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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1966, p. 14

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14, The canadian statesman, Eowmanvfle, mar. 2, 1080 Births Inx Memoriam Articles for Salej Articlesfor Sale Work Wanted Rl BELLMAMN - George and ALLEN-In loving memory OAS or sale. Phone Hamp- LLOYD all-white metal car- MAIL siats installed. Phone Jeanne wish ta thanlc God for of a dear mother and grand-, ton 263-2667. __ 9-i*lrnage, $30. Phone 623-5950.11623-2318.- _9-2 salie arrivai of Sarah Jane, mother, Mable Allen, who ALFAL;çFA ay, 150 bales. - --ICUSTOM chain sawing, hour- weight 5 lbs. 2 ozs., born Feb- passed away March lst, 1963. Poe 263-2060. 9-11 Quantity of clean oat straw. 1iy or piece work, 623-3905. ruarY 23rd, 1966, at Memorial She had a smile, a pleasant i20 UHLhme- A . Zekveld, Phone 263-2747. 7-4* Hospital, Bowmanville. Thanks I way. 70 BSHLha9es1n to Dr. Sylvester and nurses A heiping hand to al she :îs ienw hn 2-45 STORE front windows. dean-B in maternity. 9-1I knew. WATER for sale and delivered, WATER for sale and delivered, ed, weekly if desiredt. Phone Sewas so kind, sa generaus Cail Cliff Pethick 263-2131 'J24 hour service. Cail 623-5756. 623-2047. 9-l* anhe e,29-tf ÉïT_-Èk-oke eig KENNETT - George and and tre,32-tf* PRTTIMEWor, vnig Eveline are happy ta announce1 On earth she nobly did her - PY-an d -M cIntosh apples. W. and Saturdays, by young man. the birth of their son Geo b esti Auction Sale T. Cox, Il/2 miles north of Phone 623-7165. 9i Edward Thomas. 7 lbs. 73/4'Grant her, Jesus. heavenly 10B ALES.oo h 9- SO ozs. an Saturday, February rest. 1000 LYB ALS. -ay,50 A. B AA R S g. 26 a te emril ositi Ever remembered by Dora- !LIVESTOCK SALES bale; quality cob corn. Phn0rn~ Bowmanville. A brother for thy and Max, Ray and DolIy fat Durham County Sales Arena i263-2519. 91.rxlumbilng & ±±eatinng ' obt.9*an Grncide. 9iOrono - Every Thurs.,7:30 p.m. ME-AT dut- and wrapped for 35 Nelo St. Bomnile0 Selling Horses, ('attie, Swiiie, Ifreezers. Cail C. E. Miller, it STACEY - Norm and Ruth' COLE, EdithlIn fond mlemory Calve.s, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid 223Woi.3t (nee Bullack) are happy ta of Mom, wha passed away & So.' alsMnaes 1f 3 OrAV so cutiatr nd ER IE PE FEor announce the arrivai of their March 3rd, 1962. nTA ,as utvto n R I E F C daughter Susan Ruth, 8 lbs. She would not ask for grieving, Auction sale at Pethiok's pag o anaiCbta- PLUTMBING & HEATING 4 ozs., lat Memorial, JSh o e ad nt ak frearsAuctian Shed, Enniskilien, ta.ohne63-08. 9 *Phone 623-3540 Bowmanvilie on SaturdayJstt b.emmerdSaturday, March 5: a large oalz ENCYCLOPEDIA BrittaliCa, February 19, 1966. A sist5i Throughout the passing chn aiet(i admae195eitaicu.n ok 'O. Box 15i~9e for Kathy. Special thanks ta yirl 1875), dining-room suite, end, case and Atlas. Phane 623-29,45. 78 Ontario st.. BowmailviIlel. Dr. Sylvester and staff. 