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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 13

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pdies Entertained by I lembers of Durham Lodgeý . - -- 4u - .. r mln.....k.. 94th Birtbday Prime Minis fer S u Library Week Mar. ý 1 welcame with deep pleà- surs the oppartunlty oajered me, once again, ta Iend my ç~fronp~ Caadian Llbrary %trokn artch28 la April 2nd. Canadian Librmry Week aima at fuslgattention au the wandenulwoald af book. whlch in there for us la dis- caver sud erjo. Through booksý we can alenlighten aur .mmds.with the thoughts, better world, by making bu-i mani knowledge readily access-J ible toa ai. Books become su Invaluable Instrument in man'si step-by-mtep conqucat of thei aimastit nfnite iphere oaInl-1 teilectuai activit. It la through the kuowledge fouudg lu books that mon derivea In-i spiration for miii greaben ci-e-1 stive work. The genenra1 accessibility of ia to ac th se br ki ai Jim Subt WB 9akn Bomanvile5.Mma Shi'auWomen's Collegme Hospital, recruits before Septemben. Saturday 9 a.m to 5.30 PeMi' to Memoia O MPiaIBOw- Trew sud Min. J. Mldew P t rna nSna hlwl. ietegrslm manvilie, ls we.erbonough, werehm o h o nSudy htw etee girls wom' Mhn rn 6Ji tn Luthr. wndkcud.C vsited a Poier etrcadthyc helpth e Phoe ron 18Jl n sst y a w t M. u Mi. ,Little Shirley Beatty fin l a hwa. recruits. Aay girls who will spntSuda atenon hme again. W.L ra U.C.W. met at the home o! be 14 years aid by September OronoataI er haome. Mr. sud Mns.. nyrMmr. John RSdle Wedites. are welcorne in Ses Rangers Mrs. J. Stutt, Pbm.B., wiII b. on duty A fter the funeral on Mon- sud Mini. H. Thicksan were iu day, Mai-ch j«. After a short at thalturnme. Our- crew i. froi 1 .m. o 9p.n andfros :30 dey of the laIe Mr-..Elizabth Pterborough, Thunsday. buiness, misa eti-le Mc. naw reglstered sud are wait- fr omp. . tan.m m 1o 1 î~ . to 53 S. owins, nothe x o the . y. M m. R. Savory ud Betty L en of L cunt H i showed ing f an lI na ne t c me fr m pm. Saurdys.Vktor . Bawkis, relatives Jean were with Mrs. V. Walt- ber ïMles and gave hem- com. heedqua-ters. Each crew ia pai., SuauBYansd friends wre guests o! ers ou Sunday eveatiug. Mr-. mntai'y an ber trip to the named str an important boat sa Mr and Mrs. Lai-e Bowins, Savorn l li ltbb hospital "Holy Land". Coeamittee la which bas adopted it.. MainVÀ Street South. but expects tobeb.hom aien . diarge m"vd lundh. jTbirty-seve 1 nut e r asat e d Mms bruce Tillion, Uditor Phft. as7.41 Yarkdale lest week. Thase taking il iu frora Hampton were Mirs. Truli sud Mmm. Short. The bus was fibbed sud the group enjoyed g oo d wreatbcr aud a shopping mprce, urriviug home et 6:00 p.m. Mr. aud Mrs. W. V. Price and Mirs. H. S. Price, Toronto; M'iss F. Smith, Miss G. Sbeph- Lusan sud Miss D. Yeaman of Oshawa werc Suuday callers at the home of Mirs. A. E. Biiiett. Muis. BilletI and bbe Prices bad dinnen with Mrs. W1. S. Sbaples, Bowmanville. The North Graup o! the WVornn's Institute hcid their annual meeting ta prepare proa-mmes for the caming year on Monday ailernoon o! thlm week et the home o! Mirs. Billett. Newcastle-The a Yiin u ali caterer for tne'r fine efforts a'. . L raithme lvigsrteale bok o al md mRe I a Ladies' Night of Durham and the graup then moved to ance by Cecil White on bhsof have iv aiegacor dac h o boeks oreater n sforeach i t Lodge was held Saturday ev- the auditorium for the enter- banjo. Les. Grinizhaw aimaaelf eay ihi x rae ecsiyfrec ft enn tthe om it Hall * n, nrouedb raprvided an accardion solo anid perlence, praiound lni thaught us ta become more selective ilý weng a ommty 1 t0A.nmendrT, hentrodue b ra n o Wllas iaosooand delightiu inluentertain- ln aur chaice of reading ma- fo waon h e m n heappra xi t e n1. uedryvoThel prgram n- o roundiouta m a pinoysalment. terial. 