COF BOWLING> 74atch 25, 1966 Lemn League: E. Preut 10. Ptdynight fiwas Klng'S. Hawkins 72. R. 8tçess im aer Prout, Griffin à-zJ93, V. Kin« 90, N. Woodoectn aver Dakin, Marshall 5-2 over, 82. »flney, Macnab 5-2 over! Team Standings Westlake end Brock 5-2 overiMacnab .. ....-................ 50 15nowden. iGiffin .......................4 E v.. " g was top bowler 1 King...4 with '738 triple (276, 241,1 Prout "«*".**,**.**..**""*..4 22110 W tNorrr. Gibson had1 Marshall ..................4 hie'fingle of 288. For theBrock......................41 flaies Carol Roberts had high1 Dakin...................3 triple of 655 (216, 224, 215),JDenney .................... 0 and Ida Andringa rolled highiWestake.....«.................. 26 gingle of 275. iSnowden................2 Over 200 Games were roli-I Individual Average* ed by G. Prout 251, R. Noan 1E. King ....... 33 22n 249, D. Dennis 232, 242, F.SH. Snowden ........ 33 209 Stubbert'200, 279, RubyWood-IR. Brock ......-- 33 208 Ward 2.50, 205, B. B.uni 207, W. Denney ........ 25 204 M. Dakin 248, 245, 203, R. G. Marshall....... 33 201 Griffin 242, M. Malley 204, R. Griffin ...........'33 199 205, D. Naoar 241, G. Dennis G. Prout............ 33 197 255, N. Woodcock 209, G. D. Dennis ......... 33 197 Marsholl 223, 228, 21.5. B. Pot- R. Westiake....... 33 197 té- 264, 231. G. Malley 200, E. Roberts......... 27 192 '260, J. Macnab 215, L. Wood- J. Macnab .......... 33 190 tock 210, F. Allen 274, R. B. Potter............ 33 188 Westlake Zli8, H. Snowden 243, M. Malley .......... 30 187 J. Smith 210, E. Luke 234, R. D. Nolan............ 33 186 PrOck 270, 224, E. Roberts 205. J. Smith -------- 30 185 Ample paring - W 1EEKD0AY S * ADMISSION: Street Carm t te -1 0:3 0 PM Aduits 75C door. SATUR DAYS: Children 25e 10 am -10:30 pm Spow red b theaORONT M*TOPOIA O ERIDR'ASN ~ RCA VIolT "NEW VISTA' LIVING COL( The BEST in Family Entert, f~j r MODELS IN STOCK Prices Start at ......... - O etanglar eler tube. Tou se the plqture the way the camers sces IL. * Eau accurate tuning se simple -a clUb! can de IL. Automatie ma~g Ca 11f. calots, C flhamtnatcd rangs toue e SE YOUR AUTHORIZED RCAJ1 MYLES> S ivrSt. Bowmanvmlle -* - The cenad a usmMar.OW3%USlotsT S018 Generals -.Beat Canutk, 1C. Robert$ ......... 29 185Town Leaa ue BasehII%2k President of the Lions Club. ; F. Stubbert........ 33 1791 n The Recreation Committee 3 .King .ý........ 30 179 and the Diréctor.of Recreation 1B. Westlake........ 33 178(h would like to thank teCah M. Ro dad . 33 175 ff Iff W U IIDE E~1E for their interest in our young 7oM Wodad ......33 175 *ron ti* W ims Ch* * pio*sh* . hockey players and the dedi- M . Alldread ....... 30 173 cated effort and interest in 7 . Woodcock 3..173......... 27' 173 our hockey programme. G . Alley ...........2733U172 To tehce tf frf )N. Gisn.......... 33 172 D feaJ Wng st IIW 'si n *w o a lseresscorers, timers, e uip F . Allen............. 30 1721 qth hcky taf ! e- metm72er:ndrth i 7K. King.............. 30 172 Coronation Cafe defeated outings by Frank Sobil, who R egular Schedule rection of Mr. Bud Perfect and . Nbon ........... 33 170 Stephen Fuels 38-32 and 46-45 notiohed ten and 14- respec- his assistant Mr. Joe Kennett, R.Noen.......... 3 7d.tively. The second affair re- Leading Scorers thank you for a job well donc. B. MeReelis........ 