s, 1. I nu %a muA nUAlal awll n-Ai5& euV ~*** ***~CLASSIFIED. ADS ****!Magistrote's Court j 4tand Hesuiis cine Aucto Sls'ad f hn CRda of ThanSflSiM m rimSeed foiS ale Mardi eih, 1968 had losis Italian paM P P, sCoi.teJhat Ben TÉe Durham Farmers' An- I wish to extend my sin- We wish to thank Miss B. LJTNIiIvn eoyIyRaTrnta3-er ecudfo idWI ca r became verybhle. gla Spig tee aecere thanks and appreciatian Armou, mTrea <>er o H c,- o my der moter, E ma B A R L E Y passen har C nad hr in tIbe lie OÇ no bai on t SasArn tives for the many beautiful for 1965 forwarded to us. April 1, 1952, and in loving 'GROW - hARLEY ed ilhedH nI ? I wasreadd eacharge& ~ Pte ~ M ounySapnl tes ur. t i yfinsad d-tnUie hre o eep lzbeh h asdaa FRMR OS RA re el l aond>r.Her was ier nada h. woul d e in fle to comme #ce promptiy at floral tributes, messages of MTS. Mrm. N. Sherba. 13-1w memory of my dear dad, Ontario% BBst Grain CrOP camrera end projector, an' Au- custody for 30 dcys. An n lin amrO u chargdDce.e UTPELTN E J. A Ol ypty ntepsxgo Frederick James Luxton, whc oHRT iY K rom saseen and filin splicer, migration officer called ta xohwwi having ipoe tUn Sales3. 1y dear mother. A special 1 would like ta express my passedi away A'prl 9, 1959. CERESMORE valued at over $50, froin Su- court wiil invetigt i ~l~t namtrvhe thanks ta the Northcutt and sincere thanks to ail my rela- We will always remnember the. san Bois. He was remanded set m sta. was fined five do6 madOha a&Dsrc Smith Funeral Home for their tives and friends for their way they looked,FA Monwek tlatyuwilhvacntrlv.ds.Teo- 1q rLY efficient service, Mr. and Mrs. lovely cards gifts, flowers and The way they spoke and BOWMANVILLE F'rancesco Ruvio. a Sicilian warmn place to sleep and &cie- cer was Constable .Di a Ett or Carson Eliatt for their kind- visits while in hospital. A smile6ds hage w S ES esand understanding dur- sincere thank you. The littie things they said 823-7156 fl.w anvllle ae E a hre Ihqae odfi ie eid odOpp. xS 'ng the nrany days spent in, Elva Jeffery. 13-l* and did, 987-4711_Newestje_ vaigrancy wien hie was found said MMgistrate R. B. Baxter. RonaMd MinahaliRR.1 ai ur Cunr Saleg Ar th~eir home; Rev. Wm. Piercy, Are with us al thc while. C -N, --td n earlsr last Frday by Constable Jack Leaman Chamnbers, Nestieton, pleaded gilya th U oe ONUie yrd10 n .J aoey PGeP .R ,peddsi ty arlea for his cansoling message and We would like te express!Far clown the lane of mcmory 7Sec15 HbidO L..MaoeOPSlP-RR3,aedgilty tlew diving ferfylt.FN QALT =Orme- Every Thurs., 77:3PU9 Pmgai.tai onypol1ur rattu thnk anhdep ceorgtetat>eyrf' Snen 15peinesuplyin xi th crne o anope pire divig. rimg lefli fieMes 5faine1060 MONMETS5N0 Selu rses, Cmii., anisted otpo u rteu hnsadde, h ih htnvrlasta. Registeréd Canada No. veranda in Newcastle. He bis lxxoe s aSUflLer asusr-eenda Calvs, hep, tc. .1. A. Reli te Church appreciatian ta our relatives, dims, 1 oats and barley, Vernal was covered with his wind- pension and illceIal ossession aaleT A.Ydy £Sds. ales managers icor . awis.13-1 tr nds act neighbours for Untle sas age Aliaita, Saratoga Brome, and breaker and overcoat. He had of! iquor. He was represent- OPP, said hee Ladbenaie 1 .i< 0*m.. thei man act o!indnss sineal ather grass seeds available. nomoey no friends and no «j l>,TJohn fl