The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Mar. 2, 1966 Magistrartes Court Hedi omnil (FROM PAGE ONE) in*u cam was confiLcaied. Çonre4 Leo LeTarte, 3171 EF1luton Avenue, E., Star- borougb., pleeded guilty ta I*vàng the oere and coutrol of a car- while bis abiiiy was Énipaircd, and to illegal pos- session cf liquor. Coptable D. Stuart, OPP, told Maégistrate R. B. Baxier that he was calied te bbei- tersccion of Waverley Boad and Higiwey 401 February 23rd. There Corporal Orpugh had the aoeused in the police cruise r I an imnsuored canidi- tion. A passing motorsla had meen the LeTarte ca on thie niedian, driven it up ente, the eoumlder and lefi Uic scene. A part bottie of French bran- dy lied been found in tbc vehicle, tic ownes- behind tbc 'vvheel and the keys in Uic ignition. Fine on the fis-t charge was $50 and coots, or seven days, and en the second $25 anid 47 - PAGE ""VACATIONS IN BRITAIN"y CALL FOR VOUR COPY AT JURY AND LOVELL RAVE[ coste, or an add.itonal five A check with the Depart- days. Ithere was an autonatic mmit of Transport for the auspenson of license fr three Ue number given the of- months. ficer revealed thai the 1955 Betrn H«ldinett, »Il Vokswagen had cha n ge d bratk pleeded gulity to im hands thre. or four tîmes in paire driv4ng Febroery 22Znd twO weeks. The. accused lied and illegal possession of li- lied it only a-bou~t an heurý quair. Fine on the firai charge when the accident took place. was $75 and oaSts, or 10) daye, When thie offices- checked hie endl on thie second $25 andi found thie plates had been re- oasiS, or an addiional five moved and it had sustained days. There was an autama- damffl tote Aeeft aide. tic suspension of license for Mr'. Steves adaiited his thrce months. crs-or in leaving the scene and Consiable J. C. Cartwright, that bis licerise had been sus- OP>P, told thxe court tntaie pended Utis-e montAis ps-e- was Parked eai of the junc- onvcto bogh fn tin of M.lighway 35 and 401 o$0ndion ts or 15 a fin wben he wue auazed ta sec onf hefis1chr0 and $50, rlàdy a car eatboeind in the. west-o th ir cagan $5 bound laie of HI-ghway 401. an>d cosis, or an additiional He gve has andradoedseven <ays on the second. e gv eand obo r eaioedThere was an automaiic fur- ment. Constable Maddigan of t1ie4>suspenso of acesed Cobourg pi cd thie dome ligit Mbraryolm eancd gaiyaed on his cruiser anid swung a febund gualty of pemît- n flasiilight ta flag down the tngstforadg ofcas-oandprt- CronstleyCarwih ts! on hie property. This was a Con tablteCacsewrihtts i- contravention of a Darlington a i se th tt ced otnwsnTowship bydlaw. Me was a cofusd satenotknoînggiven until this week to clean 1he was on ighway 401, and it Up. a Part bottle of liquar was M.Sasai ehdbe tousid in the car.Mr er adleh bn Ms-. Mdini ine i iiiWi iPneusnonia and un- Hodinot baixed isable to work. Me was fined condition on pilla prcscs-îbcd$2adcotor1da. by bis doctor for Ta plus ai- $2ohndEeuws, was10 foun cobol. Me sdne wa oin bes guilty February 8th of . rent- way omefro woak i Pe- ing a building les. than i1500 crbos-ough and must have feet in area as a dwelling missed his turn-off ta Mill- bouse. He was given unti] ,brook,.bswe e aetepe Trevor Clar-ke, Campbell- tmis e vactc avl te.r ford, who was actin*g for the hiss chare wsali CF. nCsonAtonyG nder a Township by-law. A F.BonnYcasle's a b s e n c e, chieck on Tucsday rcvealed strongly recoxnicnded a jail that the tenants were stil] tes-m for sudh conduci. Magîs- ties-e. The fine was $150 and trate Baxter conmntcd ihat coass