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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 16

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The eCanadta Statenman, E.wmanvfl, u 10D A NROKIN - yro a d Aricles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale Help Wanted. Tenders Wibnted Ra saefrSl Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estat f BAB crnae d nib $5.40o BALES of straw, Phone WOMAN 10 do housework two e BRICK home, large lot.- x- PRODUCTIVE DAIRY FARM CHRISTM4AS te adwn-T ôonna (eeBPrter)aredhappY hone623-714. 12 263-2615. 12.-ew or three days a week. Phone Separate Tenders :cellent condition. Apply 39 PETERBOROUGH DISTRICT ed. Pay upto$0ancr.%.aNe to urnnouncethe birth of their IXD grain, barley and oas. JGmL's spring cat and hat6238.- for eaeh route Involved quoted qu1 oao arv am al ikWieAvrier 600, c/a The 1EAL ESTATE Db i onMarch îth, 1966, at Phone 623-2078. 12-1 set, light bitte, size 2, like MARRIED man for modernO E OIONqoaoe 0 ons 5CndinSaemn O o gKn t .-0333 Cmorio Hopial,______________prtipper___anMO EY__ OA minutes drive east of Peter- 190, Bowmanvil. 1.* omnil vIl.12-1* WATER for sale and deivcned, - - ---- 987-4331. 12-1 * mile per trip willI be recelved nw hn 2-40 2i ar am .H First and Second Morttages borough. Off No. 7 Highway. TWO brick bnaos n ____24 hour service. Call 623-5756. SOLID drop-leaf dining tabe . .by the udrînd uti Loan Funds Available 150 Acres workable land and edfooc MOOE ad Jne _________ _____20-tf and four sturdy matching WOMAN to help with spring Consul 15 acres of bush. Large b~arn. r edfrocuacs90,5Roombikbuglw MOOEe -Hesn) reapy to eAV dtyelctîctve chairs, good condition. Phone cleaning and one day a month. Up to date in every respect. bathroom withantlrgveene.Oerrnseed anne The birtareh appyte god codto. hele623-2057: 623-3200. 12-if Phone 623-3410. 12-1 Monday, April 4 A. L. HOOEY Tic up for 50 cows plus ad- iigomdnnromhd-sig3500.%mrtae dauhte onMarh 1th,196,' ___12- RONEYoat, gownfrom WAITRESS. Apply in person 12 NOON, for theRaEsteunurne ditional pens for young cattie. wood floors,dobeargNHA a Pite PtinsPoiin MWATER for sa1e6ad de -1vred, Egitre cd,3.0 u. ome.Rstarat,11 sd Povdig 6RierEt t. and, Bowanvili, Modernization includes barn lot 128' x 18'an-ure NectlEs. Moe 4?énonto. A .trfr on nddlvrd cleaned and treatcd, or 31.00 35 Highways, Newcastle. rvdnclaethogunwblkmesuh :If______________________2632-tf bus. out fi. A. lnh 2tfo 2-24cooler system and complete re- other, broadloae hog-b odsprtl.Akn 23 - a d H a p o 26 -7 2 12-1F LÉ h lp m r ie o-- T a s rt i n 2tf w iring. Large im plem ent out. B ath M e a io e e trc $ 60 0 e c . T m s nageMs.Jmen.Ct l heavy grain. Austin Wood, MIE grain, oats and barley, single, ta work in lining de- Bv Bus iMortgagesfo Sale One man can look after the W. p. Irwin,budeOoonrNsttn.akban adMsJaeA.Cly623-2212. 12-1* $52.00 a ton; good quaiity cob partment. Apply J. Ander- 1-__________ entire operation. Solid 8-room 167. 