Mar. 30, ION Biths IINGHORN-Johfl and Graoe inec Blackburn) are happy ta announce the arrivai of a son, Da.vd John, an March 23, 1966, at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, a brother for Mlainie. Special thanks ta Dr. Blemon and maternity staff. 13-1* ?4acLEOD-Madeline and Doug- las MacLeod (nee Madellue Os- borne) are happy ta announce gle binth af a daughtcr, Eliza- bpth Aune, at Branson Hos- pitlI, Toronto, March 22, lem. 13-1 P'EDWELL - Maurice and Marie are happy ta announce lhe, arnival of thein chosen daughten Denise Elizabeth, a sister for Debbie and Barry. 13-1 * I!HOMSON-Jaan aud Fr are pleased ta announce t binth af a son, Patrick Josep ohi March 20, 1966, at Menoio H o spi tal1, Bowmanvile; brother for Joan Marie. 13 WHYTE-Mr. and Mrs. Rall Whyte proudly announce t birth of a daughter, Debor; Lynu, on Manch 30, 1966, Memorial Hospital, Bawnis ville. A sister for Ritchie a Steven. 13 Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davey announce the engagement of their daughter Marilyn Joyce, ta Mr. James Allan Bishop of Oshawa. The wedding to take p lace Friday, April I 5th at Tyrone United Church at '7 o'clock. 13-1 Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Bezubiak, Newcastle, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Julia, ta Michael Richard Dudlarek, son of Mirs. Anna Dudlarek and the late Mr. Nicholas Dudiar- ek, Oshawa. The wedding to take place Saturday,- April Sth at Newcastle United Chunch, at 2 p.m. 13-1* Marriages LEWIS - HATHAWAY -Mn and Mrs. James North Ha.tha- way, Rochester, N.Y., announce the nianniage of their daugh- fer Susan, la Mn. Hartley Lewis, son of Mrs. Hartiey Lewis, Bowmanvillo, and the Iste Dr. Lewis, ini Trinity Êpiscopal Church, Rochester, li.Y.. on Saturday, March 26. l3.1*ý Deaths HOCKIN - At The Lodgo Xursing Home, Newcastle; on Monday, March 281h, 1966, :Rase Parker, aged 76 years, wife af the laIe William John H.Iockin, dean mother af W. J. <Joe) Hockin, Oakvillc; Har- old, Pont Penny and Ronald, Goose- Bay, Labrador. Serv- Ice was held in the Morris1 Funeral Chapel, Bownianville, <n Wdnesdav a 3:30 nw, Teinponany intenneien V'ault, Onono. EAI& DEADLINE, FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p. m. p _______________________6___ Articles for Sale _j Articles for Sale 1POIU rockingchrs 623-7276. MAIL siotsilnstlled.1 623-2318._ Phono I LARGE crib. Cail 725-5954. 13-1i 13-1l Pihono MASSEY - HARRIS tractor. Phone 263-2157. 13-1* PICTURE window, 54" x 95". APPROXIMATELY 1,000 bales Phone 623-7183. 13.1*aio hay. Phono 263-2144. 13-i 7 CUBIC PT. deep freeze, $100. Phone 623-2526. 13-1 WATER for sale and delivered. 24 hour service. Cail 623-5756. 29-tf 1 CLEAN baled stnaw and gond heavy grain. Austin Wood,: 623-2212. 13-1* L MEDIUM size Quebec heater land 13 'stormn windows. Phone 623-2681. 13-1 WATER for sale and delivered, iCail Cliff Pethick 263-2131 à 32-tf MEAT cut and wrapped for freezers. Call C. E. Miller, 2233 Orono. 3-tf H3 ALLIS-CHI-AIJMERS load- er, 1965 model, 3/ yard bueket. Oliver Rohrer, Nestîcton. 1- KEYS eut autamatically, while you wait, at McMullen Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowvman- Iville. 3-tf ,ah LLOYD carrnage, converts to at stroller, excellent condition, n- gray and blue. Phone 2679 nd Orono. 13-1 TWO-WAY Johnston's Mes- songer C.B. radia with fiber- glass acnial; TV antenna. Tele- phono. 623-5718. 13-i* CABIN, 14' x 12', mahogany lined, insulated, ail heated. To be moved. Askiug $400. New- castle 987-4446. 13-1 SMALL cabin cruiser, I1'; 40 h.p. Evinrude Lank, 2,000 lb. trailer. Apply 52 Jackinan Rd., Bowmanvile. 12-tf BUYING or selllug ,furniture or appliances, caîl Elmer, Hampton. business 263-2294 - residence 263-2695. 6-tf DEKALB Seed Corn - We stili have sanie sizes iunimost heat units. Supply gaing fast. H. J. Brooks & Sou, telephone 623-5125. 