e e grandparents', Mr. and Mrs. neauch, and theft from one of The Cenadian StatesmaB mnvleFb.2,16 ss f ed ENNISKILLEN E. A. Werry.,1 Al themn during the month of ttdtBuy vce'was"ada mid°N° a* fair The O,-., rono'News CN st;be J° B° PON TV POOL for legs, pulpwood, sized congregation. Rev. Dou- Mr. imd Mrs. Olarence Av- . Worshiip that he haed beenbil Tragedy has ',strc inarndtpp.Hewsbl 623-3905. 7-40* es gro asC cldonery and John, Mise E. KnppMrî 'ames E. Richards, Editor"d te nn;statteue eour communtyagan diet arymmM x lc - Nutrold feather when she told of- évents dur- n 1y1 C r-lngiengtof L on a lbr ngrsongnof W. adamb oaattearvlo otr MFlatt, r..1, Boleth- ing ng Thales h good Angus King, Little Britain. Dinner guests on Saturday Congratulationâ to Mr. and Miss Sandra Bowins of Therehe found quite a cache mnoxde po.iýsoning wi thamunc adpoc. s r .Phoe 7r 1 colec8-tf uderdirectionof Mrs.E Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright evening Of Mrs. Neil Porter Mrs. Terrence AUen Carleton, Peterborough spent a. few hfi at emsa c en car m, hewa riding lnwetnotilyarvlodubsad Wrgtgv ierndition' are visiting wi th their daugh- were Mrs. John Sherry. Mr. the former Miss Catherine days with her parents, Mr· coin ch bti e ongeindtoa dthadsobn ttetelvso h te cu ,trucks, farmn tractors, of t ae anten ow Great ter, Miss Marguerite Wrigt, and Mrs. George Cole of Port Elizabeth Ferron of Kirby, on and Mrs Lorne Bowins. BurleyBcha n e Mig oarshtcrh. Hoais osnpns f r w r ec i g a r T o r s- 'St. Catharines. Hoape, M r. and M rs. Carl Bli- their m ariage. S a t u r d a y Mis Br nda itc ell nd e. •Riar S trnhn Char es Th l ca F rm rs U io er, telephone tnadNs Fran Stene Miss Doris Stainton, Orillia lings, Mr. and Mrs. Alex moring111, February 19th, in Mr. Simnon Klastra of Keene He said these Items had been Colvin of Pontypoolantwhedhirmthymn 7-4*toandsl Pr Mrs. nger Hosbital insmedng the week Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. St., Joseph's R. C. Church, visited her grendmother, Mrs. hidden away in the Galbraith Brown sisters, Laura adMr h alo aag-sloparsMs. a wi th hýi ae; l M. and Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Harry Bailey, Bo#manville. Win. Mitchell, on Sunday. boat house when the accused garet of Millbrook, wer uh osebsns ru'.efor EstAernsarp a.n Mrs. eithMcGillL. Stainton * Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Baley, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins ?. and Mrs.Wuftred San- had broken out Of Cobourg ed to hospital. We undrtn usd.T r oi 3-O20.He cllct, A re adet .tiss M aen McNair Miss Fsie Oke spent the Miss Lynn and Mr. Carl Kim- spent- the weekend of Feb. derson of Cadmnus were sup- Jail- that the two boys and n ilaFreFn o e 3446d206. Hn Milla8& psinded theJroir . Ne weekend with her cousins, mett. 12th with Mr. and Mrs. John per -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thompsonstated that he haed were discharged on Sna odwols i os Cobden, On, 8-1 roSudaye .mssgeir wan Misses Marjorie and Greta' Mr. Andre Casverns of Agner at Dunniville. Wm. Robinson on Sunday. received lemient treatment in with one irl reportdsilcnet y fr.Ayn prd ev. theresageinl be Oke, Bowmanville. France with Mr. and Mrs. Despite the bitter cold wea- Visitors with Mrs. D. G. this court and that he now in- seriously if1. The acdn ihn odnt oti Reception an Re.Duhtw la MranMr.IJ.O is Orville Challice and family ther, on Saturday a good -looper were Mr. and Mrs. tended, if given a chance, to occurred late Friday ih.wrh as a ev hi eta seri Lenten b olet ton visited Mr. and Mrs. L. were Sunday dinner guests of number attended the auction Raymond Clapp of Hampton, lead a useful life. His Wor- The tragedy was discovrdbcoaini n fteéoe 'Mr. and Mrs. Osmond ou. Ashton, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen sale at the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson ship remanded him out of Ronnie Fallis who noedtenBthyorPtpo.Te -iit -will be at home to The card party at the Com- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash- and family, Bowmanville.