an.to investigate an accdn nug~ and expressions ai sympathy We will always remember Cail Swain Sced Cleaners and prospect o! work, saaid the When he lailed ta appearatonhprd n ar~U TAF D shown us during the illncss them. . Dealers, Blockstock 986-4331. officer. Ris only possessions ta answer his charges March awshi ran d on tit eSLT. ad death o! Cyril Qulnney. -Ever rcmembcred by their 4-11* wcrrh ltesi hd i lt ed aratwsMniah vhl and aid The uinny Faily.13- daulite Ethl.e1-1 ncrme Your Yîeld with stand. The terriperature was issued for bis arrest. The swiped a park'ed vehil pr Iwish ta, g ra tcf ully, McROBERTS-In laving me- HIGH QUALITY SEED 20 degrees. court was told that he was in ated b~y Lydia Stinio ~ I acknowledge the many kind maory o! a dear father, James ConstJable D. Anderson told Vaincouver on tiiet date. Burketon. attentions rcceivcd during my McRoberts, Kendal, who pass- 0QA T S the courtthat he was calied Constaible R. Parker testi- Jauek Arnold BocdNe recent stay in Oshawa General cd away March 23, 1955, and GARRY - RODNEY last Wedixesday ta thc pro- lied that Oshawa police hadi castle, was chargedwtiai Hos p i t al, ra relatives, aur dear mather, Margaret pcrty of Locke and Locke On alerted Bownainville Dcccii- lowing a lad unde 6t tfodBohr acquaintances and organiza- McRaberts, who passed away RUSSEL and STORMONT Highway 401 just east Of ber 3rd te watch for a car drive Lis tractor ulgaLITE tians. A'pril 4, 1956. tawn. Tlhere hie found Ruvic which had been involved 'n w~no erd eur Winnfrc Yangmn. Alwys ememere bythe B AR LE Y bedided dlown under a pine an accident in Oshawa and 22nd, He pleaded ulran 1'UN Y BUIYt!S 1- aiy 31 HRAadYR trce. He took himi to the cells îeft the scene. Wîhen the î ined $10 ad oMouents 13- fail. 1-1 ERA ad YRK in Bawsnanville wtxcre Ile Bownanville officers saw thc five days. Reseve eseRigt t Lhet uanitis Iwis tacxprss y sncee QINTN-I îainCm0mrR O N N penttuet ige t nd as e- ahnde n EginStret ts Terewer aonanbElogi1n uSdtrS.eE, Witb thanks toalal my kind fricnds, a! Della Quinton who passcd FNSGHYRD eased in the rnorning.Rui front license plate was mis- tra.ffic tickets andaprtc-hoeWtb FNSGHBIS In broken Eng]L,4 ishsing. lryhayjvnl n ai Oak835 neighbors and relatives for away in Red Deer, Alberta, HihGriain... exlie htLsprna hntecusra< roah ly hco urt.i SUPR ALU kndnssshon y usbndMarh 9, 96.nessGemistina..n emyane husbandarntsWMartecruse29,roah1962.ort and me during my recent iii- Four lonely years have passed Treaici for Disease1 were dead and he had enter- cd the car tank off at high BREAKFASTc ness. Special thanks ta Dr. away gra arwfl, C R S O E d« Canada in 1«63. working sped and was stoppeI on Afassi, Rev. Daugherty and Since our getsr el EEM R tar a year in Toronto as a Seog Street, North. Chaim-Buies O t n y staf of tratavenNursng ýThe hockthatwe rceivd baeT'shelper. He had ha bers was the driver, continued u i 7 9 lb Ho tr.avn usig Th ~~at wcreeie FARMS onec>thcr job since that and the oificer, his lioerxse was MR OI C MP IY B C NMrs. Rena Pcthick. 13-1 We stili remember weil. OMNIL under suspension and h wasi JO ______i Our hearts stili ache with BOMNIirn1lt <RlE îpaircd, as werc the two LOW LOW PRICE!!! wuîiiktatnkm sadness, 623-7150 Bowmanville lYjjjLE GRuOVwti l.Inte aEqfe I______________________ D I ST re B UTnthe ca relatives and fricnds, U.