'riere exista an art af Maan fom te isrcten cudd ocl ubers )tarudutamcezyd This year's theme ai «Read- reading but there also exista g tertained their ladies. Glen Allun, accampanied by entertainment hour. ing - aKey toaChanging the important art ai dis- e Joining with the officers and Norm Williams, trumpet solos Music for dancing was 5up- World"ID nvites us to refleet tinguishing the books whlch Li mnembers of Durham Lodgc by Carias Tamblyn, accom- plled by Don Walte and the on the important raie which are warth reading. It is this were guests from Broaklil panied by Mrs. Morton and a Novel-Aires from Cabourg. akpayiaupuutaiascn arthtam aete and Whitby on the west ta. boksla_ ln_________oa.seondart____bsadeth Coibarne an the east. The customary banquet, entertan ment and dancing were thor- KEDIRON eughl enjyed.HAMPTC Guests were rcceived by (Intended for last week) Densham. *Wor. Bro. J. Barnes and Mrs. Mickey, a smail black A u ae h otnLuat Sunday was abserved Precaott, Enfield, and Missp crab race, awCas won g byaHaris Sotthen areSr. Warden and Mrs. SpanielI was shot again onl Blue Six. Demonstration knot a élhSna lmxn idHriSuhMn V .R. Hall and Jr. Warden and Cnd' ainlHea Mdrs. A. Hendry. A most de- Saturday morning. Mr. Win. tying was periormcd by Garth Cnd' ainlHat lcosbanquet was served by Rudyk, Avalonl St., statdeu LI Pascoe, Neil Mahafiy, Brian Week, sponsored 1by th~e «han; also Mr., and Mes. John ta St.cores EeigBan'Mce hdbe ht wc'liotadRge accHealth League ai Canada. Carrigian anid Douglas, Osh-' ' St. corg's venîg BanchMicky hd ben sot ticeEllitt ad Rger ancckThisx is a citizen'a a nittee awa. S'unday evening supper SI Toast ta Grand Lodge was this winter. On bath occasions Joe Wright sent a message Barry Tebble for thie Warld Heulth Organi- gue.sts were Mr. and t proposcd by Bro. Roy Hall the wound appeared ta have in semaphore, which was re- mtio(n <of the United Nations. Herert Prescatt, Rodger, Brin wJ and responded ta by Rt. Wor. been inflicted with a gas-fired ceivecl and transcribed by Congratulations will be ex- Tfhe titie of Boy. Catta's ser- and Anita, Meple Grave. ai Bro. R. Osborne. Bro. A. pellet gun of the type used Neil Mahaffy and Garth Pas- tended on Friday, March 25th, mon was "Discipleship and Hendry proposed the Toast ta for target practice. In the coe. ta Mr. Harry Tebble of Beaver saiety,. T'Me children's story The monthly meeting of the the Ladies ta which Mrs. first incident the pellet lodged Physical requirements were St., Newcastle, wha will be was called "Message from HampWton U.C.W. was held on al Barnes replied. in the dog's hind quarter. donc by Brian Mahafiy and celebrating bis 94th birthday. Ekuner",. Confirmation classes March 15th in the C. E. wing M Bro. G. Brown welcomed the This time, Mickey was shot Harold Mauntjay, Neil Love, He is reported ta be in reason- were held at the home of Mr. inl the farm cof an open meet- ai vîsitars and Rt. Wor. Bro. H. just belaw the eye, and the