Me4ê at Those Pancakesl 18 Pâea BOWMqVLLE ONARL, WNESDAY, FEDUARY 23, 1966 lO Pranf~ NUMBER -1 Six-year-old Arthur Messenger of Newcastle was one of the hundreds of hungry guests at the annual Newcastle Lions Pancake Supper on Tuesday evening. The crowd was bigger than ever, lured no doubt by the odor projected by the suction f an to the main street. ýOperators Misunderstood- Its Scope Rescmnd ServiCe.. Stat.ion Dogs Now Free To Roam Town Until Mar. 31 Dogs will be free to be outdoors unaccompanied from now until March 3lst. This was decided at the' meeting o! Bowmanvilie Town Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening. Ail membert of council were present except Reeve Sidney Little and Councillor Ken Nicks. A letter from Dr. A. W. only quite some distance away. Harris, Veterînarian in charge He moved that the Dog Con- of the Ontario Health of Ani- trol Committee be directed by mals Branch in this area, was council to allow dogs to be read by Town Clerk Robert released free out of doors froni Byron. This communication now until March 31st. stated that in recent months This motion was scconded there have not been any cases by Councillor James Bourice. of rabies near Bowmanville. Deputy-Reeve Wesley Fice said The only rabies reported has lie did not think 30 to 40 miles been in Hope Township, two away is very far. He added foxes and a dog, and in Cart- that hie did not see what good wright and four bovines. it would be for the dogs to Councillor Glen Hughes said run. that as Dr. Harris' letter Councillor E. J. Rundlc alsc clearly stated that..there is not spoke against the motion. The any rabies near Bowmaflville, Deputy-Reeve asked for a re. Averaged Over 600 Employees Goodyear's 19 6 5 Payrol Totalled $3,4 Million At Bowman ville Plants. The. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of1 Canada, Llmited payroil at its Bowmanviile plant amounted to $3.4 million ini 1965, H. G. IMacNeili, vice president and general manager, general produets edvision announeed today,, In a statement summarizing *1 the plant'a 1965 activities, GuidesSCOUtSMacNeil said eperations at the' I plant advanced on a broad * scale and records were achiev-i a rn ueîa i I di eea aeois d Empoynient at the plaut,1 whichi manufacturera a wide1 O f ý irstAid variety o! Industrial products,I 0fy, th ft Overcome by Car F *AIIhbIBnoeServIce, bas 0c1 ucted a Red Cross Fini rd A~ Curoandi an mgencyPofly>pOOI ~e1pe r ftouseforMale . .il mids =dMIemvezS] Byiou r Other scouts.a d The courses were starteti in Xiovembor, ancj were comlet- d nTueMday evening of this ek.Mr. Harvey was the Flrst Aid instructor, andi Mrs. Marilyn Cole taught the Hone Nqursing part of the Emer- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) TWO CRINMY FIRES Fireman answcrcd t w o chlmney fires on Monday afternôon and evening, with noe damage reportcd at either et thern. Citizens would be ,well advlsed to make certain their chimnneys and stove pipes are not Mihng Up with soot to cmate a tire hazard. Removed tc ranging from V-bclts to print- ers' supplies, avcragcd over 600 in 1965. part of the Bowmnalvillc operation is a 'dry' process reclaim plant which was open- cd in 1964. Last year, its first full ycar cf operation, close to 1,0)00,000 *pounds cf rubber were "iAgain in 1965, new prod- ucts such as wire braided hose; rubbcr roofing and printers' supplies played a large part in mjaking the year a succes, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Fumes Vouth Dies Occupants Hospital E<iward Strong, ege 18, R.R. amn. on Saturday. Constable 1, pontypool, was killed by Donald Stuart, OPP, was the carbon monoxide in a tragic investigating officer. accident early on Satu.rday 'Me four teenagers who had morning. He and four other been overcome by the fumes, teenagers, who were uncon- Laura Brown, age 17, and her scious from carbon monoxide sister, Margaret, age 15, both fumes were found in a car of Miilbrook. Charles Colvin, stuck in the snow on a sndc- age il, R.R. 1, Pontypool, and roati in Manvers Township, a Richard Strong, age 17, Pon- quarter of a mile south cf typool, a cousin of the dead 115 Highway. youth, were rusheti by Cen- The Bowmianville Detach- tral Ambulance te Peterbor- ment Ontario Provincial PO- Ough Civic 'Hospital. lice Headquarters were noti- Aftcr treatment, Margaret fied of the accident et 4:10, <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Millbrook Girl Wins Durham Trophy M Orono United Churcli, Tuesday evenlng. 