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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 3

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»V apel-Iengtjh train bor- l l&1*TeCnda ttaaEwmvle a.2,16 d«-d wh to wde ecentiy IVarrUed Married inl Oshawa ' "dà of Ctumnly lace, and algateddttC-pbnutqith lishve d beld hr shoulder- xng. W ecl ingsbouffant veil and she an n a r Go W ei g Qcarried a bouquet of deep wlt MirtaflM. R. ent pikrom anmd stephanotis. Mr. and Mrs. H hcen nStra.Te aebe The matron of honor was Suzanne, BowmaiilwsviiigteWlt oncin lira. William Duffield and the borne misa. frth etwes other attendants were Mrs. M.Sa ry adn M.adMr.BnPoot P rank Ani mad MiessHeathor r. jlvStedwtans.A elvllwt Gr n e Zinck. The flower girl was Halmiit ad lr.V atrsO ecrowrttw*n Miss Susan Duffield. on ri d r.MmMi.L Wn The best nman was Mr. Mrs. G. Morristoacr nkrndMsJa H aa Blayne Flint. and the ushers load to Mrs. DarestWs-iied oatv ve thi were Mr. William Hurrie and ley'ville on SaturSyosea eedetWdor Mr. Gary Jeffery, ail of Bow- NURI -ANGI The Reverend John Rainerd lmanville. MaPle Grove United Church i Giv FdlFoUwing the reception l P m FI k PUU Was the aetting for the mar- G on in marriage by her held in the church hall, the L . K II~ r L M ràaeOni Saturday, February father, the bride was wearing couple left for their honey- EM 2&, DU6, of Sylvia Joan, dau- a formai gown coprsd fmomi n Niagara Falls, with ,-. ighlter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben-I white nylon organza skirt and the bride donning for travel- ~îi Angi, Oshawa, to Doug- a Ch.antilly lace bodice with ling, a navy bkie and white jlh£ hi-a c o e IrsJOhn Hurrie, son of Mr. a semi-soalloped neckline and sit, flavy blue accessories and lira. Jack Hurrie, R.R. 3, lily-point sleeves. The overali and a red and white corsage.I r ouavlf.efect was highlighted by a On their return Mr. and Mrs. s Hurrie took up residence on READYPSE ALAE Montrave Avenue, Oshawa. DEPARIMENT 0OF HEALTH PORTER- ALLDRED UftftIT I IArrangements of w h1 t e ONTARIO HOSPuITAL poins and 'munis formed an attractive setting in North- minster United Church, Osh- COBOURG awa, fort rc: ade lgterviceERnitinGLEnRmeL Requires ig Miss Barbara-Ann Al- dred, Oshawa, and Mr. Ray Irvi, Porter of Toronto. The bride is the daughter of Mr.. WALFS IOSB SNW RH Regiterd Nuses and Mrs. Charles T. Alldred I'roviding nursing care to female patients. ence J. Porter of Digby, N.S. .a r mrv o i, Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow w as A BEK E tht> officiating clergyman. Mr.... n . QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontari. i R. K. Kellington played the 'n aU a er wedding miusic and accoin- Mu.. SALARY: $4600. rising to $ r.Lrv 33 KING ST.WIHNE6353 Harding of Streetsviile who Mr. and Mrs. Douglas John Hurrie, shown in the, Applicants with recent experience sang a duet. aoepooa hyetterwdigck tte r n r.RyIvn otr hw bv s for hiber strting alary.Given in marriage .by h aoepooalheierhi edngck tt& r.RyIvn oresonaoea eligible fo i h oatn aay fathor, the bride wore a for reception, were married in Maple Grove United~ they sign the register, were recently married ý' Maximum salary t e$20 fetv mal length gewn of straight Church on Saturday, February 26, 1966. Formerlyý Northminster United Church, Oshawa. The bride is Api ,16.eut white satin brocade high- Miss Sylvia Joan Angi, the bride is the daughter of; the former Miss Barbara-Ann Alldread, daughtqer ofC k c l: April 1, 1966.lighted by a full-lengtii Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Angi of Oshawa, and the' Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Alldred, Oshawa, and the - ea e s train falling fr0' bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie,l groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Porter tht shouldors. Her silk veilRR~DFNTOS -SLSE was caught to a white bro- R.. , Bowrnanville. Photo by Hornsby Studio! of Digby, N.S.D GRADUATE NURSES cade bow headipieoe and she ____ carried a white 'mum adorn- U N kM~*arted as chairman for thel People wlth ahfe nttgoudwotk reu Prviig usigcaetofeae aiet. fwith red f lowers. Oh ~V * I.