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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1966, p. 11

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4' 'w, fThe Cia"dim a Stesm,3m »vm.ý Apr. 0. 19W O.P.ICS 'uniorS. seems to this reporter that the Memorial Ar*na in .Jünior hocy eue1IfZtfldc 2& &Ys crowded for the annual Bowmanvile Figure Skating 'aré ail tid pegia e~ 3,Eo big playf o tea4d~ntir nslt4g Carnival,and this year should be no exception. tAis SidA h efhcm >c t1 As a matter of fact attendance records are likely ta be ~~trul net next Tuesday and Wednesday evenlngs, Aprîl l2th and Sunday,Nihl o-wt .a j 13th. One of the world's top akaters, Ming Petra Burka, w v f vntes u a w t1.5Genas b. the shows headllner. In fact Petra, was the Wor a soesfo thanil regf7U ea,.A < teetunsltdBt N Champion before unexpectedly losing her crown £ ...I I a~p q Howes with two, and Gil- oee for Ni~,pap' ute orn owatm Bwftterland early this yetr. Sh. hi the rei i r iV II U E~j > hooly, Webb and Peters pick- farWerry aian og *bd North American ladies singles titie, hold' wj4 o n h .pîng up singlés. Rayes played orsonmdeI ) t138 a steady ganie In goal Mor the with 1h. st ~snaigt One aMn certainly looking forward Io th4 ! err &.Leln~e Bowmanvillle's Mary Jane 0k. / T e T ngR1 lC f owmnvil'sae.n gierted thefrLfet t152 l prs partaier, Victor Irving. Thv1 e e t ný r i s 4o against Bradford was a coewe oiesoe rr the 1966 Central Ontario Jr. P 21 hard.foughrt gae thât !nlght Downs. ' Up in the Canadian Novice*.l 223, Hornets defeated Bruins 4-1, to wrap if up' in tour. But thé In. ne rker cf the Mid- have gene eittier way except Legloon tied th.e e :9BH C o i~ February. They will bt An a 0iý son Sunday mornîng,, at- the Me- the Hoernets, Who wound up dle Sesion f0 Tun the. margin for the great work of Deve of the second mhnCln wlth Debble Wllkes, fornir o~ i'at- morial Arena ini the fifth and first in t'he regular evened it f0 3-o, belore *'Arohie" . (ro5.. Wright ifl goal. Kim Rogers nailed his secohd fheigtDoW I C I1 M.decidixig gaine f0 capture the UP ýnd were lnlways In 1he gêy scored the Bruins only ecorede h n iueuasse.Ncoebucdc The local club's fine young M.Lcl19Hceixmpo-la nSna udnga t 2:40 of thxe third. mark and if remained that ehead again Mt1:2wt part li the evening's enfiertainmAR s hip three gaines tbtwo. deathx clash. Thl rs stormed t iewyti eta hog h rw ellgf-mAai atn ..-ToBw ae oUesecond ppriod ,when BrMand cjre.Bew crdmiwleax rsyu~î t t t f- 236 Mfter winning the furstl Paul McoCullough coened atta>ck, but there was no fur- eesndI 2.Teewsaan forr Nc.s t1:0RckGyBdWlla ri Tem rmMrhm hty ot~~pAjax, in . 207 selves trailîng in the series as fuiut ad Don Masters fured Hughes put if out of reach n ut crn nti ihGena B. B w__ __ 205 the Bruins came on ta fake an unassisted' tialy lafe in the with a goal, a minute and 25 a axtai ~ assig ihi i gi tsao fItrolgaehe My, rentn, Rchmod Hil an Bo-Wmanvill wil e i H.ue ____ 204 the lead and appear sure bets eeriod. Bob lrairey- notched seconds froni the end. aycnes143,Rgrn competif ion at the Mldget Invitation« Hockey Tournament DBr_____ 203 This 'van put Bowmanville goal and Werxy théase. st bswne ntécl this Safurday et the Memorial Arena. Play startu et 9 a.m. 0. Etcher 213Pu1c ulug es9Ps in the final gaine at 9:30 p.rn. At 16:15, Légion ordwtleefshanea. wlth a 'gaine every hour andAfiteen minutes ,,up to the S. Bickell'-_____202Pa lM C lo g Nes9P4 against the hast fesai, LUnd. OOHinl.5ounting hetida a-< h iu I~ fIaýP Haynes______ 201 say, who had beaten Aurore the flght on a ps rmadwntetaxstpeEQ O 0ta ngt î . Patfield ___ 201 1-1 and