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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 14

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14. he Canadian Statesm Man vers A Deben ture For .$440,* Ali' members were present for the Màrch meeting of lMvers Township Council, with R-eeve LeWis McGill pre- usidmg. A by-law was passed iný -connection with the issuing of, djébentures to build a newl Central Public School for theý - township. in the amount of, $440,000-00. i further sehool business, Manvers Township deem it; expedient to dissolve former! Union School Section No. IR8 Cavan, No. 19 Manvers andl No. 24 Clarke townships. The! C ouncfIlcf the United Counties of Northumberland and Dur-, ham will be requested to pass, a by-law on or before July lst 1966 to dissolve the former, Union' School Section which ia now a part of the townshipý of Cavan Sehool Area and that the part or the former, gaîd Union School Section No. 19 Manvers, be added to the' Township School Area of the Township of Manvers. Copies ef this resolutiôn will be for- warded to the clerks or the United Counties o! Northum- berland and Durham; township of Cavani, township of Clarke, Messrs. C. A. Holmes and J. Il. Bates, public school In- spectors. It was further agrerd that the Township of Manvers will ýconcur with the Township of Clarke and Darlington, in theý dissolution of the former. Union School section, known as No. 20 Clarke, No. 20,' Manvers and No. 23 Darling- ton and now being part of the township o! Manvers School Area. Manvers will petition the Council o! the United Counties o! Northumberland' and Durham to pass a by-law to detach the parts that are' a pa rt of each mnunicipalityý anidto add the said parts to the respective township School, Bocard. Copies of this resolu- tion wîll be forwarded to the townships of Clarke and Dar- [ BOWMANVILI BRA a, %wrnanvflue, Ma". 23, 1966 D j C o s " "N vr o h o a o t & e Mounîoyl Carnaghan walk- McLAughlîn playlng a tremen-1running Into a nme Red 'Cr ss Cam ai n- ow on Th o.u ho t A eaed off with a hat trick and dously strong forecheckingi Penalties which hle h '%.aiipagnStevitnson had a single. I game. Cartwright cause. ppr vesMarch 12. McMaster defeat- In the Consolation finals' Trevor Nesbitt dsre ,prvsed Cartwright Bantams 2-1. B.iagainst Keene the boys played1 mention for his finedfesv Wolfe scored for Cartwright. ee hockey in the first period;ý play throughout th1ora March 12. In the Port Perrywith Keene having a slight ment. Larry Huntigo e Novice playoffs, Cartwright edge in the play. Then in thc:ceived a well desere ht Iss e ' ropeda3- decision to second period. Cartwright's out. robbing thebiKen McKee's. Cartwright went into'superior skating stamina start- Captain who went nalaoe a 2-0 Iead early in the game: ed to take over. The boys, Mr. McMillan, Prsdeto 0 0 0 tending could have been leadgoals. Bringing home the Con- sociation presented ahoth ingbya argr coe. soatonchampionship, JacksonCartwright boys wvt eu lîngton, Messrs. E. Websterý and J HBatespublicschoolWerry and Va-n Camp scored scored two; Rick Campbell onetiful crcst, which te wI InEpectors also to G. W. Nel-' to give Cartwright the lead.jand Neil McLaughlin one.i proudiy display on ter k McKee's then scored to makeïKeenedecided to rough it up. Ets. son, Secretary of the Consulta-1 t21adtesoesae tive Committee of the Unitedi - n hesoesae Counties. that way until the last four, .;Manvers will purchase al iue f h ae WE CAN SAVE YOU $ $ $ ONA bulldozer blade to fit on the * McKee's took advantage of front end. Serne sloPpy play in the Cart- ~A A yla a pseda-wright end and scored two i m 1 l A by-awwa pssd p-quick goals to go ahead 3-2.'lNW H O ~M~ Road Superintendent and -et-i* Cartwright boys putting on the. DO IT NOW ... and take advantageo ting forth a schedule of salary, and mileage in accordancei speueondtWerrgoad a sh ot Governnient Winter House Building Proran with the Dept. o! Highways ýtelstopped o the ga ne.o the Federal Governrnent rnav make a irt regulations.1 Cartwright Pee Wees wjn payment of 50.0) o te horne ner. A second by-Iaw appointed: Consolation championship at O EHM O O PEE Ross Davidson as tbe contin-l * Little Britain. O EH M O O PEE uing Clerk and treasurer, with : March 12. Crawling out o! READY FOR OCCUPANCY. salary sehedule included. ~' bed at a diabolical hour to bei A third by-law introduced ' on the ice at 8 a.m. and brav- B YN W ...A DSV and passed declaring that The ý ing the very treacherous driv- ULne Fence Act shall apply * ing conditions the Cartwright E hU~ON VOUR throughout. the township. .