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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1966, p. 12

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2 The. Canadian St -Hôrses on Loose t atesman, Bewmanvlle, Mur. 2, 19ff r :orecast Sees A ssess ment increased Êr Town Iu alack of epace, thet oowm4etails af a cauncile mesiln on Februmry 21sf ioni rHughesmoved thafthç CapitalFecmst 1966 tO 97a pnetdby thet Y nneCampmittee o prov-1 ed. Ihis was seo= ciby Co#tinillor Oke and caniti. The. CapitalFçrecast includ- ed tise fo11wlg information: aàsament farecast 1966, $9,- 331,512; 1967, $9,689,842; 1968, $10,061,932,- 1969, $10,448,310; 1970, $10,849,525. Retirements in capital debt: 1966, $191,000; 1967, $220,400; 1968, $282,250; 1969, $282,930; 1970, $297,930. Capital Woi-ks oi which thet aprval cf the Ontario Muni-E calBoard will be askei: LaIImpi-eveinents $10,000 ý ciyear 1966 ta 1970 inclu-1 sive. Public Schools $ 175,000s In, 1969. Higix Scixoals 1967,E $115,000; Municipal Building, 1967 $200,000, Watei-wonks, 1967, $200,000.r Councilior Chant moved that1 euthonity be given by councih for tht purchase ai lockers foi-1 thxe works depant ment build-1 Ing at a cost of- $271. This1 motion was seconded by Coun-1 tiller Baurke, and carried. By-Law No. 1961 granting1 tax exemptions to propertiest of nat lesu fixan five acres ai larmînis within tht towm limite was given flirte readingu ani passci.1 Tht report ai Trench Inspec-1 tan R. Hethtningten fer 1965 showei that tnenching teotah-1 ling $9,479 was completcdE during that yeai- with no in-1 juisor -stop oriei-s. Thist reotwas received and filei on a motion by Councihior Bourke, cecnici ey Council- loi- Chant. ý1 Coundillai- Rundie spoke ofi the excellent Recreation De- partnent _.Report fori 1965,( Gerald Brown Browvîew Ferm NEÇWCASTLE- I JiNf Lk ' à UUKflýMIrMKmLu'j COUNTY CO-OP PHONE 137 ORON FEED - FERTILIZER- FENCIN WORIC CLOTHING AND FARM SUPPLIJ No Attention Fairmers Your Annual Meeting anid Banquet je being held on WED., MARCH l6th, 1966 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Banquet 6:30 p.m. Business Meeting 8:00 P.m. TICKETS - 17 May be obteined from t h. Directors or ett4h. Mill Office. Directons are: John Stone, John Knox, Orme Falls, Gerald Shackleton, Stan Allun, Everett Cryderman, Robt. Morton, Ken Henderson. HILTON TINK, President. MAPLE GROVE (Intended fer ast week) Friends and neighbars cf Nfrs. A. F. Spencer, former resident of Maple Grove, will be carry ta hear she is criti- cally ili ln St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Taranto. The Guides and Brownies held a joint ceremony on ruesdmy eveniing, Feb. l5th, 1966, with a fly-up, walk-up and enralinent. The faflow- ing girls flew up and enrahled as Guides, Wendy Wlhlidal, Mary Jane Grugters, Qule Handerbring, Brenda Barr, Judy Battams, Judy Piper, Laurie Bubar, Thessa Brawn. The girls wallc-up and enrail- ment included Dimna Hockett, Kathy Rose and the two girls enrolled were Joanne Mc- knight, Betty Wihlidml, Kafhy McGuirk received, her Home- mmker's Badge. To conclude the ceremony -a record of Lady Baden Powell's message ta Guides was played. Sympmfhy of this commun- ity is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. John Petrosky ln the passing of her ruother. They left last Friday niarning ta attend the funeral ln Indian- apolis. This community was shack- ed on Friday afiernoon when if was learned that Mrs. Win- Available in conv.nient amnounts from $10 o f0$30,000 (a $10 oertificafe co*f only $7.50) and may be ca"hd aonytime if you ii.ed th. mon.y. ýhodpopi. bariI bn aiTOR3ONTO-ý DOMNIO ' IV1m E~ G: L4WIOS~ -i .., ie Werry lied suddeny passed away while Up towfl. She was known by a large number of friends aroumd Maple' Grove. Sympathy is extended to heri fansily and li other relatives." Mm . H..Prescott 1 and famiAly were Supiday viii- tare with her moîther un father, lMr. and Mns. D. Mc- Clean, Blackstock.