Mi,. K. Ashby and Mms. B. Two Cute oungsi Berrowelough. Two sangs Repots fom trm Mary Poppins, A Spoon- Repors fwo ful cf Sugar" and the "Super" oewere sung by Penny Webster, Jennifer Payne andi Womens Instiut~es Rosermary Tisnovsky in Mar Ppins costumes complete MAFLIGROV Wl. "Gooti tizenship eq irs it unibrelias. A rhythm fmored than mere knowmng" band traineti by Mrs. Wilson Tt(e ujlar monthly meet- a oposed by Mrs. L. C. brought heerty epplause for in 1tf Women's Institute lSnowden and read by Mrs. C. the very junior entertainers wubf~in the C.E. Building jJeffrey. Sha saiti "What who were enthusiastic in their cîtb. 14th et 8.15 pm The daes good citizenship require performance, none cf them. cf a .P.i~ of us" We must be honest school ae: Aileen Wilson, m1eetnopened with the sing- I anti loyal to other people as Mark anti Petty Best and Paul ing of te Ode andi the repeat- 1 weil as tao Ur country. The andi Peter Hoskin. They play- ingg o f the Lord's Prayer ini knowledge cf ail life does net eti "AIl the Little Indiens" on unliiofl. assure a good citizen. Our the clapper, rattler, tambour- It was decitiet to order the'educetion is net aîways put ta ine, triangle, cymbels. "The Zederated News egain. Mrs. its best use. There is a neeti River is Deep", a spiritual, Fred Stevens reported on the for nien te stand up andi be wes sung by Jennifer, Rodney number of shut-ins remeni- counted on the side cf right, anti Lance Payne, accompanied bered by Valentines end Val- idespite the cost. We neeti to by brother Garfieldi andi the enine boxes. We agreedti tebe true te ourselves". four cf themn sang "I'm Just e l..rnal ercould caoth Mrs. L. C. Snowden pl.ayed Weary Pilgrim", accompanieti but al Lo eag Asocation an instrumental number on by Mrs. Carroll Nichols. "Pixie butno t snde elgate piano. Mrs. Cryderman andi King" and "Homne on the Was decidedt t senti a delegeMs.aidedncom it Range" were playeti by Philip Gulp tienffcMs'Cafyen. tsinging. Nichols on the guitar, ecconi- GuelAi n My. etitetipanieti by James and Tim A pael discussion ette Nichols on the piano. "Gold.- The Roll Cail, "Name a pres- "The Womnen's Institute anti en Slippers" wes sung with ent curnteen n h Isi their Vision" was given by lots cf pep by Neil anti John cd.Wrl"wswe.I ase- Mrs. H. Cryderman, Mrs.L.C Groeneveld Jr., accomxpenieti ed. Snowden, Mrs. R. Dubeau, Mrs. by their father. Mrs. Percy Mrn. Howard Cryderman,i S. Jeffrey anti Mrs. C. Jeffrey. Snell and Mrs. Ken Dinner Coflvefor of Historical Re. They discussed ail the phases sang *"Sympathy" accompanied search and Current Events, of Women's Institute work by Barbera Dinner; musical presentedth Ae following pro- dealing with the Branch, numbers by Buti Eiliott on the gram. A Valentine poan b F.W.I.O., F.W.I.C., anti A.C.W. electrie guitar, Alex Karklis, Mrs. Crydermen. The Mete W. the accortiion, accempenied by Mrs. H. Crydermen anti Murray Payne on thie piano. Mrs. C. Jeffrey, dressed in Sharon and Linda Thorntiyke Daryl and Louise Purdy, the children of Mr. an ýPUR RTY GO ODI appropriate costumes, sang presenteti a skit, herse or hus- Centre Street, are pictured above. Daryl celebrated h- "Reuben and Rachel". Mrs. band, with introduction by S. Doyle thanketi those taking their mother. Sharon as thie was a year aid on February lOth, and Louise will be part in the pregrani. The new minister, resplendent in 9th. Their proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Glei meeting closeti with the re- long-taileti coat and high silk Mrs. Clifford C. Purdy, and their great grandmother,1 ,,~peating cf the Mary Stewart hat anti hendicappeti by ignor- Bowmanville. ___ Cllect in unison after which ance cf local avents, harrified e social haîf hour was enjoyeti. bis newly-made widow hast- ess. A puppet show present- ed by Mr. anti Mrs. T. Wilson, On atrdy igh, eb ~they presenteti in sang anti GEORGE T. 13AGNELL LEONARD CUBRAGE On atudaynigt, eb.19,action the