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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 15

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Laurle Preece, Bea Den BecI oup "Jolies chareaux" w.u8' ker, Pat WeWah, Gai McDon- I held in Maple Grove Chris-î ald, Linde Stevens. Jane No-ta Edaio Hall. Tle! W~ 5hM A PLE G RO V E ihile, and Kathy Sol grou's new project is -Ar-, TeMaple Grove Guides: Mri. Cole. also the Guide andof fareMmwell as she is resignn-cmgoie." he17 Browie hed aMoterBrownie leaders. in« her position. Mrs. Cole, grls1 thxe R.ed Croesstuco, aiema- Daughter Banquet '" ec yospooe h rsne h ist Aid andi'First Aid instructors. nTej ing bats and scarfs. The sen- 1kach 5thwhen a delicious toast to the Mthers and Mrs. Red Cross badges to Kathv! banquet closed with a songj 1cr- members wiil be iaig turey dinner wax served. Irene Bothwell replied. Mrs. McGuirk. Brenda B ber. lT~by a quartet of Guides andipurses a16o. duher er 12) mothers andlWiitnev thanked the ladies Preece, Susan Henry, mIten comniunity snig r n r.Lsi ak dauhtrspresent, and the1 who kindly donated their Judy Hogg. also certificates r m rs. Harold Cooney O, O]TalVle, WerSun-~ gueta erethe District Comn-Itjrnete. serve the meal, and to Shela Goodmurphy. NancY and Mse oe ony day ffuppergutswt he MfiOner Mrs. J. Geddes, andIMrs. Geddes said a few words Symons, Barbara Beckett, visitedMthe formner's mothner brother and wîfe, Mr. and Mrs. Blancli Cooney, Green; Mrs. H. G. Freemnan. Acres Nursing Home, Tren- ton, on Sunday. Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mn. I M 0004%.H. R. Foley and Mrs. L. Col- Doreen Brooks, Bowrnanville, a attended the Solina Women's I N Mr. and Mrs. John Coyle, Mr. K. Fitzgerald, Peterbor- by Randy Sallows ough, Mr. C. LeValley, Mr. W. Randail, Toronto, Mr. Don, Every'one can let out a sigh' congratulation. Brown, Guelph, and Mr. B-)b io relief now ta h xm Brow, Ohawa wee Frdav are over. However, this will to night visitors with Mr. andi be short-lived as examts are1 to Mrs. W. H. Brown. Mr. and; comiflg UP again in about, ý Mrs. Barry Bleeks, Ottawa, jegtwes spent the weekend with ber The Student Council be- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.j ie m fsed ii tes frob Brown. On Sunday Mr. andlm fsuetetvte o Mrs W H Bownatenedthe coming F.aster season, ast§. the Baccalaureate Servire so scassstatdTus honoing ic embes oftheday. Just prior to the exams! (ERESDALEhe FERTILIZERShe CER ES A LE ER TIL ZER Sgraduating classes of whicn' the big question was the For- Don Brown was one. Thisimal. We have decided Wo was followed by a receptionlchange the traditional Formai at the Greelman, Hal. to a Spring Prom of a semi- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morton;:formaI type. This is designedl have returned home after a to change the record of con-j LIM ITED ~ ~~~ver pleasant trip and rest iu~oss~Pdn.d~ Ne ca tl O ta i Fred Wrigt are srry to the students will want to at-, N e cas .e nta jo arn that she isin Mernorialjtend Hospial t undego srgery Sone af the no tdes We wisih her a speedy re-: have a frmai astefoere but covery. jaeafra sbfrbt Mrs. Elva Jeffetrv returnfd atsome place outside thel hom frm Mmoral osptalschool. They feel by cutting on the opening o o e frdym uch m rospidalout the elaborate decorations Mrs. Allan Snowden spentanby aina e atr- a b nin wthe weekend at Plattsville.tiç>fls, such as rvdnwat with lher daughter and hus-, havet ahe dce, they cran. band, Mr. and Mrs. Ho'wardHv 1uceeu fra. ~eeHodigedorn and farnilv. She However, it shyn awy fera 'lIaaze service was acconipanied by the fol- f rom students' council policyý lnwing members of her fam-, by catering to the seniors, if' ily, Mr. and Mns. Ron Rogers yucnceii htadps and daughters, Mrs. Bill Da- records show that only a very1 vidson and son Paul, Wesýtonlfew juniors attended the