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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1966, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Fel'. 23, 196lost 11-3. Officiaiswee e- _________________________________nia Romeril and BihTow Monay. Februar e- l4h,5be B.LACKSTOC K iong so achàmU ere -wvas no 1ce for skating li the A 5n 0 s nheParka Board mt in ile Show with a St. Patrxck's the Public Sehool held their ComunIty Hall Wednesday Dey theine la planned for Valentine skating paries Fr1- 'nWit wlth a good attendance. Mardi l7th at 8 p.m IIthe<iay the lBth, when it was ]uaoeu Oicd1ff5Wm co.iipet- larilh . All A i ie1 of reafly cold*weather, approXi- .d aind bucgeting for 1966 the district niay enter.. For mat.ely 20 o below zero in the Phfnd. Several items were particulars contact Mris. J. K. early mornin>g.- Mr. Carl dhusd. 34Se tables are to Lawrence, the Country Store, Wrigh~t drew ail the younger bb. piimed lI Caesarea and Nestleton. Following thle clos- pupils in hus bus to and frora Vew L.e parks, and irn- lng prayers, tea was served the arena for their different ptovecnents matie in theile ii by Mrs. Lawrenlce and Mrs. J. hours o« skating. Somne of the dren's park et Biackstock. Rahffn. okier pupils walked. 14r. BIR Ferguson will be Saturday, February l2th, Messrs. Merlin Suggitt, Mer- dilrmn aCgthe Parks Board the Cartwright Pee Wee hoc- nul Van Camip, John Hanuil- "ad represet the Council. key tear mpneted li a Little ton, Ernest Swain, Bill Fer- -ark cm a retakers wi1l le N.H.L. tournamnt ini Mill- gu.son and Gordon Gettins are th« gauneM previus years. brook ai won two of the attending Counicilors Con- pàM izenners at the L.O. tilree gaimes played. TheY' re- vention at Ryerson and Good HAeudire Wednesday nught: oewved the consolation trophy Roads Convention at Royal tIilady, Mrg. W. Archer; and thus were eligible to York. Migent, Mr. Osmnond coanpete in Oakwood On Sat-Cogautin Jd 'Wdht lukydraw, Mrs. urday, thele 19k. Here tbey Coangratupltofs ta Jutdh t; lc-ll--,wonone affe orer ronobutWilson, who obtained first = Bge owers. wern oane g OroonutSan ppiofM.Rtl Agood cZavd enjoyed awtereonbeatn tOp a ined.class honors in Grade 8 Piano oeat evenîng ofcurl- hcosltntrhY ane exains. Also to the followng *-Ytingand marda at the The Novice team n Keele pupils of Mrs. Gladys Thomip- f tia Uroay nmgtt, foi- in OrOnc February 12th, with son Who ail obtained honors: JDWUby undi '1theen- joc>owing results: el Grade 8, Elizabeth Thompson; t~<eniSra&l<nntwaspln-9. Cartwright o; 2nd gaine, Grade 7, Judith and Linda enteb Lb. n w pa n-e fCArtwright 5* Orono 2; in the Mountjoy; Grade 6, Leanne by he.e Copls u, aie ofMr.consolation finals, Millbrook Dorreli; Grade 5, Heather 0dMr&. Raipi Larner, Mr. 5, Cartwright 1. Dorrell. ndMus. Ken Lee, Mr. ;1d Seventeen ladies o! Black- Miss Dianne Wheeler, Bow- PaàRchwd Van Camp. stock U.C.W. attended the manvile, spent the weekend ~ i.W. jA. of St. John's annual meeting o! Oshawa wit Mr. end Mi1s. Ernest int - the Parish Preabyterial in St. Andrew's Swain and farnily. ~min P:bnaary 17th. Pie- United Church, Oshawa, Tues- Mr. and Mrs Percy Van « ~dn r.J. KC. Lawrence day.estf ofCrwih Camp and Mis Aileen spent *àà i the chir and oonduct- The tf fCnwih the weekend with the Norton K lb. dévotioxiai period. Re- High Sohool attended the an- Van Camps, Listowel. ~i;ra ci the secretarY, treas- nual Professional Develop- Mrs. Margaret Snache, Oril- *Er ad other departments ment Day o! District No. 20 1,l s vi siting with Mr. and g re ad and approved. A Ota Scndr colMrs. Jack Le Saux and dau- abfor Gordon's School wuîl Teachers' F e de ra t i on op ghter Jeannie Caroline, and lbe hiLpped woon. The speaker Thursday, February 17. Ths i and Mrs. Norman Wake- for the Womnen's World Dy yean the teachers o! this dis- ford, Toronto, were