33 169 in overtime ta sweep the quired 15 minutes of over- Pts Avg. We would like ta thank the G. Dennis ....... 33 1681 Town L e a g u e Basketball time before tlhe Cafe crew Danny Seto, Hockey Mothers, Canadian N. MeLean ........ 30 163 champlonshp in two straight were able to -pull out the slim (Coronation> ... 148 13.5 Statesman, 'Oshawa Times, B. Smith . ...... 23 168 games. Derny Seto led Coro- one point victory. Fraink Sobil, Mr; Roy-Neads, Arena Man- N. Zondervan ... 30 164 nation 'n both contests, col- Players are requested to (Stephen's)...... 103 il.4 ager and Mr. Densemn and B. Buma ........ 33 160 lecting 20 points 'n the open- watch Frank Mohun's Spor- Pald Fice, Staff, the Arena, Board, Lions S. White ........ 30 159 er and 24 in the sceond game topics columan for the date (Coronation> ... 66 6.61Club, Canadian Legion, CKLB, D. MoReelis........ 33 157 thriller. and location of the season- Lyn Lowvery, Mr. Frank Mohun, the School C. Schwarz......... 33 1-55 Ste'phen's were led in bothlending banquet.1 (Whyte's) ...... 65 8.1 Principals, Local Merchants, P. Buma............ 30 155- Memnbers of Council for their C. Borek ............ 18 153 excellent ca-operatian during V. Luke............. 33 1.51 a - a dwt the- past season.Miet G Ruby Woodward..32 150 a n Hrd F o g h l a t ie fans In general, thank you for BinPtrCpano h igtGnrli F. Anodna ....... 30 149: ýyour itrs n upr.o proudly displaying the Lions Club trophy that was I.Anrng ....... a ur Minor Hockey Programme. presented by Lions President Ed Leslie at, the con- T. Alldread ..... 24 1461 fIi i V IIl 1 1 Mug Series Playoffs clusion of the gamne. The Generals defeated- ths E. Lueheson......3 14WI ~ I ~ t 7Strar~ R. tepensn 0 15 r5 Min o o ck y D In the Atom Mug Final the Canucks 5-4 on Satrdy uring Mînor Hockey Day. F. Potter............ 33 142 Rayais defeated the I4dians Unfortunately, photos of the many other winnershave B. Alldread........ 29 1411 In the Tyke finals on Sat- Reynolds two goals and four finally scored at the 16:48 by a 3 to 0 caunit. The goal- heen held over due ta lack of space._ _______ N. oodock...... 30 140urdythe Royals and Amen-. assists, Cathy Chapmnan three mark an a goal by Guy Parks scorers for the Rayals were S. Step~henson ... 30 1îzf)cans fought a hard battle with. goals and one assist, while 1SeeRw ihtogas i S.Miley.......3 13 th Amnicas fnaly cmingHeaherMoae pikedup n eassisted by Dennis Lemon Ind Don Sturrack one goal and two standing game. teCe S. îley ........... 0 ou9t on top. Bath oalte mn ersgal. FMran c eni n ndWarren Aider. The Generals asists, while Mike Gillespie In Boys' Basketball Night Hawk R. Simrpson ......18 136 owere to Bter an s a Di ancawes eh h ad emade it 4 ta 1 on a goal by picked u oe ssst defeated the Tratters by a 39 N g tH wk N. King. ............ 30 132,wr erfe aigsvî n ol a a n aeSakeo sitd yta 25 score. The top man for A S.McLean ......... 30 126 after save including many assist. The Buick's goals were Bab Ellis and Bruce Meadaws. BobIsn the Hpaorn tes1 it us, lw D an Lemon wit M. Macnah ........ 33 1221raaas fe euainsodbyJeCwlnegl The Canucks started ta peck Bmesad teHres1 ons olwdb ra o ln S. Hawkins ....... 27 113,time had expired the teams and one assist, Marg Goyne,awy ndm eth scr 4 played 'ta a 2-all tie. The Saunders with 6 pts., Don , 2 B. Hawkins........ 