'lectflIdim lSutemfafl, Bowinanvme, Mer. 30, DU6 ~dustriaI Commission lpproves $ 5,000 Budget anof the Indlustriali %ààuo.n t, the meeting ofà rmville Tow'n Council oni bnday evening, read the fol-1 wlgreport of the Industrialà 'msson, and moved its petan. This wu seconded c Cncllor Ken Nicks, and 'Tecommission held al -,'The in the Town Hall on' rry18, wlth Chairmnan J. ue, Mayor Ivan Hobbs,1 .cillor Glenholme Hughes, SJames Bell present. The1 option of the minutes of aj reetlng held January 31 was1 R ed by Mayor Hobbs and v:ded by Councillor Hughes.1 "Te Chairmian, Councillot ýurke, revlewed industriali kbmotion as carried on in1 Itby and Oshawa. He wenti ~further to recommend the ring of an Industrial Com- Etsioner .for' Bowmanville. Po suggested this might be Lene x co-geration with the1 ~aber of Cominîerce where-1 ~such a persan would serve Sneeds obth groups. If1 ~swas flot agreeable, theng perhaps a suitably qualified of '$1,000. Another consid- persan might. be retalned on eration was the hiring ai a a part-Urne basis. The Chair- part time comissîaner at a mani advlsed the commission salary of $2,500. The chair- that he knew ai such a per- mani felt that an amount sim- son. ilar ta the Dog Control alla- "Mayor Hdbbs presented cation was a fair apportion- dustrial promotion li the Town '«On a, motion by Councillor of Bowmanville. The tota Hughes, scconded by Mayor estlm.ated cost for the period Hobbs, the committee approv- 1963 ta 1967 inclusive is cd a budget oi $5,000 for 1966. $225,500. Mayor Hobbs em- Mr. Bell moved the adjourn- phasized that in the past three ment at approximately 10 pa. years more has been donc toward industrial promotion in the Town o! Bowmanville WNESLEY VILLE than in the last 50 years. "The committee discussed Week of March 2lst their budget for 1966. The Some real spring-like weath- chairman suggested an allot- er providing an opportunity ment a! $12,500. He feit that for people ta get outside and the salary for a full time In- begin sanie clean up jobs such dustrial Commissioner, who as cutting brush alonig the would also act as Secretary- field fences. Besides, the days Treasurer ta the Chamber of are most pleasant for regular Commerce, would amount ta activities. $7,500, and it was hoped that A small quilt was completed the Chamber would contribute at Mrs. Ken Ashby's this past to bis salary. Mfter further week with David Jr. present discussion and as an alterna- with bis mother, Mrs. David tive ta reach agreement, the Ashby, bis grandmother, and chairman suggested a budget one of bis three great grand- Tw irling Teacher mocthers, ?&o. C. Dicklnson, present to see the job well done. Mesdames C. Dickinson, E, Barrowclough and Mr. Harald Reeve attended the histaTical society meeting in Port Hope on Wednesday- evening. Mesdamùes H. Reeve and E. Barrowclough a c e o rnp anied Miss S. Bennett of Port Hope on her regular trip ta Golden Plough Lodge, Cobourg, on Friday aiternon. Mrs. Reeve entertained the residents withý piano selections and bath as- sisted Migs Bennett with the confectionery wêgon. Sunday school was conduct- ed by Superintendent, George Tufford. Penny Webster was welcomed back 'after an acci- dent of soie weeks ago, but Robert and Larry Dinner were strnl recuperating from flu. Lovely pussy wMlows brought the look of spring to the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrow- clough visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. A. A. Martin and Mr. Martin, Port Credit, on Sunday. 1Mrs. R.- Best, George and iBernicce visited with Mr. and LMrs. G. Hicks, Foxboro, on sSunday. rMr. and Mrs. Wm. Glover, and Mrs. Cassie Glover of 1Oshawa had dinner with Mrs. Phoebe Holdaway and Mr. tBowen an Saturday night. 