~evenî.ng. te aifrm eoe thbhfetothdek Prvdn usn aet e eptet.Miss Carolyn Mann, O- - - - V 1 L EOn Tedy te lde'fotpol i awa, was maid cf honor and quiited two quits ai. the- QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from accredited tht bridesmaids were Miss Mrs. Clinton Buriey of Tor- are busy installing more into a red-hot Nicholson File hasement.A nusn cus.Dorent Powell, Newcastle, onto spent Monday with Mrs. equipment here, at the Dial, Club who defeated the locals Several ini the community ofsigcore.adOsa The wer ei Bre.susquent t our tree dialîng 8-2 to win the rud13-10. atten*ded the 5Oth wedding - SALARY: $4050. rising to $4400. odeOshaa. floor l enghsrainh Mr. and Mrs. Adam stec service with Port Hope, seche- Marty Brereton and Ted Watts annîversary cf Mr. and Mrs. ic g o with ms agee and family were dinner guests duled te begin May 2lst. each notched a hat-tric-k for Mont Biekie, Canton, en Sat - C l î Applicants with recent experienco eeut gbed it an. alemsse recently, with Mr, and Ms Mran Ms.PrySIell the winners, with Milis and urday.i CLOTHES C eliibe fr iger tatin slay. ren hifonave te atc- . oughen. of Port Hope were dinner O'Brien adding singletons. On Thursday afternoon, 17, 40 heur week; 2 weeks annual vacation for 3 igceesît.Te oeM.anur.b akri uss auda jngh e wtonvilegals eresco- andie tred the iCaour ho PeranntiWvlouio f1 eae tm ta o' mess green velvet bow head-i1 and f a m i 1 y, Bowmnanville,l with Mrs. G. McCuliog. edb ra.sise yCou- n netie h nae hwu ni h amn aDtmatectnn ovn years - 3 weeks thereafter; pension plan and dresses and each carried a were ca lers during the weekl Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, roux. andi Westheuser un- of the Golden Plough LOdge It rots fabrie dysadteeulngdm e Ipulb. sick leave credits. white muf eccented by a red et Mr. R. Bruce's. Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Wadeadd wd porm frAdigth ear flower. Mrs. Don Elliott entertain- Mr. and Mrn. Wallace Bou- Sunday the Mer- sînging and music. At te MrWlieSlack, Toronto. eti on Tuesday eveninig, with ghen, Mr. and Mis. Ross cantile Hockey League Ahlcoe-teldisgv ahi Ineete pliat hol ppyt:was best mon and tht ushers three tables of Court Whist Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Stars completely humiliated omatesa fd avormaie.up f T HEMNe0rMRHI-E COSMN Intersted ppliants houl appl te:were Mr. Boyd Wood, Orono, in play, andi winners of the Wood were arnong the local the Port Hope Blades (Inter-- GIEGNRUL- DIRECTOR 0F NURSING Mr. Malcolm Ashford, Ter- luck draws being Mary Vin- people attending tht Oddfel- mediates) with an 11-2 vie- ward, teea and cookies were ento, andi Mc. Brian Alldred kle and Hielen Elliott.' low's' banquet anti dance, Sat- tory. Goalie Bill Wade played servati by the badge to our ONTRI H SPTA o hlt a Ms.Ths.Joesvisqiteti urday night, at Bowmanviiie shutout hockey for ont per- Institute members. A very ONTARO HOPITA of shaw. M. BI Td ftne- Recr eation Centre. led. Defenceman Wayne Hogg enjoyable afternooo. COBOURG tht Flying Dutchran Motor u ya Miss Barbare Stapleton cf aa eteia e ry Tt Lntn Seieswas Hotel, Bowmanviile, where Mr. andi Mrs. Melville Samis Port Hope spent tht weekend eachped p an assockyut a vnti l tCntn Wdnsa tht bride's mothor received were' visitors, Wednesday ev- at Mr. Don Stapleton's, and ttAlS p c niMs.H unrl in a gold lame dress withei tMr. Russell White's, Sund.aY guests there includ te _Sar._r.a__Mi..H.