1- odro,9ro rc ol aepesdt nonete'-corn, $30.00 ton; two tons or son Smith Co. Ltd., Newcastle. of 'FIRST Mortgage, 5-ycars, stane house has ail modern - sudcniin sm areplasd a nnune heOÀiTS, about 3 tons, and some more delivered. J. A. Ca-2~~- - 1. Eeenar$u5lss,000, new country home on conveniences. Can he purchas- \VA NTEDI,0 ih3,0 ah gagement of their daughter hay, second cut. Telephone scadden, Phonie Orono 35 R 9. !A 0 te 60. Handîe sales Elmntr url 7 acres; 8% intercst. Phone cd as going conccmn with 70, on Ruth, ta John Albert 623-.2100.__ 12-1*1 12-1 * territory surrounding Bow- lu the Welcomce 753-2265. 11 -2* head of cattie and a good line 'We have cinsnertdlu fyoaebyigrselln alen ,(Jack), son af Mr.- __- o mlmn fndMrs Jhn haln.The BALED hay, alfalfa, brome,1 INSULATION, blowing meth- mnanville. Worth up le $12,000 Tw.of --____ - -rdefr am )ne il uchsn Mn.JonWhln timothy mixt.ure. Telephonelod, with rock wool. Work- in a year, plus bonus. Write Wanted- ______ iplmets Oneoprcasii iv u tia.ar_ nin ilte phuch on t 6-40 12-11manship guaranteed. F r ee Vice Pres., Det P, P.O. Box Statements as ta mileage inlunvleditit 'hirayUthed161huArilon 1966.3EA- ct2ndwrppd.o estimates, Harry L. Wade, 70, Station R. Toronto 17, each route aud course of each USED piano, good condition., of the best farms in the Pet- farms, withln a3 ierdu ELETT N 12-yte16hAp, 1 freeers., oneNovle76256 nai. __ 2 ouemyb band Phone 986-4326. 12-1 i erborough area. For further 'of Oshawva.GERLISUA 223 Orno.3-t ____________ 38-tfEXREND bokep LIVE poultry, nid feather information call Hugh Stew-, If you are ltre in sil. 3 lerySre ot Mr. and Mrs. Michael Panas, UE cardoeaobyTR -IN : 2-pce. chester- and accounitant required hall apvufoteudr getcs .Fat .R. 1, Beth- aryao72-434orwrie ows Bowmanviile, wish lé an- priced; only used anc year. field suite, plllow back, six days. Must be capable of, M.[JT Hobbs a12-hn1 r1folet ndCcs iied elorr fprpetls ibaBWAVLE NA nouInce the engagement Of Phone 623-5608. 12-1 months aid, les. than % price, assuming responsibility of!I* 28-tf Peterborough.12 frefamrA.EThp-eehoe6324 their daughter Helen Annie, ncw price $125; 2-pce. daveno complete set af books. Apply ' "00s ubi Sho OLD guns, swords, weapa.ns, ~psu ersuaiefrGvrmu es 10M.William David James KEYS cul automatically, while bd i rtngt detsr 9,Bad .SA fDrintniW rnkRa sae t Mpr.ssn wait, at McMulen Hard- bkdtsuite, $39.50; drop-leIiwiircTenbAdv ertsr69,Br, ET.S.A. 0fDarliNToumedals, badges, war souvenirs. VILAUnMRaEstteSchofield krLd 4 cuin xeln rp ýgmhes o fMs ae 6King St. E., Bawman ice table with 2 chaircoTeCndinSaemn NNSILN N. Write Post Office Box 204,~ ry erBwavle it ,Charles Humphrey. and,3 $19.95. Round pedestal style P.O. Box 190. 11-2 hn 6-60 u 620 Oshawa. -. 