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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 6

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=Olof__adngs Clubm 28 OSPYe ýae u r Canau,8an CubSpeaker Patte and Mrs. Jones. Meet- Busi ness Girls HoId in coeed wth hymn andf I~ sC nd'sP r ducted a couple of contesEx lin Cadas P r Succe sfui pielwhi* were very interesting. Many curiers braved the 19. Sturroc & Som t. seenSgop Inclment weather recently te, Gerieral lMotm 01 anaaM.anStraw- n Rli v n Fo Ci i make the Bowrnanvffle Busi. Winne for the event were bridge and Tommy, Norwood,' neos Girls first Bomçiel a as £ollows: Two gaine Win- Mr. R. Anderson and Bille, gret ouccess. n.e Laketfield, with a score Port Hope, visited Mr. and In his address at the dunner ae in fam*ng. Durmg Teuirs particiçating ini our of 44 pdus 12 points; Runner- Mns. Arthur Trewin and fam-1 meeting of the Bowmanville =ol War Il he served over- two I0-end draws were froen up, Avonlea Club, Toront, ily.! Men's Canadien Club recently seas with the Canain Ar- bioog, Tant AvonlPeepr mm,4plts 11 o its, scor Mr. M. SnùleyJulie and! TomMcAleese spoke on "The mroed Corps, Mir. LunSurSr. Citizens TorSo tParkway, Whitby', High oe gaine winner, HamltonM1rsodW.dRaýli cerna the noie that Canada i etl.tecu ie iE t t e VnÙty, 2. TyonewereWednsdayuai-playing in the relief of the MéAleese jomned Masey-Fer. Frizes for thie Bonspiel were Consolation, Bowxanvile, 1cms at Mrs. RàOY Grahams. growing world food cnss gsnin14, n*s o Lt nid door pnizes werc Net pnoeieeds of the 50-50 F. A. Osmond, Bowmanville. new international pattern in Branci. Mr. MicAlcee is a, y Clb 1 doaedb Beln' hops 3 rs9. prodactbenhe stateai a manager dof the rrnsOntario, nTedyMrh8 d'onated by Rickaby's, Lau- Dmuw wec $z10.0O. The luckyMr and Mrs. R. Thoipso, rduton, lesae. ps rsdn iteOtli nTedy ad der's Hardware, Ken's Men'a winner wes Terry Ferguson, Hwmpton. Mr. L. Thoinpson,i The dinner meeting was Wlialesale Farm Equipment monthly meeting ai the St Wear, Pieson's Transport, A. R.R. No. 3, Lindsay, fer $105. Toronto, Mr..&ind Mrs. J. Ab- held in St. Paul's United Association, a Pasit President Citizens Club was held ai bott and Steven, Buinketon,lIChurch Sunday Sehool. Prie- af Eatonvîfle Klwanis Club, Lions Community Centre Mr D . 'Ilpson Bow-5< i Howard Bradley pre- and Chairman af thie Sides- 72 members present. Clu RnanvikLe. visited îirs. A. lsided t. Pls unedmniStMaRw'Agicn ebrMsams . Kinsmen Entertain ut vstd i racnatir Wden t.Pu'UntdmnoS. ahwAglcnebrs Ih ls ran dtherry foripso h Wornen catered for Churth, I-difl-gton. Intyre, S. McTavish and weekfor athe delicious mica]. On behalf Canada's huge fao r e i g n Chant were on registrati A nnu l La ies' N igh ai the club, Vice-President wheat sales have flot oiily Mrs. D. Marsden, M.C. The Bowmanville Kinsmen Canadian Legion, Mrn. Dunn, home. Clb' anul ades Ngh M.Terry Masters, Vice- Mrn. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemnon dne. ddOf~ aadasa School and John Stabi Dunner and Dance held at the President af the Bawnianvile and fanily were last Sundav S. J. Lancaster in introdu- the econo'mic importance Of Oshawa Central Colleý Lions Comnmunity Centre on Kinettes Club, Mr.Matrspe etaa Mr.F.IigteuctpekrsidM soundly hased and properly who entertained with ac( Saturday evening,, March 5th, Ed Leslie, President Maite s, Enniakllen. f r. JinMcAle es wakebr i Mr. devela .ped agriculture,"' the in slcin hc was most enjoyable. The Bowmanville Lions Club, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron; thern Lreland, and came to guest speaker stated. 