Port Hope,41. A good Dc>wns fa le.ave técuta wt 1pitso 4~aa S anville won the annuX1%Lindsay. Legion Midget C. Bowers ~ 15f ' 5 .L ... crowd was on hend for ttuis NichéIls 5 and Legin3we n 8asss iiuem? tourm on Set , defétin liof Lindsay 4-3 in a L. Wright----------- 19-MU--------- jv uU.rigaine, rnany fromi Bowrû'an- the second period edd one o 2-itetmr the earflev roud hydwe It's beginning to look like a ~ svle. Rogers again opne In the third, Nihlsow 60as.Cobea atrt Pe et nl e an ,go t e oc l *i1 e u ni g achampionship, as they 'val. i Gi1hooly and W ebb. In the LIKE GRAND FA H Rc n e i g e s o e f~ l' ad aotertrpamnes e turday. loped tail-end Tennant 3-letIfj fEN second, period Ho-wes scared pit nfu sit.O e t tMonday night to increse their tro u e i5 e~ frOTfl Hircock, Oyler £rom Reg. Harding passao»ofWletn WtOsaalsn 2-intetrdproofterfour points. den ta make the score 4-0 for team cof CoboconkefaigM-n Wif Osawalosng2-Olaithethid erid a thir Runner-up Perris edged Robson Motors pouréd un iformance ta le*W Robson's uin Crombie and *Joe Raison. Bowmanville. Briehonarenlo MAFnla - esnsmay flfth semi-final gaine, this reporter didn't think we had Bickell 2-1, while third place four goals with little morelgoals and sevenWassists. Terry Robsax's held .a 4-3, edge This ended Bowmanville's theOario oook01w4to itre ed <~ imuch chance af seeing the Clay - Chuvalo fight lest Tuesday Joli keptý their slim hopes than eight minutes remaining Black 'vas the big goal-getter, after the first period, but Mc- scrigbu Lndayroreor, oncf yesClae irsnadC nighf. But three goals in 45 seconds enabled us ta be sitting alive, downing Brooks 2-1. A in the gaine, to defeat Mc- notching tour sd setting up Nulty's moved on top 7-6 at back te mnake the gaine a rea] Spry, a former Bwa-tnAC n e igewn at Maple Leef Gardens 'ýuat night, instead ai the Civic 2-1 loss ta Patfield virtuallY Nulty's Sports 12-8 in e high- two others. Grant Flintfof the end of the second. Blalck's battle and by the 10 minute ville' boy. John.podae idlbr n h eliminated Haynes from con-. scoring contest that rang had a hat-trick an-d pair of fourth goal tied it et 2:30 in mark had made if e 4-3 gaine.grnftrI.FeJ.SyBrkvle ras.Te a- ,Aiudtorum. tention, while Baker upset down fihe curtain on Town assists, wÉile hi-v Gil scored thxe final session and only five Doug Hayes made meny ouf- wtrandted olfo In in1sffie aernî n This weu aur Impression ai the bout, as we recorded Etcher 3-0 in the night's other Hockey League action, Thurs- twice, assisted .on four and seconds later Gil sent the standing saves throughout thé ma nledqiafe egoOïg taeaddrpe If round-by-round: shut-out, a n d Buttonshaw day nigiht. Gary Akey bAgged the i-e- Motars back on top. gaine to preserve a 'veil eern- iao. decisiante onal R0UNI) 1 - If la apparent that Muhammed Ali is a far edged S]aght 2-1. The victory gave Robson's mauning market.' After Crombie tied if again ed victory for bis teax. &o Barb Buttonshaw swept alla superior boxer, althaugh Chuvalo did get ta bis body, but honours with single gamnes of the Town - Hockey' League Bob Fairey 'vas the lasers' theé teames battled on evén Captain Jeff Gilhooly was f obvibusly didn'f bother Ali. Edge ta Clay.29an 26adatrpeo champioqxsiip, taking the best best with three goals and ferme until Gary Akey sank presented with fixe Lindsay "'Tho GreatFn ig ore oil ROtJJD2- hsAhl uieeshwa, cuy ,etin80.Drsolha 291 and of five series three gaines ta tdree. assista, Wit*b Don Mas- thxe 'inner et the 11:27 mark. Leogion Trophy affer the gaine G eorge bi T h m i trA ls tn g Ch uvelo w i t a l et- ight 0 1. D oris follo w d b a e n v t