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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 17

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v..~~~I~-i i ~~~ ~ 1he Cmd anStatesm, EwavfeMr 8 88 F~~~~L rhI ~~~~~~~The Cmedin of Clb2waGixrdainronglwl hi I1 would like to thank-rny HUGHES-mI.ovlng inemory Hed i1omavleith of March. Temetn71. n isYug neighbours and friends for of a dear husband and fath- Mac 2d 96 nmle" ooatinued Consta- ly and adrmttedly, uncler 16.oJonedithareiei i N e a their kindness during my stay er, Abert Hughes, Burketon, bie Dryden, "I had to grab 'The owner of the tractor, &da" , y wa Suda& i.e gi e in the hospital. A special who passed. away March 24, Ernest P. Goodwm ,R.R. 3, hh 16 or20 timesto keIo had been dr ink< n , w a tems Mr. an Mis OsmSe, Dr0S~~ tbanks to the nurses and Drs. 1949. BowrnnvdUe, pleaded gilty him from. Ieaping froni the waaking alongside.o uieswr nniU Ferguson and Austin. One who was better, God bo driving left o! the centre criser. Bach fime it veered The officer had not the 4180 announced ta hr hr a mle t iMrs. H. Stinson. neyer made, line Novemnher 2lst. He was across the hliway se I had lad's birth certificate or other would be a card Part nSt ednea xdyahç f r a12.1* Just and true in ail his ways. confvicted and fined $15 and to radio for help." proof of age so the matter urday evening, Marh2t. nd huc seieo Si. ____-Dearly loved and sadly miss- $14 costs, or live days, and .Teofortl i o-wsajundutlnx ed by his wife Lois and fam- granted 30 days to pay. he i tMr "er ld Hiz W ,,,eek.ajour.eKuntil ne Iws otakmreaie l.12-1 Constable R.- Parker tbld ~i htM.Bie lsidwe.M.K ahm wsi cihi hakm eatvsiy >__1__ be a member of Satan's Two boys f rom the Ontario chiarge o! the Proga. r hefotigrdlygx ÇM a aand friends for cards, gifts, the court he laid the charge Aglýamtryl lb riiýyShO o or hebre fT * occasion 1? f howsaandl iso r. Hbbad n DR. CA RD-Ing mot ead rand- after ieC ve ea d branacidetthat "had every intention of were charged Maroh lOth of the wonderfulwr hi utu n udy selly - c as o 1 hSl ste r. nurses and saff oher, Jesse ritcard- hohe C.!.bon He abidge i iving lthe police a rough with breaking, entry and is being done for thecipe h iers Syvse adnresadsaf ohrJsi Picadwwsc ond c Hr w as d ve ytime l&issummr.t'heft o! Sid Barraball's ser- ohildren, snd Mr.A. ite- Srnishe-bleobs 4Rent a- Ford.Galaxie from of Surgical Floor, Memorial passed away March 23, 1965. scn a a rvnb ot eidblnigveSain ohpedd5Ono lrec or . >. e.kbythe hour, Hospital. TmBri. 11"In life loved and honoured - Douglas L. Gower Douglas Snàtih, Brookhinand The yuhdne eo gin vcetto. Bt l o n sPOOf l lresed fim arhreaan da rwe. tsteTm are 2- ndahreebrd.skid marks indioeted' Mr. to Satan's Aingels but vaid he Fult.o saie 11wca]ehBe.Fo convenjient way to arrive ____-Sadly missed bý ber fami1ly Walter Frank o! W. Frank Goodwin bad been on thle left knew sSesoit the members. One, a juvenile whose name Fotrwain. r ., hc asvrGo toeraer h - In1 Otyle. Simply caîl and Lillian and Fred, Helen and Real Estate Ltd., is pleased to o! the centre double solid ",Satan's Angels seems to be vies protected £ro'm the pub- a poer; Mrs. Jon«scnutdhv esi ahweta tell us when you want your I wish to tbank my friends Eph, grandchildren Jim, Don announce the appointment of white line. HIe estixnated aR contradiction," observed lic, on the recurmmendation Of a jumbled word bir ots.i !i eapltd luxury car. and relatives for cards, flow- and Pat. 12-1 Douglas L. Gower as Sales damage to the Goodwin vehi- Magistrate Baxter. 