¯ Mrs. John F. Stevenson, of Ajax. custody.comte in hag ar tgàoand relatives at the munity Hall sponsored by the ton, Clare and Douglas were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tennant C(lrc. Street South, which Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor Lloyd Hazelton, Mitchell's Gog a aKnPre tin Centre, Black- Sr. Choir on Saturday night Sunday guests of Mr&. and and family have moved to has been purchased by Mrs. and children, Scarborough, Corners, was charged Decem- an Rs Wod he hv Ont., on Saturday, Feb. had several guests in spite of -Mrs. S. Kersey, Hampton. Enterprise where Mrs. Ten- Perey Werry of Tyrone dis- visited Mr. and Mis. Chas. ber 8th with allowing hishaagodicesinm - 1966, from 8 p.m. to 12 the below zero weather. Flsnt h hnei nant je operating the Pon- trict. Mrs. Werry is a teacher Taylor on Sunday. Beagle hound to run at large Miss Joan Flls,Kndbesircntyadreav ..#on the occasion of their Prizes for high scores were time of World Day of Prayer. derosa Restaurant. - et larke High School. Mr. and Mrs Orville Chat- and with failing to pay the was Sunday supper geto n onyBnuti den. Wedding Anniversary. won by Mrs. Grant Werry It will be 3 p.m. on Feb. 25. Mrs. Vera Millson of Tyrone Donna Calvin, infant dau- terton, Carol and David spent licence for same. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blcbr1rn nMrh9h 7-2 and Mr. Harold Ashton. Mrs. A filn will be shown also, spent ten days with Mrs. Ivan ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin the weekend with Mr. and James Hoskin, Dog Control and :Damily• r..Buowowshp E. Wright and Mrs. O. C. Ash- Sorry to hear Keith Moore Farrow and visited other re- Colvin, has been a patient in Mrs. John Cook, Scarborough. Officer, stated that he had Mr. and Mrs. Russl r n ohv oia nTm Wanted to Rent In°" c***e" t** 1°w p°i"ts· is in the Bowmanviale Hospi. latives- and friends. the Sick Children's Hospital, World Day of Prayer will been called to the area be- miston, Mr. and Mr.IaNa lrdgtbdyds We feel it is quite an honor tal with very gore toes from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson Toronto, since Feb. 12th. ibe observed in the Orono cause of complaints of dogs Sharp, Linda and JaeE-apitd1ewsol hr THRE-bedroom house or to have the new Senior Pub- a tree falling on them. We of Rochester, N.Y., visited his Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. United Church Auditorium on running at large. He had foi- niskillen, Mr. and Mr.Rs e aswe ae ohs apartment. Can give refer- lic School named after a wish hima a:speedy recovery. mother, Mrs. Thornton Wil- Cooper spent Sunday in Tor- Fridlay, February 25th, at lowed the Beagle to the Hazel- Ashton and family weeSn-ia.Afem e ash Meces. Call 289J Orono. 8-2* member of our coanmunity, Sorry to hear Mr. and Mrs. son, on Saturday. onto. 3 p.m. ton residence where the lady day dlinner guests ofMranwsfonbcktTrno MT. M. J. Hobbs. Congratula- Pere Ellis haed their summer of the house said she was not Mrs. Lldoyd Ashton, Rnl n snwi unbokHs tions to Mr. Hobbs. The sod- home broken into at. Cordova sure if they had a licence for and Ray, in honor of M.Ia ia.W nesadh t turning ceremnony is on Fri- Mines by the three boys whoe it or not. Sharp's birthday, aet.aea prto day, Feb. 25th, 2 p.m., .et broke out of .iail at