BROWN - WESTOVER c in marriage by ber father, St. ohns Aglian hurb,1wore street-lenath, two-pieci St. Jhn's nglicn Chu jacket dress ofc textured bou. Bownmnvllle, was the settingicie in pastel blue. styled with for tiie naxrriage on Thursday three-qua.rter iength sleeve *veni ng, March 3, 1966. at 71 and adorned with mnatdiing o'clock of Miss Catharinailace trim on the cuffs and ai Maria Westover, daughter (if the neckiine. She wore2 Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas F. Cj white ohiffon petal bat witi Westover, Bownanville, and, brief veil. and carried a cas. Mr. Gordon C. Brown, son of cade bouquet of white cana. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E ' tions and red roses. Brown, R.R. 2, Newcastle, Mrs. Victor Patterson. W.R Rev. K. J. Frampton officiat- A, BowmanviUle, sister of thf ed. ýgroom, attended the bride The bride, who -was given She was attired in a street. SPRING SPECIAL ALL PERM STOCK CUTTING - STYLING INCLUDED FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH 0F APRIL Reg. $18.00 Perm ...NOW ON LY $14.50 Reg. $15.00 Perm ...NOW ONLY $12.50 Reg. $12.50 Perm ...NOW ONLY $10.00 Reg. $10.50 Perm ...NOW ONLY $ 8.00 Reg. $ 8.50 Perm ..... NOW ONLY $ 7.00 WANDA'S Beauty Shop PHONE 623-3801 FOR APPOINTMENT 71 King Street East _ r 1 SPRING DE(ORATING ? BRING YOUR DECORATING PROBLEMS TO US FOR PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE thix Sby Scarfe's AVAILABLE IN LATEX FLAT AND MATCH ING SEMI. GLOSS COLORS. >,A-BERNýETHY'S. Paints &Wallpapers "Decorating Specialists Since 1921" 33 KING ST. W. 1entAidre%,ôo pae mauvet sal addifn.and her1 I eaddrns was a amll veil-1 edI wtmteflowered hat. Her bouquet -ofwhiite carnationsj was accented by yellow rib-1 bon treaniers. Mr. Victor- Patterson, bro- ther-in-law o! thie groom, was best mon, and the usher was Mr. John Westover, Bowman- ville, brother of the bride. The reception was held at the home of the bride's par- ents, 128 High Street. Mrs. Westover received in a Iight beige brocadeci suit with white accessonries and corsage of white carnations and red Sroses. Unfortunately the -groom's mother, who was in hNova Sootia, was unable tai ýs be prescrit.- 9 As the happy couple lett it for a honeynioon in Northern a Ontaria, the bride was wear- i ing a pale grey dress witb i- white accessories and corsage i- of 'pink rose. They wili be residing at R.R. 2, Newcastle. th Ie bride, who attended ýe Central Public and Bowman- ville Hiigh Schoole, is a sales cierk and is secretary, titis year, of the, Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 178, Royal Cana- dian Legion. The, groom is a carpenter and operates his own business. He attended Shaw's Publie Sdiool and Bowmanville High Sehool. LEWIS - HATHAWAY I BOWMANVILLE Your Hospital- Reporting At Your Service Twenty»-Four Hours A Day VOUR HOSPITAL IS PEOPLE In addition te the medical, nursing and tech. nical staff with whom the patient is directly concerned, there are many other people work- ing quietly, but efficiently, bebind the scenes whose efforts are equally vital te the pro- vision of good patient care - administrative, housekeeping, kitchen and maintenance staffs, to mention a few. There are actually two hospital employees required for every patient. It is the skilled hands of these many profes- sional and other workers wvhich make your hospital a place of healing. .AND MORE PEOPLE. Important te your- hospital, and te every public general hospital, is the contribution mnade by another group of dedicated people - the hospital trustees and advisery boards. These are Ieading citizens of the community chosen to gevern or assist in administration of the hospital because of their ability and \"1dsincere desire te assist in the provision of kadequate health rare. facilities for the cern- munity. Their only reward - the knowledge of personal