* .*-* Pee Wees journeyed to Little $ LU. IOWN PAYMENT Charcs Mrtonwas ppoit- ~Britain arrivirîg at 7:50 a.m. cd as Building Inspector, aIo In the first game they were N.H.A. MORTGAGE AVAILABLE Enforcement Officer tô enf Mmeso!Bw avil isrc rac fPrsdn Ms akdumped 6-1 by Cannington, A 14 ITRS municipal by-laws which doiM&eso omnil ititBac o Cupboard Chairman; PeietMs Roy Sprybc Jackson getting the lone caunt-AT6/% I ERS not corne under the jurisdic- the Red Cross Society have had a busy month . .. and row, Blood Donor Chairman Harry Davey, Secretary er. However the score was rl Contact us immediatcly . . . We r tion of the Provincial Police, :are stili going strong, with assistance fromn area can- Mrs. W. Wallis, Miss Linda Hibben, Mrs. Harold Hib- indicative o! the play. Goingý now servicing several choice lots. A further by-law was intro-va~ssers. Though small in number, this group has car- ben, Mrs. Margaret O'Neail, Mrs. John Fayer, Cam_ with nine forwards and six clucd ad gien ts frstand ieda trmenous oadof ork verthe ear, pagn hairade.fencemenbsntther pboys efgavee touroy ATv BEAUTTIFULFU second reading, dealing wvitîiyas hara .abetfo northern rivais such a work- early tax payment; whreby operating quietly but effectivelv on blood donor clinics, Women's Work Chairman Mrs. E. Rundle, Water out that Bobcaygeon sent Nich-(1 current taxes can bc paid inýassisting those in distress, conducting water safety Sa!ety Chairman W. W. Bagneli, Treasurer W. J. E. oison and Co. home early ini the month of January and programs, etc. The branch includes, front row, left to Ormiston and Past President Mrs. W. M. Rudeil. the tournament. In the second 9 a ý a r s e receive a five pcr cent dis - GifnAs.oa game our hard-skating Pee'SBDV IO counit. Each sucrceding monthirg____s JhnLiin, r. r_ Gifin Ast _a Wees defeated an AIl Star B' the discount diraps by ane-bai! team from Lindsay by the Liberty St. S. Bownuanil a!f one per cent until the man)Ith offs. They ran up a 2-0 Iead score o! 3-2. Jackson counted' of' Nrwember wc paymentl- before Jackson's team realizeditwo and Allifson one. This was - ENQUIRE TODAY- will he at par. The final date B KTC that the puck had been drap- a keenly ]lard fought cantest oi payment at. par xiiih ed n ptea ti Jcsoswith the auteame in doubt Novonmber 3fth in each year., (Intended for last week) Ihrough the niighit. the attend-, Cartwright Honckey kept pecking away and wonrigh up ta the final whistle. D E R 1 On Dpcemher lst in each yearý St. Johns, W.A. met in -the ance fit bath churches Sundavý the game 9-4. Rick Campbell was sent ta the BUILDER a four per cent penalty iiiý Parish Hall on th eveniîng o! îï-orning was smaîleî' than March 7. Mountjao' Pee For Jackson's leam Jackson smn bin for knecing with threp apply for ail non-paid currentISarh lth. The Devotional usI, I but splendid services Wees hit the ice flying tonight bangcd in fîve, Forest S. Tom-ýminutes left. The boys with- Phone 623-2263 taxes. With deobenture pay-Prod ascnutdb Ms.we held. in h is aeo u ly chishin, Rick Campbell and staod the terrifie pressure 22 Parkway Crescent Bowmanill ments ta meet for publiec idwscnutd yMs eeI h irtgm ftepa-Rick Prosser hadl sineles. Foriapplied by Lindsay with N.]