12-6 FLOOR Covering Cleanout af discontinued patterns, 29c per It. Largo 9 x 12 carpets, $39.88. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 13-1 IJSED washer parts, 1/ h.p. matons. Complote line af Beatty, Thon and Crosbey ap- pliances. P a d dy 'sMarket, Hanipton, 263-2241. 12-tf INSULATION, blowing m;eth- cd, with rock wool. Wonk- nianship guarauteed. F reoe estimates. Hanry L. Wade, Phono Newtonville 786-2256. 38-tf TYPE WRITERS,, A dde rs, Cashiers, Desks, Chairs, Ternis. We buy, sel, rnr, "ervice, trade., New, used. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, (North of Oshawa). 3-tf BABY Bargains. Crib mat- t-resses, $995; folding strollers, $7.88; hi chairs, $9.88; car- niages, $29.95; playpens, $9.88. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 13-1 13-1 HUImER,-At South 'Hayon iÇuring Home, Newcastle, on Sunday, March 27th, 1966, Menman Huider, aged 70 ycars, formerly af 137 Rosehill Blvd., Oshawa, dean father af John, Prederick, -Samuel, Daniel and Marie'(Mrs. Douglas Young), brother of John sndb Honni Ifuider. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wcdnesday at 10:30 Temnporaryin tennient Bethcsda Cemetery VaulI. 13-1 MITCHELL, F. Kenneth-Sud- deuly at his nesîdence, 118 York Down Drive, Dowus- view, ou Manday, March 21, 1966, F. Kenneth Mitchell, be- loved husbaud af Charlotte Stedding, dean son af Mrs. Eva Mtitchell af Bowmauville, sud tbe late Mr. F. J. Mitchebl. Pivate faniily service was beld on Wednosday, March 23rd at R. S. Kane Funeral Hlome, Yonge St. at Sheppard Ave. Cremation Toronto Cre- miatoriumi. 12-if, OVERY-At 9 'Nebson Street, Bowmanvîble, ou Suuday. March 27th, 1966, James Overy, aged 70 yoans, beloved liusband af Rose Ballard, dean lather af James, Herbent, Jean (Mrs. Kenneth Lemon), Bill, Miari1ynn (Mmr. Joseph Arsen- aubt), Alfred, Frank sud the laie Kathleen <Mrs. Orville McNulty). Service was held in the Marris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanviile, on Wednesday at 2p.m. Intennient Bowman- Ville Cenieterv. 13-1 WOOD, Margaret - Suddenly as the resuit af an accident on Monday, Mardi 28, 1986, Margaret Wood of 78 Albert Street, Oshawa, in her 101h year, beloved daugliter of Mr. sud Mns. Henry Wood, dean sister af Joseph, Mns. W. Rtobinson (Marie) aud Robert of Oshawa. Restinx eaI the Notheutt andb Smith Funeral Slonie. Funeral service at 2 ,'crock, Thunsday afternoon. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- 'ýry, Oshawa. 13-i Reception tMr. and Mn. We ?arnow, North Ste1 egole, will ho et homo jeuda and reigibenu o~asln pIhei SOU 4Uig Auulvns ~on 47A~p% elth.,o te thein en the à wee ONE double bcd and mattross, also crib. Cail 623-3569. CHICKEN incubator, capacity 200 chicks. Phone,623-2243. - 13-1 RODNEY oats, 80c bushel; hay 55c bale. Phone 263-8808. 13-3* CHROME high chair, $7; Jolly Jumper, $3. Both as new. 623-3085. 13-1* MATTRESS, springs and fou legs; table and four chairs. .Phone 623-7183. 13-1l MIXED grain. oats and barley, $52.00 a ton. J. A. Carscad- den, Phone Orono 35 R 9. _________________ 13-2* 325 HANDMADE bushel box- es, standard size and suitable for storage. Cail Hampton 263-2204. 13-1 SEAT Covers-Ail models and makes automotive interiors re- paired. Whyte Bras. Uphols- tery, Bowmanville, 623-5252. 41-tf FABULOUS "Restonie" Sale now on! ! 4-Seater chester- field suites from $168. Smooth- top mattresses, $29.50; bunk beds, $59.00, 3-pce. bedroom suites, $99. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 13-1 TRADE-IN: 2-piece chester- field suite, pillow back, 6 nonths old, less than ½ ýpnice, new price $125; 2-pce. daveno- bed suite, $39.50; round ped- estal style kitchen table, 4 czhairs, haîf price, $49.95. Cot- tage lots for sale at Little Lake, $350.00 each. Murphy Furniture, King W., Bowman- ville, 623-3781. 