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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1966, p. 10

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The canadian StatesMan, nowamvmfe, Mar. 30, lm6 SPORTropucs 8 -Frank Mohun 237- t»OXEN1 INGOOD SHAPE' ,7e ere ini contact with' the Toronto General Hospital ~e h weekend, - and 'Ére happy ta report that Bilan Zgorenz, Oshawa.Generals -centre, who wee. injured a week1 1-I8o Saturdoy le inigood shape. We were informed that noi -Ab . Wn damnage was incurred, - nd that Briàn wîll make a! -,àenplete recoVery. Editoi%. Note: Since writing the above, ~ÊinMorenz was in attendance et the Generals' gamne jaturday night. t t tf i i. t ý-*WCASTLE IN JR. "D" PLAYOFFS SYou didn't know.that Newcastle had a Jr. "D" team?: they do - under the managership of krv McCullough Q>nd coached by Gary Mcçullough. The boys will meet -eobeaygedn Ti-Cats in a best of five series, starting tonight 4(Wed.) nine o'clock et the Bowmanville Memorial Arena. ~cod game goes Friday night in Bobcaygeon with the '.rd back here Saturday night, probably at nine. t t - t . . L"OCAL 189 FINALS GO THE LIMIT Harnets defeated Bruins 6-2 in Local 189 hockey actioný ý-*unday rnornîng, tying the best of Sive final et two games etItLpiece. And so the series now has been pushed ta the limit ,.?ith the fift and -deciding game scheduled for this Sundayý .,«.orning at ten o'clock. ýL.The Local 189 hockey banquet will be held Saturday, 7April 16th et the Memonial Park Club House. t t T T - LEGIONNAIRES AND NICHOLS' MOTORS TIE 4-4' A late third period tally gave Legionnair es a 4-4 tie with Nichals' Motors Sunday night in Jr. Town League action. The Legion erew stili leads the best of live final! -~seriez two gemes ta one with one geme tied. The fifth conteet will be played this Sunday night start- ixg at seven o'clock when e tic would gîve Legionnairesl the championship. A Nichols' win would force a sixth and deciding contest the following week. t. t t. j. i CENTRAL ONTARIO "C" BADMINTON A tip of the hat ta the local players who won one L1-k e,,A oh,.oAnd , evd in ano, b-,in theCe~ntralOntariol Corvettes Wallop Buicks Force Sudden Death Contest Hornefs Down Bruins 6»2' To Even Local 189 Finals With Two Games Apiece Hornets defeated Bruins 6-2' untracked. !Knigiht made it 4-1 before t'he at tihe Memorial Ai-ena Sun- Masters counted the lone. period ended. day morning ta even the best goal of the f irst pero bu of five Local 189 League defencemnan Dan Giraý,rdi dir- "Achie" Crossey's goal ai champîonship 'series et two ected the puck into hie owni8:25 (if the final 20 minutes gamnes apiece. 7%,e fiftih and net to enable the Bruins ta' put the Bruins back in con- deciding contest wjll be play- tic it up mid-way in the sec- tention, but goal-keeper Vince ed this Sunday et 10 arn. ond. Raye West was given Van.stone and the desperate Don Masters was the big credit for the marker. Hoi'nets held them at bey. gun for the Hornete who col- It took only a minute and Goals by Masters and Briar lectively turned in a solid ten seconds for Masters to Hughes in the last ten sec- performance, while the free- regain the lead, and goals by onde merely added icing tc wheeling_ Bruinscouldn't get Bob .