or one mon-th. lie outld quite easily have in'tihese Vjwo cases A. A. M. been chargcd with criminal Srk, Twsi oiio neg]igece. tke Tonhp Slcor B e rn ard Lewis Steves, aeted for thc prosecution. Newcstl, peadd gilt to Floreuizo Mfasarin, Oshawa, ewavthe e aed guiftyntopleaded flot guilty of cas-e1ess dent February 25th, acedriigJtaay 4h o failing to paoduce evidence of OPP, iestified ihat lie had been called te Otto's Restau- rani on Highway 35 where a Atte nd car, driven by Wilfred Sdi- (FRO0M PAGE ONE) wciar,e had susiaiined minor attainment of information in danagc frOeiianother vehîcle a cdmcsbei swl Iwhich lied fled Uic scene. al cae.csbecsaswl aInqin LLIp ai L Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Selis witb whom are now merged Mont.ith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Müntreal Windsor Bduionton Osha Winuipeg Prince Toronto Regina George Hamilton Calgary Vancouver Gardon W. BleUl, CAm, LIA. Burt X4 Waters, C.A. Oshlawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 She iold ber listeners that it is wise ta niake pupils awarc thai the ability ta undcrstand wsiiien and printed *words cornes from the acquirement of a code with lettes- as. tbe symbols ta fos-m words ihrough wbich ideas are given and s-e- ceived. Discussing the icaching of language, and the advantage of a widc vocabulary, Dr. Early also siaicd that children can readily be iaught ta sec thai unpunctualcd, or poorly punctuated paragraphs, make comprehiension di! ficuit be- cause thcy are not coded clear- lv. i ,nto n Rnnaid. e sented by A. E. Laskowsky,l urday's nidnight. The drivers w ill accommodate themn easilYiintroduced Reeve Blanchard,I tendance Officer, M. Phair, Oshawa. of these two vehicles were N eOw and should prove large enough'IConilr Carl Down, Cou-Mitnce S eitndn Llod Rilday RR. Carence Kilpatrick, 39 West for the growth of the area cilluichrd Gibsa tnK anck son of te fir o B-amplfto aid rhoe h. w Bec'h and Donald McGregor, 3f or the next several years. Councillor Mary Budai, and Jackson, Ypes and Associates., ha ett~rhuesoiy4 Edsall A'mue. 'Only nmr chool Thcre are more tham 2,000 said ihat Deputy-Reeve If C.teacicsLodBnt, Jua eeni h eeitwe damrage wens uxed by the FO AEOE pupils in the township," he Muir was unavoidably absentlîCacietLodBnet drive te Oshwa. utWs accident. Constable John Bird FO FAEN) said. The chairrnan told the as he was away on business. President of Chemong Con-. of his home ho W a lad at th *ewl ahrn httecnrt tuiondRsMtaf, the north Mde of Taunton was e i ivestixtinlg officer. Here in one building we lgteigta h o Trhi e Darlington Area Schoolstcon adRoaMtaf Road hitchMdkng. He decidedi On Saturday at I1:53 p.m. a be able te provide ail the for the~ building will probably Bar members introduced by who sang "God Save the. to give hhm a lift, looked in car driven by Harvey Cok, equipment and qualitied teach- b. awarded te the Chemong the cliairrean were Immediate Queen" at the conclusion of hs rear view mirror and ob- 14 Silver Street, and a car ers now necessary for a good Construction Company, Peter- Past Chairman Bruce Tink, the event. served ne raffc. He said ne driven b~y John Donald Fonk, Grade seven and eight prog- borough. Vice-Chairman Sydney Wor- Afterwards in the Çouneil ramf thwcrdwthe ramvtr Mr. Werry introduced Alex den, HIerbert Mackie and Camber of the Toi'shup pton his right signal and R.R. 1, Oronc, coflided *at the expensive e provide in our Carruthers, M.P.P., ad red Harry Oyler. Hmtn h e aun d of as u k fr t e om b