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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1966, p. 10

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* ~ ue Cnadin Sttesmn, Ewmanvlne, Mai. If, lmS SPORTo pics. I l Dy Frank Mohun M-37234 V'AI VU UN JOU D'HOCKEY -,As we're vfiting this for our coluinn this week we're comfortably ini an aid buddy's home in St. Therese, qüibec. in a few hours we'l be heading for the Forum eô e Oshawa Generals do battle with the Montreal Jr. Canadiens. But let me tell you, this reporter took In Saturday *negt's gaine between Detrait Red Wings and the Canadiens hnd It wasn't easy. AI Skaife, the guy we've, been sponging, df'al weekend had tickets lined up for y ours truly and Jim Lutton, wha made the trip with us. Por id AI found out early in the week that hlm tickets had suddenly ceased ta be available. He phoned everybody Ùnder the sun - but no paste-boards. But hald on there - a pair oi blues suddenly arrived Saturday aternoan, and the guy told us we could pick up another ticket by iiepeating the secret word at window number three. By È*d - it worked - and by seven o'clock we had a grey uflat te add ta the collection. Mind you we could have had tickets - five bucks apiece for standing or six dollars for a seai that normaiiy seils for a deuce. We even saw one guy offering a box seat fur $50.00. 'Wonder what they charge at play-off trne? For nmre reason we weren't ton interested - mnaybe the cost was to high. But as a renowned writer for the Statesman and broad- caster at CKLB, why net sit in the press box. And go we 'qientured int Lucien Desrochers' office, introduced ourselves, a nd he cauldn't issue a press-pass soon enough. How about that? Sa 'now we've got that grey valued at $225 ta get rld of. No problem - guy walks up ta AI and seelng the ticket in bis hand offers four bucks for it. Sold. And now we're in the Forum. but i's only a lew minutes éiter seven - go we may as well look around. Right away we check the location of the seat we sold -- it's right at centre ice - equal ta a green aI Mapie Leal Gardens - and right behind a post. Terrific spol if yau couid chop down the pillar - but there happens to be a television camnera-man clinging there, and it would have been a shame ta deprive the TV viewers oi the game. If you have neyer been ta the Forum, there are seven rows af reds, six af blues, ten greys, and on the sides only, a dozen rows in the orange section. The latter were only added a couple of years ago. There is standing behind the blues, greys and orange, much as it used ta be in Maple Leaf Gardens. In camparison to the Gardens, the entrances and lobbies are slightly af old vintage here, while as everyone knows the Toronto establishment is one of the best in the league. Thei steel pillars which I mentioaed before originate froin the lasI row of the blues, making the viewing tough at tirnes for anyone seated in the grey and orange sections. The seating arrangement is niuch steeper than aI the Gardens and not as comfortable. We were surprised ta discover that there are reserved seats along the cat-walks on bath sides oi the Forum. One.thîng the Forum has over M.L.G. ls