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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1966, p. 13

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A , 4 1fl jj J(Intended for lest vweek> held on Thursday night in mis. Bruce Tilison, Editor Plhone 9874213 RalnUieÇhurch. Ate L Winnifred Bridges introduced best ai foods. Several men,' I/~A the guests, Rey. H. G. Lester, lwere lucky throughout theiU i 3 UCWV Superintendent of Home Mis- eveninif wten they won ai sions of the Bay of Quinte caï. prie, wth te $1000Conference, and Rev. T. Rex liewcastle ; priz g wngth r.GeogeMeets at Home Norman of Ajax, Peieto Mutton of Bowmanville. 1 the Oshawa Presbytery Church Mesua. Oarls an Fre B.Extension Council and Chair- I I-J> g~, Gla i.eChaerl an Frecdara man of the Re-Aiignment S0 (il/ anc1 d .tt IUL.,. unced t h exr retirement Cmite0 h isyey 1froin the taxi business. Giv- Newcastle - Mrs. Brenton "There are two grave prob- Newaate: Du lu te frewhowitiot teirhep ad'ing excellent service ta, the Rickard opened her home for lems confronting the church Newaete:-Dueto he irewhowitoutth couhlpdn citizens of the village for the March meeting of Unit 3 today," Mr. Norman said, in OUT home lest week, our: encouragement we cO ot. nearly elght years. their ser- U.C.W. held on the 14th of "and Oshawa Presbytery in lanily have had te vacate thelihave done without, we will vice will be mîssed. At this March. Thirteen members particular. We are faced with house for some six tn, eight1forever be in their debt. We time. there bas been nothing were present at this meeting. the problem of carrying on a weeks. However. someone isI thank each and every one Of officiail t stale who mighlý Mrs. Rickard presented a more effective ministry in aiways there between the, you very mluch. take over the taxi business in lovely devotion on the theme rapidly gl-owing areas of the houri of nine a.m. to noon! Master Stewart Tilîson has the village. In place of the 'Professiiig ta be a Christian, church, and the Oshawa su- and again l'rom one p.m. until returned to Hamilton with his taxi, you have no doubt seen and how do you like your burban area shows ane o! the tive. Please continue to cali aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred driving around in the neighbour? Your neighbour be- highest growth rates". in your news le the same! Hughie MacLeod, and grand- delivery van. This van will ing your family, conimunity "We have ta safeguard and number, 987-4213. If for some father Mr. C. E. Tilison, continue ta geive the best of and world wide." protect the aver-worked min- reason there is no answer,I where he'll. be staying until service always received et Mrs. Ronald Munro present- isters, and keep themn from please telephane directly toi the family oan again move in- their Variety Store. Many ed the study book on Trini- breaking down in healtb, or the Statemi an office. ita the house. whio have 1 ,earned that the dad, describing ils history from leaving the Church and going We are most grateful to the, Mr and Mrs. Ed Nes'bitt taxi service bas corne to a founding in the 15th century inta less strenuous occupa- firefighters here in NewicaS-ý and family spent the weekend haît think the store is ta be ta ils independence in 1962. tions". tle, and to, the men who, at the home af Mrs. Nesbitt's cloied up as well. TPhis is nol Business matters were dis- Mr. Norman went on ta say pitc.hed In with them toi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, so, and the Gianvilles await cussed and many thanked the thal the Columbus-Kedron quickly put out the lre i Hall, Coboconk. you, and hope for your con- Sunshine Sisters for cards and charge is anc in aur Presby- 'which had gutted the base- The local Lions Club -have tinued support. gifis. Two intereslîng contesta lery that is giviflg some con- nent. Witkiout them and theiri reported an excellent evening Friends of Mrs. John Gar- and delicious refreshments cern. A