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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1966, p. 6

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4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4" M '!i aida1ttem2 1Zwmanville, ?Mar. 9, 9. 00 uboiougls on SundiLY, ~ N _______________________________The Hi-C Group practlsed L g for their vaniety njght on Sun~' day evening in the C.E. wing. U Rev. and Mrn. Catto wrmrU A ustraliaon .Rotari ans i for str QebcthsA Si enort eater Cu m pec th A ts Criuiaamu tissummer. »'V W Mn. Artom spake at the The Zor W iIIVis if itrc1i a W.!. on Tuesday. Her taPic Canadian -O n E chan e Pr gramtinie vehicle and a modern attractive replacement. from Wei TWO past presidents gave tiens are open for ane week. health and postal services, ag- rowRon Saturday vi.ited Mru. Perry te fatoresting short addresses at and the election in held at the 1iculture, commerce and in: . oss and Mns. B. DeHart, Newcastle. the luncheon meeting of the ncxt lunchean meeting ai the;dustry, and aisa religious Brooklin, and an Sunday visit- Hg -E mmifle Rotary Club held club," Dr. Billett stated. 1 centres. icd Mrs. V. Farrow, Stark- Patey BS et thc Flytng Dutchman Motor "Then thec election af direc-: "'The success af this tour ville.Pay l Hôtel on Pcb. 25th. Dr. Keith tors begin.. This week eachidepends on the clubs in Dis-' The Wo-He-Lo C. G. I. T.wh aki Billett spoke on the by-laws Rotarian receives a ballot with trict 707. It is important that1groLip met on Monday, Peb * pria. Ie fIor the election ai directors. thc names of ail club membens1we aIl do aur share ta make 28 at the home ai Mrs. Har-prste and Forbes Heyland'a sub]sct with the exception af the the visit a success," Mr. Hey- aId Balson. President Char- The Jur .wans the forthcoming interna- President-eleet, the Vice-Presi-iland urged. lene Macnab called the meet- ner wa. IIenil study exchange. dent-elect, the current Presi-' Me told the club that the ing ta order and Gloria Par- Dunbartor Prident Don Morris an- dent, the Immediate Past Australian graup will be in row read the minutes ai the anne Gaii nounced that AI Witherspoon President, who is autamatîcal-ithis ares a week during which IBs meeting. Roll Caîl was School, w] bad been unanimously electcd ly a member ai the Board ai they will be billetted with answercd with aur favourite stitions". Vice-President for 1965-66. He Directors for anc year, and Oshawa Rotarians. He said that TV programme. Judy Fowler Runnerf )vIII takeoaffiçe in July. ithen is disqualified for one they will leave Sydney, Aus- gave the trcasurer's report. Knox of ,- Dr. Kelth Billett stated that-ycar. Membens who have joîn- tralia, on April l6th, and ar- Marilyn Farrow was in chargelStephenE the club'. bY-Iawn are under cd the club within the past rive in Vancouver an Apnilai aur study bock, "Called ta Senior tic control ai the members. two years are also ineligible l9tb. "Tbey will arrive in Ton- be Servants". Marilyn Far- awardedt The by-liw cokîerning the an- for this election. lonto on Apnil 26th and will bel raw read the Beatitudes, Matt. ton, ai aual .electio*v ai directons Wasl "On the first ballot you votelin the Oshawa - Bowmanviîle 5:3-12. Meeting closed with sponsorcc iiassed in 1954, and amended for 15 candidates. The