a fantastic eloclc, which bas been wlred thraughout twice, go that one circuit will take aver automabically shouid the other fail. Pour Danny Galivan must have had a hard time Watching the aid cdock through a maze af beams and wires, as il isi sibuated at ane end. But this new sportstimer is really saméthing, telling the exact time as the seconds add on. Penalties are alsa automatic with the lime to be served, 1 reducing, so yau can tell everything at a giance. No hands Ileeded on this timer. And go an ta the press bax, Iocated aI anc end, Jutting out abave the greys - and an excellent spot ta view a game. It did seem rather strange however ta have somfe three rows af sents behind the press area, which the people had ta go through aur location ta reach. 4nd then there were the peanut vendors, etc., waiking behind us, selling their warcs ta the fans bchind. Happened ta sit beside a fine upstanding young fellow who il turns out worked in the N.H.L. office, and lie was klnd enough ta escort us ta the press louage. We couldn't belp stariag aI a dapper dan feilow, figuring we had seen hlm somnewhere before. Il was Jacques Plante, now a sports reporter. The game? It was a dandy for 34 minutes and 46 seconds ta be eactv. 'flt nrm. ,hen 'fliveuaden.A.ift '-0mcerv Cou rtice Rinks Win Bi g Brother -Sister Spiel Watson went on a penalty spree and the Wings hurt their Tbe. first 16 team curling îmess people and ather friends Pallard with Jane Pollard Brothers also wenit ta Cour- caue y rain a eah enlt. Rusca rn for Big Sister, Big including Frank Real Estate, (vice), Edie Gearing 2nd, lice, f rom lait ta rigbt, Elmer oc ueb rwn echpnly seurn the Brather and High' School Palmer Mators, Annie Oke of Boan nie MacMillan (lead). Pollard with Jim Watson mnargin ta four, a minute and a hali later and that was Curiers took place here Salur- Oke's Smoke Shop, Stephen Second prize was won by El- (vice), Tab Gearing 2nd, and the ald hockey game. Worslcy robbed Detroit la the first day, and was a tremendausI Fuels, Bernard's G ar a ge, len Or'miston witih Rosemary Tom Worden Iead. Second period, whlle ai local interest, Port Hope's Jim Roberts, success. There were four' (Newcastle), MacDonald Mo- Ormiston (vice), Effa Stay- prize was won by Nail Bailey taigaregular turn, was pickcd as tbe third star. teaams af High Sebool girls l ors, Sturrock and Sons Fuels, bon 2nd and Bannie Ormiston and bis leamn from Blackstoc'k tain aand Big Sisters as xvli as two1 Walter Goode, Mr. and Mrs. (lead). Third prize won by af Ray Mounljay (vice), Gor- Canadiens won the game but came up with tbrcc bad teams af High School Boys~ Elmer Pollard, Specialty Pa- Queenic Fletcher witb Barbidon Paisley 2nd, and Ron Injuries ta Talbot, Laperriere and Richard. Wings' recent and Big Brothers iromn Black- par, Robson Motors, Les and!Brown (vice), Irene Morrison Ma'rtyn lead. Third prize wasJ addition, Boivin, nailed J. C. with a tremendous check, andl stock. The rest ai the tcams' Peari Smala. Tha avent waq 2nd, and Linda Morrison lead.1 won by Haro'ld Kyte and his w'eqiecertain il was hard-hitting Lea wha jolted 'came from Bowmanville andincag fRyHr n or' piewswn b he osfo lackstocký