stery cf the pump- participants of a variety en- kin. The Barber Shop Greup, The tieath of George Thomnas The death cf Leonarti Cub- tertainnient sponsorati by tAie Allan Clarke, John Groene- Bagneil, 109 Church St., occur- bage occurreti et Oshawaý » ~ ' It Unitedi Church Women, play- veld, Tom Wilson, Murray reti et Memoniai Hospital, General Hospital on Montiay, Payne anti Trumnan Austin, Bowmanville, on Wednestiay, February 7, 1966. Ha had eti to a full house, in the Sun- tiresseci for the part, sang "No- February 9, 1966, following an~ been seriously ii for two day school room. Rev. Jas. bodiy Knows the Trouble I've illness of two years. He was weeks foliowing an heart et- Cargo was the chairman anti Seen", "Juanita" anti "Aunt in his 82nd year. -tack, and was in his 58th after walcoming the people, Dinah's Quilting Party". Gloria A son of the late William year. asked Suzanne Eyden for tAie anti Jean Nichols sang "You'il anti Grace Bagneli, the tieceas- opening number. Suzanne Neyer Welk Alone", acceni- eti was born in Bowmanville Son of the late John anti . . . . . . .gave a fine interpretation cf e panieti by Ruth anti the three anti was a life-long resitient of Rose C.ubbaga, ha was hemn poemn on Canada which wes girls sang "It's a Grand Night this town, receiving his edu- In Oshawa anti receiveti his folioweti by ail sînging. "O for Singing", accompenieti by cation in Bowmanville. On education in Oshawa schools. .. Canada". There ware piano their mother. IL was a grand June 12, 1913, he marrieti tha On March 28th, 1934, ha mer- CAADA PR solos by Nancy anti Marge night for singing anti after former Mabel Elian Milîs who rieti the former Helen Nes- Payne anti Nicki Groeneveld; hanks hati been expresseti by survives. bitt of Brooklin, Ont., who recitations by Wesley anti Mr. Cargo and Mrs. Jh h aest a nan survives. Barny Best, Rae Tufford anti Groeneveld, the U.C.W. Presi- pîcyee of the Goodiyear Tira For the past 14 years the ----------------------------------dent, ant i snging of tAie Queen, & Rubber Company plant here deceaset hati resideti at 95 John Greenevelti led in a for many years, anti was with McLaughlin Bivti., Oshawa, hearty sinig-song while coffee the olti Durham Rubber Ce. ant ihati aise liveti in Break- was senveti. There were about wben it was taken over by lin anti Bownxanvilie. Prior 120 present anti the sponsors Gootiyear -more then 50 years to the war ha nesideti in Bow- were quite pleaseti with tAie ago. Ha retireti 12 years ego. manvi'Ue where he was arn- offenin.g neceiveti. A sports enthusiast anti gard- ployeti et the Goodyear Tire Mn. Wm. Ashby is still in a ener, ie spent bis leisure & Rubber Comipany. Ha was Peterborough bospital follow- tentiing his gartian anti as e! also a car saleman in Osh- ing surgery LAera aven e week sports' spectator as long as his. awa for six yeas-, anti for tAie ago. heelth penmitteti. The daceaseti Mesdames Clarence Nichais, was a niember cf Trinity Archie Ford, John Groeneveld Uniteti Church anti ef the anti E. BarrowelolugA attend- Canadian Ortier cf Foresters. Yi.? .~riti The QUA ITY A d tAie annuel meeting cf Co- . Mn. Bagneil is surviveti by *.:. TheQUA ITYbourg Presbyterial cf thie his wife, a son Ted anti two UniLed Chunch Women et grantichiltiren, Mns. Robent *..- name to look for ~Werkworth an Wetinestiey cf Stocker (Patsy) anti Donald, ' - lgst wee~l<. x. C. Dickinson all*,of Bowmanqiie.Tfina ~whenbuyianti. Mrs. E. 'Banrowcleugh three great-grantichildren, ,ill, >-h-,b yng were-at the Histànricel Society Michael anti Paul Stocker. A ~ mleeting in Port Hope tAie semae sister, -Mrs. Henry Rotit (Mari- Gi NG ER ALE night., na) of Shannonville, aise sur- Mn. anti Mns. Greenwey cf vives. Kingston spent part of Suntiay The funanal service was helti wiLh H. Banrowcloughs. fromi the Morris Funerai l. There werc 53 et Suntiey CaeBwavle nF ScAeci Fe. 2thwiL suer-ay, Febnuary lith., anti was *~ Inhnyintendent in charge. An-cnuttbyRvG.KWad noucemntwasmate f tieB.A., B.D. Intenment was ii annuel Sunday ScAieci film Bowmanville Cemetery ~/ night on nigbt cf Geoti Fn- Amang the niany beautiful i4li day. floral tributes, evidence cf the .s....