three-point charge, t9ast and efficient way iniwhen they held a stag fun rod exiend her verx' bet ended the evening. with multiple boards, commit- whiah tjhey worked we would niight and dinner in aid of wishes on ber 85th birlliday tees and the pastoral care of have had no home ai ail.' "Artificial Ice". There was a iwhich shle will be celebratir.g 425 families is an impossible Smoke cm.pletely damaged:good turnout and they were, Pebyey cnsdr9 every nook and corner in the pleased to turn over taeo n the 3ltaitimnl.Rsequl res tas for ne m nier entire upstairs raooms andS.NAI.A. the sum o! $531.401la ie Mr alfso own three-poînt charge with 200 there is a great deal of! work ! 0f Ibis amourit. $20.00 was onter 341h wedd TomI Byown familieg a sufficient load for ta be done, but we do knowidonated ta the Lions for their .nter3t edngan-O d N ln any minister", Mr. Norman bout very lucky we are, in the' project through the Anglican versary Ibis comng Saturday, said, "and the General Council fat ha w d sil hvenu CurhW.A. who catered tin Students Of the Newc.astle O e s a allows a charge a fulil ime chîldren and aur own lives. the men, and as always, left iPublic School have heen tak- F r O e s a randmnse ih1, '170 ur friends and neghbor< ,them filled rnght up with th-e1 îng part in the music festival familles". !in Peterborough al ihis week. Newcastle-The March gen- I An up ta date report will be eral meeting of the U.C.W. Mr. Norman pointed oui thai ATTENTION FARMERS 1 'given in nexi week's edition. was held bin he Sunday School be came ta the Officiel Board To those studentsýý taking part, Room on the l6th of Marchonbhfo!Peblrwi- Nh Py Moe we wish them good luck. with President Mrs. Sian Out any answcr ta the prob- Ltsgto th bading. making any decision before Prmu ultcheer aur local boys ta vic- Ms C. Ferguson and Mrs. ceompl ane h hpeota theubs GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS tory. On Wednesday evenin'C Carveih presenled an in- pedol ofChare aColumbus- of ibis week, the "Newcastle siigworship service on theer ou n arge adprysolu- Farm Tanks Available. Woodsmcn meet tîhe Bobcay- 1 heme "Prayer and Friend- lion ta the problem. geon Bobeats in the firsi of ship". Mrs. G. Allun and Mrs. thre gTne tey layin heR. Allin sang two lovely duels, He suggested thal two' Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District juhiree"ga"es hey .playfi theOut o! the Ivory Palaces" courses of action might be Juenor D" .Hand S Plray tef n "h OdRu.d rss.considered. The charge might CALL COLLECT WednPl ay B an Siurday hpv' nd The Ol Rure v Croe ss". be lefI as il is by arranging 1111 11 layin owmnvilexvbl& he reaure gae Ie eti-for assistance for the minister. U I O IL Whitby 668-3341 onl Friday evening they pla > VImated budget for 1966 and the Another possible s ol1utilan a Bobcaygeon. Waich foriprogram for the coming year would be la divide the charge1 jsigna af the lime these games ýwas presenied; $334.23 was ia î wo, anc of which wauld1 beein. i collected for the March o!fbe- Columibus-Raglan, and the OurfrindaandDimes, including $48.66 from other Kedron, whîch now bas' Orrinsadneighbors the achool children. 13fmleo h ol S UNDAY PECIALIHospita At~!sIComing events included AcmilewsstU son, Mrs. Evelyn Baréhard, Good Fia service mn New- consisîing o! n member from ýMrs.. Hilda Brown, Mr. John lonville and Easter Thank- each Session, Commiltee o! 1 Davis. Miss Tina Ferguson, offering on April 201h wilh Stewards and U.C.W. ta sludyý [Mrs. Violet Harrison, Mrs. Ida Rev. Ramjil o! Canton as the the malter further and repart C i k f i n r MeReelis, Mrs. Grace Shep- ues speaker. Mmeswr akt h fiilBad pard, Smith anugd la gel orders for EasterbaktthOfiaiBr. Mrs. Alice Worrcll. eggs which the graup wili beCoiCncr making on March 301h. A The Kedron Chair present-I FULL COURSE DINNER INCLUDING bale will be packed on April cd Iheir "Let's Get Up a Con- CfM Uni 27th and aId nylons are urg- cert" program