2-4' IIE late ice atr M. Humphreys, Cochrane, ville. - fkthntable, 4 chairs, haif COMpANION-housekeepe608ford 2-2Yrure fr-:21 King St. W.. Bowmauville'360 Kiug St. W.1 saa n.2ya ntlaea 25mnh .plceonSaturday, April 91h, for lumber. Any party inter- sale at Little Lake, $35000 lage, 25 miles from Bowman-- 13.1646-2106. H.Millar &SoniMberOshaw and Ditric6ttxese 1,0 dw oo 1966, in St. John's Anglican ested telephone Newlonville cach. Murphy Furniture. Kinm ile Live in. Light house- odeOt.tioRanstt oad Shoil Chumch, Bowmanville, at 3 786-4248. 11.2* W., Bowmanville, 623-3781. kgei. C- _______hmeheDrham_______An- Co -be Ont __ 2b*, Rel stteBordScofe -Akr id pla p.m. ~12-1 KAISER aluminum siding, 12-1 * keing.Cofortale home hef- Du Srha Ftormer S'an-Reerom bnglw Elgin Street - 2-hedroom PON O3S2HAucWA Hm *.-20-year guarantee. Windows, ~ t o erences required. Write Ad- Monday, April 11, at the Dur- ndeth ash rie. Wrloaitn bungalow on huge wcll land- . Mvarriages. doors, awnings. Lamne Allin, ______ --For Sa - vertiser 695, c/o Canadian hamn County Sales Amena. Advertîser 696, c/o The Can- scapcd lot. Wouid make an OpnDi ..-9pm 2Soc rc osdvd .HOSKIN - EDGECOMBE _ 2-81 12-1*- clsHotenhies Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Sale ta commence pomptly at adian Statesmnan, P.O. Bo ideal retirement home. $10,000 Are you thinugoselgtaedartet.Lccdi~ -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edge- RODNEY and Herta mixed TWOi manHille. 11-2987-.m. J. A. Reid & Son, 190 Bowmanville. 11-2 fulprc.your home thsprn? eOoo.Csetbuisse., »ombe, Downsview, announce feed grain, also Hert ur.o-i* SELL world famous Goodyear Sales Managers. 12-3 _ ___-- Liberty Street - 3-bedroomlhave mauy peol oku otin 1,0 ihtrs 'the marniage of their daugh- Roy Wermy, R.R Bumketorn,--__ - - maintenance products - full lr Vne ac uglwwt dul rprisa i ye u 12.1. 1* 19 PIGS, also -3close - orparwlme-reamles 'kWEKLa-nte___ grac ge, owathoms bl$5.500 sizes a of l yu uies potn -ter Lynda Diane, ta Bertrum 986-4887. C12Ca-nc11n,26235 aoroarttm, fr eapleo aae w ahom.$550-qzg a 'rerry Hoskin, son of M. and -LLOYD babyCcarnage, green26325 ag.RdTre oixmlWEL MOVING? Cleanîng Up?1-Terms. l{hw3die icudn :Mrs. Bcrt Hoskin, Bowman- anOD whte;lyd stag, re-1erK amned over $21,000 in 1965 LIETOCK SALES IWIIî take away discardables' aga ShakespeareAv, swaqupntndaoinIr- ,Toronto, February 26. 1966. hn 2-35.1.*splxgers; aiso young cattlc potential). DvesfidycrOrn ModreTus.r:3n.m 23726 1-f o 10 x16' na hgwa.baounegaenrllascows glw.Aronbu.,we 12-l wanted. Phone 263-2583. aound line. Write Consoli- sîruiHoss.atl, 7:0Swlnevey DetsModel B with 2-furow plow - jjrere East Ohio Bldg., Cleveland, & Son, Sales Manars l~ ~ SCUGOG ISLAND nice size bedromlrelv hsac and row cmap cultivator. Tele- SEVEN - weeks - Oi41. 21-Puldg&4Bdro iz ice. cenarOoo e :~ÀOw-Eteedmi nstphone 623-2152. 