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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1966, p. 2

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvfile, Mar. 9, 1966 Discussed at Annual Meeting Gambeeides to Continue Annual Santa Claus, Parade Because of Its Great Popularity -:Wllfrd McMechan w m s license bern ti 2 est.ablish- elected President cd! tht Bow- ment. I supported t at the n*uriUe Chasuber o! Coin- Urne o! tht plebiscite, and -I mm acclamation et tht support it now. wigl attended annual dinnen Pregident McMeehan stated nmtilng o!ft organization that ht is aise in favor o! held a the Flying Dutobiman the Cement Comipany tint is ?dotor Hotel last Wednesday te lie located ntanby. "I fail e*ning. President Bert SYer ta sec wiiy any business mari prasidd. wouid net support the Cernent Othen officers ltcted for Plant pnojt.ct. It may lie a the coning-ycan wene Vice- stimulant te brng more good Preaident Fred Tippins, Sec- business lient," he sid. retary-Treasurer Mrs. R. A. "The St. Mary's Cernent Fimnk, Directors, W. B. Syer, Company is a good, old, weli- Dan 3iiigan, Jack T. Taylor, cstablished firin, and it wil Carl Biekeil, Jamets A. Bell, givc us prestige," President Art Hooper, Bob Lawtan, MêMechan stated. OUithliert McDonald, Ketn Tht newy tlected president PUrdy, Don MacGregor, aise asseted that titre is a George Stephens. great rieed for mort plants ta Thie ebove siate of officers Bewuranville. Hte added thot was presented by Mn. Bell, there is mnuch apathy amang Chainman a! tht Nominating tht citizens regarding de- Conittet. As tibere were velopment. not. any ther nominations "This apathy la proliably frein the floor, Mn. Bell mev- because bal! tic people wark ed Its adoption. This was et Generai Mators ti Oshawa. seoonded by Glenn Lander This ta good, although it aise mid unanimmusly carried. bas disadvantages. We wouhd Those at tht bead table ike te have ail locaily cm- were the 1065 Pnesident, W. ployed. 33. Syer, Mrs. Syer, Mn. and "We need mare plants here;' Mis. W il! r ed MeMeoh an, Couacil bas two nepresenta- Counicillor James Bourke, tives prescrit tonight. I tbink Cliairman e! tht Industrial we must work ciosély witb Commission, Mrs. Bounke, and TwnCnc.Iwlhoai thtC. ! C ScrtaryTres-in my power te sec that we tirer Mrs. R. A. Frank, and do. People attending this thie guest speaker, Enatst P. meeting bave collectiveiy Chiassesi. the largest investinent and In1 i acceptarice speech tht assessmerit in thet comnnunity, in4wly elccted President, Mn. so should bave a fair volet in MoMéchan gave a new slogan council. to, tht Chanîben ofConmerce f~1966: "Boost Bo'wnanville President MeMechan agneed It~sGoodFor ou!"with the statemnent o! tht -"I harte been a citizen e! guest speaker, Ernest Chias- M2)wmanv2lIe by choice for son regarding tht Importance ive years. In that tinie I bave Of united effort. "Rememben scta terri!fic improvements my slogan for 1966 is: Boost hene, the Liquor Store and Bewmjonville, It's Good For three ncw Supemmarkets have You!" Presîderit McMechan gant up, and now we are go- said ti conclusion., jing te bave a dining roam Fred Tippins introduiced the, BY SHIP... BY AIR... ANYWHERE We're ready ta handie your itinerary ta any part of the country or the ivorld. Even if you're not sure where ta go, we'll lhelp yau decide! I i guest speaker. H-e sa:a trot Mr. Chiasson was bora in New Brunqwick and graduat- ped trom Sacred Heant Col- lege, Bathurst, N.B. Ht spoke o! Mn. Chiassor s carter ini hotti mnragemenit and stateà that he bad been tht maria- ger o! tht Montreal Conven- I tirn and Visitons Bureau for severai years before joining tht Cariadian Chamblen o! Commence iri 1962. Stict 1964 Mn. Chiassown has been the Ontario Representative of the Cariadian Chamber of Com- merce. Prior te bis address Mn. Ohiasson presenttd a motion picture on the Canadlian Ghamben o! Commerce. Ern- ,est WesseUs was tht projece- tionist. Tht Charnier of Commerce isa dm rt organizatiori and the authority af the Board of! Di-actons is confer- red on it by the members, Mr. Chiassan told tht meeting. "Day ta day busineslie- tween meetings ta carried on by this board, which sotaks and acts for tht members, and sametinies delegates authority te a camnîtttt. Amy citizen who suliscnibes te tht belief!s ANNUAL MEETING of the (OMMUNITY MEMORIAL HIOSPITAL Port Perry, Ontario will be held in the MUNICIPAL OFFICES, PORT PERRY ON WEDNESDAY EVENING - AT 8 P.M. MARCH 23rd, 1966 A cordial invitation is extended to al residents of our Hospital Community ta be present to answer any questions relative to the building programme in connection with the new Community Hospital planned for Part Perry. Refr.shments wiIl be served. of tht Charrben of Commerce la eligible for memrshiip and rnay eventu'ally become a dir- ector. 