ai Raglan on DESSERT and BEVERAGE Oun y ently needed. Visiting conven- Friday night in the Christian y or reported 242 calîs made in Education building at Raglan $ the fîrst quarter ai the year. before a capacity bouse. n Caîls were made ta hospîtal, John Glover Jr. acted as conclusion af the business, evening. Two ligbt numbers Newcastle:- The fllowingýcake and tea were servcd bY by the Male Quarlet and two i i a lisI o! top bowlers for the Group 2, aller whic~h a social Irish solos by Murray Mount- 1 week ending March 26th. ýhour was enjoyed. joy were added ta the first Lais- 200 and - section o! the pragram. 260,ce Lune 271, Joan Ard 175 and over - Ann Vogels Mr. Frank Lee ai Kedron AT MG'raoe Ceuch 235, Colleen 183, Nancy Gaines 183, Anr was aonc o! the unfortunale Pickering 232, Rosemary Kel- gela Italien 182, Maria Voégei tenants of the top flooraofthe 1 ]y 229, Agnes Malkiewiqcz 223, 180, Wilhelimla Veleke 175. Simncoc Arms Apartments who Mary Henderson 215, Eleanor Thursday Mixed League - loat ail their possessions in Perrin 212, Betty Major 207, 2&00and over - Ken Whitney last Sunday's lire. FI E I E B R B O Jean Allun 201. . 292, Russell Powell 246, Marge Mr. Lee had spent the day LIMIED arry Pearce 268, Gary For-!George Glanville 211, June noon. He had lunch down- HIGHWAY 115- NEWCASTLE gel 275, Bon Gaod 251, Ken!Pitis 204. town, and il wasn't until about NWhtnfe LaiesL1aue1 Friday Mixed League - 200 5:00 that he learned o! the ________________________Ladies_____ _____ - and over - Stan Allun 347, lire. iGeorge Kimbaîl 309, Ted His furniture and persnal .Hoar 290, Nina Madili 261, e!!ects were a total loss, but Yearing or Murrray Paterson 249, Kay Mr. Lee was pleased ta find a Yeanin fo Powell 248, Myrîle Pearce fcw lreasurcd photagraphs and something long, 249, baura Hazeldon 241, Al- personal papers in fair con- bert Pearce 238, George Zweir dition in a desk. Afler a low and racy? 226, June Kramer 220, Stan week a! shopping, he bas Powell 219, Lart-y Pearce 218, seitled in an aparîmenl in the Or smethng lrgeAlice Kupery 218, Marilyn newly-buill Arlinglon Apart- Couch 218, Ruth Couch 217. menîs on Nanquan Road. pos an po erflRuth Bonathan 214, Ben On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hoog-Tpakamp 201. -Ross Lee Pnteprlained abouit 2_1 Go-Ahead people make things happen ~ with a Iow-cost Go-Ahead Loan from TORONTO-mDOMINION; Trhe Bank where people make the difference. RG. LAWTON, Manager Bowxnavilts NESTLETON- People's Sunday School Gas es aI Kedron for a dinner parly. (Intended for last week) ).ner, Mr. Hal Bohaker gave a Nesîleton U.C.W. held its lalk and led a discussion on, iMarch meeting on Tuesday the universal human question.' aflernoon with Mrs. George "Whio Arn P" showîng how I Heaslip as hostess. There was hie had faund lighl on the a gond aitendance wilh several question fram a sludy of Budd-I visitors and some children hism, and the other old r-e- present. ligions a! the world as well as The Presidenl opened the from Christianiiy. meeting with a poemn "Just for The Kedron Hi-C on Sunday Today" fallowed by prayer evening had as their gucat!1 and the Lord's Prayer in uni- speaker Rev. Winnifred Bridg- 1 son. Afler a few words o! es, wha showed pictures she welcome ta the guesîs, hymn had taken in India while she, 86 "Whcn I Survey the Wond- was a missianary there. rous Cross" was sung. . Mrs. BueMcoad b IMaurice Nesbilt canducîed the regular writer a! the Kedron worship pcriod wilh Mrs. news, is a patient in Oshawa Johns reading the Scripture General Hospital recuperating' passage from Luke 24 and from an aperatian thal was Mrs. Nesbitt giving the devo performed last Wcdnesday. tional, "Are aur hearis br1__________ ing wilhin?" Hymn 100 '"in the Cross a! Christ I Glory", 1iig Propose Closing The rail caîl "What is a iMature Christian?" was wellilî ad C ut Heaslip had charge of thei Prelimînary meetings have, study boak and gave a very beenheld in conjuniction tai