top 151- Port Hope area during thejtaps. ville -Brai In 1962, he said. inames then appear on the sec- week ai May 8th,". Mr. Hey-ý Sunday visitons at the Pneu- "John F. In discu.sing the procedure end ballot, and the iollowîng iland stated. ýcott home were Mr. and Mrs. Senior. Ifor the electian ai directors, e-GantRikr mvd Friday five directars are elcce antRîkr ae John Carrigan and famiîy frani up was 1 or. Billett, explained that the cd fram these 15 candidates. j vote af tbanks ta the two pastiOshawa and Mrs. Tennent and the Sir firat step is the appointment "Those elected then and the' presidents, Dr. Billett and Mr.1 Mr._and Mrs. Raîph Ni xon. - ,early ini Jaftuary ar a Noniin- President-eleet and the Vice- H-eyland for their informative - _____________ *tIng Cornmittee, which in President-elect will be neni- and interestin5g talks. Prei BusinessDirsctory f j JUSIe y oi poed ofthe Presi- bers of the 1966-67 Bo rd 1fdent Morris as expressed ___ __ __ ___ _ __ __ tient, the immediate Past Directors. In addition thel personal appreciation to theiT. couniancy Pruient and anc ather mcmn- President appoints a secretary ests ese n et dtheyh- ber. 'and a treasurer with the ap- co metngYerJE.Sory, L- -____ This committee receives theýpraval ai the directans. oTheobRibarso, il rtrAY cDLLnG O f name« of candidates propased incoming board musit be corn- of Oshawa, Cecil Brown, WhCareedAcontn $or the offices ai President pleted by March 3îst. Iby, and Paul Bishop, Bawmnan-;69 3 h 861 Stree and Vice-President. The name Dr. Bilîcît reminded thevLEONA 623386AMES BROOK ri of the presîdential candidate Rotarians that the directors aiý ENR JMSBOK is presented ta the club at ane the club have much pawer, TONChantcrcd Accountant At the luncheon meeting. During the and urged that tbey vote for, BURIKETO Trustee in Bankruptcy the Bowîr tollowing week the members those who wilI serve well and' Suite 205W 725-9953 held att are 'able ta naminate other devote their tume ta the club's, (Intended for last week) Os hawa- Sh opping -C ent re Mator Ha candidates for this office, but objectives.i Syrpathy ai the co .ui WM. J. H. COGGINS 28. Bill' If nane are neceived the anc Forbes Heyland, Rotary' Uv is extended te commun'- Cbartered Accountant thc bcnel prpsd the Nominating Zone ersnai, toîd bis j tives and frriends in the a- 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvîlle pied child Cmmittee is elected by ac- felîow Rotarians ai the Gnaup sing of Mns. Florence Caug- Phone 623-3612 by the K clamation, it was explained. Study Exchange. He said that hill last weck. WILSON & BURROWS James "Tbe same procedure is car- Rotary Districts throughoutý Sympathy of the communi- Chartered Accountants dent, iri ried out for the office ai Vice- the world are each paired tv is extended ta the reda- 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. speaker.l President. The naine ai the with another district in a duf-1 tives and iriends in thebpas Partners : Mr. Thies candidate prnpased by the ferent country. 