91 -Always remembered, Bruce, tables, 21"1 TV, ail stove, elec- 9-1 I ti l - ad ariyn ~tric 4-burner stove. dresser, 21500 BUSHELS feed oats. bET, AN Dets- -beds, 3-piece chesterfield,,Apply Nick Yarema, 14 mile BOREA ew-At-- DICKIE-In loving memorywashing machines, lawn roller,:east 'of Newtonville on' No. 2.1 PUMPING 0 BOERSEM, EeuweAt Me-of aur dear mother, Elia May 28' extension ladder, two 8-2-ýt znoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, Dickie who passed awvay March Ifireplace screens, dishes (some:- i WHITEWASHING STABLES al on Thursday. February 24, 6, 1963. ýantiques), nany other articles !KEYS cut automatically, while 1966, Eeuwe Boersemna, of 95ISince one we loved sa well :Sale at 1:30. Cliff Pethick 'you wait, at McMullen Hard-1 BERT TOIMPKINS Liberty Street North, in his Was taken from our homelauctioneer. (~ ware, 36 King St. E., Bown- Phone NewtonvilIe 786-2.552 65th year. Beloved husband o at ville. 3-t alC et4-tf d of enje Venema, dear father Wîth Jesus Christ to dwell, Auction sale, Saturday,. BUYING or seliing furniturea of Mrs. H. Woudstra (Janny), The flowers we place upon March 5, of farmi stock and or appliances, cali Elmer, FRANK BRINK t Mrs. C. Wubbolt (Clara) of her grave1 implements, including 40 Hampton: business 263-2294 -C Bowmanviile. Rested at the May ihe n dcyShorthorn cattle, steers, heif- residence 263-2695. 6-tf rnhn sl Northcutt and Smith Funerai But the love of hec wha 'ers and caws due soan, 5ow5s IEDsele-oc,$5 e-SPI-TN- Home. Funerai service was sieeps beneath ý600 bales af hay* 600 bus. of tn ...Bave.PoeISALTO held at 2 o'ciack Saturday Shaîl neyer fade away. aoats, 85 bus. of what Il',stonewcFsO.B.987-4474 ta arrngeISALTO afternaon. 'pterment Bow- -Lovingly cemembered by Chalmers tractor with manure pick-up or delivery. 8-i Hampton 263-2270 manvilie Cem<tery. q-i Rita, Allan, Ross, Clarence, loader, International side de- .- George. 9-1"' livery rake, marlure spreader, TWO Dion self-unioading box- 24-tf CAUGHILL, Florence.- At --- 7 ft. mower, seed drill, and es, high sides, canopied; threeF Memorial Hospital, Bowman- HARRIS-In loving memory camplete line of machinery, baes e odto.$,0) U H L T BN ville, on Thursday, F'ebruary of a dear mother and grand- quantity of household furni- each. Phane 655-4731. 8-3 Save Dollars! Have your chest- h 24. 1966, Florence Hoskins, mother, Mrs. Charles Harris turc. Selling at the pcapecty SEAT Covers-AlI models and erfield and chairs re-upholst-y beloved wife of the late Ed- who passed away March 1, of Charles Wilson, Lot 25, Imakes automotive inteciors re- ered. Free estimates. iamplesF ward Caughil. Dear mother 1965. Con. 4, Cartwright Township, ýpaiced. Whyte Bras. Uphols- taken ta home. of John Sinclair of Burketon, The depths of sorrow welone mile south and one mileitecy, Bowmanville, 623-5252.1 Budget Terms Arranged 9 sister of Chester Hoskiyis of cannot tell.,'east of Blackstock. Farm sold. i 41-tf-.WHYTE BROS. UPHOLSTERYc Burketon. Rested at the North- 0 f the loss of one we loved i Ternis cash. Sale at 1 p.m. 1LEAVING Province---For sale, 155 King E. Phone 623-52527 cutt and Smith Funeral Home.1 sa well, ýLloyd Wilson, auctioneer. 9-11 30"Ilecrcsov erg-i6t Funeral service was held at And while she sleeps a peace-ieaaalsoe cec e 2o'clock Saturday afternoon, fui slepp, Saturday, Macch 19, auctian iman Van H ttve, iddt.le r--i JACK BURGESS Burketan United C h u rcch. Her memory we shallalwaysl sale o f farm impiements. a Temporary entombment Beth- keep. ýAllis-Chalmers tractor W.D.1- 9-1l.OIL BURNERS - FURNACES esda vault. 9-1 -Lovingly rememrbered by 45, hydraulie 3-paint hitchlUSED washer parts, U4 h.