13-1* ARTHRITTS and RHEUMATISM Send for FREE Informative BOOKLET This bookiet has been prepar- ed to tell you ln non-technical language about your condition. Send 10e ln stamps to cover cost of handiing and mailing, to Eclucatiorial Research Box 71, Postal Station 1131 TORONTO, ONT. N am e ----------------- Address ----------3--- -1--------- Cars for Sale '58 DODGE tractor truck 700. '57 DODGE Customi Royal. Phono 623-3403. 13-i '65 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe. Cail Blackstock 986-4437. 13-1* '59 INTERNATIONAL half- ton panel, Ai mechanically. Telephone Newcastle 987-4812 ater 6. 13-1* '59 PONTIAC 4-door, 6 cyl., TV TOMJERS standard. Good shape. $490 $50 Up op best offor. Newcastle OSHAWA, 987-4446. ______13-1 1963 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, TV SUPPLY LTD. 31,000 original miles, gas heat- Taunton Bd. E . Oshawa er, chrome plated, very gond Just East aofllitson Road condition, $950. Telephone Dial 723-8131 623-2388. 13-1 Day or night - Bili Leask, Pro' i. -k o S l 10-tf LvsokF rS l B EE F for your freeger, locker Good Steer Bcdf with excess fat removed before you buiy. HINDS 65e - FRONTS 47c SIDES 55e lb. Cut, wrapped and frozen No extra charge Dont waste your money on fat - Buy good prime steer bcdf BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Phone 623-5578 2-tf USED EQUIPMENT Tractors International 460 - Gas International TD5 Crawler International B250D w/Loader International 350 w/Loader International B414D John Deene 2010 wi2 Row Mounted Cuitivaton Fenguson 20-85 (overhauled) International Super A w/i Row Maunted Cuitivaton Fond ON Ceekshutt 30 Plows International 3-furrow Faut Rit eh International C-35 3-Peint Hîlci David Brown 3-Furrow 3-Point Hitch Cockshutf 3-funrow Trail Cultivators InternatIonl 17-tooth Trail ou Rubber International 17-tooti Tral on Steel Soed Drills Ch le.%15qn Cembinadea - SoM*or WiPower Lit t 1i"gatenai13-ru Cemblntien on sitel Br-i OA -4 p.m. COU. CO*pen THREE Holstein heif ors, due in Apnil. Phono 623-7174. Pets LABRADOR pups, nine weeks oie; 3-year-old femnabe Labra, dor. Calb 623-7669. 13-1 Notices Our shop will be closed ah- day Wodnosday, starting Apnil 6th/66 until faîl. Bowman- ville Fnigid Locker Systoni. NOTICE DOG OWNERS In Bowmanville Effective April lst 1966, and untîl funthernuotice, DOGS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO RUN AT LARGE IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE ROBERT L. BYRON, Clenk of thc Corporation Town af Dawmanville. 13-i BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Registration'of Pupils for Kindergarten Tuds Registration wili take place tic week oif April 25 - 29 A birth cetifîclate uhowlug rhlld'u date of blnth la requin- ed for oaci h li at that tins. Birtb certillestefr child- non hern lu Ontario mar ho obtainM bhi'ferwardlng jalon- maIs(parents, pIss, and iset birtb> and 32.M0te Ifmraede net lev miel »M« ot *MW bd e lielp Wanteci1 Notice to Creditors iReal Estate for Sale1-l WAITRESS. Apply lu persan NOTICE TO CREDITORS ta Horne's Restaurant, 115 and AND OTHERS ror Rent GARAGES, central location. Phone 623-2318. 13 -1 * FURNISHED roani, suitable for young lady; kitchen priv- ileges. Phono 623-3710. 13- 1 SMALL furnished apartment. Nurse or school teacher pro- ferred. Phono 623-5589. 13-1 MODERN four-room apant- ment,. bath, heatod, corner King and Division, immediate possession; pnivate outrance. Apply Sam's Famous Foods, 14 Division St., Bowmanville. 12-2 SEVN-rooni brick house, in Bowmanville; 4 bedrooms, ail heat, close ta Lord Elgin School. Must be roliable ten- ants. Write Adventiser 701. c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 13.1 APARTMENT, two bedrooms. fnig and stove, broadloom, all services supplied, $110 per mouth, uow renting. Apply 63 Lambs Lane N. or Phono Mr. Rice, 623-5211 or 623-2601. No pets or children. il-tf Repairs GUABANTEED telovision and radio service la al - maktes. Television Service Ca. Phono 623-3883. - 52-ti Refrigeration and Appliance Service CommercIal »d Domei ReifrMmaue - Milk Coolon Phuse BURT lyza Day. - SU-5774 NIaIt. 