1 ingo r ao a a oadF .WloCA ik Nominating Committee is an- l'Our Rotary District 707 isiSrsin aiM . JaGb.anEammond . D. wis, C.A. Cmink r, naunced an the day ai the paired with a District in Aus- r. Crust Aseek. G dmn Pone72rr-755C.A. oCairmy President's el ectian. Nomma- tralia. The purpose is ta bring Mmr CyruspAitl o tiln Pha ER28-5N ___ _ Setrye tea otsrc a bout f ville, is siiowing slig*tiî u- MaEIMILLAN & CO. the Easte yaung business and proies-i mn.CatrdAconat ra sianalmen frm the airelIprovaetChredAconns Ubn ~' ~ sict enfo a ty ai two Mn. Humphrey Hewitt af 361,6King St. E. - Oshawa Carnînitte Dothict or more. of woToronto spent the weekendi 725-6539 Mr. TP "We will have a gnaup i witb MT. and Mrs. John Ar- King St. Box 245 Newcastle'thlat RO i ayan Jne Tisgrupi.jcher and famlwy. 987-4240 Campaigr nay candposeai srudens lut'Mn. Herbent Bransan and Partners: March If neaitaunmen ailrue tivebutDallis, Long Branch. Mns. William C. Hall, B.Comm., C.A. iclusive.1 of yingte roesins rbuacieBeatrîce Taylor and Stanlev David G. Penkin, C.A. Eastcr' lu intherfinom un Teyswere Sunday supper guests af J. raham MacMillan, C.A. compose' I wllno' b Rtaian o mm-Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor --___--__ om - w'b ers-ai sRotanians oramily and family.. hDon M, ber Teln i Rthat ahmm- The next social cvening wil i r o p r a cii c Purdy, - ~ ber of the team wîll study,i be the card garne at the home G. EDWIN MANN, -.C Billett, G togt cr f Mn. and* Mrm. J. A. Tur- D.C.rato charge el * discuso,. and learn toterCipacr er, store: whleteyar n hi outrbull an Friday evening. Office:avrii - md thy wrelinake reportsrta Several slgns of Q*ring are i15Elgin St., cor. ai Horsey aderts S Rotary'l International, and tai bere. A few crows are ilyîng Phone 623-5509 The m take, may hnd teirhome districts, and at around and several people are Office Hauns: By appointmcnt the Easle £ the end o herstay ta Dis- diving new automobiles. Wc ____________ ___ - 1;nti :ý to ron a Tarm. "Act70. neceivîg Distritte il fareweli K-farm niçans r iiii. a& ur responuibilty is ta >mrake Hope tu e ouala DR. W. M. RUDELL, .DS rcs1 tics. The ,iroor Foton out a -repart ta Rotary Inter-: church next Sunday. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville spoke oa ",,,pational, pay Itheir air f ta teffce ou ~ fta fiii~.~bilt~,'Canada and back ta Australie. Ofc or ie c equipment, livestack, Per- The nest ai their expenses are UHAMPTON Cl9a.m. tray 6 np.m. day dyost tosnal effects . . . is anc. of paid by District 707. A com-' Office n d Su3-79 ndeeop thase responsibilities. We'd mitîe bas been formed in'RPae-6359 nee :like tb gîve yau a hand witix regard ta 'the group's visit.j (Intcnded for lest week) Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4281 A me *planning complote farrn in- This cammittec in headed by Mr. and Mns. Edgar Pneu- DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. "BestF surance protection in ane District Governor Jack Hughes. cott, Enîîeîd, were visitons at Office shown1 "lEach club i. ta scnd a list the Prescatt bomne an Satun- 75 King St. E. Bowmanville with Ro -~ pta:date.pnogamthet cn o placcs ana hig in their day. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Office Mours : etA gave you confusion and anea that would be rewanding Ormîstan, Ennlskillen, aisa 9 e.m. ta 6 p.m. daîly jectianist i1oncy. Sec us for ail the. far the Australien visitons ta called on the Prescotts. Sun- Clased Saturday and Sunday praduced t acts, sec, and these will be incîuded day visitons were Mn. and Mrs. Telephone: Office- 623-5459 The fil *in the itinerary. The gnoup Jacob Kesslen, Amy and -DR- E.