*p.1 LEANED i___ her son Frank Harris Sr., Orano with plow and cultivator; Mas-i motors. Complete line ofl PLL'MBNG REPAIRS ELLIOTT - Suddeniy at 49 :and grandson Frank Harris sey-Ferguson fertilizer l5-disc Beatty,, Thor and Crosley ap-1 PHONE HAMPTON King St. E., Bowmanville, onJr., Bowmanville. 9-I1 seed drili, like new: Massey- Ipliances. P ad dy's Market, 263-2151 on' ____Ferguson hay baler, like new; Hamptan, 263-2241. 12-tf Monday, February 28th, 1966,1 1H.C. side delivery rake on. 'TWO f orage - wagons,- fal se 'Mail1 Address: George ELliott, in his 64th IIOCKIN-In loving menar i< nw ase-fot-ye llsC mersP.O. Box 543 - Bowmanville 1 year, beloved hus'oand of Mar- of Clarence who passed away rubber, frtlik e r w;Msederfragt ye;lowers. Ahain ers__bf garet Daly, dear father of March 4th, 1965. 120 tamon rtzers, hieanew; condgetio Hrvey Grainam June. (Mrs. Ted Charbon-'.As we loved him, so we miss f1200uneof at rm e, ipements Bctckn986-856.y9GraKhaMA neau), St. Therese En Hau, him- ul ieo amimImns +csok98-89. 91 A K R A j~î--Eerreebeedbythjuantity of furnituce, dishes, ---I1 Quebec; Georgine (Mrs. number afr rantique pie'es; at1INSULATION, blowing meth- EXCAVATING Lo 2,odke wonith rock wool. Work- LOAI)ING - TRENCHING (Mrs. Frank Macsh), Aurora. oeml at ffu oii jnanship guaranteed. Fre e Sand, Gravel. Top Soul andll Resting at the Morris Funeral RCR-I ain e ory ilersnBock t.,o gororVi- estîmates, Harry L. Wade, -FilDelivered Chapl, owmnviie.Funraiof a dear daughter a.nd sister toria StC, turn east an Base! Phone Newtonvîlle 786-2256. 24-Hour WATER SERVICE Mass in St. Joseph's RomanISandra Mae. who pas'sed awaY Line one mile, first far 3-t Reasonable Rates Catholic Church on Thursday March 3, 1965. he Utflsuth, the pcoperty of Wm. F. TYPEWRITERS, Addce r 63556-BWMNIL et 10 am. Interment Bow- Jesus has taken a batflP. Smith. No reserve, farm Cashiers, Desks, Chairs, Ternis.163- i5 O MNIL rnanvi lie Cemetery. 9-1 j - bud sold Ternis cash. Sale at We buy, selI, rent, service, ____ __1t -i .- -Out cf Our gatden of lave-, 1 p.rn. sharp. Alvin S. Farm- trade. New, used. BillBRK~' i f POWEL,At Oshawa General Borne it away ta the citY Of ler, Gormley, aulètioneeltele- Ham'ilton, Raglan, '(North o f UARW, S C,-& I YA H{ospital on Saturday, Febcuary Gdpor_8-31 - saa 3-tf PLUM ÇIG & ATN 26th, 1966, Alice Parker, in ber Home of the angels above. -- CNINA - ALES & SERVI(CE lFllbHehWanted dalri :ONINNT Rivn or shredl 79th year, beloved wife of Fui blomingfiowcs aoneer, P.T.O. d Rivnoar eal- 24-HO1UR Edward Powell, Newcastle;1 will not do, Wo-MAN- - o- - - - wo--k- - ding corn stalks, cippingiQil Burner Service dear mother o Reta (Mrs.1 Some must be young and dOays a oweek. 623-2604. pastures, etc., $275. Marti Clifford Fiintoff) and Stanley, ungrown, _____a__k.62-60.9-f Orchard Supply &Service Ltd. SEPTIC TANKS AND bath of Newcastle, Grace (Mrýs. Sa, the frai] buds He is MALE cl-erk foc local retailPhone 623-5234 or 623-5012. TILE BEDS Paul Shetier), Oshawa. Serv- gathering too; . store. Write Advectiser 693, i 9-2 PHONE, Ice was held in the Morrisi Beautifull genis of H-isicoTeCaoadian Statesmnan, -ODBA - Fbc-sSece HAMIPTON 263-2288 Fuerl hpeBwanîle throne. GOOD13RAND TI'RONE 263-2650Y Funeral ing in Bwauty in !P.O. Box 190. Bowmanville, tion at its best in the new 11f23-65 on Tuesday at 2 o'clock . i th ea, inHeaven Ont. -19 pigFbis:wolnln porary interment Lang*emau loomhyae Srn arc: oles n Oron.9 ýBiooming, for you and f or liveSTI heip wanted, ta ens, poplins, lace and printed Oronoe ime family home with cottoos, silks;, Whyte and Eloa1W L D ILN lFollow the Lord tho' the citylchildren. Al conveniences, sewing machines; dapenies, a ROBINS0N-At the Lodge be far. 