203-'177 Lander Hardware IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM LAING, deceasod. Ah1 persans having dlaims against the estate of William Laing, lateoaf the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, retired farmer, who died on or about the 9th day of Navember, 1965, are requir- ed ta file proof thereof with the undersigned on or befao the 2nd day of May, 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only ta dlaims of which they thon shail have had notice. Dated at Bowmanville this 30th day of March, 1966. George Moffatt Laing, and Allan George Laing, Executors. By their solicitors, Hodgins & Fleming, 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. 13-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F MARGUERITTA C R Y D E R- MAN, deceased. AIl persans having dlaims against the estate of Marguer- itta Cryderman, late of the Village of Hampton, in the County of Durham, Married Woman, who died on or about the 31st day of December. 1964, are required ta file proof thereof with the undersîgned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1966. after which date the estate wihl be distributed, having regard only teocdaimes of which they thon shaîl have had notice. Dated at Bowmanville this 3Oth day of March, 1966. Richard George Gibbs and Ethel Marguerite Gibbs, Executors. By their solicitors, Hadgins & Fleming, 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. 13-3 Personal HYGENIC Supplies-(Rubber gonds) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Dring Youn Car ln Today and have tiat faulti' MUFFLER and EXHAUST SYSTEM Jack Ricard REALTOR 199 King St. E. flowmanvllle! 623-2503 18 ACRES on Manvers Rd. 3 Bedroom bouse, small barn. 8 acres good garden land. Tractor included. A s k in g $20,000 - Terms. WAVERLY ROAD - 2 Bed- raom bungalow on YÏ acre lot. $8,900 - $600 down. SUMMER COTTAGE. 75' frontage on Trent River. Hour's drive from Bowmanville. Very attractive, partly furnished. Storage and shed. Boat and trailer, etc. $4.500 - Terms. HORSEY ST. - 2 storey 3 bedroom brick home. Large kitchen. Separate dining room. 66' x 166' lot. $12,500, APT. BLDG. on large corner lot in Newcastle. $170 month incarne. $14.900. FEED MILL BUSINESS. Well established, gond incame. Ahl equipment. $12,500. CENTRE ST. 3 bedraom bungalow wîth garage. $11,700 -$2,000 dawn. COURTICE RD. Modemn brick bungalow with attached garage, buit-in range and aven, etc. 13/ acre lot. $23,500 -Terms. BUILDING LOTS. We stili have a few lots loft in and near Orono. Caîl for details. TYRONE - 100 Acre farm1 with gond solid house. Gond1 barn. Stream, scenic location.. Asking $25,000 - $5,000 down, Milford McDonaid - 623-3911 Wilf Hawke - Orono 1 R 12 Garnet Ricard - 723-5688 13-11 Insurance DIBK BRINKMANE .1 -- - -- -- 1 --- . . . . . . . - 1z 1 - - 1;; - 1 RE~TAUL We Hanar Any Bonus Card 'AJ1cr I Ail Work Doue hy ______DonaI- d Licnse Mehancu Deadstock Service Guy L USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Mgue ashc.IPrice..for Deai ise W sud Crlp»,ed Pans Stock Phyllis Phono Long Distaue Ig Zenith "au 8(ne Charge te yeu> 1 Lorne 3S DesaSt. W.. .wmamvliue iDpt. &gnlc. Lie. No. 851-C45 Hou lm 'rw» M 84MU5 4-t ýReal Estate for Sadl -1 -ý Elours Camli Mouafie, - 023-3814 sfllane 623-8715 lesuma -Orone 1849 McRobble - 23-710 Jorgensen UI87-4491 C. DuIf - O98-3Sin avdmn Et M I S U3-1 IReal Estate for Salei k P: 35 Hrngnways, N'ewcastle.1 12-tf INCREASE your incarne. You can earn up ta $3 per hour selling Rawleigh Products full or part time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. C-140-16, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. 