'I haven't one o! the School officers, Iijd was served andasca ers and fruit sent 10 me whîle Representative. Mr. Gower bas cie at $275 and to ile Smithl ile-d o! them but 1 remem- wes returned to tile Sehool. tirne spent. REASONABLE RATES inj the hospital and special PRITCHARD-In .oig e had ten years experience in one at $125. ber bile Black Dianonds and The other, ýRobert Nigbtin- X&. and Mrs. RaplLos ES TSCNT ON ALL '66 CARS: thanks to Dr. Rundie, nurses lvn e the real estate field in the E. C. Wildmn, wbo repre- file Golden Hawks who ap- gale, aged 16, iad run away an enOag andstffo!bie Mmoia Hs-mory o! a dear friend, Jessie, Oshawa area and has been a etdheacedsadh peared bere sorne years ago. several bfrnes before and the adDaOagvle pn 1,68 ~ ~ ~ ~ n Gaais-r adoptaffo te. oil o-wbo passed away March s223, mmes!bl eeuieo lentd ha us een reaidedi If somnetbing Jre that occurs Sdiooi officiels teit the the weekend with r a] léGaai -r ado,,ia.1965. thembrofshwa & Ditit eaoliethdjutbe rlmdagain, 1 may not be 30 leni- couid do notbing mrefr Mi. Moris Po<ad fl equipped. $8.00 per Earl Malley. 12-1* 1 do not need a special day Estate Board. His experience fronei Hepîa when thff hap- ent."him. He was sentenced 11 ilY day plus g ie obigyut ymnsol eo uhbnftt for 16 monfils as bile recuit Jack Leamnan Chambers, montils delinite and three Mr. and Mis. EaiFop (gaz. ie. For tbe days I do flot think of anyone wishing- to purchase o nte ciet aged 20, R&R. 3, John Bentley, montils indeterrninate in an son, Bowmanville,weeWd - Secil Iwould like to thank' YOUtyi tisara 19, Prospect Street and Doug- Ontario Referniiatory witil the nesday evening cair MUTLELTI S flr SealWeekly Rates - friends, neighbors and rela- Are very bard to find. rpryi sae. Charles Ernest Reynolds- las Mc.Knigbb, 18, Veberans' hope that be xnigbb learn a Mrs. A. Thoenpson. tives for cards, visits, etc., If ail the world were mine to 375 Painted Post Road,-Scar- Avenue, were cbiarged jointly trade. Mr. and Mirs. B. MDnl, CuataMme fti while I was a patient in Pet- give,NET TO bore, pieaded not guilty O! Deceniber 3rd witil illegal Constable L. F. Driydeni, Bowan~11,M.Do MI rotunhdhome.ita adapri To se iyoracessidoea, N S L T Nimipaired driving January 13. possession o! Uiquor. Bentley Opp, bld His Worship that Tb iupsn o, sc'w itl, aItred mve. ry c Corne smilingfat thse door. n Ms rk :-He pleaded guilty bo faiiing and McKnight pieaded guilty the two lads bad run away were recent visitor !Ms the al vey uch Co mised by Be oMr..l21l a dwero Carkhtestil-bo remain at Vthe scene o! an and were remanded Out Of tram the Co1d Springs Camp, Thompson. George Clarke, 1-Sai cidn nViesie ae stody until called upofl. nortlh of Kendal, opierae1 by RClEsct Bor EET--CRNewtonviie R.R., Ont. o! Mr. and Mrs. Frank White,l Mike Harrison, Port Hope, Chambers was also charged the Ontario Training Scbool: Glad to hear 1r Iale SYTEM _____ 12-1 'TAYLOR-In loving memnory Trenton. They attended the who acted for file Crown mn on the