&' Neighbours hene hearti cf esteemn in which the tieceaseti thepasin etMrs Lcy c-was helti, wene those fronim TRY WILSDNS TONIC WATER. COLA. ORANtGE, LEMON 5-4 Cloghac'triy vnn C.O.F. Court 964. Goodyear ..r~* Cullughon atudayeveingMarchandise anti Distribution in Port Hope. Department, Godyear Depart- ___________- ment 2713, anti Unit 4 ef ________________ -_____ ~7'T7"nPf~T Trinity Uniteti Church Women 1JUr AI-IEED, I LLaLl .Palibeerers wr ess Don Bagneil, Robert Stocker' (Intendeti for last week) W. W. Bagnell, M. Moe - The ModernJVay Mvr. Ray Robinson attentied Ken Flint anti L. D. Gotidat.de tie Fam-nSefphr Conventin utU.C.O. which now com- tnrewcvîie Womens in- Prises tAie former Lindsay Cc- stitute, Mrs. Brown was presi- op, ((J7lgGrasdl Co-op ant 'i ddent ofNewcastle Horticulturl were held to choose 10 direc- Thie deceeseti is survîveti by ~('tptnqn. ngraEvcd (u&, IW to)rs as toilows: Five for Lwo- a daughter. Audirey (Mrs. M. Wedding and engagement announcements, hith anneunce year terms, Victor Sîcan, lier- Gogerty), Newcastle, a grand- mn&confirmation invitations, golden and silver anniversar) vey Malcolm, Jini Nesbitt, deughter Sheila (Mrs. Jack' anement et. Bruce Mollon and Ivan Mc- Wilson). a grantisen-in-law ancunemnta ec.Millan; five for one-yeer Jack Wilson, anti e great- terrm, Jimn Walker, Owen grantison Chistopher Wilson, Th r oe g a igMoynes, Art Steele, Lloyd al cf Bawmanville. (RAISED LETTERING) Lillico andi Lloyd Corneil. Evidence cf LAie cstecmn in At ~lacoia e wreples-which tAie deceaseti was heltid r ~~oru0 L'MU ansd Jais ike the laet baud engraving. The letters wAte tAie meny lovely floral r e. CAL9P CWE il ha"e au eleance and individuality oaly thee lacet haad e. eat learn that we qualifieti trbuthse man ong icflwrel 4AN gmving cm match. for one of six awards pre- those tram tAie Newcastle Hor-1 itOM 1 C piVg cs' snteti by Canada Paekers to ticultural Society, U.C.W. et Thumîonengraviflg (KAiSED LM'IERING) shiicrs unden the Redi Tri- Newcastle Uniteti Church, St. ... angle Beef Association plan George's EeigWAEi Ceeu. about &bMa u as uras haad enmravrng. becatise it edins. whonared tA h4 tpoyc cfAie J. Antierso ~~oepEiflgSOpesha' percesitage of cattle gradingSmtCopnteJ.Adr ANDtbcop M$IaqtBtmik r 'TU WEEK Red, Triangle duTing 1965. son Smith Company Ltd. anti AN!> I1S ILEAD 'WITmNOur eward was presentetiinOfic Safetthie J. Ander- Of course leu euorder matchins enclosure carda, eoar3 eti<t3 in ice Sti ampffLd . recaption, reaponse. îhank you and at home cards, etc. 58.9% falling in tAc RedTi'~ Aefnra evc a Select front ouir in aaoueo lweacorrect angle clame (Uhe top grade balti trom tAie Morris FunereL papera. 11 istictive styles of letering. Weddingu just above thienrmltpCeeowaileonS- Psiced te low sa 50 for 89.00 aMW 100 for 413.50., oea' noranmalusiicto care, Bany 22 n at pistie witb doublee avelopes and tissues. caa a.dcd). Pardon our lack cnutt yRv .R ed utmoesy!ney. .Tamporary interment Available at Coeatulùations Le Mi9sss in thie Lang Vaut Ornna Painela Stinson andi Barbar e Cmetery, Newcastle. Wilson Who were succesaful Palibearers wcre Messrs. pU'A5'U3i I Puesuinu thir ezarmein Talbot Alldread, AU. BrOwii 1)i ehemt eestya PortiJaek Wade,. Ted Wilsbn V.