x < e t ed e s a d n r i e o h rs R b o ' d e h e o e t aada l r e n e s a h e ni An a V e t n n i n r - Georgehit hm, afer joling Cuvalowand aMary-iAhn hiaul29ManduaryonngPau'ventlota MurradIn wBrotunurraayrownRayulck théheverdict anddt r r ccived Chamaioshiannnbip combination eerly in th round. Again edge toClay. Richards 263. a glittering nine point per- tht-iinel couifesf, on a pair ai 1965-66 championlship. _ Crests.Crln XOUND 3 - Chuvalo got Clay in the corner - but you'd Other top totale went ta Trenton deféated Richmnond CobourgGl adCu haiVe ta think thatMuhammed wanted hlm ta. I don't think Doris Joli 751, Karen White h lHill 11 3-2 to win thé Conisola- George camne close fa burfing hlm. Then Clay rapped home 676, Ceeule Bowers 668, Lr-1 I ~ 1 f f~ru1 ffI Ction Award. raine Martyn 630 and 01e( ~a ~~' EM~t h Bwxnll igtWednedympi 3I a Alni- cf oli abts. ven Pafiel 62. IAil-Star invitafionel Tourna- ROvU«~NDa chnce.For Hothe il st tidl t lolxre h f ourfmas, Bu a Standing.s 2 fI C f~ e i n ~ment wSaturdaundei- way at Theme: "Otlo.T ritnd ty"Rpt hae__cane.Hayo Ai oldyHobb r ou tmdra:at the. crowd really s buzzing. Chuvalo's round. Perris _____-28 In in d sa y e gýù ET o u r e with Mckta penre fu.ldrapig 21.30 p.rn. Paue feHenn oe o ItOUND 5 - If I wau Clay I wouldn't foal around any j0u __2.__yth23 hckyopn 10llde Inite beceuse Chuvalo, ever-geining confidence, In lending Haynes .~___21 'A For the second, tinie in three Tournaaxý£ hLTe feams en- ford, Richmxond Hill, Trenuton aihoky,1 gaines, oneé ev- tiî eavier biows. ound ta, Chuvelo. BickeH ____- 20 years oui- local Midgets wvon téred 'vereLldey Aurore, and Bowmanvalle. ci-y boui- and fifteen m4nutés, CruhrLvkn 6 'A 'dCh>e Patfield------- 20 thé annual Lindsay Legion Port Hope, LPeetng, Brad- Bownianville's gainevn. ix te cham>pion.Ibip lu XècND - sl0w roun. Cuvaoceught Clay 'vîti a Buttonshaw 181/ was against Penetang end uoni 6:30 p.m. - Dine pae good left hock jusf before the bell. Elther George sn't as Etcher 18 Ho lwbl fws xta ayvc édhleg o eêedMRS. .W ONN SA haOd.a, hiffer as we fhought or Cassius cen take a punch. Slaght _ _ _-16 Heaaiiner for arfltval tor-y Bowinanville pi1a ye d a heu dollar to secea gamne, ..1t Cuao Baker ______ 16 'o oce and woan thée've are sure yau will tyMe = 00 D 7- Clay didn'f land any bard one, but he must Brooks _______ 15 fergest mai-gin o!fixhe day, 5-1. or corne back to see more. ~ts AtChvao 0 ines a h bgis a o srlusi Tennant ----- 7 Thé Pcnetang goalie was ouf- One admission covers aIl1 $3.00 peir petsn*.0cuI about. the metter. Cassius regained thé iced. . II--i stops ta hamdle. The goal minor hockey. xotUËD 8 - AImait nu clinches af ail! This lu a real N'ew"ville-Starkville «iMwd-pleàsér. Clay starteod; we11, but Chuvalo cerne on fa o w ngLau iý*ke t an even round. B wigLa u ZRtUp9 , A slower -round, wlfh the edge fa Ali, 'vio Thursday, March 24 In ot w.ha toglth.wulAveragé. Can't help th hkng that If George had fought this way Sinr ood........... 185 atgainsf Terreil, he would have woan. Marg McDonald............ 185, ]ROUND 10 - Chuvalo nissed some good shotu. Clay doésn't Edna Elliott............... 179 look as invincible, and George heu already laoked fer better Doris Tompkins .......... 179 than we thought be would. An even round. Marg Wade ............7... 17 Dot Stark _. .. ............. 170 ]ROUND Il - Casius gave Chuvaho. quite a boxing lesson - Marlene Stacey............ 170 I43****~ 'i a gie-a display ai pugilisin. Wide margin ta Clay. On aur Mary' Skelding............. 167 s tard George la five points bcblnd, and needu a knockout Grace Farrow .......... 64........ 