same date with driving for Boys. They had broken o! my dear busband, Wm. Masonic funeral service for the absence of Crown Attor- whiie bis license was under into a nearby summer cottage We te amlyofth lteTaylor, who passed awa r ar hl a rnfr e .F.Bnyate ih suspension and imrpaired driv- an-d stoien clotiling and boots, ~National Franchised System 1WteFmlofheaeMarch 23, 1964. and on the way home calied drew the first charge. ing. 11e was to have appeared candies and saine rounds o!fE 0f Ford of Canada Dealers lMrs. Albert F. Spencer, Toron- Wilat 1 would give to clasp bis onl Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hall, Constable I-3. Cook, Opp last week and his lawyer was .22 ammunition. Then theyPEH OS to, and former resident o! hand, Norwood. tl h or hth aepeet a n e enhddth tertann IMaple Giove, wish to convey His happy face bo see, MssEviWiias pet a itecurntheteh he e rssen.TAiswrranth a ben sho ad îthd inrtrai nn our sincere tilanks and al)- To ilear his voice and see hîs brie! holiday with Mrs. Tho-upnaari hedthothiud.Tswekislyrscoogabinatea ad precCLLiato o fînd n.mî asPrgead isItr-of Enterprise Hill. The drive was not present and bile mat- proceeded to Orono. There TI EKN Mrnstation and heiped filenselvesi -RC ii O N LD for the beautiful floral trib tes -Lovingly rernembered 12.* o and e d foma0Iw. expli approximnately $1251remanded in custeds until to cigarettes and an undeter-R H Lbh a aIt BowOAL !ndteman fiend aie rovnw ne 12-___'Ofnd Mi rue Hsipe . idamage to the right rear fen- tilen. mined ainount e! money trami FO D AL S wo anie da le Mcînosh-1andMs. Jo eh Colietun der. Thle officer took samples Jack Bouid, 34, Newcastle, thei. TYhey ichketo S L S Anderson Funeral Chapel in RIMAR this week from Brantford of paint which matched that was charged Jan'uary 22nd Toronto where they weire 9shaa topay heirrespcts ORIA S whre se ha bee re ove-o a lighb standard which had witli permiiting a lad under picked up by police and re- I-urn ished M d l H m 219 Klg St. ., in ouirece t beiraeetsin iVE g rom e as broen kneeoebeen broken off at Enterprise 16 te drive bis tractor on a burned tobile scilool. 219 Hing.Sh.gE.,ay. Besidescebt eeraboveecasesMThereALSs stili avaailable the Bowmanville oui loss of oui dear Motheri Ditnlfied and Distinctive at bthe home o! her son, Mr.Hil gha.Bsd te bo cesT r s Phone 623-Z534 and Grandmother. Monuments - Flat Markers and Mis. Gordon Cole. Mr. Reynolds admitted hav- Constable L. F. Dryden, there was a long Eist «< traf-$50W te WrkBo s Daugilters Moliy Hurlbert, in designs for any need Mai-vin Nesbitt spent the ing Virec drinks in Peferbor- OPP, testified that lie was tic tickets and PC.V. items We're rlght lu the Kathleen Grose, granddaugil 152 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa past week in Toronto at ougil eaîlieî in bile evening. erastbound on Higilway 2, near handled, as well as severali ter DborahGrose son-n-lawschool, and writing examina- Hie was iepresented by Ray fthe junction o! Higiway 115, famiiy court mabters. Seti nelghborhood! bheryeori Grose son1n-1w 723-100<~2 - 728-6627 tiens for file Ontario Real Smela, Toronto. The fine 'vus about 9 wilen ile caugilt- Sehi . . . 