1"Eadi direetor le a partnrie in the C. o! C.'. wonk in giv- mng leadership and uetking te imrprove tht econornic wtl- fane o!ftecomrnunîty and district. Tht ultimate goal ta; ta boave taeh member active- ly engaged on the teani. A f ew hard workcing men con acconplisi xnuoh, but al members must participate ta ensure succs. "It la wtse te have a sche- dule of activitits planntd fer tht present ln thet ligbt of toarrow's needs. A murvey could be oonducttd through, tht membens ta obtain ideas. Req'uest tht pres toask for suggestions tram tht genrnai publie. "The Cbanber o! Commerce should co-operate oompletely with Town Ceuneil, and isa maintain contInuous liaison with council, the Royal Car- adiari Legion, and service clubs. "By se doin.g tht C. o! C. wilil be tht co-ordinating force and thus ensure that there will net lie aay aven- iapping in plans or activities. Your own programi muet bei well baiarictd with short terii as weil as long termnactivities. Mr. Ohiasson sald lit was surprised te learri that tht Bowmanvi.lle Cbarnber o! Cormerce dots flot bave mn Agicultural Comirnittte. Thisi towa le a focus point for ani agicultural anea, be said, andi he adviscd tht local Chaimberi o! Commerce that tht forma- tion o! auch a comriittet wauld have distinct advmn- tages. "Motivation is vitally im- portant, and you bave tht excellent motive of working ta make your Chamber o! Commerce a vigorous, inde- pendent body which will lie actively enge.ged in promet- mng tht successtul future of Bowrnanville," Mn. Chiasson said. Director Art Hooper moved a vote o! thanks ta Mr. Chias- son fer bis address, and en- dorsed his opinion that iby ahI members actively warking te- gether thetoVwn will have a strong Chamber of Commernrce. Presiderit Syer elso expres- sed bis personal appreciation: ta tht guest speakoer. Ht re- marked that he had started the last year as Past Presi- dent but as President B. L. Burk biad been transferned te anothen branch o!fbhieliank, and' as Vice-Pntèideht E. Lloyd Cli!ton had accepttd a position out o! towrilhe had agairi becoeae presîdent. Revdewing tht Chamber of: Cainn-ece's mtivitits in 196.9 President Syen said it had coriducted a course for the' owners and operatons o! emal businesses, activtly supparttd1 t Santa Claus Parade, whicb with the help o! George Ste- phens, the cbaiirrxan, anid t membens e! tht Sarita Claus Parade Committethaid been one of! tht best yet. "We donattd $100 towmrds tht furnishingso f thc new BawýmanvilE ,Publie Libnany," he said, and aise stated that tht Chamber a! Commernrce bad paid $100 ta, replace bulbe for tht festive Christinas lightiag of thetotwn's business sçetion, and $8,5 to tht P.U.C. for power for Vils. "Our insurance progran bas been niost successful with the conupany reprtaented by Don MacGreger. Thee as net beca cone single coin- plaint," be pointed out. President Syen congratulat- cd tht încornîng executive,: and asked that they attend their duties with renewed vigor ti wonking for a lietten and more progressive cern- munity. Citations o! Menit were pre- sented te businesses tiiet dur- ing tht hast year bave buit new accommodation, enl'argtd their quarters, instnalhed new: store9fronts,-or-brought n _- WATCH FOR OUR AND MARCH l6tk thru 26th LASTCHANCE TO SHOP AND $AVE B8EFORE SALES TAX INCREASE 1 JUIY.,& LOVELL I JUN ST. E. BWMNVUI= M Frank Real Estate, Garnet Ricard for Jack Ricard Real Estate, ph Wbyte for Whyte =M~ers Upholstery, and Roy MoNhUeln for Me- MuUilardware. A Citation cd! Meel wil latar be present- cd to Peddy's Temuco Station as ha reqxesentative wus un-E able to attend.