13-1 HAIRDRESSER, female, for Thursday, Friday and Satur-t day with opportunity ta workt into full time empînyment. Apply Greig's Hairstyling, Bowmanville, 623-2932. .13-2 CARPENTER - handyman for Saturdays or weekends, to ro- model porch, shed, etc., 4 miles east of 115 on 4th Lino. Write Advertiser 700, c/o The Can- adian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 13-1 TÙUE ONiT ARlIO TR-AINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Has vacancios la the foilowing positions: TRAINING SCHOOL AND 1 FORESTRY CAMP SUPERVISORS Raie-To pravide residential supervision, counsel and guid- ance ta wards 14-16 years afi age. Qualifications -- Grade X1 education; preferably Second-t ary School Graduation. Some1 previous experience lu youtht work. Age 25 to 45; integrity;( good moral character; self-1 contraI; ability ta instruct andt supervise adolescents. Salary-$4,050 per annum' ta commence, rising ta $5,000.00 per annum with experience and training. CRAFTS INSTRUCTOR ---Raie-To work with boys in 14-16 age group, instructing and supervising arts and cnafts classes. Minimum Grade 10 educa- tion, should have completed formal course ln Arts and Craîts, and twa years experi- once in related work such as Y.M.C.A., community recrea- tion, etc. Salary - Range $4,200.00 $4,400.00, additianal allowance of $500.00 per annum for Supervising Responsibility. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Raie-Ta perforni general maintenance repairs to insti- tution buildings. Should have several years expenience in a specific trade, electnicity, plumbing, etc., and ability ta perform "handy-1 man" work in several trades.i Salary - Range - $3,600.00- $4,200.00. Full Ontario Civil Service benefits apply in ail positions. Generous pension, sick beave, medical and insurance plans in effec t. Regular menit increas- es. Apply ln persan Monday ta Friday 9:00 a.m. tn 11:00 a.M. and 1:00 p.m. ta 4:00 p.m. Or write for application farmi taO Superintendent or Office Manager Ontario Training Sehool for Boys Bowmanvilie, Ontario Wanted to Rent-- THREE-bedroom bhouse, close ta school, by May lst. Can give references. Telephone 623-7435. 1- HIGH Schoal teacher requires ane-bedroom apartment in Bowmanville for July lst onue pre-sehool child. Write Ad- vortiser 702, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 13-2 Rooms for Bent ORONO, large bodroorn with twin beds suitable for two gentlemen. Available with or without board. Telephone Orono 277M. 13-2t IP. Kowai Jr. 623-51681 13-1 Schofield - Aker Ltd. OSHAWA PHONE 723-2265 Open DaiIy - 9 arn. - 9 ps. Court ice Nice Ranch Bungalow with attached garage, on big bot 105' x 160'. This lovely home is only 5 yeans old sud alsa allers a finished Roc. Rooni for your enjoynient. AI] the work has been doue an the compbeteîy landscaped lot with shrubs, hedge and smabl fonce. Listing - $24,500.00 - $6,000.00 down. Danlington Boulevard Rancher Situated ou f 14 acre lot. Double attached gar- age - 2 fireplaces. This is country living within walking distance ta Osha- wa buses and No. 2 High- way. AIl this for only $24,900 -Tennis can be arrauged. Sussex St. (Oshawa) 5 Rooni brick bungalow with walkout baseenu, 3 spacinus bedroonis, 4 pc. aud 3 pc. bathrooms. Rec. Roani 24' x 24' with built- in ban. Asking $18,500.00 la anc N.H.A. Mortgage. ARE TOU THINKING ef Selllng TourfHomne TisuSprint? We have many people looking for properties of aIl typesudd»%se. May W. Help Teu? For full particularu eall 123-2265 or MEL DALE (Bowmanvilie Repnesentaiive) 623-5633 Irwin Crulokuhanks Georte Koorneef Don Howe - Bill Johnoton - froue Brown - Marg Rail Maible Boudreau Michael Belmonte- Ed Drnum- Allan Thompsen Reg Akor - - IBI MeFeeters- 728-5205 7Z3-ZUSI I 725-9345 7280@ 725-3887 723-1358 Meruber of Oshawa and District geai Balate Board We 14sf Exclusive and ML.S. su8 meNOST W. - olàAWA 18-1 Recl Estate f - qe MONEY M. Furst and Second Mértgage% Loan Funde Available Consult A. L. HOOEY Real Estate and Insurane 36 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville 623-7264 1.t 1 2- W. Frank Real Esiale ~ LIMIITED 21 King St. W., Bowmanvilis Member Oshawa and District ' Real Estate Board Wanted to Buy GIRL' triccle nd - biclyce Phone 623-2757. 