Sunday el PnW~er at St. John's on trict visite'd varieus schoolls gvests. Febru a j wl ' lta . in the Metroaiea to observe Rev. Merrili Ferguson, Tor- Do 2asPterson o! Toront teaching methods and discuss onto and Mis. Ceci Hill were EI1ic0> Hunt will oonduct the eurricula. The teachers Of Monàay l4th supper guests BèMvce of Induction for Rev. Cartwright were thle guests (if of Mi. and Mms. Bill Ferguson ]R. C. Rose, Ineumbent of Port CedarbTae Secondary School and Alan and Mi. Roy Fergu-P parry and Blackstock, lin the !nScarborougil. After a morn- sn dwurdi ah 8 n March ing of observation and dis- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vander- t 15th, and i wl preacil. FOl- cussion al he teachers as- huel, Orillia, spent the week-V lbwlng tile service, a rece-p- qembied et the Inn on the end with Mr. and Mis. Ceciln tiôn will l'e hèli in thle Parish Park for a lunicleon dinner Gibson and faniily. 12.A children's Fashion The guest speaker was Mi. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vander-n __________________-Noriman Sisco, Assistant Sup- huel and Mr. and Mrs. Her-P erintendent for Education; the manus Vandenhuel and Diannee topic of his address was were Sunday dinner guests ofa "Community Colleges of Ap- Mr. and Mrs. Alaen Wilson,a FR EE plieti Arts & TeohnologY".- Nestieton.0 47-Page "VACATIONS IN Sunday morning in the Miss Janice Byers and Miss FBRITAIN" United Church tile choir ren- Linda Kuhi, Guelph, wereV dered a nce anthem, "My weekend guests ef Mr. ands Cail for your ceai,. Faith Look UiP." Rev. Romeril Mrs. Murray Byers.y mui. hiacoarfl ooketchose as text for his fine se r-1 Miss Gertrude Henry, Tor-S insde hi coorfl ooketmon, "If any man be in, onto, spent the weekend with 1 you'il fini detailis -r: Christ, he is a new creature. Mi. and Mrs. Tom Dean and -Hhtorc TwnuIn St. John's Church Rev. Janet. »torc, TwnsRose delivered a fine sermon Miss Doreen Van Camp, -Art Gallerles and on Religion. The Wardens Toronto, was home with her Mubgeurna and other officers of the parents, Mr. and Mis. S. Van -Theatre and Music church were installed. Camp for the weekend. -xxplorlng Britain by Rail Mr. and Mis. Haîry Smith,I Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- - Tho IDn cf Dritain Toronto, visited her mother, bamn visited cousins i n Fene- -Bôm AnualEvents Mrs. R. Ford, Sunday. ion Falls, Saturday. - Bone AnualMr. and Mis. Oir Venning Missrs Hamnilton andf .-Neow to'Plan Tour Trip attended the Watkins Co. con-~ Miss Kathy Penker, Toronto, ventions at Tne Tops Motor visited Doris' mother, Mrs. 7««esStant at low se $316-00 Hôtel, Petjerborough, Wednes- Fred Hamrilton, and grand- * ETURN day. fatiler Mr. Richard Wall, in Blackstock pulc sho the'ir homes, and grandmother gaing e with JanetvuIle girls pital on Satuîday. AND heme, Saturday morrning, bu Syimpathy is extended Mr. LOVEL GETCASH ODAT Manvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, on LOVEi GT CAH TDAY the deatih oe bis brother, El- FOR OLD APPLIANCES -mer Nesbitt, in Oshawa hos- W LTTSMN Mn. andr.BiIFrto L TTE * andi Alan visited Mr. and Mrs.i L W A IJE -ONTr. OLASSIFIEDS Roy Ca.mcron, Bow'manvhlle, ANVI.LtTelephons 623-3303 Sunday evening. Tobronto-D'omin'ion Savhgs Cel tra nsform rtifi cates into If% not magic. Just plain good sense. Every 75ç, you invesf in Toronto-Dominion Savings Certificates lbecomes $1.00 in six years. Thot's 51/2% simple interest on your money. A $10 certificats, costs only $7.50. You can buy them ln varlous amounts up to $50,OOO. And Toronto-Dominion SavingsCertificates May be caslted anytime if you need the money. Insrssted? Ask your Toronto-Dominion Manager about tbis wonderful woy of building for the. future. Great Go-Aheoci idea from TOIRONTOImDOMINIIN, The. Bank where people make the difference. M. G. LAWTON, Manager Wins' at Lions-Rotary