contribution te the welfare> of their fellow citizens. ... AND MORE No less important is the vital part played by another group of individuals who are work- lng tlrelessly on the hospital'. behaîf - mem- bers of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. lu addition te ightening the load for hospital personnel, these volunteers add to the cern- fort of the patient i numerous ways; and through various projects and fund-raism*g drives, they are constantly contribu 'to the financial needs of the hospital. It Is these volunteer groupa - trustees, ad- vlsory boards and women's auxiliaries Who, ara responuible t. a large citent for prs.rv.; Ing the. privilege of local hosWWtal coalL A qui ety,- pretty wedding was solemnized in Trinity Episcopal Church, Rochester, N.Y., when Miss Susan Hatha- way, Rochester, N.Y., and Mr. Hartley Lewis, son o! Mrs. Lewis, Bowmanvîlle, and the late Dr. Hartley Lewis, wcre united in marriage. The cere- mony took place on Saturday atternoon, March 26, 1966, at 4 o'clock. Rev. David H. I Baker of!iciated. IGiven in marriage by herý father, the bride wore a stree- lengtb, princess styled off- white gown o! lace over peau de soie. The gown wasý fashioned with long sheeves1 and scoop back-neckline ac-ý cented by a self bew. Miss Jcriiynn Wicdmer of Los Altos, Calif., was maid oi honor and Mn. Leonard A. Maley o! Rochester was best man. IFollowing the cercmony a reception was held at the Ridgemont Golf Club, Roches- ter, N.Y. The bride and groom, both univcrsity graduates, arc con- tinuing studies at thec Uni- versity e! Rochester. LONG SÂULT Min. and M'rs. Leslie Sager, Seafrth, and Mr. and Mrs. Perce Cooper, Peterborough, were weckend guests o! Mr. and Mr. G. Bernard. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Cam- eren and tanuily were Sunday evening cahiers of Mr. and Mirs. John West, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pankin- son, Courtice, were Thunsday evcning visitiors and Mn. andi Mrs. Norni. Davis and famly were Sund!ay--supper guests o! ,MTn. and Mrs. Rye Gibsoin. Due te Easter holidays. Married in Oshawa HA1O Thursdy nxht ardi 10,1 was tedtee nentertain-i ing variety night in which the1 Yion an deopIad pooledmtheir c talents and came up with ac production which ran the1 gau of showbuslness from a1 htou o slap-stick comedy to a pantomimne ef the hymn n «How Great Thou Art". The1 former number was called1 "Watcr" and starred Debbie Reynolds and Donna Terrin as1 the sole performers. They sang1 the sang by the saine naine1 and looked in dire need of the substance bath in facial ex- pression and bedraggled attire.1 All ends well though when their petition is heard and tbey get it-right in the face. The pantomime was used as the finale and featured Caro- lyn Dewell, Elaine and Char- lette Annis, Sally Payne, Trudy Wilkins and Melody Caok as angels dressed appropriately in white gowns. A large cross was the main item of scenery and the remainder ef the cast sang the hymn in its entirety in the background. A choral group ot 20 opened the cvening with a medley of sangs. When the Moon Cames Over the Mountain, Harbour Lights, and Red Sails in the Sunset. Alice Killen and John Payne made up a dance teain foilowcd by a play, "Who Gets the Car Tonight". Playing in this was Vicki Kapustin as Mother, Brian Knox as Father, Ginger Balson as Mary, Neil Tink as the brother Paul and Bryce Balson as the baytriend Jack. A puppet show was present- ed. next, a resuit o! the re- search and talents of Charlette and Elaine Annis, in which the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winston Armitage are shown star puppet searches diigently signing the register following their marriage in Simcoe for bis "Darling Columbine". Street United Church, Oshawa, on Friday evening, The girls were assisted by February 25, 1966. Formerly Miss Ruth Anne Fisk, the Dave