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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1966, p. 7

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'Wlnnlfred Bridges, g r o upCee r e Skip oàet orneal of the e br t &octeaI & -(£Peorsonal th Oshawa Rovers along with his son Clayton who reoently received hi. Queen Scout Phone 623-3303 1Badge and Mrs. Fred Den- sham, Auxiliary President. _________________________________________i Scout Bruce Dale proposed Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundie, j Cullough attended the 44th theboaswht to the sponsoring Queen Street. have returnedi annual Ontario Association Ofboy RwhBidge s Teostedto troma fur-eekholcia inReal Estates Boards Confer-Ithe Fathers was proposed by ence held at the Royal York Richard Fraser o! the "B" Cub rs. H. J. Lake, Elgin St., Hotel, Toronto, recently. ;Pack, and Douglas Love re- the Areekend, guest o! Miss In the account o! the Ma- sponded. Il r lue, Toronto. Miss sonic Ladies' Night dinner and Following the dinner, awards "Meresided in Bowmanville dance published in last week's! and badges were presented tei a few years ago. Statesman it was inadvertently the followixig: Honour Patrol Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare, omitted that Worship!ul Broth-! Shield went te the Fox Patrol Tyrone, and Miss Mabel, er Arnold Lobb and Mrs. Lobb i consistlng of! P. L. William Jewell, town, visited on Sun- were at the head table. The Elliott, Gary Grant, Larry day with Mr. and Mrs. H. j. others at the head table were Hopki ns, Bian Starkoski, Babcock, Ontario Street. j ntroduced by Worshîp!ul !Frank Scott and Brian Den- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beard :Brother Lobb. sham. of Oshawa have returned homei Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonaldi The presentation o! the after an enjoyable holiday at 'and family, Belleville, visîted Camp Trophy by Skip Corneal Montego Bay, Jamaica. Mrs. on Sunday with Mrs. McDon- was made te the Panther Pa- Beard is the daughter o! Mr. ;lds sister and brother-mn- trol, Bob Dale, Bob Smnith, and Mrs. G. Purdy, town. law, Mn. and Mrs. Larry Donald Werry and Bruce Mac- ,Mrs. Wm. Kilpatrick,,Scujgog Dewell and family, PrinceiDonald. St., was honored on Saturdayý Street. Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Scout Master Wrn. Werry enl the occasion of her 60thIfarrett, Hamilton, were alsolpresented Second Class Badges birthday when her husband' Sunday evening dinner guests!te David Rose, Andy Taylor, and nine children presented o! Mn. and Mrs. Dewell. Bruce MacDonald, Gary Grant ber with many gifts and flow-': Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clarke, and Brad Roddick. Larry ers. Queen St., have just returned ' Hopkins, Larry Watson, Wm. Did you know that Vitêminfrom a two-week vacation at jElliott, DougIaý Pascoe, Bruce C is net a longlasting vitamin the Sandbar Motel, Venice, 'Dale, Bob Smith, Gary Grant, in the human body and its Florida, on the Gulf of Mexîco.l Paul James and Donald Werry SUPPIY must be repienished ýThey aise visited Mr. Clarke's neceived their Fireman Badge. deily. Its beat sources are sister, Mca. J. L. Roenigk. Mn.ý Akela, Mrs. Wm. Elliett of the citrus fruits and tomatees,l and Mrs. Roenigk are spending. "A" Pack pnesented a Leap'- and their juices. itwo rnonths at the Harboun ing Wolf Badge te former Cub Mns. Bilii Tyas was the !Lights Trailer Camp, Venice, Dennis Werry. Pet Keeper Mr. and Mrs. overnight guest of Mrs. Bern- IFIa. