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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1966, p. 3

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Mr. CWrl immett, both ociD.j, I, A .4JI ,u W e ci qThe rec'eption was held at! n'J Ie the MUofport Restaurant where the bride'a mothet receiv'ed in; * WELLuffl -WlILSON Brgwniams. Trhe bride j5 an Italien gold brocade sheath! Ecuq ets f goden clir san- tht augter cf Mr. and M r dressa with thim ble ;acket, - themua, ad gust ~ Gus, Wilson, Kirby, and thi ported French flowered hat in! groomr is the son of Mn.. H. niuted tories,beg an oak ~nred by tulle rosettes cen- ST William.s, Halifax, N.S. acceasories, and craeo » reciv withtold mumn Kormed'and the lote Mr. Williams. 'white carnations and gold, an ttrctie sttîg i Kiby Rev. B. Long officiated, and1sweetheat~ roses. She was as-' 'United Church for the mar-i the weddinR nmusic was played515itd by the groomn's mother on Saturday, Januarylby the church organist, Mrs. who wore a jade green wool 22 »066, Of Miss Catherine E Bryson, Kîrby. dness, white brocade hat, Wilson and, Mn. Jamesý The bride, given in mar-I onchi accessories and a white 4#ý ri~~~age by bier father, wore alrhdcrae street-length gown cf white' Before leaving on their Almnno ce New organza designed with a round-.i wedding trip, the nride onne ed neckllne and long lily- her travelling ensemble cf a ]Rail i S hbta *M pointed siceves. Chantilly lacebrown three-piece Italien knit appliques adorned the bdice isuit and gold accessories. They Shiiiks Piles and front cf the sheath skirt' are residing at 2Q Albany St., whîch was complemented by 1 Oshawa. £xdveumfhmz.anepovetolwmka detachable overskint. Her' The bride, who attended b..oboI. sd ~ ~ ~ hapl-lngt, silk illusion veil,' Kirby Public School and A ren*lleddelicately embroidened at the Clarke Hige School, is a gradu- A onod. re9earch institute lieu 1 edge, was caught to a petailed ate cf Peterborough Teachens' f und&uquýe healing substance headdress centred with pearl- College. The groom attended with the abilitY to ahrink hemor- ized Illy-of-the-valley. She! Queen Elizabeth ýHigh School rhoidspainenly. Itrelieve.itching carnied a bridai bouquet of.and University of King's Col- and discomnfort in minutes and white carnations and gold!lege in Halifax, N.S. He ais spooau e aiin ofthe n -uedsweetheant roses. attended Peterborough Teach- ~an~ tiene Miss Margaret Wilson of ers' Coliege. ln case aftr case, while gently Kirby was ber sisten's onlvý Out-cf-town gueste attended relievmng pain, actual reductioný attendant. Her gown was <ffrnm Toronto, Oshawa, Wood- (hrinkage) took place. iautumn gold peau de soielville, Ottawa, Peterborough, ~4ootimporant cf sultalaccented bv a rounded, neck- Port Hope and Halifax, N.S. tweregth nou thatthinimn oe-line and elbow length sleeves. - et amitainedover a pein The bel.shaped skirt was en- E E E E offlAfYmoth.flattered by a double-t iered. B NE E This wa s acmplished with a panel at the waist back centred U.C.W. meeting new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) with tiny bows. She chose a Fourteen ladies gathered for ,rhich hucJ eipe heal injur"d'matching gold velvet petailedý the Max-ch afternoon unit tolila An a aimulates growth cf new headpiere with an oven-the- etn. helarMs taue fae vilandwor god seesChas. Elliott, opened with an No.' Bic-Dyne is offereti in Oint- anid wrist-length white gloves.f approl)niate poem. We were men su u *tryformi called Her bouquet was cf tangerineli advised of the request for ae- Pr eainH a o it at al drugrand white carnations. icomimodation for the out-of- Sresde.Saiftonr your mnoney'1 Mr. John Gray cf Oshawa town ladies at the Conference asfuded.was best man, and the ushers' were Mr. Ronald Harris andUnited Church Womnen An- _______________________________________nual meeting et Harmcny United Ohurch on March 22 and 23, and of the guest speaker, Mns. J. D. Macntosh, ,~on March 22 ai 7:15 p.m. %...,iean rs U zucU Miss Louise Osborne ne- DEFINITIONS - WHITE COLLAR WORKER From "Devotional Progra-rni abot BbleWomen", Ms Tht enly difference today in that lit carrnes his lunch Carl Down introduced a study on Deborah, the judge and ln a brief case instead of a jiaill propheteces. Everyone rend to-. s* '< gether from thke 4th Chapter....'