Nemis, Chris Balson, Ginger Balson, Carolyn Dew-. bride is the eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce el] and April Rice.11 Fisk, Pontypool, and the groom is the sonl of Mr. andý Two selections wcre rend- Mrs. WilliamArmitage,_Cavan. ered at this point by the sing- - îng group, Glory of Love and Isle of Capri. "Be Home by Midnight" was the second wySed in st. John's Church play aof the eeigcnen ing acomedial ofctb- tween teenagers and parentsi on the hour of curfew. Play-' ing in this were Bill Bobby as Father, Sally Payne, Glen Wcrry, John Werry as the Teenagers and April Rice as Mather. Alice Killen did -a Charies- ton number in an authentic costume-of that era. Chris. Balson was the Master o! Ceremonies and John Payne '~.i.humoured the "Little Boy", Dave Nemis int telling the audience a joke. Mr. and Mrs. White produc- ed the show and helped the young people to put It togeth- er and Mr. Warrack accom- pan îed the singers on the piano. As a, token of their appreciation ta these three people the Weechyogans pre- sented thcm with gifts at the close of the programme. The ~.~.~ ~' participants celebrated a suc- ccssful evening et entertain- " ~ ~ ~ ment with refreshinents anc an informai get-together. NE WTON VILLE banl and Jean, Mr. and Mn. The. Canadian Stateaman, Bowmanvlle, Mar,. 30, 1988 of Newcastle, were supper1 guesta, Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimbail, a sort of / the Blackstock. Pair in August advance celebratiop et Mr. O*Jrg an ize Mr.' Larmer 'conducted thé KImball's 8Mt birthday, whicb election of club officers. Ted occurred Mardi 27. On Sun: 4 Skinner, Tyrone, was- electec day, Mr. and Mrs. Kimbail ac Durham 4 - H President. Other offioers eleet- companied Mr. and Mrs. Bill ed were: Vioe-President Alar Kimbali of Port Hope ta the S ie C u Trew, Secretary Jini Walker, home ot Mr. and Mrs. JackS ie C u both of Campbellcroft, News Kimbail, Lakeshore. where Reporter, Terry Malcolm, of they were dinner guests. along An organization meeting for Nestleton. wîth Miss Donna KimbalLand the 4-H- Swine Club was held In 1965 the Durhanm 4-H Mr. Don Bright of Oshawa. in the Bowmanville Agricul- Swine Club was selected as .Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and famidly with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson and family attended the hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens, Sunday atternoan, all caminiz back Wti the Brown's for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tuf- ford and girls were supper guests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and boys. Mrs. Bea Jones with Mr. I r .1 meeing wiauu hzoeld this ProîMr. and Mrs. Raymond eeing h , Ahld sthi F Bruce visited in Orono Tues- day venig, pnillst.. .day evenîng, with Mrs. Mar- sball Chatterton. The cencmony nt Goverri- EBEN ZERment flouse, Ottawa, on Tues- EBENEZERday, at which Prince Phuhip Intened for at week) presented the gold Dukeof Ebenezer U.C.W. evening Edinburgh's Awards ta 18 unit met Thursday, Marcb teen-age boys tram across the l7thand he eetig opnedcoiuntry, Was o! paiticular in- witb a prayer for bomemak- terest ta Mrs. 1.Tii !ti crs, given by leader, Mrs. Wes village. Hen grandson, Edward Down. Mrs. Ken Tink, secre- Coulson, son o! Mn. and Mrs. tary, rnad the minutes o! the W. Couison o! Oshawa, was January meeting, and they o nc o! the two boys tramn that were approved. The attend- . city, ta win the ceveted pnize, anc t that meeting was 32.! qualifying tbrough the 12tb In February we had a joint! Oshawa Scout Troop. These meeting with Maphe Grave Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Brown are shown in the young people are judged by U.C.w. aoepooa hylaeStIonsAgia hrh their achievements in services, Business was then deait with bv ht ste ev t onsAgia hr h shoastic reports, hobbies, members were intormed that Bo«rmanville, following their marriage on Thursday sports, and general fitness, se tram catering ta the Girl evening, March 3, 1966, at 7 o'chock. The bride is the the winners certainly menit Guide Banquet, wc had realir-,j former Miss Cathanina Maria Westover, daughter of congratulations. cd a profit of $129.29. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. C. Westover, Bowmnanvilhe,ý Visitors at the manse incluti- Supply secretary, Mrs. Gar- 1 1ed Mrs. Allan Preston, Mn. and net Goyne, neported, wc have and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Riobent Tutton o! Toron- six quilts, neady for distrîbu-ý E. Brown, R.R. 2, Newcastle. A;, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Tay- tion; and members are nemind ilon, Bobcaygeon Mrs. A. Wade, cd ta kecp saving nylons and r. .Gihiner, Mns. Bea bring good used clothing, tae tfAB Ir UT f!U~ I U Joncs, Mrs. R. Bruce, Mrs. M. pack overseas bales. UL M IY LI u lM U1 Kimbahl, Messrs. G. Catkcarti U.C.W. General Meeting, D P R M N F H A T and A. Thomp son. March 3lst at our church. ~IAUt*~~VIMn. and Mns. Geo. Heath1 A rai ailwataken. ONTR IOU HOSPVIAL Jr., Stephanie and Andrea A hot cotenipenuodi wene supper guests, Wednes- was taken by Mns. Grant, day, witb Mn. and Mrs. R. Down, endîng witb prayer. E K II i Bruce. Our real treat ton the even- COBOURG~ Mrs. Chînton Broown andi ing wsi h esno is Mrs. Sidney Lancaster werel Louiza Mayova, who spoke ta eurs'nOilaWdedyatr; us, in a mest delightfui, un- -,n a!!ected mannen. ' ~i ~ Miss Anne Nesbitt neturned' She infanmed us o!f e M E ê fh I'O homne Thunsday atter a six- expeniences as a port worker, M D I M U w wwesvitwthbrroe, at variaus ports o! entny ta Jim, in Groveland, Fionida. this country, wbîch she flow !iMr. and Mrs. C. M. Joncs pleascd- and proud ta cali Providing nursing cars to female patients. 'attended the funeral o! the home. ýlate Mrs. Harniet Medealf' at In1929, she was living in, QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontarto. tHe oFntern omen.PMrt. Warsaw, Poland, a graduate of! lMoe, dcawh as ell nown the Lutheran church, deacon-, ALR: 460 t $00.ic aving o.w t el n viite ess onden; working in an Ev-' _____ 400_____t 500.lerhaig fenvsie angelical Hospital there. riig reet-xe!'~~'relatives and tniends, in years A Mr. Rideout, nepreseating Applicants'with entxprnc gone by, bad been In pon the M & M Furid o! the United eligible fer higber starting salary. . health for several months and Cburch, arrived n Poland ta Maximum salary te be $5250. effective !in bospital. Flowers in the. view conditions there, needing, churcu, Sunday morning, were an interpreter someone thougut' April 1, 1966. 4placed tiiere in memnony o! oMisMayova - she had 'Aunt Haniet", as she was taught berseif several ianq- kontmay uaes, by memanizing 10 wondis, Two U.C.W. Units sponsor- each dy h now DAflIIATP d tbe card panty in Commun- eight languages, and wnites W GR D UAWW N RSESty Hall, Fniday evening, five.. Rid:out, titnte -NU SE where 18 tables were in play, ,hrhc Poiignrigcret enl ains and winnens were: High lady, she was asked ta came for aShre tptohg gn, year's trial - she has wonked, Bob Henderson. Draws, Kath- bere ever since. QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation fromn accredited ýleen Clarke, Ken Brignaîl. In relating ber experiences. - -i Messrns George McNair and with newcomers, Miss Mayovar nursing course. 