10 y6ung -qpeakers compeied in ;y e ig o<Wt ~~I f the Trustees & Rate payera Assn. pulie speaking coutest. m4 h~1on.centrp, 12, grade 7, dau gter of Mr. and Mm. Clayton Thexton, ~m lioon~ lersubject, was "Albert Swetzer." In second plaça w.. Kathy Ig14, grade 8 student akt Mapie GroveEast pubUc achooL Sb in the oM.and Mms Thomas McGurk, and spoke on '"Stars Unllmited.» wnt to CaMline Johnson, 13, grade 8 student from Orono. She, is o!Mr. and Mns. Robert Johnson and spoke on «Marie Currie." At - b~tbaphoo t Durham County Club of Toronto President B. C. Stoge- cordcd vote. The motion was carricd by four to two with Councillor (TURN TO PAGE TWO) C of C Schedule Annual Meeting For March 2nd B<owmanvile's Chamber of Commerce lias scheduled Its annuxal general meeting for Wednesday, Ma-eh 2nd, at the Flying, Dutchman. The guest speaker wilI be Ernest P. Chiasson, Ontario Repre-1 sentative, The Canadian chamber of Commerce. The reiception will be held at 5:30 p.m. and the dinner et 7 o'elock. MUr. Chiasson was born In New Brunswick where he re- ceived his schooling, gaduat- ing, in Arts frein Sacreti Heart College, Bathurst, N.B. Bilin.gual, Ms business eperi- e4e finclutes Jotel ~u~g nit and saie wîith àdvèrîa] hotel chains, aniong them Canadlian Pacifie andi Hilton of Canada. Hàc association exe lee In ludes sev ai yeas s Convention Proo tio Mnaero! the Montrea Convention and Visitors Bur-1 eau. Ç/its andi Closi ng IBy-mLa'w HnrTwo- Courtice Guides at Mother - Daughte'r Banquet For the first turne, two mnembets of lst Courtice Guide Company Brownies taking part in fly up and wallc up ceremonies. Thos ýwho camne up. through Brownies, received their Ail Round Cords taking part in the cord presentation inciuded, from ieft to rigit on Monday night. The presentations were made following a delicious Capt. Evelyn Bishop, Mrs. A.- Fulton, Cheryle Fulton, Mrs. L. Pullen, roast -chicken, Mother and Daughter banquet in Ebenezçr United 'Gloria-Jo Pullen and Distriçt Commissioner Evelyn IHawke. Church hall, and the program also saw quite alarge number of ýThief Loots ýOrono Hydro Till of $215 lhe -Ontario Provincial Police are Investigating the bbc! t of $215 which was taken froni tbe Orono Hy- dro office, Orono, receiÎtly when thc office was left unattended for a short perm- lbd 84i oon. 1 e é2 Ui he wbe It bail been placed from. the tubl before Uic office be- caine vacant at thc noon hour. The safe was not locked ai heUic te. Con- stable L. F. Diyden, OPP, Is ln charge of the Investi- gàtioii. £Aeces ALTERATIONS - The shopping section east oi Division St. on the south side is undergoing quite a change. Whyte's Upholstery on the corner took on an altered appearance recentiy with sorne dark- ened panelling and now, after considerabie delay, work is underway renovating Stanley's Lunch that suffered a ire. East of that, the store formerly occupied by Jack's Sinoke Shop is sporting two large plate glass windows and it is expected that other improvements will take place. t t jtt BURNS - Charlie -Bickle of Concession St. E. is recovering from painful burns received Friday night at his home. Apparentiy, something started a ire in the kitchen and Charlie picked up some of the flaming items and carried thein outside, burning his hands in the process. t~ 1 t t t SCRUB - Last week it was mentioned that the hallway to the parking area at the rear of Ellis Shoe Store had been dis! igured. On Saturday morning, a group of "volunteers" wentto work with scrub brushes and removed most of the markings. Possibiy there will be no further com- plaints for a while. . a long while, it is hepeti. t t t t t PRAISE - Postinaster Jack Wade o! Newcastle brings to our attention a letter of appreciation written to