13-1le LIVE poultry, aid feathr ticks. M. Flatt , RBR1i, Eeth- any. Phone 7 r 13 coliect.- 28-ti OLD guns, smords, wtapffl. miedals, badges, war oouvinirs. Write Pont Office Il«. 2049 Oshawa. 1- Piano Tuining anteed. Arthiur CellisIL mmom BRICK homo, large lot, excel- lent condition. Appiy 39 Honsey St. 13- 1 WAN TE D We have 'clients interested lu purchasing small acreages, workable farms and hobby farsus, witin a 30 mile radius of Oshawa. If you are lnterested lu selling your property, 1sf with a former farmer, A. E. Thomp- son, a representative for Schof ield - Aker Ltd., 360 Ring St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Day,: 723-2265; Evgs.: 728-2870 ___________6-tf P. E. GRAVELLE REAL ESTATE 28 Division St. BOWMANVILLE 623-7472 Apple Orchard 19 Acres located between Bnwmanville and Oshawa, wîth nearly 800 foot frontage on Base Lino Rd., 401 Hwy., at sauth end of property. 15 acres planted ta apples, Mac. and Spies. Includes a ramb- ling home with aven 1,900 sq., ft. of living area, double gar- age, barn and miscellanenus buildings. Will divide the poperty. Priced $60,000 - Terms. Hotel With dining lounige licence, located in a stable community. Solid brick construction, 28 renting roams, restaurant and coffee shop. Furnished and equipped throughout. We would be pleased to supply P. and L. statements ta nespons- ible purchaser. About $20,000 dlown will haudle. When Buying or Sebing remember we have 8 years of reliable expenience iu al phases af Real Estate. Elizabeth Blakor- 987-4827 ______13-1 John F. De With REALTOR Bowmanville - 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 TWO-bednoam house, full base- ment, ail canveniencos, on No. 2 Highway, est of Newcastle. Cali 987-4467. 13-tf FIVE-year house on 3rd Street, 3 bedroonis, firoplace, bedrooni and don in basement, garage and patio, lot 110' x il, $17,500. For appointment cal ý623-3085. ___ 13-2* WEEKEND OPEN HOUSE April 2nd and 3rd FURNISRED MODEL HOME 3-Bedroom electrically heated brick home built by James O'MaIley Construction Ca. Ltd. Iu Sunset Terrace Sub-Division LIBERTY ST. NORTH Priced from $16,582 witi $2.450 down or $2,950 down including $500 Wintcr Workis Bonus W. FRANK IREAL ESTATE LTD. 121 King St. W. Bowmanvillc Phono 623-3393 Peter Kowal, Jr. .REALTOR and GENERAL INSURANCE Brand uew 3 bedroom bun- galow with massive fireplaco and twn stono plantons. Beauti- fuI mahngany kitchen with built-in Tappan stave. Spaciaus dining anea. This is roally a fine home. Mortgage at 6 1/ %. Please caîl office for pnice and terms. Elegant Split-Level an à 70 it. lot. 3 large bedrooms, tiled bath, spacious livingroani, lange kitchen and diningroam. Buiît-in garage, too. Pricod ta seil with trado considered. Electnie Heat! You've heard a lot about clectnic heating, s0 why not soc this lovely 3- bednonm brick bungalow with Ontario Hydro'. "Triple Seal" af approval. Located near school. Divided and pauefled basemeut. Real buy nt $17,500. Trade considered. Just Listed! This 2 bcd- ronni bungalow is only minutes from uptown. Has many fea- turos, such as euclosed panch, aluminuni siding aud wind- ows. Real value at $ 11,800. Ternis arnangcd. Winter Wonks Bonus of $500.00 available au the four new homos being built behind Dominion Store. Now nearing completion. Caîl for pnicos. N.H.A. tennis aud mortgages at 614%.* Properties Urgentiy Requircd Liat wltb the Friendly Office 1 -- -Jak-d-- Work Wanted WOULD ike ta do ironing iu my home. Caîl 623-7037. 13-1 PART-TIME job. Auto býo-d-y licence and welding expeni- once-. Caîl Orono 24210. 13-1 MOVING? Cloaning Up ? Will take away discandables and appliances free. Phono 623-7276. 