,lMe Canadian. te j, (FROM PAGE ONE) &-*,"mpany llke St. Marys, is e *âb~ does not require such yer umio, nterted in Iocatlng for -~ and ,,D*rek Little of Municipal ko &~iilgConsultants, who hame U e thetwnhip in an ad-T ilorycapacity for the last 10 .eafr was the opening witness Pet" ~ the hearing. 'ennam e aad S. pnoto build. an initial plant pr at a cost of $15,000,000 that 1er w4udproduce 1,500,000 bar- Pla" rsor6,000,000 bags cf cern- bilh ct & year, wlth an ultimate anc ograpn to expand the opera- rnaji n to 4,500,000 barrels or T( larger annual y and wouid in- Mar ctease the lnvestment to $30,- "rea 0o0,0O0. plan M.Little said the company tai*t --that * ures EFFCTIVEAPIL lot iati plan TRAVEL DEPT. prS] * TI HOURS Tue. me, Open 10:00 a.m". t. 0:00 P.M . dic ýxcept Wednesday, 9 - 12:30 the Closed ý ail day Saturday *For Information Cal * MRS. M. COTY - 623-3361 JURY AND LOVELL 19RAVE sOWMANVILLE - ODN'.1 LA THURSDAY 2 KING ST. E. BowmanLv me, im. &aau- ld emploY sane 100 par- mand hie alsoe Stimatê-d Ithe St. Marys cornpany uld be paying approximate- $210,240 a year in taxes te township. »positionl ta the cernenti npany locating in this area expected frem Toronto law- John G. Parkinson, counsel a group of Bowinanvile 1 Dariingten ratepayers wn as the Better Develop- mt Cornrittee. rha cormnittee has filed a jtien containing sorne 2,300 mes with township clerk dter Rundie, objecting te application of re-zening te rmit locating o! the cernent it and quarrY. The pessi- ity of dust and noise -nuis- ýe are the commrittee's or cemplaînts. rownship Councilior Mrs.' xy Budai testified 'she was asonably convinced the mt would not be detrirnen- to residents in the area and ýreasonable contralinmeas- ýwouid be taken 'taeleim- te noise and dust." 'he spoke of the cornpany's n te instali a dust-controi cipitator at a cost/ef $1,- 000. bis plan was enlarged upon sday by Kenneth Macken- Sproject manager o! St. rys Cernent, who saîd the ,-colecting app a r atu s ch wouid be instaiied in cement-making kiin would 99.8 per cent effective in ninatingdust. In answer te a question by' Township Solicitor Alan Strike o! Bowmanviile, Dariington Reeve Arthur Blanchard said ha was in favor et the appli- cation "basicaily because we have an unbalanced assess- iment in this township." jMr. Litte testified ha was: called in by the township as a consultant on this matter in January, 1964. Ha recalied visiting a cernent plant in Barberton, Ohio, with other township officiais and said there was ne evidance at that operation o! excessive noise or dust. Ha said St. Marys Cernent nrflfnse to in ant a butter o! f - pup , :b t -pi---- Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Souls 11th whom are now merged Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. C hartered Accountants Montreal Windsor Edmonton Oshawa Winnipeg Prince Toronto Regina George Hamilton Caltary Vancouver -l FRIDAY - SATURDAY BOWMANVI LLE 'May we suggest a Save-for-the-LittIe-lhings- you-might-otherwise-never-buy Account? ÇA ADIAN IMPERIAL B ANK 0F COMERCE WilI Open Saturday Ici and mixed for several Iminutes The resulting fertili- zer mixture ls then elevae and fe 4PithÊ* a hai evergreens and trees .for 50Ô feet north cf Lake Drive ta protect the view frôm a stri of 50 cottages aiong Lake Ontario. Mn 1ltte said the coinp*ly fias eWtmateé the e s engugh linmetone deposit in the,:area1 to operate 'the ceinent* plant and quarry for the next. 89 years. The cornpanyv has proposed to start prein4nary work xm- mediately if thé 0MB approves the re-zoning application, and estimates the plant w6uld be cornpleted within two years witb a three-year target for production. The hearing is expected to continue ail this~ week. The board wvilI hear ail the evi- dence in favor and against the application, then probably hand down a decision at a later date. Tuin Down Swim Pool (FROM PAGE ONE) Councillor Bourke said It was his errer on procedure,, but hie wanted to save Uirne. Councillor E. J. Rundie stated that the Bowmanviiie Lions Club la goding to build a swimininig pool. Reeve Sid- ney IÀttle said he heard the Lions have bouglit a Conces- sion Street property for their pool. "I a4n not for extra expen- diture when the miii rate is going up due te extra Higili School cots", Councilior Run- die deciared. Mayor Hobbs stated that the town would have to pay for the pool, while the centennial grants would only amount to $7,300 from the province, and $7,300 frcom the federal governmen t. When Councillor Bourke said that service clubs and other organizations could do- nate or raise money for the pool, the Mayor replied that donations cannot be forced, and that they inight not agree with the project. 