Kingston. Mr. Hazelton produced the Mr. and Mrs. GordonWrywietee Hampton. A cordial invita- Mr. Ellis lost some firearms. necessary receipt and explain- and Mrs. Walter Murrywr r lbr twr a tin asben xtndd o Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Weaving ed that hie had been out hunt- Sunday callers at the .Ah ae eenl oCvcHs everyone. and Rick, Ancaster, hav ing with the hound and it haed ton home. ptl eebruh ews Mrs. L. C. Stainton, Mrs, been visting with Mr. andl Held in Bowmanville beaten him home. He said Mrs. C. Gerrard cle nhmased eoey H. J. McGill;' Mrs. F. Toms, Mrs. John Slemnon.!11 surely it was not necessary to Mrs. A. Thompson o o-Svrlfo eeatne Mrs. E. Trewin and Miss E. The U.C.W. met at thè, love-' have a dog on a leash to go day.tefnrlo r ori Oke attended the U.C.W. an- ly new home of Mrs. R. Or- February 22nd, 1966 loaded with equipment. He in front of the Coronation hunting. Pr us Ni nual Osh a wa Presbyterial miston on Feb. 16th et 2 p.m., was to return and drive the Restaurant, gra7.ing another as Magistrate Baxter dismissed Mr. and Mrs E. R. hm-oeo y meeting at St. Andrew's Unit- witih 28 adults and several Jack Lee Chambers R.R. 3, three workmen home to Peter- it did so.bohcagsutdedht son, Bowmanville, weeis r rdNmgnadMs ed Church, Oshawa, last children present. M rs. L.wa chre Fbury2t borough. Rogers said hie went on to if Mr. Hazelton did not like Wednesday sitr tMs iio wr ussrcnl week; Stainton opened the meetinig with illegal possession of The third man confirmed the police station and the the by-laws as they stood he Topo .a h oeo hi o tv Mr. Floyd Pethick and son with a short reading and liquor. Conviction brought a this story. The beer was con- officers camne back to the Cor- should take the matter up at Mr. and Mr-s. J. Abb n iib.Nal l h Gerald Brown Bill, Scarborough, were visi- thaniked Mrs. Ormiston for fine of $50 and costs, or seven fsae.oain hr hyfudtehsnx oni etn. Steven, Burketon, M. R .ba eepeett ee tors with Mr. S. R. Pethick, opening her home. Mrs. E. days. Roy David Couttie, 251 Gra- accused ordering a meal with Traffic tickets: (Constable Thompson, Hampton, r .brhw ahro i Browvrew Farmn and visited his mother at the Wright gave the devotional, Constable H. Cook, OPP, brCvne saa a oefins.CntbeT .CoOP ae oh K. Thompson, Bowmnley NEWCASTLE nursing home, who is 1m- openig with the singing of told the court that he had laidchrg AednFebru aary ,stwit av i nds.CorporablMGey GllJanar28t, ailiJn owere Sunday, visitorsa provmng wonderifully well. three verses of hymn 153. The the charge when lhe found a impared Fedrivn. Hewsd-th estifd thoa . Coutte wsyield righ tfa TantonA. Thompson's. Ff ULT Mr. and Mrs. Arthpr Lead- scripture was taken from bottle of beer in Chambers'fened dby T. K elly, Q.C., and impaied RoCotte aed ad igh fway3, $1aund.Toponclenn MOUET N beater entertamned Saturday Luke, chapter 18, verse 13. pocket at the 1867 Shell Gar- pleaded not guilty.: The accused said he and two costs, or five days; no driver's her brother, Mr. and r. ' AKR RE U T O N Ievening, the occasion of their She gave a paper on the age on Highway 401 south ofP Jay Rogers told the court friends were curling and had licence (expired December 15)!McDonald, and spet as CO N I24th anniversary. Congratu- scripture and closed with Courtice. The officer added he was eastbound . on King shared a bottle of Scotch be- $10 and costs or five days; weekend with Mr. andMsF.s.uaiu.n. lations! prayer. Thie last two verses that they were on the lookout Street when he noticed the fore leaving for Bowmanville, Stephen Lyle, February 3rd, Osmond, BowmanviNe """l"eea Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis, Osh- of hymn 153 were