-Fairey and Jim Mc-ithe cake. Town League Hockey Finals IMaU ~I ,McNultys Ldge Kobs Force 5 th Came Thi McNulty's Sports survivedlfinal sseniesç, left Robson's sti a penalty shot and three hit in the driver's seat with gcal-posts in thie third periodparo is ndate itR< h- pair5af win oand aotie 't" et the owmenvmmîe Club on apt Bannie Smsnled ber CorvettesBamno ~Cp.Smsntoa 9to son Moto-ce et the Memaial, fe riig32a t igii ieo n 2 victory over the Buicks on Saturday, during thei Arena, Th-ursday night. The.end of the first and 5-3 aft STheurdaobey.onwntt irii leo n only girls' gm played. She scored three goals and victory, McNulty's first of two, Dan Girardi put the Mv game the bcst of five TownLeagueltors within a single goal ear Wayne Burgess, while Pet Mrjerrison combincd with Donna! had threc assists and is shown here with the Hockey - ___ Deviidson of Oshawa ta capture the ladies doubles title. MtesToh o yhrtan .tbyther teamMixed League Bowling LET 'EM FIGHT IT. OUT! lI Have you lever noticed that when two hockey e1 In lC* 2I I e bF'riday night's big battle Morley Etcber ... 36 2 tacs~~~ thi tcsadgoe aie hyivrai layre eet i for top spot, league-leeding Joe Now Ian _....36 tossthei stcks nd gove asie, tey nvarablyglae atý Ftcher de.feated Wilcox 5-2ýDick Perfect -------..36 2 .each other, making threatening gestures - until the lines-;ioices hrpa-etngMtHrion.._3 2 -menstepin.Thentheytur tat tigrs.Team WV L Pts, Williams 710 (286), Ru s! oices herpc-etn Mt1arsn 3 --me ste ln The thy tun ito tger. HedryMotos 2 8 2 Haely 07 (m5arBrun Mtae fivein God d l Wi-lc ....366 We say in most cases - let them light it out. Most Hendry Mors 21 1 8 Ht5y77<25,Buc în Harrison consolidlated tiheiriJoan Brunt--------...33 2 PesiCla - 1 15 21 75 28) hold on third, while hl.anking, Vince Prout-------...3i pugilistic endeavors would neot even tart if it were knawn-Liberty Bowl_ 20 1/ 15'1/j202Oia Bob Lawton came out of his1 Perfect 7-0 ta move dloser ta Hep Palmer-------...36 2 -that officiels were prepared teaedapt an attitude of non-l.Jury & Loveil 20 l-2 15½V 201'/à slump with a 296 single. Ron the top. In thr other shut-out. obGanil'e ---36 2 -Interferenr'e. Ie' anr 9,BhSotr25 E. Brock dealt Prout a 7-0 Hilda rc--- 3 Most recently Orland Kurtenbach and Ted Harris, a pair Men's Wear - 19 1/ 161/219 1 ýHarold Michelson 274, Ah Sa-! set-hack. 1im Bedford ....3 Nels Osborne man 268, Bill Orme 265. A.l Lobbupsl1- 3 ............34 ý 'of guys wha don't mind fighting, staged a real John L.1însurance 19 7 19 TeH dr Mors ea tilndGnad Glanville ew Wels-h ... 36 Sullivan bere-knuckle match. Then they eech grabhed a Dykstras Food 19 17 19 captained by Larry.Piper had Lobb and Nowl*an aIl wound Harold Bennett .... 36 ifistlul of sweater, mutuelly agreed te quit and skated sideýBeaver e real big night winning the up deadlocked for fourth spot Howard Bromell - 36 by side ta the penalty box. Luniber------- -18 ½ 7 '/à 18½à high single 1352 and high *as Glanville edged Lobb 4-3 TVen Nicb-1- 36 Threwee o nekypuchsmi seaerpulig rank's triple 3798. and No-wian nipped Osborne q Thee wre o seak puche, n swate pulin -Variety--------- 14 22 14 Harry Akey won ahl the loW 4-3. J i h rw just an hanest ta goodness fight. So, if thfy want ta tredelLander honars, bowling a single score Ladies: Ji h m --puniches - okay, but as we hlave miientioned it's neot ikely 1Iýîad\are ----- 14 22 14 of 101 and a triple of 412. Hig-h Single - Joan Brunt 290 I. a nd NewCa ~iôhtneG ol.. A.