'Pëect Pet for Your Kids**. Not Mine! -On Tiuesday, The Statesman office had a distinguished young visitor from Africa xvho last week became a resident of Bowmanville. Keith Connell, owner of Bowmhanville's famous Zoo and his two children Karen, 6, and Tom, 7, ac- companied the newcomer . . . a 16-week-old African leopard. After the staff had corne out of their hiding places, several of us were talked into holding the b«ýautiful animal in our arms, like an over-grown cat, and it appearc-d to be Evjoying the attention. The Zoo acquired two leopards this year, the first they have had, and Mr. Conneil has named them Cleo and Pat. Pat is shown here with the Conneil children. Lease Land from Church Town Council Planning ýNew FireHait, Police Sf n. Jill Raze ShedpumpHOUSe VOLUME 112 Clarke Clerk- Wants Hearing On Dismissal At the meeting of Clarke Township Council held last week, H. E. Milison, whose duties as Clerk-Treasurer for the munîcipality may end on March 31st, requested a pub- Lie hear.ing on the matter of bis dismnissal due to the fact that council bas not given any reason for it. Mr. Milîson made bis re- quest under the provisions of the Municipal Act, and asked that a hearing be held on Saturday, March l2th, at two o'clock. Up to the time of going to press today the Statesmnan was not able to confirm that council had de- cided to hold this bearing. Five Applicants Five applications for the position -of Clerk-Treasurev and Tax Collector for the Townshi.p of Clarke bave been received by the Township of Mr. Gerard.ers -Verevey 01 Bowniýanville. requesting ",a salary somewhere a roun d Mr. W. Gra'ham Dallas, Hampton, presently treasurer of Darlington Township, re- questing $7,500. M.r. Gordon Simpson, Orono, forýmer secretary Orono Police Trustees, requesting $5,300. Mr. Donald M. Tofflemiere, Lindsay, 16 years ini the field of assessment, requesting $6,500. Mr.' J. Nagorski, Fort Wil- liam, accountant with muni- cipal experience. New Lawyer 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MABCH 9, 1966 ocPer Con7 Port Perry Ambulance Refuses to, Corne to Cartwr*gýht- Accident Tended by passers-by, Mrs. Daphne Gillis, of Pontypool, lay injured beside Highway 7A for almost an hour Saturday night before an ambulance came to pick her up. Her seven-year-old daughter was seri- pusly injured in the crash. Ab 'ove the wrecked car at the junction of 7A and Scugog Road, Mrs. Gillis' small Prwent out of control on the slippery road and rolled over several times. -Oshawa Times Photo Lions Entertain at Annual Ladies' Nîght T1he Bowmanville Lions Other miembers of this corn- CIub's annual Ladies' Night mittee were Art Oswald, Ray was a great success. Bruce Dilling, Glenn H o d g s o n, Lush was the chairman of the Johnny Seto, Jim Frank, Ken committee in charge of a.r- Kelly. Bob Evans, and Roy rangements for the successfulý Turner. event, which was held at the 1Teha al a eu Lions Community Centre on Teha al a eu Satu.rday epening, Feb. 26th. tifully arranged centrepiece 1_______ ___ of yellow and white chrysan- FREE TOT SKATING There isn't mueli time leit before the Mernorial Arena closes for the season, but local arrangements bave been made te give the tiny tots some last minute free skating. For the next two Mondays, from 3 te 5 o'elock in the afternoon, tels w~ilI be ad- mItted without charge. themums, and the other1 were centred with lovely low daffodils. Each lac: ceived an attractive cup saucer. There were a] number of fine door1 for lucky winners. Lionis Club President Leslie presided. Otherse hýead table were Mrs.1 His Worship, Mayor Hobbs, Mrs. Hobbs, Bill (TURN TO PAGE TWC Canva ssers.Al S$et For -Red Cross Drui f 1 th meeting of Town jm g I gAU hamber on Monday evening, M inembers of the Court of Re-ý a it te Co r The local rnho -tedy *vision were appointed as fol- r Hugh E. Fleming Q.C. Canadian Red Cross Society Livi lows:, Chiairman, Councillor'1 HELD IN BO1V1MANVLLE O odyo h~ wwill hold their annual eanvass T Glenholme Hughes, Deputy MOrn St, 166 H sad Mr Kir wa drîîngfor funds in Bowinanville on b leee WeleyFiee Conci6or He car frm Tronto o Per-iv Hugli E. Fleming, a native of Wednesday, March 16th. Mr.o Anne Oe, ounillr E J. Forer ownthekJc arbo ro oronodealer. Wifndsor, began to practice law Wm. Wallis reports that allIso Anni Ok, Cunello E.J. ormr Twn CerkJac boougi fr adeaer.in Bowmanville in association in readiness for the blitz and "Pl Rundie and Councillor James Reid with bis counsel, Terence, Gerald