SociaI & Çersonal Phione 623-3303 Master Ian Kerr, Oshawa, Concession Street, were sucd sPent the weekend with his denly called ta Escott, Ont fradparents, Mr. and Mms. over the weekend bécauseo obrt Kerr, Elgin Street. the tragic deatb o! thei Ma Meate and Mrs. Glenn Inepbcw, Allen Powell, result E. ft1e, Ottawa, were re- ing from a truck-car accident cent Idjtors with Mr. and Mrs. Weekend visilors witb Dr W. RM9Strike, Horsey Street. and Mms. Charles Austin werg Mr. JniMms. Edgar Jacques, Carmen and Isabel Aguiluz i Scarboroougb, were Sunday El Salvador, Central Amemie, Visitors witb Mrs. JacqueS' Emma Bustillo, Honduras rnother, Mrs. T. Sellers, Hunt Central Amnerica; Ronald anc Street. îMms. McMillan, North Bay Hem many friends il eGary and Mrs. MeCullougI happy to learn the Mrs. Don Oshawe; Mr. E. Velcamp Tbomnpson a! Courtice bas rc-1 Belleville, and Pet Austin,o turned home from Oshawa:Toonto. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. Meiuîdon. This week, Mamcb 26 te AprJl aId, Liberty Place, bave reý 2nd s Lirar Wee. Ifyouturned from tbeir winter va, are flot a member o! thelaindrg hctmehe Libmemy, why flot subscribe tolvisited friends and eativei a mnembemship duing Libraryilin Virginia, North Carolin, Week. ýand Florida, and also sper- Ellotianda month in Puerto Rico witi Mr. and Mrs. AI. Elit n'Mrs. Mindonald's sister anc Bons Steven and Lloyd, Wbit j brother-in-law, Mm. and Mms by, weme Sunday supper guests 1A.V. Acasta and family. witb Mrs. Elliott's parents,ý- Mm. and Mrs. A. J. Clarke,'l Recent visitors witb Mr. anc Lambs Lane. !Mms. Ed. Youngmnan, Brewr Mm. and Mrs. J. S. Ames, Street, were Mrs. Yeungman' Carlisle Ave., attended the i97-yeam-old mother, ber sisti funeral o! Mrs. Roy Kelly, 1Mrs. Gardon Leach and hei wîdaw o! the laie Dr. Kelly, brother - in - lew, Mr. Jacý formerly o! Bowmanvilîe, et Store y, ail o! Tarante. Mr Orillia on Friday, Memcb itb. and Mms. Youngman's ser Emnie o! Cavan, and Mm. anc Mm. and Mrs, E. W. Foley, Mrs. P. Kesslem, Starkvil Mvrs. R. L. Worden and Mrs. also~ recenîîy visiied et th( Bert Colwell spent Wednes-!Youngman home. day o! lest week witb Mm. and, Mms. Foley's son and daughter- 1 Mm. Tom Roberts, noteé in-law, Mm. and Mrs. EdwardICanadien ertist, and e friend FoleY, Base Line. iMm. Douglas Eliioti, alsoa a Mm. and Mms. Hemb Powell, ertisi, bath e! Tarante, werE 'in town on Tuesday ta put ar .~canvas scenes et Vanstone'. ~t' mill pond. For the past sev. eral yeers Mr. Roberts ha, Bowmanvisicd this site, during variow Bo u aVille limes o! tbe yeem, te atr peneto t * the seasonal moods o! lbk familier iandmamk. Peneco taMrs. Hartley Lewis, tw (h rhMr. and Mrs.Robert W. Kr Churh ad Kai AneOshawa; Mr 79 Liberty S. S. and Mrs. Byron Vanstone Phone 623-51080 iown; Miss Margaret Vanstone ýMontreal; Mr. and Mrs. Jabe2 Panior: Rey. A. Kudra. .TI. IVenstone, Miss Nancy Van- stone and Mms. B. S. Vanstoe 9:55a.m.ail o! Tomante, attended thE Bible School imarriage a! Mrs. Lewis' son, Mm. Hentley Lewis and Ms il R.rn. Susan Hathaway, in Trinity "LIVING jEpiscopal Cburch, Rochester, NY., lest Satumday, Merci VICTORIOUSLY 26th. IN HRIT"Mrs. Camman Shirk, sisteî of Part Il ithe