ç.W. Our secret tears stili flow, 987-4711 Newcastle The induction of Mr. J. Cry- werc a number o! part Lot- CANADA GRADE A for cards, fruit and gifts, Dr. For what it meant ta lose yau d_____sa__________lac_____o_______nd__er D I Austin, nurses of Surgical Na one wili ever know. Ai~+ at the Maple Grave Church For drving whlle hi&s h- Floor, during my stay li bas- We eaesd n oeyý~service on Sunday morning. oense was under suspension -Bonailerc pital and t alal who have been Adevytigaswrg Twenty-eight Durham cattle, Rev. Du. An vrtig oswogrscott with a vcry the sentence was seven days - earn $10,00, pu so kind ta me since I returned We seernit eryuwipe rca n ahiey ,0 mrssive service admitted li jail. He laed already scrv- -eitnguses home. ~~Cheer up and carry on". ae !hy ri n lvrhîm ta the Session ai the ed this ea was free ta go. - experiencentnesar Mrs. Hilda Crossman. -Ever remembered and sadly seed, the property of Charles Church. He was welcomned on There was en automatic iur 13-1 missed by husband Chris and F. Prause, wiil be sald at his behali ai the congregation by ther suspension of licensefo - full rangeofrdutfrhoeinury ____sons Lloyd and Jini. 13-l* farm, Lot 30, Can. 5,' Hope the clerk o! the session, H. G. six months.1 farmn 1 wish to thank*my iamiiy, RMOG-nlvn e Twp., 2½/ miles north of High- Freeman, and by each o! the Magistrate R. B. Baxter - reply statingnmae cuain drs neihbur an ficdsfor RMOG-nivn e way 2 on Osaco Rd. and i/ members a! the session pres-îiehl$5an$3cst, pneum r !býniweors isand crds wihmary o! my dear sister, Anne mile west, by public auction ent. Communion will Le ob- or 10d ys, for0ianpad r - ail epies edinsncts oniec 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~obuh h asdaa on Saturday, April 16 at 1 p.m. scrved next Stinday mor eivdurnmysain bogw psdaa ning. in nd $25 and costïs, or an lreis LO -LWLO PRC!!hospital. Speciai than -s t adly iss8, byBe9l5an Terins cash. For particulars Miss Sharon Nichailson,' additionial five days, for ie-- reply te. LOOK_____-_____________________________ Drs. Miklos aud McKenzie, Bob. 13-1b Belaan sec bis. L. Clysdale, auctian- Windsor, spent a few days las tgapossinf qu. nussadsafo h ug-Bb 31eer. 13-3* wcek with Miss Carole Green- gaJoss einlf hiquor.ADERISR 03 cal Floor and alsa toalal those ham. JnBnteProspectC/e CNA AN TTSA, wh epe yfaiySe IA Mrs. Allun Snnwderi visitcd Street. and Douglas Mc- P.O. BOX 190 O MN LE lier son and wi!e, Mr. and Kniigiht, Veterans Avenue, the R at o e hm.Russell Savcry. 13-1. E O ILS ~" ' Mrs. Harry Snowdeni and paissengers, were each finpd MEMORac U daughters, Bawmanvile, on $25 and costs, or fv as Dignhfied and Distinctiv Sunday. for illegal possession o! îi-' Sale th~s ~s~ ta ~ MuIIes~;»igfrat l :ers R!Don Gooxmrphysa wa, Edward John OConinor, 32~ P Lean - Tender have supported us in these 152 Scoe St. S.. Ohaa the rs laesndauhe nd bsiued $0andStoet, . sh, rseven past sven and a bal! ycars teM r's la S rnodenvs ied $0gi ndee ts, or awa, wa ............Well Timmed that we Lave had the taxi 723-1002 - 728-6627f E band, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. days for 'irpaired driving business. We are no langer i Office Eveninga A E Davidson and boys, Weston. March 24th. There