'and cleaning lady. Telephone 2 King St. W., Bawmanville.1 JOBS 'WANTED Nursing Home, Newcastle, on Tiarbcgtbososw 23-3578. 8-21 9-31I 'rhurÉday, February 24th, 1966, see. I FEMALE clerk for local retail r - B OR NO JOB TOO LARGE .. . Christopher Robinson, aged 88 -Ever cememnbered by Da ddy store, part tume. Write Ad- COBCOR years, husband of the late and Mmne Donnie and vectiser 692, c/a The Canadian and OR TO<) SMALL Jessie Ireland, dear father Of-1*ny Statesman, P.O. Box 190,. Bow O Clyde Robinson, Toronto, ad , nq- TRN Tr'1LT Gilbert Jones, Sault Ste. Mariel mni TlT' 7P on 2461 Service was heid in the Marris j SNOWDENIn loving me- EARN-up -ta $50 a week.or PAUL A E KP o e3461 Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvîlle, mary of a dear husband and more full or part tume selling Lnda on Saturday at 2 o'clock. n1 father, Allan Snowden. wha Rawleigh Products. Good ap- I PHONE 263-2060Lida terment Bowmanviile Ceme-Ipi.ssed away suddenly March partunity for cetired men. I 9-11 tery. .-1 6th, 1963. Write Rawleigh, Dept. C-1 40-6,- - - - -- FREE ESTIMATES ______The manth of March again iS 14005 Richelieu, St. Henry,j B A D G E R I__6-4* THMSN tMeoii hece, IMontrea._ _ 9-1 ýForage Box, Forage Harvesterý Bring Your Car in Today THOMPON -A Memoia1 To us, the saddest of the 'PART-TIME waiti'esses, pre- Forage Blowers i Hospital, Bowmanville, onl year,i for a Sunday, February 27.,166bwws ad n teferably expenienced, $1.00 - Silage Distributors F T H C Samantha Crean, 'f ateThe bo ash* adteceasing ta $1.25 an bouc with- AF TYCH C lateMarhallThopso shock severe, in one month; kitchen help, Gordon L. Corner W ilcek lae arhal hopsnandi To part with one we loved sani exprienc nehecek dean mother of Clarence,1 so an stent fr enecal wock, J SALES & SERVICE 'Brakes - Tires - Steening Toronto; Schuyler, Enniskil- He had no time ta bid biS !Phon'e Orono 10 r 19 or app]1 R.R. 1 OSHAIVA Windshield Wipers len; Stanley, Marmora, and îat acwl, oaliox Cah n-Fu,'lFronit Lights - Rear Lights Ma (rs Jck Anoll, Hesidl odbeto-oie Hga OStop Lights - Horn - Glassl I N T H E ES TA T E O F Fir though she is gone thoôse take place at Orono Ui. ited I rJI1JUU topwaa uiiteuI mai. WILLIAM ARTHUR HA.RVEY treasured thoughts :Chucch on the lth cf MarchI tresses, values ta $69.50- Sealed tenders laie cf the Township of Darl- Can neyer fade away. 1 at 2:00 p.m. 9-1 Clearout, $38.00. Continental "TN RS ORRF ington. in the County of Dur- But stili they will grow - beds ini mis-matched ca.yers, *'EDR FO FR ham, Fai'mer, who died at the sweeter iMc. and Mrs. Alton G. Rich-,slashed from $29.00. Wiison'sDRLNTNP Township cf Darlington on As the days and yea's go by' ards. Bawmanville, wish ta Furniture, 20 Church Street, wlll be recelved by the Dei 3rd January, 1966. For in beloved memory announce the engageme~nt of Ohw, Ot - THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O. Our loved ane cannot die. Itheir daughter Patricia Ann, 196o, Ch. 408, Secd. 52. -Ever remembered b her ta Mr. John DeGeoyer, son of' B EEF 12:0pm usa Creditors and others hatvîng datîghters Gladys and Isobel, Mr. and Mrs. Johan L. De- for your freezer, locker A deposit in the amount. dlaims against tlie above estate sons Wesley and Harvey and Gooyer. Wedding ta take Good Steer Beef wlth excess ln the form of a money oi are required to send par- their families. 