-W_ SSON pied Ch -will be cagen ta îearn ai gov-Jaob rs. Ain.Bllt on. L.D.S., D.D.S. ernmenl and justice admini-1Ms .E ilt cai Office in bis home tstatin, ductio sytei, anied Dr. and Mns. K. A. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville i. iii duaio ssem lett ta Toronto on Sunday Phone 623-5604 Suns : TUAI *,L ta visit Mr. F. J. Billett who Office Mours: is a patient in Western Mas- 9 a.m. ta 6 daiîy Ie -pital. lsdWdedy-Sna JAm ES e 9Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Ad-Clsd W nsay-Sdy RED CROSS ~~cock and Harry went ta Part i I s a RED C OS U Penny aweek ega Sturday. I ns re M k GENERAL INSURANCE I$ ALWAYS TrHER EMn. Gilbert Adcack wcnt[ - $4 Kng t. . Bomanlhi WIT YOR HL.Pinta Memonial H o sp itai, DONALD A. MaeGREGOR The m 44 ingSt E.Bowanill WIH OURHEL +in Bowmanville last Tues-. Lite, Auto, Home Sunshine ,W Mrs. Ra1ý lphBaladInsurance 1cen-Soc ... ..... Mer home is in Willowdaîe. Mugh E. Fleming, Q.C. eetoin 0 Mn. and Mrs. F. E. Crame, Apha I. Modgins Meetnh aI s a deliciaus blend of I shawa, wcre Sundey gucsts Banisters - Solicitors Itwa a t the home ofMn. and Mrs. Notaries Public " fruit glaver*. Home is the fruit Bey- ". A. Blanchard. Reeve Blanch- 14 Frenk St. Bowmnanville MC!Muiie * radl breakfast drink that cornes ard attended the Canadien Telephone 623-3351 __ MaryS freh romth diryal redytaGood Roads Convention in STRIKE and STIRIKE and ser' 4. f I Ite ar--l eayt Taranto last' wcek. Mrs. Barristers, Solicitors meeting, serve. Becp contains adcled Vite- Blanchard jauncd hlm -for the Notenies Public pýt e an.,Ha& a smooth "neyer tant" banq..uet and an evening aif. . tnkeQ.. nd c Layn tat .oî chldr aenItetarenton Wednesday. A. A. M. Strike, B.A. Th I a i Dîf mes Com- Edward C. Wildman, w e t gown-ups love! ..iitIe. collected $175 fain the B.A., LL.B. group. ~1 I Hampton arca. "Thank you" 40 King St. W. - BowmanvilleSyr And te top everything - epta all wbo contributcd and to Telephone 623-5791 Tboinps . 1ivassing. Valei MLk- - : r. ad Mrs. Ken Cavrly M 0r fg a g eS IwoMW ealy itou iat Fm dmW dmwere guesîs ai Mr. and Mrs. ----- _ -teHoa - - j Wm. Dell ai Oshawa on Wcrd- SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO used on VOOR DOR enI visited Mr. Normn BuinssProP- District ~U iveitUD TO * *< WR Cemens in Taranto a weck whichw ago Sunday. i ptom e patient Bey. A. S. McGrath occu- - ing was p2edthe puipIt on Suday aItTE Â A , 0T .». :A booki itmtu.Cuih H'ol h availabl gécidren'a #tory and ii mr 243* 1: a wranville given t PitON 623-."44lsnd Tornorro'W". Rev. Me- Telephone 623-3252 Tic lo rath la the. Generel Secre-i Mon- Tues. - Thurs. - Fri. lunch pi tb ott. ,a's Day Alianc Wed. and Sat.-9-12 U Je 5WM&N~L~ lmsbsec ince 15. nj Thursday eveningi . Plm cattqproachéd t P la,~5 ~ Duu misa hui*d Mia 0"t ion Zone Finals inl sm- taas ed raj =SÂEMntn Prsd o ippms War I LJpressed bis personial apprecia-! (Intended for last week> Also su.rvivir±g are two sis- blic Speckin . H ld. tion to the two local Rotarians.