Stag Seth "Snuffy" Hunt, right, being congratulated by Jack Brough, master of ceremonies, was the $200 winner ah the Lions-Rotary Shag held Tuesday evening ah the Lions Centre. Stu McTavishi, a combine of Gord Chartran and Herb Mackie, Rod Carvehh and A. H. Sturrock won $75 cach. Merchcmnd ise Selling Bazoar .of Values Fine qualihy mercilandise -a',1 keepthieirsilelves aupplieti pnices you'll hartily believe witil merchantise' selecteti will l'e found in Bowmanviile especially for you, aV puices this week wilen cushomeis will b. ilonoreti witil a tre- mnendous I"Bazaar o! Values". 'K' NAM&lAt UNAIv Bowmanville's progressive I mercilants, courteous sales- people, understanding a n d efficient govennment officiais anti The Canatian Statesman are ai workîng hogethier ho offer consumnera the biggcst" welcome andtihe greateat values ho be found in any I shopping centre. They invite . you ho be ilene this week antid sec for younself the great ~ values they have ho offen. You can buy witil confidence in Bowmanville. Tile Bow- manville mercilants tisplay- that will save you money. ing "Bazaar o! Values" post- Chueck the "B a z a a r o! ers want ho show you hhey Values" pages in til week's appîcciate your business andi edihion e! Tile Canadian will give you thel'est service Shatesman for ail youî needs. available anywhene. You'll finti a big welcome at Tilese meichants are conat- ail tilese~ fine buainesses in antly aet o your needs, anti Bowmanville. Bill Hackett, Tom Welsh, Bol' Y outh Fintoff, Tomi Beckett, Gary Snowdon, Thlomas Ecwes, Tenny Bubar, Teriy Russell, a. i ,nson, v.s.~ (PROM PAGE ONE) Brown, Richard Strong anti Young Mi. Coiviin weie able Vo leave ilospitai anti retum t o tileir homes or Tueadmay ~ recuperâte. Laurt Brwn, bias pneuimonia, is sshUl a pî- tient in Peterboroughl Civic Hospital. ,Me accident h ap pen etd when the car, due te bile slip- pery roati, faîhedto negotiahe a ltirn, anti skaitded into Vile dltch where 1V shUckli bue deep snow. One of the three young mxen went for help, urh1ila 44,onherswanIf i n the cenificates will l'e presenteti ho tile bbys at a Fatiher anti Son Banquet te l'e helti in Maple Greve on Mamici til. Thc girls wilil receive bileir ê6ý tc§ be heki in bue Wear future. Dogs Now Free (FROM PAGE ON£) wn r. é oea eiu Hughes, Councillor ,Bouike,l Having feiledtiot finti a Councillor Paul Chant anti bouse he rehurnedti t the car, Councillor Annie Oke voting andtihie five young people in faver, anti only Deputy- decidedti o stay warniinithe Reeve Fice anti Councillor car hoping anotiler vehlicie Runtile voting against. wouid sec therem. Thc heater was on andlti hiie Windows A depuhation o! Il service weîe closeti against the coîI, station ep:eratoîs appeareti b.- wthen a passing niotoniat, fore council, Ken Stubingten, Ronald Falls, foundt bem. a law partner o! E. R. Lovekin was spokesman for tuis dele- gahion. A pehiion from tilese YS operahons ilat been for- um warded te council l'y Mr. G oo Lovekin asking that By-Law MI No. 1958 îegulahig the heurs p a y oll o! service stations l'e rescindeti hati been forwarded to council <PROM PAGE ONE) l'y Mr. Lovekin. saii aceil."These itemns On beilal! o! the deputation gooti peial fr 96.Mr. Stul'ington statedti ta show go oetafo196"wilen the original petition for MacNeill pointeti out thiat sucil a By-Law ilat been pie- growtil potential in Bowman- senhedti o council the signera vile is very good, "1particular- hati miaundenstooti Its scope. ly because we will l'e moving our ilose manufacturing ho They hadti iought 1h would Colln gwood laten tuis yean. 