Gary Snowden and Billy able good health and has lived aind Mrs. Wdllis Sayeau. ing. Minutes of the last 0 Duvali from Orono rephied. pellet travelled along the U1P- Arsenault. The guesta jained in- Newcastle for about 25 meeting were read and ap- al Bro. A. Gray thanked the per jaw ta lodgc in the roof the Cubs in a game-song, ycars. Prior ta, retirement, 15 On 'Wedtiesday, Marc4h 23, proved. Foilowdng the rail1B of the mouth. The pellets are Heads, Shoulders, Knees and years ago, he was with the in the Tyrone Cornmunity cal, the treasurer's report P o! a soft type that spiatter an Tocs. Dept. of Highways. He has Hall, a panel discussion an and corresipondence w e r e New emb rs cntat, mkin thetas of rs.Robet Dle, onoaryllved alane in bis owinhomne, Modern Education in Dar- read. The worship service Ne Me b r contact, makig hmtask a Ms. Rob ert a, Honorry ince bis wife's death in 1958. lingtoi Township was held. was taken by Mrs. rnl remving thMr uch ismorte ashasand tecPack's rt h etwse fbsmn twssosTdb h y n m antet ea * * ded at anifus ot. Mr. Ruykifoma-st Aerlbwas to a rin get.friends are extended ta Mr. rone Hamac snd Sehool Asma- being "God leads, we iollow". p eto e a iou ta obtain any inoa- Seveal boys took paMr le- Tebblc as lhe approaches câation. Aiter the devotional, Rev. y itin the would ead t- ad iting a pacwhihMr. alwe another birthday. Callers at the Prescatt home catto introduced memnbers of t S .G og sW ,idleatforngthe oat reson-nd ampriteh escribi na wek- during the week wre Mr. the panel, Mr. Bert Martin, a 1 bibs frthetogataks lenamp hegrup njy the financial report, which and Mm. Will Ashton, Caesa- native of South Afiea, and SeatleTe G 1a eeorges WA.bis dogBridges Ales nt an nbealf ai showed a balance af $177.46. rea, Mrs. aoei Trewin, Ennis- Mr. Gupta, a native of New meeincofSt. eoresg u 1 ad anised the Sacrament the boys wvas made ta Mrs The date of the annual killen, Mr. Edgair Prescott Delhi. Mr. Mertin at the pre- mng o! Sth . Georgs Eelin-o! Baptism ta the following Charles Thomas by David Spring Tee bas been set for and grandcilidren, Marin, sent time is a "floating" prin- thg Bari anch oW. a ed a, blîdren during the regular Snowden. Neil Love led a leter this month. Guest speak- Marvin, Janilce and David cipal for the Darlington March l6th with the president Bonni erie,yn Marie 13d selutary Grand Hawl for Mrs. er will be Mr. Kemstra aifGTow shih School reach-r in th char and 20 resen. MihaelThonmas, who was the Pack Rundie Garden Centre, whoi utTYRuHlg cho tah intechi nd2 reet McalEdward F r a ser Babao until recenîly. will discuss the variaus aspects! YR NE er et Blackstock. Mir. Catto Wc were pleased to welcome Jeu,- Tracy LneLgte fgreig gave a brie! introduction of, two new embers.Andrew Norman Mepstead, Reverend Bridges talked o o r n r. .Pilp ndteUNswokao h A!ter the opening prayersKenncth Arthur Tyson, Ther- brie!ly on tbe requirementstommeditns dta caler t rand Ms. T. ,Pbillips, wad bb UN.s wrarond hes minutes were read, treasurer esa Kathleen Cann, and James for Religion and Lufe Awards twa d digs r anetwoMter y loMissMr.d MrPilis, oHeclstd ts ih a ndhe deal s repoteda sbstatia baanc, Wiey hay fo Cub. aceped.G. Byasn atteaded the Rob- mian's best hope for peace. Dorces Secretery presented a Arctto,"htl rsPilp edn tM-M.GpaadM.Mri bibi for wool, and the W.A. Friday cvenIng, Marcb 11, WAlrecibat, wha t gisa