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Badges wene awarded te Joe Miss Annie White« ard Kitney and Miss Elsie!made the trip te Venice and Wright and Billy Arsenauit; hi Ot ed Raikes. Mrs. Tyas wes in I the retunn jounney horne by Carpenter, N e il1 Mahaffy, hi 0hwdi town ta direct the Bowman-j air travel. Musician, Garth Pascoe; Guide: They were marrie ville Drama Workshop in A uprs aryws edBrien Elliott; Collecter, Neil H. V. Walker ofJ "Separate Tables". at the home o! Mr. and Mca. soae' Toymeker, Jeffery Den- adhv ie i Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochran, IJack Mann, Welland Ave., ai Snowden, G arock They have two soi Nestietoni; Mrs. Ross Oke and Oshawa, by Mrs. Tom MartinSnweRger aco _________ Neil, Mn. and Mrs. Bill0k e,'in h anar o! hec husband's 75th Reader, Je!! Thomas, Tearn aIlo! shaa, nd rs.W.Ibithday, Saturday, Febnuary Playen, Harold Mountjoy, and all o Oshwa, ad Mr. W.House Odry ik e ,C lebra te Bneck of Kingston were recent i9th. Frienda and relatives Odry ikyMlhIC guests o! Mr. and Mns. E. presented Mn. Martin with a Brian Maha!fy, Pat Atkinson, Adan's, Elgin Street. preo! money, and a large iAa rnMcalPte Lions hockey ticket winners'cake, baked in the form o! and Harold Dervent.......... are for Saturday, Merch 5,j the number 75, centred the J. K. Glover, Akele o! B Chicago, Eric Calville, Rager buffet supper table. Ou t-af- Pack, pcesented Leaping Wol!ý Wright, for Wednesday, Merch tawn guesta attended from Badges ta Bruce Annand, 9, Detroit, Orville Hoapen, Ed.,Westan, Toronto, Newcastle, Bruce Vaillencourt, Wesley Focan, and for Saturday, Trenton and Bowmanville. Glespeli, Terry Souch, Dale Mvarch 12, Boston, Marion Maschke and Gerry Ring. }I an Peu Chat. Rchard Fraser received hîs tessup n Tesda KE RONJr. Swimmer and Collector's It ws atossup n Tusda KED ON Badges. Wayne Watson and of thjs week, March lat, as, David Maschke neceived their ta whether n not March came The 25th Oshawa Guide Waten Safety Beginners, and ' In like a "lemb" or a "iîon". Company abserved Thinking Donald Tregunna was award- Il was nnt as balmy las lasti Day et thein regular weeklY ed a Pet Keeper's Badge. Çunday, yet not as figid as it1 meeting, Thursday, Feb. 24,in A brie! pnograrn consistîng was about 10 days ago. S-1 Kedron community centre a i. o! akits, sengs and solos by the ~oucentak yor coic. rAs each patrol came for- boys was followed by a film Mr. and Mca. Walter Frenk,1ward ta present a reading or o! th e highlights of the 1965 Messcs. Joe Barnoski and Ken skit an the theme of Thinking!Stanley Cup playoffa. The ev-1 Hockin, Mn. and Mrs. Hoard De', a candie was lit on the r ening closed with the singing Farder and Mr. Clere Mc ;bîrthdlay cake commemnorat-!o! O Canada. .i. ng the birthdey of theirj At a recent meeting. o! the foun der, Ltdly Baden-Powell. 1'A Cub Peck, Toymaker Badges When aIl had been lighted,i wene pcesented ta Pat Atkîn- REHOBOTH Christiani Rossland Diat. Commissionen son, Billy Arseneult and. Han- SMrs Ben Hitchens, made the I od Dervent; Pet Keeper Badge Reformed Church wisli and blew eut the candles. ta Brian Elîott; Second Eye te streetDuring the meeting badges jBrian Elliott and Firat Eye te Seuzot tre wene presented as follows- 'Rickv Melch, Brian Mehef!y, Artists and Art Appreciation Harold Mountjoy, Billy Arsen- Mê RANATHA (two badges), Patti Rosnak. auht,1 Roger Hancock, Neil Love Christian Reformred Keep Fit, Donna Glover andl1 The Pack earned $22.52 from Bannie Dyck, Brende James, the sale o! refreshments et Church iSusan Dyck and Marleneithe recent Choir Concert. r Mothersill, Patricia Dervent,j A Famnily Night is plenned Rev. IR. Moes, supply pastor i:Barbare and Bevenly Brownj by "AO' Pack for Fridey even- 623.392 !and Methe Fraser.