9-1lapie Saturclay, April 2, 1966,1 fat removed before You buy. accompany each tender. ticulars and full proof thereof t3pan. in Trinity United RINUS 65o - FRONTS 47e Tne omtne n Inte-nesgedo rbe hrh, mni. 9iTnerfris ede n tar the unis d n ofA rbe-160 RIMAR Cud oiinil. -SIDES 55e lb. are avallable froni the District Cuwrapped and frozen and Forests, Lindsay, Ontari af rwhlch date the assets of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. . C t No extra charge the es$ae wil» 'be dlstrlbuted. MEI!tORIZALS Westover are happy to an:-~atwse ormnyo Tenders must be enclos ]DATED >t ,Bwmanvllle, On- ntsnounce the forthcoming mar t - B d te ob eetonthe purpose. Monued n d-Disttiv*rerslCt - u odpieserbe, thi* -I5th .day of Febru- 70lmnts-e laDitinctiversnrage of their daughter Cath-The £00 prorme seerd ar leC ao, Ç adoga o n ed armna, ta Gordon Chesly BOWMvAN ILLE Tehgeto a ed Lawen C Msô, .C, n escu fr um ned Brown, son of!-Mr. and MrsOC E 30 iuiis taet Wt, 152 Simcoe St ., Oshawa 'Joseph Brown, R.R. 1. New- FRIGID LOC f,. , t723fic002 72&8827î en Tursdy, MrcPhone 623-5578LofDAY, na n 1-t 3rd at 7 p.m. 9-1v-L leal Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate f -or Sale Reàl Estate for&ale: A. L. Hoo-e - LARGE bouse, centr'al location, LISTIN GS WANTEDP.E A. L.Hooey large lot, well kept. Write Wp, have through aur Toron-..E ' u REAL ESTATE AND Pest Office Box 1036, Bowman- to office and U.S. contacts, an VE L GENERAL INSURANCE ville. 9-1 ever increasing demand for G A E L 36 Liberty Street North MO E1 ~T. -1Khms cottages, lots, fanms. R A ~OWMNVILE,1NTAJO i± TO fLANacreages, businesses, in this R ALESTATE TeMAVLepoE 623-7264 Flrst and Second Mortgages area. If yo are contempîat-6 Loan Funds Available ing selling eitber now or in 377 Investaient Property Consuît the future, please contact Mr. Bowmanville, appealing2 110/ Return A. L. HOOEY REAL ESTATE Roy Foster, Kendal, Ont. storey brick home an large. Ontario Governaient Lease 36 Liberty Street North Phone Orono 321. landscaped lot. Some features Two stocey brick with 3-car H. KEITH LTD., REALTOR ae dining rooni, full basement laage, leased ta Province of 623-7264 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Torontoland garage. intacia until at least end of .... ..312.7-4 Bowmanville., semi-detached ffR at' $3,300 per year. Taxes brick incame praperty close ta )f $522 a year onîy expenses ta WVA N T E D shopping and schoois. )wner. Full pnice only $28,500 We have clients interested In Jack LIicLr Newcastle, neanly ncw 3 Nith $12,200 cash down tae REALTOR bedrooni brick bungalow wt )pen 7% first moctgage foc Purchaslng %malt acreagesiývt 'alance repayable $151.86 workable farms and hobby,9 igS.EBwalll -hp iigcoi nni ,mnhyincluding interest. friwti 0ml ais623-2503 pal, intei'est and taxes are only faonîhly hina 3 ierdu'$102.00 manthly. Business Opportunity