F~ riller Pantat ewcastlîe Newcastle's newest industry, -Ceresdale Fertilizers Ltd., held its officiai *Oépeing ori Saturday agternoon when the large building was crowded with in- ;Irested visitors. This photo. shows Garnet e. Rickard and his eldest son James, ..rght, who will be operating the plant in conjunction with the Cyanamid Com- ',Pany, talking ta a company cep rtntative, Jim Brown, former Asst. Agicul- * luýral Representative here, and Andrew Sutch of Pontypool. James Rickard, wearing the rigid neck harness, suffered a broken neck last stimmer but hopes éto Cast off the brace next wLeek before he graduates from University of Guelph. Guests Win Prizes. ýMany 1Visitors Present for Fe):rtilizer Plant Opening Ai, Newcastle on Saturday .New Tax Rate first Increase 'In Three Years * The blgher mli rates here tlii. ear are in contrast to *tIee ,Ia' three years durint hchBowmanvile MIii1, »ates remained practically the game. Resientiai property own- ts will have to pay $14.91 more ln 1966 ver $1,000 of aoemsment and thse Increas- ed cost for -. b*ainess this ,ear la $17.28 er$1,000 cf "B3azacar of Voluesty -Uthis week the inenehants *~U manville are spotlight- e ~shomemakers of titis rby staging a special "Bazaar ai Values" in your bonor. You wilh iind in taday's 'Bazaar of Values" pages ai Uhe Canadien Statesman, out- standing values for yourself, -yor childrcn, your home and Mtbut nat least, that ail- Important bneadwinner, yaur husband. The merchants ai Bowman- ville have banded together ta offer you velues that are bound ta serve and please your delicate, discriminating . tstes, as well as your sound buying * udgement. Shop the menchents ai Bow- iaaviile displaying the "'Ba- zaïr af Values" posters whene you will find a red carpet *p4~come awaiting you. A new type of fertilizer, the analysis individually mix- ed to meet requirements of partioular soils anid crops is now available ta farmers in the United Counties. At Newcastle on Saturday, Garnet Rickerd welccmied over 300 area farmers to the openlng of Ceresdale Pertill- zers, Limlted, a plant that produces commercial fertili- zer on a "prescription" k:asts. MNr. Rickard, wefl knjown in farrning circles, la owner of the new plant assisted by his son James, soon to graduate f r om the University of Guelph. The enterprise is be- irig operated in* association with Cyana-mid of Canada Ltd. Walter. Rlokard, a young- er ;on, has ao been assisting his father. "The trend foday is ta bave sali tested and find out for ya'urseli the nutrients yourl TOWNTAXES JUMP 44 At a special meeting. on Tuesday evening, Town Council passed the Budget By-taw, which adopts the estimates fori4 nb4 4 E 1966. The 1966 Budget, aniounts -to $ 1,430,649.86. c o m p a r e d to $1,073e 'VO04IfflE112 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAy, MARCU 30, 1966 274.32 for 1965. The Residential L d ules Fns eao ih Ga otm Rate for Public SchoolLa y Ç res Fns S ao wih G y C tu e E Supporters this year is, 103.91, an increase of 1 14.9 due to a High School. increase of 6.11, a Public' Sehool increase of 3.72, and a County increase of 5.08 mills, while theGen- ,eral Mill Rate for - the running of the town is unchanged. The Commercial Mill Rate for Public School Supporters is 114.26, an increase of 17.26 resuit- ing from the County in- crease of 5.08, Public School increase 4.47, High School increase 6.83 and the General Mill Rate practically un- changed with an increase of only .98. Separate School Rate for 1966 Residential has -------- ----- a 12.09 increase. The Separate School Com- mercial Rate is increas- ed 13.69. The sedate, gray-walled curling club took ',n an entirely new, went into the project. They are, fr (CONTIN UED ON PAGE TWO> eala atmosphere last Thursday wben lady curlers arrived for their Lois. Seed, Jo Authors, Betty Lande soil requires, then use oflly LC PDG the required analysis," Mr. OC PDG Rickard said. "This means No longer will dogs be able your dollars will go as far as to roam. around town as theyI they possibly- can." have been doing for the past Features of the plant in- few weeks. clude bulk handling of ma- On and after April lst, they teriais and orders, delivery must once again be kept under by a tractor-hauled, specially contrai or Dog Contrai Officer constructed bmn-type trailer Archie Hoskin will be abliged L c which there are two types. to do his duty . . . and that The one is divided into four can be costly ta dog owners. comPartments and can handie * * idceiivery and spreading of ux, CEMENT PLANT HEARING ta four tons. The smaller one The Municipal Board Hear- hauls one ton lots. ing at Hampton, concerning ne- The plant i-s ane of 30 aCross zonlng ofIland in Darlingtan Canada, and