ehi n r of sabe R n a k r S em e eKp ci t e e hsinagliyStreetse t. Cato aoond te i h Mi, H po n, tyhr e vers tured hou- ornr c Kig tre't ndsmaller sehools. a letter from Russel C. Honey. Other guess introduced by spade used in the.o ing der ahead of the hitdhihiker. Waverley Road. There was HalVi, He heard a screech of brakes mTiner damaege te ithe two "Whcn this school opens in M.P., extending bis regrets forIMr. Werry werc: Rev. Chai rlermony was present 1by a pael truck. inivestigated. wi be about 4QQ pupils. It' The Board Chairman alsoidedication, Harold Ashton, At-' a delicious lunch was served. jack Dobson, the hitchhker, said he had been waiting for heu an bom for a ride and was running to catch up witli 1Mr. Hafliday's car when he hearsd tte screech et brakes 3and clave for the ditch ta es- 1cape being bit. Mr-. Masaqin eLplained that he had been delivering bread AMS 00 POL cwas on his way home to Osh- i wa. Me saw thc Helliday car )and the hitel*iiker with his 1thumb up. Me applied his brakes bard, skidded side-Rtn, HVA LED -ways and struek the HallidaY esfftimiated damiage to the panel -truck ai $200 anud to the Mal-I slkday car et $350. àMagistrate Baxter levied SI NDaHET T O ifine of $50 and $23 oasis, or1 s10 days. He granted Mr. Ma- isas-m 30 days to pay the fin. I ND H ET T O Accident Round-Up Only minor damage resuit- ccl from a collision betweený: a school bus driven by Gladys Westlake, 88, Queen Street,i and a car driven by H.arold A. Barron, Hamipton. The ac-1 cident happened on the Scu- gog Roa.d in Hampton at four c'elock on Tuesday afternoon. No one wasS injured. Con- stable K. C. Laton, OPP, in- vestiga.ted. At 5:20 a.m. on Tuesday a car- driven by John Edwards, R.R. 4, Peterborough, struck a flashing yelI'ow light at the junction of No. 11,5 and No., 35 Highways. There was som.ej damnage. Constable H. E Cook, OPP, was the investi- gating effice¶r. There was a collision be- tween a truck and a car on Monday at 5:36 pan, on Tem- perance Street. Charles Aub- rey Garrard, 219 James Street, Oshawa, was the driver of the truck, and Bernard Miller, 106 Duke Street, was the dri- ver of the car involved. Damagie te the two vehicle3 aznounted to less than $100. Constable Ron Parker was the investigating officer. At 12:30 p.rn. on Monday thetre was a two car collision in Orono. The drivers of the car involved were Simon Fedderna, Orono, and Doug- las Ho'warth, 755 Frank Street, Pet'erbor-ough. Constable T. A. Yerdy, OPP, investigated. Two cars collided on Sc- gog Street at Wellington. Street, near the C.P.R. cros- i,, ine at seven minutes Sat. DIScou IF NOT, STOP IN AND SIGN AT ANY 0F THEe FOLLOWING: HRWR OKES SMOKE SHOP I HARRY LOCKE TV I QOR CALL MRS. VICTOR JEFFERY MRS. CECIL MUTTON MRS. LEONARD DODDS - -613-5748 * -613-5894 m 623m5914 PLEASE SIGN BEFORE SUNDAY, MARCH 6,, 1966 SPQNISQRED NIT 0F BY THE BETTER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE s LE 4 't THE ENTIRE STOCK 0F J. G. M. PRODUCTS, TORONTO WILL BE S@LD FRON WHYTE 55 KING ST. BROS.O E. U-PHOLSTERY B OWMAN VILLE TE UNSD! Y - FRaID AY - SATURDAT DANISH SOFAS ]gs Discount Price . * 0 a DANISH CHAIRS BUCKET CHAIRS HASSOCKS Discount Priced from Ideal for the Livirg-Room 3 pce.oN-SET 69 Reg. $149.95 - .0NLY 9 a.Den Recrecition Room or Office: VINYL CHAIRS Reg. $59.95 ... -O0N L Y* 9. is at its best! 1:~, - '.4 Don't miss this fabulous sale event . you'II find what yQU want OCCASIONAL CHAIRS $7 Reg.$19.95 O L 97 04,2$25 corne in early when selection 0 * 0and at discount prices! ::l renre-'