'greatly enjoyed. Camaaithe Ladies' Night Leslie, Fred Tippins, Presi- were recent dinner get of! Canada where lits family en- il'The people of many other Mrs. Morgan, secretar: Commnittee in charge ai ar- dent of the Bowrnanvilie Mr. and Mrs. Jim Webb, Bow- j- ____ .-. ations are not sa fortunate. Senior Citizens Club, reî ranemnt fr te uttad-Kiwanis Club and Mrs. Tippins. manville.1 Their agriculture hias stood letter from the Hospital, igy successful ent was Th Toast to ich Ladiess Mr. aMrs. Lloyd Asitonj Business lir'ecinvw stîll wlie ours has movcd iliary inviting Senior Cit Bent Snowden, a past presi- proposed by Immediate Past Ronald and Ray, were Sundav'frad hyreicpbetteranuleMr] dent. President Byron (Duke) Brunt dinner guests ofI Mr. and Mrs - Of aisuPlpYing the fibre and Cards ai thanks from -iV The the meber ofthewho paid them celoquent and Boyd Werry and girls,Ma-;A c c o u n 1 a ni c y food necessary for 'hcalth, and J. Clarke, Mrs. Turney, Ladies' Night Committe were wty tiue r.Siptik orr ah.rM.Cari 4 tYJ ILIG~ as a base on which ta build A. Gibson wene reac Roy McMullen, Walter Frank, wife of the Kinsmen Presi- Sryt ea M hrle___n. instre s aed ta rsD.pAritea Osborne Williams, Tony Mol- dent, charmingiy nesponded. Garnard is a patient in Memn- CRAtereDIAccontantr. the un eee natosed a in the D.nrsead .ru loy, Raîpli Whyte and Don A lovcly bouquet ai red nases orial Hospital, Bownanville. 9 Chare c Steet Ntheuvl oenaion n ech- On teaireadinf ro hew Brown. was presented ta Mrs. Kil- We wish him a speedy recov- 233861 h tretNooth asmuican a th'Ne f Oge Nasiandhe wi Second Vice-President Bob Patrick by Ralph Whyte on be- eny. nlg smc ste edo ge ahadEi Fairey said Grace. President haIt of his feliow Kinsmen. Mnr.and Mnks. Roy Graham LEONARD JAMES BROOKS food 'from this continent. The ol's "The White Knight Bill Kilpatrick gave the Toast Irvine (Jake> Brown, a Past attended the "Antique Car"l Chartered Accountant major factor conributin.g to story "Little Sister ta i ta the Queen, then the Kin District Governor, proposed banquet held at "The Acresl' Trustee in Bankruptcy the progressive caipacity and iess Animals", and canel Sang was sung. The Haydon the Toast to King Association, on Saturday night. Suite 205W 725-9953 efficiencY af the Canadian with a bni description oi United Chunch Women cater- In so doing lie gave an impres- Flowers placed in the church' - Oshawa Shopping- Centre farmer today lias been bis un- work as physiotherapisi cd and served tic deliciaus sîve aceount af the Kin As- on Sunday, by the farnily.l WM. J1. H. ('OGGINS- restricted access for the pasýt Memorial Hospital. dinner. sociatia:n's impressive achieve- were in memory ai the late1 Chartered Accountant 20 years ta the best agricul- While Senior Citizens The iead table was ccntred ments, and of its important Carence Avery. 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville tural machine'ry in Narti playing cards and games wit anexqisie aranemet ieal an obectves Raph -Phone 623-3612- America, he asserted. 15 held a short business of Spring flowers, tulips, pussy Whyte ably rcsponded ta theWLO &BUR S "i th extetane ing at whici time Con wilows whtecaratinsandToat t te K Asocatin. fl TITÇE Chartered Accountants cent talks ne coenmon market Mrs. Paul Chant gave the chrysanthemuma. Pretty spring Dr. John Werry, a Past 1 '..