* ing, March 11, fron 7 p.m. te Donnta Glover and Wendly 9 p.m. iiv4he wrhal Servces Hitchens were awerded their Chureh News Worship Srie third year service stars. Sec- il rn.ond yeair stars went te Barbera The Committee o! Stewards and Beveriy Brown, Mary reports that the response to 7:30 Stiles and 'Patricia Dervent.1the Manse Fund Appeal has Malene Mothersili. Men atherbeen very good ta date, and Back To God Heur Fraseri N an cy Woodward,,thece is now only $1,350.00 Brenda James and Debra Dec-i outstanding o! the total cern- CKLB vent ceceived firat yean stars. Imitment o! $2,700.00 for Ked- Ever Suday,9 i p n Deîcaion f FaguThe Doubles Club will hold Evey unay 915p-i. at Sunday Services thein neguier meeting Merch iMembens o! the 25th Osha- th in the lower hall. Follow- wa Guides and Brownies at- ing business, euchre wilI be Stended chunch services on played. Sunday mocning. Feb. 27 i Mcs. Clarence Werny will be observance o! Founder's Day. hostesa for the general mem-* ROW an ile Pnior ta the reguler service, bership meeting o! the U.C.W. Bowmanvuuue an impressive dedîcation cere-I on Wednesday evening, Mardih i mony for the Guide Compeny's 2nd. new Canadien flag was cin- TheSca nto fn tducted by Reverend Winni! red eSarmn o!Ift Pw u v i. Bridges. Ini the clu at Baptism will be edrinistere d Ch rhwere Wendy Hitchens, carry- et ail three appointments in Mr. and Mi '11Ltbry S.l.Itnie tenent land Mthary Su erinfration, cotac t Rv nl o h Thee:"Th Dtyof he Th Mohes'Mn. IEmmanuel Bruno nas P01 nuufla There: TheDut of he he othrs'Auxiliary pre- i returned home e!ter spendirng Christian Man in the ýpened and secved the menu o!foete i Snyro micigs" unden the convenon-, ta.ELIZ ship o! Mrs. W. W. Pascoe.r We extend our synupathy ta t'XWere the Word et God M.W.Sowegopthe Van Dam family on the Chureh services la not bound" 'committee cheirman, was the p.essing o! Mn. Jacob Van here on Sunday. N master o! cerernonies. HedjWe are ghed te repont that will be et Garder table guests included Rev. r.~ Wilfred Richardson is On Wednesday ti able to spend his weekends et Institute held thei home now. Wlrfred has been Day for aur recent T R NIT U ITE CH R( a patient in Civic Hospital etables with a1 TRINIY UNIED CH RCr since December w*ien he suf- basement was dE F R ~fered injuries in a truck acci- suit the themew Mînister- Rev. George K. Ward, 'B.A., B.D. dent. and table encanl Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.RS.M. iMn. Albert Stewart was also vegetebies. Garde able te b. home for the week- stitute and all la 11:00 a.rn. ý- Morning Worship i end frein the sanie hospital. community were : Several frorn here attended Morcish ladies wE "FA ES BOU TH CR SS the dance in Tyrone on Set- vited but couldn't FACE ABO T TH CROS" iurday night. Everyone ne- !ied cebbage, c (2) "THE CONDEMNER 0F THE CROSS- ports a good ture. and Caesar salad Deputy Reeve Wilson Heas- monstreted andr SUNDY SHOO . p, Counillor Alvin Mitchell were eaten as lu ley attiended tîhe Good Roads served. Our Hon' 9:0arn. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 1 onvention in Toronto lat for our area, Miss' 11:0 .r. Prmay ndKinerarenweek. sey, ettended. Y. 11:»a.m - Prmar andKinergatenA very large crowd froni Beatty end Heler here attended the funeral of their speeches di &.m:WaD. - Reginners Eddie Stmoc frein Northcutt heur. Our leader! & Smnith Funeral Parleurs on tord White, M S:Wp.r. Pael isussonTtusdy. Teinpoi!