groom, was hostess fora miscellaneous shower on Marc! 6:45 p.m. 16tl, in bonar e! bride-to-be Sacred Musicale with Miss Donna Yellowlees. The the Kudras 7 p.m.REHOBOTH Christian Missionary RallyReredCuh with eomdCuc Rev. C. Scratch, eg Srt Promotional MissionaryScogSre Secretary cf the M &AAH Pentecostal Assemhhies cf Canada. A moving picture will be phown. " The Forbidcten City" Mrs. C. Scratch, recording,3îrtist, T I will sing. Wed. Apr. fth, 7:30 Farnily Night Service Theme: The Duties of the Deacons. "Where the Word of God lu net bound'l Christian Reformed ,, Churçh Rev. H. Moes, suppiy pastor 623-3492 Worship Services 11 a.m. 7:30 pi. Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sundey, 9:15 p.rn. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. PALM SUNDAY 11:00 arn. - Morning Worship Reception of New Menihers SACRAMENT 0F THE LORD'S SUPPER "THE SECRET 0F SERENITY" 7 p.m. - Sacrament of The Lord's Supper Selections from the Crucifixion (Stainer) SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:20 a.rn. - Prirnary and Kindergarten 1:00 a.rn. - Reginners ST. JOHN'S (HUR(H Angliean Rev. K. J. Franipton, M.A., B.TII. PALM SUNDAY. APRIL 3rd ar.-Roty Communion 11:00 arn. - Family Service - Palm Crosses Sunday Sehool, 6i - Il years ln Church Il and up at 10:00 "Festival of Pausover" Sldes 7:00 p.m. - Evenlng Prayer 7:30 p.m. - AYPA. ail 15 and up are welcome HOLY WEEK SEUVICES 8:00 P.M. Mon. and Tues. "The Passion Play" Slides and Compline Wedneaday *The Mdaster et Time", Meditation Maundy Thursday: The Institution of The Lord'. Supper wlth "The Festival of the Passever" Illustrated. Good Friday: Three Heur Service: Noon - 3 p.m. Firsi Heur: Third Heur: Espeeially for familles with children The Seven Werdu Frorn the Cross Semter Day: 8:00, 9:00, 11:00 arn. HoIy Communion 8*90ps. .- Sanday Sehool and Faminiy Service 7.48 m. - wlth Choir Iveri! Wedeay if moy Comunion ai 10:00 ar. happy event, held at the ho me Jno ' ' r !Mr. J. Gibbs, Mr. and Mmra. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanfvfle, Mi&. 20, 1lm of the groom's parents, wasJuio H ckey rinais 1R. Gibbs attended, the Thor-:. attended by approximatelyI nett - Gibbs wedding ini Osh- 1 25 friends and relatives. The IIaaon Saturday,, March 26. 0 1 cinupraedolpat bride-ta-be very ably express- yDE Congratulations. Bible, Schoos~urs s ed te be er thanks for the many~fh fPI Ct~ I Y ff Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hooper, beautiful and useful giftN c o s a d L g o l Edgeley, Sask., are visiting r S\A Pc uring thé desert it was ex.' after which a few games were __ his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Lvening Wa' , plained to the parents whatr lenjoyed. The delightful ev-A Luther Hooper at the home of the boys and girls are taught, !enig wa conlI.e laih adurinig Bible Sehool. It w&g a IL Il 7"'réIlfl 5~~J~ff Ihis ister, Mr. and Mrs. A.!