of Oshawa. i HORSEY ST. 2 stocey, 3~ Michael Gravelle - 623-7304 1-ighway diner includingý If yen are interested in sellingledrooni brick home. Large - quipmeot and gasaline franch- i y ropry îtwîhaitchen, dining room. 66' x ___1 se east of Newcastle with sep- fre amr .E hm-6' $250 rate wcll-kept 3-bedrooinOCADIE VD George Wlyleveni bikbungalow. Ideal buy for'sn arpresentativ'e for ýAttractive, 3 bedroon brick; working couple. Priced at S h fed-A erLd uglwwitb attacbed gar- REALTOR nly $22.900 with $4.900 down d fil k r t. aeglw rive. Aluminuni1 te open ficst moctgage for bal-'30Kn t . saa n.awnîngs. $15,800. Ternis. 1 hn 6350 once. Make an offer. 360 KI723-22St. W . sh 8a,2Ont JACKMAN RD. Cosy, 51j Laoking for an autstanding Incarne Home 72-25 Eg. 2-870rooni bungalow on 65' x 2i8' prape.rty! Here it is. North 6-tf lot. Quiet, safe location. Only Bowmanville js usd h Two stce bic hme$9,00(). town limits, near completion, dividcd ino two separate H rl 'PA:~l ~ q EC.Aleeti e ac tl uglw .partmcnts. Live in one and Haol . Pd el _ AT ECH ileecrc; rnh tlebnglw the rent froni the ather will RELETTEBàE bedi'oom home with built-in 1800 square feet living space, covec taxes and heat on the Phone 987-4336 - Newcastle esks nd eserspydulae, garge en le oti batd whoIe bouse. Located near extras . $1,500 down. 'ielclresei o o stares and churcehes in Ocono. Farms - Houses- Businesses' NEWCASTLE. C a 1 o ili a 1 many other extras. Asking )nl $1.00 wih $,50 don.Money to Loan ýstyle 7 roon home on Mili St.!price $28,900. 9-i IFireplace. Two bathroonis.1 Orono: 8 rooni fraine bouse, _= 6 Miles East of Oshîawa 1200' x 3001' lot. Caîl for de- inew ail furnace, full basement, Seed for Sale Five room brick ranch bouse tails. town water, on large lot. Ask- -witb ailth modern conveni- NEWCASTLE. 3 bedrooni ing price $12,900 with $2,000 'RIDE acreage increased 45%ý- ences, aiso 61l/4 acres af garden brick bungalow. Natural stoneidawn. Inconie praperty. Own- n Ontario last yeac. Six new ]and can be sold separatcly. fireplace, etc. 60' x 181' lot.1 er anxious ta seil. iybrids have scored top Asking $18,000, land onlY $17.500. Ternis. Ncho omnilvc iiclds in cnop tests. Order $700.00 per acre.: 100 ACRE FARM on Taun- scenic 10 acre lots with large 'ride Seed Coco now. Gerald1 Nice house witb ail con- ton Rd. 40' x 60' and 20' x 30'!creek. 9-1 Brown, Newcastle, telephorieliveniences. Large lot. Just ýL ban. Good solid brick, 4'- 987-4474. 8-3* off 35 Highway. $10,000 withifbedrooni home witb 4 piece' CORN,-United Hybrid 108 andIternis. Don't miss this one.1bath. Streani, plus drilled:W rn elEtt 7 Senca 155 while suppiy!Close ta Newcastle. well. $35,000. Ternis. lasts. Registered Canada No.ý Lot 140' x 150'. Asking 200 ACRE FARM, Just off ITE 1 oats and ban]ey, Vernall $2,000. Only one left. ;Highway 115 near Pontypool. 21 King St. W.. Bowmanvllle Alfa]lfa, Saratoga Brome, and Sec us for what you require. 4 bedroon home wîth ail cor- 623-3393 aii otheî' grass seeds available. We niay be able ta save you. veniences. Large L ban. 2 Mme saaadDsrc Cail Swain Seed Cleaners and1mny od.Lvl tn refr.Mme saaadDsrc Dealers, Blockstock 986-4331. mo$ey2pond. Leel, stoneal fceefan.r 4.14*1 Mortgage Money $250 ens elEtt or - - - - - _____ on Good Properties 35 ACRES with fast streai.