12-tf A. .A-A.RS, Plumbing & Heating .35 Nelsan St. Bowmauvilie I-tf ERNIE PERFECT PLUMBING & HEATING Phone 623-3540 P.O. Box 1599 78 Ontario St., Bowmanville SEPTIC TANK PUMPING WHITEWASHING STABLES BERT TOMPKINS Phono Newtonville 786-2552 Cal Colleet 41-tf FRANK BRINK Trenching SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION Hampton 263-2270 24-tf UPHOLSTERING Save Dollars! Have your chest- enflold sud chairs ne-upholst- ered. Froc estimates, samplosi taken ta home. Budget Tersus Annanged WHYTE BROS. UPHOLSTERY 55 Ring E. Piano 623-5252 6-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBNG REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address: P.0. Box 543 - Bowmanville ACKERMAN EXCAVATING LOADING - TRENCHING Sand, Gravel, Top Sali sud F111 Delivened 24-Hour WATER SERVICE Reasouable Rates 623-5756 - BOWMANVULLE BARNES & BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING SALES & SERVICE 24-HOUR OÙ Burner Service SEPTIC TANKS AND TILE 13EDS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2288 TYROXIE 263-2650 L [ Fire - Auto Lif e Insurance Cail 623-3621 Tenders Wanted TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Sealed Tenders, eIeariy mark- cd as ta contents, wll be re- ceived by thec undersigned for the purchase of ane or any combination of three lots on Third Street lu the Tawn of Bowmanville. Each lot has a frontage of 78 feet with a depth of 115 feet. A plan of survey may be seen lu the office of the cClerk- Treasurer. Tenders wiIl be acceptedl until 4:00 p.m. April 14, 1966 Any tender not necessarily accepted. R. L. BYRON, Town Clerk. Separate Tenders for oach route involved quoted by per trip per day and per mile per trip wli be received by thc undersigned untîl Thursday, April 7 12 NOON, for the Providing of Transportation By Bus of Elementary Pupils ln the Twp. of Darlingtoni 9tatement&~,&içta mileage lu eaci route and course of each route may be obtained by applyingtat the undensigned, M. J. Hobbs Sec'y-Treas. Public School Board, T.S.A. of Dariington, ENNISKILLEN, ONT. Phone 263-2608 and 263-2401 _____________ 13-1 Wanted LAND suitable for planting Scotch Pins Christmas trocs, also land already planted Scotch Pine Christmas trees, and Scotch Pine trocs for sale. Apply G. R. Kirk Ca., Burke- tan, Phono 416-263-2209. 6-tf CATTLE wanted for pasture. 75 acres af permanent pasture well fertilized, sait and waten provided. AIl cattle must be dehorned and identifiod. Ma- ture animaIs, $8.00 per month. 'Phone 623-7232, R. Bon Brown. 13-2 Cash on the Spot for Dead or Crippled Fansu Stock. Pickci up promptly Telephone coileci 283-2721 Margwill Fur Farm. TYRONE Licence No. 4-C-66i DAIRY FARM, 100 Acres as a gaing concenu with 19 milk cnws, machiueny. Gond Hol- stein milk coutract. Excellent buildings. Asking $45,000. Ternis. DAIRY FARM, as a going condomn with 55 head af cattie. Excellent buildings. Gno aci Holstein milk contract. Full lineofa almost new machiuory. Asking $65,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 150 Arres with 500 lbs. dally milk cou- tract. Excellent buildings. Gond wator supply. Paved noad. Asking $32,000. Ternis. STOCK FA'RM, 92, Acres with goad buildings. Excel- lent soil. Pond. Asking $17,000. Tennis. STOCK FARM, 78 Acres with 7 noanied home. Barns. Paved road. Asking $12,000. Ternis. CHRISTMAS TREE FARM, 100 Acres with 60,000 treos, age frmn 8 years down. Ask- ing $15,000 with only $4.000 dowu. 92 ACRE FARM, paved rond. New home, streams, barn. Has ta be sold to close estate. Ask- ing $18,000. Ternis. ORONO AREA. 20 Acre fanm with 7 noonied home, barn. Asking $16,000. Ternis. BLACKSTOCK AREA, 100 Acre farm with 8 roamed home, L-shaped barn. Large hon house. Conimuting dist- ance froni Oshawa. Asking $30,000. Tennis. BOWMANVILLE, 7 roomied bungalow with modern con- venioncos. Gas stave, deep freeze and frig. included. Ask- ing $12,500 with only $1,500 dowu. EAST 0F NEWCASTLE, 35 Acres with spring-fed pond. Pantly wooded. Only $1.00 down. PORT PERRY, 6 Roomed home with nîl modern con- vonieuces. Extra lot. Asking $13,500 with $3.500 down. PORT PERRY, 8 Roomed home, aIl completely ne-decor- ated sud paintcd. AIl modern convenieuces. Asking $14,000. Ternis. OSHAWA, 5 roamed, brick bungalow. G o od location. Bnaadioom in living and din- ingroom. Ouly $2,700 down. BEAUTIFUL C0U N TR Y HOME, brick and stone, with beautiful stone fireplace. New double garage, 2.88 acre lot. Owuer leaving country. COURTICE AREA, 8 rooni- ed brick home on 10 acre lot. AIl modern convenieuces. Ask- ing $15,900. Ternis. BEWDLEY. 