~JJ323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. in. automolbiles in Nati Arn- plete plans for the Easteî flowcrs alsa formed the centre- President, was honored by be- 1( enenoelsree) Prnes raaDay epe aef r-a ditibe d tiket eeices for ail the other tables. ing namcd the Kînsman aiScu Mthr Ronald F". D. Wilson, C.A.1 gotten tihat aur first adven- n itiue ikt ach lady present received a the Year. The presentation of~ relt Scout Mother s G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. with a tariff-free market each member to selli red rase, and there were many the special plaque was madý h 8hSotMohrs Phone 728-7554 charwgehofaplaesuforient, attractive door pizes won. ta hlm by Arnald Sleep, aiso Auxîliary met in the Courtice was w- the arrn cneyComnon Ctîzens meeting are Mr Those . at tic head table a past president. Unted Cul ith . M ALLAPRN teaTManket, 1944.un, rs E Mnnan 'were President and Mrs. Kil- The Award ion tic Most Thomas Mahaffy presidin». MeILN&Co akt 94 ric, Ha Wrshp MyorUnahleic insan as e-The Mother's Promise a.5 Chartcrcd Accountants "The ne'moval f ari so n...... patnicHsWrsiip MayarDntctie KiTns man asne ' 2 otens TeluncY 36 2 King St. E. -Oshawa agicultural niachinery b y I ~~~ ~ ~ h va'abMs abDncie yTn Mla.Tcs yte*Hw 2-59Canada and fthe U.S. turned Morris. President ai tic Bow- presentatian was made ta hlm w .0V<>ovided KnbtyBx25Necs! the NontaAmei7ancontnen znanville Rotary Club, Mrs. by iast year's winner ai this T at hen and SKnnanquet 987-2450 ewasnetorta ngetriangaracontnt Morris, Stan Dunn, President awand, John Gddes. Th ahradSnbnut9744 it igetaigae o Of Branch 178 of Uic Royali Everyane enjayed Uicen was ield March 5th in the Partners: sucb equipment. It hjas en- tertainment program. A tai- churcih and was verxy succes.s_- William C. Hall, B.Cm. .A ald1e Cnain fn 'las, and hianHprety assis fui. There were 113 people1 David G. Penkin, C.A. equipment industry ta main- Id, ah fTooto re wh ero atdedwn th ~ey s -i th - - - - ----Canada, which wauid not per novdcdby heC have been economie other- dban aigT anat presetAuyjiiary. o te"s1 C hiropr a c t~ wise. whc nldda sertes of ,Hea'd table guests werc Rev..___---- "Massey-Fergusoin, Limited sleight a hadticks, and Arscott, Mins. Thomas Mahaf- fG DI AN C aa xmlra i oe othen mystiiying demonstra- iy, H. Snider, B. -Veitch, K.; Chiropracton ui-an al mpa factumdrn tions. Daiwson, R. Wilkins, J. DeCoe, Office: Mlintoa auatrn An excellent accordionist, D. Cowie and Mrs. Nanicy 15 Elgin St., cor. ai Honsey St and selling arganization. It is Jixn McNulty, Hamilton, aisoDressing. Poe6350 h ags nutil=pn W" ~plcased the audience with his. The entcrtaninment was aQiffice Houns: By appointment in Canada wiiUi total sales in playing ai Scottish anid Irish display by a Judo Club which ý -_ ---- 1965 of more than $808,000,ooo. sélections, German Lieder, the boys reaily enjoyed. There; Mn. McAleese told the club and the latest popular num. a1so a film shown by Mrs. D e nt ai that Massey-Ferguson ta apon- BEST BUY! Save MI CED. bers. Naincy Dressing on the Pine- D .. soring at a cost ai $200,(0)()o Orville Selleck'à orchestra, wood Racing Tournaments. D. W. M. RUDELL, -D. lc nechanizatian area of the W à s.-LOshawa,, provided a vre The C&îbs receeved their cars 7 King St. E. Bowmanvillc Agicultural P a v 11 i o n at Y ' vwu? tCmpSanc OfieHo1 EXPO 67. He said thet the Y o rk I(E mus? rgamfo rh blane of the Cthem t Camp aml ace 9 .m t 6p.mdaiPldy entire pavillon will caver BEST BUE! Save P eveni'Me heliglhlight ai the, even- R ie Phone ew6ast 79-4261 ' vil-.o uichelar*e:t ~ e n E ing was thec presentation ofi e. PoeNwcslc8746 ingle exzhibit at Montreal. 