eccTetd. rySpe ilai FordMrh 1t.gvea1 iuetl ncn bulletin wes read. was iamily nigbt for the 2lst Jref! Thomas. Following ai- be hebd in June in the lower Coratulations Mrch th andeations inute telkand ot- The report on the mcn's "A" Cub Pack. A total ai 44 il loig ercsahl. Gene. They will make their Africe. In conclusion the dinerhel onMarh 6h, uess wre n hndwordl a campfîre sing-song was enjoy- The Bay o! Quinte Confer- home at Chatanooga, Ten- pael asked for questions was most setisfactory and itot the mysteriaus wrdo ed. Re!reshments were serv- ence will hold its annuel meel- h lo n ac an after ail bills were paid the the Wolf Cub. cd by the boys and their ead- ing for U.C.W. groups within fenbcforadhdmn balance was voted ta church Mrs. Wm. Elioît, Akela, ers. tbc conierence in Harmon Mir.s. Donald Davcy return- frein thc inberested audience maintenance. Unide borne o on Suiday from ta answcr. Mrs. Killeus rnov- A lovely shower o! baby gebdbcgct.Tepo Mr. Robert Mitchell, Pary nie Cbcho Mah Boiwmnvile Mmra Hos- cd a vote o! thanks te Mir. things was collected by the gram toak the form aif a reg- Sound, is spending a few end 23. pital. Gupta, Mr. Martin anid Mr. nimesadpckd a ular pack meeting, with the weeks 1wlbh bis sister sud Followîng business, reiresh- Mr R mebradpcetgeth- basdntayg vrasfaiy r n r.Rbrtmnswr edadasoca lh Shaw, Miss Cetto on beheif of the U.C.W. erontatn withu fmiyaur ad Indietnens er Schi nda oyalDoreta TcOshawa, werc memnbers and guests. lb wes requiti o. There were abo eye" requirements for their Fraser, whilc recovering iromn period enjoyed. Sundey cleso i.sdamm interesling and infor- several cartons of good used parents. recent surgcry. At a recent meeting ai the Mrs. E. A. Virtue. mrative cvening. The next clothing pecked, ta be sent ta Tendcrpad r eq ui r ements Kedron U.C.W. held ils gen- 21mb Oshawa Scout Traop, the Mr .and Mms. Gordon Lar- meeting will be held April heedquarlcrs. Then some o! were perfarmed by Alan Grant eral membership meeting at following badges were awerd- mer aud faniuy, Sout.h Mona- 19t1i in the C. E. winig in the tbc members quiltcd, some and Michael Pebtes. Rudyard the home a! Mrs. Clarence ed: Paul James, Religion and glian, wcre Sunday visitors o! form of a pael on "Unifica- did bbc packing and smre Kipling' s Jungle Story, which Werry on Wednesday, March Lufe Certificate and Emblera; Mr. anid Airs. M. yeo. tion 0, Anglican and United miade preperations for the is tbc besis for tbc format ai 2, witb Mrs. Robert Dale, Douglas Pascoe, Auto Mechan- Mr. and Mrm. John Vaeyk Churcihes". Evcryone îs imosl Mesonic banquet on Saturday Cub meetings and from which U.C.W. president in charge. ic, Woodworker and Senior and diildren visitcd on Sun- wclcoaie. for wbich thc Brench was the jungle naines are derived, Mrs. Ronald Werry and Mrs. Swimmer Bruce MacDonald, day with Mr. and Mrs. Larry (Intcnded for lest week) catering. Several members was acted out by Ricky Melch, Wi!fred Pascoe oi Unit 3 pre- Intermediate Royal Lufe, and Rosevear, Ehruwood.Th pab onhhssn rcceived their silver pins at Harold Dervent, David Snow- sentcd tbe devotional periad. Bruce Villancourt, Intermedi- !M.sdMr.JmsWo-The HampbonthGuidesver ,hs meeting. den, Pal Akinson and Jeiiery Mrs. Alan Peniound read ae Swimmer. ley and childrcn VistQd 'J$ busy sludying and trying ______________________________________________________ Mrs. Murray Mouatioy