ý Two lovely baskets af flow- ters, Miss Aima Courtice of The birthday of Immediate ers in the church on Sunday Courtice and Mm. C. A. S Past President John Brownlee mùfrning were in loving me- Wight (Ruth). Bawmanville, Port Prerry La gion was celebrited by his fellew mary of Mrs. Ken Werry. and a brottier, Mr. Leci J. Rotarians. President Tippins, Sympathy is extended -*to Courtice oifOshawa. one Finals of the. Sehool in Bay Ridges. whosei read a letter from the Cana- Mrs. Z. J. Benschop and fam- The *funeral service was L Le g i on P u b li c subjeet was "Sir John A. Mac- dian Heart Foundation thank- ily in the passing af her broth- held froni the Armstrong Conteit held, at the donald". thDpehsigtelclKwnasfrier, Mr. J. Van Dam, Bowman- F'uneral Home, Osh. a, on tespehe sistnehyhd ie ille. Friday, February 25, a was rry Legian HaU ..,on The quality of in the recent fund raistigi A nuniber of ladies attend- conducted by Rev. J.& Ro- Feb. 26th, dre;Wýn'ldelivered taxed the abilitiesca ain ed the World's Day of Prayer meril assisted by Rev l AAR- field af contiatsa the judges, Mr. Wayland meeting at Tyrone last Friday scott. Interment was in~ t Roue, Dinta DofGuests presentat the dinner itRoge unaron rew, English teacher at the et wreR Vad- afternoan. manville Cernetery. Iges, traugh ort PotetinrgHwghechoob;Rev. m îg OAAnumber of couples f ram Palibearers were Messrs. ô Bowmnanville and Com. Walter Triitram, Port bur, oManvle, and arry this carnmunity accompanied1 Don Courtice, James Hancock, le Perry Legian Chaplain, Unit- GutrMpeGae the Couples' Club ta see "Okla-l Harold Muir, Don Muir, Gar. School winner was ed Church (retired), and Coi. borna" at the Royal Alex don Brown and Jack Gay. lke ai Bowmanvlle, laon, Murchie, Chairiiari i of I theatre, Toronto, on Saturday A.mong the many lovely ron "Magnificenit On- ublic Seeaking for'thé Bay u ou A d evenîlg. ielraes bte ew i te de- Part Perry Le gion iRidges Branch and holder ofai d e1s A d Mr. DnWlhad ist etreintes, evi de -a b er with a trop hy. two traphies for Pub lic Speak- 1 AI,5 . Narma Griffiths attended the1 ceased was held, wes one frein inior Elementary win ing froin the Etobicoke Junior!' nn a i Ietna 'Peterborough Caunty Junior Ebenezer Unte iurh the protege of thelChamber of Commerce. Farmers banquet on Saturday n Branch, Miss Jo- . Com. Ed. Fiannah, Zone [Itonfo .. evening. mnar, af West,,Rouge IChairman ai Public Speaking,!HluainDflBiOfl Mr. and Mrs. Farewell ___________ wha spake on "Super- Iwi edtecntsat nd' Blackburn were Sundayý sup- chaired the contest. O FerrylhteAn per guests af Mr. and Mrs. A.! Mr W L- Mm rs-u were Marilyn Zone Commander Cam. Jîi Wlet Trno )fUowmanville and Woadward, presented t he nual Meeting of the Chlldren'si Elawes af Bay Ridges. trophies and congratulatediAid Society of Northumber-, Elementary w as the winners. ]and and Durham was held in! OBITUÀLRY ta Miss Susanne Wal- A hearty "Thank Yau" wasI Brighton.Dsietebu-1 Newcastle, wha was extended ta Com. President , . DespiteG.Bhekebluat- i d. by the Bowinan- Ed. Mulhalland, for the use ery night, a ca pacity crowd ao M.Af. lk ortc -nch and spoke oni the Port Perry hall, ove 0 ile h Dp.a The death of Mrs. A. G.' 'Kennedy". 