there are abOut for use by St. Mary's Cernent 800 in United States, Jirn Company, concluded Friday iBrown, former assistant Dur- afternoon after sitting through- ba'he County 'Ag' Rei,., and out the week. now manager af Farm Ser- Board members reserved any vice for the large- multi-pro- decision oin the niatter until a duct ehemical firm, associatedilater date. No information withMr.Riekrduar- Ihas been received by Darling- The development has ocur ton early Wednesday after- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Caon. Beautifut D[ecorations, Hospitfal Birthday P art y Brings Out. Spring Attire Tte annual Hospital Birth- dMy Party Tee heldunder the ausices cl the Wmen's Aux- Mary af Memorial Hospital et the Lions Cavmmunity Cen- tre last Wednesday afternoon was a festive function. It was trecnendously enjoyed by the scores of, people attracted ta the sucoemful and gala event. The lst Vice-President, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre was the general convenor. The president, Mns. W. M. Rudeil, Mrs. Ayre, and Mrs. William Morrison the Direc- McNULTY'S CELEBRATE Jack and Mel McNulty, pro- pietors of the Sparts and Cycle Store, King St. East, are celebreting 20 years in bus- iness in Bowmanvllle. Visitons will be intercsted in copies of the original ad- vertisement they placed in The Stetesman, announcing thein opening ln 1946. Severai copies ai the advt. bave been placed in their «I dos ta remind foWýs that"'they are having a special sale ta mark the event. _____ ton oi Nurses et the hospital, received the guests. Mrs. A. L. Haoey. was the tea tables convenor, and Mrs. Rosswel R. Callan was the kitchen, convenor. Mrs. George Vice was responsible for thç beau- tiful decorations. The publi-1 city convenor was Mrs. Allan B. Sylvester., The large serving table was enihanced by a lovely arrange- ment of yellow chrysanthe- mums, daffodils, hyacinths, and greenery in a silver bowl, and it wa-s lighted by tal yellow taipers in silver can- delabra. The attractive floral centreipiece was donated by 1Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin. F.ach of the many tea tables had ce oharmidng littlo opales- oent urn filled with a variety oaf artificial flowers. All these appealing c on t ain e rs and Ltheir attractive floral con- tents were froni the auxili- a-ry's Gift Shox, at the hospi- ktal. A multitude af other .-pretty flowers, delphinium, blue- beils, roses, sweetpeas, car- (TURN TO FAGE TWO) I ncrease Acreage for Tobacco, The Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers Marketing Board decided Monday on a 1966 crop estimate of 210,000,000 ta 230,OQO,000 pounds. Thse board's decision calia for piantlng of 82.5 per cent of thse province's 152,000 acres af tobacco land and a three-acre exemption for eacis of the 4,500 tobacco farmers. It will be thse blggest crop to date for Ontario grawers. The previaus higis was ln 1960 when they produced 199,000,000 pounds. Last year, thse board re- duced acreage ta 55 per cent of avaliabie acreage and growers produced 154,- 000,000 pounds. Hospital Lý'es' Auxiliary HoId Birthday Party *L-X S Ja es itis l& annua1 season wind up. Almost everyone was attired in an imagina- tive and unique costume. Only a few of the outfits are pictured I:ere, but they .wil give readers some idea of the ingenuity that Il Ç/3ts andi £Aieces SWANS - The second marsh bas had some dis- tînguished guests this week and we are obliged ta Joe VanMunster who operates the Shoe Repair and Pet Shop on King St. West and Ian Smith, owner of Brookdale-Kingsway Nursery for bring- ing the fact ta aur attention. Twelve Trumpeter swans have been homesteading on the marsh waters and may stili be there, along with thousands ot sea gulis. Quite a sight! tt ~ ~t *1t DOUBLES - Mrs. Cecil Albin, Newcastle, was quite surprised last week when she peeled a ban- ana and found it was a double, two complete bananas joined together in Siamese twin fashion. 1i,. t t . t t. RAILS - -Peter Kowal's'Real Estate window bas been a real conversation piece this week. Me built an old time rail fence there, causing considerable comment. t t t. t t1 GEORGE - The heavyweight title f ight lest night in Toronto apparently gave the fans their money's worth for 15 rounds, but George Chuvalo, game tbough he was, didn't have enough ta take Cassius Clay. t ti T T T CURLERS - The men's Curling club will present the yearly traphies and other awards. at the closing meeting tomorrow (Thursday) night at the club, starting at 8 p.m. Plans will be discussed for next seasan. AUl male curlers are urged to attend. i. t i. t. ti. BIRTHDAY - Belated congratulations ta Oliver1 Beckett, 5 Silver St., who celebrated his 9th t birthday on March 