* Mr. and Mrs. Bob Good- murphy, Miç. Allen Snawden,, visited the latters parents, Mr. ami Mns. E. H. Wilkins, Port Hope, on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Munroe, Baltimare, were Sunday visi-, tors with lier brother and wlfe, Mr. and Mns. S. S.,Marton. On Saturdmy evening Mr. and Mns. S. S.-Morton wvere Visi1- tors with Mr. mnd 'Mr. Rus- sell Low, Port Hol>e. Mi James Greenhami, Part Huron, Michiggn,.was a visi- tor last week with his broth- er and wife, Mr. amd Mrs. Chainles Greenhani, and Miss Carale Greenhain.' Mr. and Mni. C. P. Swmllaw were Sundmy visiter. with her sister mmd husbami, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Densem, Tarante. Litt le Miss Vanda McColl, daughter of Mi-. and Mrs. R. McCallIsle t ili holding her own. Mr-. and Mrs. Morley Blurg- eus have returned hine ater spending three nianths with their daughter and husband, Rev. anld Mrs. A. H. Munday and family at Kehawna, B.C. Wedding belîs are inging lni this commnity this week. Mi-. and Mrs. Mick Dowson, son Paul, Windsor, spent the weekemd with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Coomey, brathers and sisters, other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Rus- sell and family were Sunday dinner guests with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ctchpole, Cherrywaod. Mi-. and Mrs. Howard Brad- ley spent a few days lmst week wifh thei- cousin, Mrs. Harry Gregg, boys Glen and Burnie and Marilyn. Congratulations ta Miss Diana Hoar, Newcastle, forin- erly af Maple Grave, on .gefting lst Class Hanors on vocal exams at Oshawa last Saturday. From No wTiI'70 copies of which were sent ta Charlton and a letter Inoin each member af counçil by T. Mrs. Howard Picisend, both re- A. Fanning, the Recreation quested tht garbage collectIon Director. He maved thet coun- services be mmde aable ta cil send a letter commending residents on Cave Romd, Bow- Mr. Fanning amd the Recrea- manville West Beacb. fian Commission for this fine Councillor Hughes itated report, This wms seconded by that as the Ganbdge ByLaw Caunillar Hughes, and car- is under dvisement by the ried unmninously. Finance Committee, h. mioved Deputy-Reeve Fice infarinci that fiiese two lettens b. re- council that three hanses be. ferred ta the Finance Coin- langing ta Philip Druz' fmi-ni mitfee. This wms seconded by had been runing et large for Deputy-Reeve Fice, mnd car- several imys, amd the OPP had ried. renioved theni fram 401 High- A requesf fromflhc Bow- way. They were impounded nianville Lions Club that the under the 1898 By-Law, amd town niake a grant ta the bomdei at Schwarz Brothers club equal ta the amnount ai Farni, he cii. taxes an the Lions Centre for The Deputy-Reeve moved 1966. This communication weu that Schwarz' barn be declar- referned ta the Finance Com- ed a pouni for hanses ani mittee on a motion by Depufy- large fmi-m animais and that Reeve Fice, secondee by J. A. Hoskin be appoitei Councillor Oke. keeper of this pouni. This was A letter frem the Town oi secoded by Councillor Rundle, Goderich mked council ta en- amd cannîed.. dense a xeslufion pasuci by If fhe horses are not dlaim- ifs municipal council. This ed wthin48 hursmmdsix resalutian requesfs flhe Gev- notices have been placed ini ernment of Ontario te con- fhe fown regarding them-, these tribuf e mot lesa than 50 per herses as authorized by the cent aifihé cost af mmitining By-Law will be sohd in Belle- sewage fneafmemt plants,, ville af fthe Hanse Sales on which pi-event further con- Tuesday, Deputy-Reeve