the Postmaster Generai by Mrs. M. E. Pewtress of the Northumberland-Durham TB and Heaith Assn. The letter expressed thanks for the co-operation received from post office staffs in the United Counties who were most helpfui in mailing eut the Christmas Seals. Such letters certainiy were welcomed by the postal staffs. Usually, they hear only the compiaints. t t t t i. SOD-TURNING - On Friday at 2 p.m., construc tien on Darlington's new senior public school will get undcrway west of Hampton on the, fifth con- cession. There will be a special sod turning cere- mony and taxpayers will be welcomed. No information fias been reieased on the procedure that will be followed in digging a ggod cbunk of! sod eut of frozen ground with an ordinary shovel. It should be worth seeing. I t t t 1t GROWTH- Bell Telephone lias just released its annual report showing that in, 1965 the com-, >a ny insiaiied an additionai 264,996 telephones zoz a total of 4,578,000. In BowmanvUle; 18Q phonea were acided to bring the local total to 3,921. IV», no wonder a weary feilow can't ineai Ms-houx'. sieep on a Saturday or Sunday. aftevnoon wlthout somebody phoning abôut somthing that couid quite easlly wt. util regular- busineus h<urs CAUGBRTup - [t WMIlb. no th tuu ck The Siate ..b»,ias r.urxed tî Most oft -pêahdbpuUpf1 the r.oe.m tsyaubs2n1 - Hear Speaker on. Expo 67 Rotarians Elect Bob Stevens Asý Incoming- President for 66-m67 EXP'O 87 should be a must fect Attendance Pin., The pr- der. T~he birthday «f Tom on eeyn'candar next sentation was made byAtCo nwaceeredbhi yer.Itwfl rvide us and tendance Chairman Tom Reh- (TURN TO PAG E TWO> Our' chifden.the 'opportunity to have anrey peningview r9fý#ý th f t ~ well as a Irie ;. LHecrt..,Fund.l Canvass, er~~t~r*nig, theAssist- i M 1i; t ,Agieu- N e s io a -i oT $ 1ý,3 18 - trCanadian Corprat*ion made thèese enrfent uing The Bwavil hatrare heard :En=. no a an address 'et the Bownof he-eivdtesuppoto&the Réomentwh 1he cnvtae ville -Rotary Club's lunch= eon vdtespor ftehm he h avs mengat the Flying Dutch- citizens of the town in re- called should find en envel- man Mtor.- Hotel 'on Frklay. os to their appeal for ope which was left for'them. Steves.was unani to support continuing This envelope may be used to Bob. 'tvn'wsuai research into disorders of the make your contribution. Place mously elected Président of Clr=Mbtory System. your donation in the envelope the- Bôwnanville Rotary Club At the close of the canvass. and drop it in the mail or for 1966-61, President Don Monday eveninig, $1,318.61 had leave your donation at the Morris annoÙ.nceti.' President- been collected with some re- Bank of Montreal. Elect Stevens wilU take office turns stifi. to core in., It. is , The co-operation of service ini July.* expected that the total,,clubs and students and staff Walter DeGeer,- a fonner amount reaiized in the Town of Bowmanville High Schoo>l Governor of Pbtay District of Bowmanville wil be about contributed mudh to, the suc-1 707, received a 17 Yeara Per- $1,500 by the time ail pointscess of the oanvass.- Port- Perrv Skaters Win Canadian Junior Two on Bike. Hit by Car on1 Way to School -Danny Alidrati, eIght. year-old son f iNfr. aud- Mia.. Charles Alldread, LB..1 NewcaÉtle, suffered a kl fracture ln an acci4ept on No. 2 Hlghway on Thmiedy, moring. He was takeu t. Memorlal Hospitl, »w-, transferîci btI ia for SIck ChU0ren0T6Moit by the BowmnilE Aru Ambulance. Danny and his cousis Michael Alidread, were rido ing a bicycle to school on Thuriday morning when àl was struck by a car driven, by Robert Vannespe, Port' Hope. Constable Gorge Evans, OPP, investitatd the accident. Michael Aildread w a a treated ai Memorial Bo- pltal's Ont-Patients' Depat- 1ment for lacerations of his l loiver lip. Ho la a son of Mr. and Mrs. William AUl- dread, R.. ] Newcasth Crown la, addition to, mothers of twi.two parSti IL R. Forder and'Mrs. Wm. Stephis vnxWtherMn yers attmn4td the t, panied by Mm. Gordon Sturrock î» Un. Don Forder of PortPev eRtend heartegcoôngratulations 11 .~worJiy.b~m~oi~&photoc iý ý l, yvijuiviri 114 10 E-tLb.,Cak 10c Per C6py VnLlimE 112 1