1Hans Vandermeer left Satur- with her fascinating way a! AY 400 iig o$40 p day morning for Indianapolis teîîing a story. gave us a ic~- SAA $40.rin te$40.t take a week's training troftesituation t'h course in conjunction wlth the turc o! at the A~pplicants with recent experienceS.J Maeyer- ports, and the loteliness anid; :.J acse asyFru sometimes the litmwr, that îs ~ eligible for higher starting salary.1 son Agency. involved in therie cases, whicb 40 heur week; 2 weeks annual vacation for 3 Master Doug Burley of Co- l arn sure, wil renain In.our bour eesteeftr esonpa m g spent the weekend here minds for many pus years-3westeratr esbnp wt is grandniother, Mi'. Miss Mayova bas an un- sick leave credits. Cecil Burley. shakable falth in Qod, and has jMn. and Mr%.. Raymond Tris' spent ber lMe doijig Bis work. retunned home Saturday troin She remindged inthat even as ntrstMn. iatssoudand Min.. T- Htrietedensona Mosu told bits peopie t trtedaplcnt hol apy oMter. nd te P.lorid o kind to.stnesado. IE T R F U S Peter and Carol, were Satur- mebî th.y wr ta hdyngh Wos IPort - l ts bd~a of yp z atran ONTARIO HOSPITAL IHo" peatMr. Jini Glrees, )Md to stran after an evening of bowling. ~m~abeipjcrg<i -COSCUite Mr. and Mi. George ICipi *~thtm.__________________________ AUGrahans, Fred aïd janst tural Extension Office on Mon- day evening, March 2lat. 4-H members, intercsted ln having swine as their project, were1 on hand tram every townshipj in Durham County. Club Leader Glenn Larme o! Blackstock outlined details-1 o! the club praject te those1 present. The Achievement Day for the Club will be held at1 * - I rs is "Club of the Year" over 12 other 4-H Agricultural Clubs. The Durham 4-H Sheep Club was ta have been organ- ized the same evenhng. How- ever, anly live have show-n interest in enrolling to date and unless an additional five naines are obtained by April ist, the Sheep Club will nat be organized this year. md Mrs. Carman.Cornish and family, Orono, visited relatives in Warkworth, Sunday after- y Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Far- C e n r . u il ro and daughter. Agincourt, were Sunday supper guests of DEFINITIONS INCOME TAX Mrs. R. Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow, Downsview, were callers there also.1 1. A fine Impesed for reekiess thniving. Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson and famihy were supper guests 2. Guaranteed annuai rage. with Mr. and Mrs. Moreton Efenderson and family o! Mor- rish on Sunday. .L Mrs. Bourgerie visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Braccy in Osha- wa, Sunday, and with them, attended the Dedicatiori and1 CLOTHES CAKE BrNw: M!erorial Service at Hanmonyý United Church. Perfumes. coiegnes mnd toilet waters nsualiy contain a hlgh Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown were supper gucsts, Sunday, pereentage of alcohol which "bleeds" dyes. Put pertume on with Mr. and Mrs. RAymond yeur skin - t's much more effective there. rrim. Misses Diane Booth and 1 Sheila Brody of Toronto are CRIPPLED CHILDREN NEED YOUR HELP student teachers at Newton- ville School tuis week, board- BUY AND, USE'EASTER SEALS .ng at Mr. Jack Eliott's. Mr. Roy Smith entered.Me- marial Hospital, Bowmanvile Mvonday, ta undergo surgery.e Miss Anne Ncsbitt wasa - supper guest. Sunday, with d:& Mtr. and Mrs. Les Reid, Cow- 4 anville. __ 4 -. a«etwa 3 mwy -mal MO» mrl *.;We - eda' & TOTAL PRIZE VALUE $15»000. CIae (" vafimie&) Re. 2 U *7>-SAVE 1go 1966. PREMfM SM P3 uo 49C CLARK FANCY QUALITV Reg. Ime u abc-AVES@go ,TOMATO IUKE 2 6 9 IN4 TOMATO SAUCE FEAIJR mh CLARK BEANS M' se#a5 99c 3 Verieties Reg. Prie* tin Mec - SAVE $a CLARK STEWS 25-oztim69c fIVhhvitSgMd Vemktb Clark (With Meat SAU06) Reg. 49o - BAVE die CALIFORMIA. LONG,GREFfr SPAGHETTI DINNER15-oz Pkg 4.5 C OF SEASoN - ¶ rasE Carnation FEATURE PRICE! U APARAGUS EVAP. 4 16-fl- %4 MILK OZ4lSC63 Anm Page FEATURE PRICEI 3 9 ToMAO 15fl-ROYAL HAW AI K E H P A i 4 9s Nc ARIS1OC:D1T Op AIPpLESW Jane Parker Reg. Price each 55-BSAVE Se~ PI large 8-inch pie 49 C I A 'L 5 Jane Parker, Large Reg, 59e - SAVE 77e EACH ANGEL 45*5 CAKE 3f160 If's The EA T la The MEÀ4T That Counts At A&P! "LUXURY EATING AT A&P SENSIBLE PRICES" GRADE "0A" 18-OZ. MINIMUM WEIGHT - IMPORTED ROCK CORNISH l 'B ~j.i AIL P*MICES4 NH7141 t, il Il 1.29 id