-- 13 23 13 High Triple - Hilda Brock 700 Ca .Whiie we h' -SlyGat*Mn:aet gree that-defencernan Kent' -D '1t~eaig. 9 27 - o t inl atHaxoF 4 eI~sre ie suspension for strlking an officiel, the unfortu-ý Averages Y u hH. Triple - Morley Etcher 860 ýate episade wauld probably nevçr have taken. place if he1 am Games Ave. nle zend Doug Mahns hed been llowcd ta settie. their differences. 1,Larry Piper------ 36 253 Bow ling Mrly tcer33239,A ,f, More recently- in fect- et Meple Leaf Gardens on Ed. Leslie --- 36 242 Olsborne 310, Mabel Lews29 runday afternoon- Keon whâled ewey merrily et Hway!Al Osborne --------- 36 236 Howard Bromeli 286, Ken! lit' 1 ce- a n insa uttegeba h ufru Russ Oke ..- 36 233. Bna GrsNichais 284, Gord Wilcax 28'-' ofattcRanger and te ohe ca unt e crbonnthe ufrt Mauriz Anneart ---36 «229 Bryson 3, Bradley 2; Mut- 1246, Mary Harrison 27à,! hae anerad heote culn' onai teMarlie Bob Richards ---- 36 229, ton 0, Whitehead 5. Yvonmie Osborne 278, AI Lobb 1ý-player. ýRon Maynard --- 36 2291 Tcami Standings ý278, Joc Nowlan 278-251, Onie ........... S Several tirnes we have seen an officiel attemrpting ta Ernie Perfect 36 229 Bradley------------------........37Etcher 274, Murray Joynt 272. r7AT~~S/M/ "Er1 seasWan aha y.lton Brock----- 36 227 Whitehead---------------2..91 Lorne Craga 270, Harold J//IT ý,' oet ain Osh was W yne Cas man bypinning his right erm .!M att Harrison - 36 226 M uttami-----------........ - Ï 27 M oor'e 268, Bob Glanville 265. I -Meanwhile Cashmen continues belting hic appanent who je :Dr. H. B. Rundîc 36 226 Bryson .................. 271AI Blanchard 263, Matt Harmi- tB6,1'V-' U f ýbeing held hy the ather linesmen. It just se happens that Sud Barter ---- 36 226Î ihSingle -S. hteaIo 261, Jim Bedford 256. :,usHate]y .33 2241- 1 tt Triples -~ e wuldhav tathnk hatin ostcass, Mike Murphy ----- 36 22201 .Br on13 ' t Harrison 831, Gord ~ A>InIA/~/A> We wuldhav te hin tht inmos caesverbal-Ah Saman 36 2221 High Double - S. WhiteheadlWlo 7,AIObre77 Zbattles would be the major extent cf these outbreaks, if IDon Oke 33- 221133 J. Bryson 323. Wicx71, IO Bormie 757,& Z.the officiels let them ahane, perticularhy in the N.H.L.' iLau Wiseman -.--36 220, Junir Girs24inHadold 72,oAoen- 12.4C .~s/ Quie fte te lnesma wo i mrel atemtig Art Rowe - 36 220i Drnoghue .3, J. Sellers ',cerd 724,Haold M0,ooe E712. Quteaf~nth lnema holemeel ateptngtClarence Oke ---- - 36 214;Firth 2, D. Sellers 2; Ayre 3 697, Elton Broc-k 683, Joan .,,perform his dutieg le on the mceiving end Of e few poorly KarI Piper - ---- 36 219'1 Chittick 2. Brulnt 678, Joe Nowlan 675. - ain-ed punches. Penhaps he would be just as happy t-o stay Non Henîing --- 36 2l9ý Teami Standings Howard Bromeil 669, Murrav ,out of it too! Bill Westlakc . 36 219 -D. Sellers --- --------------- 4:. Grant 659, Duke Brunt 65f6, fs~~ us Hatîman .. - 36 219 Chittick------------..........-----5'M1ary Harrison 652, Ruth Mit- ' John Carter 36 216 Firth ...........