wer qieCourbice area with fouri boys' Harvey Cook who expressed Gwenyth Thompson i roamlwit.h Floyd Kyte vice, David aqus.fTrm Clarke High. appreciation toa al those who Blackstock and her team of IKyte 21ld, and Bob Kyte lead. Bryan Watson must h ave set some kind ai record for There were prizes for each1 lassisted witb donations. Judy Cochrane (vice), Jean1 Fourlb prize won by Harvey penalties. Ha steppcd an the ice aiter serving a sentence of tha first four teams of Bic1' First place for the Big'Ma'haffy 2nd, and Marguerite Cook with Steve Liptyvie at 13:57 went back in 23 seconds laler, and retumned ta bhebi Sisters an'd Big Brothers, Sisters wcnt to a Courbicel Clements lead. ban James 2nd, and ReadAI-ý 4- -1 4 99A---- __ . -, Idonated by Bow.manville busi- team, irom leit la right, Mary: Fi.rst place team for the Big-Ilin laad. fray whn Be.ovu u aH 14:26. kA mere ten seconds~ later he was again sitting in the sin bin, this time until ]Rousseau scorFd. t t t. * t PEE WEES NEED WIN Bowmanville Pee Wees wilI be looking for an alI-im- 1 portant win Friday night when they journey ta, Trenton in J an attempt to even their best of three series. In weekend. action, the local lads battled tn a 3-3 tie in the ir-base! tOwn Friday night as David Ormiston counted ail three goals. Satu.rday, at the Memorial Arena, a goal with three minutes remaining gave Trenton a 1-0 decision, Ieaving themn. needlng only a tie to capture the series. t . 1- i* t t LITTLE N.H.L. HERE SATURDAY Three Cobourg and three Port Hope teamns will be in ]Bowrnanville Saturday, from eight 'clock in the marning until five, as the Little N.H.L. Eastern Ontario Zone playofis wîll be held. The winning entry in each classification - &tom, pee wee and bantam will earn the right to participate In the Ontario champianships nt Midland. If you have neyer meen these Young fellows in action yau're missing somne- thing, because this le entertaining hockey at is best. MEMORIAL ARENA Telephone 12-5728 PUBLIC >SKATING RDlAyDMARCH 11 th -.10 P.M. -.NDAYMARCH 3th-.4 P.M FPRIE TO1TS SKATING 3 te 5 p.m. men s Major Leagu# IThe members ai the Menus AI Osborne 818 (263-277-278).' Major League paid their re- Fifteen bowiers bettered the L secttathe late Manageri1700 mark, Bud Barterý 798- George Elliott with a pcrîod 1(310), Russ Hailman 778 (278.' aisilence priar ta the start af 285), Ron McLean, having his heir regular bowling night. b est year, 751 (313), Ron May.. Manager George Eliiott was nard 750 (302)9 BillOn0 734 a perfectionist whcn it came (313),' Mike Murphy 731 78. to lookîng aftcn the alîcys at 262), Bob Richards 725 U0). Liberty Bawl. We have bowl- John Oke 723 (286), cd in many alîcys throughout Piper 719 (296), Larry Pi rr Ontario and Liberty Bowl 717 (256), Jim Callan Sr. 716. topped them ahl. (283), Bob Glanville 713 Ycars ago George Elliott (247), Harold Michelson 707 Bo ln dreamned ai Liberty Bowl, and (268-305), Ted Bagnell 70)5 Rura. owlng f it had not been for his un- (262), Art Rowe 703 (263). tiring efforts, the bowling fra-,1 Lau Wisemn had a 323 Mardi1/66ternity might neyer have lsinglp game, Stan McMurter March 1a/i66 the excellent pelzdlace 276, Ab Saman 287, Harold Pt.. Pins' that now cxîsts in Bowman- Bennett 274. Bud Henning 272, Maple Grave 19 29488 ville. Matt Harrison 270, Maunitz Hi-C's ý - -- 181/2 28220 George served the bowlers A¶neart 266, Bob Kent 265, Ennskillen Srs.