- James A. Bell, a pas;t pres- dent, aaked il any Centenmial projet la bednj pl-ânned in thie town, and nti, mus ed thet the C2iuzber o merce prmme oanc.à Couneillor Glenhokme Hu-1 ghes said thnt thie new Bow-k manvile Puble Libaray wasi otarted as a Centennial pro-À ject but that It had been1 fou!nd that larger grants for1 it could be obteined fro<n1 other goverrnent sources. There was a discussion onj whether or not ta continue theg Christmnas Parade. Don Mur-1 nay said It Is a marvelous1 pnoject that gets much favor-1 able publicity for Bowman- ville. -Mn. Ben, treasuner of! last yean's parade, stated it means a great deal to mothers and children, creates a won- denful public image and much goodwill, and is well worth- while. R. P. Rickaby, who aIma bas had everal yeans expenlence as an executive of tht panade,] said that it provides joy for tht youngstenm and a spirit of community effort amorig prac- ticaily ail o! the towr's clubs and other organizations. Aima merchants benefit from the goodwill. It is not just a mat- ter of the day o! the panade, but o! extra business durig1 tht next weeks and following1 12 months, hie declared. . SMr. Murray'moved that thet Santa Claus Panade be held1 o gain i 1966.. This was sec-i onded by Don MaeGnegor, and cannied. Councillor James Bounke, who is also a Director af tht Great Pine Ridge Tourist Area Council, said that it bas been found that the publicity creat- ed by the Santa Caus Parade also helpi the tourist industry. !Mr. Rickaby said that in the excellent booklet published by Great Pine Ridge tht Sarita Claus Parade is net mention-] ed. Councillor Bourke said a new bookiet is caming out ibis summer which will include in- formation about this parade. The Bowrnanville Chamber of Commerce's financial state- ment for the year ending December lst, 1965 was sub- ,mitted as follows: "Balance on hand January lst, 1965, $424.79. Receipts, membership dues, $1,450, annual meeting (net) $24.95, a total o! $1,899.74. 1"Exkpenditures, secretary's5 salary $480, telephant $145.94,1 postage and P.O. Box rentai, $60.44, Association dues, $66, stationery, pinting, and officet supplie,$46.72, advertising, $9.2 iations o! Menit, $38, Durhami Central Agricultural Society (donation) $10, Bow- manville Public Librany (do- nation) $100, a total o! $1,042.12. Balance on handà Deceniber 3lst, 1965, $857.62. New (FROM PAGE ONE) recently when hie sold it ta corne to this anea. Mt'. Fleming is a at Presi- dent of Arnherstburg Canadian Legiori, the Lions Club, al member af the Chamber of! Cemmnence, a Warden and' member o! the Board o! Man-1 agement o! the. Anglican9 Church and Secretany o! tht South Essex Progressive-Con-1 servative Association. Ht was, made a Queen'a Counstlinr 1952. Ht and bis wi!e, the former Doris Bondy, wiles- tabllmh residence i Bowrnan- ville i tht errfuture. Taxes uaid so fan only ont appoint- iumt ta it bas been made, and be expnessed tht opinion that ar. onganizations la tht town- ship sould be represented on it. Cou n CH Approves (FROM PAGE ONE) m!ttee, b. pased for payment. This was secondied by Corun- cilior Gibbs and crrid. Cmanillor Curl Dowv, sec- onded by Councilhor Mary Budai, moved that the 1965 Audit presented by Gordon RIjehicd! the firm of Deloi±te, PMender, Hashinu, and Sella, be adapted. This motion was caoried. On a motion by Deputy Reeve Muir, acconded by Couneiflor Gibbs, Guy Chami- berbain, Howard Gihoon and Staii Haut were appointed members of thie Mon Coin- milty Contre Board for 1906l. 1%Is w oarrIed. 1heze wçolintomsetawi to f1Ithe boomd vacu oeoet.d by t re.ign.tong of Ros Stinton, Loyd HalliAtay and liknoiunzj.