'Wb' Dno ro tme.7 Vffde fouir "Queen Scout" badges ta DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. There are many new oppor Imm Lk L.LS I« e HLDO David and Danny Carpenten, Office tunities for economie growtii BeST UY Sae tbrough c S57 Itne or iast wecY" flark Penjffund and Bob 75 King St. E. Bowmanville for Canada, ie, said. Incon- StbcrY!orSaep1 eme * . 0 d»Ys ?W Inteded or ast eek) Gery. Ne taes saysa howw fOffice us Houns:n M.cMAusionsttMr.trabecAlor ase mak a nteest j m SSery yom correspondent Prioud weanc of viese good 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally that govennment and business U 5 El 7= ede.If you waut hit no newei The States- citizens. i-Cosed Saturday and Sundayrns ta ovbilinoLI L it*iv auç, round t he h ving had the miafortune ta DR.-E.----ISSONthe in onrermofner a lock erviceand profes- fllon teice on Pb. 25th, RTTPfNLSDR . D . SSertio tomevvoeBET BY SaeI *'a adv'C that Iffl7n cracking thie banc in rny icitO Office in lits haine Bi tankst n. moeia oeese ton!Sae anm dfisthpottbis aran, and having lied to stayi i 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvillc bistn 'c ' mnessage andfMe it underuMS"r in hospital ion eix days.I (ntended fan last week) , Phone 623-5604 asoined nn olad e alsHe for,.. smene 1should 9M have nain retunned home. Mn. Harold Larmer went ta Office Hours: Toonta wh ro ld Nti epri Md mme. ABcr at held hospital Thesday ai last week. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Toontoai slidcs thwii ch lua BES m ithe adiool on Pcb. 26th, We understand lie is now at Closed Wednesday -. Sunday trated Mr. McAleebe's speech.BU!S e with seven tables ini pragress. the home ai his son, Mr. Allan Prsdn &alyas x eB rown!Sed 1 Higli lady, Mmr. Dcnby; loin Laniner of Toronto. We tust Jnsurance pressietBapdreyiaio e- lady, Mm-s W. Blackaburn; higli he wi'll be home in a few, n s- r-a- I C e Two vocisa duects yose ST à]T RM.K. Grahamn; door piz: Mmr. Tom Bailey has ne-j Life, Auto, Home hlct.. L B' ?4wMay Tabli. turncd home aften spending a Insurhe audience. Their Piano a c- L B JAN S U- LCW_-arimetng11a-ieUdy--it ha duliten ___e iT- "H vig W ndrfnili e" The BuIrketonU.C.W. ree ý Phone 987-4735 h ~t ir teachers. (Colr Shrt)chiuroh hall inithli cgt mcn-! Hugh E. Fleming, Q.C. and family visited wtth rela- (Color Short)bers present. Mrs. R. Davcy Ah . ogn ýtives hene on Sunday. was the convenai- for tis. Barnisters - Solicitors Mn. Wes Teille is nain atc Sun. ta Wed., March 27 - 30 meeting. Nota ries Ptiblit the Reat Home in Orono. Mns. R. Davey lcd tus M14 Frank Si, Bowmanvil1eI Congratulations ta Mn. and One Comiplete Show Nightly at 7:30 wonshrp, reading scripturci Telephone 623-3351 Mns. Donald Walsh an the *SI John 15, 13, 15, 26, 27, follow-' - -- TI O d bsr e meditation on "Tri- STRIKE and STRIKE birth ai their son in Mmra Yestrdiay uTouay & Tomorrow um>pl ai Love". Hymn 252 Barristers,Soitrs HptaBwnvle was sun, closing with prayer.: Notanies Public Miss Catherine Steinart vis- Sopha Loen, arcelo MstroanniMinutes werencdadp- W. R. Stnike, Q.C. ited ler cousins, Mn. and Mira. proved. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. L. Hawkins and Mrs. A. Hawk- ' ~j I_(Color) - Adulta $100 On Mar sar 16, the ladies r Edward C. Wildmnan, ins in Port Hope. Sic aiso ata meet et Mnr. A. E. Rb'be's B.A.. LL.B. wcnt ta sec Mrs. R. C. Whiite ____________________________________ f pack a bale, auso aid nylons140 King St. W. - Bowmanvtllein the hospifal. tanr one. We liad saved Telepione 623-5791 .I We do have great î'ariety in!I Thurs to Sat, Mardi 31 - April 2 enul Canada Packers labels l - y we hadter:evr I ce.S and spoons. Keep svortgage- -- -stsorm whenraads and evcny lb. 2ui lst ecet ge t tem, lailes! Mmlr. ravey