and #parentà, Mng. aM Mrs. R. D. tests, and aima pracbicing new Dianne entcrbained the mcmn- Hogkinson, Aurons. garnes with the «irls taking bers oi the 25tb Oshawa MT. end Mrs. W. jeweell re turns directing. Each girl is Brownie Peck et a supper turued 'home last week i'rom taking hier tura reading the 'The O rono N ew S party ia their home on Tues- a pleaant holiday iniMexico Guide Prayer during aur open- day, Marcb lst. Tbirby-one and Acapulco. ing service andarpto Bronis it Bowu Owl, 1&. and Mrs. A. Grace, leaders manage bbe flag rais- Mr. am s Rchrd, diorMrs. Newell attended. Prior Lynda eud Patrieis, Bow1lTLS- gan lowering ceremony. Mrs. ames E Rchard, Edtor a super, a eriod ai garnci gville, wSeeSundsay callers Of Ea«ch girl will parlicipabe la was njocd. ManywilingMr. snd M&s. W. Rahini. bclping ta make tbe prograin Mis% Kebte Fosîci- o! Osh- Arthur Tennant, molier ofan sd children o! BSwniuvilc bhands made short work ai the MIr. end bMrs. F. L. Byam rua smoothîy. The follawing awa spent Tuesday o! îast bbc groom, and Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday dinner gueste oi task oi cleaning uii. attendcd tbb cIdfclbows' La tests were passed duning Feb- we iiig rs hrtnRussell Mcerill; Mr. Morley Mr. sud Mrs. Orville Challice dies Night at Memoriel Park, ruery and Mai-ch ta date: Ac- weekvisiingMrs.TharbonTennant of Bawmanville, Mr. aud Bowmniville, on Satunday cident Prevention: J a ic Wilson and Mr. and Mns. G. and Mm. Ken Giniblett of Mr. and Mrs. H. LuxtogiE IZ B T VIL ight. Alm abr oeMii L. cGe.Leskard. and children of Bowirnnville Mr. .and Mirs. Kenacbb lyn Carter, Bannie Chant, Mr-. and Mrs. F. L. Bysin, Mir. Milton Teurblyn i-dura- were Sundey dinner guests of (Intended for last week) Lamb, Oakville, werc recent Beverly Guest, Henrietta Kat- er nd Mrs. A. E. Vutue O! e bomne lest ensa from Mr .and Mmr. Hai-ry Mercer. Cuc evcswr visitons af Mir. sud Mmr. G. zer, Sylvia Kaîzer, Mary Myrn Wednca&.anday hrc srvce wre ld Alidrcad. LwccVlreMlpie Tyroe viiledMi- andMithbbcMemnoial Hospital, Bow- Mr. sud Mrs. George Bc'N bei-e Sunday but duc tte c ce M.Loy Lde -u awraence aha Kaby Nol- Harry Mercer Sunday even- manville. crs o! Nestîcton werc visitors there was a smell congrega- cd. Llydne f reOhawa en- aDie N olan, GailRoi- ing. Mr. Gordoni Wtnter, Mr. ai Mr. snd Mirs. Reg. Suttan lion. Garden Hill bad can- eralhoeitlon Osuay. s n, Larie N St aiton-n Mr, and Mrs. Howard Hod- and Mrs. F. O. Cooper cnt on Sunday, March 13th. celbcd their Sunday Scbool, sa ura osialnnie ivea, r. soK atby V an Bit. on'an gins. Chnis and Sylvia, Of Sunday with Mr. sud . At the Horticultural Society there were none frorn Garden Lloyd s.Allruead and Mxesrvatio Vn DT et Barbar bondon visited Mr. and Mmi. O. M. J. Fagan snd Karenaet meeting Ibis Thunsdsy, M b chHill et churcb. attenledaburtd ayd pab n bsrvation ues,-SBavba W.Robinson on Sunday. îka. 24th, at 8 pn., in thc mainmtne hha at nBrk eel usSli Mi- sd ir. raie M Mmm.WibtPods adtiu o!OnaUîc On Wednesday aiternoon Saturdsy at the haine o! Mr. Kaîzer, Mary Lawrence, Val- Church, Mr. Wni. Btrnti wil, the United Churcb Wornen Oliver Becketaud Miss Ar- cric Maiiprize, Maiian Moue- Laren an childrn left or a Hany, B.C. enrout home b heedgutheireakrnîhlyiimeeting atir villay Betingtavilla Bakettilyn bani Cahan CatdyDnd bbieb Nolanan Lai-nhsud childripenIto e'.fo lr a anc , ..enrols ehoe esbbcwguilms