Murray Heath, rep-1with Miss Apha I. Hodgins. In hie and the Branoh executive Wir Bourke.I Kelly, Q.C., appeared briefly!resented by W. D. Bark, Peter-j future, the firmn will be known are most grateful for the help T Two by-laws were passed and was remanded one weekýborough, pleaded guîlty to as Hodgins and Fleming. given iby the fcllowingc citi- vasý b7, Council. No. 1962 author- for sentence. icareless driving February 20thl lzes the sale of industrial land aiad Kiaed 72'btntgittofingo1 iMr. Fleming was educated zens who are acting as area wit with a 470 foot frontage to Norwood, charged with care-,maintain brakes in good work-j0in Windsor high schools, Bisb- captains: Its etPret h the Locke Brothers for $1,500. less driving February lth,.ing ordcr. The first charge o' College Sehool, Lennox- Mrs. Murray Tabb, Mrs. Wm. arcz By-Law No. 1963 authorizes was fined $25 and costs, or fîve! resulted in a fine of $50 and ville ebecr o yal Miad af Clis, Mrs. C. Jesn, Mrs. inc Aniendment No. 3 to tbe 0f- days. $15 costs, or seven days, and Csgolle Hlefr wyas ald at . Coiss, Mrs. S. me, rs mn, ficial Plan wbich incorporatesI Corporal J. Wood, Opp, toldthe second five dollars andIoodhe alln12 r. H asLdW . ca, Mr. F. Griffn,- I new road and land use, and! Magistx'ate R. B. Baxter that .cOsts, or an additional three t h a n12.Mr. L. Luvas, Mr. D. Munt- cwh the establishment of a policy he was northboLind oni High- days. i lFe practised in Windsor joy,MrC.vsM.JMu-ci for granting consents in rurallway 35 at the curve north of Constable Clinton, OPP, with bis father until 19411 and urban areas of the Bow-1the Orono eut-off when he ,Wallaceburg Detachmcent, testi- when lie enlîsted with the'I manville Planning Area, a obevd r. K ks ca pul ie tht e wsesbound on.RCAF. In 1945 he was dis- I y-ell as re-zoning. jout to pass where there ivasHighway 401 when he noticed,1charged with the rank of iits a d Ris Worship, Mayor Ivan ýa double sojid centre line. This'in his rear view mirror, a car1 Squadron Leader and set up t a i Hobbs stated that acopy etthe 'causeci a southbound station gaining on him in sucli a the practice in Amherstburgi Salvation Army's Centennial wýagon- to veer off onto theimanner thiat he xent off ontothat he has operated until SPRING - Mrs. Gloria Si (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ishoulder to avoid a coIlision.ý tTURN TO PAGE FIFIEEN> (TURN TO PAGE TWO) reports seeing a robin last First Sea Ranger Crew Ot Où ?esday evening at Newcastle Communityj Sterks, Guide CapI. Mr-. IHoward Quinney, and Capt. I '!IAU, higt9ry was made when the first crew of Sea Mrs. James Dean took part ini the unpressive cere- I plangers in ýDurham District was enrolled and pre- mony that was witnessed by members of isI and Weted WIth piýis. They are, from left to right, Skipper 2nd conipanies o! Guides. The crew wil be calIed, Kr.Gordon Garrod Jr., Candy Storks, Beverly Ric- "S.R.S. St: Laurent." Unfortunately, ties and some Porella Lancaster, Eleanor McCracken, Lynda other items of uniforms had flot arrived in tine -for l"ý» w&dBeth .PowelLDistrict Comisoe Mrs. Wmn. the enrollment. [cuioauny y, Mr. H. Davey, Mr.J. ring, Mr. W. Bagnell. The village of Orono will canvassed during the week March 14-19 under the pabe leadership of Mrs. n. Grady. rhe rural areas will be can- Lsed throughout the month th Mr. Ron Brooks in arge of the Maple Grove ea, Mr. W. Brown in Cour- ýe, and Mrs. P. G. Newell the Shýaw's school area. Pl1e a s give generously hen the volunteer canvasser Es on- you. 6PÜiecesI ith of Sunset Terrace st Wednesday. Spring must be not so far away. We also have noticed several golf ers warming up their clubs and muscles. t el t t t CONFUSION - Recently, this paper notified the general public that there would be no more Paper Drives by Boy Scouts. On Monday, District Com- missioner Bruce MacDonald advised that someone had erred because they hope to start the drives again in May with the town being split into several districts. t ~ t t HASSLE - The Parliament of Canada is once more in a state of complete confusion and uproar, following recent events. About all that can be said on the subject at the moment is that it is a mixed up mes s with no apparent cure in sight. FORUM - Tonight in Oshawa, the Central Ontario Regional College Council will present their case f or establishing a Community Coliege in the Oshawa area. An anonymous donor has offered to give 60 acres of land for the project. A