foi- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowden mals. As you can see, boths AER ETIIES ie and daughters, Bowmanville. sde have good foundations, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goodmnur-Ifor their views. As for mrny- j phy. Mr. and Mrs. Len Good-iself, I arn trying to remnain' murphy and daughters, Osh-j eta ni a otot awa, Mr. and Mrs. John At-,each opinion to see which is! chison and family, H ollyrood.ith e best. A., students, of The pathering was to ,eIl-IB .H.S., the final decision is brate their mother's birthda,'..up to you and time is runnin.g Mr. and Mns. Fred Stevens; n.M laista ei y...~ jwere Sunday visitors withision be made in time forth Cyanamid of Canada L.ImiLed 1$ pleasedu Mr. Frank Olliffe. Stouffville.l art committee. etc. to e Mr. Brian Bradley, Kempt-itheir work donc. ville A. C., spenit the weekendTeSrehOlcmag t o be ass c ,a d wîtri this new Aero1 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. gets underway ti odv Howar Braley.We hope thet, the year book Fertilizer service - a service that wI .Pe- wll more e ved xsm th i la supper guests of bis father, er Cnienn hewr and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. that goes into the Screech lead to better and more prosperous W. Prescott, Hampton. Owl, it shou.ld be well receiv- Mr. and Mrs. Samn Castleed. were lait Thursday visitors: Whats coining up 110W. farming ini this community. with Mrs. L. C. Snowden.. Well, offhand, I can think Mr. nd Ms. Sas Tewinonly cf the Hoot-Nite festivi- Bowmanville were Saturdaytishtwllb coig p qc 7j& V.&jw awvisitors with Mr. and Mrs.isC><>f. CTGordon Bcech. On Sunday Again I would like to ex- Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, press toalal, the invitation to viieMrs vrttBeh1 give to me any bit of infor- Port Hope. mation you have, to be put inj jOn Match l9th the second; the pape'r.. This colurnn is not~ ;Meeting of Maple Grove 4-H la select one for just a few and if you give me something j ou want published I will Iry1 to work it in. However, ail Il can do Lq tr-y, becauise I've got t o do rny homnework too. HOUSHI MARCH 26th - Modern, High - Quality BuIk Blending and Handling Techniques Sons Again Sponsor Grain Corn Com petition The Durham County Soit and Crop Improvenicnt As- sociation will again be spon- soring a Grain Corn Compe- tition in Durham Cotinty. The competition bas now been carried on in Durham for the past three years and in 1965, 29 farmers did enter ilhe competition. The winner ýfor 1965 was Mr. John Thomas 0< Janetvillc with a yield of 117.9 bushels of 15,ô moisture corn. *The cornpetition will be rchanged somewvhat this year ]in that there is an overali Provincial Grain Corn Compe- tition for 1966. This compe- tition is bcing sponsored joint- lily by.the Plant Food Council of Ontario, the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture and the Durham County Sout and Crop Improvement Association. The ains and objectives of the competition are twofold. They do wish ta proïmote the de- ,velopment of corn in the province and to establish the high yield potentiel of thîs crop. At the same time, it i hoped that useful and prac- tical information relating to the production and utilization of the crop will corne from thisi competition. The deadline for entries in the Provincial Competition bas been set for April ist. Any fermer in Durham Cotinty wishiîîg Io enter the cnnmpe- tition should contact A. 0. Dairymple, Agricultural Re- presentative and Secrctary ofý the Durhamn County Soli and, Crop Improvement Association et 14 Frank Street, Bowman-; ville. on or before April lst. The Ontario Plant Foodi Counicil bas offered as special pnizes in the Provincial Com- petition ail expelîse tours ta Expo '67. The competitian is divided in regions and the top yield in each region wîll re-j ceive an ail expense tour for! two to Expo '67. We understand thet the; three highest