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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 11

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SPORTO PICS :BANTAMS ln-, the replay caued by ail three tearns tylng ln thé original N.H.L. piayoffs, Bowmanvllle bentams were elim- -nated, losing to Cobourg 4-1. The lbéaIs defented Port Hoe 19~-2, but Cobourg postéd their second win shutting eut Port Ilopé 3-O to earn the right to competé in the Little N.H.L. Ontario finals at Mldland. ti. t t1 t GENERALS FLYING BUT LOSE MORENZ SOshawa Generais and Montreal Jr. Canadiens hooked in what Jim Blshop told us was thé béat Junior "A" me of thé season, Sunday night at the Montreal Forum., Wlde sélection of stylings and finislies. Shirley Wood ----- Marg Mcflonald ----- Ina Brown - ----- - Doris Tonxpkins ------ Edna Eltiott --------- Marg Wadé - ------------ Marlene Stacey --...-- Dot Stark - --- Jennie Rypstra ..- Grace Farrow ------- Joyce Stacey - ------ -----. Helen Sinclair......- ----. Olive Héndérson.... Joy Luxton - -------- ,Sharon Brown.......-- Elva Robinson ----- Berniece Hendérson Maureen McCullough Meda Stapleton ---- Annette Savery ----- Games Won 187 184 18R3 180 178 176 170 169 163 163 158 153 151 151 140 139 139 1 2 129 101 Wrens..........53 Baoves. ------ - 34' Robins...............3 Owls 20 - G, m- s 30 S. Wood 288, 201; D. Stark 271-231; M. McBonald 267- '220, E. Elliott 261-232; D. Tompkins 249-216; M. Wade 221-237, J. Luxton 212, J. Stacéy 202, E. Robinson 200. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For thé wéék of March 14-! 20 inclusive. IAdmissions .......... .... 521 Births, 3 male, 1 fernate 4! Bischarges .. ........ 69 l Major opérations ........... 4, Minor operations .- ....17 Emérgency tréatnientg ... 301 iVisiting hours 3-8 p.m. daiiy.' Youth Bowling Bantam Girls Mutton 5, Bryson 0; White- head 3, Bradlev 2. Téam Standings Bradley ....................... 35 Mutton ...................... 271 Bryson. ....................... 24; Whitehead ......... ..... --24' High Single - D. Lewis 178,1 C. Biggs 176, S. Whitehead! .172. High Double 287. Bradley Junior Girls Chittick 3, J. Sellera 2; D. 1 Sellers 3, Ayre 2; Firthi 5,1 IDonaghue 0. Team Standings B. Selleras.................42 Chittî-ck ....................... 33ý Firth .. ..................... 30i J. Sellers ...............117 1Ayre .. .. ......... -- 151 34&01,J.Nwfl n 2, cl Ayre 218, S. Firth 215, J. a C r er r p r rwin 213. L d u lr rp r HihDouble - J. Brcxnell 446, J. Trewin 354. Juio Bys For Closing Bonspiel 0, Preston 5, StaIker 0; Pa-T Jm <A mer 3, Adaims 2. rhs h sd yMu.2 Tearn Standings R Bouwmeester................. 43~ Curling activities for the reports winds up thé day. Palmier .......................... 7ladies at thé Bowmanville Récently a very nice "do" Adams...........................30Curling Club will corne to an took place, wîth thé playing Staflker ......................... 28 end Thursday, March 24th. At of an Inter-Club Bonspiel. Donaghue .................15 that turne two six-end gaines Rinks were in atténdance Preston .........................14 will provide "that last fling" from Whitby, Annandalé, Port High single - B. Holroyd at thé granite. A rnid-day Perry, Oshawa Golf & Curling 208,. G. Palmner 175, B. Pres- lunchéon will hé sérvéd, and Club, and from thé host club. ton 172.; it is hopéd that all members Thé Silver Spoons for highést High Double - B. Holroyd'wilî make a spécial effort tO total score after two éight-end 372, B. Preston 328. attend and join in the fun. grames had beén played were Senior Mlxéd Leagué lAnd théré will hé fun, hé- 'won by Danalda Winter's rini Etoher 5, Calville 2, Go)od-i cause this is thé timé when from Whitby. win 5, Burns 2; Cain 7, Beau- thé girls really let théir hair prie 0. down, and corné garbed in Teain Standing ýwiérd and fantastic "gét-ups".' Burns........................560 After the aftérnoon game, Colville ........................t4»e pe tto fprizes willLokn frani Etcher .... ................... 