1 Zone winners will proceed 'Agriculture Building. jBlake Courtice af Caurtice'L .Elementary runner- 'ta Cobourg for the District'1 Dr. Gary Cormack wasioccurred at the Oshawa Gen-ý theeifct hisha onChid- ngan oilsofo ueyr Monica Jaerschky, afI Finals in March, time and date !the guest speaker and spokeel Hsialo1uedy John A. Macdonald ta be decided later. ___ on the subject af poverty andfbur 2d 96 olw rien', Aid Societies and Wel- She was in her 87th year. fare Agencies in general. A daughter ai the late Ro- bert Courtice and Mary Grace ren's Aid Society was given (May) Jane Courtice wasý I L G i en in the reports of the difierent bcrn in Darlington Township! Tre tm e t G ven committees and froni the local land was a ILfe'long resident of' Make your comnfort T reaT m enr ~ ~~~director, Mr. A. Finnie. The the Courtice area. She attend-;cmlt ..aon Childrcn's Aid Sacieties was 1 School, S.S. No. 4. tedc!Seu p p ie C hi d renexplained and the advantagesl On 'November 2nd, 1911,: i fBudget Financing as against1 she married A. G. Blake1 Sleep in quiet camfort, dinner meeting ai onta, depicted treatmcnt giventhe former method af Deficit Courtice who predeceased lier: thanks ta silent, electric manville Kiwanis Club, ta childiren sufiering 0~Fro Inacog n September 19, 1935. The' etlladatfe theFlin Duchancongenital, or accidental han- I aur a hsya a deceased was a meînber of lotel an Manday, Feb. new member was welcomed Ebenezer United Church andý air keeps you comfort- 1Thiesburger spoke of dicaps, or anes as the resultito the staff, Mr. James Oak- as long as her health permit-i able ail night. eficial woric for crip-:0î an illness. The valiant at-iman Mr. Oakman has. been a ted took an active part in the! Idren which is iinancedý tempts of the littlc ones tOlresiâent of this area for many work ai the church, serving1 Easter Seal Campaign.1co-operate with the help and years and formerly was as- for several years as an Elder d i c¶ct Collss, Pas Preitraining being given thern was sociated with the Ontario, Mrs. Courtice is survived hyj_____________ tdd sa t guest iwonderiully demanstrated. 'Training School for Boys i agtr r.Mra ry M e told the club thatý Vice President Bob Carruth-, Cobourg, Ont. (Florence), H'airy Hill, 1Alt1a! shurger, a well known;ers moved a vote af thanks tol A new Board af Directars two sans, Douglas and Robert l 16 TEMPERANCE ST.. rancher, is Director- Mr. Thiesburger for bis graph-1was elected and Mr. T. Joncs Courtice of Courtice; and twol n ith owavil ialyapeln address. and'was named President ai the grandýdhildren, Lynda and le ' Club's Communityîfor the presentation af, thelBoard, succeeding Mr. Read Lawrence Courtice of Cour- P 1Aý* Section whîch includesýworthwhile motion picture. He'Budge. tice. She was predeceased by ;r Seals, Youth, Rural-I and Special Eventsi tees.. 1 hiesburger announcedi ' IlI111'1A A DIpil ] Bakery Features otary's Easter Seals' Supreme Brand n will be neld from' 6t pg O0th ta April lOtb in-HO CRS He said that the 1966> Seals Committee isý BUNS ýd of Chairman Glen- Hughes, Vice-Chairrnan .-3 c irray, Sectetary Ken3 c Treasurer Dr. Keith ... Reg. 43c! Weston or George Vice, who isin of mailing, Tom Palm-1----- Sunheam s, and Don MacGregorgr* ICED DATE ng. &NUT LOAF noney neised th.raughi ;ter Seals Campaign isý ta provide cnipplcd' iwitb treatinent and ic devices, which in-1 artificiel limbs and ' he pointed out. Mei if the wondcnful help o these handiceppedi ,ers ta assist thein toi mbnt self suppanting,ý lent citizens. tion pictune entitledi Foot Forward" was 1 by Mn. Thiesburgeri Lotary Vice