.". .. of Judges. A brief sketch was nmaqa £ ~given of the history cf the The wedding unîtnin marae Mr. and Mrs, James Burdge Wlias Ilraelite nation at that time, shown i the above photo, took place on Saturday, January 22, 1966, in Kirby and somne details of the war United Church. Mrs. Williams is the former Miss Catherine Marie Wilson, fought against the King cf daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson, Kirby, and the groom is the son cf CLO"lES CARE HINT: Caaer. t Dboa as lea-1 Mrs. H. S. T. Williams cf Halifax, N.S., and the laie Mr. Williams. a hymn and the ________Photo by Aster Studio Guard Your Clothes Against Perspiration. When Psossble, dedication of the offering,____________________________ wear underarm shields . . . have your garnients eleaned' Mrs. Allen Down gave a lof Instant Instants," Mrs. V. rerularly by your local drycleaner. character enalysis of Deborah,l Hudson; "Counit Your Bles- emphasizing her points on the'', Mîrs. F. Dayes; "Take 'blackboardtrn.n .Time*', Mrs. H. MeLaughlin;, THE MONTH 0F MARCH 15 RED) CRS MONTH Mrs. Carl DowT1 paid trihutei R p r s f o1 "The Touch cf the Master's lnthe laie Mrs. Blake Cour-. r.A.Baok tire, using the 23rd Psalmi.1*IFloiî h Qen n - GIE GEEROULY -The meeting closed with a' LI .. u .u4ni'nqtitute G-rrj<e' a deliciuus -~~~~~ ~moment of silence and prayer. i O T e l E L L I~ lunch was served byMr.F 1A6.. .- i Day es' group. Mrs. W. Jack- ~iY ~ -BOIVMANVILLE W, 1. [replyto the motte - Homes' son epresoed appreciation te or1 W. xe .he Greenhouses Where1 the hostes nd those - in a dLdp. ~Thé Bowmaniville Women'F ';th1e plants cf citizenship are1 charge for another splendid- ____________________________________________ Miss Beulah Hallowell has Institute meeting was held in stanied," which Mrs. Daltonl meeting. ___________________________________ ____ reiurned te Toronto after the Salvation Armny Youing Derreil had prepared, then' Our next meeting, with spending a couple cf weeksI People's HRll on Marrh -Ird, was unable te attend the ' electiDn of officers, will be Yo ae orialy initdwithMrs. Brian Caswell with 39 members and oeime g. Closed with thl held in the United Chureh, You are corialy nvied r.Russell Savery hsbe visiter present. Temeig ue after whicha pennysaeArl6 a patient in Memoial Hs was opened by the president, proved amusing. Arl6 to attend hepiai. Mrs. D. Park. Afier sin.ging Lunch was served by the SLN .I to attnd theA cardparty as hel et 0Canada, Institute Ode,an group.11 SLN W.. Sfakvileschool, Friday v the Lord's Prayer, the min- Mrs. Arthur Heyland, presi-, enîng. Mr. Brenton Farrow utes cf the last meeting were dent cf Néstleton W.I., ex- Our March meeting was and Mrs. Lorne Todd were the read hv the secretary, Mrs. I. pressed their appreciation for hiel.d in the Community Hall highpnie wnnes ad Mss Mudai hospitality. Wednesday evening, March H O0 S PIT1A L !Franis Thorïpon receved Thle iplans for Ko::er Kar- APO .~rtwt u rsdnMs the door pize. nivalwere finalizedi. The rol HMTNW1.ilspedngMetgoe- and Beverley and Miss Beulah thing that hias happened to Hampton Women's Institute by the Ode and Mary Stewart -B I1R T H D A Y Salwl wr ine uss e"Te etn was then met on March lst in the C. E. Coller't. Minutes cf previeus wt r.WlrdWo ]stturned oe oMs ,Fi-Bidn ihMs li pre- meeting were read by Sec.- week.toitwho was the convenor cf siding. Meeting epened with Treas. Mrs. W. Ashton. Rol Service at Shiloli with Rev. the px-ograipx an Citizenship. the Ode and Mary Stewart Col- caîl was enswered by a fav- R. C. White was well attended. Mrs. Eber Snowden prepar- ledt and Lord's Prayer. Roll orite quotatio. of te muic.which was read by Mrs. Mg Vehicle and the one that re- Our- noniinating committee for Mr. nd rs.Maurice Hal- Fiintofrf. Do you profess to places il". Minutes were read 1161-1967 are Mrs. R. Lang- Sponsoed byloweli. Michele and Scott, be a good citizen? Then nevpr by assistant secretary in the maid. Mrs. R. Davis and Mrs. OM N' UXLIR 0 Morrish, were Suniday dinner forget your famîily are waich- absence of Mrs. George Yeo, D. Flett. Il was moved we WOME"S UXIIAR OFguests ai Mr. Brian Caswell's. ing you, your neighbox-s are who, we are sorry te say, was canvass door ta door for Can- Mrs. Sid Hallowell spent watihng yeu, and even in hospital for surgery. The oer Society. Mrs. R. Eakins MEMO IAL OSPIAL Saturday in Toronto. 