-----------..33 che11 651. *INVITATION MIDGET TOURNEY George Stephen -- 36 215 Donopihue---------------......... 'l Team Standings HowrdCorenedvsc ustht BwmnvileMemril Dave McKnight -.-- 6 25JSellers---------------------- 1 HowrdCorenadise u tht owanvll Meora-Frank Semis - 36 215 Arena will ha the scene of an invitation Mdget Hockey Bob Williams - ---- 36 214i AyrcSigl - 18 M(her.9 .lox......6 -Tournanient an Saturday~, April .qt}1 Teams are entered fromJim Callan Sr. 6 24.Hg- igl .Ldy21.Wirx-------- MakaWiby otHpH- ~ rn an, Paleni------- - 6 2 1.Firth 243. J. Patfield 213,1 Harrison---------------5( ýMrka. hib, or opAjax, LindsyHapPTr erto, M.Macklin 201, C. Ayre 200- iNoxvlan ...__........4 ý B d er ing ------ 36 213, Richmond Hill and Bowmanville. . ereBbc . -3 1 High Double - S. Lpdd 4,58,ý Ùîanvîîlp .............-----. 4 Play gets underway et 9 a.i, with a new game everySi Trewin --- 6 -.--r--39 J.Pf1l 649-121lobb ......4... ..... h n ffee n h fmel -0 obGenile -36 22K. MM-urter 350. F. Broc-k................. Î -uradffenminutes, pta hefnaset 830SauryBib ll Orme -----36 212, Junior Boys H. 1Brock ...................3 SIght Frank Mohun 36 2111 Palmer .9, Donnghue OiPret--------- - Ineidentally, Karl Piper was the winnen of the hockey Jack Bond ._-- -- 36 211IBouwmefester s. 5 Prestoni 0; Prout....._.......... -tickets in the midget-juvenile draw for the Leafs-Canadiensl Harold Bennett --- 36 211l Adamis 5, Staîker 0. ýOsborne----------------......... 32 clash, Wednesdey night. Maurice Richards . 36 2111 Tealm Standings ; Grant ... _--................ 2 + . owehh MarD*ougal 36 2111 Bnuwmeeste-r ... ...48 Averages LOA TO SWN EEBOOG TUNYFred Thomson 33 2111 Palmer--------------------4! Eltori Brrck 36 237 LOALAOM INPTEBROG TUNEBruce Milne 36 21() Adamis......_.......... 35! AI Osborne 36 235 Bownmanvlhe Atom s skated rg tinto e top-flight Novice ' ac-k Paker - --- 36 2089 Staîk e---------------.. 261;ic radePaiieneSprtcop -Tournament in Peterborough on Seturdey and ditinguished Don Bagnelli 36 208 Preston 1.. 14 R raGaÏn n dPsenpOlCu themeselves by rapturing the grand championship. The local Laurence Leamami- 33 208 High Single - R. Bc>uwnîe2- #Wa(,;w£ 9f2T ,'ads were undefeeted in a field that included entries ro!Stan McMurter --- 36 206 261-237, W. Hart 208, R. Mac 26'Imw Vf kFFSfl AjxPat ery Bllvil, epnc Pr Hpe Sf oaf Bishap ------ 36 205 Westlake 207, B. Preston 205. Macf2/6l Kg(P£efR /M . ,AjaxPtrorough.Blevle NpnePr HpLndsay!Alf Semelle 36 205 Hi-gh Double - R. Bouw- Hi-C's 271/ 37786 ýA ~ lidPtebrug.Hward Bromeli .- 36 204 nicester 498, B. Preston 376, 7el rae.- 2E91 In the first game, Bawevledfae eeb uhO et----36 203 W. Hart 329, R. Wcstlake 309. Enniskillen Srs.-- 25 3685.1 8-2,butthe hadta o ito oertnieta emn 4- d Ted Bagnel- -- 33 203 Senior Mlxed League Sîi -- 6~ 67 5.2erbPot Healliter goin oert3- te e. - 3 e 'Bin ob Lawton------ 36 203Hapo16l 358 A 2- Po t a tr ave n id a 3-0the acl b ha'he b e G eorge Piper - ---- 36 201 G oodw in 7. Cain 0; Etc-hem Tyrone -12 %h 34929 > fAvored it wi, gverBLindsayli the clbtitehI t ha e Ron McLean - . 36 200o 5, Burns 2; Colville 7, Ben- Saline- --------- 12 34849 faordtawngaeBomnvll hettl. tmuthaeBowling News nett 0. Enniskillen Int.