1Miss Nola Holdaway of JToron.to spent the- weekend -with her mother and uncle. who, on February 13th, in Hamilton, received lier U.S.T.A. (United States Twirling Association) teach- er's certif icate, obtaining 90 per cent on the wnitten examinations. To ultimately reach this goal, Miss Grcenham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Green- ham, R.R. 3, commenced contest twirling in 1960 under the guidance of Miss I. Harvey. She. won her first award in Hamilton, Ont., graduating from novice ta intermediate at the Kitchener-Waterloo competition. A victory at the Canadian National Exhibition con- test moved her into advanced. Miss Greenham has since received additional awards from many national and international contests, and her advanced studies were completed with notable Canadian and American teachers. .She Is presently an assistant with the Bow- manville Recreation Department. 1 ZIMON The Anine Reed U Shirley, Stainton's Mardi 22 at 8:30 16 members and preeent. Our leader, Donl ger opened the mei a poem entitled Guest."1 Marie Stewart a Howes were in cha worship service' W vice opened by call and then prayer.1 was sung. Marie Ho chapter entitled «Gc from aur study book was sung and offer Warship closed wit] tion. Marie Stewart rei icle by Dr. McLeen U.S.S.R. He along other people of th~ profession, toured t. for two wccks visi hospitals, theatres, A game was playe and many places o names of old-times hearing a few bars the piano. Minutes were rea proved. Shirley SobJ on Preshyterial nieý Decided ta have elephant booth at1 on June 8. Joint meeting tc April 19 with a spE the Dutch Reform Bowmanville. -It was decided w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Wè invite You To ViitOurMM THREE DIFFERENT MODELS NOW COMPLETELY CONSTRUCED DIRECTLY. OPPOSITE OUR COURTICE SHOWROOM WE CAN HELP YOU ARRANGE COTTAGE HOME- FINANCUNG BE SURE TO SEE THESE NEW and EXCITING COTTAGES *THE "HAWk"y 32T x 28' WITH ATTACHED SUN PORCH PADS 18 pcs. 24" x 3011 Concrete BLOCKS - 18 pcs. 8"ý x 16" Concrete SILLS- 3 pcs. 2 x 8 Laminated spruce beams JOIST - 2 x 6 spruce on 16" centres FLOOR - 5/8" x 4 x 8 Select STUDDING - 2 x 4 spruce with single bottom and double top plate on 16" centres. ROOF - C.M.H.C. approved 5/12 pitch trusses on 24" centres with 1"P pine decking and 210 lb. asphaît shingles with 12" overhang, finished saluit and 6" facia. EXTERIOR WALLS - 3/16 Kenmore Board sheathing, covered with 8" White Fine Bevel siding, on lower - haîf and 3/8" Ranchwall siding on upper half. Metal drip cap at joint, 3/16 f lex. board skirting. DOORS - 2 Extenior No. 510. WINDOWS - Dominion Cottage sliders and cottage view picture window. PARTITION WALLS - Covered one side only with 3/16 prefinished unselected Lauan Mahogany Plywood. Total Frics for Matenial Delivered on Jobsite,> $1 870-00 Plus Provincial Sales Tax of $93.50 On. Load Delivery $19613.50, 'Total Price to supply and erect' (Proviudaland Federal, Sales Tax Included) $29-92-00 co~ario.728-1611 THE "RAVIN"F 24" x 30' . . . WITH ATTACHED 8' x 24' PATIO DECK PADS - 18 pcs. 24" x 30" x 2" Concrete. BLOCKS - 18 pcs. 8" x 16" Concrete. SILLS - 3 pcs. 2 x 8 Laminated spruce beams. JOIST - 2 x 8 spruce on 16" centres for main floor - 2 x 6 spr. on 16" centres for patio deck. FLOOR - 5/8" x 4 x 8 Select Shtg. T and G. STUDDING - 2 x 4 spruce with single bottom and double top plate on 16" centres. ROOF - C.M.H.C. approved, 5/12 pitch trusses on 24" centres ini bedroom and bath area. 2 x 8 rafters on 20" centres on living and kitchen area and over patio deck, with 1" pine decking. 