~ ________________________ PoNy .WU&an d Kec Whitniw. ters . (Ivy). Mrs. Herman Harris~ b.23 18 (Grace), both o« Brookin,s andi a brother, Edward cb i t r f S . J s p bage nf Pickering. lRe s t r of S . J s h predeceaseti by a brother. U Harry Cubbage of Veneouver,c pun V ato The funeral service was On Sunday, February l3th, quhements, traininsii helti frorn the Mclntosh-An- e :0~ andi history of their com. dersn Fnera Hoe, sh- t 300 p. sx Sster ofS+_munity. ders on WFunea Hoeb, Os Joseiph from Cobourg, Port A. film was thexi shown de- 9th. and was conducted by Hope and Peterborough met picting the woroe of thie Sis-w Rev. Dir. H. A. Mellow, minis- with Reverend F. K. Malene ters of St. Joseph of Coron,- ter of Northminster Unitedi andi the mottiers and daugn- dolet, Missouri. A short dis-. Ohurch. Interment w'as inters of the parish in St. Jos- cussion fakylwed. Groveside Oemetery, Brook- eph's Auditorium. Mam vies celebrateti 1y lin. 'Ihe purpose of the meeting Father Malane et 5:00 p.xn: CTheiCanaien orpse of was to acquaint thie parish- Then a deliciouesumpper wa: Th aaie op oners with hife ofa Sister. serveti by the wmno h CSn-liioairs orned a Forming a pael, thie Sister ish under thxe leadership guard of honour et the cia- gave an explanebion of a 7re. 1ofa the Catholic Women's pel. and Branch 43, R-oyal ligious vocation, and the re- League, Canadien Legion, pnirhcipated in thie service et the cenetery.i Palibeaers. eil members of t Branci 43, were Messrs. Al- 1C L fred Brisebois, Gordon Per., B wa-le 1h S h o kins, Maurice Proctor, Jack William Campbell. EVENING CL S E WEDDING SHORT COURSES WILL BE OFFERED SANDY - SMITH HORTICULTURE In a double ring ceremonyý NEW MATHEMATICS on Saturday, Januar3r 2Pth, Bt ore r fa lmnayntr 1966, et four o'clock in St.! hcure r f neeetayntr Andrew's United Church Cha-1 and will be offered if registration is sufficient. pel, Doreen Jane Smidth. dau- gh-ter of Mr. and Mirs. Richard, J. F'owler, Brooklin, was unit-i Registration and introductory class nd Mrs. Wayne Purdy, 55 ed in marriage te Glenn W.! iis birthday this month He Sandy, son aif Mr. and Mrs.1 Wednesday, March 2, 7:00 p.m. three years oid on April John M. Sandy. Oshawa. nholme Hughes, Mr. and 1 The Reverend John F. G.1 FEES - $1.00 Mrs. C. B. Purdy, aillOf Morris officiated and thei Photo by Astor Studio iwedding music was played by - Te bride was. wearing a bluc sitwthmachn u ry Cl.ieanersC/uiI 1IE S bow andi veiling headdress, and a corsage of deep red' past four years was a .securitv rosebuds. DEFINITIONS - MODESTY guard at the Ontario Hospi-! tal, Mity.Matroi of honer Mrs. DavidiiTeato nergn epet ldetfrtemle Whàty Smith of Oshawa wore a tur-1.Teato norggpepeofidutorhmsls In March, 1940. Mr. Cub- quois-e suit with. pink corsage how Important 70u are. bage joined the Hrastings and of carnations. 2 h eteatc nacn orcamb rtnlg Prince Edward Regiment go-2.Tegnlarofehnigyu amb'ptndn, 3mig overseas in July, 1940. The best man was Mr. Don net te ha aware of IL He later transferred to the Sandy of Peterborough, bro- 1Royal Canaýdian Army Ser- ther &f the groom. Mr. NeilA vice Corps-Heaidquarters. He Sandy, also brother of the 1held the rank of w.o,1- groom, was usher. 1M.S.M. In October, 1945, he A reception wau held et the swas honorably discharged 3tr Georgian Motor Hotel. The CLOTRES CARE IIINT: Toronto. bride's mother wore a two He wýas a member of North- piece red woël jersey suit KeeP Vour Clothes Clean - Wearlng a garment withoai minster UJnited Church, Osh- with corsage of red andi white having Il dry-aleaned at regular intervals de more damago awa, and was also a member caTnations, and black and than a hundred dry-eleanlngs. of the Canadian. Corps of white accessories, The bride- Commissionaires and of the groom's mothar chose a beige MIDGET - JUVENILE HOCKEY Royal Clana dian Le g ion, suit with brown accessories ASSOCIATION DANCE Branch 43, Oshawa. and corsage of pink carne- Surviving besides bis wife tions andi rosebuds. BADMINTON CLUB- SAT., MARCH 5th are four daughters, Mrs. Ron Later the couple left for~ Bell (Joyce), Mrs. Allan Niagara Faàls, the bride tra-O Scott (Jackie), anti twins velling in a turquoise suit , Bannie and Connie Cubbage, and beige, coat with mink MZM4~ alla of Oshawa. There are six trim. Brown and white ac- SM grandéhildren. cessories complementeti the Aise surviving are two sis-1 ensemble. .rV$ VPi »AWÀZZ 'r'4q*'