___fil Yo r H s icl R p rig corsage of red carnations. SeEhbthville. Mrs. L. Tociti cf Starkville, _______ ____________was. assisttd by the groom's Mcr andi Mrs. George SIa- and Mr. Bruce Donnelley cf L N À L matherwho cose a l.petoui witît Mr. andi Mca-. Wi- Part Hope. navy, double knit wool suit fred Wood attended tht Cel- Amonig those attending the with corsage of pink carna- Op banquet et the Orono Masonic banquet anti dance Mrs. Doris Baker was host- tions. Selections were sung United Church, Wednesd.ay at Newcastle Saturdgy evon- ess te Il mmbtis and one A t Y ou r Servi-ce by the Country Four quartet evening. ei ee r nd ,Mm.C. vs cfrn Club 50 ladies Tues- - Four -thereception. Mas, Mrs, Nita Birch. Ormo To wM n'W> ,Hn a vnnMrh8 r H~... Before leaving on thpir Mrs. Geralti Johnst.on anti dersuon, Mc. and Mca. S. ban- Mca. Mary Penwarden epeneti T wenty mFou * H ours wodding tri~p to Boston,Mas., daughter, Bowmanville, were caster, Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mrs. the meeting with hymn 482 and eastern points, the bride dinner guests on Wednesday W. H. Jones, Mrs. w. Mîlli- followed by the Lord's Prayer, i donned her travelling en- with Mrs. Clinton Brown. gan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Walkey, andi conducteti al ,necessary semnble of a mint green, dou- Mesdames S. Lancaster, A. Mr. anti Mrs. F. Hendersen, business. Scrîpture was taken A D azy blknit wool suit, winter Wade, M. Jones and F. Hen- Mr. and Mca. R. Hall. by Mrs. Baker with a finede whit ha an blck cre- drso wee amongthoe e- M. ad Ms. aymnd otinalgiven by Mca. Jean sories. An. orchid corsage tending the lecture andi pic- Bruce were Sunday visitera Goble. When people are sick or meet with anl comnplemented ber ensemble. tureti tour given by Rev. Jas. witih Mr. anti Mrs. John Chat- A d1oination of $10.00 was accident, they invariably think of the hospital. Thty will bo residing in Tor-j Stewart in St. Paul's Church, terton, Havelock. given.te the Redi Cross anti it They are confident that within the hospital onto. 1Bowmanville, iast Wednesday Mr. anti Mca. Bob Butter, wastiecidedti t have a booth thee i a rop c peplewh wil kow The bride whn is a public evening. Bowmanvîlle, were supper at the Tycone Carnival helti ther isa goupof eope wo wll nOw school teacher, attentiet Lake- Mr. ant i Ms. M. Kimbali guesta on Sunday witb Mr.' in June. Miss Grace Smith what to do. And they're right; for no other shiore Public School, New- were visitons, Thursday, at and Mrs C. Brown. was appointeti a member te: group of persons is more intimately concerned castle, Grena High Schocl antiMc. Ait' Graham's, Ntwcastle. Mr. anti Mca. W. Boughen tht Centennial Committee. i with people - their outsides, insides, or state Bow.manv.ille High Schnoo, Fciday night's carti party in tirove Mfiss Rinch of New- Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Hamp-, of mind - than the hospital staff who stand ani rduattfo Ptr tht Community Hall saw 10 castle te International Aicport ton, gave a talk anti explain-' read tedo teir par nadn h eunt h Teachers' College. tables in play. winners being, on Sunday, from whece she eti somne cf tht New Look in' cad od terpr n iigtere. noTegroom' is e management hilgh lady, O. Henderson: highi flew to the Barbedos.Mahmts. etiglotie heath f toseentustd t thir raiet ithNach Aeriangent, .1. Partritige; dcaws, Don't* forget the U.C.W. with hymn 485 followeti by Life Assurance C