__ 18 28144 'weil and a plaque should be Russ Oke 262, George Piper Salem ------------151/2 27303 erected within Liberty Bowl 2 60. Hampton 11il% 26936 la memory ai a man who gave, The Pepsi Cola team had a ETyrone ------ ---101/ 26193 the bawlers ai aur town a ibig 3631 triple while Beaver Enniskillen Tnt. 8 25003 wonderiul place ai recrett- Lumber hit 1303 for anc gamne. Sauina --- - ._ 7 25868 tion. Ed Les1iç is out la front la High Singe-K. McGill- 301 The sympathy af ail the ithe averages, hitting 248 for High Triple-R. Twist - 764 bowiers is extended ta Mrs. 27 games. Larry Piper drap-. Low Singe-A. Sharp 92 ElIiott and her family. ý ped ta second spot at 246, Low Triple-A. Sharp 315 As if in tribute ta George while AI Osborne is third with Averages Over 180 the Men's Major League bowl- 241. Dave Reynolds ---24 249 ers put on their best display Standings End of Ninth Week ýK. McGill --- 27 234 ai bowling in a long time. R. Twist - 27 231 Five bowlers bit the 800 Second Sehedule J. Bond ------- - 1,5 224 'mark. Ed Leslie was No. 1 'Teami W L Nsq. D. Taylor------- - -27 221 on the totem pale with 854 Hendry Motors 21 6 21 R. Sott- 24 212(260-249 and the high single 1 B. McDonaid 15 212 gamne 345), Laurence Leamran' Liberty BowIl-16 ý 10',ý 16 y D. Woods.. 27 211 841 (247-287-307), Frank Sam- 1NaIs Osborne T. McLaughlin __ 27 211 'is 834 (237-296-281), Elton Insurance - 15 12 15 Brack 825_(303-311-214) and Pepsi Cola 1 2 1 Ccc Milîs ------------ 27 207 15 12 1 E. Dickey - 27 206 Jury & Lovell 15 12 15 Bruce Coombes __ 27 21d ea ue Dykstra's Food 14 13 14 J. Siemon - _- 27 202 x d L a L. Wearn------27 200 B .Men's Wear -_131/2 3 1/j13 1 A. Wilson------- 27 199 Bowlinfg Variey 3 1 1 P. Wastlaka ---- 21 199 ait ------1 14 3 Bob Coombes --- 27 198 Te ria Ngh Mxeci Beaver John Coombes 24 197 'Bowling League would like tai Lumer----l~ 4 2' 1R. McRoberts - --- 27 194 express tersmah oM .iHardware ----11 '1!î 15 l½1/ B. Laird.,_------2 19 George Eliiott and family in I. G. A. - 8 19 8 IB. Konapackl 24 1941their recent bereavemnent. Sâeiby Grant 7 20 7 C. Carswell--_----- 27 1901 J. Mortensea 27 187i Standings, March 4, 1966 ' Averages T. Pleasance * 27 1851I AveragesNaeGmsA. ýD. Green--------- _27 1841Elton Brock ----- 27 238 Fd sie 27 24Ave DTnan------ -27 183<iObre----7 26iarry Plier--------- -27 248 Chester Mills ------- 27 183 'Joe Nowlan ~ 27 2M1 'Arri pehre------ 27 246 ýL. Tennant - ---- 27 182 Dick Perfect.------ 27 22!lOson ------264 B. Milis ---------- _27 180 Morley Etcher --- 27 21, IMauritz Anneart .-- 27 231 G. Shacen - ------ 27 180 Vince Prout 21 219 IRan Maynard ----- 27 231 G.Shcketn 7 19)Matt Harrison ---- 2 1215Russ Oke----- 27 230 Gor Wilcox---- 27 2l Elton Brock - 27 229 God Bab Richards 27 226 'Bob Glanville -- 27 213 Jh atr2 2 AI Lobh ---- 25 211 Dr.h. Cruner, ---27 224 N ight Haw k-s HilaBrock- 27 2.,8Dr. sH unle .