askISADIE HAMILTON - OÏ&46 thing cisc was cavered wth a Famous Wilson Vine- V " , AB I. UaW " Au.m we didn't 'have enough Firat Mortgage Funds drivîng hazandous. OI ute iiuu, w e 11111 quiltens we decided not ta do, - Residences-rs A special thank you ta thous e ndr uehLb (Celor) arale t mke three l- Businessdonatinsaunt- Rhuborb Mb Al u rai peoped oBI -YEj Mes. R. C. White neturned Hue 0o.Ta si ' I" ad rs1 Optometrist Suiiday, muci impnavcd i A u .f Ym jOwu.Tylr Bok e a' d 13 igSt. E. - Bwavlehoe fo tchopta S R UT wltm" ad "Te Huse"IOMreHours: By appointmciit iOwiig ta theic y noade an (COin) 1ev. M. A. Dousierty cloeed, Teleplin 2-22 Lna chunch attendance MR stuàmts *0 MfttiWUg with prayer. Mn Tues. - Thus. - Fnl. t was very paon. A ý le lund wews served~ Wed. and Set. - 9 -12 i Mn. and Mira. Jerry Byer&K~41 Ma'fr.. B. Ilavey, Mira G.i Thuraday evenings land Di anc visited Mr. and O N S IA»Mhý Mg à*& .L. Tailr. 9 Oa. taà p.m. iMina. W. H. Poster an Suaday. A deliclous lunch was senv- ed by Club 15 including a newî member, Mira. K. Purdy. Mr. HoIrhes ines tic lucky winncr ai Uic doar pnîe Meeting closed with slngmg af "Biest Be the Tic That Binda. A Tribute NE PRODUCE! *Rlpened Large Sise - Ne. 1 rOiS M. 29c g No. 1 Luaclous Red lEmperor No. 1 25c Grapes2lb45c 29c Onions 3-25c OBITUÂRY MRS. 3. A. ALLEN i fo.Iowing a recent stroke,; the death ofI&Ms. J. A. Allen, 77, occurred et Memorial Hospital, Biowrnwille, on Sunday, Marcoh 6, 1966. She' b.d aleo suffered irom an arthritic condition for the pastiJ 1 Ners.r Wlicn Mira. Ethel Allen ai'J'YmD - INevicastle, pessed away on Daughter of Uic late Mn.!. Mardi 6tli, deafli clamed ane and Mins. E. Taulbent Rhodes, i af Uic moat chentul pensons Uth onne-r Ethel Rhades inasi it was passible ta meet. My barn at Birkenhiead, Cheshire,' acquaintance with the Allen England, and inas educated at. family began duning Uic Sec- Blnuckbutn House Ladies Col-j ond World War, when Jesse lege, Liverpool, Engiand. On' Allen, Uic husband, was handi- Apnil 23rd, 1919, sic mannied t capped by vcry paon heelth.Jesse Allient Allen, inho sur-' due ta lis drastie expeniences, vives. as a soldier, duning the First Mr.Alnla eic n 8, tie IWorid War. Ms le a eie n iccin Thin aly iild IsoelNor-th St., Newcastle. ien 211 if tic suffcred polio wien a child yea"-, n hdasolvdt ewitli and if icit ifs mark. In spite IToronto. Shc wes a member: lub 15 o! these tino burdens, plus tic utf Newncastle United Chuncli. Mc. fact fiat tic iamily was aiten Du.ning flic ycars ai Wonldl Paul in stnaitened circumrsfances, War 1, 1914-1918, thc deccasedi ion. Mes. Allen's sunny disposition was active in wvomens iarl ~.inneyer soured. To keep things Work. lirusadJee Gien ai a Newncastle Chuncli-otten A. Allen, Ms-as. Allen ta sur-1 Higi flicir only source oi incarne. vivcd by a dauglitcr, Miss Isa-! binski, egiate, jTien, cruel trageay struck, bel Allen. ecord- wlien Mrs. Allen became a Amfong fhe licaufiful floral wenelvicfim ai cnippling anflinitis. fnibutes, evidence ai vie es-J i ar 20 yeams, lier slightly- tecin in wiich fie deceasedj buiît lusliand inhose cealtli was licld, incre tbose fro'n iry aifias broken in flic service ai the Unitedi Churcli Womnent, 'ad a ljis country, and lier daugi- and The Royal Canadian Le-ý SAux- ter, liandicapped by polio, dld giasi. tizens cvenyfhing passible ior tic 'nlie funeral service was ,h 23. mother's physical -well-being.hdfro flcMriPnea -n A Thein efforts inene alwavys ap- C h a pe, Bowmanville. on Mrs. preciafed by Mins. Allen. The Tuesday, Marci 8th, and wasi d. A f inal fein weeks ai lier life conducfed by Rev. E. C made inene spent in Memonial Hos- Woadland ai Newcastle UJnit- pifal, Bowmenviiie, inhere eci Churcli. Interment inas ina Mrs. deafli cndcd lier suffering and Bowmanville Ccmetery. rifîngs also a happy, 46-year nmer- Plbaes wr eas cNie- rnage. Plbaes wr ess t,; a Because tic Allens are nof George Ailin, Lanson Milîson,1 Hame- well known outside of New- Austin White, Hanny Jase, cluded castie, few people knoinofai Charles Cowan and Clinis.