quart- oers. $57,500. 200 Acre faim, hemn 30 x 100 ft., steel sheep hemn, work- sbop 20 x 24 fI., 2 staroy brick home with conveniences. Streami thraugh ptoperty, 4 mile 35 Highway. Owner soîl- ing because of 111 heelth. $38,000. one mlle ta Bowmanville 15 Acres with well huilt bungalow with 2-car attached garage. 1,500 square foot of electricaliy heeted living, slid- ing glass door ta patio. Teste- fully decorated. Public and high school bus aI door. Good gardon land. $32.000 with termas. 50 Scenic acres in Kendal Hilis with trout slrem. $12,000 with $3,000 down. Church Street - Income Property, 5 apertments, 2-1 slorey brick building, lot 126'l x 198'. Good income, stead ily rented. $38,000 - $15,000 down. 125 Acre Stock Farm One Mlle frram Bowmanville Excellent twa storey brick bouse with ail convoniences plus a 10 yeer aid two hed- room bungalow, barns 40' x 125', 30' x 50', over anc mile road frontage, corner prop- erty, strearniMust ho sold et once due ta owner's heaitb. Excellent investment et $75,00 with $25,000 down. Summerfield Court - 4-bed- roorn brick veneer bungalow on lot 38' x 125'. Electric heetîng, 4-pce. bath; pnivate drive, pricod at $17.500. Terms. Owner Transferred 1 Third Street - 3-bedroornI brick bungalow on lot 70' x 115', finished recreation rooni with bar, wall-ta-wall broad- boni, many extras includedi price of $17,900 - $3,000 down. BUY NOW AND SAVE $500 Wîater Works Bonus 3-bedrooni olectrically heet- cd brick bungalows being built by James O'MalIey Construc- tion in Sunset Temnece Sub- division, Bcwmanville. Pmtced tram $16,582 with $2,950 down.~ 4a! 23-3893 Attuî9 p.m. : Joe Bamnoskî a. - 723-5787 Pst Veo - - a 623-3071 'Ken Heekin - - 623-506à Claire MeCulleugIs - 728-7943 Howard Farder DrookUa 6859-U85 George Benton - Port Perry 985-2937 DIII sud Doreen Glumblett Office - Pt. Hope 885-4548 toffice and U.S. contacts, an ever increasing demand for homes, cottages, lots, fanms, acreagos, businesses, in this area. If you are contemplat. ing selling either now or in the future, please contact Mr. Roy Foster, Kendal, Ont., Phone Orono 321. H. KEITII LTD., REALTOR 181,.Fglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12. 7-4 Help Wntd -,i XERENCED waitress. Phone623 - 7 072. 8-.1 DOMESTIC help wanted, ta live in family home with children. Ail conveniences, and cleaning lady. Telephone 623-3578.82 NURSES' Aid, woman to wori in nursing home, Monday ta Friday. No bed patients, good working conditions. No n. smoker. Phone 623-5813. 11-1 SIGLE woman required for light housekeeping and com- 1 panionship, Reply Box 606, Bowrhanville, stating salary beqr and telephone nurn- OLDER man for part time work in Bowmanviile from 5 ta 9, five days a week and from i to 6 on Saturdays. Du- ties include janitor work and service at gas pumps. Apply in person ta Roy Nichols Mot- nrs Ltd. at Courtice. Ask for Fred Owen. __ - Female Bank Clerk YOUNG WOMAN 19-25 Grade XI education or better Full Time Reply to Box 940 Bowmanville with full resume and references BIG-ËA~i'ING BUSIESS For a Man Over 40 iWe want a man for the Bow- manville area. The right mnati who qualifies is worth as much î as $12,000 In a Year Free Trip to Nasamu as bonus 1 for producers. We pay earn. ings in advance and requins no investment. If you art over 40, have selling ex. fZý perience, and drive a car. writle' me a personal 4ude. Vice Im m. Dept. OJ, P.O. Box 70, a. - tion R, Toronta 17, On LETTERCARRI~S $4215 - $4965 POST OFFICE DEPARTMZN' Bowmnanville, Ont. ,, For fi! particelan as te; residence, qualification re- quirementa, duties sud appl-8 cation forms, sec posters onl dlaplay et Post Offices and;~ National Employment Service.11 Send application form to the l Civil Service Commission. 254~, St. Clair Avenue Eat, Tarantem 7, Ontario, bofore MARCH 79Y 1966. Q u o t e competition' 66-T-770. - ASSISTANT COUNTES' ASSESSOR United Countles cf Northumberlend and Durhamw Applications will be receiv-,; cd at the office of the under.- signed until 12 o'clock faon,.. Thursday, March 3rd, 1966,«A for the position of Assistant, ICounties' Assessor. Preference. Iwill ho given ta applications~ roceived from persons residing' in the Counties.1 Duties ta commence apprax- ý. imately April 151h. ý Suggested salery schedule is5 approxim.ateiy $4,000 ta $5,O0,.i plus mileege, dopending onex perience and qualificationof applicant. The wage schedulae' for the counties is presently-r being reviewed. Picase submait resume of'i past experience, age and quali-v fications with written applicae.ý lion. K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurcn,.. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham,_ Cobourg, Ontario.«. Beaver Lumber Needs Youiç»dn* TO TRAIN FOR EWpTItEE MANAGEdMNT OPPORTUNITIES A merchandising career offers« an Interesting way ot lite, te-0 tether wlth early mdvancement. for the Imaginative yeung mn. that ln prepared te take suilt-' able training and appir hiM-.' self wlth Initiative and enthaamlaam. Sales experlence i. helPtani, a building malerial saiea experience desirableo Openings are available. bar# end et many other OlArla cimmunltles both now Md lin n. W. wl i nterview peopie wheAk are Immedstely avaliable sas weil se those gradutinit ram* Buih achool la Jina. We gh'. Von *. . . A good sterlig mlai? opporlt»y fer 2 advaemcment ls is e l retaili rgaalutl. W14W Write or ?hma: BIAVER louàm*RCO 'sP&aonal mgr. mum - - --- 1- -1- . nn -1- " V --l 1 - zi -1 --z --