'e- in regard ho the closing Til will alow the Bowman- heurs for gas pumpa only, anti ville plant ho expanti anti con- they werc mucil concenneti centrahe on otiler Unes suci wilen they founti that 1h dealt as conveyor l'clting anti special with complete closing heurs protucta." for the stations, h.e explaineti. "Toc coninueti atvance e! I Mn. Stubinghon furtiler general industiy gives uspeinteti out tilat if councîl eveny reason ho believe tilelwoul rescindti ll By-Law the higil level e! achivihy ah the oertors wouhti like ho discuss Bowmanville plant will con- the mather !urtler among tinue for some ime ho come. tilemscives, anti hope they Oppertunities for continucti ceuldt ien agîce on the prov- growtil iere are gooti, despite isions they would like in iligilly competitive conditions," anotilen sucil By-Law. ile sait. His Worsilip, Mayor Ivan MacNeili empilasizeti thah Hobl's, askcdtihiat wicn the the Goodyear plant la net only operators corne ho sucil an a large cm ployer in the aiea agreement thiey !oîward thii but alzo a large hax payer. In recemmeidaioix3 te enable the 1965 he Goodyear plant paiti meml'ens o!f council te studYl $92,000 in local taxes. them befone a meeting. 1 ______________Councillor Runtile movedi ,F*rSt Am d that counicîl concur wîvtlhithe' deputatien'S requcat anti rea-1 ciati By-Law No. 1958. This wssecondeti ly Ceuncillor Ok, anti carîied. Torce reati- Course inw,: egienteBy-Law (PROM PAGE ONE) No. 1960 a y-Law te rescinti HeieraCouse.TocBy-Law Ne. 1958, anti 1h was gny Hles iue epasseti. total nurnbcr o! students in Cniud exwek the hwo courses ws 28, (onauendetwck final ets. The Girl Guides who passed bobil courses were: Jane No- ble, Katiiy Sol, NancY Sinons, SIveila Goodrmnrph, JasePi- Ine Preece, Barbara B.ckett, Laîurie Preece, Bea Dmnbek- ker, Susan Hcrkatily me- Guirk, Patricia Webb~, Gail! McXDonald, Brende Bomber,1 andi Lihida Stevens. Juditil H9gg, who only oock anec courie, passed the, tests tor1 Zxnergency Helpers. 'fic Boy Scouts w*h ohock only ltheFit Aid Courséfor thiu Silver Star and pirst Aid: Badge and pased were: E Foskett. Devfid Wlflougbby,1 Skaters Pass Figure Tests Figure Skating Tests were heli l'y bue Bowmanvillc Skat- ing Club ah Uic Arena an Tilursday alternoeai and early evenlng. There were '47 entrants, anti 38 pgssot. Mrs. W. G. Cowle was the Test çlhairhmï Thce udeswere Arthur Petrie, Osà=-w, Mrs. M. Capp- lci, Port Hrope, and Glen- holme Hughes, Bowm»Vflvle. The Rferee udge was Mns. R.Olafuon, Don Mils. Those who succcssfully pas- cd he tests were: Preliminary Figures, Beverley Tennat, patrlcia Newlan, Caroline Joi sn. ,uc Waltz, Judy Btittn, Condace Myles, Peggy1 Kcct, Jane Cattran, Cileryl Willams, aroline Johnson,t Janeh Large, Barbara Van- stne, Roscmary Cascagnette, Beverley Tennant, Jane Noble, Debbie Haynes anti Linda RMdt. Canasta Tango, Lynn Bart- ci, Jane Cattran, Cheryl Williams, Caroline Johnson, Janet Lange, Beverley Ten- nant, Linda Webb. Swing Dance, Sheila Crombie, Pat Nowlan, Miriam Harrison, Bev- erley Tennant, Rosemany Cas- cagnette, Caroline Johnason, Mrs. Miriam Harrison. Fiesta Tango, Faye Myles, Lyxin Major. Willow Waltz, Lynn Major, Andrea Ewent. Founheen Step, Patricia Ru- dcil, Lynn Fraser. Amenican WIaltz, Shawn Leddy. Rocker Foxtrot, Avelyne Lycett. After the tests were cern- letedthe judges wee tie gests of!the Bowmanville Skatng Cub at the Flying Dutchman Moton Hotel. Tile President, Mis. W. M. -Ruticl was theilostess. Toronto Actress Agrees to Direct Separate Tables. TeeceRattiala hiea y finally cilosen by he Bow- manville Drama Club for spning production. 