ý Port Perry acea. Eight-cooni Cars f or Saleê HAROLD PEDWELL, Broker , Slightly rolling, wooded land.:brick bouse, furnace, 3 pce. ________ ___ Newcastle 987-4336 $5.900. Ternis,;bath, veny modern home. ONE '64 Dadge,4dsea, 9-1 SOLINA RD. 5 ml. East cf Barns 36' x 104' and 25' x 40' low mileage. Phone 623-2611 Oshawa. 1.570 sq. foot ranch-! plus loafing barn. $1,500 or apply 18 Southway Dr., F er with attacbed garage. 4 montbly milk cheque. Fully Bowmanville. 9-Il John F DeWith bedroonis, large diniog raomn.lequipped and offered at only 12' x 15' kitchen. Broadlooani$57,000 - Ternis. ONE owner '63 Pontiac, four- REALTORandrps 12'x65lo. 12Aes it aask door sedan, six cylinder auto- lBowmanville - 14 Frank St. HAPTN23beroAcRv reswîn throGh pcopq ' maic hoe62-21 b-Phone 623-3950 bungalow on 1 acre cf land. crty. 8-roani eanly Canadiait tween 7-8 a.m. or 5:30-7 p).ni.! 91*1 92 Acre fanm with 7 nconied 14 piere bath. 24' x 30', barn.,1homne with centre hall plan, 1965 ~ ~ 9 POTA$aiine oe ag ao xeln112,500' Ternis. !Large painted barn, pond, 361 converTibl, C8,Paribraesieng$1100.Ternis. Gre iad - 723-5688 acres bush. This is a city an pwe seein, ,00 ni-l 78 Acre fanm with 7 roonied Wilf Hawke _ Orono 1 R 121 man's fanm that bah ee e home. Large barn. Asking j__-9-i1eoe aahihypoutv inal miles. Phone 623-2038. $12,000. Ternis.i state. Ideal hanse fanm. Ex. 9-1 ~"~îo n 7 r ellent value at only $40,000. STONE HOUSE, aven 10'reter iKowal, J. Ternis.. '65 CHEVROLET Chevelle se- years old an 113 acres with1 dan. Private sale. Low mile- painted barns. Excellent soif. REALTOR 70 Acres workalile oiîlMb 1l, age, ternis or cash. Before 6,Huebsalmd cnan GNRA IN RNE 100 acre farrmlpond, 723-2532 on 728-5398 after 6. veniences. Asking ssoooo. i CEbarn 40' x 60o', other b ildi s, 9-1 Terns. Buying or Selling - List wlth121/2 miles froni Bowmanville, 20 Are fn wth 7î'omed his ffIe fo Frendl, I4-noom. two storey brick home 20 crefar wih romedThi Ofic fo Frendyon paved road overlooking Livestock For Sale bouse, bar. Located north cf Courteous and Accurate Serv- golf course. $50,000 with terms. 1 7 -P I G , 7 w e êk ol . P o n e O ro n o . A sk in g $16 ,0 0 0 . T e rn is. e h v b e n I t e 17 IG, wek ad.Phne ORONO, 100 acre fanm with 'ce.* ehv enI h Investment Opportunity - 786-2419. 9-1* 9 nIo-16 ce.Mdr ee-or - excellent brick home, modern Real Estate Business, o-15ars oe ee-or PUREBRED Scotch Shonthon conveniences. Large U-shaped' manville for the Past Ten h omne with ail conveniences. bull, with or witbout papens, barn. Fertile sal. Asking Ver n nw Vles Painted barns and outbuiid- three hundred doa il a r s. $35.000. Ternis. No eas anWKnwVls ings show the care and atten- 263-2509. 9.1* 92 Acre fanm East oif Mill- tien thîs property bas receîv- Î brook. New home. Good size j Here are sanie properties 'd rnae ntomi WANTED Young Holstein :roads give excellent patent i eows and ficst caîf heifers due barn. Streami. Has ta be sold for your considei'atian: foc future development. Prie- iin two weeks. Phone 263-2284, ta settle estate. 1 . Executive-type brick bun- cd at $67.000 witb $35.000: Ralph Davis. 5-tf 148 Acre fan xvith 8 i'00ni galow with angel stone fire- 'down ($406.00 per acre). ed home, large L-shaped haro. ad3patr'biti Wa tdStreami. Asking $23.000. Ternis. 