-- 27 224 B w ngHarold Bnet_ 27 206 'Frank Sams ---- 27 223 B w igLew Welsh --------- 27 2041,ErankPerfec 27 222 Jim Bedford ---- 27 204' Mk Mu Prphy 27 222 Fcb. 28/66 Ken Nichais ----2 204 Mike upy 2 22 Teami Standings Howard Bromeli __ 27 202,Kr ie . -2 2 Jim Callan Sr. 27 220 3- Shenrer 9 Ladies ------ 2 1Dn Oke 24 922U J. Woodlock ---------21 High Single, Ruth Mitchell 280; Malt Harrison . 27 219 L. Woodcock -- -------------- 18 Fera Bradley 280 !Ab Saman . ----_ 27 219 B. Wilbur ------------------ 17 1iHigh Triple, Ruth Mitchell 650 !Lou Wiseman 27 219 M. Hodgsoa 15 e' Art Rawe - - 27 218 K. Carnpbelli--------- 12-------'1 George Stephen - 27 217 High Single-J. Shearer 269 High Single-Elbon Brock 378 Russ Haliman 27 216 High Triple-J. Shearer 6401 High Tiple-Elton Brock 825 Bill Westiake 27 216 Averages Triples Clarence Oke --- 27 215 J. Shearer 211, I. Wrigbt Morley Etcher 795, BobiNorm Heaning ---- 27 215 186, J. Luna 183, M. Hodgsoa Glanville 735, AI Osborne 726,LaurncPalm -.27 215 182, K. Campbell 177, J. Wood- Matt Harrison 725, Joe Now-Har Aey2 21 lock 170, C. Adams 167, D. Ian 707,' Lew Wclsh 698, Dick Davr eyKih 27 214 Mutton 167, B. Wilbun 166,L. Perfect 698, Vince Prout 631, Bda eanigh- 27 214 Woodcock 166, W. McNeil i63, JmBedford 624, GordWi-GogBee - 27 24 J. Rowe 163, B. Milîs 162, F. cox 623, Fera Bradley 605 Don Bagnel __ 27 21 Land 161, K. Raîston 158, D. Murray Grant 604. SiTei*2 li Sallows 157, G. Scott 155, J. Singles Jack Bond - 27 210 Mairs 153, L. Mutton 151, C. Lew Welsh 318, Bob Glan- Bob Williams ---- 27 209 Sarginson 150, M. Firth 148 ville 311, Morley Etcher 298- Frank Mohun..-- 27 209 V. Bartlett 148, A. Lorusso 144, 271, Joe Nawian 293, Matt Har- Maurice Richards.- 27 209* J. Haraess 144, D. Cochrane rison 280, Cec Mutbon 279, Ai Lowell MacDougal 27 209 142, V. Sarginson 138, E. Osborne 275, Elton Brock 270, Bruce Milne - --- 27 208 Coombes 133, B. Keith 133, 1. Vince Prout 265, Kea Nichais Stan McMurter 27 208 Turabuil 132, B. Beers 127, A. 264, Lamne Crago 263, Murray Bob Glanville 27 208 Perfect 126, D. Deweli 12.1, Joynt 257, Dîck Perfect 256, Don Bishop 27 207 L. Burgess 123, 0. Maifatb 122.1 pat Prout 255, Jim Bedford Alf Samelîs 27 207 200 Games 2,54, Roy Connors 249, Hap Fred Tbompson - 24 207 J. Shearer 269, 238; J. Rowc Palmer 242, Kay Blanchard Ted Bagnell- 24 206 220, I. Wright 220, J. Mains 241. Bihl Orme 27 206 218, C. Adams 210, 216; M.1 Team Standing. Bob Kent---_ 27 203 Hodgsaa 216, F. Land 211, K. Etcher --------------- 4 Jack Parker .-- 27 203 Raîston 207, K. Campbell 205, Wiîcox 43___ Harold Benett 27 203 A. Lorusso 204. Harrison 361BOb Lawton --- - 27 203 zzz zzz 36Howard Bromehi - 27 202 yoU h OW ,, E. Brock ___ 32ý in Glanville -------- 32 Yo th Bo lig out ----- 28 RED CROSS 27 AWY HR 1Whiehead 5, Byson 0O Perfect----------2 s AWASTHER Bradiey 5, Mutton 0O H. Brock -- - -- 25 e Aw Teain Standing Grant --- ----------- ---- ----- 17i WTY REL Bradley ------------------- Wilcox deieated H. Brock wTY U HL Bryson .. .............. 21:7-0, Prout 5, Lobb 2; Perfect Mutton-----------------..........20:5, Glanville 2; E. Brock 5, Whitehead--------.......-----8Grant 2; Etcher 5, Nowlan 2;' High Single - D. Bradley1 Harrison 4, Osborne 3. qn Tn T ..4.. 