Fice famination aifihe Great Lakes.j peinted out. Councillar Hughes meved Councihlon Runile, seconded that this neslution be endors- by Councillor Oke, moved fixat ti by council. This wms sec- the frets lisfed la a leften omded by Deputy-Reeve Fice, dated February 16th fi-rn the and cried. Davey Tree Expert Company Counciller Rumile, scconded of Canada,, Limitei, be ne- by Councillor Oke, niovei that meved at a cout ai $1,325. the Town Clenk be instructed This was carried. te write tixe Depanfinent ai This list includes four niap- Highways ami ask for better les on Liberty Street, twa lightimg ai the norfh and ceuth', elins an Liberty North, a basu- infersections af 401 Highway wooi on Concession Street, here. This was carriled. twa maphes and an auli on Councillon Oke asked whýem Scugog Street, one chestmut on1 fhe work ai tearing down the Centrne Stri-et, a maple at dance hall building on the East Chunch amd Temperance Ste., Beach will begln. Town Clerk one an Wellington Sftreet and Byron saifixaf he had spoken two on Churcix Street. ta the Town Solicit or, A. H-. A communication frein the Strike, necentiy, about this Ontario Waf ci Resources Coin- matter, and hai been infeninti mission reganding the installa- that hic report on this inatten tion ai an observation well te would be complefe very sean. determine evel was referred Cauncillor Runile spoke ai fa tht PUC on a mot ion by a letter received by council Councillor Hughes, seconici frein W. H. Goode regariing by Councillai- Oke. A leter a summons he hai reccived fi-arn tht Dtpanfnient o!fMuni- negarding hic dog. This matter cipal Affairs negarding asses- has been checked by the Dog sing was rectivei and filcd ofl Central Committee, anditi a motion by the saine two wms felt tht fthe Dag Contrai members ai council. Officer, J. A. Hoskin ha4 acted Cauncilîhr Hughes, seconici wifhin his aufhanity, he stated. by Councillor Chant, mavei He movei thaf a letter be that a letter frein tht Village cent ta Mi-. Goode confaining ai Newcastle asking for a t his finding. This motion wms mneeting ta diucuss tht fiman- scne y Dpt-ev cial aspects of the Dog Conitral i eondd by epuyRev Agreement b eere ote A' letter froin William C. Finance Commnittee. This was Parsons, Wavenlcy Rami, op- cari-iie. psng amy freedain for dogs - A Iet~ frni ui. Forecethis winter, wes-xecelve.d.mmnd filci an a motion by -Couneilor Hughes, seconded by Council- Ir A DUEDir Burke. (Intended for hast week) 'he largest furnout foi- a congregational meeting in yeai-s was on hani Saturday even-img, Feb. h2th, in Ponty- pool Unitd Ohurch. Folhowv- ing fixe reading fi-arn the 5tix chapter oi Romans and open- ing prayers by tht Rev. Wm. Piercy, reports wtuie received frern the Church Treasuner, Mirs. Dave Pr-eston, the En- velope Steward, Mi-. Leslie Faixfhux'st, the Treasuren of the Unitecd Church Women, Mms.- Ken Pallie, the Panty- pool Parsonage Board Treas- urer, Mr-. Jack Payne, ani al showci a credif balance for the year 1965. It was obvious that the church's balance was due ta the work of the U.C.W. who hai confibutd aver $500 ta thxe churi-h. Offerings ta the M~feyani -Min-. tenance Puni increasci by 50%. Jackc Payne was again elected. as congregatianl csec- i-etriy. Havinîg agi-ccd ta, increase the membcrship of the Board of Stewards tht congregation elected the folhowing stew- ards: 3 year term, Curtis Me- K.ay, Ralpix Porter, Han-y Van Weiringen, George Van Dam, Paul Mucha, and Del- bei-f Bowen; 2 year ferin, James Cochrane, Eimmanuel Bruna, Ray Brown; 1 yean term, W'!il fi- c d Richardson, Leslie Fairhuret. Stewards still sti-ving: 2 years, Mrs. Ken Fallis, Clif! Fallis, Wm. Harper, Perey Beggs; h1 year,l Verdun Lcthangiue, Cliff Cur- fie, John Payme. Aiditional