competitors f rom, aur eounty will be' selected Iwith the top froin the county in each zone bcbng entered inl the provincial competition for I that zone. In addition, there. ,will be the usual county corn- petition which will be foUlow-. ed by a banquet in the feul. Again, we would remind evcryone that anyone inter- ested in the county grain corn, competition as well as theý provincial competition shouId contact the Ontario Depart-; jment of Agriculture, 14 Franki Street, bY April ist.1 I CALIFORNIA No. 1 GRADE CELERY THOUSANDS 0F FACTS from A to Z I Encourages children to lectin more- Awakens jnterest ini other peo- M RAS USTEAK WING Wiue 0* ýM IN 0M OAsr CLUBSTEAK là pooat end cosy et Dominion. WWaher you l mthe friendiy mon bahind the muat coijntsr. or d iptay. you'I1fnd the buti variety cri the ppua ROUND 'Tom O4Ls , Doîmo toay.. ii BON£ SHOULDM ROUND STEAK BO PlROAST RAi W-1! ALI NMIM u fDMUT HIWl UO TS IHOoT ms WOJN POT ROABT SUi " UMAD E STEAK OUN D 1- tiMp AOAST Dominion Fresh Pork Sale TENDER YOUNG Shoulder Roast Pork LEAN Butt Pork Roast CUT AS YOU LIKE THEM Butt Pork (hops SWJFTS RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON Swifts Premiurn 1-lb. Pkg. WIENERS lb. 5,5c 59b 65 lb lb. 87c 2Ibs. Jumbo Size Large Suze STALKS 39c 29c Fresh Green Top Bunches Sweet Full of Julce Large Size Green Onionls 3 Ï0 19c Jaffa Oranges 59'd Purex 2 PlY - 3 Colours 2 Roil Pkgs. Bathroom Tissue 4 for $1 Mother Parker's 10-ou. Jar INSTANT COFFEE $139 Hfelnz In Tomato Sauce Vegetarian Beains Chef Boy-Ar-Dre Mushroom or Meat .Spaghetti Dinners Humpty Dumpty POTATO CHIPS 15-oL Tins 5for $1 18-os. Pkg. 49c 13-au. pkg. 69c Lancia 2-1b. Pkg. Macaroni or Spaghetti 3 9c Rose Brand Sweet Reilsh or Mustard 16-as. Jars Sweet Mixed Pickles 3 for $1 Seven Varleties Twlnkle Pouch Pack 15-ou. Pkgs. CAKE MIXES 4for89c ('ut Rite Refuis WAX PAPER 100 Ft. RoU 29c Scott 4 Colours 2 iupkg. PAPER TOWELS 49c pies, otiier places - Oyd, iat .t Appeals 10 alages -over 2300 Pecqes fxdlGatP Expiains acho sub1ects oe 7500 pictures -Good reference for aver 500,000 words'P w e d trg n 9 c homework" - e Off Mr. Clean 32-o. Container STIMULATES THINKING! Eselély rpae for LIQUID CLEANER' 89c 6 to 12 year olds! Floor and Wall Cicaner Glant Box 1~IIîÎHliIIiiHIîHlit '~SPIC & SPAN -99C 18 FACT-FILLED VOLUMES 2il Scott White 1111111 iI:LLII:i. /p/yPaper Serviettes 2 pkgs.45 c -- - - -- - - ., - - 1 U TOVOUESPR EK Play...WinýDOMNIO ý>LLAS! Cmplte our ardthi we KING ST. m See' Your Toronto & Oshawa Papens For Additional Food Speclals The Man Behind the Meat Counter says: Canadlan statesman, Eownmnvmle, %ma.3, 1oge isj WINS $1000 MRS. M. SHEEHAN Bowmanville WINS $1000 MRS. S. VERBEEI< Newcastle WINS $1000 MRS. J. MICHELS Newcastle - E l--vf ? W4,Q1 gAý"eç Capacco Pure Pork Sausage lb. 69c SHOP MRTHCONFIDENCEI ia .td .tpoâdsuN abhw vbaihoefti,Fmi. f«tsum GlOVERNENTmSPCTED Fresh Produce Features CHIQUITA GOLDEN YELLOW BA&NANAS CALIFORNIA GROWN SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER Welcome to (Jur Dp'i WHEN: Frozen Food Special Blue Water 8-oz. Pkg. FISH FRIES 45c SATU RDAY, Bakery Special Country Girl 20-oz. Size RAISIN PIE 39C ~ 44eYOUR CHILDREN A "HEAD" START -:1 , with A inkT.'"Tpl t 1: 00 P. M. * Plant Tours - r t 4 o. i 4 r t t i I * Demonstrations * Door Prizes * Refreshments WHERE: South of 401 on Toronto Street (ERESDALE FERTILIZERS Ltd. Garnet Rickard & NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO Ail m.rehaadise is guarnteed t. give 100% satisaction. Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, Mar. 26, 196in Bowumville WEB ESERVE TUE BIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITV&S -OpenThurs. end Fni. Nlghts 'tii 9 p.m. AND SIMPSN AVENUE (Highway No. 2 I ýThe iv N 'I e, Mia-e' * 4; r 'r w 'r,-,'. -- 1,,' 'w. w- t. 'i w. w, t. 'w r t. t. ta w *6 o. * 0' w. i

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