27 110ýwere still tied 0-0. They play- ane goal and one assist, whiie ta 2 on a goal by Bob Howes Hornets' goals were scored by Yourth 6 pts., Lee Lemon 5 J. Woodlock8 led a 10 minute overtime period -Karen Kramp had one assist. from Warren AIder and John micard Galry Oven rde picke ndou rap with2ah o r Bd . Wîlun ______ _24 with neither team being able1 The _Hockey Mothers' Traphy Taylor. They made it 4 to a n.Gr vne ikd ogKa3wt ac.FrB i r2 'ta score. Then the Ainericans for the girls' hockey champion- at the 10:15 mark of the third up anc assist. The Bombers' the Trotters it was George L. Woodcock ______-24 M x d M jr finally got on the score shee. iship was presented ta Bani eidonaga yDnnis goals were scored by Lanry Connors with 18 pts., jim M. Hodgson-_ ___ 22 at the 1:30 mark af the second1 Simpsan by Mns. V. Junkin. c emidon ass goal by Dennakis Cryderman and Mike Habbs Wright 10 pts. and Dennis K. Campbell .-- ----- 15 L eague avertime sesslon, John Hateîy In the Midget' game, the but the Generals made iA 5 taO wth e ga n n assists wnttaJi m nwt t.Hg igeG ct 8 Th aiscm u ntpscoring ta win the game and Generals upsetth Canucks 3 at the 16:57 mark on a goal Goodw aiaStehen Boys' Gym Dlsplay High Triple-G. Scott - 596 The adie cam outon the Police Association Traphy with a 5 ta 4 victary. The by Bill Wright unassisted. The odian StpeBrn.A rgs this week, rolling more three.iby a close 1 tao0 score. The Generals opened the scaring Canucks came night back ta In a Pee Wee Mug game the On Thursday, March 24thAere hundred garnes than the men. trophy was presented by at the 1:15 mark o! the first score et the 18:09 mark ta Bears defeated the Bruins by the Boys' Gym * lass fînished j 13,MrHdgo'18 Doris Joli bowled 313-304,0 Constable John Bird af the period when Larry Devitt at- make it 5 ta 4 but could not a 2 ta 1 score. The Beans' off the season with a gymn dis- K. Campbell 177, G. Adams for the high triple of! theBowmanviîîe Police Depant- tempting ta pass out from be- score after that. Jack Van- goals were scored by Larry play befane 60 adults and 168, J. Waodlock 167, B. Wil. night, 823. Jean Holroyd,lment. hind the net, hit a Canuck denburg played an outstanding Brunt and Bob MacDoniald children at the Lord Elgin bur 165, B. Milîs 164, L. Wood* who nolled the high single of~ In the Atom final, the Bar- player's leg and the puck de- game in the nets for the Gen- while the assists went ta Fred School Gym. cock 164, W. MeNeil 163, b. 338, has ta share the honor ans and the Ramns played much flected into the net ta lead enals in the absence of David Ryan, Jim Brooks and Scott This class was under the di- Mutton 163, J. Rowd 162, G. with Mîke Murphy who also the samre type of gamne. The 1 ta 0. The Generals made it Wright who was ill and could Burgess with anc assist each. rection o! Paul Welsh, a stu- Scott 160, D. Sallows 159, K. had a 338 single gaine. Jean Rains opened the sconing at 2-0 on a goal by Larry Devitt not play. Ken Martin also The Bruins' goal was sconed dent et the Bawmanville High Raiston 158, F. Land 155, Ç~. rolled another 222 garne ta the 14:59 mark o! the first a,-isted by Bill Wright and deserves a pat on the back for by Philip Broome. School. Sarginson 153, J. Mains 151, M. give her a triple of 757. Mike period on a goal by Rory Gibbs Brian Petens. Larry Devitt the fine game he played in the In the Midget Mug game The display consisted of