«y inter- White, Mns. H. Q mient was in Lang'o Vault, oui- president Mrs uJESUSwxto ouqu tb. Wuhpvd CHRIST AND THE CHRISTIAN LIFE" Orono. To thcse who mourn planned the Sur li Pearl Anniversary .Robert Fowler, Oshawa, the fermer eof Cartwright Township, celebrated ing anniversary Monday, Feb. 28th. id in Nestîcton by the Reverend W. Janetvillc, now of Sterling, Ontario, their married life on R.R. 4, Oshawa. ons, Floyd and Kari, both of Oshawa. 40bOth Anniversary rand Mrs. A. Whitince .rs. Archie Whitmec were honared occasion of their 40th wedding anni- :eption hehd ai the homne of their son -law, Mir. and Mrs. Oswaid Whitmee, Ia wa. f4 ers ago r(_ccived wearing a pale -i lack accessjries and a corsage of îs. Whitmee wcre married February )ntypoo], Ontario. They have three thy (IVIrs. William MYles), Grace (Mrs. àe) and Florence (Mrs. Leslie Hl- ,Oswaid, and eiglit grandchildren, ahi àm wvas \vell attcndci and the couple gis includîng flow~ers and a sum. of M 'iss , "prcscntcd hv their youngest MisCarol Anno Halcomh. sproposed b>',, Mr. Jack Payne, brother ce to which the bride groom r eplied.' 4h the serving were the couple's four Miss Gayle Myles, Miss Darlene Los- M[isses Wanda and Carol Ann Halcomb. was received from. the Honorable U.P., amnong many others. Guesis were Toronto, Bowmanville, Orono, Ponty- wa. [ABETHVI LLE ,were heldi The othen membens wish te.i Next Sundayi thanks these ladies for their Hill. jtîme and work. the Worncîî's' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quan-, eir Surmnarv mriii, Oshawa, sient Sundeyj nt ni "Vg-with Mn. and Mca. H. Quan-1 Flair." The tnill. deconated tai Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew I with baskets' and Mn. and Mca. Will Miul- ngemecits of drew, Oshawa, wene et Sun- ccn il iii nyside oven the weekend. ladies o! ther Mr. and Mrs. Joehn De Ko-I einvited. ker spent Sundey with Mn.1 es-e aise in-i and Mca. H. Thickson. tcorne. Pan-I Danlene Thicksan endi wcn biscuitsi Mn. Howrard Steats, Tôconto,l id were de- spent Sundey with Mn. and' made which Mca. Thicksoci also.I lunch et theý Mrs. C. Beatty and Mrs. R-1 aim. Tee wasi White spent Friday in Peter-'1 ne Ecanomiat borough, elso visîrting withi sWney, Lindé- Mc Gee. McGahey who is in!I wisesDors t. Joseph's Hospital. Luring lunch, Little Timzny Woolaoott,1 rs. Mrs. Mil-. son o! Mc. and Mrs. P. Woole- birs. Russel cott, is beck te sehool againi Quantrill and a ften having meashes, chieken a. C. Mercer POx, and bis tonsils remeved amry Dayj in Pont Hope hospitah. t- a s5uÇcC8. Mi&3 Uleda Moer, BOW- iranvifle,, was home ever the' The Canadin stateuman, Bewmanvfle Mar. 2,1900ge7:- weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer and Philip visitbed with Mr. and M"s. S. Minis, Whitby, oni Sunday. Miss Suizanne Thiiekson. Capital Punish ment end et home. Mu..1 ý%t nd k* azdiBy 1. G. Sexsm ith Steven spent Sevftml-days! with Mr. and Mm&r. Orley Mer- i1 cer this past week, whileC nteSMr.w avil Fajtis in Brantford he:lping ete t, D wm nII his mother get settled. PART Il ,mankind. In God's law there min defile the temple et Godi Miss Gloria Quantrili, Pet- lis no rernission of sin without hini shall God destroy, thér erborough, was homne for the 'Relative to the death penalty temple of God is holy which. weekend. lbeing contrary to the Spirit of~ the shedding of blond. Christ temple ye are.) We can as- Mr. and Mns. Ken Trew end ChitJet us turn our thoughts a the treasure, (His sinicîs sume from that, that God didi farnily had tea with Mr. andi lie), and He gave