1Mayor Hoblis stated that the new 'Public Library here was started as a centennial project, but it was found that greater grants could be ob- tained trom other governrnent sources. "We then tried to obtain a centennial grant for the library furn4shings, books, or the new Works Department building, byut were turned down on ail of these," lie idded. Ciounilier Bourke said that the town oould use a centen- niai grant :bS ights in parks, or to develop recreatienai fa- cilities. "I think a pool is needed, but as long as we take advantage of the centenniai grant, 1 do not mmd," he as- serted. "I do flot think we could ijustify extra expenditure this. vide more parking spacej Jwbere the old Works Depart-I ment shed is located. This is central, and wiil be made ready for use in the near future ha added. It was aise pointed eut by, Mayor Hob that service clubs and other organizationsý couid be given permission teoi use town equipment but that the operator must go with it. *Mr. Dykstra indicated thatý this was a haîptul offer. Ha inquirad if the town could donate gravai for the lot, or pay for the grading. Mayor 'Hobbs expiained that gravai ceuld net be donated becauseý o! the road subsîdy received, *by the town. Councilior E. J. Rundla sug- gasted that the association write te the Arena Board, and meet with it to see if soe ar- rangement couid be made for assistance frem it. Ha moved that the latter le received and, filed. This was secondad byj Deputy Reave Fice. Reeve Little rnoved an arnendmnent that ceuncil turn over the as- sociation's latter te the Arana Board for its consideratien. This was seconded by Council- lor Hughes and carried. The motion as amendad was then carried. Russell Branchi on lehal! of some, Prospect Street resi- dents, breught a petition for a' storm sewer on this street from Veterans Avenue Jgorth. Reave Little stated that il Io planned te, hava such a, sewerI installed thare this year. Mr. Branch aise asked that part e! Prospect Street be wlden- ed, but it was explalned to hum that as the land on eachi sida Is net ownied by the town, this would be impossible te do without expropriation. Clarence Devries, 79 Liberty Street North, appeared before council regardlng his drive- way. This matter was refer- red te the Roads and Streets Dcpartment te investigate ard report back on a motionby Councillor E. J. Rundie, sec- *onded- by -Councillor Annie ~Oke. 1963 FORD 4-DR. RANCH WAGON Custom radio and mirrors. Lic. X10621. 1963 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. HARDTOP 6 cyl., automnatic transmis- sion, windshieid washers. Lic. J16811. 1963 MORRIS OXFORD 4-DR. Custom radio, mirrors, windshld washers. Lic. J16809. 1963 RAMBLER 4-DR. 6 cyl., automnatie transmission, wheei discs. Lic. J16810. 1963 VALIANT 4-DR. Lic. 37454E. 1962 PONTIAC 4-DR. Custom radio, windsiýieid washers, mirrors. wheei discs. Lic. J17676. 1962 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. V-8, automnatto transmission, custom radio, windshield washers, mirrors. Lic. J16814. 1961 PLYMOUTHI 2-DR. V-8, custom radio, al reconditloned and newv paint. Lie. J16812. PALMER Motor Sales PHONE 623-5487 20 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE OPEN 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. al» new IPLYMOUTB VALIAANT EELECVIEICORONE Mud DODOZ TRUCKIS Michael J. Macoun iOn Friday, Mar. 25, Michael Ji. Maceun wiil address thei jCanadian Club o! West Dur-i hamn in the Trinity United' Church Sunday Schooi Audi- torium at 8:15 p.m. on the1 topic of "A New Africa." Mr., Macoun was born in 1914, at-! tended Oxford graduating in! Modemn Hîstory then continued' his studies in Munich and!9 Paris.i Ha went into police admini- stration in Africa whera hal was saconded te the Cembined! Services Sacurîty Bureau in! East Africa, with the rankof Major. Ha bas just retired as, nsctr General o! Police in Early in 1965 ha teured theý United States under the aus-' pices o! the British Informa- tion Service. Mr. Macoun was awardad] tha O.B.E. in 1961 and becameý a Companion o! St. Michael i and St. George in 1964. Ha bas just bean appolntedý Deputy Inspecter Genarai o! Police at the British Colonial: Office whare ha takes Up his1 duties on April 1. Speaks aCancer Meeting Newcsf l Feriliz r Plnt ig machine or diretiy te a dcfor blkeqopnnt.A ër P a t frk lift truk i lhade pal- letized bgsin testorage 0 area. The