- Cosmndi (PFROM PAGE ONÈ) Seroil with a liai of the places visited by the Salvation. Armny's Centennial Caravan and the signatures of muni- cipal dignitaries had been re- oeived. As Reeve Sidney Little had acted for the Mayor in re- pnesenting the town at the gathering held at the Citadel in honar af thc Salvation Arny Centennial Caravan, Ris Worship suggested that the town present the acroil ta Reeve Little. This was moved by Council. lor Rundie, seconded by Councillor Oke, anid carIed unanlmousiy. The Mayor nmade the presentation ta Reeve Little. A recommendation from the Roads and Streets Committee that council accept the tender of Hannden and King for 4,000 cubie yards of!1/2"crushé'd gravel at $1.71 per cubie yard, and for 1,000 yards of % cnushed gravel at $1.68 pen cubie yard. It was also recom- niended that the tender of W. A. Rider Paving Limited for 50,000 gallons af M.C. 2 tar at 26.5c per gallon be accepted. Council approved a recoin- mendation o! the Police Coin- mittee moved by its chairman, Deputy Reeve Fiee, seconded by Councillor Paul Chant, that the lowest tender for a car ta be used as a police cruiser, $1,200 for a 1966 eight cylinder Pontiac four door by Robson Matons be accepted, and this was cannied. Harold B. Wheeler, 114 West Beach, appeared before coun- cil. He said thaý he under. stood that some letters had been neceived regarding garb- age collection. Mayor Hobbs told him that the rnatter had been referned to the Finance Cammitee for a report. Mr. Wheeer stated that when he first moved to the West Beach two years ago garbage had been collected privately by a man with a pick--up truck, but that this man had quit last Christmas. He de- clared that West Beach resi- dents nom, feel that they have the saine right to have the town's garbage truck take their garbage as do other citizens. Mayor Hobbs informed Mr. Wheeler that when the service was started in 1957 the West Beach residents had asked to be aiiowed to continue to make their own arrangements for garbage pick-up. He told Mr. Wheelen that the Finance Committee's report on garbage collection wouid be given at the next meeting of Town Council. Mr. Wheeler compiained that dogs at West Beach run loose ail year. Ht said that Dog Contrai has neyer been ap- plled in that anea. Councillor Ruridie, Chairman of tht Dag Contrai Committet, stated that the road there Is private prop- erty therefore tht Dog Con- frai Offiýer ha ben nbet -Seizrýda#satl re tIre. Mr. Wheeldr said hlbeleves tht road is owned by the Port Darlingtori Company, but that it has become a public road as it has nat been fenced for 24 hours each year. "Why should West Beach people be able ta let their dogs run al year when other residents cari not do se?" Mn. Wheeler ask- ed. Mayor Hobbs stated that al- though the road in question is net mairitained by tht town, couricil wlll have the tDog Con- trai Committet look inta this niatter. Notice that a Fidelity Bond SALE! - OFOOD1 Motor Sales PHONE 623-5487 20 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE OPEN 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. aima new... CHRYSLER - ODGE PLYMOUTH - ALIANT BELLE. CORNET and DOOGE TRUCKS Ask for: JESS AMES Phone 023-5590 9 RALPH KELLY Phone 623-73535 RAP PALMER Phone 623-5419 TOM PALMER Phono 023-5401 Contact saleansn st above phone numbers 9 affer boum. with Genera! Accident Insur- ance for blanket coverage o! $10,000 with an extra.$15,000 gn tht Clerk-Treasurer, was received and flled on a motion by Couxicifor Hughes, second- cd by Councilor Oke. ICouncillor Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fiee, movtd that tht Town Clerk, Robert L. Byron, be instnucted ta pe- tition the Depantment a! High- ways for the mubidy an road expenditunes during 1.965. This wos carried. Councillon Rundle moved that a letter received froni Harvey R. Farrow of!ering- ta tear down tht old chunch shed and nemove salvage by April lst, if necessany, for $250, be refenred ta Public Prapenty Committet with pawer ta act. This was seconded by Reeve Little and carried. A letter frorn the Town Se- liciter, A. H. Strike, tated that under section 31 o! the Planning Act there lsamuthanity ta have the East Beach Dance Hall building dernolished. Ht wrete that in such cames It is custornary ta send a registered notice ta the owner with tht information that if he dots inat have the building remov- red within a specified turne council wiil pass a by-law ta have it pulcd dawn at tht, rowner's expense. Councillor Hughes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fiee, moved that a registered letter be sent ta the owner as outlined in tht soliciton's letten. This was 1carried. Councillor Rundie, seconded by tht Deputy Reeve, maved that a letter frani tht