12.1* bull caîf dam very gond, sire "Pu68gHetn ' x16' fll urihe, n fnshd eretonromcotcatdaoumygeatbul ,suddenly, at bhe hospital in IGIRL'S abusize 1K ayePnearOAnhony72.16Vicon ELfoESTwaT SALEMA Auction sale nI furniture at 35 Nelson St. BowmauviIIe nicely trccd lot, garage. $g,5oo Substantial dow amn c n ni ih wy 200 *VitiBC,sRm Alno (nec chais,-otble 4 Fn Poe saw 28301 ane frBomnv ares.,Pethick's Auction Shed, En-I 1-f -Trms.of nd9.0 ncldn ae.KnA ael 'Vctri, .C, n amh t, dresses, size 12;,edepibalter 6 p.m Hampton 263-213. Prefer seîîing experience. Ex-ikîî Std Mb- I irdTadeoresy.aymnt :Mr. Rber AlenBron (ee haisall excellent condition. 12kleo auraMrhHmto o ny9.f -Effie Lorinda Vice) daughter Phone 623-5718. _ 12-1 -- p2inc, mnaerea elousehold effects of thec lNE PERFECT i Hmtn'alnwadarnet n lmtn2323 ,of the late James and Sarah C ut iz y erord and tDyer ura reu. tor, aaa a fr it a ' x200'bunclowo cihol. I tis 'Vice. She is sunvîved by four --- Ci, ie 2 grsHOICE erord and Duoyer- yrua eloa imwt late Russell Spinks of Osha- PLUMBING & HEATING 1-ombnao nlt pc hshm.F ,daughters, Blanch (Mns. Rick- Spring coat, size 10; bath infl ad stocker steers and heifers. praven record of sales. Con- wa: 2 beds, dressers, 8-pce Phone 623-3540 100'o xtra', lostseavaial ifCentral Park fidNOhw ! iiale) Wtasiwi; e nexcellent condition. Phone Sale Wedncsday, March 301hj. tact Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.., Vice- diningraom suite, chest nI dcsixra lot$9.000 - Term.Tre if0.0JUR ieii (Mns. Gudmondson), Victoria; '623-5959 aller six. 12-1 George A. McGowan, Phone President, H. Keith Ltd., 181 dmwr, phrhctrîld eeox19 bedrombikbn-RETR loriJen_______________________ Lak, ,00 lb 487-3333. 11-2 set, odd chairs, fig, 4-burner' i-tf bungalow, oil furnace, 2 pce. room, situated naslcoot 'Dunan: son Wad, Lng taîlr. Aply 2 Jckma Car fo Sal LOCL -slave, washing machine, ds bath. Second bouse 30' x 34', end. location.Nclrad hn 2-90 ' Punan aso. ar, on taier Apl 5 J_____arforSae_____OFIC___URE es, pots and pans and mnany SEPTIC TANK 6mon;salbr;gdfr .eaheaich, aso18grad-Rd owmi iaei12eAR T1E gramnricld.SaeRd.130, Bromswsallban;gnd fr caed ndIcce lo. 6.00.0 AIYaAnd 10 cr -children and 17 grcalgmand- IAB'65j2, nsîte, aL KSWAock 9864437T TME terartcs. 0S11le thic:30.phandy man or carpenter, necds down pàymnentrqic n h50ls al ikqo ~cilre. hefueml ason'mhaBNy 141xn1d, oi heat,i-' 12ktok98-43.1* FE ALE a cashe. C12-1 WHITEWASHPU ING SALSsome finishing. Only $8,800 $113,00 monthyoan6½ Exeltbudig. G :Marh lithin Chaplin's' Par mî- cd Askin $400ior est aller-I 12--1 'W TEW--__STALESfull price. N.H.A. mortgae alnw ae spl.O ae o 'marial Gardens. 12-1 orseîiing fr - le iton. eg, neclln o Appîr lu writlng La grain, large quantity af furni: Phone Newtouvllle 786-2552 EcletPtnil si ucae.BE AM 2arswt 1_o______ BUrilYINGor fumni21-ture 2 - AVETIER69 trediniqeion.lesatCal Cllc 623-219100- ers il pr2Hap1 -CA.NN-A't Memorial Hospital, i r ppiace, a3iEleac-res____mo2250e-Tc osriI pr- Haptn on900Nicgedbuidig, Pndge EBowmanvilîe, on Saturday, 1Hamp tan: business 263-2294 - '59 PONTIAC 4-door, 6 cyl.,coTh aADVERTIS 698 trc, ntiqueshn r etaeCai le& 4-tfmcainse ares ,Bmor orleo, ieBnao nlrelt eln onal i o erh1t,16,WlimJ eidence 263-2695. 