1_R_1 High Double - D. Bradley Corn aionTaks H ope'sMixed Major 335, D. Lewis 310. iC ro at*cn ak s oo ersFebruary 28th J. Sellers 5, Ayre 0, Chit- lb al Ballemn did fi again,itick 3, Firtih 2; D. Sellers 3, ?S alked away with the hikh Donoghue 2Sanin S e le s V valpsinglean high tripleofte Ta.Sndg 'S te p h e n "s W a llo pV VII)y t e night by ro]ling 319-252-233 for D, Sellers - ........1..... 36, a total of 804. AI Saman bad Chitbîck ....................28! a nice 307 and 247 for a 738 Donagbue----------------...... 25' triple. Doris JolI, nat ta be':Firthb-----------------....... 20' in Basketbail Playoffsout-bowled" by the men, J. Sellers---------------.......15, In ask tba l P ayo fstriple. Pete Dobbins had Ibrea 1 High Single - C. Ayre 209, Stiphen'Fuels virtually a- ega Bsebal cnet an Sl akdu a. good games ai 278-258-220 for J. Nimigon 207, J. Donoghueý sured themnselves of a berlh played at the High Schooli Hans Slrikwerda pickad up te total ai 756 pins. Shirley 201, S. Firth 200. in the finals, w a lIapi ng' gymnasium. 14 for the losing Jewcîlers,lBickell, iinally gelting some 'High Double - C. Ayre 398,1 Whybe's Upholstering 42-22 ta1 In the openar, aller being Jim Doucette hitting for len. ibreaks Ihis scheduhe bad a' J. Donogh'ue 3901, D. Sellersý graba hge 0 pintmarin led -6,Cornalon ove Ta he igbcap Wble' la719 triple consisling oi 258- 368, J. Bromeli 351, A. Chit-ý in tic opener of a two gamnel threc points in front at the! 7-3 a thequarter wiîh Ste3-22.V'!onr, th îk31 total-point semi-final series,ibaîf and doub'Ied the margîn p'hcn's laking over 15-10 at smashing thc pins down, rail- Junior Boys lasI Wednesday nighit. Coro-1'haading into the final quar- half-time and incrcasing . c 6 2 (2 42321), . Bck I Donteri3,huestonAams2;BPal-' nation downed Hooper's Jew- ter. Paul Fice lad the win- îead ta 13 points aittr 1eir64(2-1-1),J cuI e 3 rs ;Bu- ellers 36-28 ini the other Town ners with 13 points, w'ile Frank Sohil la i ha.649 (239-230), E. Perfect 6461meester 5, Staîker 0. ___________ ___ _______ ________ scrers(234-228), O. Patiield 645 1en tadn fo the nighî wit.h 18 points, (297), M. Annaert 628 (226-' Bouwmneester............ 35 C O F B O W LINKell and Tom 214), B. Buday 620 (233), M.tPaliner............... 9 C O F BO W L N G Pearsn each cllectedeigbt. Murphy 617 (230-204), J. Webb Adamis.......................... 26' For Whyle's Don Martin 612 (219-217), K. Bieal 607 Staiker ......................... 26; March 4, 1966 :99, V. Luka 99, S. White 99), picked up seven, Lyn Lowery(200),Rwrgt6521-Dnge. ......5 Fniday night it was Snow- D. McReelis 99, T. Alldrcad and Ron Martin notehiag iive 210), H. Dunn 295, F. Thom- Preston .................. . 4 dea 7-0 over Dakin, MacnabIR9, S. McLean 83, B. Hawkinslapiece. son 261, V. Coole 236, L. High Single - R. Bouw- 7-0 avar Brock, MarsihAl 5.2i80l, G. Dennis 81. ____________ Wright 227 and 202, H. Bal- meester 200, G. Palmier 181. I ver Wesbîake, Denncy 4-3, Team Standings.lnie25 .Anet22 ihDul .Bu over King and Prout 4-3 over'Macaab ....................... 40, I wil ba oannyuD gtin 2,1D.annG.rt 212, High DoubG. le er 357- D0. Wih 0 n .B B . m eston3 .Pamr 57 G if.tin. I niffin .......................... 