o ni p a n y, Peter lenderson, John Camo- card party at tht 'hall next benediction. Lunch was serv- During the next..twelve months, onteout Trno oatedt ovlebel], Inez anti Wallace Bou- Fcitiay evening. eti by hostess anti a social' Aob fourfoid function. lhonours as a shawman et the, Life Iflsu rance Bu in ssMr. anti Mcar. Stanley lGeble ThpCscdu4uuoerc at Cdllege Royal et Kemptvilie anti Brure, Tyrene, spent Sun-' water you're ever likely to need. acae4 fael.,ae Patient Caro again. Lest yeac Jin was day evening with tht Ryt ..the continuai developinent cf a high champion showman. Tbo3e; We aire a largo Lif e Insurance Company (ISth Gibsons. and dlea. Since thee l no comsi onxh acd 0nea Wh ave competeti in ghow- eout cf 1200) and we have a centract which w. Tht Rye Gibsons were ,ttandard cf patient care leading te botter n*iip classes know these j'ati urs. J. ppR. Pu istsonr.ho fle asdca e 's taned ia i.rjf elfulyas heaith and longer lif. for the citizeus of your prives are net easy te win.! feel is ont of the best on tht market. Cndurtic. J .Prisn community. ~ ~ Murra r~, motodanti 1 .Mc. and Mca. Ryt Gîbson If you ineist on having afrmdan o ae tIwco,01 Edcto eznPtVllle last Wednesday Yeur renewals are vested. ceerti thtjtr 37th Wedtiingl te attend this event. Annîversary quietiy at homne your Hydro and asic about the Cacd40ectcwaohaor *.providing a means for the oducation Mr. HaTold Larmer retucn- We assist you in training agents. on Merch 16th. of doctors, nurses and skBled professionals ed -hSme on Thw'sday after W epfnneyu gns whose speciaiized knowl.dge is essentiel te or a in ayT. nohsitlWrvd 2 erbohuesrie the practice of modern medicine. Mr. andi Mnr. L. R. Argue' M II npened their haine for a coin-j hrhsrie eee Reuarch munîty card garne on Friday Everything is designed toetde in with yoJY Gar-ten Hill. Sunduey school'~W * . pariciptmg u prgram es c ~** Sc»rry Io report Mrs. John' general business se as net te increase your work wsheepirttt uch u.arch for ncw aud Improved techniques aud Sri le ia n Méemorial Hospi- services. treatuient. -ta], Bownwwavlle. We hop but only te increase your incomne. On Tuesday evening the her utay will ho brief. Parents' Club helti the public. Preventive Medicine Mms. Ra~Ynond Davey tookl hntcnatu hn.o etrfrfrhr spoaking c a n tesa t. Fight FOR FUITHER INFOR I ONCNTC a bus trip te Linidsay on Fn-'uens soe n l . rvdn norgmn n u.daY. information.tiid exceptionally Weil. The port te the medical profession Iu developiug Mc.- Douglas Taylor and Di. jutiges, Mr. D. Mjoffat, Mr. L. au.mM 1rogrammnes designed te keep people weIL anne, Bowinanvifle, were Set- Keilogh and Mrs. E Gray, uDvw IImI~ ;hee re heprogrammes whicb are carinui urdaY Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. CONTINENTAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, icked Noceen Hamuill as en we axe the walls of your hospital - pro. Lesle Taylor and famnily. firsut, Nancy Walker, second, 01 WtII ttMr. Fred Taylor attendeti, 160 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario. ýand April Drew third. Misses grammes which are vital t. the. wehfare of an orîilzation meeting for1 Phone 416-924-46923 Doris Beatty and Helen Trew s- omnt erme hikhv ufmCut -H îu-ý eevdpe th cthedu lc utoii i mode ye hospitai=be oe oe f the ment toeal Cltba on Saümt ra. ATTENTION: Mr. B. R. Morton,,Fild Superiendent. hj îwon t c ntesr e ldiio HOE6357 Iumtutbligs W. Wdrtnd Mr. Lesliejerir ikt eesl n POE4337 ImotatbuligsI tw.Taylor purchaseti a tractor at, Ail replies trested in striatesi conffdence. a radio anti Mrs. H. Thickson Mur. Bert Gibem's sale. won it. Mr. R. H. patterson.

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