sung. for Chambers and his Pais Couttie car pull out onto King each driving his own car with Highway 35, failing to produce Mr. and Mrs. LloydAho FTFOD Lawa, were visto at IMr. and Roll call was well answer.. who had caused trouble short- fromt Scugog Street, then back Couttie in the middle one. licence, $5 and costs or five and Ronal were last udyEO.LD Mrs. C. Pethick's. ed with an industry unknown ly before at an Esso Garage. up to let a westbound car pass.. He said hie had fallen and days. (Constable J. Chalmers, dinner guests of Mr. adMs Mr. Bruce Down, Susan and mn grandmother's day. Mmn- Ernest Grezaud, Peterbor- When the Couttie car came injured his knee while curl- OPP) Robert James Smith, W. Bowman, Enniskien PatOhawa, Mrs. S. Kins- utes of last meeting were ough, was fined $25 and costs, forward again it collided with ing. The two friends cor- January 15th, passing on right Mrs J. Potts, Mrs. A edakia MULIPL LITIG SRVIEan, Ir. and Mrs. Morris read and approved. Our U.C. or five days, following convic- his, said Rogers, and proceed- roborated this story. on Highway 35, $10 and costs, Mrs. C ead r.A Kinmanan fail, Cur W.ha ben vitd o ated tonfor illegal possession Of ed east, stopping in front of Magistrate Baxter listened or five days. (Constable M. Thompson and Mrs.HCo C taMm h tice, were Sunday _visitors at Enfield U.C.W. on March 2ndl liquor November 12th. To this Bryson's Variety Store. Rog- but said he had no hesitation Joynt, OPP), Elie Gaddis, 5th ma ttended tlhe U Consul Mmer of te Mr. and Mrs. J. Kmnsman's. at 2 p.m. It was decided that charge he had pleaded guilty; ers said he sprinted after it in finding the accused guilty of February, Highway 401, ahuchWom 's nio shDSt"i r nd Mrs. Vernon Hen- we give $1.50 or $2.00 to the to an impaired driving charge and asked the driver, who was and fined himt $50 and $7 costs speeding 70 miles an hour, held in St. A drew CuchLMIE aWa fwC ry, Barry and Patsy, Toronto, boy from Hi-C who is able laid at the same time and alone, to come with him to the or seven days. There was an $10 and costs, or five days. Os nw were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. to go on Leadership Tour. place he pleaded not guilty. police station. automatic suspension of lic- (Corporal J.-McGuey) Wright-Oha , on Tuesay. ]Real Estate Board Adam Sharp's. Mrs. E. Trewin, Mrs. W. Grif- It was dismissed. When Couttie offered himt a ence, way Motors, January 21st, Don't forge t te ecr Misses Sandra and Sharon fin and Mrs. J. Slemon will Constable Tracy Davis told lift, Rogers said hie refused Donald Francis Thompson, parking violation, $3 and costs, Party et the school onStrOo13 Wryspent Sunday at their act as a committee to plan a Magistrate R. B. Baxter that because he thought the driver now married and employed as or distress. day night. 38Dna t .Wib " bus trip. Mrs. S. Lamb will when hie checked a car parked was impaired. He watched as a carpenter's' helper, pleaded The afternoon session dealt We are getting reawntrPoeW tb represent U.C.W. on Hall on the wrong side of Mearns the car was driven up the guilty to breaking and enter- almost entirely with family weather, with not tomchM1wk835 board.the nwere rmnded tAvenue he hawhfouish rezaud streetand atmedt rking w othue tEs-n ueiecutmtes snow to plow through and shortening for Canada case, of beer with a male com- Packers. .pamion. Mrs. R. Sharp then called Grezaud, who was represent- on Mrs. A. Werry and Mrs. ed by E. C. Wildman, explain- W. Grisffin who gave us a talk ed that hie had been acting and demonstration on flower foreman for Consumers' Gas,- We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantiies arranging. They had many laying mains while the regular beautiful arrangements for us foreman was away huntmng for to nee. Miss Kathy Sharp fav- the week. He said this was 1 PELEAF 2 TO 3 LB. AVERAGE Ored us with a deli tu Friday night and a third Pet- piano solo. Mrs R. rharp erborough man haed gone to IITDQ thanked all who haed helped.Oshawa with a pickup truck cSd wih p n.randMUn2 sred a dainty lunch. 