37 2 0.B P es ou3 3 H. Snowden was high bowh-: Prout ............-... ...6..UJ ta Wright's teamn made sure ai i Senior Mixed Leauer e ih62triple, an i fc ................... 9 irst tplace for a whiie by tak-1 Colvihie 7, Caia 0; Etche Sten th witi 642gaedof ing................... «.269$, J0ing lhre points from Buday, 15, Good'win 2; Burns 7, Beau- 281. For the ladies C. RO- Dakin .........-....2....i5 Iiigte 8/ t.Jl re0 berts rolled 593 triple and B. Marsha'll ...............2.. 4 et a reasonabie rate got anc point irom Patfiild te 1 Team Standing Westake 240 single. Dennev ....................231 i kecp bbem ia second position.' Burns-----------------...........471 Ovai- 200 gaines were rolled, West"e ... ................ 201 of Intercit with 15 ½ý, Brock is third with Colvîle .........................42 by M. Malley 230, D. NolaniSnowden ...._........_. 20i To consolidate your 14 pts. b ut werc whitewashed Etchen .....................38 222, G. Prout 208, D. Dennis TpMe three games by Bickell's team Cain .....................28 217, W. Deaney 271, G. Mal-,bis or for any other I1. hv iepins ua odin....... 2 ley 205, N. Gibson 226, y,.!R. Brock .................... 217 i. runng ia fourth place Beauprie................... 13. King 274, R. Nolan 221, RIE. King ................ ... 217 worthwhlle purpose iwibh 13 points and Patfield HieI Single - J. Bennett' Westlake 233, 226, Roy Wood-IH. Saôwdea .............23 wiîh 11. 224-204, F. Burns 235, G. Bar-t ward 227, G. Marshall 276, 'B.* G. Prout................._... 2(15 H. Balicin heads the average1 ker 257, B. Colvili. 245-200,1 Poter 40 22 C.Roert 20,!R. Grlae ....f.......n. 0199; providing you are l with 260, E. Perfect 246, P. B. WeeIsI 226, S. Cai n2027, L. Woodcock 202, P. Buma: .Gifn .. .... ..Dobbias 236, AI. Saman 235. C. Bradley 218-215, R. Etcher; 212, R. Brock 232, E. Roberts Top Ladies steadly employed and H. Ballantine 233, D. Joli 233,1213, D. Lu»ton 220, A. Cragoi 246, V. King 229, N. MeLeanIB. Wcstlake ......... ..186 hv od rdt M. Annasert 231, H. Bnock 224,1207, M. Bra&iey 247. H. Mooreî 224. K. Snowden 262,LJ SmithIM. Malley ............... .d-c1edit. IF. Thomson 219, B. Buday 203, N. Goodwia 216, M. Hiate- 207. B. %Nout 223, 206. ýV. King ............._ 185 215, -M. Murphy 214, J. Murphy Iy 204'-209, D. Broc* 209.,- Lmàon Laqtue: F.. Prout 86,IC. Raberts . ............... 185, Telephone 723-Ml3 213. S. Bickeil 209, R. Wniht Porter 212. 5. Hawkins 96, J. Muenab 92,.F. Allen .................. 175j _Î20__________~. r and 0. Pat-'Hg Triple - B. Colvilleý Ma tegbamau40, MX Magabi l. .Woodcck _.- ~170 felO20.68,K mtUoeIy 607. For The Largest Sciection of TROPHIES - For Ail Sporting Events and Gifîs In Eastern Ontario ~4iJP The G. B. Company 356 Dean Ave., Oshawa Open Thurs. Evcningrs by Appointment 723-3961 EASTERN ONTARIO PLAYOFFS LITILE N.H.L.' HOCKEY 1 ATOMS - PEE WEES - BANTAMS MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANV1LLE Saturday, March 12 Starting et 8 &r. TEAMS FROM COBOURG, PORT HOPEZ AND BOWMANVILLE Prices For the Entire Playoffs Adults 50e - Students 35e ChIIdreu 5 'Il.

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