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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1966, p. 16

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16 The Canaian Statean, BowmanvMfe, M"r. 9. 1980 Great Changes Coming Dominion Stores Head Sa-Ys Refait' Food Industry On Threshold of New Era The Canadian retail food Industry is on the threslrold of a new and dynamic era af change and expansion, pre- dicted the head of a major food chain. Mr. Thoas G. McCorrnack, President of the 380-unit Do- minion Stores Limited, in an address an Wednesday, March 2, gave the Toronto Society of Financial Analysts a con- pelling insight into tihe vast mnarket changes ta ake place in Canada in the next 15 years. He cited the continued highej- tl-an average rate of popuation growth in Cana- dian urban centres as the root that will precipitate the vast change and growrtb in f ood retailing. Mr. McCormack gave ex- amples of this significant trend when be stated tihat the 21/ million population now living in the area froin Osh- awa ta Hamil1ton wiil increase 60 % to 4 milon people. By 1980, the City of Ottawa will have a Popiulation of 630,000 Stores Limnited bas played in the accelerated advancement of thbe Canadian food industry was illustrated by Mr. Me- Crm-ack, when he said, "in the period from 1950 ta 1965, Dominion had shown a sales increase of 557%, which is double the 279% achieved by chain grocery and combine- in food stores in the saine period.9t The food industry of the future and the coniplexity of supermianket operations was dealt witih in some detail by Mr. McCormack. "Recogni;- tion by manufacturer and re- taller" be said, "of the need for dloser co-operation in the total miarketing concept as partnens in distribution, plac- ed great demands on the peo- ple in the industvy". Management of Dominion Stores Limdited in the future, at ail levels, will be better managemnent, was a point st'rongly enipbasized by Mr. McCormrack. "It will be younger, better educated, bet- ter trained, fully crien ted ta the age of electronîcs and automation - and fully cap- able of building well on the foundation that past and pre- sent management bas laid", be said. Two-way closed circuit tele- vision as en aid to commiruni- cations and merchandising ef- ficiency, coupled witii a great increase in consumer research as well as engineering studies in the area of distribution were other examples of fu- ture devedopments refenved ta by Mr. McCormack. He also forecast there will be con- tinued growth in vaniety of pvoduct, by up ta 500 new or improved items eveny year. These forecasts of things ta corne in the future, some of which are already in process, Mr. McCormack pointed out, should serve Vo dispell any idea that the supermarket in- dustry bas reached or is near- ing a plateau. William Goodwin Gaodyear's necent Canadian expansion plans have spelled promotion for tbree executives at the Bowmanville Goodyear plant. It is neported elsewhere in this issue that H. Gardon MacNeill bas been elected a company Vice President and General Manager. Tire Pnod- ucts Division. This story deals particularly with two other executive changes. William J. Goodwin, produc- tion supeintendent at Bow- manville bas been appointed manager of the new Colling- ivnn] hnp n;int J2.k T Tâ- -an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wo inresea oer75. t'TkTeTTt1T E.MNan'. J.4c i.La -an nemse o ovr 7«/c . lNairs. orpersonnel managera Hestated the main popula- LaJ. KILL1 Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Bowmanville bas been appoint tion increases will be in On- Brooklin, wene Sunday visitons ed manager of the Bowman tario, Quebec and British Rev. Dougberty gave the af Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis- ville plant. Columrbia. second sermon af a series on ton. Goodwin's service goes bac As a resuit, intensified com- tbis year's Lenten Booklet. Mn. Karl Campbell, Sea- ta 1943« when he joined th petition for an increasing The Senior Choir's antbem forth, Ont., was a weekend bead office engineering depart share of the expanding an- was "Beautiful Promise" undr guest at 0. C. Ashton's. ment as a draftsman. Si nual f ood sales dollar witbout the direction of Mrs. «L. As - MisLsAstnsptteyer ltrbewn