President-, ,lWitherspoon as pro-., st. hispicurewes ýd by CFTO. lin, made at the Crip-' ýildren's CentreTan- shine Group ids Evening. (ing Bed Pads iaonthly meeting af the ie Group was hcld et mre ai Mns. Jean is on Febnuary 23, 1966. were 10 members pres- 'e evcning was spent bcd pads for the Cen- iety as thcy are iin ;upply et the present Veda Thompson, presi-, )resided aven the bus-' neeting. The minutes ead and appnovcd and on taken. A letter ai was reed frai-nMns. Chairman, Women's Commnittee, Oshawa, ,rccived et Christmas r the gift cupboard. id these were used nat Christmas turne, but al -the ycar for cancer sin the anca. sta nemember wene ,follaws: Bnanch meet- the Cancer Society et ons Centre, March 2; 20, Open House et the ;sMargaret Mospital )dge fain 1:30 ta 4:00; 30, Spring Tee and -Show sponsoned by hawe Unit ai the Cen- ciety; Manch 30, Spring aio the Bowmanvilie SCancer Society. s moved by Mrs. Jean ter, seconded by Mrs. Syer thet we provide .ve lunch fan the Brancb g, as we bave donc in cas. Il was moved by 3onnie McDonald, sec- by Mns. Mary Syer that ie a first reunion ai aur A committee ai M. J. MeMurter and V. mon was formed ta make rangements. ntine favours were made ce ai the members for sapital Auxillary ta, be )n the patients' trays. ;yen reported on the ,y 26th meeting ai Wo- Service Chairmen ai tNo. 3 Cancer Saciety n'as calied "A service ta Sseminar". The meet- ta held in Peterborough. ron "Stress", whicb was le et this meeting was ta, ach member ai aur by Mrs. Syer. meeting closed with provided and servcd by ean Williamns, Mrs. AVe ir and Ms. geler, OVE s600.000 hpui 1 1n-'A ,1É1 SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE TENDER - JUICY LOIN PORK CHECK'D Tenderloin1 3 to 31/2-1b. ""You Save Twice - With Trim and Price" - Portion avg. For Frying. . . (Tender Juicy) LOIN PORK CHÔPS For Quick Meals on Snacks - AIways Tender - Holiday Farm BEE-F STEAKETTES lb. .59c Mapie Leai - Mlld Seesoned 1-lb. Vac Pack .Skinless WIENERS lb. 55c Mapie Leaf - Miid Seasoned BolognaI (By The Piece) lb. 43c M Tree-Ripened California 2 Doz. Oranges 9c Economical - Nutri tious - P.E.I. 50-lb. Bag Potcitoes s2119 Rosebud RADISHES 2 Bunches 15C SAVE 5c! E. D. Smith'% Tomato il-os. Bottles Ketchup 2 for 39c SAVE 17c! Llbby's Fancy . 15-o:. Tins Fru it Cocktail 3 m88 c SAVE De! Club Des Milliannaires Brisling Sardines 2 for .57c SAVE 7c! Del Monte Faner Halve. and Slces 15-o.. Tins Peaches 2 for.55c FROZEN FOODSI FEATURE! OId South Florida 6-os. Tins ORANGE JUICE 3 for 59c Supreme Brand Faner 3-1b. Bag GREEN PEAS 53-C lb. 79c Swift Premnium Combination Offer BrwnandSefl Brnwnan Serve - 9 .lust Heat and Eat- Baconnettes 99 8-a:. Pkgs. Bath For BEST BUY! Save 6c! Vacation Trailer Contest! 4¾1/-oz. Jars Heinz Straïned Foods 6'69c BEST BUY! Save 6c! Splid White Meat 7-oz. Tin1 (lover Leaf Tuna Fish 43c BEST BUY! Save lOc! Hosless Cheese Sticks 7¾/-oz. bag - 39c 13-oz. Bag H ostess Potato Chips 59c. BEST BUY! Save 4c! The Sunshine Syrup 2-lb.W1 Bee Hive -Corn Syrup 35c BEST BUY! Save 6c! Pre-Cooked 10 Single Servings 12-oz. Pkg. ROBIN HOOD OATS 31c BEST BUY!1 Save iOc! Buy 1 - Get 2 Free! Ail 3 For1 Mir Liquid Detergent 83c - M - MAPLEGROVE RED & WHITE Maple Grove [CORNISH'SRED & WHITE Oronol

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