____________________________ school purpose!r it wiIl naw be Veiv'a Baiiey. Minutes and Irlth United the choir an-- necessary c0 have the fiinal Treasu rers report were roaci them xvas 'Jesus is Knocin date for payment o! current a nd approved. The Dorcas al, My Sad Hcart.'" Bey. Ram- taxe maed u frm Dcem-Secretairy reportcd the Spring ci preached on "Friends." ber 14 ta Navember 30th in: Bale Idbensnpd.1 f St. John's Church, Rex'. each year. addition ta the annual require- Rose took as the subject for Hnrry Shea was appointedjments o! Gardon Indian Schaol his sermon "Loyat3i." Warble FIN, Inspector at a 't ofntwanded leqthitv Prize winncrs at the Wam- salary a! $1.40 per bouc pluso c ndue lohn. el sInstitute Wednesday nighi __ Final arrangements wcre were - high lady, Mrs. Frank macle for the Service of In- B3ailey; High gent - Mr. Mar- ductian o! Rex'. R. C. Rose Rtýwooe'McKee. Lucky dcaw Mr. which the Right Reverend H.'E. Challis. LE & DISTRICT ;R. Hunt, M.A.D.D. will be the 'twhcMan*hiv ladir es de preaher.the archmeeting of the Due t the xer-Y icy drive- O.N.O. club at the home of n Ipr an e sg ways and any side raads Ms ienCada ens NCH which had not been Fne Ms ienCr nWde-A o t n esg 10 per mile transportation ýfull time business meeting. CA NADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY thanks you for helping make the Town Blitz such a success. Rural canvass continues throughout the münth. Anyone missed during the canvass, who wi shes Io donate, may send their donations tu Mr. Wx». Wallis, Cainpaign Chairman, 8 Jane St. Bowmnanville. Mr. WV. J. E. Ormiston, Treasurer, 90 Church St., Bowrnanville. SUPPORT YOUR BRANCH aIlawancc. !Plans wer2 made for the Harvey IVIRlcolm was ap- Famiiy Dance, middle of April. paintedi Chairman of the Cen- Everyonr wclcame. Catering tennial Committee ta make ta the High School At Home plans for Centennial festivities April 29th. The Curlers' B3an- in 1967. ;quet April 9th and the Teach- Communications received ers' Banquet May 3rd. and read were from The On- Rail eaul was weil answered taria Association af Mayars wt nIrs oe and Reeves, regarding mcmn- becship foc 1966; Dept. o! A deliciaus lunch was se-rv-ý Labour re annual report of the'ed by the hastess and hec, Trench Excavator Inspectai" graup.-Next meeting ta be at' Dept. o! Municipal Affairs re Mrs. Jean Kyte's,. April 2lst. new regulations cancerningl Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth' Assessor a! United Counties re Brown and Miss Darothy, assessmcnt an which payment Oshawa, were Thursday even- in lieu of taxes was received ing visitorsý with Mrs. Cecil in 1966: Dept. o! Highways!Hili. cancrnin flsher forap-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelus- proaches ta No. 35 Highway!ky, Bancroft, were weekend 'from 7A Highway and the!guests and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- approach fconi the l4th con-'lac-e Hoimes, Oshawa, Mc. and cession an ta No. 35 Highway;1Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowman- United Counties Engineer con- viile and Mrs. Finley Suther- cerning tender for gravel for iand Bancroft, were Sunday 1966; Narthumberland and gues'ts o! Mr. and Mrs. Cari Durham Heaith Unit manthlywright. report. . Glad to report Mis. Richard Accaunts ordered paid in- Wall gat home*from haspital cluded the Winter Work pcog- !ollowing surgery last week. ram paycoll from February 7 We wish hec a speedy conva- ta March 4 in the amyount o! lescence. $1,168.11; emplayment stamps Mr. and Mvrs. R. A. Root, $23.72; Wilson Heaslip, Alvin Duîînîville, were weekend Mitchell and Ross Davidson for guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Convention expenses, $30.00 Paisley. each; Road voucher No. 3 for Mr. and Mrs. Campbell road account $2,023.22; welfare Markham, visited Mc. and Mrs. accounits $153.00; Welfarc .J A. Johnston and called on charge back ta town a! Partiothier friends Sunday. 'Hope $1940 and ta Townshipý Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Arch- of Cavan $39.68. cc- Bowmanvilc. were Sunday .Next meeting of Council'ýsî'uper guests of Mr. and Mrs. wiil be Aprii 5th at i p-!-.m Wilbert Archer. ROA VIOCTO R "NEW VISTA" LIVING COLOR TV The BEST in Family Entertainment! Mc. Alian Rutherford and Miss Christine Szulak. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. fRutherford, all of Oshaxwa, were Sunday cali- ers of Mrs. G. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Evers attended the College Rayai at Guelph University Wednes- day. Mc. Paul Bahm, Peterbor- augh, was hamne for the week- end and Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Rawmanviile and Mrs. Ccci] i li xere Sunday guests o! the, Stan Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. Do,, Pargater and !amîily, Port Perry, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Grtiham. Rev. P. Romneril is attending the annual meeting of thc Board o! World Mission o! the United Church o! Canada in Toconta, Monday ta Friday this mieek. _____ KENDAI Prices Start at ................ fletanSular cor tube. Vonu ze the picture the way the camera mses IL. F407, accnrate tunlng . . . 30 simple a child ean de IL. $649oOO 'Automatie "Chroma" Control maintains constant leveis of truc-to- lit e colora. I llumlnated channel Indicator. ail- range tone contrai. 89E VOUR AUTHORIZED RCA DEALER Bowmanville Phone 623-3482, L Cluîr-ch service was held n Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Rev. R. C. White 9poke on Philip and Ethiopian who was a *negro.' As he read the Seriptures lie did flot. understand it and asked Philip ta explain it ta him. This was a friendl' meeting between black and white and a case o! one race helping the other regax'diess of colour. The. choir sang the, weli known hymn 'Wiil your anchor hoid?" with Miss Anne Foster at the organ. A canvass of the entire congre- gation wiil be made- in the near future by the Steward Board, A bale o! clothing was sent to the Overseas Depot in Tor- opto !rom the U.C.W. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fonk, Don- ald and Robert spent the weekend in Burk's Falls. Mrs. R. C. White is makinig steady irnprovement at her home. .I Mr. and Mm-. Stan Hoy visited with Mr-, and Mrs. K. Wood and" boys. Miss Catherine Stewart at-E tended the fiineral of her' couîsin, Mrs. Mulcolms Stalker,, to ail STUDEBAKER owners and buyers After serving the transportation needs of North America for more than 114 years, Studebaker has discontinued the manufac- ture of automobiles. But, Studebaker of Canada, Limnited wants ail Studebaker owners and buyers to know that it wiII continue to provide nationwide availabitity of parts and service. This wil be accomplished through Parts Depots, Iisted below, which are strategi- cally located across Canada. If a servicing dealer does not have needed parts on hand, most parts in mhost areas are available by overnight delivery. More than $20,000,000 worth of parts and accessories are inven- toried in our North American warehouses to protect Studebaker owners' investments, and to assure them continued service from their cars. (Studebaker of Canada, Limited is stili supplying parts for Packard vehicles, although production was discontinued some ten years ago.) The national network of Studebaker Service Dealers wilI continue in operation - with facilities to perform any service your Stude- baker may need. In communities where there is no Service Dealer, any independent garage can secure genuine Studebaker parts through the nearest Service Dealer or Parts Depot. The 2-year or 24,000-mile warranty on Studebakers will be honored by the dealer from whom you purchased your car or by any authorized Studebaker Service Dealer. You need not have any concern regarding this warranty; its obligations will be honored for any Studebaker that is stili within warranty. This continuation of service and availability of parts is your assurance that you wilI be able to maintain your Studebaker in good mechanical condition for many years. Because it is, and always has been a fine car, we are confident that you will continue to receive a full measure of value from your Studebaker. 0F CANADA,LIMITED HAMILTON, ONTARIO PARTS DWP0T LOCATIONS Montreal, Quebec 6402 Cote de Liesse Rd. Winnipeg, Manitoba 1474 Wellington Avenue Hamilton, Ontario 349 Ferrie Street Vancouver, B.C. 1098 Southwest Marine Drive

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