43itk placé. Thé élection of Loigfre n Cain............................. 42!officersand reading of various Pu G'oodwi*n...................... 33 Security Pu Extrc High Single - J. Porter 3 ura, Bowling M. H'ately 216-218-200, F. Burns 228-202, G. Barker 219, Mrh1,16 R. Etcher 256-211-255, W. Mrh1,16 Lewis 201, N. Goodwin 202,1 Pts. Pins M. Bradley 203, B. GriffinS i C's......... 241// 34571 210, B. Colville 272, B. WeIshl Maplé Grove ._ 23 36172ý DIT 51/20/ 265, S. Cain 257, C. Bradley Enniskillen Srs 23 339i0 226. Salemr ............. 1 32.3069 High Triplé - R. Etcher 722,1 Hampton.......... 14 1, 32843e M. Hately 634, F. Burns 607,1 Tyrone ............ 11 V2 3185-3 I U T 1 B. Colvil le 606. _____ 1 321641 -Enniskillen Int 8 2997 5 Hitgh Single: n u a Bavé Reynolds .........341' 'ff 4fl 8 - High Triplé: D -ave Reynolds 8 LAnd thé Gênerais, although it was their third gaine lnM 'e 4à heurs respondéd by comning through with a hard-foughtI i xed Luag ue ow li n g 5-3 win. It took Oshawa thé full seven gamés ta gét past a, Etcher walloped Osborne .........................40 hùtin S.CahriesBac aws cub-bu oah7-0 in one of Friday night's Glenville .................- 40 husting t. atheinesBlak Haks' lub - bu coah ree shut-outs to maintain H. Brook ........................37 "Bep" Guidolin han thé Generais playing back ta thé formn théir two point first placé E. Brock ..................36 that had carriéd thernito thé league lead, mid-way in thé irgin atop thé Mixed Lea- Perfect ..........................34 regular schedulé. gué standings. Runnér-up Prout........................... 33 Wicox stayeci in thé battle Osborne ...................29 Bobby Orr and lan Young, both first téam ail stars by handing tail-énd Grant a Grant ..._............:10 are continulng their great play. However, Danny O'Shea la 7-0 getback, whilé H. Brock ere really flylng again, and perhaps this fine centre-man hs thé upeet Harrison also via thé~elto Brok....33 23 key ta Oshawa's chances. Thé entire club is really up 1 no, sutout route. to Brc ......3 28 Prout downed Perfect 5-2, AI Osbogfe ...«...... 33 23.1 and another win Tuesday night would certainly put thé Nowlan edged Lobb 4-3 and Joé Nowlâf........ 33 225 .Generals in thé driver'# seat. Thé béat of seven sémi-final E. Brock howéd te Glanvîllé Dick Perfect .... 33 222 séries still has a -long way ta go, but thé first victory was 5-2. Morley Etcher... 33 221t a big one, as long as thé Motor City crew can win on home Ladies: Vînce Prout........ 27 218 Ice. ýHigh Single: Mary Wilcox 327 Matt Harrison ... 33 217 High Triplé:JenBut...... 30 216 Thé third gamé in thé séries has béen scheduled for, Connie Wiseman 708 HopdPainiér ......33l 214 tonight <Wed.) nt thé Forum. Action shifts back ta thé Mensç: Bob Glanville ... 33 211 Cxvic Auditorium Saturday and should a fifth game bel High Single: Hep Palmer 319 Alan Lobb........... 31 209 necessary (which it will) it réverts to Montreat Sunday' High Triple: Vince Prout 738!Hilda Brook........ 33 2081 Th it cnetissaé frnx TedyinOhw Singles 'Léw Welsh --.... 33 208( night. Tesxhcneti ltdfrnx usa nOhw Alex Wiseman 299, Vincé Jim Bedford ..... 33 2071 and if it gaes thé limit, thé teains wilt play thé deciding Prout 291, Lew Wétsh 289), Harold Bennett ... 3.1 204( clash at the Montreal Forum. ;Connié Wiséeman 285-256, Mor- Howard Broméli . 