interesting talk an Chapter14,cloig the Leskard United "Engaging the Enemy". This Ohm-ch and to have the mc1-ý was followed with the closing bex-ghip transiferred to the hymn "Beneath the Cross 01! Orono United Church. Jesus". j the proposaI is The business period thi-n not finalized it dces appear fallowed with minutes read, that members ofi the Leakard treasurer's report given and congregatian are uneanimously thanks for carda received dur- in agreement to the plan of ing illness. AIl were remind- action. A resolution bas been cd oi the fash ion show in pasîsed and sent ta the Pres- Blackstock on Thursday even- bytery Re-Alignnent Coin- ing. imilIefor their oonsi 'deration' An interesting programn foi- land discussion. It ih not like-, lowed. Mrs. Malcolm end Mrs.IlY that the move te close theý iNesbitt sang a duet "The! hrhwl on noefc Stranger o! GaIllee" with Ms.! until around the end ai June. George l{easlip et the piano. At thbe presenit tim-e il la the Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Johns intention ta carry an the gave readings "The House", operation of a Sunday School and "Recipe for a Home". Mrs. at Leekar-d even lhough the' Jackson also hed an interesl-. chut-ch may be closed. AI] ing contest. Sharon Neabitt records will be handled ,ighted ail with severelithrough the Orono ehurch. pgiano seleclians. The theme 'The Lesard church was hymn and Mizpah Benedic- Iclased during thbe ministry of lion closed the meeting. Mr. A. Euatace but re-opened Lunch was then served and sO5Ii* eventeen yearuo.l a social time spent. Mrs. Noer- , as been in operationince' mran Mains thanked ail for the; this lime up te the present. Miver pleasant atternoon. j-Tms TNDERLOIN CUT Lo'in Pork Roast5 591 :SS 1-1b. Pkg. st Bacon 8 9C -1b. Pkg. Maple Leaf Skinless 1lb. Pkg.ý 55 ý S reakfast 5c Sausage 65c, Deep -Cut Features The Bt For Leua RICHMELLO - WHITE 24-ou. Loas SIilced Bread 4R'79c flalnty Parchment Coloured MARGARINE 3 Ibs. 79cl INSTANT (OFFEE $129 Wethey's Putre 24-.&a4" OrageMarmelade 39ç Money Saving Speci.als Bayslde Faney Red -uT1 SOCKEYE SALMON 57cZ, Brlghts Cholce 48-ou. Tbht APPLE JUICE 2 for 49ç', 9 Varleties Pillsbury 18-oz. Pk8gu CAKE MIXES 3 for $t Pet Instant Sklmmed 3-1b. Pkgi. MILK POWDER $1.19 Salada Orange Pekoe Pkg. of 60W. TEA BAGS 83ce Coloured lbP. TuIip MARGARINE. 89c",. Tenderflake -Lard kir 29,', R~obin Hood - Instant 12,02. Pkq1ý Pre-cooked OATS- 37éc. Bleks Sweet 32-ou9. 3e MIXED PICKLES 53ci- Sweet Blcks 1"-os. Jil, MIXED GHERKINS 43ç." Kam 1l2-ox. Tba LUNCHEON MEAT 59te 20e Off Automatic Powdere Pk*ý ALL DETERGENT, $1;39, Sunlight 32-oz. Contaner LIQUID DETERGENT 75é DOVE White or Pink 3 Reg., Bars TOILET SOAP 69c, >ce Your 'Toronto & Oshawa Papers For Additional Food Speciala M APLE LEAF RINDLE Breakfa, teý Maple Leaf Skinless 1 GOERMETINPETEIW ieners Fre sh Produce Features California Grown No. 1 Grade Large Bunch BROCCOLI 2.5c California Grown No. 1 Grade Large Size HIEAD.LETTUCE 2129c Texas Grown Washed Ready To Ca'ok SPINACH 10-oz. Pkgu. 2RI45c Sweet Juicy Large Size JAFFA ORANGES 59±z Washington No. 1 Grade ANJOU PEARS 51'49c ow. ME u m 11 1Soi go#«4YOUR CHILDREN A "HEAD" START wthArt 1 nNil rÎx PIGTURE ENCYGLOPEDIA FDR BOYS AND GIRLS AUTHORITATIVE EXPERTLY EDITED s' UP-TO-DATE Compi.tely #~full coloni 0F FACTS from Ato Zi_ 2. Encourages children ta interest in other peo j Appeols toa al ges - /- w over 2300 pacgues 19 FACT-FILLED VOLUMES; e.21 i dUliUJ -f~ /1er* B"Y«W VOLME PE* EK PMy.WnZ MNO OLR!Cmlt orcr hswe KING ST. Ail merchandis. lu guarat..d to gpve lo0% .tistaetlon. Values Effective Until Closlng, Saturday, April 2, 1M6 in Bowmanvilll. WBR ESERVE THE RJGRT TO LIMIT QUANTITIE. OpnThurs. and Fr,. Nights MIpm AND SIMPSON AVENUE (Highway Ne, 20~ WINS $1000 MRS. M. SHEEHAN Bowmanville WINS $1Q.OO MRS. S. VERBEEK Newcastle WINS $1000 MRS. J. MICHELS Newcastle E M THICK MEATY RANCH STYLE SPARE RIBS 'I

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