164l to win. Joy Luxton .............. 160 WIIL I ROUD 2 By ha Al en ur tro pncésfat.Joyce Stacey............... 159 :ROUD 1 Bo thâ Al ca sur thow unchs fst.Helen Sinclair.............. 165 .... He han taken over, canpletely. Chuvala wan'f catch hlm Olive H-enderson ......... 151 710w. Big edge ta Cassius. Elva Robinson.............. 142 ROUND 13 - Clay really battered Chuvelo ta thé face. 6haonBwn14 Berniece Ilenderson ....140 George threw a fremendous leit that caught Ali, but heMarnMClouh..12 'vas moving beck and didn't ueirn to fecliti. Cley's round. Meda Stapleton............ 128 PoluuIlUI I ROUND 14 - A good round ai boxing. Chuvalo connécted Anette Savery............ 101 m LIJW a few fumes, but Ahi still had the edgc. 200 Gaines: I. Brown 256- ROUND 15 - The crowd wes on ifs féet as bath fighters26,MWae2-63E.Rb .---- .«, aluged it ut, ut gai th spedie Cly ladedmos ofinson 241-230, E. Ellioft 231- slge i ubu gi teseeirdy addinu i208, J. Luxton 220-234, M.oi thc punches. Round ta Clay. McDonald 202-223, M. Stacey i o Ail-5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 -72 218-208, S. Wood 209-218, H. Chuvalo 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 5 4 5 2 3 3 44-61Snli21,M kdng3, Réfei0 rce Jae 1i-er Ad if71-65, udgeTonyCanznoG. Stark2165 . tey25 121 et7:5 A Ohaw. n Wdnads.,'Àpril i3fh, if neces-. Sig 3,37; The Bawmanvilie Figure Skating Club, sponsared ...j%? S«Y At8'.zi 'n Mpl Léf' no,"O.? p222; E. Elliott 221- by the Bowmanville Recreatian Deparfmenb, is hold % D---q lah :5 teéhwi-utacey 297, M. Trini ing ifs Annual Skating Carnival on Tuesdey and Wed- a$ U $ ..dIC 151, t 7:5 A fie Ohaw AtelX, Stacéy 229, M. Wade nesday, April l2th, and l3th at 'the Bawmanville S '.0 " nxln 208- H. Sn- Memorlal- Arena, starting at 8:00 p.rn. ~O7, . i-on 202, Headlinlng this year *Carnival will b. Miss Petra WhenL'Burka Who has a long liât of achievemnnts such as: ent, 57~ Member of the Canadian World Team from 1962 ta me 35 1966, Canadien Wamen's Athiete of thé year, 1964-65, .* A34 Canadian and North American Champion 1965, Awai-d- Mr. Pringle continues; "For Il years we have opprated a Thor. are268 moestocos rnrnlgfmjjb 4 ed the Lau.Mersix Trphy as Canada'sr Outstanding 100% Chevrolet fleet and now hava10. rc!s~Jgcn kv.fn dpcus ehgwyodofrdtnue .j Athiete -for 1965, Ladies' Champion af the ýWor1 LI , tmthuigadcrtg.Éo n1hi xea Figure Skating in 1965. r.thractsuig are tageW. Rro liiS# T hoc rm OnlfIcui,.~t Miss Burka will skate on bath nights of the.. hevroIet re uttoi sevfity.I.W.".S. lusa hleoffietmu Also featured will b. Miss Debbie Wilkes - dithe service you n.*With reliabIe~ oko&tuk lborCeôe Have yu fou- Union-vile, a bronze Olymplc Wlniner and the pairs to yor famly alàys hving3. skatinig fean of Mary 0k. 4tSô*zanville, and Victor a homeofo thofr own? tl Irving of Scarborough. Theyv4re the Junior Central BI o 62Ontario pairs Champions, oi 1U6 and runneres Up for, C.»: ers1he Canadien Novice D Pk inals. ~h. Muuel Li. oS Cuada L - ýne theme of btheCarnival is Caaxdy Land andf Phen. yeur ChfvO Iy idf f>ou wn Tiii xuuejUftor mad Undrck ...... L18 in A involve tlÏie Junior and Semior Okaters of the gowmanville Figure Skating Club. PEES5N~AT1VEINýne Gamns Ave. The Club Profèssianals, 1os en~."nd Mrs.. Donald c. WoIsh, M. Annmert- - .- --- 48 231 Javkie Hyland Arnxitage are y b tis days ~ 1 23SuetBodJ. 1%.rn......... 48 1 getting their young skaters $ two. big D.AasM P4Yvm i éb. U felgthtS. al n U looka lik,»Ow Cialvals SqMdVIL»63356 CvocahV eiou1 rné Sdoy. Che* yourtw IMtn o hme a 303, hmbis t mm ov« M0. Jt in BowmanvMfl.- .s.m*Seo sA

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