0f speial interest Vo oui fnients in the Bowmanvilhe aiea, is he fact tilat we ilave been fortunate enougil ho ob- Vain the helip of a guecat dirc- ton for tuis play. Bilhi Tyaa, a piofessional actress and di- rechor from Toronto (seen in a recent Seaway senies on TV) ilas agîcedti o direct he play, considered by many ho l'e T. Rattigan's best, anti untier Mrs Tyas' capable direction siloulti provitie our audiences witil an exceptional cvening's enher- hat he cash includes several ncwcomens. Playing dramatic noies are Stu McTavish, Ken Hockin, Jean Evans, Peggy O'Neaih, Karen Lowry, Hilda Foibeek, Stan Payne. Regular club members on stage are: Doneen Kihney, John Ames- l'ury, Elsie Raikes, Ede Cole, Wyn Wonnacott anti Magot Samuels. Ah are looking forwaîd ho wonking with Mis. Tyas, anti feel suie that thil expenience will mnean even better tiramatie entertalament in future for Stevens 1(FROM PAGE ON£) relow RoteÉris. Toc gucst speaker wes in- troduced bly ljarry Van Belle, vile sid that Dr. Fisher was aorn li Sackville' New.Bruns- wick, and isl a giraduate o! MIount Allisen'Univexuihy, Toc Univesity f Tronto, anti of th. Ontario Veterinary Col- eg.1 '"During World War II Dr. Fisher serveti in the Royal Canadian Navy, and-afher the cessation of hiostilitica he titi relieft and rehabiitahion wiork for bue Unteti Nations in Estern Europe for several years. Frora 1951 ho 1961 ile was Director of Veterinary Surgery for Prince Edwarti Island. Dr. Fisher, who, is lst Vice- President of!he Peterborough Rotary Club, breugilt greet- nga f nom uis club's members te tileir fellow Rotarians acre. Canadians are faceti with a challenge Vo do tileir utmosl te ensure that planning for tile future e! Canada is done wisely, Dr. Fisher declaned. "In Prince Edwarti Island 102 years ago bue Fathers o! Con- fedenation met ho make the4 plans bilat have mouldeti eur country. It was ah tuis gatil ering in Cilarlottetown that Sir Leonanti Tilley suggested Vile n-ame Dominion of Can- ada. "'hhene are great essets in Canada. I recommendti t we ail reflect on these assets anti on our vast natural re- sources. Let us get away fron negative hhinking and be positive," Dr. Fisher urgeti. Tile gucat speaker discussed thle preparations being made for the miagnificent Wonld Exhibition, EPO 6 7, to be hel in liMontreal in celebra- tien o! Caneda's Centennial year. He aise, showed a senie5 o! coloreti aides that net onhy pictureti the tremendous ad. vance w:ork being done, anè thle enlargement of EXPO 67! islands' location, but ahi( vividhy depicted sotne o! th( wondeîs Vo l'e on view. The first 'pichured wilat th( site o! EXPO. 67 looked ig betore prepanations for tI, 1967 Woilti's Fair began.I silowed McKay's Pier, Moi treal, on bue top o!fVile plie hune exhending out into hi water, St. Helen's Island i miti-stream, with le Vert an( île Notre Damne below, ari the neanby Jacques Cartie tBridge. Toc next shide depictedth V 1man matie islnds for EXP( j67 wilh have been construct cd l'y ile City of Montreî Dr. Fishersaid that 400 truck wonketi deily fer Vwbr year ho extendtheUic ilands ho BEFORE SALES Now's the time to get going MOTORS COURTICE - 72"6 Aea Rkhards. 1»U PhilhiD huge stee by transportIng f111 at reasnaible prices. a front the originels out ho the ie guegt spaker sid tha great new retainlng walls. F.XPO 67 will show agrlcul.' The new rostis made ho hure ln a new liet prent-' give access to Ibis World Ex- ing its treinendous tdnla hibition- and the enoimous sivemCrits, and "hwing parkinir lots were picturcd, how .&U hunaanlty dependa on. as wefél as the new st.adiuan, the former ta feed til hui. tile administration buildings gry worid. and the main gt o! EXPO "APgriculture bh te largest 67, aima the C.B.C. Building site. Its 10 exhibit arcas, te- where colored TV w411 orig- gether with filelds andi graz- nette. ing space, will occupa seven Thc new bridge frnmMc andti a li!acreson~ Notre lCey's Pier to St. Helen'a la. Dame 1sland. The c e of landi was specially pictured as the. Agriculture E IjIn wes Habitat 67, a futuristie lanid wilil'be circulaer CW"a apartmient coerplex whlcil aundial ta féature a ï"sun will provide living quarters Acre" silowing mankind's de- for runn people for years te pendeaice on the sun as the. 1corne. Each apartiment la tis source cd encrgy for Plant lar'ge complex lias its own growth. gandn w ihs laid eut on Thle full range of agricul., le ro o!a apartment b.