Trustees elected: Robt. Brown, Gordon Kirk.' Wilf-red Beggs. Mrs. Cli ff Curtis and Mrs. Ken Fallis were ehected ta join Mrs. H. Richardson, Clf Curtis mani John Payne an the Pareonage Board. Tht Meniorials Coin- xmitfee ai Mesdames C. Curtis, H. Richardson, C. McKay, C. Fallis and A. Coin was re- eectei with tht addition of Mrs. Wxn. Harper. Mrs. Harry Richardeon w as appeinted Comnmunion StewaTdess. Au- ditors, Mi-.. C. Pallie ani Mrs. G. Fisk. Mr. Pitrcy drcw attention t, smre needcd improvernents totae Uc urch building. Tht members present discussei various prejects that shouli be undei-taloen f nom bell fa basernent. Tht meeting was choseti by the Mimister pro- nouncimg flhe benediction. ce.Hese NEWS by Jane Fisher The. Courtice basketbal playere ame displayin~g this year a splendid perfonince. The scores are as follows: Bowy: Seniors, 62-32 against HenrY; Bentanis, 25-38 for Port Hope; Juniors, 61-26 against Henrry, 48-32 against Port Hope. Girls: Seniors, 26-25 aga!lnst Câarke; Juniors, 25-17 for Clarke. On MerdhI ilth et. Courtice Hidi Sdiool the annuel Prain will b. hel fraturing the "àLninires. The dreoe wili b. uunl-knsnl and fthc dance wlll oammnce et 9-.00. A i-e- ceptipn lime will welcSme the guesend ae-delicus meai Mbe amrved teoasriplement tbe ýevenmng. o1 ttds wiU leed ta the On fskl: thse erownrng af CJIL.,« OffW7. TMm kP1wiw czxrekIdteb have K.wA athY Th oloym - INabr jsW e Mâster Breeder Award J. H. Jose, Newcastle, Ontario, (right) is receiving a Master Breeder shield won by the Gladibrae Hol- steins of J. H. Jose & Sons at the annual meeting of the Hoistein-Friesian Association of Canada in Toronto. This is the highest honor a Holstein breeder can win. Making the presentation 15 A. J. Johnson, of Elkader, Iowa, President of the Hoistein-Friesian Association of America. First Farm Accidents Reported to Board AIthough the majority of nursery, who had suffered Ontario farms now are highly bulb poisonin*g some years mechanized, the liret caims ago, had the malady break out for compensation or* medical on his hands and legs arfter aid payments to farin cm- handling a particular variety ployees now covered by thel of muni plant. He iost no0 Urne Workmen's Compensation Ac-t foi ork but w'as allowed show that the traditional meclad sources of injury stili exist. The poultry house was the Farm employees in Ontario scene of two of the early ac- have been covered for the cidents reported un:der the benefits of the Act since the farin coverage part of the Act. f irst of this Voluntary A poultyaenntt rp subscription is available to near Otrywattedat at Cap form thes ans operators right shoulder w-hen the floor- for thesieves and their ing gave way while he was wive*s. washing it down. He received One of the first diaims for compensation and medical aid. medical aid, which was allow- In another accident, an em- ed, came from an Oak Ridges ployee on a fai-m near Smith- fax'm employee who suffered ville suffered a broken wrist painful nib injuries when he when she tripped over a was kicked by a cow. feeder while t'ryin.g to catch A Clarkburg farin band was some chiekens. allowed medical aid for the removal of grain dust from As the records show, farms one eye. He was maving mey be hi'ghiy mechanized sacks of grain in a gran'ary at today but a good percentage the tinie, and had to have of farm accidents are attribut- medical attention.' . ed to causes as old as farmin.g -A woman workin.g on a itself. mushroom f ai-m near Weston had tai leave her job for seven days when a sliver penetrated a linger, which becamne J-4-H Leaiders fected. H er compensatio claim was allowed. I A rare accident wias repart-i om m kn famn wherean employee suf fered a painilul wrist injury riiqi r n