6-tf standard, good shape; $490 or coTeCnda ttSmanrot aIon ,Grp iffiFRAN'D KTVDTBRIanNteK, omavllclose ta schoal-Go eie be sig$70O.T ~,5nc 10h,196, iliamsutecia est aller. Newcastle 987-4446. P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvllle - miles soulh of Lindsay on Trnhigwiîh 9 rics,3cr garage mntjoe IL. Cànn, aged 92ycars, bclov- D)ININGROOM sie cia12-l iha 5t ai oeTecigwt on,3crgrg e& h.bpnhaIbillidMofcabietiufleataleaabinet,- -buffet, -tableETAKRandtcdi TheHighayA3 ta adiaToec, wihTstelîg, swer vaîlble.Llbety S., Bwmaniileexcelentbuilings Lt Uoprda ft__o lay car;_telbd srn- n Bowmanville Public Sthool then tumn west 11/2 miles, SEPTIC TANK $ttl -om le rc 18,0.0b1.1 omdhm i Lev ~ oue.dar s.Trno rssr hn 2-12.Badrqie 1aetk' forWednesday, March 30. Sale ISTALLATION homedth ah m O d cntrenhcolveni cem and .. e lath erey CGady nhans l12bd-prns ndvvnVinc Bar euirseysachool ufsor 1o'clock. Farrn sold. hmtosoecnr alTocm t eîec tem sig$200 'Briewsli heyfCaris. 241PASTURE wanted for 20 head ta commence April 1, i969' f f Termmscash. Approxxmalely, cd by la.20--. pa, wofre sadees, ot - 1i oloio.Fnae 13ACEAR PA -Pureral Chapel, Bowmauville, Tdisarte senud oe, fat.ilso on_263-215. .*nlypassible) and include complete 65 acres, 40 newly seeded! pon 83227. lagwo fîrepla es, on cd, I soyfaehu d~vc a el nteMrismaTWlearegnh ouses,feas il ong26ca2lle. 1Caîl11 Staul5( on Tuesday ai 2 o'clock. Inter- sund flower pais sud ail other ~ -- careiaking af building and aI offered for sale, subject to _ t 5' x 243'. 150' frontage on nearly new. Ecletlc-OCAD anySîsi 'etBowmanvile Phoe 62-716. Sctch uitale fr panting grounds. Apply in writing, reserve bid. Ted Jackson, U-PHOLSTERIG Hgha . wfilsîom tion close taecoladso-Mîts.Go ulig S12- ePuipnet.623-1SotchPine Christmas irces, staling whcn available, age, Ted Spenccley, auctioneers. efedsu his euhli - 12-1 100$2ACRES WITHenHOUSg ___________aisland_______y planted1marital status, .qualifications, 12-1t fes sal br. Asîg $5f 11ANFORD-I.4rCalgary, Alla., SEAT Coers-Ali models sud Scotch Pins Christmas trees, salamy expected. S. R. James, - --ierfedandrehasîlmaesapls . OTGSJcRiadOl l50 on nih Xvfarch 14, 1966. Newby Muin Imakes automative inteiors e- sud Scotch Pine trees for sale. Sec'y-Trcas., P.O. Box 1030, FR1SLIen ta hoiassme Lake.3 OTAGl CES Jich -Rsxilord in her' 84th year,I pained. Whyte Bras. Uphols- Apply G. R. Kirk Ca., Burke- Bowm L !anvke 12Bent Toe.nsArageaincOta6rio 1,3RELO e uglo.Bm.Bat '~gter of -the late Mns.1teny, Bowmanville, 623-5252. ton, Phone 416-263-2209. 6-tf AUCTION SALE 1BugtTrsAane Minctge6'x2',3 .