17th!2 t i. t t i. i. OLD COIN - Claude Kilmer of Higgon Electric noticed samething glistening in the mud at the 1 new do-it-yourself car wash between Bowman- ville Cleaners and Glen Rae Dairy. He had spot- ted a one-penny piece, dated 1837, and in excellent condition. How that coin came ta be in that par- ticular spot will remain a rnystery forever. t. t t t t WINNER - Murray Bate, 89 Ontario St. is really in the chips. He was the March 50-50 winner of the Oshawa Firefighters Association draw to raise funds for the new Simcoe Hall Crippled Child- ren's Centre. His winnings amounted ta $1,100. Ticket seller was Ralph Campbell, R.R. 4. t t. t t t PROBLEMS - The Statesman bas been operating under more difficulties than usual this week because of the illness of Advertising Manager Geo. W. Graham. He has been in hospital since Thurs- day, with others on the staff doing double duty. As a result of his absence, plus a veritable flood of news and advertising, some important stonies have had ta be held over until next week. It is hoped that he will soon be back with us and we shail be able ta get -cauglit up ta the news surplus for a change. Spécial Ceremony To Mark- Begin nîng 0f -Postal, Seýrvice.. Letter Caiier Delivery Ser, and buseiness. finns with whom -Vice wIll begin Monday, April you eoemnigote of your new 19U; 1U, t 9:00 a.m. *qm street addesing. Change ai teBowznanville Pet Office. i&ddresa Announcement Cards A oereony n Ugrtng the Mme avallable , at your ?Pt semvice wiU bpeid at tithe Of 10 and 4msy be seNt iPout office et tht' blae and *$br4p htie *ih free of thse public Is cordilly lnvitedo p#age. . tà -attend. er inewil b 'Ielobby domrsat lise P 09Yly tathoee bWiUbe q O~ e- bie~~u - t-9s:0 o .1*hm ~e W~3QC~bOZa théb E.,,g4t ..Ia anI4I il1c Per Copy NUMBER 1 13 Ktrav.ag anza from left ta night, Ida Goddard, lr, Mary Syer, Mildred Bell, Ad Goheen, Aileen Osborne, Maude Roenigk,- Norma G~ay andi Jetty Brough. Should Cut Heavy Losses Landio rds, Please Note! 8i11 for Garbage Services Now Part of Your Tax B8ill Landlords are due for a shock in the near future when they neceive their tax bilas from the tawn. Not arily have the generai tax rates been l-in creased considerably, but there will be another bite of an un- expected nature, a bill for gaebage teolectiofl for each 'ai their tenants. In the past, garbage buis et $12.00 a year have been mail- ed direct ta tenants. The town bas been iosing so much money because tenants don't stay in ane place for a ful year that cauncil, in its wis- dam, bas been farced ta make a change. Now, instead of attempting the impossible job ai tnying ta tnack down tenants who may have nioved twa or thnee times duning a year, on may have ýieparted îar 9 new homne far âway from, Browmanville, the collection and paying ai garb- age bis wilh be laid right on the doonstex, of every land- lord in town. When tax bills are mailed out in the near future,. every property o wn er receiving garbage collection will find a special tax assessed against Coun fies Budget $5 0,000 Overspenf United Counties councilideficit can be attributed to Thursday approved a n et "overiroads and bridges where $46,- expenditure of' $50,83 0.98 fori 230 over budget was spent. A 1965. Counci] had provided for a second conspicuous item was total expenditure of $1,080,- public welfare overspent by, 222.51 and spent $1,130,319.58. $14,200. After a deduction af $12,246 Council had budgeted for for licences, rentais and county $519,624 to be spent on roads rates of $3,020, the county was and bridges. At the end af the left with a net expenditure of- year the council had an actual $1,115,053.49. The council hadýexpenditure of $565,854. Child budgeted for a county levy of welfare which was budgeted $1,064,222.51. for $73,000, rose in costs toI The biggest chunk af thel$87,700. i him or ber. Now, instead af waiting until the end ai the year, garbage fees must be paid in installinents along with regular taxes. Landlords will hqve the un- palatable task af explaining to tenants that tbey owe $3,00 for ganbage collection frant January lst, and froni AprUl lat they wlll have ta pay an additionai $1.00 each nionth with their rent. Appoint Assistant Magistrate Richard B. Datten cf Peterboroughs ias been ap- palnteil assistant magistrats of tise Unlted Counties and wTlli commence bis dutieg next month Mr,, ?Batten, wiliI assist tise present ma- gistrate, R. B. Baxter.' Magistrate Baxter sald on Tuesday ise was delighted tisat thse executive of tise Magistrates' Assoe- la t i o n isad seen fit ta recommend tisat an assistant be sent to, tisis area. Tise announcement caýmo from Russell M. Rawe, M.P.- P., Northiumberland. Raise $531.40 for Artificial Ice-_ .4