13 200( Oesa noté was interjected into thé big A-1 litrýey Etcher 282, Pat rr28 Ha7el Donaghue - 33 2001 On icoyHîlda Brock 276, Matt Hri Ken Nichoîs....33 i99 Saturday aftérnoon over St. Catharines. Brian Morenz, thé son 275, Dick Perfect 267, Duké Brunt ........ 33 1951 speedy third liné centré struck his héad an thé icé during Ralph Mélanson 265, Marg Fern Bradltey ...... 33 1951 4hé third period and was taken ta Oshawa Général hospital. Crago 265, Ernie Dickens 259- Onie Etcher ..._.... 33 1941 Morenz, a second cousin of thé great Howié Morenz, was, 251, Elton Brock 258-242, Audrey Osmond .. 33 193 1 ýAudrey Osmond 253, Mary Cecil Mutton....... .33 1921 transférred ta Toronto Général, whcré hé undérwent brain Harrison 250, Ruth Mitchell Bob Learnan....... 33 192 surgéry. At latest report his condition was listéd as fair, 2467 Hap Palmer 245, Joan Murray Grant ...33 189 and it is fully expectéd hé will rnaké a complété récovéry. Brunt 245, Jim Bedford 242, Ruth Mitchell ... 3 189 inhi irtséso it héGêeaiGord Wilcox 241. Lamne Crago .... 33 188 Brian, a 17 yéar old, i i is esnwt h eeas Triplés Bob Mitchell .... 33 187J was skating quickly te caver Kérry Bond at the point as' Morley Etcher 734, Hap Ernie Dickens ... 30 1861 play was in thé Oshawa zoné. Bond kept thé puck in, and Palner 727, Elton Brock 71.3, Ralph Melanson -. 331 84 - a s Morenz arrived a split second later, hé brought his stick Ernie Dickens 705, Hilda Mary Nowlan ...... .13 183 ,upandMornzcra-lid ackard, is eadstikig te'Brock 682, Lew Welsh 674, Alex Wiseman .....0 182 upan Mrez rahe bckarshi hadatikngth'Mary Wilcox 664, Audrey Os- Mary wilcox ...... 33 181 lbe. 'mond 660, Matt Harrison 65,Bon Bradley..... 33 179 In aur opinion It was strictly accidental. Anyone who'Alex Wiseman 651, Gord Wil- Ruth Grant _........ 33 179 has ever played hockey knows that it is almost reflex' ox 631, Dick Perfect 631, Connie Wiseman Sa 3 179 aitaJoan Brunt 626, AI Osborne Eissie Cox......_ 7 action te automatically bring your stick up in such a iu-622. Mary Harrison 612, Doni jim Cox..... ....... 33 176 tion as happened Saturday aftérnoon. I Bradley 611, Harold Bennett Roy Connors 33 175 Hoévrths ihtpontou téned orwer 1g611, Howard Brorniél 609, Jim1 Vern Jones_......... 28 1"3 Hoevîr tismihtpontou te ee fr eain iBedford 608. Pat Prout ....... 33 172 otective head-gear in a sport, where situations can arisel Teani Standings Murray Joynt .....le 169 quickiy. Probably a hélmet would havé saved Morenzl Ptq. Mary Harrison .. 33 167 rnthé injury, which couid have provéd extreméîy seriausiEteher .................. 51Ab Bonaghué ...30 165 eve faal.Itwould hé a gond idea if this particularlWilcox ... ............. «.........B ore Mutton....... 33 164 evnftl tHarrison ....................... 43 AI Blanchard ....... 33 164 I,.-uipentwasmadecomulsry.Lobb ....... ......-............. 41 Eileen Moore ...... 33 164 Harold Moore ... 33 164 S.« .Jini Thonipson ....31 163 Si. . .... ~ ?IDon Myles.......33 162 .............................. . Marion Wisenien 33 162 Dickens ... 27 162: M . ~Jabel Lewis .... 9 162 > Theima Beninett .... 32 161 S~. ~ .Emma Bromeil .... 30 161 . ........ '» Joan Bedford ......33 16a lez. i. Donna Jones . 3...l.a3 -Kay Blanchard .... 33 158 Marg Crago .... 24 157 Marié Leanian .... 31 156 Betty Lobb .........33 156 Betty Nichais..... 33 1.94 Lîllian Connors .... 33 1641 IVeima Myles ...... 33 153 CU T MMuriel Mlanson ._ 331 512 Duainé. Palmer ... 33 - U a Yvonne Osborne .. 30 147 DESIGNE F'rank Osmond ... 33 144 1Néttié Glanrville . 30 127 ""'H ENS Dot Thampson .... 33 124 New'ville -Starkville COMRIE y Ttt ...I.