éaiesGal n ebys 1i Leaminglon District Memorial Auction sale af modemn WHYTE BROS. tJPHOLSTERY bedrooms, 3 pce. bath, space '99 Kiug St. 1.Bwavlelitotsrai uy$,0 dagieâI n i ewbMm. dhaesni izsi ms tjiHCashtonthenSpots Applications farm machinery, orchard sud1 55 King E. Phone 623-5252 heat; 2nd cottage 20' x 18', 62320 emolon PER,7 cefrý MiBowms.nville and grand- DEKALB Seed Corn - We tlCaho teSptfrosinss Head Nurses, dairy cquipment, baled hay, 6-tf 1 bedrooni, kitchen, livingATRCIE3PT dagtro h aeM.adhv oeszsi otheat for Dead or Crippled Farm General Staff Nurses Regisier- gan ecth rprt f--T--R- om;3dcttg 8'x3' Tý.S. F. Hill;, Bowimanville. units. Supply goiug fast. H. Stock. Picked up promptly cd Nursing Assistants gMmi., tL tewisClre Lof5KB R ES rooms, kîcothe, Bath.As3',brick bungalowwt tahdwt omdhm, aua 41iurvived by a ,sister Mn.. J. Brooks & Son, telephone Telephone colleet 263-2721 SluMr.ns rorssv LCnessin Clarke own-25, J RNRSK-BUR ES ing complekte, b4.50 ATrs. graepavedie.Coet dukpnsHihai 49aiTy Hosback (Leila) aI 623-5125. ______ 12-6 Marawill FrFrIomnt optl l ý1iOiMichigan, ada --- in sSog trquose col, .ship, one mile south and a half CLEANED hositalp$1n800ncaioIn Asihe Coun0tryrm 'tivanla sud FuurquoiearmatOmntaiy0 ines fothWeiedmileludepeofencclutlh, Couuimy BROWN ST.Tabdom EFFR,14a ;Aylmen, Ontario. 12-1Ip îwnyo-pies e i aild~ Licence No. 4-0-66 sor-Detroit barder, and close without reserve on Saiurday, PHONE HAMPTON terrific view, near Tyrone, 10 shopping. $89 an okbe rc oe s ________brown ize We Hcanarity Bonus Cardta summer resorl ares. A April 2, 1966, aI 1:00 p.m. Al2325 iue rv aOhw.ICNR T emo n 2.0.Tms god oTito.HeIphNSOe onr n Bnu Ir modern, well-equipped gen- macbinery in excellent con-2325 iue rv eOhw. aýànal usn -At1300.dcndto.Tlehn t eral. hospitai, curreutly cx- dîtion. For furiher partîculars !Mail Address:nl$40 -1.0don bungalow wit aae ue 0ARSwt om ~c1ck InerentBoman D~1 ~Ci l ats egsd b aamly tVa i. Op.m- ta- -- U ~1,anu .itt i rUI e~am,.. UI] UJpooJ. $5,000 down. dul aae iihdr~ LiL u1ad 1:00 .. 4:00 p.m. or Ot 1YTE~'0hme 1,0 ,«Ue Cemeiery. 12-1 FARM iIATERIALS Alfall and aratg Bey, Vsudwrite for application formmta idaOt XAS YTMro oe 1,0 ihW aes AlafSrtg rme n ueitnto OfceMn-Tesay arh2$,000 Wc have losevmlgo ind on.Fnpac,~ar a Notices HANULING EQUIPMENT ail cuber grass seeds available Spegcunto 0 c a- usdyoilrc ~REPLACED STOCK FARM inglak oiwron u nAku 1,0.O 35 r. Keit. Siemn'. df - Gordn L. Crner Dais Biockstock 986-4331. rOysarowmsanillOt 1966, aI 1:30 p.m. Ail Work Doue by 2.50 Acres near Millbrook, 2- fyîtlagbcaedroiMchSLS&EVIEwinedCeaesaiagOtaiTmiigcooAPERV.¶ ' *r et.Seo' fieGronL onrDaes lcsok9643.*I ALES - 17 FEMALES Liceused Mechanies stnrey, 9-ronom home, 2 baths,, il Hawke -Ooo1R1 w i .., Ilb lsdfonMrh241h SAL-S--__RVE 4__- For Rent ' Mant cf these buils are per- USE OUR BUDGET PLAN ail fumusce. Barnis 30 x~ 80 ft. 'Garuet Rica]d-7358 r oueîue.A Api Icusv. 12 ~ SH W . N. lurs. - _______________formauice-tented sud elîgible sud 30 x 50 fi., sprnug-led 1- Dr.Dr C FC CttanP.ffce_____________ 2-sHGoToufiecewthAP1T2N-1eaedHac orfh GveumntPrmlu. iran wthgod on stpond.; EATsFite,~LE ;^ù-1 be closed for holiday. G QUALITY SEED bedrooni. Phone 623-5578. Catalogues malled ouroquesioe gravel pit. Only $22,500, Pranted «=March 24th until April TV TOWERS 0 A T~T WObdSo osel o i ta seakodPes it ers Mh inclusive. . 