was an Time -toe u te taxi service Lut will be 1-tf1 Saiesmen: Mrs. J. L. Fleming, Amlier- autonatic suspension oflil- Pot Roast lb. 59C pleased ta continue serving, - - _etsad,_stigwihlercne o tremots yau at aur Varicty Store. Eet BU!) FOGG - JERRY KEANesIsadvsiig ihbrceefo remnts Roa t lb 63Charles and Fred Glanvilie. Cominq _______ HAP PHL daughter aud husband, Mr. Constable J. C h aime rs, Bla e R cis lb63c13-11 DuÎteh Hîstory Film, flOW, Visît aur lot today . .. and On Sunday, Mr. Robert Flem- on routine patrol on Hig¶iway I wish ta express 8y sînceKnoChristthe Schoos, Scugogioncars ing, Mr. Robert Burrkett, Tor- 35, sautbbound, approaching HN Ianksht ereds sud n e r igti anh oS u o t ew a d A 1 u e asi onto, Mr. Douglas McCOY, the 4th Concession, wben hie Sh rt__________ thnk o rins ndnig-1-1 town! Oshawa, were with the form- noticed the car, dniven by the Shor Rib Roas lb.65 ours, ta Bowmanville Lions Hr-ieD cTrn_______r'sstrMnud Mrs. E. accued. The driver alm TEDRJIYand Part Perry Curlers, to Hall, Saturday, April 2. Clara1 Ward. paired lin the opinion o! the TEDR!cCYfllaw teachers and students Ncsbitt Band. Everyone wel-1 Women's Institute will be officer aud Corporal Nimigon. C for c ards, letters, visits, flow- came. l~*A PR IL hcld on Monday evening at He was granted two weeks te R I S EA 7 l saf f heMeiclFlor D. ucreprt, ewoniléEducatianal Hall, Branch Dir- Ronald Lea Breer, 38TH R IETE K 7er:nd Dr. Cummings for Hall, April lst; admission 50c; 5 H O W E R ecorsin charge ai the prog- Nipigon StreetOh a wa, the excellent care and kind- ladies brîng lunch. Evcryone r ainml reports to e L i.- pleaded guulty teo onsuming ail' kand aescial shanktafor e r inWrhrda 0 AL E a mein.________of_____ Eni O FRESH FRESH GREEN nsadaseiltak o ecm.- Please note the chang !nght -alcowIh under nae Mureh CELLO PACK fa~~~~mily during my recent cleven night at 8 a'clock, spausored M.adMs .P wlo %Gcweks in Memoriai Hospital, by the Sunnyside Park, Red Mr!v idMsC .Sa 4 P N N wmnil.Barn. North Oshawa. 39-tf vi Ms.itthei cinsr, Mr. andA'__________ 13-1 a s tend oo xc - PP' NEW CAR Mdl010@I I ______at Bowmanvilce High School, Sunday' r th acFriday, April lst. Music, acts, U e a s Wi.y eeSna evening DAILYurT n MLSf 2 43 C 9e Ms.the family of telaedispîsys, for parents and cbild-vWitby, wet r.Sundy . TO$TQEvu Se r.Susan Hutchinson, 132 ren alike. vi1as3ihMr-1d r.C WEEKLY T H ALN 2 3 l 1 ,Elgin Street, would like ta 3 STATION WAGONS P. Swailow. convcy aur sincere thanks aud Annual Spring B u fife t, MONTHELY SWEET - JUICY ~~appreciation tan e 1la t i v c s, auspices St. Andnew's W.A., 1964 PONTIAC WAGON EAOBLRTS - ~~fricnds and neighbours, for the Trhursday, April 28, 5:30 anZi. X10112 ces RASNBERAE wa q im n o JAFFA C c~~fl ards, visita and floral tributes 7 p.m. Admission, aduits $2.00, 1964 COMET WAGON INe fi rs M coad F d w a durnxg aur necent Lereave- children $.50.131LeX89Th wofir Ote meut. Special thanks ta Dr. r-aa dcto se. Bownanville Rota.ry Club for S 5d Howard Rundie and the nurs- Th preNtig Euianss Pes 1962 FALCON WAGON thie conmiug ycar, whio Nill Saes 134 KING ST.EIO MNIL O RA N GEitaffalo heMeorri ual Natal Classes 11î start at Lic. X28126 tsi<e cilice in July, will be: BOWMANVILLE Large Sie SAVE!! SAVE!! Chapel.2 p.m., Tuesday, April .19, 1960 VAUXHALL WAGON President Bob Stevens, Vice- PHONE 623-2534 Ruby and Raymond 1966. For iurthcr information Lic. X10598PrsdetA Wijrpof, ________________________________________ Hutchixison, Phone Northumberand-Dur- Past Presideut Don Morrisa Heln ndGle Hyns, hain Health Unit, 623-5661. 