3-droletcly Office Evenings Estate Board. $25 and $57.80 costs, or seven up with a wagon beinrg towed FINE QUALITY heatebikbnglwbltb 1_f Syrnpathy is extended to days. by a tractor. On the wagon MONUMENTS AND th___ - ie fanily and fîiends a! the Donald Johnson, 677 Brown were 15 ou maie clilidren on A ER labe Harry Pililp who passed Street, Peterborougil, 'vas a ilayride. Tilere weîe no MRESJ ESO ALY Coming Events away in Belevile -H~ospital charged Februaiy 22nd with ligfhts on bile back o! tile4Le@WMU&yfCO Dance Kendal Orange Hall, last week. Tempoiaxy en- pie.senting a worthless cileque wagon or tile tractai and bile *ommim etf O SRU TO C.L Aprl 2 8:0 pm. owey'stomhment was in Stirling to Durham Growers Co-oip for ileadligilfs on flic tracter were or TAFOR .kf Oprhestra30 . mssio 1we- ernetery vauit. Severai local $29.40. sa dimi fbey wcre not visible OuF BS TOD fresilments. 12-1* folk attended fhe funeral. Conistable L. F. Drydcn, fiom bile rear. VIWW SUNSET TRA ESBDVSO __ ___ _________- - The second meeting o! tile Opp, told Magistrate R. B. Driving bile tractai va ______Remember bile dance at Nestleton Nifty Needlework- Baxter thab bile chieque which id Whie, ____3,________ AILY utoui Liberty Nrh omnil Solina Hall, Saturday, Marcil ers 4-H Club met at fileborne was on tile Victoria and Grey M NMET D>#aWprcdro $158 26. Jim Fisiler's Orchestra, of Mirs. L. MeLaughlin, Maroil Trust Comnpany, Peterbor- Il'P Everyone 'weicome. 12-1 litil. The roll cail was te, ougil, had come backc marked Get Cashi £oday i jiD éL~ with $2,5 ono 290dw We esrveth RihttoLimt uanîtesMonster Bingo, Tiluîsdayname thle basic calai o! our "no account". Stafford" Broinludngthebous WeReere heRihtto Lmi Qanites nigilt at 8 o'clock, sponsored wardrobe. The 4-H1 pledge Mr. Johinson sain lie was In For O annaluhaces LIMITED by bile Sunnyside Park, Red was given and tilen bile col- business for himself and hadW D Mm -Ld LEAN - TENDES' ~~Bain. Nortil Oshawa. 39-tf lection was taken. Tilere was iavrety ise oe hog ou et IM1 el L~~ MmraPakAsc atin lengtily discussion regard- B sud mr h oxum nt133FR baauMem o l iome Asocation îng file di!! erent basic colors cheques fihan lie bad m.oney S T A T E S M A Nox 133 21 KING ST.W.o MAVL P I ER Band afternoon f ea, 2:30 p.m., eokosen by ecdimemiber and .cor1ing. H admitcdiv C LA S S IF 1E DS 1 hneW8b 633 c Saburday; Mardi 26, Memorial whab acciessories ecdislieuld Ing aIlnPhone p2ob3e03 Duodes St. E, ib Park Club House. 12-1 weaî. There were 11 mcm- TIe matter was adjournedi Poo6330 MOhawk 8-3552 __________ _____ -bers and aur two leaders, until Marcil 29bh. R O A ST Salad Plate SuÏpper, Salva- Mrs. L. McLaughiin and Mis. Peter Robert Baîker, 24 tion Army, Marcil 25, 6:30. Ad- L. Malcolmn, pre-sent. Duke Street, Brooklin, p1,ead-ý mission by ticket, $1.25 aduit s, cd guilty o!f public intox.ica----------- cildien 75c. Limited num- tion and Illegal possession of ber. Phlone 623-3191. 12-1 lqH a BON ilG Te roHi-C Car Wash OonALDoqh counts e W- F R BE U Y N C N ENE C wil b hldSaturday, Mai-cil t1Y D fcine on file firt charge wasFO EU Y AD C 26, at Fina Station, Higilway -£50 and cosfs, or 10 days, and lrEA KS E K35, soubh o! Orono; $1.00 peu on bile second $200 and oost.s, 'veatiler, bile wash 'viii be on' was granted 14 days te pay I 9 c5April 2. 12 -1 his fines. 