~epandthtte ia d- idelicious lunch and ail depart- f Ricay~7hrds Big Su qrnrn f lied bv a B1b1es ha t.,!ed wishing the bride the very Mr.WU EE and Mrs Arthur Rich- 'g of ______of_______ ards. Mr. and Mrs. Morlevl March 17th marked a higb. story, then bandcraft articles by AI Cole 116:26 to tie the score on a came at 8:23 when Worden Hooper visited Mr. and Mrs.ilight for the boys and girls from popsicle sticks, finishedC PTAPV~flPV n Sunay, th Junir Hocgoal by Brown with Werry tied the game for Niebols,lArt Ayres, Toronto, on Sun-.lof the Bible School 8t the off w thsmlbecwih )r. AJ.1J I. key finals continued i t 1nd Worn caésonstong in with- Werry assisting.da Christian Reformed Church. mnake an attractive glft. Some reNichoIs and Legion Llyngtegtian cane ontronhg5 oonts:Ht of Pat' Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy, The parents were invited as of the boys and girls are mak- S(Intended for last week) r ~4te eod mrwt Clîs otoe:Hi f Bowmanville, Rev. Victor Bow- guests of the boys and girls ingZ pot bolders for holding The Rev. R. C. Rose was Mrh o!Nhls ho ad s, ak Rivers, Manitoba,ifor a delicious cold plate sup- b s lns eelr oe ~formally introduced as Incum- fLteiof took the.lead at 1:10 scoring from Westlake. The a hard nigbt in the nets, were tea guests of Mr. and1per, in the basement of the from Chlistmas cards, etc. s, bent of the combined Angli- oftef!rst, on a goal by Mc- tying counter came at the 4:43 being knoced t the'ce Mrs. G. Alldread and Mrs. M.t Irch d can Parishes of Port Perryand Manus frosn Mutton, but mark when Legion had a man twice, but still eoming uP Gaskin.rh. During the evening two Y; Cartwright on Tuesday, March Nichols tied the score at 12:25,I short. Rogerson tallied, with with a great goal-tending job. Ms amThread he ua vmnn rith e d 'onils e b te Bly h a hir ýh, 15 at 8:00 p.m. in St. John's MeMurter scoring from Brown' the assist going to Brown. Th'e series now stands at twoMs onPhradheuulmnewi agdoebyteBl GhmCor PIChurch, Blackstock. The serv- and Wery. In the second,ý Stili playing strong hockey, wins for Legion and one wi sister, Miss Mabel Jewell of 'hearty sing-song by the boys and soloist Bey. Shea. The ofice was conducted by the Ven- Legion again broke into the1 Legion again took the lead at and a tie for Nichols. Il hasi Bowmanville, visited her;and girls, of well known gos- second film was entitled "Bomu erable H. D. Cleverdon who lead at 11:40 when Dave Kerr ' 6:21, with Bob Hellani scor- tumned out to be a great ser- daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan:pel songs, such as "Jesus bids ta Witness", which was enjoy- Il is the Archdeacon of Scar- scomed his first goal in abouti ing unassisted. He has been ies, sa don't miss the next Allman, Oshawa. lus shine" and many others. ed by ail. At the close of the 'oohanRetroChittwo years atoLhhe hasloeo h usadn ly am nSna t7.0 o r adMs .WlnCnlvrboywswloe yeeigM. .eo pkbruhadRco of Chhest utstand ingtplay- gme on Snday at7:0.YohM. ndMrs. G..Willis, CanEverybadx fwa welcoe yee l Mm. F. Kayspfoakea aChurchOhw.TeAc-be einmisa on ers for Legion, scoring in may also be the lucky ane fad gor, nt andayWlhMrs. hosokaerke.chsn odsfrih b, ea Onwshawa. Ted he rhe dbeen egiton mainty vry lyffgmScore-O tihat now stands at MFan r . . rkB l few words of appreciation excellent evening, and 'y ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m $da60. ssse ytetb ees.Mttngtteevr lyffgae r n:rs .L ym for the large turnout of par- :nvited the boys and girls to es IRev. S. Armstrong who is the assist. Nichols came back at. The final score af lthe gam 6.adM. and Mrs. Er ym~nsGaewssi yRv rn.terfinsfo h a Rural Dean of Oshawa and -. .Oshawa, attended the funeralH. Moes, wbo also read a par- community ta the Friday ev.