former Oshawa man, Dr. Howard Kerr, now Principal of Ryerson, will answer questions put to him by the panel. i. i. . i. i TAXES. Almost every municipality in Durham has been hit hard, by proposed budgets from Durham District High School Board, although to date in Bowmanville, counicil has not discussed the subject openly. Port Hope probably will be faced with at least a 1-mili increase,, Clarke with 14 milîs due *to an additional jump to take care of Public School requirements. It would appear at the moment that ail municipalities will have te raise taxes considerably. There is no end to it,, is there? t t+ i t. t FLORAL - Next Wednesday an effort will be made here to stimulate sufficient interest axnong residents to form a Horticultural Society in Bow- manville. The meeting will be held at the Lions Centre at 8 p.m. If you are interested in s.ucb a project, possibly in,~ connection with Centennial, Year, better be there te discuss the projeet. Als6, the Chamnber of Commerce wW1d be* interested in heareg any suggestions from citi2ens concern- mg ohrio&i*neziial projects i -tw, tablesl [y yel- iy re- p and àso a "Couldn't Refuse a Cail" at theAmbUlaflCe Owner CIim Leslie _____________ Iva* Don Harvey, owner of made te hlm. Il- Bowmanville Area, Ambu- Mr. Harvey statel emp*, D)'Taxes J ump lance Service, is moat auxious tically that-lf s - -_ 1 te clear up any misunder-. bal been' nem stnigresultlng from au ateiy of.the aoold=, ù, I n Cia ke Twp. accident report lu The Oshm- woul hv be awa Times on Mondai', cf delai'. As il W014.0"e tbto The report stated> that Mns. eall had bepa re4mivIr Education levies for prop- Daphne Gilis, .38, of Pont'- they were a b aa erty owners in Clarke ýTown- pool and lber 7-year-old about 20, -e ship will be up substantially daughter Sandra, senlousli' was -over 'pfI55 W this year due te the amounts Injured in an accldent Satur- tue luJe4 'e~ a Ve requîred for both Secondary day evenlng at. tue Junctioit bore iniaoie Schools rdPb~ hos ggàmy iA a"dgeUgOi; crease of approximately 12 inills. Clarke Township Council bas been notified by the Dur- ham County District Hligh School Board that it will need $138,096.25, an increase of $41,613.90 over the amount re- quired last year. This means an increase of about 10 mills in the High Scbool rate alone. jThe Clarke Township Pub- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Little NHL Playoffs Here This Saturday, the Arena wiil be busy front early mornlng until late at nlght, with the annual Little NHL hockey playoffa. Atom, Pee Wee and Ban- tam teams will be here from Port Hope and Cobourg te play for the Eastern Ontario Championship. Local teamus will of course aise be ln the competition. The winners will go on te Midiand, durlng the Easter holidays for the Ontario finals. Last year, Bewman- ville had three teame in the finals and they wili be at- tempting te 'epeat that achievement on Saturday._ Road, lay luln te oelfe aimout an' heur before an ambulance arrivel. The re- port Indicated that, becauise ne agreement bal been m~ade with, Cartwright Township, the ambulance owner frorn Port Perry. refused te conte .ethelb seene, aithouih re-. peated pibené cails wero_ once the P lanceha repqo M.- crcurslao, lc r uatd hé Juil c.Uldtet- Wlth bl. 'e1fh#4uêp te the ausistanos et a* or InJred i Approves Agremn For'New, Cemert Platit A By-Law autbcrizlng an. *greement witfh th>e St. Mary's Cernent Comipany regarding regulations was passed and niusbered 2322 at the meeting of IYrlington Township Couneil held in the Townchip Hall, Hampton, on Thuredrny atternoon. Reeve A. L. Ulan- chard p'residedý, and ail mem-' bers of the co'uncil were pre-. sent. By-Law No. 2320 to repeal. By-Law No. 2308 cleeling with pits and quarries for clarifi- cation was given three read- ings arid tpassed. Byj-Law No. 2321 to regulate the opera- tions of pits and quarries within the Township was aise passed. A fourth Byý-Lam iwws I sed at this Meeting C!, CO.-c Thbis was Nô. 2323, to adoM estimates, set tax rat.e,, ii autiiorize Meihods-4zid,"=m of colcos Dçpuit.y Reve EH.C. MuI move tjat Bond Accounte airnoÜntlng' to $11,430.34 as approved by.the lRoad COPI <TURN T6,PAGE.T1'wo)> *CEMENT PETITIONS The Botter Doveloprneul Vommttee adviseu 4 t a l* nares, on the petltimn pro- testlng land' rezoinr t1for cernent plwt "ta*stilh1 recelved up to Mreli à, at th. istores rnentloned ta the IMvertlsement Ilut, weoI Congratulate New President mee Prom -uawo Formed in District 6