- hure soils, crop. mechanaza- low. 1h will b. possible for tien: animaIs, marketing, and dais to be dniven to cach front fea management will be door even these on Uic fourtix covereti. Modela of irrigation andi fifth atonies. will show how dry acreage Toc main theme o! EXPO can b. cilangeti te alic farm 67 will be Man and His World, landi. Animal imProvemnent Dr. Fisiler said. He added and cropi mprovement will be that there wiil b. sections !catured. New breeds o!fai- ssuci as Man and Healtil, Man mals wili b. on display, and andth ie Community, Maxi and cross-breeding wîl l e cex- Intiustry, Man anti the Arts, plaineti. and many otihers. Thene "" . arype ive rbe a Disneyland type of anvoeoVinkte r.isr amusement aiea, many thea- vfo hcenstaDdreshernt tres, and auditoriuims, aise o i xeletades n thelarestbee gadeninfor his presentatien o! the Norte lAgster gadeninintresing sildes silowing Norti Ameica.EXPO 67. President Moris Ptctures of the buildings o! exipresseti his personal appre- *diffenent nations were ex- ciation ta the guest speaker, * eedigly impessve. T i Canti presenteti him wihh a gitt Unitedi States Pavilioni is alas a souvenir of his visit te à mammotil golden spilere. *the local Rotary Club. The African Complex con- tains buildings and eut of Dvid Higgon was the win- ndoors exilibits f rom many of ner o!fVthe Hockey Dîaw. ithe new nations o! fia Guests present ah hthe lunfch- sGreat Britaini's Pavillon is eon meeting were Alex She- -wonderfuh, andtihe Seandna stowsky, Ken Maîkie, Murray n vian Pavillon is also mernûr- Smithl, Ian Thomas, Jim Ueï- e abe. Tis s metioing nlysey, Bill Alger, ahi or Oilata, a few. Anxong the most fas- Au-ceie Watt, Willowdale, and = iaing o Vile othersarae E. Crawford. le tioe o rnce, Vthe W est In- Id dies, Israel, and West Ger-l e- More tilan85 per cent of Gl asoTdr aeverything te be seen in orOId Appi1iances m EXPO 67 will be free, anti ali [y EXPO 67 transportation will through 1- aiso befree, Dr. Fisher Point- 8T A T ES9MA N ided out. He said tilce Will be CL SI E S s numerous restaurants offering CLA981F19D9 o the lest o! foodi and special Phone 623-3303 e disiles fnomn around theglb ct le id. nd t-1 ns a Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Souls wlth whom are now înerged Monteitli, Riehl, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants *Windsor Edmontoni Winnipeg Prince George Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., ELLA. Burt R. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre Vancouver Watèrs, C.A. 1228-7527 TAX JUMPS . . .to, our lots at (ourtice or \Bowmanville, for great savings on late model cars bel ors April 1lst 1964 CHEVELLE 4-DOOR CHEV IMPLA 6~1.DELUXE SEDAN 194lH V I P LA6 y.engin. with automatic trai 2-DOOR HARDTOP Lie. H53931. Here's a beautiful. automobile in two- 1963 CHEVY Il 4-DOOR hone red and white, with V-8 engin., STATION WAGON automahic transmission, custom radio, Gleaming black in celer with 6 powr steening and power brakes, chrome standard transmission. dises, white wall tires, backup lamps. Lic. X10130. Lic. B11829. ansmission, Scyl. engine, NICHOLS LU ITED1 Ted Mour, Harold Michdsou f r i j POR/CDr£PW7 STATION WAGON 6 cyl. engine wath automatic transmission. Lic. X7613. 1963 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-DOOR STATION WAGON Lic. H7856. 1962 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Automatic transmission, custom radio. Lie. H54536. 1964 OLDS. Dynamic '88' 4uDOOR HARDTOP lier.'. a prestige automobile equipp.ed with power brakes and power steering, eustom radio, dlock, tinted windshield, two tone beige and brown. Lic. J14812. am 30 LATE MODEL CARS TO. CHOOSE FROM ROY 1

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