wfihen he was struck by a tur- On February l7th and l8th key's wing. He wae assisting in the blood testing of the a Training Class was held in fowl when At partially freed Orono for the 4-H Home- itself, and the. employee was making Club Leaders in Dur- struck by the flailin:g wing. ham County. The project for He was off work for three this spring is called "Accent days and compensation was on Accessories" and during allowed. the next eight weeks the cluo Medical aid was approved members will be making for a farin hand who twisted scarves, hats and handbags. a kriee when he was openi*ng They will be studying ideas a gate between two fields. on hawto plan accessories ta An enployee of a Brampton fit into their own wardrobes wihemphasis on colour and The clubs and their leaders tekng artt' time wiU be: Bcthmny-aMgrs.Harry Ryley, Mns. John Neals; Blackstck- Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Mrs. Henry Wotten; Caven I-Mn., Howard Robinson, Mns. Leslie Chaulice; Caven II-Mrs, Clii i Tnlpp; Elizaethvhfle - Mrs. Mac Wallcen, Mrs. Ross Beatty; Manvers Station-Mrs. Leon- and Porter, Miss Joan Porter; Maple Grove-Mrs. Grahamn Lee, Mrs. William Preece; marrish-Mns. William Ashby, Miss Donna Ashby; Nectletan -Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin, Mrs. Lawrence Malcalm; Rocs- mnount-Mrs. Harvey Boughen, Miss Betty Joan Boughen; Sa- lina-Mrs. Robert Eaklns, Mrs, Fred Watsan; Tyrone-Mrs. Robent Lamibert, Mns. Murray Yeo; Yelverton-Mns. Clarence Page, Mrs.-Balfour Maore. Memorial Hospital Weekly. Report Week of Feb. 21-27 Inclusive AKI&nissions ----- ------- 66 Births-5 male, 3 female 8 Discharges------------------- 72 Major openatiens -- -14 Miner eperat ions ------ -20 Eniengency treatmniets ---25 Visifing heurs 3-8 p.m. daily OBITUARY MRS. WM. M. MOORE rolhowing an jllness of ap- proximately one year, the deatu of hMre. Wm. H. Moore, aged 85 years, occurred af' the Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanvihle, on Sunday, February 20, 1966. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Stainton, the former Margaret Christina Stainten- was bonn at Ennis- kiUlen and received her edu- cation there. on October 23, 1911 rAie maried Wni. H. Moore who predecesc her. She was a lifelong resident of Enniskillen. A housewife, her chief in- teret centi-ci around her home and faimily. She was a memnber of Enniskilhen United Church, was an enthusiastic meniber of Enniskillen U.C.W.' and took an active part in this orgarlizatian and other phases of church work as long as her heahth permitted. Following the death of her husband, Mns.1vMoone had been a patient at Strathaven Nurs- ing Home for the past four y'ears w'here she received ex- cellent care from Mrs. Childs amd her staff. Among the many levely floral tributes, evidence oiflhe esteeni in whîch the deceased was held. were thase fi-rn Enniskillen Neighbours mnd Friends and from Emniskillen U.C.W. m. Moore le survived 13Y two daughters, Muriel (Mms. Reginaid Weving), Ancaster, and Elsie (Muis. Floyd Bec- kett), Eniniskillen; amd a bro- ther, Mr,. Wallace Stainton cd Taronte. Also surviving are four grandchildren, Riek Weaving, Ancaster, Gai-ny Beckett, Os'h- awa, Wayne and Marie Bec- kett, Enniokihlen.. The funeral service 'was held from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawrnanvillc, on Tuesday, Februany 22nd, and was cand'ucfed by Rev. Miss M. Daugherty. Temperary en- tombment was in the Bethes- da Cemetery Vaulf. Burial will be in Hanmpton Cemietery. Pallbearers, ail neighbors and Iriendu, were Messrs. AI- bei-t Hilîs, Arthur Brunt, John Shiemon, Rusell Oriniston, Harold Ashton and Adamn Sharp. First Rehearsal For Sepa rate Tables Seen from Backstage hi, Jean Sheridan acting, and