eakr an theMrs. E. Whitc's home. Mrm. gatheing was held honoring Gail Robinson, Wendy Sinale, Congratulations ta Mn. and with bier sister-în-law, Mrs. Land'. sud "Pipeline ta tbc Marris prcsided. Mius. H. Mr. Beckett'» 901h birthdaY. Laurie Stainbon, Kathy Van Mrs. Ross Tennant, the for- Wm. Cabblcdick. Clouds." Plan ta attend and White bclped Mrs. G. McMur- Sympathy is extended ta De Bell and Elizabeth York. mier Miss Valenie Adams, on Mi-. and Min. Albert Mit- brng friend.iray with bbc abai-lion question Mn. and Mira. Luther Hooper Canada Flag Study - Barbara their mariage on Saturday, chell and children visited Mn. Mr-. sud Mrs. A. M. John- Citizenship sud Social on thc passing of thein bro- Borck, Henietta and Sylvia March l9tih, in the First Unit- and Mrs. Wm. Emai-ey Of! sIen, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sut- Action. lb was vobed o an sd ther-in-aw, Mr-. W 1111la im Katzer, Valerie Malapnize, ed Cburcb, Port C r cd ilt. Whitby Saturdsy eveuing. ton, Mn. and M~rs. Arnchiie vie are ta scnd a letter te Can Bownian'vilce. Gail Robinson, Dcbbie Nolan, Guests f romnQi-ana werc Ms.tMn. sd Mis. John Kileen Lunu, Mr-. and Mirs. Tamn paliament in favor a! leavlng Min. sud Mrm. E. A. Virtue Wendy Srnale, Kabby Van De -Lewis, Mr. and Mrm. Win. the tbrec words out a! the law speal a Jew days lest wcek Bell and Elizabeth York. Storbergn ad daughter as il stands. Mini. K. Trew witb Mr. end Mirs. Yalladown, Brenda Terrill and Lynda Stosbege rcuuned~ ook bbc devotional. A report Bunlington. Coulter gaincd their 2nd Clas Christina neccntly rtre o! bbc meeting aith Stewards Mn. and 3m. F. L. Byam, Badge sud arc working bard @ U T r YSOrono frein hoiidaying ln on besîing questionl was given , Mn.udMn.EA.VbeontirstCasBg.Te S T U T'S he Tachrs o Clnkeby Mrs. M. McAllister. Mirs. viaited on Sunday with Mir. Canada Fla.g and Kima's Game TheTeaher ofClakeKen Trcw gave a report on and Mirz. H. Mes-cen, Orona. lest are just new ones we si-e Township Public Sohool Ares the annual conference o! bbc Congatuations to Mr. and warkiug on but bbc accident held liieir Mai-eh!meeting et U.C.W. aI Warwick. Our-<itMn abrPr nterp-viiii etiutb ua lice were sultprrPgukson thebispwame1tboover wesmsotdba tbbc .qw suawn omiesni.nowm sanvflleMar. 23.,1068 1S ipports >6, Apr.2r .-CI ai thegpoicasionai libi-ar- an 80 muc moi-e imnpor-tant e ýai af us. Froin bbc yaunga Iiild wbose enquiring mind Rcedes fan thc fi-st lime la usd -source ai knowledge ta le proiessional wbo Is involv- ed la bighly mpccialized ne- îarch work, bbc libranian brings ta their assistance biss knowledge sud expericuce, ad bbrough bis competence il becomes possible for ayonet to oblata bbc works ai quai-3 ty wbjcb beit suit bbc needs ton wbîch tbcy are required. My lave ai books, sud of1 gced books, makes it a pi-ivil-5 «ge sud pleamure te commendI Library Week toalal. L. B. Pearson, Prime Milaister of Canada.t IN.l BABY FOODS 4 4yom ar474 ln Tomato Sauce PEATrURE PRICO H!INZ SPAGIIEII 215-«m TOMATO JWICE 2 4z tinS69c Hoinz swm frPlATURE Pitea MnI8wEetPICKLES îaz ar 33 i In Tomate sauce R. Pr4ce2itins 4«0 - SAVE 1lu .