ý of hemrflic love. devotion and cour- Barchard. isf af age, tira ugi advensity, fiat -------- bas been flic hall-mark of this wene ttghtly knit lit fle gnaup-sune- H MPO sClub ly a sining exemple aiî HA P O meef- Chrnistian family unify. ivenor Now, Jesse and Isobel musf (Intended for lest weck) ecom- carry on, alonte, initiaut fie Af Hampton Chunci an Sun- ýDia- susfaining grace ai tic lady day fie sermon was titled ,pril 2 wlio didn't know thc mean- "Discipleshîp and flic Vieti sfor ing aiflice word failune. Nam Wan". This was tn keep- 1. n This l my smali tnibufe ta ing with the resolution passedt il Sr. lier, in panticular, and flic gel- by flic United Chunci Com- ns. J. lent iamîly, in general. mîftee on flic Cliuch and In- 1Mrs. -Ed Youngman ternatioael Affaira. This 3-1 30c! Fancy Quality 14-oz. Tins DrneI Corn 6R'99c 16c! l-oz. Tins )Mato Soup 899 9c! Wagstaffe or 24-oz. Jars pberry with Pectin R JàAMS 21'99c 17c! Dr. Ballard's 15-oz. Tins )n Dog Food 8'99 17c! With Park 20-oz. Tins BEANS 4199c l7!New Dessert Sensation 33/4-oz. Pkgs. i (HLL Jello 4.'99c poin reoluionwam printed icIithe bulletin and the people were requested ta sign it. These will then in turn b. sent ta the Prime Minister. On Tuesday a special U.C.W. panel was conducted ini the C. E. Wing with guest panelist Mr. Sudesh Gupta and also Mr. Bert Martin of South Africa. The tapic under dis- cussion was the United Na- tions. Also, on Tuesday, the wmnheld a eneriç, coffee break in the C E." Uign at 10o a.m. Mr. and Mrs. JOhnVýCok and Lori, Tyrone, were'Sun- day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Smale. Sunday visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and family. Convenience, cornfort ifor your borne ... the safe, sure way . .. now IFlameless electric heat- ing efficiency - no heat loss, no fuel storage, and quick, neat installa- tion and maintenance. 16 TEMPERANCE ST. 1 Birds EYe Frozen Food Save 2c! 12-oz. Pkg. GREEN PEAS I 2 for 47c Save 4c 1,0-oz. pkgs. Corn, Carrots with Pearl Onlons ~ 39c Save 6c! 12-oz. Tins 'Awa k. 2 - 69C Frozen Orange BIG 99c FEATURES! Save 24e! Plneapple-Grapefruit 48-os. Tin STOKELY'S 3F PING 399c Save 12e! Evaporated Tali Tins CARNATION99F MILK 6 99 Save 16e! Fancy Quality 20-os. Tins Save Oci Staited lUanumnila L.F. $-0& 'Je, McLAREN"S OLIVEIS 39c lave 14e! Fratene or %1 Galion SUNSPUN- ICI CREAM 79c lave 10e! 24-es. sise SUPRIME APPLE PIE 39C lunbem 13te ?kg. Eeg. 430 - Weston Or Sambeam 4 te pkg. Hot Crois Bumett.s 45C che.ite . wima Roi 39c GROVE RED & WHITE Ma pi. Grove H'S RED & WHITE... Orono CULVERHOUSE F9 , PEAS 5 99 Save 6c! 18-as. Botties Libby's Tonsato Fgq Catsup j399c Baby Ruth or Butterfinger Save 21e Curtiss (Imnrn62t@ iE4%F ff _ lc! Pre-Priced at 55ce. 24-oz. Plastic I I omqlq iuid Detergent 2R'99c B SlcSz L R Y 12c! 12" Wide 25 Foot Rolls Save 26c! 2-PIy Bathnoo Tisan Jouse Foil Wrap 3.'99c FACELLE ROYALrEii6l7 9c j Specially Select cd - Value Check'd ~~BLDE ROASI Tender - Juiey - Branded Beef 'iii"i pTender- Jnley - raike nMety 6 F'or Meat Leaves or Burter. - Fqesb Mlaoed Ground Beef 2lbs.99C

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