Durhami County District High Schaol Board infornuing councîl that Bowmanviile's short of tht requisition for Secondary tSchoois this year arnourits ta $281,438.25, and that this committee be directed ta meet 1with the High Sehool Board on thus natter. This motion was carried. A- letter from R. P. Rickaby asked that thetown give hum a quit dlaim deed te the bal- iance of tht 40 foot right-of- t way lying ta tht north o! tht established 16.5 foot night-of- rway behind the Big 20 Store )on King Street. Councillor Chant moved that this letter be referred ta tht Town's Solicitor and if he approves, tht Mayor and Clerk lie authorized ta sigri a quit dlaim deed for Mr. Rickaby. This was seconded by Coun- ciller Oke and carried. A letter frorn Joseph J. LFiett regarding his suli-division agreement with tht town dated February 15th, 1960, rasked ta make a change tin tht specifications for tht sani- tory sewer and waterrnain. Councillor Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little.,nioved that this letter be referred ta tht Finance Committet with pow- er ta act. This wos carried. A letter frein F. Whiteman, Jackrnan's Road, tin regard ta water going on ta bis drive frani ditching was referred ta tht Roada and Streets Coin- tmittee on a motion by Couneil- ior Chant, seconded by Coun- chaor Rundle. , Çouncillor Chant said plans fOdemolitlon'hf the oldý:w.jrks s te¶ and pump bouse are go- ing well. Ht mnoved that tht tPublie Pnopenty Committet 1be authonized ta engage archi- tects ta make plans fer tht new Fine Hall and Police Sta- tion. Ht added that consid- enation will be, given ta tri- gaging tht saint anchitects tint dtsigncd tht ntW library building. This was seconded by Reeve Little. Tht motion wos car- nied. It ineluded, on a sug- »gestion by Deputy Reeve Fice, 9the authority ta cali fan tend- ers ta naze tht old shed and 1pump bouse. - In regard te a letter frein Trinity United Church agree- 1 ing te lease tht land on which tht aid wonk shed stands for a, funther term o! 20 on 30 year at$1 -yea, Dput er information couid lie oli- tained if a $75,000 sunvey tak- ing twa years were carried eut. Maor Hobs tated that these reprtstntatives said that Affair: would like ta have somne idea on how vaniaus municipal couricils stand on regional governient. Deputy Reeve Fie stated tint it wauld lie a long tume befone thie town would know whether arnone regional gev- ennment would bring benefits and in the mearitime titre là littît couneil cari do about ItL 'II wiil go farther and reg- ister an opinion against regional governinent and sc move," Couricillor Hughes said. Thts was seconded by Deputy Reeve Fiee, and car- ried. Councillor Rundie sald that he had been con.tacted by Sam Minis, who toid hlm that the Bowrnanville Hotel, which had been asktd ta Install a baffle ta deaden the noise froni its restaurani's fan, has flot yet dont se. Ht maved that a letter be sent to tht Bowman- ville Hotel's ownerS asklng thoin ta act on the suggestion r'ade by thie Building Inapec- ,ton tQ have a baffle instafled. This was seconded by Caun- cilar Chant Easfer Seul Campaign Wl! S art Shortly The Enster . Semis that help1 crlppled children will be ent ta nione than 2,000,000 homes ln Ontario I a few days. Tht màillng of tht Easter Semis is ont o! tht biggest voluntary prajects uridentaken in Onitario in tht interest o! childnen. Ia 231 cities and towns tht mcm- bers o! service clubs such as Rotary, Lions, Ktwanis, Kins- inan mdothens 'wil sec that envelopes anc mddnessed and letters and seais are sent ta ail the people intri r coin- munity, inviting their contri- butions ta help beys and igirls who have a physical disabîl- ity. This yean thetEasten Seai' campuigri must raise at ieast $1,000,00 te guararitet that tht cane and treatinent aetdéd by more than 16,000 crippled childrcn wîll conitinue te be met. In tht 44 year history o! the Onitario Society for Cippled Lions Ladi*es (PROM PAGE ONE) patrick, President of tht' Bowrnanvile KXinsinen' Club,1 Mns. Kiipatnlck, Don Morris,iý President o!fteBowmanvilte Rotary Club, Mrs. Morris,i Fred Tippins, President ofi thé Bowmanville Kiwni Club, Mrs. Tippins, tn Dura, President o! Braachi 178 o! tht Royal Canadian Légion, Mrs. Dunn, Bruceý Lush, Chairman o! the LadiesI Night Commimttee, Mrs. Lush,j International Councîlior Bab! Garden, Norwood, Ont., Mrs.! Garden, Zone Chairnian Herb I Visseren d Mrs. Visser, Wbit-I by. Grace was sung. 