tat any real dciei tr ex- tnwt r. .MGl e MeekendisAtbe omsenafth elaer ewn toh pansion can be expected, ac- orgati. eed ai er fieed wonk "Asin tdelnei Ms H cGî a mpletion ofE Ifeld1 Fk codig a n.Mcçarmack. The first study group period. in Public Healtb et Brighton,ý N "stelarge get largen"' he was beld at the Manse on Ont., and retunned Vo Univer- stated, "theve will be a con- Sunday evening. "Disciples sity af Western Ontario in Mns. Dermot Anscott, Cour comitant growth ofaisaller Hene and Now" is the study London Vo nesumne ber studies. ice, was guest speaker fo food stores operating as en- book and Rev. Dougherty is Mn. and Mns. C. Avery, the Marech meeting of th irancbised agents or volun- leadîng the study and discus-Lid an JonacmpieEfedUCW.bdMa Tany ajornropsDomin ion. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Jobnston 2nd in the church. Mvs. Ai The ajo rae Dmino Mtber's Fellowship enter- and David, Bowmanville, ta scott gave a most intenestin ___________________tained their busbands ta a Pot Bobcaygcon hospital on Sun- account of llue in Jamaie .uck supper at the Community day ta visit Mrs. C. Avery Sr. where she taugbt bigh scbo( UR CO T Hall on Satunday night. Re- and wene dinner guests ai Mn. for four yeans befone manny FUR C À&TS mainder of the evening was and Mrs. Louis Johnston, îng Rev. Arscott. They sen at spent in card playiiig. Lindsay. Lab d on Vwo sepanate changes« Mrs. Keith Cryderman ad Mns. LreLmbsetaJaMaica before comingt C HILDS' girls, Zion, spent the weekend few days with friends at Courtice United Cbunch c]i CH iwitb er parents M. and Mrs. Fenelon Falls. cuit i 1965. lustating he LADIES" WAEAR 1 L. Stainton. R.R anndn Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, talk witb colored slides, Mr Agent for: family were visitons with Mns. Jim Kinsman, and famiîy, tune of the industries, way FPrrier Mabel Rowan and Annie, Yel- were Sunday callens at Mn: ai life and geognaphy of th! Primrose Frir verton. and Mns. Fred Biliett, Scar- tropical island. 1978 Weston Rd., Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNair, borougb. Mn. Billett bas just Our president, Mvs. Fne WestonOt. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thompson, returned fnom hospital necent- Samis also weleomed the Er PP501 and Lonne, Mns. William ly. niskillen and Burketon U. Pýhone 623-5501 McNair, Stoufiville, wene Sun-, Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Andter- W.s. Mrs. Lloyd Asbton, Er day visitons at Mn. and Mrs. son and Alene, Oshawa, Miss nîskillen, gave a challengin -Elsie Oke, wene Sunday dinner devotional on Missions, chocý guests at A. Bnunt's. rniîg as ber text Mattbew V kIFAIP...' ~Mn. and Mrs. Jim Muller 18-. Mrs. J. A. Tunnbu' SPE IAL NEW and Dannyl, Oshawa, Mn. and and Miss Berniece Grac( S ~............. ~ ~. Mns. Ron Clemens, Brenton Bunketon, sang two pleasin ,.and Brad, Hampton, wene duets, "The Old Rugge f or ...f Sunday dinnen guests et E. Cross" and "Near the Cross, JWright's. accompanied by Mms. A.1 J IMr.. and Mrs. Keitb McGill Ribcy. Clubs and and boys were visitons at Mn. Lunch was served by th i ~ <.,. and Mns. Onville Lunn's, Peter- Mary Gnoup and a social chi bonougb. chat was enjoyed by al O ganiatinsMn. James A. Wenny, Mr. Bintbday gneetings wr u _____and Mrs. H. J. McGill were Vo Mns. R. B. Simpson. Mr. ~ ~ iiiast Tbunsday dinner guests ai Gea. Irwin thanked those w] We have recently ~ j~ Mns. Sadie Billett, Hampton. took part, and Mrs. Turnbul received aÇ\ a Mr. and Mns. Allan Wenny Burketon, and Mns. L. Stain and family had Sunday tea ton, Enniskilen, on behaîfc M.and Mrs. Grant Werny appreciatian. A most enjoy of.....1> and iamily were Suinday tea able aiternoon was brougbtt guests at C. Stainton's. a close with prayon by Ren Miss Ruby Vintue, Toronto, M. Dougbenty. and Mns. R. Vintue and Judy, wene weli attended lest Sun T R O P Hr1 E # Mrs. Eerl Masters. Cindy and day. Rer. Mary Dougbent Trent, Bowmanville, Mn. and intnoduccd ber sevies ai Len sporîngMns. H. J. McG!li, Mn. James ten sermons ciroosing "Para suitable for every sotn A. Wenny, were Setunday dise" for the first of the sei evening dînnen guests at Mnr. ies. The Junior choir please event. and Mrs. R. Virtue's, occasion ail with their anthem "Coin ai little Judy's