Ceresdale plant has a Prsns N w -C ncept. in capacityof 35 tous an u, Prese ts Nè Co ore than sufficient te handle p ea se son dem and . "We a x any raw materlals te specified ratios ciently," said Mr. Riekard. "And, through our association with Cyanarnid o! Canada vie are aise the immediate bene- ficiaries cf any scientific ad- vancçs made in fertilizers." Auditors (FROM PAGE ONE) to hold ils annuai drive for funds on Monday, April l8th, was granted on a motion by Councillor E. J. Rundie, sec- ended by Councilior Chant, A~ communication from the Durham Ceunty District. High * Schooi Beard stated that ai- * though $29,000 had been in- cluded in the budget as pay- ments for employees' pension payments, it bas been found that $23,000 cf this amount ,%ill be paid by the govern- ment. Therefore the total budget wiIl be reduced by $23,000 and the board's re- quisîtion from Bowmanvilie for High Schooi Area costs wili be $276,166, instead cf $281,166. Mayor Hobbs spoke of the meeting called by Councillor Hughes, chairman of the Fin- ance Committee, of that com- mittee and representatives of the High School Board. "This i s one of the resuits of that . . .. . . .. . three and a hait heur meet- i ng during which we went .--- --- --- ---- into every item o! the budget," . he said. On a motion by Counciior Walter Rickard- Operatas Packing Machine E. J. Rundie, seconded by Reeve Little, Welfare Admin- Bulk blendirig is a new con- America - it bas proved it- erticiai, pleasant, passing-the- istrator R. J. Welsh was given cept in the marketing o! fer- self se well in the United time-ot-day conversation with permission te attend the an- tilizers in Canada and its States that more than 800 his customer in order te iearn nual convention of the Ontario success rests on the cornerstone bulk blending plants have his probiems se that lie cani Welfare Officers Association o! service. been established there since play bis proper role in solving te be heid in- Ottawa in June. Although not new in North the early 1950's - it represents them te their mutual benefit. Reeve Little moved that the trail blazing initiative in the He lias te, in other words, be request o! the Consumers' year," the Mayor said firmly. Canadian market place. deeply and sincerely interested Gas Company for an extension "lWe shiould not loek for ad- Ceresdale Fertilizers Lirmît- referred tee. o the Financreen- ditionai projects to spend ed, in their new plant that "We intend te keep a cern- mitee To hiae coeb money on. We are faced with opens this Saturday, at New- plete file on the soul tests we Coillor Runhis e andecar- heavy educational taxes. We castie, (a joint ventura of make and bring them up te onilrRnladcr have an obligation to the Garnet B. Rickard o! Bow- date periodically se that we ried. people, te do ah possible te manville and Cyanamid of wili always know bow chang- A latter from the depart- ease the tax burden," he Canada Limited) is determined ing conditions are affecting ment o! Agriculture stated that stated. te, provide the same service the land et each individual," oe case e! rabies had been that bas converted so many Mr. Rickard said. discovered in Clarke Town- te bulk biending below the . ls lasnb s p. It was received and filed Suc clse iaion asinon a motion by Councillor O ke border. Associated with Mr- the United States, resulted in Rundle, seconded by Councii- Coun Rickard in bis new venture the bu]k blending eperator lor Oke. (FRM AG OE) wili be bis scn James, who being accepted by bis customn- A latter stating that Bow- sFO AidEtOtNun graduatas this spring from the ers on a more pcrsonai rather mnil ulcSho er Mayr HbbsUniversity of Guelph where he than strîctly business hasis: wili ask the town for a levy fortunately the former town is speciaiizing in crop science. respected and consulted on o! $156,169.46 was. raferred te clark, Jack Reid, had net "The principal tbing te re- much more than just fertilizer- the Finance Cornmittee on a posted council's reply te the member," said Mr. Rickard, reiated matters. It aise accounts motion by Councillor Hughes, Ghainber ot Commerce, but "is that in bulk biending the for the reason why in the seconded by Deputy Reeve that council's answer was re- customer pays for exactiy United States, as locally, the Fice. atifirmed te, the PUC on tihe what he naads. He doesn't pay bulk blending operator bas te Councillor Nicks askad il basis et a conference between for ingredients lie gets just have extensive and thorough council intends te change Its Cou.ncillor E. J. Rund]e and because they are already mixed experience and background in auditors. He said that if the James Bell a C. o! C. director. in with the ingredients ha agriculture. auditors for bis own business Councillior Rundie reported wants." Bulk blenders use solid had taken two and a hait that as the 1965 Chairman et Bulk blending bas attained granular fertilizer materials years te uncover a shortage lie the Civici Comnmittee, be had its success by of!aring suciý and another kzey to their suc- would have fired tbemn. M.Bell that couneil djd revoiutionary services te th ýcess bias been the mechanicai Councillor Hughes. reported eodse t way lilyte making farmer ae.