'Tht Toast ta the Quecri was proposed by President Leslie. The Ennis-., kilien United Ohurdh Womna catered for tht delicious dia-ý ner.i S. R. James praposed the Toast to Lions International. Tht reply to this toast wasý given by International Cour-i cilior Gavder. Bob Kent ehoquently pro-! posed tht Toast ta the Ladies,' and Mrs. Leslie responded1 with grace and wit. An ex- quisite bouquet o! red roses was preserited te Mrs. Lesliel by Ladies Night Chairman1 Lush on behal! of bis fellow, Lions.1 Asing-s'ong w-as enjoyed.' Ted Miller wasi tht leader,i and the piano accompanimenti was played by Ross Metcaif.: There were three speciali guests at tht event, Mrs. Clan-1 ence Heeckin, Mrs. J. J. Browný and Mrs. W. Bagneli. There was an excellent pro- grami o! enterta-ininrt. Peter Glenn, ToTante, a Scottiqhý tenar, reoeivtd n-uch appiause for bis singing of 'Roonîin' in, ,the Gloarin', n numben of, Hanry Loiuder sangs, and aev- eral selections frain bit shows' inîcludingag miemorable ont frain "Brigadoon". Edith Eaton, Toranto, an, accomplisbed accored! o n i . t, played enjoyabie variety nurn- bers. Her presentation o f "Autumn Leaves" ond smi qpecialiJy arronged selecionsý muade n great ht. Everyoel aIse enjayed tht sing alg witb Misa Eaton o! a redley1 o! ohd sangs and pplan' numbers. Music for dancing was play- ed by Charlts Cochrane's or-' chestra, Oshawa. Rcf r e h-' ments were served bhroughout' the0 fl¶,fllfl. Chldren and Its association with service clubs, thtre have been thousands o! children who have overcame their physical diambilities or have made sucb great improvement that they carrîcd on a normal existence. Tht publie's sup- port ta the Eater Seal cam- paigri has made additlonal services anid expansion o! activities possible so that tht Society, thraugh its field offices, is continually rench- ing art te heip childnen who bave a physical dismblity and nced assistance. Search for Century Farms Tic Durhamn County Junior Farinera, like ail other Junior Farmer clubs in Ontario, are conducting a Centerinial Pro- ject. This project is tht Cen- tury Farm Projeet. Tht Durhamn Junior Form- era' Club is attempting ta CAMPAIGN ClIAIRMAN: W. W. WALLIS Phone ÏM31U Montreal Windsor Edmonton Oshawa Winnipeg Prince locate a&H Century Tarms th Durham County. Each Century Farm will h identified with a century Farm sign. The sign will be standard throughaut Ontario and will serve as a speclal identification ta friends and public. Ta have your farm quality as a Century Farmn, It must be registered tln the sam*lamlIy name for 100 or MOr ars as of January Ist, 19W The farni must be resided d it must be in active operI~ Farmis ii the name of a wIdow wili quaiify, but a farni ieft ta a married daughter will not quaiify. If your fanm qualifies and you wish ta have a Century Farm asigri, forward your name and address ta Pat Knox, R.R. 1, 1lampton, Ontario, by March :Loth. YÔUR RED'CROSS FOR YOUR BEIP Toronto Regina George Hamilton Calgary Vancouver BJRANCH PRESIDENT: MRS. W. I. SPEZY Phone 823-2343 Deloitte, Plendèr, Has kins & Soifs with whom are now merged Monteith, Riehl, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants1 Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., .I.A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 NOTIC E BOWMANVILLE TOWN DUMP 1. No persan shall deposit waste at thèrdutmp unless he is a Resident. 2. No persan shahl set fine ta any waste deposited in tht dump. 3. No persan shall removýe anything which has been deposited i the dunip. 4. Any persan violating these provisions shall be hiable ta a penalty not exceeding $300.00 as pnovided in By-Law No. 1882B of the Tawn of Bowmanville. R. BYRON, Clerk. RED'CROSS SOCIETY CANVASS BOWMANVILLE Wednesday, March l6th ORONO Week of March l4th * 9th Rural Areas throughout the Month PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY WHEN THE VOLUNTEER CANVASSER CALLS lu, g A 4 3 1 -1j F-

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