01UBS 45MacD0KAL D MAPLE GROVE 1la-a PRIM RIB 57 LEAN - TENDER FRESH LEAN FRESH f HROME-MADE Pork Sausage BEEF LIVER FINEST QUALITY No. 1 CHIQUITA ibs.25C' CELLO PACK CELLO PACK TOMAOESO COOKING ONIONS 6 9( 2 Bt* 5 OUNTMAIN VIEW 10MATES 2Tin 55C SAVE 15e )THER'S p'4ple - Strawberry ,FOOD MA RK E T AND SAVE PHONE 423-351 "ROUE OF QUAnrY" FOR THE CONVENENCE OF SHIFT WORKERS AND OTHERS WHO WERE UNABLE TO ATTEND OUR COURSE IN JANUARY . . . WE ARE REPEATING OUR TO BE HELD IN OUR COURTICE SHOWROOM Register Now-Phone 728-1611 or 728-1617 (Intended for last week) FOR D L.A.C. John Clark and Mrs. Clark and their son Steven, ChtaN.B., R.C.A.F. Sta-SAE tion, reè visiting with their parnts anr.tand rivs. H. For the best deal in town Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton see one of these salesmen: meure amnh'last Tuesday BUD FOGG - JERRY KEAN Largo, Tampa, Gulf of Mexico. HAP PHILP On Friday evening they visit- LOU ROBINSON ed a funeral home in Port Hope on account of the pass- ing of Mrs. Wilbur Budd. On B A Sunday they were supper guests with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack MorzT E T X ton and family, Base Lmne. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping Buy Now and Save$ and two sons Glen and Ted, Toronto, were Friday evening visitos withher parents, Mr. FALCON - FAIRLN Min Crole Gr e am spent MUSTANG - FORD twhee e wekea nH a tch' THUNDERBIRD Shs ou nd erbcaa ndrwin FORD TRUCKS her teacher's badge. Congrat- ulations.osGats n e Be sure to see the '668 days last week with her grand- RED HOT children, while their parents RE HO Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snowden M US A NG tpnt a few days ln London' US A N t H. R. Foley,C n enCollas: manville. Godu rp y ntrtind s e d C¢ rs his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1965 RAMBLER Allie Goodmurphy, the oc- "IAMBASSADOR"I 4-DR. casion being his parents' 51st Lie. B52819. wedding anniversary. H is sister and husband Mr. and 1965 DODGE "IPOLARA"O ed the gathering and spent the weekend with her brother 1963 FORD XL and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mans- CONVERTIBLE ford rGoodmurphy and family. Lic. B51286. Bowmanville, were Sunday 1962 CEV. Cuests of her uncle and aunt, "BISCAYNE" 4-DR. r. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt. Lie. B57/536. spent' the ween D w alga1962 PONTIAC brother and wife, Mr. and " LAURENTIAN" 4-DR. Mrs. Steve Doyle and family. Lie. H53586. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dnoye, v stdteir broth- "STRATO-C E"4-DR. er Mr. Walter Doyle, Rich- Lie. B55589. vale, also Mrs. Water Doyle Mr. agåd"°d r.AeTanrMac DONA LD with their daughter and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Don F R Brooks and family. Onm"Snd a : Ms.H.R. FoleA ES Frne st wis an fm dy, S em ' 1 when they were eéntertained 219 King st. E. at the home fMr. and Mr for Mr. JOhnTit, igtn hoe632 ho was hmeo thewek b FRESH GRADE'A PLANK. TEA.K, SHI.P . 050 1/4 gr x ir x 8y PER SHÈET These are manufactured with shorter length flitches and can be offered at this special . . . normally $40.00 per sheet for regular pre-finished teackl price SPE CI AL ! FOR OUR REC ROOM COURSE RECREATION ROOM INSTRUCTION BOOK $2,950080, Oshawat Wood ProdUcts - Ltde OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COURTME MALLONT-THE NAME TO BUILD ON' 'i