1 'though you can hide from the minutes were appreved. Cor- volunteered ta be convenor. MEMORIAL HOSPITALThe Shloh U.C.W. meetinrsi yucnnthdef respendence was read. We dorated $50 te the Red was heid ai the home of Mrs. yourself. The Leathercraft School is. Cross. Mrs. R. Fraser read a at Jim Stark, Wednesday afier- *'The rmatto was given by te be held on March 22nd, 23rd C.A.C. news letter, aise a let- naon, last week, with a fine Y ak Oiî~si and 24th from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. tex- from Billon W. I., Eng- attendance. The President lk la The lest day from 10 te 12 a.m. land. chari'ty begins District Annuel will be bel rga aso ii LIONS CENTR ~ ~ mchrge. ome. ou sould be interest- d u hecitherpom ndrahMy ha endal. Con- 1 1 - eriwthgupcnnr Blakstckand Orono Fair! sent. Mrs. M. Nesbitt wasedo-I Dur'ham M.P. Russell C. lists for W.I. exhibits were bosiess. Following the usual Honey announc-ed today t.hat 'read. opening, tbe president, Mrç. Durham County residents wilI The roll<al was, What con- A. Hyland welcomed several have an opportunity te share stitutes a gaod neighbor? guests from Janetville. The in the centennrial, celebration~ Mns. W. W. VanCamp, cO on î11l was "A pidture fer a during 1967 by viewing the qoLàvenor cf citizenship group nowl Current Event Scxapbook". Confederation Caravan whichi p i de o Tepo r mm , 'le minutes and orespoti. will visit Port Hope JulyI and again welcomed the Nestle-ý dence were read by Mrs. R. 25tb-27th and Bowmanville! ton ladies and especially Miss flavison and a financial reporti Julv 28th-30th in 1967. Ethl Tempen bo as eengiven. It was decided to send ThPle Confederation Caravan autemb for 0 estlta n hs a delegate te the Offioers' will consist cf eight extra- ON tu~mthenfors60 eir frsidwhs Conference in May. We voted size tractonr trailers, the in-ý moter as hei fistPresi- to have a Forum on, "Living teriors of wbioh will draina- dent. Lwec acla with yrour Freezer," or "Neyer ticaîly portx-ay the stos-y cf cmpn Lawonte piancolm, acrla Duli Meal." Our choice for Ca-nada fi-cm pre-historic A L L coaned on bbc piangolb eia short course was "What's times up te the cornplex mid- daugtenWBoniesangtw, New in Home Furnishings." twentieth century. Viewers ____________________________________________________________ lvldItIrh sng, "Sure"GaTo A donation-of $5.nO was voted wili be brought face to facei -~ alld I Irlad,"andGale-te the Red Cross. Prs. M jwith tbe situation confreniedl SU L up gae a ineest f;adngAuxili2ry Spring Fair, May settlers f te Frenchi regime,I w~~~~~~~~~~~~~G ay Baay." M s eorge yHes r nesn npnele H sia y te er-y e pees h nil " ht B c m f 28th. A committeetot plan for United Emir e Loyalists, and1 Graknmg adEseial Hr our fith Anniversary Banquet, soeon. TRADE I N ALLOW ANCE Cooking?"__Larmr read the Was noniinatied. Th ran nwll be(open cal Research and Current1te 11:00 p.m. eac*x day and a BUY NOW . . BEAT THE TAX INCREASEI1 Events convenor, presentedf staff cf 26 will :ccopny an intenesting pro0l-am. Prs.1the caravan, au wei as R.C. es RO S L.Malcolmn led the group in[I M.P. security personnel. De- singing "When Irish Eyes are signed colourfuliy and boldly,l D Smiing." Mn. Alice Beacec k the caavan on- site will be; R ave the motta, "Memor s like a s.mall fair. ua wondenful tseasure cheat, i'Mn. Honey said it is hoped JEWELLIRY GIFT SHOP you know how to pack1it." t h idTen will denive es- paper on "Tht Village Black- presentation of histony as a~ j,, The Canadian Stteunan,.owmaavilh, Mar. 18, -198 a 44'r WIDE "PLAYMATE"F1 .Add a dash cf color te, your play togEs with Tex.19 Made@ cotton poplin co-ordinates. Magicarelt fin- ish, colorfast, sturdy, washable. In ail tiie lateat Afully tpned and cordming soua. Aicolopn., i ad 35" WIDE "PAGEANT IPI" llewnre'sihe ppn alf atae assored to coîton lprint. Wandenful or dreesatn id sp or. fawrashnw ab ndclrs. Choose fro avaon- Perf"or n rsnmery desgn ro a youfr nn spnig andime ardoll. 6 9 a 35"f WIDE "LESLREY"EF qual iyraclot h a s easy e rglaewith. Sat rds andfyoal trd s mof it foreal lb. et cosyou lagnt kCionogec otsahabe nds colKIng t SBomanlvIeyPluno d3379 Yaj 35"WDE "AGEAT PRNTSr lier's alueupo vale o attactve, ssotei ---r 4

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