Finth 148, V. Bartlett 148, J. rolled a 275 fan a total o! 797. assisted by Jeffrey Hodgson. made the score read 3 tao0 for Canueks nets. The Lions Club the Maroons upset the Orphans variaus types of tumbling, Harness 148, A. Lonusse' 146, Bernice B.uday bowled hrec The Barons came fighting back the Generals et the 13.37 mark Tnophy was presented ta hi' handing them a 1 taO0 set- head stands and active games. L. Muttan 144, D3 Cochranie good games o! 333-208-207 for in thc second pcniod and at the assisted by Bill Wight and Captain Bnian Peters cf the back. The lune goal was scar- Mr'. Merle Slute, Principal o! 143, V. Sarginsan 141, IL Turiu. a748 triple. Ollie Patfield 1:50 mark Dennis Bamber tied Brian Peters. The Canucks Generals by Mn. Ed. Leslie, ed hi' Ran McMullen. A gond Ontario Street School, thank- bull 135, E. Coambes 133, -B. was n te mrk tn, ollng he soreon pas frm Biandeal af the credit should go ta cd Paul Welsh for hic excel- Keith 132, B. Beens 131, D. 302-210-205 for 717. Pete Ferguson. The nemainder of .S stand-in goal keeper Danni' lent wonk and interest towards Dewell 126, L. Burgess 124, A. Dobb-nslie a 14 nd toal he ecod ad tirdperodsNowlan who played an out- the boys of the gym c]ass. Perfect 124, O. Moffatt 120.ý oif 688 for thrce glames; AI was scoreless with bath Samaen 268-246-204 (718); M. tcams missing many scaring Annaent 284-240 (712); S. opportunities. Great goal tend-S PR rp C Bicele29-201 (<692); F. ia rom -Md-'e Om--eotheo!B Ballem 251-212. (644), H. the Rams prevented the score B Frank Mohun 623-7234 Brook 202-206 (636), H. Dunn from rising. In the first over 233-215 (636), E. Perfect 238 timne peniad the teams fought (611); G. Bébee 27 1; J. Webb very hard but et the 6:12 mark 263 1 Anaet 27;R. Peter Nowlan streaked in on TOWN HOCKEY LEAGUE FINALS Wright 231: L. Cannons 211- goal and lifted a shat which Mc lt"Sprs etthihpsaieinheT n 206; M. MeNulti' 205; M. Mains just went in under the top Leaguie finals, edging Rabson Matons 5-4 iast week for thein 204:> L. Wriglht 203; V. Coode cross ban to score the winning initial win o! the best of five senies. Robson's lcading two: 202'and H. Ballantine 201. goal fan the Barons and hand grsta anc, with anc tie, need only another tic this D is lsta tru !dthe Rams their finst defeat cfgae Bri ok 's O tam p ut t e i the seasan. The Barons were Thursday ta capture the championship. Game time is seven first place with 221/2 points presented with the Teen Town 'clock. Ollie Patfield teck two point trpi'b'Conilo .Ok.t j .t tt fromr top tcam Wright, ta 1Li the Pee Wee final, there LUCKY SKIERS! knock Wrigh't ta second place was another upset with the We were talking ta Art Hooper, anc o! Bowmanville's hn ia with 211/2 points. Budai' took Canadiens defeating the pen- most avid skiers the other day, and he was remanking on hnee games from Bickell ta nant-winning Red Wings hi' a VING S R CE ac w put thcm in third position 6 ta 3 score. The Canadians how great the skiing had been this season. Not to long, A /N E V C with 20 pointa. Patfield mav- opened the scoring at 1:10 on aga when there wasn't a spcck o! snow ta he seen, the, ed into fountmh with 16, Brack, a goal hi' Rick Shackleton. At Oshawa Ski Club had mare than ten feet on thein slopes,----- 15 and Bîckell 13. 