it to satisfy make everlasting Covenant' Mrs. M. McAllister, Sundley. to the New Testament. Again the law. He did nlot ask the with Moses regarding the wel-" Miss S'haron Trew and Mr. aside from what the Word sentence to be comniuted, it tare oi our. bodies, -their hab. J. Muldrew, Peterbo.rough, testament implies. (in this in was carried out and the law, itation (the land wherein w. Peterborough on stance the will of Jesus God's Law, was satisfied. In dwell) aiso how te keep thi' Sunday evening after practice Christ> it tells us and I quote other words Christ recognized land clean, etc. He provided & teaching in Port Hope for twO John, chapter 1, verse 17: "The and obeyed the law te the let- permanent Statute. We eaU 1*t weeks. law was given by - Moses but ter, neither did God change the Capital Punishment Law,.' Mr. Tom Wood. Mrs. G. Grace and Truth came by His law, net even te save His It standq on guard today. Lef Knox, 14rs. V. Walters and Jesus Christ." Let us listen teoonly Son. This Law was rela- us hope it remains. Mrs. E. White heard Mr. Alex the words ot Christ and whatitive to the saving of the Soul, Carruthecrs speak on Medicare they actually say. Matt., chap-Ionly. Such is implied in John, in Port 'Hope on Saturday fer 5, verse 17, <Think nlot that chapter 3, verse 16, (God so NESTLETON afternoon. I arn corne to destroy the Law loved the world that He gave Mirs. H. Quantril and Mrs. and the Prophets, I ar neft His only begotten Son, that Mr. and Mrs. Clifford HétÀ' V. Walters spent Thursday in corne to destroy but to fulfili. whosoever believeth in Hirn of!ariw enwr ek. Oshawa, visiting and1 shop- Verily I say unto you 'tili should nlot perish, but have ev- e adrve w Penn.andere ek ping. Heaven and Earth pass one er lasting life.) A odtinlCcil Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ruth, jot or one tittie shall in no arrangement for a spiritual M.adMs ereBw Mount Pleasant, had supper wise pass from the Law Iti11 gift, nothing more. M.adMs ereBw at Mrs. V. Walters' on Sunday. ail be fulfilled). Again in John, Ascatr, ers and Earl, Mi's. Wilfrid ,an(eetsCatE , erse 38, Vine, Herbert, Christçpher Mr. and Mrs. H. Gidding, chapter 5, verses 43-46, (I m(Rpn and be baptized every adL aue pn h ek Baltimore, were with the corne in my Father's namne and one of you in the naine of ih n and Mrsel. Loth wekni Muldrews at Sunnyside on Ye receive me flot, do not Jesus Christ for the remissiofl Chapman and family, North Sunday. think that I will accuse you of sins, and ye shahl receive Bay. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gray called te the Father, there is one the Gift of the Holy Ghost).~ * tMa alters', Sunday. that accuêeth you even Moses Acts; chapter 4, verse 12,1 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Falls in whomn ye trust, for had ye (Neither is there saîvation in and family of BowmanviUeý beIieved Moses ye would have any other, there is ne other visited Sunday with Mr. and, r l~nI elieved me for he wrote of name under Hae ieýr.Cak ilas Mvu sic RsSultS me. But if ye believe neot His among men whereby we must Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- writings how shall ye believe be saved.) Christ is the answer son visited in Pefferlaw with Music rosults by pupils 01 my words.) From this state- for your soul's safety, He pro- Mrs. James Naylor and Robért, Mrs. David Wilson, Nestleton. ment we gather that Christ vided a peace agreement, sign- Johnston. *Grade VIII Piano: First placed the judgments of Mos- ed it with His blond, but to Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew of Class Honours, Judy Swain. es on a par with His own and make this agreement valid itIview Lake visited Mr. and« Grade V Piano: Honours, that.the Law had not been re- must also have your signature. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Barbara Wilson; Pass, P5eeareceiving the respect it deserv- Make no mistake.. See Rev., Mr. Jas. Harris of Lindsa3* Stin.son, Janice Stacey. ed. From now on we can with-1 hpe 1 es 7 Teesae eea as wt Grae I Pan: irs CacR otdes cnrie ssadicMos esta shall in no wise enter into IT Marvin Nesbitt following his Honours, Marleah MalcolmsrieJsu n Mssa anything that defileth neith- brother Elmer Nesbitt's death. Candy Malcolm, Derlene Mal- being kindred Spirits, yet re- er whatsoever worketh abomn- Visitons with Mr. and Mrs., colmn; Honours, Shanon Nes- presentative of both. the oldinto ormkhalebtAx gisfrheapsa' bitt. and new dispensations. These itionor makaet a lie, bteAsev gice fr e Mbaptisa Grade II Theory: First Class men, (although one dead andthywihae rtenntesrvc wre M. ori Honous, Gace Sith. the other living) wene destin- Lamb's Book of Lîfe.) The Smeltz, law student of Winni-à Honourset oGracehSmith.i word IT refers to the Home peg and Mr. Lee Davis of meet on Mt. Hermon situated o h el Brandon, Manitoba, who came! Pupils of! Mca. Lamne on the edge of the Serian des- I write this to show you yarfrth cain Thompson, ail candidates suc- ert in Asia. Here Christ talked that God is vitally concerned cessful:. with Moses, Luke, chapter 9, with the preservation of both Piano verses 30-31. Their talk involv- body and soul. Written into Gr. VIII: Elizabeth Thornp- ed a vital point o! law, name- God's Covenant with MosesRE C OS Gr. VII- Linda Mountjoy, should accàmplish at Jerusa- was a reminder (that in the IS ALWAYS THE RE Hon.; Judith Mountjoy, Hon. lem. This historic meeting Image of God made He Man) Gr. VI: Leanne Dorreli, proves beyond possible doubt and in lat Cor., chapter 3, Hon. their kindredship and here in verses 16-17, Paul ernphasized IYO RE Gr. V: Heather Dorrell, Hon. conclave they completed de- that fact, (Know ye not that Theory talla of a plan to appease the ye are the temple of God, andE Gr. II: Linda Mountjoy, wrath o! God registered against that the Spirit of God dwell-1 100%: .ndith Mountiov. Hon. and on wicked, disobedient eth in you, and that if any! NEW DAWN PENATENHOPTLESD HAIR COLOUR CREME NEW WARM BROWN OINTMENT FOR PEPTO BESMAL iand GOLDEN BROWN QUICK BABY RASH RELIEF. 2 OZ. FOR UMET STOMACH SUGG.LIST 2.25 SUGG. LIST $1.29 gz SUGG. LIST $1.25 BLISTUK Aiberto VO5 CREST SPRAZE FOR CHAPPED LIPS SHAMPOO Tooth Poste REGULAR OR B LISTEX 7OZ. SUGGESTED -1 FOR COLD SORES12ONE FEVER BLISTERS SUGjt. LIST $1.19 LIST $1.49 SUGG. LIST 99e 59c EACH sl.03 sl1619 83C TEGRIN FOR RELIEF 0F PSORIASIS 2 oz. SUGG. LIST $3.27 s2,79 LANACANE RELIE VES ITCHING EVEN MEMBRANE ITCHING - GREASELESS VANISHING sl.35,_$s2,29 SUPER SPECIAL FOR ASPIRIN WEEK 1 'SUGG. LIST 99e 69C sugg. Jist 53e .49 sugg. liat 65e .33 sugg. it OSe .79 $1.88 Value 1.66 sugg. îî.t $1."o1.27 uugg. list $1.25 1.07 uugg. lust $3.29 ut I.DA. - Only j1 L D. A. REMEDIES BAYERASIN KLEENEX Towels CEPÂCOL LOZENGES 20'. LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 14oz FOUNTAUN SYRINGE ENDEN Liquld- Sharnpoo, two 98e size NUPERCAINAL ointment ioz GERITOL Liquid 12 oz., or 40 Tablets KLEENEX TISSUES 200',s PRESCRIPTIONS ALEX McGREGO* 0 DRUGS 0 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE 6Z 'r k

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