founth birtb- Over on the Lond's Side". day. Congratulations Judy. Donald Giffin led in th Mn. and Mns. N. E. Wright, apeing exercises for Sund-a accompanied Mn. Herbent! Sohool and Teresa and Bevet Wright, Janice and Linda, who'ley Smith took up the collec m5 0/o O F F vsited friends in Toronto on tion. Wrhile Superintender Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Bownran playe Mn. and Mrs. L. Weern, wereDo Loi' rerd "a FORYOR CUBNEES ONTCTcallers at A. M. Weann's, Donth We'sAgrc or Vil FOR YOUR CLUBNEEDS CONTACTClaremont, and also called on wth eenAes frt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson, classs and adults. the [unic US AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE of Shirley.clse enjoyed filin stripso Mrs. Rager Lowe and Kath- India, Japan and Switzerlan ryn, Mn. Joe Switzer, and son, shown by Mrs. Alan Taylc R 'SOhio, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd and Mvs. G. omn Petbick and Bill, Scerborug, Mns. Edgar Prescott an .H 0 0E R I wer viitos wih M. S.R. rs-Wilfrid Bowman attend JEW LLE Y GIT SOPPetbick and visited Mms. S. R: cd Worid Day af Prayer sei JEWELERY GIFTSHOPPethick et the Nursing Home, vic(es in Enniskilien. Bowmanville. Mns. Petbick is We were s0 pleased to knoý PHONE 623-5747 stili împnaving. that tihe new Senior Publ 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE i Mrs. Don Wearn and fam- School for Darlington Towr ily, Dundas, is visiting this ship was named for Mr. Mei week with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. vvYn Hobbs. a former nativ Wearn. son and sohool teacher ai Er field. Our sincene congretul. ian, Mn. Hobbs. Congratulations ta Mar Simpson for receiving firh class honours in the recer Looking for an investment that offers GaeVIPaoea-n Plus xtrations, and Vo Malcolm Simp $ecurity PlsExr lnterest? son ior receiving first clas honours in Grade I Thea. and bonouns ini Grade V Piano. We were also pleasei Vo see four pupiis from th Bradley's Section in bonou standing in their piano exaii -Katharine and Susan Vie( simp INTRERfBrenda Yellowlees and Gran nerof hetownship. Keepu WITN TlOROmN-DOMINION, the good wonk, cbildnen. We undemstand Garth Da vey is concenned that Grand DEU l l DOPa Pascoe isn't s0 bright lt lrno rm Éw Evidently at, a e wrong Wallace? Is it a cas ai being a littie too kmin Avoulable in convenient amounts from $10 to $50,000 mhh iuTitio olit e te t Deepeet aipathy is re at nt- in- rt- ;ix lie .Jack Taylor technical service section of the air-foam operation in New Toronto. In 1960 he moved ta Bowmanville's engineering de- partment and a year later he was transferred into the devel- opment department. He spent a brief time as quality contrai manager, until his appointment to the production superinten- dent post in 1963. Like Goodwin, Taylor was born and educated in Toronto. 1After five years in the Cana- dian Army in World War II, he became a member of the production squadran in 1946. Taylor was a member of the squad for one year then joined the efficiency department, where he.remained until 1961. That Year he moved ta Bow- manville as personnel manager, a position he held until his >present appointment. IELD r-ý Whitby, visited last Sunday for with Mr. and Mmfi. Les Coch- te rane and Ralph. rh Mrs. T. Taylor returned r- 'home Saturday after spending 1g several weeks in Toronto. ica Mr. and Mm. Rae Cowling, 'ai Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs, ry Neil. Smith, Columbus, vi.sited ry with Mrs. R. Griffin. in Mr. and Mrs. H.artm'an, En- .to terprise, visited with Mr. and r- . Allan Tayloir. er 1\1. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bow- v.isited with Mr. and Mrs. .Harold Beamish, Thornton's 3Ws Corners, and Mrs. Norman bi Stinson, Fairview L o d g e, Whitby. rd Mr. and Mrm. Herb Owens n - and family visited friends; in r..Trenton last weekend. E'n Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simnpson. ig Philadelphia, U.S.A., spent the os weekend with Mrs. Lorne 28: Simpson and Don. ýulMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith ce, and family visited the Art ig Stablefords at Cresswell near Little Britain. "Mrs. Fred Smnith, Brooklin, E. and Mrs. Ted Leahy, Port Perry, visited with Mr. and te Mrm. Lloyd Smith. lt- ______________ ig. [rg BURKETON il, Mr,. and M.m. Aldeoda Dig- in- nard, Oshawa, with bis bro- of ther, Mr. and Mrs. Deiphis eir Dignard. Dy- Mr. and Mrs. David Gat- to cheil, Osthawa, Mr. and Mrs, ev. John Stephenson, Orono, Mrs. James Gatcheil, Mr. and Mrs. W1 Ken Vickery with Mr. and in- Mjrs. A. C. Stephenson. ty MT. and Mrs. Harry McKee en- and farnîly, Oshawa, called ra- on Mrs. Raymond Davey. er- Mrs. Jack Smith spent Fni- ;d day in Lindsay. mie Mrs. Raymond Davey aiso enjoyed the bus trip Vo Lind- tie say on Friday. ly Several attended the auc- er- týion sale at Mr. Chas. Wil- ce- son's on Saturday. ent U.C.W. meeting for this 7d month was scheduled foi Iks March Sth. or on OBITUARY lrCHRISTOPHER ROBINSON id The death of Chr-istopher -d- Robinson, Bowmanville, aged er- 88, occurred sud'denly at the Lodge Nursing Home, New- oW castle, on Thursday, Febnuary )ic 24 , 1966. vn Son of the late John Robin- pr- son and Mary Wright. the de- ive ceased was bomn at Garstang, '~England, where lhe receiw'3 h is education. In 1-910 bc married Jessie E. Ireland, ikwho predeceased him sevena] nst years ago. a- n Mr. Robinson had resided 'P coming here f-rom,,England. 9-' He was an employee of the 'y Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. VI plant biere for 39 years, retir- - ing 15 years ago. He %vas a te member of S t. John's Angli- Lin can Chuircb. nS Mn.Robison is surviveýd by ce to sons, Gilbert I. Jones, tit Sault Ste. Marie, and Clyde for Robinson of Toronto. or- The funeral, service ws uP held from the Morris Fuirera] Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sat- a- urday, Febrruary 26t-h, and i-was conducted by Rev. K.*J. e- F'ramptari of St. John's Angli- encan bhich. Interment 'was Of iiiBowmanvflle Cemetery. It' Amoxig the lovely floral tri. Rsý butee, evidence of the esteeni idf in*ich the deceased4 *as to lield, was one £rom The Cen- red ada -Métal Co.. Ltd, PeUlbeam~s were Messrs. pe, Jeln and WIE iam . re14nd, ton Jack Mi]ne, Gemorge Jlackson, Jack Cameron and Bernard Mon ey Saving Feafures Richmello Smooth 40-oz. Jar PEAN UT BUTTE R 85c Scotian Gold Choice APPLE JUICE- 48-oz. Tins 3 for 89C1 Liquid 64-oz. Container JAVEX BLEACH 43c 24c Off Nescafe lO-oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE $159 Coronation Bread and Butter 24-oz. Jar Sweet Mixed Pickles 43c Quick or Instant QUAKER OATS Hostess POTATO CHIPS Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 36-oz. Pkg. 37C 13-oz. Pkg. 69c 48-oz. Tin 39c Nu Milk Instant 3-lb. Pkg. POWDERED MILK $1.15 Chocolat. - Strawberry - Vanilla - Lemon 33/ oz. Pkgs. WHIP. 'N CHILL 2 for 59C FRESH MEATY PORK SHOULDER FRESH FULL CUT BUTT ROAST PORK FRESH CU BUTT PORK CHOPS SIMCOE BRAND RINLESS BREAKFAST, BACON CHOICE MEATY SIDE SPARE RIBS ONTARIO No. 1 GRADE COOKING ONIONS FLORIDA GROWN --- SWVEET JUICY VA-LENCIA ORANGES, GARDEN FRESH ESCA-ROLE 'FLORIDA, GROWN BED» RIPE LUSCIOUS S TRAÀ-W-B.E-RR1 E S - ALL MERCHANDISE IS5 GUABANTEED TO VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING, SATURDAY, 1, Frozen Food Features Domino French 2-os. *Pkg,' FRUED POMAMES 49C Domino Fancy 10-os. Pkgu. GREEN BEANS 4for89c Dominion Pink or White LEMONADE Rupert Brand Halîbut FISH & CHIPS 6-os. Tins 4 for 49c 20-os. Pkg. 169C Bakery Features Country Girl 20-os. Size APPLE PIE 3for$1.00 Richmello Sliced and Unslieed 24-oz. Loaf CRUSTY BREAD 23c Domino CHERRY CAKE 12-os. 39C Household Needs Floral Flake BACH FOAM PILLOWS $1.00 Breck - Regular Price $1.89 HAIR SET MIST 99c, 3 lb. POLY BAG LGE. SIZE 53,à 63 l 79 l 95 l i 59 d Heads 3 PT.c BOX 3e GIVE 10e% SATISFACTION. MARCH 12, 1966 IN BOWMANVILLEC WE.RESERVE. THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES OPEN THURSDAY <m'd FRUDAY NIGHTS "fil 9 P.M.' * . A' SYo'r RED CROSS ïs a+Todai, + be Rudy f«r Tomorreèw, VM <AàD£Mfl 3nel- Se. Y our Toronto I and Oshawa Papens f«s Additonal Food Specials w ~ ~ ~ ~ M m - w WMW WU- W -- - - -l Goodyea r Promotions UNI. yo. flhiiNationafly Advutiud Brmnds at DomifioaL..Yom inako LOOK FOR TNEE FAMUS I UA: oom. U1GUU. SDONUGU, COUNTU CLUB. HILLTOP. 8VUPIONY. ENCMMUTENT, UEUCUUY LED o «M . XCUISN.AI.OuINIGN FAVOUIITS -I Fresh Young Ontario Pork ROASI Fresh Pro duce Features - 1 ý-1 IENUE fi

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