- 8 32790 made the young guys feel pretty goad, net anîy wimning No doubt about it, Lenry Burnse..Te...........ta.ndi...g..58 'H! Trnple-B. Woods 3i12 the champienship. but defeating Lindsay, the club that had ' je the outstanding bowl- Caîville ......................... 51 Low Single-A. Sharp ---- 64 - . ousted themn in O.M.H.A. plavoîfs c nteMnsMjrLau.Echn........ 4 Low Triple-A. Sharp ---- 317 This week Larry put together Cain............................. 42 vrgsOe10 Coach Don Wilcoz ttributed the vîctory ta "determîned 'scores of 252-388, high ingle Goodwin-------------- --.... ....ynolds,-_3 256 '.play and team-wark." Thet's hard ta beat ln eny heegue. for the night, and 305, for the Bennett------------------R. Twist---------36 230old -hi ghest triple bowled this R.Tit----- --3 'scliedule, 945. High Single - B. Colville K McGill . 36 228 This big triple bumped 2,93, B. G'iffin 2(17, B. WelshîD. Taylor 36 226 au Ppe' veaeta23fo 6238, D. Piper 240, J. Bennett J. Bond--------- - 24 223 ta teke anerag paint253 ado2016 M. Hiately 201-226, J- DWoods----- 36 214 M EM O R I ~ ~~~~~gaies totaean1pint ge arvc20a1~ 22,R thrCcMls----3 1 euotUtfI over Ed. Lestie. It would teke Porter 229, T. Gardon 207,IT. McLaughlin ---36 212 fromto spot i h vrgs24 .Aas20 G. BarkenIR. Scott . 33 210 -fer this schedulç.-28,D Ed nda 26,WB McDonald 21 207 rI f/T'sa.p cal A R EN AThe veteran bowler MettLewis 226. 'Jim Coomnbes 36 206 -O 0 h 'Hrrsn u o snatoalHigh Triple - R. Etcher 644 E. Dickey . 36 204 0l, -~~~ ~ R bi oEbwlngihvigAam B. Colville 619, C. BnadleylahrîCoombes 33 203 - DOW A VLEof 281-265-343 fan a big 889, .Haey 612. J. Slemon 36 202 - 623-5728 r ipl.Hnio' foton!l In the Provincial Chanî-jB. Kanopacki 33 202 Teepo; a trieHrsnigt fford 1sullyponship roll-off held March Bruce Coombes . 36 200 Telephue 62357top1aI bolers. h wul u - y,2741i et Plantation Bowl, Ton- 1A. Wilson - ---- 36 200 lo alMn.Bowlnrstruta Ha- nta, BowmrenviU~e Jr. Girls L* Weemn --- - 33 196- -- Mr. dBlnnttresedtorh 800Tearn placed second nd ne-IR. Laird 33 195 ; ICmark, hitting 180, a big 351 ceived rumner-up trophies. 1Bob Coombes 36 194 anU27BfrIC9 We would like te congratu- R. McRobents - 33 192 SK!aGnd Ha27n8 nhaor668095.,lete the fallowing girls for T. Pleasance 36 188 9 uet ac ,d Nn Henning 764 (274), their fine effort: Mary Jane P. Westleke 30 185 SK T N Mauritz Anneart 781 (286). Kilpatric-k. J 111 Donoghue, D. Tennant 36 184;- ERDA ARJ W -~. 0 M. Ernie Perfect 758 (286), Dr. Judy Sellers, Cindy. Ayre, J. Mortensen 36 184 RB $Uý -V, *NUL 10- 2. 410 M 72 (71) BboRchrds72 thuJ.dGrledobls5hd(.2Mll--,6 1Aluesce 73 <75) B Leli Th Snio Grlseynolds ug3enol6 1828 R Lue m 731-(2) 8oIeb1 edvdoubleex es had R. Cri - 86 1820O B ILadies 9major Bowling LeUMe The Ladhie Major League- Forrester 228, W. Nesbitt 234.ý virtually settled inta a two- E. Dadson 285, D. Annaert 221, team race lest Monday night C. Bruce 264, K. Stephen 227, as front-running Buday wal- J. Sutcliffe 239, 223; J. Trimble loped Joil 3-0 to drop the third 227, Mf. Perris 223, D. Collinis place losers eight points off 240, D. Joli 308, H. Donoghue the pace. Runner-up Perris 304, B. Buday 229, 235-, M. stayed within three of the Cale 238, 299; & Poirier 28e. lead, jolting Buttonshaw 3-0 Top Twelve Av in the night's other shut-out. B. Buday ----8 Last place Tennant lost 2-1 D..joli _-3 to Slaght and in other action, J. Baker --.207 Patfield edged Brooks, Haynes H . tonoghueTZTLI206 downed Baker and Etcher won (). Etcher ~.