- nt Rector o! Ail Saints' Church, - ... accepting subscriptiuns for the i f1f rm j b t nn il th Wbitby. Prayers were said r ii of Observer, price $2.25 per year, o audyofl .Mrs. Ne.l..»tion f scripture. Te e n eBilescnoî. d Pet tio thReve. sveRetr r. .LabrtwlcmsTamblyn, Brampton. ,by o! e St eDv,Oi verm chTorn- UR.Lambrt el - . iMr. and Mrs. Earl Byarn, '.oto. The preachr ws h rt.-ew t i r u g ideas for the Centennial. :Oshawa, were tea guests Sat- to.Th peacerwa te R.W th V i w t F rm ngPast Pres. Mrs. P, Werry urday evening o! Mm. and Mrs. TcesAvial d e.H. R. Hunt, the Suffra- - was presented with the U.C.W.,F. L. Byam and attended theý ikt vial lrgnB ho ofeTrono.OetrH 'tc t ai c eLife Membership pin as a 25th wedding celebration o!f rom 'r iclued mwo embe resthe Rûral 'h oc et tke o o appreciation o! 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Park. ý Fo Br cucie memersof te Rùal [ierinspirational and loyali Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall, Stuart er Deanery o! Oshawa, visiting 1< clergy from Tomonto and the Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother,, Ot-ono Junior Garden Club. leadership and service. and Joan. weme supner guests Jack & Jili r. Rv. . Roeri andte R. R R Newcastle, pesided atland a member o! the Ontar;0o Easter Worship period led cf Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robin- Ae. . R mners o!n the Unit- a meeting heid at the Lionsj Agri c il 1 t u r a 1 Association's1 by Mrs. R. Lambert. son, West Beach, Bowmanville.; Members ed huRic h ofi Canada anf thent Com runity Centre last Wed- i Com mîittee for Juvenile Ac- i ss Beatrice M . and Mrs. G. Aldrea,l id nes Cay eenînf Cnnedtaeanion.eMMacLean,Mrs. M. Gaskin weme Sunday le the Presbyterian Church. auspices o! the Bowmanvii e The formation of a BOWI!Presbyterial shawed us ber;Alldread and Mm. and Mrs. H.1 * ne sed he c ngr gati n w t-1 R ecreation D epa tm ent for, m anville H orticultura i Socie- p c u e ! b r r c n r P H r y o r a v l e ,sd th Chumch Wardens a! peopfle interested in the for- st ing ncew, utwill tbe truBibîlcaan.lny M. n rs ate ak,16 ýthe two parishes, Mr. G. Wolfe mation cda !aHorticulturall t i suces ut will otbelBthroug plces th e Hl ad Many M. and Mrs. MWrlemoPar,:16 d, and Mr. N. Bailey o! Black- Society heme. the revival o! an arganizationa lae seeed ver ur ea ind r s ore H aer clmmendidvm. Rose in t8a7 Mrs.Fairbrothe weme man.SyRpchrds ene theMncSoe ne stock and Mr. K. Bateman and The chairman o! this m-eet-iolyacive e m e i 87t a any r.A Rcad hne evening of Mm. and Mrs. Jack, Mr .KraupaofPr Pemmy, ing, Ms Fairbmother, wa n- rari3et ~eM MacLean for a mast in-,Weston, Tomonte. THR.ARL2 npresent the new Incumbent te 'troduced by Councillor Jamnes r r.Fîbohrtresting boum. lMms. Alex Perger, Brian and: H R ,AI 2 5' the thea:rs.Tbe Arch- Bourke. He told the gather-, pointed o Lot .uch ami* y i xtned Ate joa, MS oy rab, Mr. F 1and:A RI 2 Rs1 o hepryes fthe cangrega- who bas 45 years' expeicel passng of r.TletFn-:jx r.RyGaaM saion, Foilowing the prayers in this field, is a director O! years aobta acut'1lay Tbornhill on Sunday. Mm.iand Mrs. Ronald Rahm, Kath-bFR O M :IL2 e 1Mm. Rose read the Oaths and the Orono HorticUltiral s o-'tbe activities o! the Bowman-anMs.FL.Bmm.ndyJdihadK inwr [1Dcaain ta ehdmd ciety, a past presielent o! the. ville ane is peserved in the Mrs. E. A. Virtue, Mrs. R. Sunday visitors e! their parents'Atfh ' prier te bis appointment ta the Oshawa Horticuitural Society, records o! tlie Ontario Horti- Virtue visited the Funeral Mm. a*nd Mms. W. Rahm, forM n - 1paisesan te ishpstefone n leader oftýclua Association n Tor om on Monday. their father's bithdav. iS T P I 3 rr Licence wvas read by the Rural - nte," she said. IMm. and Mms. Leon Moore,l M.adMs ln mt rJDean. The Churcb Ward'ens It would be wonder!ul tOýMm. and Mrs. A. Milison, V. E. M.and m ,Hmn Mrs. l n eled teIumet rha-]KEDRON rvv h omnil gi dteriohr r.Visit-and failter Haptny, M. nde:1rp .onand Rural Dean successively cultural Society for Centen- Milîson at Women's Collegei Sunday guests o! Mr. and ý oteFont, the Prayer Desk,1 Last week two Oshawa Boy iadear. Firrohe vsisTooto, tonirsister, Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. AmsO N H LL.00AVI teLctern, the Pulpit and theSot a uhmr hndcae.Seaddt a tadMm, vste hi sse, Lord's Tbeand ateach agipeo heDk fEi-wotld be o! gi'eat benefit t, -eli eb, tposition a pmoper scipture in- burgh as be sped throug.b in the town and its people. Leamýide. Cet Cash I - -Amisio $1.0 ,istruction was read by theïbs car. They were guests at Mm. and Mrs. Frank Ste- Mrs. Percy McCoy along R ural Dean and -apprapmiate 'Rideau Hall on Tuesday af- penHarooc ce re ot admonitions were given by the temnoon wben Prince Pîhili sent. Mrs. Stephens, the dir- M.adMs .Oie !FrOdA piue Tusa ih ny ;y Achdaco. Th ArhdeconFenelon Falls, visited Mir. and r, 1 ,eAcheao personally presented themn ector o! the Ontario Horticul- ýMrs. J. Woodward, Downs-: throuth SPECIAL STUDENT PRICE - 500 ýh he conducted Mr. Rose te lit hi gold Duke o! Edin- tural Association for, Districtiview aise hemr granddaughterA Ctho i. et' tlli bumgh Awards. No. 4, wbich includes tbe:Mm. and Mms. J. Atcheson be- STAT ,' hop uturda. bG u United Caunties, Peterbor- fore tbey leave for the west on CL A 5 S 1 F 1 E D S- NO EER E SAT - hîs îe Qysar ia c ough County. and Haliburton Sunday. Phono 623-3303 aitext St. John 3:34, "For lie nett, son o! Mr. and Mms. County, showed a series o!f Mms. T. Janczyn, Mr. and'_______________________________ lh wbom Ged bath sent speaketb Harold Bennett, R.R. 2, Osh- colored slides depicting horti-f -_________________________ Se the wvomds of God". He said awa, and Ted Coulson, son of ,cultural pmojects in variaus e1that these must fimst be propb- Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Coulson, com-munities in this province. ;etic words o! trutb, secendly 784 Tennyson Avenue, Osh-; It was expiained et thel 't' the pastoral words o! concemn awa. Grant is 18, and a Grade meeting that te obtaina and tbimdly the words o! e- 13 student, and Ted, who 1!s'charter for an agriculturalý 1Idemption and reconciliation. 