--1I*NZ BEANS 2 1s-0axHm 3 79 5IL 40)c - 10 lb79 Super-Right Quality Frash PORK SHANKLESS SIIOULDER h-i5c ROASIS BONELESS BUTTS PORK CHOPS 1DOD01 ke6 BONEIN BIJITS va5.3 SOLIO MEAT SHOU LOIR or UUTT m PORTUO 7-RIS CUlT LOINSm5 3c ALLGOOD, SMOKED, &LICED, RINDLESS, No. 1 GRADE SIDI BACON pk 87c 1 -~.69 Wht, Slied or Unileed BAVE 170 BRE AD. 16699 a 59< 3 TO S8/2 LUS. i5 9c AU.. PRICES IN rNI* AD GUARANTED 'THROUGII SATURDAV, MARCH 26, 1966. r$ hIm HEUNZ KETCHUP MEA MOPICE 15-FL- oz m.3 3c CALIFORNIA, PRESH, GREEN, Ne. 1 GRADE BROCCOLI.1 5 BRADFORD MARS1, W. 1 GRADE RRi 9 é - ,The Canadian Statearmm, BOWM BROWN'S oMrs. JamIes Woodiey., MnsudMn Bos Byd We were privilegedto a ;m Mr. nd rs.Ros 1E0ydtwo contestants l the p "l spent bbc weekendI in Mont- speakiug contest held ýa real. tieao Master Keuneth Boyd spent ieao Tuesday in Memraiai Hoapital, Firsiton bbc progi-ain wa Bowrnvillc, baving bis cars the Juior Champion for Dezi' attcnded bo. ington Township. Miss M&qie Miss Bi-enda Stephenson Skinner,. daughten of Mri. sud had su eye openation on Mr -. Mii. Lloyd Skinuer, Tyrone, day at Oshawa. spéaktag on the Skinnecr a. Masters Don sud Greg Next wem the finalist lu ýbue Merlin bave been iii with flu. senior for- Dai-lington, Mins We hope Ihese chiidrenaraie ail Kathy Lavekin, daughten aio soon feeling bettci-. Mri. sud Mrm. E. R. Lovekin, Mr asnd Mrm. David Reid Newcastle, spcaking on "The, sud Berucy, Brantford, spent Gi-et Pîne Ridge" sud leur- the weckend with ber parents, ist ai-ca. Bath topics vrlér Mn. sud Mmm. Gea. Stephen- wcii prepared sud exception- mon. ally weil debivered, sud w#re- Mrs. Geo. Stephenson, Mrm. vcry interesbing ta, us as ail Rosi Boyd sud Mrs. Robert present live se close ta boUi. Stephenson speal Mouday at These twa telenled youngr Dundas, visibiug witb Mr-. and girls are ta be congratulàted Mirs. Hillier. ou their vcry fine effort. - Beleîed birthday gneeîings Mri. aud Mmm. Welter Love- la Mus. J. Hillici-, Dundas, who ridge enbci-Iained us with ciebraîed ber 91mb bintbday their English pictunes sud on Mai-ch 121h. smorn ther scenes wbîch Mr. sud Mmm. Alec Main oa local interest. Mrs. Love- attended bbc Miasouic banquet ridge sbewed thc mides sud et Newcastle, Saturday nigbt. Min. Lovcnidge gave a very First Brown's Cubisuad fine commentai-y. ý Scouts hcd another succesful M. Pleasancé closed 'tbe peper drive on Sabui-day. meeting with the singing, ai Mmm. D. MicReelis is stlb a The Qucen sud a social balf ipatient at Mernorial Hospital, boum was enjayed. Num*iber Bowmanvilce, as is Mr-. Eluier prement, 56. Wood. A speedy nccovery la Mr-. sud Mrs. Wm. Johnson wisbcd for bath o! these aud Linda, Lifford; Min. John people. Johnson sud Mirs. FldIvçîer, Mn. sud Mirs. R. Page, Stev- Oshawe; -Mrs. Ivan Rowiey, en and Valerie, Saline, visitcd Paîgnave, were Sunday visi- with Mr. sud Mrm. T. Wilson Ions wilh their father Mr-. beit and farnily on Sunday. Johnson visiting Mirs. B. John. _______________ son ta Memraial Hospital, Mii, Rowiey remaining with ber LONG SAULT father unlil Tuesday. MIs. George Anînour snd Home ad Sehool Club Miss Bertbha Armour, Hamp- The Long Seuit Home sud ton, were Sunday visitons af Schooi Club met on Friday Mri. sud Mius. Sidney Cornisb. cvening, Mai-ch 111h. Mr. sud Mmm. Walten Vaneyk Mr-. Tom Pleasance, pi-esi- wcne Sunday evening guesta dent, opencd bbc meeting with of Mr. sud Mmm. A- Milsop. the singiug ai "O Canada" ac- Mr-. sud Mirs. H ari-ad companicd by Mmm. David Murphy, Mai-go sud Ti-evon Cmaig at bbc piano. Mr. Picas- wcrc Sunday supper guesîs af suce burned thc meeting aven Mir, sud Mmm. Hugh Murphy. S UGAR 1

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