1lb 71b Woodview Community CentreSA E Constable L. F. Dryden, 9-Monster B i n g o. T'venty Saiesmen: OPP, told bile court thaf he ________________________________ games-twenby dollars; tive BUD FOGG - JERRY KEAN was on bis way te checkI ganes-thirty dollars; $150 Gord's A-Go-Go dance hallI GOLENYELOWjackpot, and two jackpats at HAF PHILP wlien ie 'vas advised by radia GLE ELW$250. Door p i-i z e s. Next Vîsît our lot today . .. and by is office thiat a youngM Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, sec the largest selection of man 'vas in a drunken con- Oshawa.46-ff new aind A-1 used cars in dition in file Hause o! Chan presents its Annual Carnival, danice hall. He said ile foundPR T C I N F R Y U A O Wednesday a n d Thursday, HURRY I1e.thbie youtil with a bottie in Marcil 30 and 31. Feafuring bis iland leaning over a tableM 1966 Canadian Junior Pair*.. HURRY I occupied by two girls and lbChampions, Anna Forder and their escoîts. IfI ~ ~ ( D t D t 1 0Richard Stephens. A d u 1Ifs I H N L "On th way back to Bow- - IN Gl LI _______________________________________ n 0, hilien SOc. - 11-2, A T CH NC %.- ,---4- _-R. -_ iipeg, Lbut due to terifie' ViMA LTE IALS ULNLY SAVEl3cI ~Arril 9 - 16 ;stoîms eut west, bile message iALieRTE16271.OlRS not rcie ni udy MI ORMFAVTHI SAE cVlsitint Pittsburgh, Skyiine Lc 61'vsrcie1utlSna ML RMTH AE2cDrive, Natural Bridge,!i 196Z VOLKSWAGEN t A dainty lunch was served C.'~11 Wlilamsburg, Richmond l; 2 to ehoose from. lae nbeevin adal (c.'a) COEanADsd Harrisburt 1 enjoyed bile beautifully decor- 6 8O L S 0 N N Personally Escorted Lie. Jl077 - J16268. lated anniversary cake. ON nomtonPoeAog h eaie present ERECTED - $886.00 (i. Tax) E0XOLUSIVE 0, COLMER Lie. 5558. eil, Miss Elaine Caswell, Mi.PHNOUSTFFRPRCSNOTRWDHSADLGTS- [961 ETOR4..DR. and Mis. Sidney Brown, Mu. POEORSAFFRPIE NOHRW .L.LECLSIEfot TRVL. SERVICE 1 and Mis. Tics. Wilson, Mu.M- 623-3265 Lie. J11666. and Mis. Cecil Malley, Mrs. ALSO FOR CONCRETE SLAB PRICING I EIE TAREW DE FFR 1-21964 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Wellington Brunt, Mu. andM Lic.EARJ1FF8R11-2Mis. Harold Caswell. BDE EM VIAL Lie. J11859 Sunday evening Mr. andBUGTER VIAL OFFER WILL BE DISCONTINUED Personcd 1963 FORD GALAXIE Mrs. Jim Casweil, Mr. and BY APRIL 11, 1966 HYGENIC Supplies-(]Rubber 4-DR. Mis. RImer Green and Miiss ~ goods> mailed posbpaid in Lic. J16437. Elaine Caswell, enterbained ADDIIONL PECE CA BEplai seledenvlop wih 1their parents, Mr. and Mus. BOUGHT UP TO TRIIS DATE price lust. Six samples 25c, MaD fEIble Vill aeltl, Wlomdne. it 'wuiIt" _________________________24 saples $1 .00. Mail Order Mthe D ilad Ms.eDare Mordon Mwa W o d DeptT-28. Nov.-Rubber Co., M c AL .and s.Dael'.boone Box91,Hanlbo, nt.1-5 rERhbrotilers, o! Wellington, spentU COURTICE lU f SHOPPING CINR DY *T À S1 FR D Vtheweekend witil Mr.and Mis. IVIiEIF7811 'Norman Gerow. 728-1611 728141 Cet aù oday i 1Mr. Stanley Joncs was mnak- FOO M RKE Fr Od pplaios 219 King St.L while with Mi. and Mr.C- -- - King St. W. lFM Delivery Bi>wmaaville 'witi Meni. ythen onto visît Mt Svvuuu wanva*w itMr and Mis. Thou. Soi- SM N AEPHONI'64=-U«41 pAî=SEAM mitil. ~ "BOUME OF QUALiT A881 MD8Phole am.? Mrs. Ralph G>lw oned UAONIIIHI NAM au»IliD . rb»63 Mthe Senior Citi ý'uruion it Tpronto Tueuday .1'i

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