17, is in Grade 12 at Dr'. F. J. society here 60 signatures of!, IThe service was !ollowed by Donevan Collegiate. Prospective members wouldý a social boum in the Parisb The boys parents and Mm. be required by the Ontario Hall under the cbaimmanship and Mrs. Ernest Jukes werei Horticulturai As-s o c i a t i on. o! Mr. Wolfe and refreshments also guests at the presenta- I Those present agreed that' were provided by the ladies of tien. Mm. Jukes, wbo bas! petition slips be ciculated forn St. John's Cburch, Blackstock. been the boys' Scoutmaster in signatures. Eacib pemson sign- the 12th Oshawa Company, ing must pay $1 for a yeam s ca hir ceunsellor in cein- membersbip, whichi would bel Memorial Hospital ýpeing the requirements for refunded if the society is not'n ir ~ t ~ I ITI A n I> Weekly Report Thie program bas bccn es-I Those w[uo have petition; PRuu ES G U UIiLMO. & l tablisbed for some years in slips for circulation are Law-1 Week of March 21-27 inclusive England, but the 18 boys !rom 1 rence C. Mason, Q.C., Mms. Q.1---a- -- Brths-6 mnale, 1 female - 7 first te receive it in North! ciller Boumke, M. Bmock, Rosis Discha rges - ----- 59 America, and the Oshawa Jackman, and Bill Voys. Pro-, NI HOSTE Major operations - --- 16 boys were the only Scouts. spective memnbers could aIse L EN 2io prto -----17 The purpose o h wr ina h erainDe- RUB A-.5 3.5 Emergency teatments 2 st1ncuaeyon e partment Office et the Lions Visiting boums 3-8 p.m. daly t dvlo skills and interests Community Centre, and pav. T IS S UES RUR INTO AFFECTE!) AREA FOR --_____________ O eveopime the membersbip fee te T. A. flT1~fffT Tbey had te cenîplete a 50 Fanning, Diecter of Recrea-! 200"SREIFO HS CLD AN PI. P uITJ.Iru L mile bike, whicb was dlon e tien for Bowm'enviile, it was A boid'-stated. S P R lSUG s p n s r d v t hiUWna s v e eth l eC h i t a t e w t h e îîidl a n insm e ti g n d P I I A Aîîetber progressive eu'î-re Ted and Gr'ant started outtn, It was dccided te heold au- SU E P C Lc LIST $1.25 20OZ. ell attended on Fridex ev- their gear lasbed te a tabo- Apri] 27th was tentetively set16$0 9 secnd ay utthe for it. The exact date and wýenng. Winnems weme Mis waThescanded aoutthe!pae !te etngwl b TEN IN CODSFFRR Verdun Lethangue, Miss baie ete hne n h1lc ftemeigwl e Hyland, Mr. Bart Medd end' snow melted, se that thcy, announced later. ATTRETINLAR MENTHOLER iAbout 40 local ladies held! e service station and ceî'y T R N SH C a sbower for Mrs. Earl Armi-[their packs on their backs for IY O ECR I I I ,tage at the borne o! Mrs. Don;i the rest o! the trip. They fui- SPECIAL FORMULA RELIEVES SINUS LFag on Fida evefling.! filled specified athletie re--l On Marcb 23. Tyronle Hall1 Hot Lather Shave (ream betb Bowins wves well attend-I and a large landscape nuiraI rmon,, performed by DorisAS NU ASAD TI S O . cd on Monday~. Following thbe donc by Keren Pascoe. IGeisberger as the minister;!A N GA E TS' OD BATHROOM TISSUE service, friends visited witî Thecguest speaker was Mrm Grenville Byemn as the blusb- Mr. and Mms. Lamne Bowins in i James Kamstma