if Mms Tya' many expresions of pvaise for thes Work' Recreation? They're individual perfomners aee mny most difierent words for the indication, yeu'U biegiadkyou sae hlng. If you really en- bought a toket faor "S a joy wbat you've daing, it's re- Tbls, creation; if y'ou don't, it's _________ work. The cast of '<Separate Tables" spent between geven and nine houre on the town hall stage aver the weekend. B es lieve it, - how much fun hard work can be for, the Bowmanville Draina Work- NW tor, is perhaps the hardest byD i G en worker of all. This play de- On Saturxiay, February 12 miande very little in the way the Junior Girls Basketbali of physical action, but it asks teaim won the riegt to repre- more o!f the individual actors sent this district in the C.O. than any play' yet seen in SLS.A. fiflals bty the soore af Bowimanville. Every thought, 14 to 13 over Ajax. Lust Sat- every feeling must be coin- urday at the finals the girls municated tô the audience, did well in winning the first and so the director relenfless- gane but hast the aiternoon ly questions her adtore, - gaine. They were defceted "Wihy does Major P>ollock say by a Norwood team nfroni the that?" - "'How dcle Mrs. Rail- Bay of Quinte district. ton-Bell feel towards Miss In bath gaines the girls Cooper?" - "W(hy does Mr. played weil but flot welI Fowler wmlk over there?" and enough to defeat Nor'wood. no on. In tihe first gaie thé. girls By the way, when Terence displayed their talents of ex. Rattigan entitled thîs play cellent ball control and shoot- "Separate Tables", he wasn't ing but in the second gaina kidding, as Ron Turner and they were behind froin the Cauiolyn Stacey found out. start and just couldn't get They happened a i a n g at untraeked., Ohurch and Temperance in The girls should be cen- time ta help me carry 12 very gratulated for their fine temperaimentai TV tables un showing and especiiadIy Miss fo the tawn hall stage. Crawley, their coach, fo an During the course of the excellent job af bringing thec play, one breakfast and twa girls alona to near victory. dinners are served. You can In Other Sports imagine how busy this keeps The hockey teamn defeated the tjwo inaids, Ede Cale and Courtice by a score of 7 ta 2 Hilda Ferbeek, not ta inen- at the local Arene an Friday, tion me, the property mis- February 18. tress, whose job it le to see ________ that the right dish is in the right place at the right time. Immigration ta Canada in And so the lu-st af many the first quarter af 1965 total- rehearsals is over. We are ail led 22,279, cainpared ta 17,548 learning a great deal about in the first quarter ai 1964. SHOW AND SALE OF BEEF BULLS Under the auspices of THE ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Hays Sales Arena, Trafalgar 5 miles north of Oakville MARCH 15 and 16, 1966 CLASS CLASS CLASS Entnies as Follows: HEREFORDS ........... SHORTHORNS ABERDEEN ANGUS ....... .123 39 16 Hereford Bul eSIl Tuesday, March l5th - at 11:00 ar. Shorthorn and Aberdeen Angus Bule Sel Wednesday, March l6th - nt 11:00 a.m. The bulle will be Judged on the mornings of thse days they are scheduled to be sold, commencing at 8:00 a.m. S A catalogue of entries can be obtained front the secretary. ROBERT McGREGOR, C. A. GRACEY, President, Secretary, S R.R. 2, Kippen, Ont. Parîlament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ont. Thse Bull Premium Poicy of 20% of thse purchass price up to a maximum of $150.00 wIll apply on 311 hula sold that are Qualifled on Performance. PONTYPOOL E. 1. SPRV, Manager. Looking for an invstment that offers Security Plus Extra Interest? DIT 51/2% SIMPLE INIERESI WITH TDIIDiN-DDMINIDN S-VIE SAVINIS DIRTIFIDATIS 9 1 MOMM mmmr , 1

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