1 pa oe an p ae; i- 2 Acres of apple orchard 395d1.iapa tv n oe;m- / mile froni Bowmanville. 35Acre fanm with beauiti- hogany cuphoards, post-formedITi rhr si xeln FREE pick up of disposaI such fui modern brick home. Large ' Arbonite counter top in kitch- 1 conition hand os instxcellst as appliances, furniture, etc. river thcough the property.!en, ceranic tiled bath, Pierson c cnos.n pes s-, ,Phon.e 623-7276. 9-tf 1 Two haros. Hîghway location,; type windows with stonnis and ing $20,000 - Ternis. LAN sitbl fo p--in Asking $50,000. Tennis. , screeos, plus many extras. Scotch Pie C rtmatees EAST 0F NEWCASTLE, 701 This is a spaciaus home. Pnic- 6-Room 1il 2 starry stucco isoc lan Cradtmated acre fanm with new bunga- 1cd at $19,812.00 with N.H.A. !bouse, good gai-den land, fruit Scotch Pine Christmas trees, low. Barn. Good at 61/%. itrees and bercy plants, less and Scotch Pine trees forsae Asking $30.000. Ternis. 1 2. Sacou 3bero h ua-!than ane mile froni Oshawa, Apply G. R. Kirk Co., Burke-j COUNTRY HOME, 6 rooni-j galow on large lot near school. al mdr ovnecs ton, Phane_416-263-2209. 6-tf ced, brick and stone bungalow;'Featuces built-in Ta ppan5190wih$.0don ----with double garage. Beauti-istove, ceramic tiled bath, 5-Roani bungalow at Hanip-, flui stone fineplace. On 2.81i beautiful niahogany kitchen. ton on lot 100' x 200', close ta - Cashon he S ot acres Asking $22.500. Ternis. ýTruly a family home at a reas-!sehool. Two extra lots avail- ' for Dead or Cnippled FanaiI FEED and SEED STORE ýonable price. This home is!able if desired. $9.000 - $1,500 Stock. Picked up promptiy i with fanm supply business.i so under N.H.A. Ternis at1 down. Telephone coilct 263-2721 lYearly turnover $125,000, 6 U %. The present new rate Rgti on-EgnSre IOVINCIAL PARK"treed lot. Aluminun storni Two- Apantment I n co n xer9pa ,artment of Lands and Forestsîand sereens ahl around. Priced ýHome in f irst class condition,1 ta selI. in prestige location. Could be Ken Hockln - - 623-50355 antl 1OSHAWA, 5 roonied brick a reai nice place te stant home Clare McCullough 723-7843 [y, March lSth, 1966. bungalow. AIl modern con- owncrship with flue help o! a.Toe Barnouki 72- - -5787 veniences. Wall to wall floor tenant paying the montgage. rat Ve. - - 623-3071 tof twenty-flve dollars ($25,00) covering. Close te school. Also, it couid be neconvented rder or certlfied cheqjue must Only $2.000 down. ta a one-family home veny George Beaton - * e Is Pot ML.. easily. Look into this possi- ftrt Perry 985-2987 v iclopes mnLdetaPhodtnformationbility. Pnice and tennis are Roli'ard Forder - nt Forester, Departaient of Lands. adEcuiergî rel~ 5-83 Aftr.ousMCl'iWnter Works Bonus!1 D1I1 and Doreen Glmblett p «id in envelopes provided for' Donald Mouatjoy - 623-3614: Have yeu been wondering I Office - Pt. Hope 845-454801' about cashing in on it. We Resdence 8859' Guy Leflane 623-3715,Ihave 4 new homes whichi- er not necessarlly accepted. Idie Wlersma- Orono 1649.'qualify for this Bonus. Ch A. E. WALROTH, Inter Jorgeasea -987-4491j Us Today.Noie District Forester. Phyllis McRobble- 623-71591 Evenînts: N tie id Forests, Lorne C. Duff 985,2728 A. Code 623-2645, Dr. E. D. Hubbqrd'uo«Içt Rem Davidsen - Bethany 3or2 iP.Kowai Jr. 623-OUS 8 will be .closed freo IS W~ 8-1, -19.1 ito March 20 lnclusli. 8

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