1960 DODGE WAGON Secretary A. 0. DaIryrriple, M R LEA F L E Y heGandchldrn Hay 13 -1,~odîw amut 13-1 16 Lic. X10564 Treasurer Dr. Allan B. Sy- MR CLE N FLE CY 1 he GrnCentreen.vester, Directors, Dr. Keith; FabicSoteer -- oovie Cmmni Cetr 160PONTIAC WGN Bîllett, Tom Cowan, A. H Fabnic Softeer i wisii aprssmu ilicre p-Manster B i xn g a. Twenty LicT. YX10597 SrkBi hcb ncr md [l I egrain, t. te p opet i 623-321 itc" let us k-now ijfl rc iui won tne "iuc DUCKSflM ~ETC.Mr. iLewis Clarke, Lot 25, you will b. in attendance soLE or prize. TO THE PUBLIC. TIAKYU Concessioni 1, Clarke Town- praper arrangements can b. AFeeal, a eund AISO LARGE ASSORTMENT ship, anc mile sauth aud a hall made for catcing. 12-21 homldaetfromtercessioCithy, mile east o! Newcastle, sclling h21d9y etintgceston ity 0F without reserve on Saturday, GET CASB TODAT 29Kn t . Florie. ï e tri April 2, 1966, it 1:00 p.m. All FOR OL!) APPLIANCES Bowmanville At thre Sunday morning ser- ItE ~ IE machinery lu excellent con- throutb vice i St. PaUl'S AnglATR C N IS6323 hrh oyCmwic an dition. Fer further particulars STATESIN Phone 623-534 Chudi h theReCoNunnor-a cee bills. 'Jack Reid, auction- CLASSIF'R!S osrewt ir e.Nn-___________ CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES eer; Lawrence Harris, clerk. Telephone 623-3303 manWyGreen, Colld e TrotoA NVE SRrSEL EIXCLUSIVE1 Auction sale o! furuiture at the student nùiet«er \C ABEW R /OPethicks Auctian Shed, Ennis- * S. Allerton.- krthurh 0 t tI/PN Eý10 j killen, on Saturday, April 2nd. .r n r:iitniinA ,spe<ial service was bcdMhh30t pi '4, Many gaod, useful articles luNi.U . .. St nimnCuc Of Rti d rmpivatehoe on Sunday eve n£wen trel WLBEDSOTNEinToronto and Bowmanviile: Young People. s uffop pie- 2ooF WIL BE DSCNTIUE grenchesterficld, upright, HwMany Ra?" The UA~~ BY APRIL 11, 19U. :wnig desk, modern corner1 MARCH TO mai rale- were payed by DOLLS IN CRAMLES L IIE OD cupboard, odd chairs, amali ici Letn a, ohrADPAPN ADDITIONAL PIECES CAN BE itchen dropleaf table, two WoAlltisaneritaphr BOUGRT UP TO TRIS DATE Phone tables aud chairs, thnee thur . lSt Mim Diana BTTRYQPRATED SAE OKYE~MN ______________________sur igle Q UcENS PARK Greed, Mnaxra ireen ArAND YPE Led with mattreus, tea wagon,GreMsBrlaGre- 4arnali tables, Maytag wash- TU1DAaPRId5?"Mgu Patr~ icia rs ixi-NE (ffri Id xng machine, highboy, 3 dress- TEDY PI T elmdtecou n DYKS Rt' 3 111 amdinng EVERYONE WELCOME * CHARTEBED BUSES Scla ddMins WatCM I N I OROHR NII$RYSBII tab"le, buffet anud chairs, cedarGre,às aefl SW , SHOF AN!> SAVE PROhigm-fi, 2estepoadrs, M ànMasters a cNU T 'S Sr5,CcI Ty 11 Kiu Sit W. FRZEEDelivewy S.wuuaVill. holsteredtooais, 2 plddud ends, opxm twaprvd b cUTS gade o ad as , d F re. fCho P .u r W!eif l Alertoei on bis gui- F OP D M A R KPHO E T3 M f ih otad1 1 t lFArfr ma. Kti n Dwgttar.ei.G muScl.a-Z.- 1ROPES 0F QUALJTT" other articles. Sale Mit.1:rank 'ry ofWotd i23-2001STE. No nesenve. Ternis cash. Clii! .w Mary 2320s ciurct was guest or-' Putick, auctiomeer. 13-i ________gauhi for l*0 aevioe.