4 Roomned home with excellent view aven Rice Lake. Asking $4,500. ý BEWDLEY, 6 Roomed home with 3-pc. bath sud gaz heal-1 cd. Asking $7,500. Ternis.9 NEWCASTLE, 5 roorned new, brick bungalow. AIl modern conveniences. Aluni- muni stonm nis s creens. Nice treed lot. Priced ta uebl. W. List Photo M.L.S. 1 and Exclusive SEvenings: A. Code . . 623-26451 Fareed Salei 150.Acre dairy or bcdf fanm, 1 excellent trout streani, 7-room 4 frame house, 90' x 30' barn, i milk cooler, excellent baud, good road, Blackstock anea. Asking $35,000 - Termes. One Mile Bowmanvilie 125 Acre stock fanm, with excellent 2-stoney brick house, aIl couveniences, plus 10-year- aid 2 bedrooni bungalow. Barns 40' x 125' and 30' x 50, streani; corner property, aven one mile road frontage. Must be sold at once due ta awner's health. This is an excellent invostmeut at $75,000 with $25,000 down. Poutypool 125 Acre fanm with lange traut stream, seven roani home. $17.000 with $5,000 down. 250 Acre Stock Farm near Millbrook. Very scenie propenty. 9-room homo with two bathrooms, ail furnace, barns 30' x 80' and 30' x 50', stream with good pond site.' Only $22.500 - Termes. Lake Ontario Frontage near Newcastle, 83 acres choice dlay. laam, 6-room home with ail city conveniences, barn 36' x 60', with wing 36' x 20', Toronto milk contract, CPR and CNR through property, 3 road frontages. This le an excellent invostment for future development at only $31,500.00 -Tenms. Christmas Tre Fanm 61,000 Scotch Pines wcIl pruned with approxixmately 10,000 ready ta go, located > near MilIbrook. Only $16,500 -$6,000 down. Bailleboro - 200 Acre, 180 Acres wonkablc, 20 acres bush, springs, drilled well, barn 122' x 36', 2 tractor sheds, ' 2 drive sheds, 10-naom solid brick, lwa-stoney house, lwo fireplaces. $43,500 - $20,000 down. Raglan Modern 6-roam bungalow lot 100' x 160' near highw~ $17,500 - Terme. Bowmuanvllle Elgin St.- 2 bodrooni bunt galow on huge well landscaped lot. Wauid make ideal retire- mont home. 310,000 full pnice. Bowmanville Scugag St. - 3 bedrooni brick bungalow, hot waten heatlng, natural fireplace, cedar-lined clasets, extra lot. Ideal family or retirement home. $19,50nfl Ternis. One Mile Bowmauviile On new highway, very mod- eru 1,500 sq. fI. bungalow, recreation rooni, large stone firoplace. 8 acres apple onch- ard, popular vanieties. Barnni 30' x 60 'and 30' x 30', sprayer and al anchard equlpmont iu- cluded. Frontage on twa raads. $38,000 - Ternis. Summerfleld Court Electrically heated 4-bcd- rooni brick veneer -bungalow an lot 38' x 12Y. Niceiy dcc- onated, pnivato drive. 317,500 - good financing. Lake Ontario Cottages $14,500 for three cottages main cottage 61' x 211', 3 bed- roonis, 3 Pc. bath, space heat. Second cottage 20' x 18', anc bedroom, kitchen, livingroorn. Third cottage 18' x 30', 2 bcd- roanis, kitchen, bath. - Ternis. OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND April 2nd and 3rd Furuished Model $500 Wintor Warks Bonus still available. 3 bedroom electnicaily heated brick bun- galows being built' by James O'Malley Construction lu Sun- set Terrace, Subdivision, Lib- erty St. North. Pnices fromn $16,582 witb $2.450 down $2,950 (including bonus). See yau soon! Cali 623-3393 Af ter 9 p.m. : Clans MeCulougi - 123-1843 Ken Hfeekîn @ . Paf Te*- - 623-3r7¾ -1 -Il -il - 1-ý - 1 1 1 12-2 1 -1, .IZ , h: q 1 -- -, -, [ JOL.2