210 lb. asphaît shingles with 12" overhang, finished soffit and 6" facia. EXTERIOR WALLS - 3/16" Kenmore Board shcathing covered with Cedar log cabin siding on main build- ing except front elevation- which will have Cedar v-match vertical siding. DOORS - 2 extenior No. 510. WINDOWS - Dominion Cottage Sliders and picture window ta cathedral ceiling in living room and dining area with sliders at bottom. PARTITION WALLS - Covered onc side only with 3/16 prefinished unselected Lauan mahogany plywood. Total Price for Material Delivered on Jobsite, One Load Delivery - ---- -2 2 0 Plus Provincial Sales Tax $114.60 $2406-60 Total Fnice ta supply and erect Provincial and Federal Sales Tax Included $3635-00 PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY WITHIN 100 MILES 0F OUR YARD. EXTRA MILEAGE CHARGED OVER 100 MILES. LIMITED THE "SKY>LARK" Ev 20" x 30" COTTAGE PADS- 15 pcs. 24" x 30" x 2" Concrete.E BLOCKS - 15 pcs. 8" x 16" Concrete. SILLS - 3 pes. 2 x 8 Laminated spruce beams full length. JOIST - 2 x 6 spruce on 16" Centres.E FLOOR - 5/8 x 4 x 8 Select Sheathing Firply T & G. STUDDING - 2 x 4 spruce with single bottom and double top plate on 16" centres. ROOF - C.M.H.C. approved 5/12 pitch trusses on 24" centres with 19$ pine decking, and 210 lb. asphaît shiigles, with 12"l overhang, finished soffit and 6" facia. EXTERIOR WALLS - 3/16"1 Kenmore Board sheathig, covere, with 8" White Fine Bevel siding on lower balf and 5/16" Aspenite on upper wals, metal drip cap Rt joint, 3/16 x 12 flexhoard E skirting. DOORS - 2 extenior No. 510. WINDOWS - Dominion Cottage sliders and Cottage View Picture PARTITION WALLS - Covered one side only wlth 3/16 Fnef inished Unselected Lauan Mahogany Plywood. Total Price -for Matenial Dellvered on Jobsite One Load Deivery $1 642.00'A Plus Provinçial Sales Tax of $81~10 4 172410 Total Price to supply and ereet' Provincial and Federal Sales Tax Included - $248 7.00 SHOPPING CENTRE 7284617 r i ÀL 767 Aý -- -à v ÀL AL ÀL ÀL ÀL À& ÀL ý& AL À& ýAL À& ÀL ýý ýý ýý ýý ýý ýý Carole Greenham mhit met atHOPtÎB.A p Ye on gsE quip ment Purch é Is Gejaber- Chairman Keath Jackson wark wast- by ti .eting with W0sded at the meeting of the board. "Heavenly morial of Directors o! Me- Mr. Thompson, hf~a 4 roilHospital held recently the Equipmnen~ t. e and Marie in the Board Room. ported on th hrge o! the Others present at the meet- recomniendatiotàs orship ser- ing were Mrs. S. G. McMurter, necessary puc to.worship Dr. A. F. McKenzie, Glen- Hughes,ý secondd Dr_ Hymn n 15 hoinie Hughes, James Bell, Siemon, moved that r wes read a Dr. Keith Siemon, A. M. approve the exp cod News" Thonipson, H. A. Barron, replacem~ent iteg H.-ymn86 Darlington Township; Tom $12,600 approxîmate th*, ring taken. Cowan, Rex Walters, Hospital purchase of an .-Ry ulx h bened.ic- Atlmi.nistrator Bernard Ho!- processor at $10,000 an» den, and R. J. Dilling, the dictatlng machines for OQQ. !ad an art- board's secretary-treasurer. This was carried. tabout the Mr. Walters moved that Dr. A. F. McKenzie tedý with 30 accounts aniounting to $17,- that the Medical C e x âe médical 739.93 be passed for payment. making plans ta obtaina resi;. he U.S.S.R. This was seconded by Mr. dent doctor for the ospital iting their ell and carried.drigtesm r. eas museums A letter from the Women's stated that a number books ed.guessing Hospital Auxiliary inviting have been received or the ýf nterest. the directors and their wives Médical Library. songs after and husbands ta attend the The Hospital Admin Wrtor. played on Hospital Birthday Party.. Tea Mr. Holden, i his rep ,rt for at the Lions Communiity February, said that Robet d and apý- Centre was received, and ap- Livingstone had ja1n d the il reported preciation o! the auxiliary's engineering and maint eance ting. staff.1 ea white member would give a cash There were 214 adfflts, 41 the bazaar dGnation rather than hold a pediatric, 28 newborn a#Id four card party. chronic pati&xts admltted to obe held April meeting ta be held at the hospital during thes month. eaker from the home of Mrs. Walter There were 55 major'opera- Church hI Haass. tions and 98 minor op*rations IMeeting adjourned and a, performed, and 108 tre#tments that each delicious lunch was servel. in the EmergencyDepa*rtxment. a