-..-20,5 over Bickell, ail by 2-1 scores. P Haynes 203 Doris Joll's 308 game took D. Brooks 203 high single honors, but only S. Bickel - -- 202 by a single pin over Joyce 0. Patfield ------ 200 T en n a n t et 307. Hazel B. Buttonhaw ---------- 200 Donoghue came up with a 114K. Stephen 194 effort, followed by Marilyn L. Wright - 19 Cale 299, Stella Peinier 286 ---___ and Eleanor Dadson 285. ___________ Joyce Tennant led the way with a 755 triple, Doris Joli 710, Peggy Haynes 671, Ber- I will loin Yon nice Buday 662, June Baker t 659 and League Statisticien P t Eleanor Dadson 659. $,W0 Team Standings $000 I'ts, iL areyeasbete Buday -------------------29 a esnbert Perris --------------- 26 ot Interest Haynes ---------------- 20 I. To consolidate your ----ck -----l----------------219 IEtcher ---------------- 18 bis or for any other Petfeld18 i wo'rthwhiIe nnrpose -----k--- ------ - .- Baker ------------------- , Tý ennant ---- --- ---. 1 gn .uma .ju ,jvr 15 14 13 7 . . providing yen are steadily employed and D. Bond 235, E. Whitehead, 229, O. Etcher 254, J. Tennant 307, 256; M. Slaght 238, TL.lin 2343 Cnossey 235, J. Baker 258, P. Tlpoe7343 Haynes 271, S. Davis 228,-T---l ______________ DRING TIS SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS ursday toeh ili in the Vhird period. Robson's,. FRIDAY, APRUL 1 m noved ta the etta ck, but were thwarted bw goal-k e e p e r h"Slip" Rowe, until Terry KINSMEN SUPER CAR teBlack was awarded e penalty ý 1W shot with three minutes re- ýrm eeng only a tic to capB-NO - turc the ohampionship, Black ant the skatcd in slowly, atternpted to deke Rowe end wound up!o PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE ' missing the net. Robson'se pulled Curt Vanstone iiithe!2 ZIJ .,-final minute, but the Sports,' VRI RZE nldn -)Îheld on to preserve the de-, 221 ciion. 1 New 1966 specified car fromn dealer of your ehoice 920 ci" rse ldte or $2,000 Cash; $1,000 Hi-La Gamne; $1,300 Big ý117 Arinners"i htwroals, wthe Snowball (54 nos.); $1.100 Smaii Snowbali (51 nos.); 21 Bob Johns.on's markcr et 10:23;, $600 reguiar games. $450 Speclal gamnes. 211 of the middle session praviflg Dnttre ehyteeooypc o an 21to be the wl-iner. Bob Fairey and frgttoby h cave mnypc o au 2! 1 and Terry Masters collected 2 1 iÙ he others.1 Plus 4 Early Bird Gamnes (Share the Wealth) 20?. Black twice for theï Starting at 7:30 p.m. 207 Motors, sinigles going ta Gir-' i 205 erd-i and Paul McCuUlough. ls "50" Free Easter Hams as door prizes 202 Next .game in series mc esche-1 '2 '-ild for this Thursdav nielit. __________________ id of happyTraders. Swappers, Bargain Hunters, Shoppersi Blaze a trail to your.,. IMMO M"- wm un«MMMaW 'w w- - ~ A~OI',1M9T,4<fl4i9eA4A4E OF 7719 9 r 7#Ar 111b'MAOe«-/# .aOW4Ne(sl7w2 ý ef ,011ï fi/AÀ D6L ,4 YMÇTMJ&6R/ES Acadien lnvadaFOu,-Doo k M& ImTw UDIt M AUTHORIZED ON PONTIAC-BtUICKj DEALER UN BOWMANV1LLE.F-1 MOTORS LMIED BOWMANVLL19 Phlu 3 -1 11 m A& AMI&L -

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