eofbid:Yvne urob,9 c 2 252 OLS FR 1 Orne. Rev. Victom Bowinls1Gerden Centre wbo spake o11 groom; Relpb Bowers, father will spend a few weeks herel Spring gardens. He suggested f the bride: Ewert Bragg,Rc and in the Kingston area. He suiteble vaieties and the1bnie mi n hre kn 8 2 2 O L O3 inarmed us that thc new! mctbods o!f planting tulips athbe mn cburch that was built et Ok and daffodils and the small i Mrs. Jack Gibbs read a j -vr uoosbut apprpriate E ERE D Y LU T ES CAN River, Manitoba, a !ew yearsispiug bulbs, and showed pic1 address and Jack Gibbs pre- S O T E :age, is ail paid for but $5000.'tures o! these !lewems plant- sente the appyLouplewiShEAT ANYTHING ( 1 lE They have aIse purehased a cd in tdrifts and grouoiîngs, eigd ht hapcpe ctting ! FL SHLIHT WITHA home for a manse. Priorte and na urelized in ood analH N KYc etig fFL S LIH ! the opening of ibis eburcb a O! particular interest wasiRoYal Albert, a lace tableclotb AK local canvass netted close toi a seies o! slides taken in the pîîîs a purse a! money. These AND R B E RF XP C $30.1000. His many relatives bulb gowing district a! ol-gifts were from fniends and BATTERIES R B E RF XP C and !iends here will wishl ]and, with fields o! tulips and beltiv e rs an sisttersFo! him continued success in his1hyacinths, crocuses and de!-MmheParprsend stherople .6 VALUE FOR $1.99 L V ESP C A wortibwhile endeavors. fiodils. Mm. Kemstma said thatiwitb a pale lemp. A dance!SG .LS 24 Tbree members o! Pride of wheme the bulbs are beingf0and en by unch n clu9deor 'PnvolLOBA.atnegonfor sale, the beads o! a lovely evening o! visiting $ý 2 . 9 s . 92f r 4 c j the -County District meeting thé flowers are nipped off as end enteISain2.n9 beld in Lakef ield Friday soon as they bloom.Te Visitors ettended fromn Edge- l 78 9$1 22 n . Wor. Sister Kjiy1 heads sometîmes are struigiley, Sask.: Peterborougb, Bay Youngman was 're-electcdý like leis for tourists, aridlRicjges, Nestîcton, Oshawa, f ~ AF~P County Misiress: Wor. Sisfer every town bas a festival iBaovmanville, Newcastle andA 'Beveri', Bazinet and WorJ, ibte parade floats cOm-I1Tyrone.PRS ITON1.D k EMIS *Sister Gwen Curtis, Past Mis-' plctely covered witb tulips1 The March meeting ofi tresses o! Pontypoal L.O.B.A., and hyacintb petlis. Tyrene U.C.W. was held et' *will aiso be Ccunty officers, Wbile tea was being. semved.; tbe home o! Mms. John Rundie this year. Wor. Sister Young- Mrs. Clarlie Thomas pleyed with 22 ladies present. Pres. ,man. will be.the County Dele- a medley of familier lunes on Mrs. A. Knowlton conducted 'Lodge of Ontario Fast beld in introduccd by the president.1that on April 13tb a film on £- ;Cornwall on April 22. Mrs. Bob Dale, and thankcdîEvanpelism will be shawn in *K~~ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Olan by Mrs. Harold Werry. Ithe Sunday scbool roamn and R G jattended thle Olan family -e- Mrs. Grant Glover bas re-,that the nmrngamme will ise IG St w P O F 2 union beld st the home a!M.tonfhoeate pndinigiinrludp local talent. U.C.W. 5 KN T .P O92 - and Mrs. Stan Olan. Mill-1 two weeks in St. Petersburg, ladies will serve lunch. brook, on Saturday evenang. FWoicia. M 1r. and Mma A. MiUs " ar-'l,7 ... b." utu