12-1 $50 upAR TWRDNY auile. Fm orptuas n BoÏ Bill Mahood, Omemee, '85 kig st. W., Bowmaiiville Acreago - PORT HOPE w ANEio. Vr uiu Our shop will be closed ailGR - RDE avle Foprtascll Sec.-Manater Phone_2._-_1_ Weneda, tati~ pOSH~.AW.A RUSSEL sdSOMN 623-2918 mter 6 on Friday, 21*__ Poo6324___ 75 Acres light pasture, OnrîaigcutY /e6until fali. Bowman- T anDTV 'rNMarch 25. 12-1* ýn TIJ resd sriutge,50it.0t 101HOE AT FNWCSL Frigid Locker System. TV SJ.a.L B AR L E Y THREE-bedroom hause, newly SPr I j $2,000 one. $.00-iSoedbnalwvit 3bt S12t-2. Taunton Rd. E, O&hawa d32,000edown. Summer Cottages AuMking sale of Toril'! ______________just East of Rflson RoaO HERTA and YORK decatn.tgrghaust centra-l Aion ale ridofledmoom PE C IA LS 1 BETHANT OTHOE o Repcurs MUMM~rED television an ~IWo service ta all zniakes. Tevision Service Co. Phone W-3m8. 52'ti fii7343 iabe teants ApplY Box 839, tue te poperty of Mn.** 110 Acres-1-2.0 acres cleared, n tadn r&la n me g wy. o-P'- Day or nlght - nul Leaak, Pnop. C 0 R N . Bowmanville. --11-2 Leslie Jackson, 54 Church* Wheel alignnientigood large creck sud pond, 4n a alie r ail onem.wy.Asing$, 1011f FUNKS G HYBRIDS TWO bedroom apt., anec mile Str!eet, Bowmanvilie, selliug ,l, . , u second smalicm ceek. Ask- 2 , or 4 Bd oms ernis. . B E E Rugi GOUDIRAUODw:st o Bowmanviile. Hot without reserve on Saburday*wee. oinc ng $18,500.BRLRBUISSwi TBeaElEfoFDisate hale Sun porch. Avail- Mai'ch 26, commencing Eaite<i 6*393C ll63742Nwbrick building. 2Ful1lei1P Adit nt.1 I.m.: 8-piece walnuuidining- rToSlfo623-747ASHor 0wes skn 1,O fo onfesr ohr.Poo623-2234. 12-16 rooni suite, 3-piece modern Ties* 9Lierg m.:T elfrALCB r1 ek.Akr fat remoyed MN four-room spart Chesterfield suite, studio couch, Trs& battLersAtrcepale Tre5rs '"od8 e0 w i'tb e xcusay" M wR foun-roam spar cane bottom chairs, bdr mPst Y.. * . 423-3077 Acetal TnLiTn s t e Moto H &SU -S 5. lb. 47e ment, b*th, heated, cannersutseinmahnsc OKKeHokn*.6355adEcliv DES 0 M sutes seONgmachFesece-I.K.Credit Termsl P. E.63-05 cut. ~~FRM wnXIai~m ing and Division, immendiate tr en tabesWestinghouse P.Gwo 78105RVEMtend oluri l NO sipossession; pnivatpplye electric stave, Cnasley refriger- GENERAL Joe Barnoiki 723-5787 Atr1or ai lINo asexta rose ue n sApply vu 1 DvsiSt. .'u amous Foo, anBeatty washer, vacuumd onaldMutJoY 8 tP -By flWb t ee bea*7 03700BwavU iiinS. lomnile. ceaner, floor palisher, 8-day TR SRIC lare MeCulloagis- -723-7843 RAL ESTATE GuDImnc " . fO 'Si* Of 17-4711 Noweautte 1.,dcock, scatter rugs, bedding. IRRERIC oward Forder Ou eB» îo-ti APAX1%9ffl, two bedromsn, linen, fine china, kitchen lite RitsonRd. S.n. 655-3853 L28Aivsion St* is i erba- fig pIld stoyé, broadlooini.aUilàl, fruit, garden tbols, cracks,54RtonR.S ea eton hMnebi ~Y$TEM _],MC=__________ sevieu aupplIed, $110 per etc. Tonus cash. Ppxty OHA APort Penny O5-2987 BOWMANVILE Inter JogeauseoT~g~sMJcfe&uctne:6377 oi n Refigeration iiSud AppIamMseri a,

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