~..i - A. H. Sturrock and Sons Ltd. Bowmanville, Ont, ypur Imperial Esso Agent Low Single: A. Sharp Low Triplé: A. Sharp Averates Over 180 Bavé Reynolds ...30 K. MoIGili............ 33 R. Twist ............ 33 B. Taylor........... 33 J. Bond ......:........ 21 R. Scott .......... 30 T. McLaughlin ....33 D. Wood ........33 Céc Milîs ......... 33 E. Diey ........33 B. MeDonald .....21 Jim Coombes .....33 Bruce Caombés ...33 John Coonibes ....30 J. Siemon........... 33 A. Wilson........... 33 L. Wearn ............ 30 Bob Combes .....33 B. '",nooacki ..... 30 2551 2321 229 2251 2i2 2111 2M0 209, 207 : 2071 204 202 201 200 1981 1971 195' Availabfe in convenim (a $10 oertificate C08J anytime if you need Go-Ahea &TOR The Bank ýe t tg b. t td The Canadian tatusmm,leowmamvlfl,%ÙS. 2U, 1 M Recrection'.R.tviews On Saturday, March 26th, Hockey Môthers the Bowmanville Recréation i 45 m < Departmnent will hold Minor Mr. Jack 19r Hockey Day at the Mémorial 3:15 &.m.%MdcM% 4l Arena, starting at 9 a.m. Lion&sClub Trôph'ý".,,' The Recreation Committée The Tyke, Atogr*IdG4 felt that there was flot enough Finals are altrei~a~ time involved, in holding the perlod ;ames, wMt finals on a week day evening, three minutes, of the g~h as there are six games. stop turne. Shown below is a tirne-table. The Peé. Wft, 13aiitàui, - of the Championship Finals: Midget Finals are tbil 20.. 9:00 a.m.-Tkye Final -Pot - minute pérlods, with thé laa ice Association Trophy. two minutes, stop ime. 10:1 a..-Atm Fnal The admission fée 1* 5me 10:1 a..-Atm Fnal for adults, eblidreri 12 ye*ra Teen Town Trophy. and over 25c. Al éMijd=m 11:15 a.r.-Pee Wee Final - who are registered wlth the Danny Barnes Mem o r ia I Bowmanville Recretion Minor Trophy. Hockey League will b. ad. 12:30 p.rn.-Girls' Final - mitted free._________ BRUINS LEAD LOCAL 199 FINALS Bruins defeated Hornets 7-3 for their second çtralg*t win to take a 2-1 lead in the béat of five Local 189 MdekiY Léague final series. The Bruins will hé out to capture thé championship in the fourth game, this Suniday morfilii, starting at ten o'clock. t t t * t i. JUNIOR TOWN LEAGUE. PLAYOFFS Légionnaires handed Nichel's Moters a 4-2 attback te move on top two gamès to ane In their béat ci five flil séries for the Town Hockey League champiônship..The next and possibly final gamne in the set is slatéd for. Stmdir evenlng, starting at seven o'clock. nvestment that offers ru Interest? iD SIMPLE INTERESI ýAVINOSDRTHAS ient amowits from $10 to $50,000 ris only $7.50) end moy b. cash.d, i. emon.y. Cid people bank on IONTO-DOMINION k where people make the difference. RG. LAWTON, Manager Bowmanv il le Dbmnc.8 Holiday Sedes The smoothest OIds yet-and. you'1Il neyer make a better deal than you wiII rght nowl A lot of people are convinced that smoothness is an Oldsmobile exclusive. Can't, bleême them, really. Look at those smooth Olds lines-or the flawless finish, inside and out. Vibra-tuned ride -..Super Rocket engines that put out a smooth (there's that word again!) flow of power ... .smooth just has to be the word for Oldsmobilel But here's the hot news-you can better your best-ever deal on a smooth new Oldsmobile right now, during your Qlds dealer's Car Buyer's Field Days. His selection is tops, his delivery is at once, anid his deals are h-o-t. See hirn i oin us during When you cail your Imperial Esso Agent, you cail on the total resources of Imperial Oit Oldsmobile. For top quality Cqtas1old""CoUmm', products, service AUTHORIZED OLD)SMODILE ]DEALER IN BOWMMVL andi advice, cali ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LIMtl C.11-2.559 Co 623-5516 lam3zi; c m*aiC.TV ntworiCh &i sMay. Ch* w IMOI W ho g o lw e' For that nice warm feeling cali...m

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