-frea soi, tests, eu ' handlirig et these substances. that the Finance Committea , donaio e thié time, aM dtom blendIng îpnd 10w cçs The gariadian operation is had met with Taylor. and sunzeted te h .o .aDplication.' eeitnfrmUtdSaes Humpbage, Peterborough the cotacehCo temt Carrying eut these services experience wbere the honi- auditors, and had discussed "I understand that Mr. Bell brings the bulk blender close zontal type bulk blending the thett by former Town tibt te . o C di ntot bis customer and bis prob- plant is, because etfniatarials Cierk Jack Reid: thoruhly said i~~ems. He bas to visit the farm bandling advantages,gingwttem Hasd that the ex!pert a donation, but hoped te take bis soul samples and way te tha combination honi- committee had decided that that the PUC would beip wit]h ha has te maka more than sup. zontal-vartical variety 'et as this firm had discovered the Christimas lighting," the______________ which the Ceresdale plant is the thefts o! the fermer clark, Mayor said. Counicillor Run- an excellent example. I thare wouid be an advantaga dia agreed that this was right. This type et plant operates in retaining them. Councillor Rundie moved p in this fashion: A letter from the City of thiat Town Clerk R. L. Byron ~a c As orders are received, raw London regarding the recruit- be instrvcted to send a reply at C nc materials are transferred by ment et personnel for the te the Chamlber o! Commerce, T pay loader via a bucket eleva- publie health field was receiv- and a copy o! this latter be Uflav O tor te a multi-compartment ed and fiied on a motion by forwarded te the PUC. Thisav hoid lin. The ingredients Councillor Hughes secondad waa seconded by Councilar NI needed for any particular by Deputy Reeva Fice. Oke, and carried. ix Increase E formulation are weighed frcm these bins into a one ton weigh hopper. This unmixed charge M ouchants 0F GOOD - is dropped inte, a rotary blend- * A5 moe(FROM PAGE ONE) JUSED CARS WiliIU A donation of a set amount of rHe Fo 1966 MOTTO: "READING - A KEY TO A CHANGING WORLDÉO Bowmanville Library Hours: MONDAY - TUESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY 2 P.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY - 10A.M.. TO 5 P.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 29th 8:00 p.m. FREE TRAVELOGUE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM ADULTS: pick Up your free tickets at library 'E YOU'>1 6,19P 3EIN I UN YOUR PINK L~iENVELOPE PLEASE DO UT NOW 1 OUR LOCAL OBJECTIVE US $7..500 * WATCH THE .... EASTER SEAL PARADE M('d by BING CROSBY SUNDÂY, MARCH I7th from 5 to s p.m. ON CFTO TV, CHANNEL 11, by some unfortunate chance, you dld not receive your Pink Envelope, please take your donation to our headiquarters . .. The Bank of Montreal la Bowmanville and receive 'Yorw Eter Semis. Easter Seal Chairnian, GLEN HUGIWES, B.wmnývill. BauyClub * Grdon W. Blehi, CA,, .I.A. Burt *R. Waters, C.A. *~as, oshawa'shopping Centre 7t8-l527 ST 3 DAYS!O HEALTH AND BEAUT AT YOUR REXALL STORE JURY>& LOVELL LIMITED Maurice J. Grimes Guest speaker at the Spring meeting of Bowman- ville Cancer Society Branch will be Maurice J. Grimes, Executive Director, Ontario Division, Canadian Cancer Society. The meeting will be held in the Lions Centre at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 3th, and the public is cordially invited to attend. Mr. Grimes is a native of the Ottawa valley and joined the Canadian Cancer Society in 1952. His posi- tion behind the scenes has been busy and rewarding. He is keenly aware of the urgency of the problems of cancer and the need for assistance to the cancer suf- ferer. As he is in constant contact with ail phases of activity within the cancer control program, he wilI, present an up-to-date message that is comprehensive and complete. You are cordially invited to visit your local library during N atio>nai LIBRARY.WEEK