1 6:55 i t was Rick Shackleton Hal Ballem is stili hiihin1again, scorîng unassisted ta courtesy o! the snow-making machine. averages withi 255. Doris Jol give the Canadians a 2-0 lead. Friday's sudden snow-fall added four inches o! new toi movéd into second with 242: The Red Wings finalli' got un- the existing four feet hand-packed base, and as we're writn: RCK L T SAI G M. Annaert ahane fourth .,ith Johnson scored on a pass from beautiful sunny a he skiera raîîy having themsevs I pcs«lyonnrmlmx. mcltue .00It r omlt In the Bantam final, the last month. They will be on tap on Tucadai' evening alang Srce_#yoodvllaleat-ost81Beaerstoes Huskies de!cated the Flyers with Dcbbie Wilkes, former Olympic Bronze Champion. 7/16'x 4"x 9..2.22. bi a 5,ta 4 score. The Huskies TeJno n eirsaesaehr twr i drew finat blood at the 17.30 TheJuirn eor tes ehw. Iok r-,RD O imark on a goal hi' Harold paring THERMFIBRE SP R C E fNSTRtTeONsThowT Leach assisted by Lance Liv- t t t t tR CE ONTUCIO TMT ingstane. The Flycrs tied th]ROTARY TICKET WINNERS scondeîa the :2 arkgoalte bv o apair o! blues for games at the Gros1 1 seconpre th 2 arkgo!athe innenso! a INSU LATION 2 x 4 5s *u *50 8800 i Ken Tabb, assisted hi' Keni this week, in the Rotary' Club draw are:2" B TS 8TO1'LN H Rowe and Tony Balson. The Wedncsday, Manch 30th (Montreal) - AI Witherspori 2 A T S O1'IEGH 'Huskies took the lead once Stra' pi n NwYr)-Jc adr 0*.t.prcro amore ut the 2:57 mark on a StraArl2d(NwYr)-Jc adr;9 q t e re goal hi' Clair Syer assisted by 31j.T 6 s 1 5 5 Steve Rey'nlds and Bruce LIONS TICKET WINNERS 60 &. It. per carton soeaana8:0on a goual(MontrelOvllC__hg adDa lin o pi 'hi Murray' Twist'assisted by n(NwYr) alMseC.utn 2 is*6 Ken Trabb and Darrell Hunt. 2d(e okInMses .Mto._ Her Tink mde it 3to 2 for t t tj acarto $~~~49e.uskes 8:10e byHg- reTALOreL Clmenagea n DTEaCONElnR Ar $3 ,#a2x509 19 . ....... $649*00 ~old Leach. The Huskies went Despite the chilly weather we're having luteli' - spring2 x 10,19. Up j 4Tinkagan ga hi' yHerb 's official' here, and ta prove it the Men's Town Softball,' ockIatfl 41.50 Utity Grade avallable siet sg, Çhrons" conrai o~ Leac. TheFlyer madeLeugue ln getting rcady for another scasan of strenuous Pr10 ___________________________ mst.atr eves oftiseto- it 4 to 3 at the 4:47 mark ef action. ' )8UI Murprws id gKaeni' Any new players who wish ta participate are requested' J f SP ILcO u- taj dicator, &il- RMu nai' witaHnt.hiKen t contact Bihl Cale at 3-5580 before six e'clock or 3-55861Setrc Fer 1000'" G8.5 Hutow skies secored their final after six. IDPNAL AU n D LE'goal ut the 8:35 mark té cap- League members who perfonmed hast year are asked tom DEEDU EVLU T DEALER ~ture the game 5 to 4. The Jack infoi the teamn representatives of their intentions for thel Save rm 'te Captain Bruce Sinmpson hi' caming seusan. Those wlshing te play in the league musât aMr. Jim Coylé. definiteiy let their Intentions be knawn by Apnil ýX5th IAD A 0 Hp The girls' chêmhPionshlp w So get ln touch as soon as possible wlth. T Vwon hi' the Corvettes hi' a bop- Jack Purker (3-3257) - BiIh's Billiards; MAT YOUR NEARSY uZaaaiar.t. .1 .Tba8 1 sided score o 9te 2. The goal Terri' Black (3-7686) - Stephen Fruels, Phone 623-M42 scrers for the Corvettes wUI!C Lloyd Hamihton (3-5122) - Kramp's Furniture, BEAVER 1i N G SU ILE Bnnie Simpson with thi-e MON oaa4" thme Uassi Debbl. Alex Wiseman (3-2907) - Ken&s Mena Wour;-- - - -- - - - 'i '1